Im Yoon-ah (Yoona) | #068116
Name:Min Taeyeon (민태연)
English name: Taeyeon Min
Aliases:Taeyeon, Minmin, Saseumi (deer)
Ethnicity:Korean - American
Birthplace:Seoul, South Korea
Languages:Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Japanese (Fluent), Chinese (Basic)
Weapons⟡ Combat Knife
⟡ Silenced Beretta M9A3 (Pistol)
Appearance: Taeyeon is a person described as the pure standard of beauty when it comes to people in South Korea, in those standards her beauty exceeds others and will continue to do so. With her thin frame, many people will think that she is not a threat, and considering the pretty face as well, some might just completely ignore her, and that may come as an advantage, but she does get annoyed when that happens. She is quite tall, standing at 167 cm (5’6″) and light enough weighing 48 kg (106 lbs), but other than her height what people notice is her face. People should distinguish her by her small eyes and lips, well toned nose, and nicely shaped head; and what should be included her hair that just barely goes above her shoulders with a very obvious brown colour.
In terms of clothes, she wears light clothing that is quite protective like pants and long sleeved shirts, and she'll most likely have a coat or jacket over everything. She also wears brown combat boots and a military vest that she got from her older brother.

Skills:⟡ Hand to hand combat - Taught exclusively by her brother who was once in the South Korean military.
⟡ Firearms - Good knowledge on firearms, but can only wield smaller firearms.
⟡ Deception - Though a nice person, Taeyeon can make people believe her through speaking and her body type alone.
⟡ Small military training - Though only learning from her brother, she's been using it quite well.
Personality:Genuine ⟡ Kind ⟡ Responsible ⟡ Self-Conscious ⟡ Self-preservative ⟡ Impulsive
When Taeyeon was growing up she was already a responsible kid and was already quite known for being exactly that along with her beautiful and kind nature, people often think that whatever she does in his life will be brought with good fortune. She continued to grow up to be a reliable and kind, making those her most favourable features to everyone she meets. She was always polite and never really showed disrespect to anyone, always talking formally and showing no authority to those of her superiors. Always someone so genuine and lovable, someone willing to do anything for a friend.
Taeyeon's kindness and over all genuineness gave her this aura to everyone around her, making that the instant vibe people get when they're faced with her. Though, her genuine and polite personality does have it's own contrast, she's always so self-conscious about what people think about her that there are times she forgets to do things her way or the fun way, and this often leads to the outbreak of her deceptive nature. She fears that being judged so much means that it is a bad thing, she thinks that every judgement laid upon her is something negative, never positive unless proven otherwise. Taeyeon's kindness is an understatement, just that word already makes it an understatement, she always puts others before herself while showing that everything will turn out well even after the darkest of times.

History:Taeyeon was born in Seoul, South Korea, with a mother, a step father, and her brother, Jimin who was three years older than her who she always looked up to. Though, when Taeyeon was born, she had no trace of her step father in her blood, Jimin and her are all born from the same man; The mother carried Taeyeon for two months before her father and mother separated, though they did both agree to keep watch on both children. Even though their father and mother were separated, their lives were still in the upper middle class since their father and step father had high paying jobs and the two were able to go to high ends schools.
Growing up, Taeyeon was surrounded by people who admired her for her beauty and was the main reason for her making quite a lot of friends when she was young; and as she grew older, and older, only few had stayed by her side, and of course her brother who was there supporting her as much as he could. As she reached highschool, it was there that she wanted to be a musician, a singer to be exact and both her mother and father offered that she would go abroad for college, and she agreed. She had also made an agreement with Jimin that after he serves his time in the military, he will come live with her. She then flew all the way to Oregon for a university that she got accepted in, and decided to dorm there while her brother served time in the military. She and her parents had only bought a house during the last year of Jimin's service.
As Jimin and her were living together, she had graduated from university and became a small time musician, hoping that, that would change soon. Jimin had a corporate job of being a lawyer which was good for them financially. During their time living together, Jimin had been slowly teaching her self-defense and handling firearms that he had learned in the military, which later came in handy.
One day, Jimin went out to do a grocery run, and while he was out the news broadcast had stated something about an outbreak of some sorts, though Taeyeon was paying attention she continued to write lyrics on the couch. Suddenly, banging was heard from the door which repeated for awhile which annoyed her, so she went to go check; as soon as she opened the door, she realised that it was their next door neighbor with a bite mark on the neck and blood running down his mouth. The man charged at her but she was able to move out of the way before he could get near her, she then closed the door with her foot and sprinted to the kitchen, she grabbed the closest kitchen knife and stabbed Mr. Hendricks right through the skull and he fell flat on the ground. She then grabbed her phone on the coffee table and dialed her brother while she ran upstairs, as she ran upstairs to her room, she heard the feint ringing coming from her brother's room and it would appear that her brother left his phone at home during this whole fiasco. Annoyed, Taeyeon changed out of her clothes and into something suited for outdoors, and went straight to the basement to grab the equipment she and her brother had stored down there. She got the vest, pistol and combat knife from the basement.
Taeyeon held her ground there in the house hoping for her brother to come home, but it had been hours and she was getting overrun. She ran off, evading the walkers that were in her way as she ran through the streets. She didn't know what to do at this point, she ended up in someone's shed, slowing down her breathing as she had an inner mental breakdown, wishing that her brother was okay. She didn't know what to do and continued to wander. It's been awhile and yet still no sign of Jimin, she wouldn't give up but she just continued to walk around the world, hoping to meet up with her lost brother soon.
Relationships:⟡ Father - Min Jeonmin - Deceased
⟡ Mother - Kang Seoyeon - Unknown
⟡ Stepfather - Jeon Yoonmin - Deceased
⟡ Brother - Min Jimin - ??D?c?a??d??