Here's my profile. I have completed it, you can look it over. :)

”Hmm, what are you looking at? Are you needing someone to talk to I can help, I guess.”
Diana Elana Vastergoth
17 - November, 15th 1897EC
United Kingdom of Edinburgh - Castleton
Before the First Europan War, Diana was a pretty much a hard headed child alike her family’s base nature. However, she was a pretty emotional kid throughout her entire life and it didn’t help that her sisters were teasing her and calling her short. This caused her to give her an inferiority complex, mostly because of the fact of the teasing. She has a high strung patriotic vibe to her, even though she can talk about things in particular from her childhood. She’s highly talkative and mostly talks about things that she enjoys.
It didn’t help her sisters were outright mean to her. Her being protected by her mother most of her life didn’t help her development, so she was definitely a spoiled brat who was also pretty naïve. She wanted to have fun playing a soldier, when she grew up, however, her childhood fantasy was shattered pretty quickly. It wasn’t fun and games as she thought. She couldn’t really tell her mother something that was bothering her, which was she was attracted to both genders, which was mostly because she was shy.
Diana, usually acts a bit weirdly when she gets highly nervous or a bit frustrated. You can tell in her body language since it’s pretty easy to see it as it looks. Her body language usually betrays her much throughout her life, since her mother picked up on it pretty easily. This usually makes people learn of how naïve she is. Because proper soldiers can hide their feelings and body language well, she hasn’t learned how to do that yet. She is still a bit green, to this whole war, mostly because her parents wanted her to be a baker.
SM-Longfield Rifle + Bayonet
Standard Webbing Pouch
Trenching Tool
When she talks, it calms her nerves down since she’s a bit nervous around people she doesn’t really know. She usually like when someone listens to her more than chat with her.
She becomes reclusive and less talkative when she’s near a girl or boy. The only reason, she does that is because she doesn’t really know why she feels this way. Mostly because she didn’t tell her mother about it.
Don’t call me short
She throws a fit if you call her short. Mostly because of her sister’s mean behavior towards her when she was young growing up in her home. However, she will calm down if you order her to. But she’ll be frustrated and usually have her hands shake at the fact she’s angry, which will make her miss her shots.
Hard Headed
She’s trying her best as a soldier, since it was what she wanted to strive for. Even though her child fantasies were crushed by what war is really like. However, she doesn’t want to return to her family as a coward since, she doesn’t believe in giving up. This gives her a bit of a hardened shell when things get real bad, but she can crack under pressure if there’s too much.
Her naïvety is the biggest downside to everything she learned about the war, she was usually told of fantastic battles of two sides fighting for glory. This shows she’s just a wide-eyed naive child, that has no idea what war really means and only played war when she was a child and still acts like one sometimes.
Diana Elana Vastergoth was born to Rebecca Liana Vastergoth and Gavin Ryan Vastergoth in the city of Castleton. They lived in a well off townhouse, which is a two story home that has all the amenities for a child growing up in Edinburgh. The Vastergoths was a pretty large family compared to other families. Diana was the 4th child in the Vastergoth family to be born. The Vastergoth’s were pretty well known in their hometown, since Rebecca and Gavin owned a local baking store called ’the Vastergoth Bakery,’ which they used their money to give back to the community that deal with their prices in their bakery.
Diana’s older siblings were helping out at their bakery since they all wanted to do is help their parents out mostly because of the fact, they were pretty hard headed. When, she turned five years old, she was given a nickname by her older sister Astra as shorty. It didn’t really help her much since it made her get a bit argumentative at her two older sisters really. She didn’t really like being told she’s short. She usually would cry much because of this friendly teasing that her sisters were doing to her.
Her parents cheered her up by spoiling their newest child with gifts and plenty of things to do, in terms of toys. They didn’t really know the reason why, their youngest daughter was showing different signs from all their other children she wanted to do something more than be a baker. She would usually say crazy ideas, what she wanted to be when she grew up. Which usually includes to be a soldier for the Federation against the evil Empire. Rebecca was happy that her daughter finally decided on something. But both of the parents were a bit worried for a highly emotional child being on the battlefield fighting against the Empire.
Diana started to play with a neighbor’s child by the name of Anna Raina Mannerfield. She made very quick friends with her because they were pretty much similar but Anna wanted to be a baker though. In terms of everything, it was a perfect match in terms of everything. Her mother called her in for dinner and so she could go to bed though. She asked her mother if her new friend could join them for dinner. Rebecca told her daughter yes, because she couldn’t really say no, Diana was so cute that she found someone to play with.
When she turned 12 years old, her friendly relationship with her sisters went for a turn. It was primarily because of this reason, she kinda sees her sisters in a different light. Her older sisters literally started insulting Diana. Mostly because of the fact their parents were still spoiling Diana with gifts. The pendant necklace that was given to Diana was the last straw. They outright yelled at Diana to stop bugging them with what she is, a shorty that will amount to nothing. They did this only when the parents weren’t around so, Rebecca and Gavin didn’t know what was going on. They specifically told Diana not to tell a soul or else. They were pretty much jealous of their younger sister.
However, one day that month when her sisters were starting to be utterly cruel to her. They called her every single curse word under the sun. They were busy in making the poor girl cry again.
”God damn, Diana, you are worthless,” Astra said.
”N-No I am not…,” Diana said, crying.
”Yes you are,” Susan said, smiling.
Rebecca was leaning on the wall, watching this awaiting for her two older daughters to realize they are up a shit creek without a paddle. Diana noticed her mother before Susan and Astra, which meant Diana waved at her mother.
”M-Mommy, they are being mean,” Diana said, crying.
”W-Wait… What? Mother I didn’t mean to, it was all Astra’s idea,” Susan said.
”Really? I don’t believe you one bit, you both were yelling at Diana. Do you want me to repeat what you said to her?” Rebecca asked, walking up to Diana who was crying.
”God Damn, it. Mom, you should stop spoiling that bitch,” Astra said, annoyed and highly angry.
”What did you say? Did you just call your little sister that word…,” Rebecca said, her eye was twitching.
Rebecca instead of walking up to the crying little 12 year old child, she decided to beat her two older daughter’s asses instead. Her two older sisters didn’t expect her mother would literally beat their ass, with her fists to show that no one curses in front of Diana. Rebecca sighed at the fact, she should’ve put a stop to it from the onset since it was pretty mean to call Diana a shorty.
”Astra and Susan… If you have one more outburst like this again. You are forbidden to ever come to your family home to see your parents,” Rebecca said.
”Eep… yes mother, we won’t try anything like that again,” Astra said, with a terrified look on her face, even though she has a black eye on her face.
”Y-Yes, we will stop this horribleness at this once,” Susan said, the same scared.
”Good… Now one more thing. Don’t ever try this shit behind my back again or else, or you will be disowned from the family for your blatant asshole behavior towards your little sister. As well, go to your rooms and think on what you did, then come for dinner,” Rebecca said.
”Y-Yes mother,” Astra and Susan said in unison.
”Did you really had to beat them, mommy?” Diana asked.
”Yes, I had to put a stop to it. And that’s the only way I know how to put a stop to children who can’t get a hint of not doing the wrong thing in this house,” Rebecca said.
Rebecca picked up her daughter Diana after the two meanies went to their room. However, Gavin got home from being at the bakery and wondered what happened. Rebecca told Gavin what was happening in the home and had to put Astra and Susan in their place. However, at least her son knows to play with Diana and keep her safe. Gavin was a bit shocked that Astra and Susan was jealous of Diana and cursed at her. However, he was grateful his wife did the beating since he would’ve been arrested if he done it. He gets Diana from Rebecca’s arms and hug her gently and tell her it’ll be alright from everything that had happened. Diana definitely believed her father, she was a bit scared of her mother since she is hella strong.
However, time passes, and she was thrust into the war by the Federation. Because of certain reasons, one of them was her super patriotic nature, which got her in trouble. And the Federation needed conscripts. Diana was a conscript during her 17th birthday, since they recruited her. Her parents were a bit heartbroken that their super spoiled child was now apart of the military now. She had a hard time in boot camp with the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation, in Edinburgh. It was mostly because her hardheadedness that she got from her parents and her lack of tact most of the time and had to get punished three times until she learned not to yell at superior officers.
She was highly proud to be in the military, even though she was slightly terrified at the same time. And she’ll have to survive the war to stay alive, since her mother was a bit more heartbroken but her sisters were happy she was gone though. She went to the battlefield with pretty bad terms with her two older sisters, Astra and Susan. She did want to protect her family and childhood friend from the Empire.
Rebecca Liana Vastergoth - Mother (46)
Gavin Ryan Vastergoth - Father (46)
Susan Irina Vastergoth - Sister (23)
Gregory Leon Vastergoth - Brother (22)
Astra Sara Vastergoth - Sister (21)
Anna Raina Mannerfield - Childhood Friend (17)
N/A for Now
Character Theme
Here's my profile. I have completed it, you can look it over. :)

”Hmm, what are you looking at? Are you needing someone to talk to I can help, I guess.”
Diana Elana Vastergoth
17 - November, 15th 1897EC
United Kingdom of Edinburgh - Castleton
General Description
Diana is equipped in the standard gear of a rifleman. She wears a good luck charm on her neck, which is a pendant necklace she got from her mother, which has her mother and father in it. On duty, she puts her long blonde hair into a tight chignon. Off Duty, She usually allows her long hair to be in the straight style since she likes her hair that way but had to change with the times.
Her uniform is somewhat modified but not too much to make it seem like its not from the standard uniform of a rifleman. In terms of it, it is colored a slight shade of teal and has a bit of etching on it. Which means one of the pockets of the uniform has her first name in it. Her body type is a hourglass, therefore she’s a bit top heavy. Her stance is unique to her since she wants to fight for her country against the empire.
Hair Color
Eye Color
Sky Blue
Tannish, Fair
Body Composition
Athletic, Fit
Diana is equipped in the standard gear of a rifleman. She wears a good luck charm on her neck, which is a pendant necklace she got from her mother, which has her mother and father in it. On duty, she puts her long blonde hair into a tight chignon. Off Duty, She usually allows her long hair to be in the straight style since she likes her hair that way but had to change with the times.
Her uniform is somewhat modified but not too much to make it seem like its not from the standard uniform of a rifleman. In terms of it, it is colored a slight shade of teal and has a bit of etching on it. Which means one of the pockets of the uniform has her first name in it. Her body type is a hourglass, therefore she’s a bit top heavy. Her stance is unique to her since she wants to fight for her country against the empire.
Hair Color
Eye Color
Sky Blue
Tannish, Fair
Body Composition
Athletic, Fit
Before the First Europan War, Diana was a pretty much a hard headed child alike her family’s base nature. However, she was a pretty emotional kid throughout her entire life and it didn’t help that her sisters were teasing her and calling her short. This caused her to give her an inferiority complex, mostly because of the fact of the teasing. She has a high strung patriotic vibe to her, even though she can talk about things in particular from her childhood. She’s highly talkative and mostly talks about things that she enjoys.
It didn’t help her sisters were outright mean to her. Her being protected by her mother most of her life didn’t help her development, so she was definitely a spoiled brat who was also pretty naïve. She wanted to have fun playing a soldier, when she grew up, however, her childhood fantasy was shattered pretty quickly. It wasn’t fun and games as she thought. She couldn’t really tell her mother something that was bothering her, which was she was attracted to both genders, which was mostly because she was shy.
Diana, usually acts a bit weirdly when she gets highly nervous or a bit frustrated. You can tell in her body language since it’s pretty easy to see it as it looks. Her body language usually betrays her much throughout her life, since her mother picked up on it pretty easily. This usually makes people learn of how naïve she is. Because proper soldiers can hide their feelings and body language well, she hasn’t learned how to do that yet. She is still a bit green, to this whole war, mostly because her parents wanted her to be a baker.
SM-Longfield Rifle + Bayonet
Standard Webbing Pouch
Trenching Tool
When she talks, it calms her nerves down since she’s a bit nervous around people she doesn’t really know. She usually like when someone listens to her more than chat with her.
She becomes reclusive and less talkative when she’s near a girl or boy. The only reason, she does that is because she doesn’t really know why she feels this way. Mostly because she didn’t tell her mother about it.
Don’t call me short
She throws a fit if you call her short. Mostly because of her sister’s mean behavior towards her when she was young growing up in her home. However, she will calm down if you order her to. But she’ll be frustrated and usually have her hands shake at the fact she’s angry, which will make her miss her shots.
Hard Headed
She’s trying her best as a soldier, since it was what she wanted to strive for. Even though her child fantasies were crushed by what war is really like. However, she doesn’t want to return to her family as a coward since, she doesn’t believe in giving up. This gives her a bit of a hardened shell when things get real bad, but she can crack under pressure if there’s too much.
Her naïvety is the biggest downside to everything she learned about the war, she was usually told of fantastic battles of two sides fighting for glory. This shows she’s just a wide-eyed naive child, that has no idea what war really means and only played war when she was a child and still acts like one sometimes.
Diana Elana Vastergoth was born to Rebecca Liana Vastergoth and Gavin Ryan Vastergoth in the city of Castleton. They lived in a well off townhouse, which is a two story home that has all the amenities for a child growing up in Edinburgh. The Vastergoths was a pretty large family compared to other families. Diana was the 4th child in the Vastergoth family to be born. The Vastergoth’s were pretty well known in their hometown, since Rebecca and Gavin owned a local baking store called ’the Vastergoth Bakery,’ which they used their money to give back to the community that deal with their prices in their bakery.
Diana’s older siblings were helping out at their bakery since they all wanted to do is help their parents out mostly because of the fact, they were pretty hard headed. When, she turned five years old, she was given a nickname by her older sister Astra as shorty. It didn’t really help her much since it made her get a bit argumentative at her two older sisters really. She didn’t really like being told she’s short. She usually would cry much because of this friendly teasing that her sisters were doing to her.
Her parents cheered her up by spoiling their newest child with gifts and plenty of things to do, in terms of toys. They didn’t really know the reason why, their youngest daughter was showing different signs from all their other children she wanted to do something more than be a baker. She would usually say crazy ideas, what she wanted to be when she grew up. Which usually includes to be a soldier for the Federation against the evil Empire. Rebecca was happy that her daughter finally decided on something. But both of the parents were a bit worried for a highly emotional child being on the battlefield fighting against the Empire.
Diana started to play with a neighbor’s child by the name of Anna Raina Mannerfield. She made very quick friends with her because they were pretty much similar but Anna wanted to be a baker though. In terms of everything, it was a perfect match in terms of everything. Her mother called her in for dinner and so she could go to bed though. She asked her mother if her new friend could join them for dinner. Rebecca told her daughter yes, because she couldn’t really say no, Diana was so cute that she found someone to play with.
When she turned 12 years old, her friendly relationship with her sisters went for a turn. It was primarily because of this reason, she kinda sees her sisters in a different light. Her older sisters literally started insulting Diana. Mostly because of the fact their parents were still spoiling Diana with gifts. The pendant necklace that was given to Diana was the last straw. They outright yelled at Diana to stop bugging them with what she is, a shorty that will amount to nothing. They did this only when the parents weren’t around so, Rebecca and Gavin didn’t know what was going on. They specifically told Diana not to tell a soul or else. They were pretty much jealous of their younger sister.
However, one day that month when her sisters were starting to be utterly cruel to her. They called her every single curse word under the sun. They were busy in making the poor girl cry again.
”God damn, Diana, you are worthless,” Astra said.
”N-No I am not…,” Diana said, crying.
”Yes you are,” Susan said, smiling.
Rebecca was leaning on the wall, watching this awaiting for her two older daughters to realize they are up a shit creek without a paddle. Diana noticed her mother before Susan and Astra, which meant Diana waved at her mother.
”M-Mommy, they are being mean,” Diana said, crying.
”W-Wait… What? Mother I didn’t mean to, it was all Astra’s idea,” Susan said.
”Really? I don’t believe you one bit, you both were yelling at Diana. Do you want me to repeat what you said to her?” Rebecca asked, walking up to Diana who was crying.
”God Damn, it. Mom, you should stop spoiling that bitch,” Astra said, annoyed and highly angry.
”What did you say? Did you just call your little sister that word…,” Rebecca said, her eye was twitching.
Rebecca instead of walking up to the crying little 12 year old child, she decided to beat her two older daughter’s asses instead. Her two older sisters didn’t expect her mother would literally beat their ass, with her fists to show that no one curses in front of Diana. Rebecca sighed at the fact, she should’ve put a stop to it from the onset since it was pretty mean to call Diana a shorty.
”Astra and Susan… If you have one more outburst like this again. You are forbidden to ever come to your family home to see your parents,” Rebecca said.
”Eep… yes mother, we won’t try anything like that again,” Astra said, with a terrified look on her face, even though she has a black eye on her face.
”Y-Yes, we will stop this horribleness at this once,” Susan said, the same scared.
”Good… Now one more thing. Don’t ever try this shit behind my back again or else, or you will be disowned from the family for your blatant asshole behavior towards your little sister. As well, go to your rooms and think on what you did, then come for dinner,” Rebecca said.
”Y-Yes mother,” Astra and Susan said in unison.
”Did you really had to beat them, mommy?” Diana asked.
”Yes, I had to put a stop to it. And that’s the only way I know how to put a stop to children who can’t get a hint of not doing the wrong thing in this house,” Rebecca said.
Rebecca picked up her daughter Diana after the two meanies went to their room. However, Gavin got home from being at the bakery and wondered what happened. Rebecca told Gavin what was happening in the home and had to put Astra and Susan in their place. However, at least her son knows to play with Diana and keep her safe. Gavin was a bit shocked that Astra and Susan was jealous of Diana and cursed at her. However, he was grateful his wife did the beating since he would’ve been arrested if he done it. He gets Diana from Rebecca’s arms and hug her gently and tell her it’ll be alright from everything that had happened. Diana definitely believed her father, she was a bit scared of her mother since she is hella strong.
However, time passes, and she was thrust into the war by the Federation. Because of certain reasons, one of them was her super patriotic nature, which got her in trouble. And the Federation needed conscripts. Diana was a conscript during her 17th birthday, since they recruited her. Her parents were a bit heartbroken that their super spoiled child was now apart of the military now. She had a hard time in boot camp with the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation, in Edinburgh. It was mostly because her hardheadedness that she got from her parents and her lack of tact most of the time and had to get punished three times until she learned not to yell at superior officers.
She was highly proud to be in the military, even though she was slightly terrified at the same time. And she’ll have to survive the war to stay alive, since her mother was a bit more heartbroken but her sisters were happy she was gone though. She went to the battlefield with pretty bad terms with her two older sisters, Astra and Susan. She did want to protect her family and childhood friend from the Empire.
Rebecca Liana Vastergoth - Mother (46)
Gavin Ryan Vastergoth - Father (46)
Susan Irina Vastergoth - Sister (23)
Gregory Leon Vastergoth - Brother (22)
Astra Sara Vastergoth - Sister (21)
Anna Raina Mannerfield - Childhood Friend (17)
N/A for Now
Character Theme