
Thoughts began to race through Samaels mind as the King called out to him. Surely this man of royalty possessed a great amount of power to be able to fell the demons he spoke of earlier, but to also sense the tether on his shadow? Now that was impressive. Sadly for the King, Samel played by his own rules, and what's more, he was given orders. He stayed there within his shadow, placing an invisible hand upon his chin, thinking of how to proceed. Finally a thought occured. Multiple shadows began to emerge from already existing ones within the room, thin slits opened where mouths should be, as a shadowy hand placed its umbral finger upon its lips; each shadow replicating the other in succession. The masses shook their heads as they slowly stretched their arms out towards the tent opening, pointing to it. Finally, the shadows converged to create a mass of tendrils that would spell out "More Privacy, Away from your walls" Shortly after, they would seep back down into the shadows from whence they came, a single one slithering out, pulling an outstretched hand motioning the king to follow. The shadow would slowly leave the walls and head to the tree line where it wouldn't be surrounded by the kingsman, all the while Samael stayed within the royals shadow, safely waiting.

Thoughts began to race through Samaels mind as the King called out to him. Surely this man of royalty possessed a great amount of power to be able to fell the demons he spoke of earlier, but to also sense the tether on his shadow? Now that was impressive. Sadly for the King, Samel played by his own rules, and what's more, he was given orders. He stayed there within his shadow, placing an invisible hand upon his chin, thinking of how to proceed. Finally a thought occured. Multiple shadows began to emerge from already existing ones within the room, thin slits opened where mouths should be, as a shadowy hand placed its umbral finger upon its lips; each shadow replicating the other in succession. The masses shook their heads as they slowly stretched their arms out towards the tent opening, pointing to it. Finally, the shadows converged to create a mass of tendrils that would spell out "More Privacy, Away from your walls" Shortly after, they would seep back down into the shadows from whence they came, a single one slithering out, pulling an outstretched hand motioning the king to follow. The shadow would slowly leave the walls and head to the tree line where it wouldn't be surrounded by the kingsman, all the while Samael stayed within the royals shadow, safely waiting.