Itzel laughed as she watched Ritz walk away after calling a very naive Josiah "zaddy." Oh, this was hilarious! The poor man didn't know what it meant, and Itzel certainly was not about to tell him. She could tell Josiah didn't find it odd and actually seemed to enjoy it, but not in the way Ritz had meant it. "Is no one going to tell him?" Itzel glanced between Josiah and Aria while trying to keep her giggles suppressed.
"On, no you are not!" Jonah approached the group, arms crossed. "You are not about to poison his innocent and naive soul!"
"Jonah! C'mon it would be funny! I mean Ritz is not wrong."
"He is not wrong. Jonah agreed with a small shrug and a glance at Josiah. "It's nice to see you two-- although we haven't really met." He shook both Aria's and Josiah's hand with a small grin. "I'm Jonah from 2A, it's a pleasure to talk to you finally."
She glanced over at Aria after Josiah's words, keeping the big smile in her lips. "Anyway, Josiah is right! The more you practice the better you'll get. Besides, I have quick feet so when we dance you won't be able to step on me even if you wanted to." Itzel winked at Aria to match Josiah's. Itzel was sure that if Aria really wanted to, she would be able to dance as good as the next person. Maybe not as good as her-- but at least she wouldn't step on other people's toes. "Besides, I bet you're not the only one who doesn't know how to dance, ain't that right Jonah?" She glanced up at the man with a smirk.
"Look, my skills are in my mouth--"
"That's what she said!"
"--ha ha ha. How funny Itzel." Jonah rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, ignoring Itzel's giggled. "I can dance, I just, uh, what do you American's call it? 'White boy' dance?"
"I call it to flail like a fish out of water." Itzel rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand in front of her. She had been out with Jonah before to some of the local gay clubs in Silvervale and Jonah, even when slightly drunk, was unable to dance. Aria had hope-- Jonah did not. She had tried so many times to teach him even the basics of movement and even just swaying his hips, but that man was hopeless! Maybe he was right, maybe all of his skill was in his mouth. Haa! Talking about those who were unable to dance...
"Simon!" Itzel pushed Jonah's protesting body to the side to greet her roommate. She heard a faint rude from Jonah, but he knew she was just playing with him. "Didn't know you were gonna be able to make it! I was getting a bit worried you weren't gonna come and meet the other tenants." Itzel was glad that he had been able to make it. For one, she would be able to get maybe the chance to drink with him and maybe start the progress of teaching him how to dance, and she wanted to know more about him. He usually came to the apartment tired from work and left early in the mornings. Itzel saw Simon a lot more than Robin, so it was nice seeing him again. "My day has been pretty shitty. Got shitty customers for their shitty weddings but you know, the usual. Anyway, forget about work! Simon, this is Aria and Josiah." Itzel pulled him into their little circle. She wanted him to feel welcomed by the other. "And this British dude here is Jonah. He is very skilled with his mouth, ya know."
"I didn't say-- well, I did but that's not what I meant." Jonah cleared his throat. "Jonah Zhu, from 2A. Very nice to meet you." Jonah shook his hand, tilting his head to the side. "Are you from Ireland? While Jonah had not met many people from Ireland while he had been living in London or the states, the Irish accent was always very easily recognizable and Jonah quite enjoyed the sound of it.