Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Thoughts began to race through Samaels mind as the King called out to him. Surely this man of royalty possessed a great amount of power to be able to fell the demons he spoke of earlier, but to also sense the tether on his shadow? Now that was impressive. Sadly for the King, Samel played by his own rules, and what's more, he was given orders. He stayed there within his shadow, placing an invisible hand upon his chin, thinking of how to proceed. Finally a thought occured. Multiple shadows began to emerge from already existing ones within the room, thin slits opened where mouths should be, as a shadowy hand placed its umbral finger upon its lips; each shadow replicating the other in succession. The masses shook their heads as they slowly stretched their arms out towards the tent opening, pointing to it. Finally, the shadows converged to create a mass of tendrils that would spell out "More Privacy, Away from your walls" Shortly after, they would seep back down into the shadows from whence they came, a single one slithering out, pulling an outstretched hand motioning the king to follow. The shadow would slowly leave the walls and head to the tree line where it wouldn't be surrounded by the kingsman, all the while Samael stayed within the royals shadow, safely waiting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

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Skout did briefly consider intervening when the mysterious white woman touched Helena physically but stopped himself from doing so; it would not be wise to move in such an open manner when information was so limited. He decided to wait a few more moments, choosing to observe and assess the situation at hand. Helena seemed like she wasn't in any immediate danger. Although her Perception Skills were lower than his, Skout was certain that Helena would not be risking herself unnecessarily. And if situation was to turn sour, Skout had relative confidence that he could get both her and himself out fast enough.

When the mysterious figure spoke, the strange and alien monotone took Skout off-guard. Even though it resonated with a quaint sort of mysterious beauty, it seemed somehow more barren and lifeless than Skout's own metallic tones. Perhaps just a feeling he had, the more he watched the woman, the less he felt secure in his own skin. Something about her made him feel... queasy. Like she was an unnatural existence who didn't belong here. Skout knew that his own origin and background, as well as the Guilds' members', were all unnatural, dark and twisted but this woman was... different. Even though he couldn't translate her strange language word for word, his exceptionally high Perception Skill allowed him to make out the general gist of her words' intentions.

Before Skout could finish contemplating the strange figure's intentions and purpose, Helena dashed back, clearly alarmed. Skout stopped his breath- or whatever his "biological" equivalent was. A heavy split second passed before it was clear that Helena took great offense to the woman's touch and had decided to engage her in combat. Skout hissed out steam from his joints in alarm, his iron core of a heart heating up for what was about to come. He was an immaculate piece of machinery, an imitate humanoid lifeform made of gears and clockwork. He slowly pulled his main firearm out and laid his other hand on his blade. Calculations were in; Skout could fire and hit the white figure before Helena or her could engage each other in melee range. That would give Helena enough time to retreat to a safer distance and rethink their strategies. It was Skout's conclusion that for as long as this figure's powers and intentions are unclear, it would be unwise to engage in full combat.

Having made his decision, Skout stood up tall from behind a bush, revealing himself. He braced his metallic body, locking in plates and gears so that his shot may be more accurate. He felt steam building up in his right forearm, as he aimed his modified Steam Pistol that drew power from his own body. The white figure's shoulder was his target, as he didn't wish to kill her so as much as disable her. After a short moment of aiming, he pulled his trigger.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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Priscilla only reacted by tilting her head slightly to the left as Helena drew her weapon, a slight look of disappointment in her eyes. No movement was made to counter Helena's "Your language." She stated simply at first "Through touch, I can learn another's tongue. However, I will make one piece of information known to you..." At this moment, her grip around the haft of the scythe tightened and her brows furrowed slightly while her muscles became visibly tense yet she made no other movement. The air around her suddenly became heavier "Your authority...is secondary." Her tone was hinted with a slight malice and a undisguised warning.

She had just finished speaking when the sound of Skout's weapon firing carried through the air. Priscilla's attention immediately shifted and moved her scythe to block, demonstrating the same speed she used to grab Helena's hand. The mysterious woman was sent flying back into the ground several meters away out of immediate view. Dirt was thrown into the air where she landed and skidded to a stop, a path carved from where she stood to her current resting place. Undamaged, Priscilla emerged from the small crater and sent one last message to Helena, that could also be heard by Skout "I will tolerate your ignorance, my masters may not. You will not see me again for some time." She then turned her back to them and uttered one more word "Gate." and disappeared through the portal created, with it closing immediately after her.


Lucius gritted his teeth as tatter tapped him on the nose, clearing not used to being the object of such disrespect. However after seeing what two of the guardians could do, he knew that he couldn't afford to be hostile. Instead, he scoffed at her words "It sounds like you are not much different than me." A slip of bitterness coloring his words. It was when tatter called him Lucy that he shot a sharp glare directed at the ethereal being but kept his mouth closed.

Lucius slammed into the ground after Star playfully struck him, the air escaping from his lungs at the unanticipated strike. He groaned somewhat as he lifted himself off the ground a couple of seconds later. Frustration amounted in his expression as he clenched his fist tightly but did not retaliate. Instead, he brushed off what remained of his clothing and stretched his muscles. A twitch in the corner of his mouth was the only sign that Star has caused him pain "Should I not get an audience with your leader, as is custom for dealing with royal prisoners?" He suggested after a hard cough.

A young female enters the room dressed in a beautiful blue and white dress that frames her light skin perfectly. Blue, leathery, wings protrude from the open-back of the dress in a curved, furled position while her scaly, blue tail sticks out just a little from underneath the back of the dress. Bluish-white horns adorn the top of her head as well as a silver chain that lays against her hair spreading across from the two horns. Her name is Sila and is one of the servants of the great Catherdral. An npc with less power than the powerful guardians with a strength all her own. She slowly approaches the group with clear resignation in her crystal-blue eyes "E-excuse me?" She asks with a gentle voice.


The slave appeared to be incredibly ecstatic at the the even small praise, as anything less would likely end in punishment or death. He bowed his back fully "You are too kind, your majesty!" After he said this, he raised his back and stepped back a few steps. The captain listened attentively to every word said and did not budge once from his salute "It will be done at once, your majesty!" He firmly stated with a soldier's pride. His eyes turned towards the slave as he was given additional orders then returned back to Garlock and nodded "Of course, we will leave you then and prepare our best sword for use." He dropped his salute finally and turned to the tent's entrance "Revis, Tarsos. Come in immediately and remove the slave from the tent." His command sounded through the air and like the well-disciplined soldiers they were, Revis and Tarsos came in and grabbed Alskyra by the arms and escorted him out of the tent.

After performing another salute, the captain made his way out of the tent as well and soon no other living creature could be felt near it. In the distance, Garlock could hear the voice of the captain relaying his orders to the rest of the garrison.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Features cold and hard, Helena entertained the woman's response. More words of dubious veracity, though followed by something that could not be construed as anything but an ultimatum. Yet, no matter how Priscilla's words reverberated, the ghoul commander had put aside her fear. No matter how strong the opponent, she knew her duty, and how to see it through. The simplicity of the answer to this burgeoning question -pass or fail- provided a sort of security. Either Helena would extinguish this marauder, or she would pay for her failure with her life. With that in mind, she was ready to begin.

Movement to the side stole Helena's attention for a moment, and she spotted a familiar form rising from the underbrush. Skout, the menacing automaton, had appeared, and he trained his pistol upon the stranger's head. Without a moment's hesitation or warning he unleashed a powerful blast, taking a preemptive strike that seemed capable of putting the threat down in one shot.

The Cathedral's warriors, however, were not so lucky. From the ensuing burst of steam and dust, Priscilla emerged unscathed. A furrow could be seen in the earth, plowed by her scythe's blade sunken in to minimize the knockback of Skout's shot. She straightened herself, and through the air relayed a final message for disappearing. Just like that, the scene had turned to normal.

Helena allowed herself to relax, stowing her dagger away and resuming her dignified, austere posture. “How pointless,” she spat through gritted teeth. After casting a glance at the village, not so far away that someone could have witnessed the encounter, she strode over to where Skout still stood. From the nearby forest, her lieutenants appeared, bringing the total soldiers present to six. “Skout, thank you for coming to my aid, though it seems it was unnecessary,” she told him. “Though we have little to show for our run-in with this Priscilla, we have gleaned some information about our surroundings, and should return to the Cathedral. If we ran into someone with this power already, future scouting parties should be far more prepared.” The others nodded, and Helena's team prepared to move out.

Tatter's news lit a fire in Morningstar like oil splashed on coals. Before anyone could object, pipe up, or even think twice the excited gargoyle had launched herself into action, shortly followed by a more literal launch out of the Cathedral. All thoughts about the king, and the importance of delivering him to Volaris, seemed to have flown out her ear just as fast. That left the specter along with the man, and the indolent children of the Supreme Smith.

Neither Sagi nor Xirphi gave the impression that they had anything to say, so a moment of awkward silence passed before Lucius broke it with an abrupt cough. His question spurred Tatter to action. “Well mister king sir, I don't know much about customs, and I don't know where the Supreme One is, but I can make you comfortable while you wait.” She narrowed her eyes, sizing him up. A dozen unsavory options ran through her mind, but it was with the greatest of restraint that she heaved a sigh and told him, “The Tower of Dignity should be fine. Jack will entertain you.”

A chuckle and a smirk issued from her as a follow-up thought occurred to her. “Oh, but don't worry, he'll just give you tea and probably have a boring, normal conversation. The time for fear comes later. Now, follow me. Or don't, I'll just carry you.” She started to drift back through the hall, making it clear to Lucius that he should follow her toward a door in the back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 38 min ago

Morningstar's departure had been like watching the Enterprise go to warp speed. There was that weird stretch of physics, and then she was outta there and practically GONE. King Lucius hadn't actually made that cough and mention of bringing him to their superiors until after she had left. Star might've caught it, otherwise, given those pointy ears of hers. That said, Tatter would remember that before they had been interrupted, the gargoyle lass had made an affirmative to the contacting of Volaris. Anyway, in addition to the NPC who showed herself in the area, one of the Professor's large Chimeras - partiially-manticore/partially-draconic in nature - was walking on by, on patrol, a couple of Homunculi on its back. The creature thought it heard Star, who defaulted to their authority while the Lord of Knowledge was out. It looked around with a "REH!", and moved on.

Meanwhile, Star herself had been moving at a considerable speed towards the area in which Helena was in, expecting to go and surprise a mind-reader by coming in far too swiftly and unexpectedly to be anticipated. What she did not know was...the being in question had actually moved on. Fast though the Hellspawn was, she wasn't a teleporter, so arriving there instantly was not on the menu for her. However, it meant that she had time to stack on powers, arriving on the scene at full strength, in order to attack...nothing! Seriously, it was a bit of a surprise to find that while there were signs of there having been some Cathedral Guardian action, she was suddenly swooping down at incredible speed towards no battle. As a result, there was an onrush of wind force as Star ended her plummet early - kind of like how she landed with Lucius at the Cathedral itself - wielding mace and shield and...a little confused now. The gargoyle looked around now, then focused on Helena.

"Wasn't there suppose to be a mind-reading enemy here that I was coming to beat into the ground? She didn't see that coming, did she? I was trying not to be noticed..."

Judging by the speed and power involved, Morningstar would've made a significant crater on impact, reckless and dangerous...but it was well-meant. She seemed to actually care about the others in their group. Coupled with her outburst earlier, that much seemed certain...


He was certain that nobody would hear and nobody would be able to sneak up on them while they spoke, having checked quite thoroughly with his greater senses, but...the thing in the room with him did not agree. Naturally, as a cat, Garlock was immediately irritated by this act. Even without being King, he expected others to defer to his way of doing things, because he decided that he knew best, under the circumstances. However, right now, this was not happening, and it tested the Bakeneko's patience. The Dremorians were none the wiser for him, or were simply allowing him to further his agenda if they were not fooled. Either way, Garlock was learning a great deal now, and this suspicious shade was interfering. Indeed, it got worse when the shadows decided to coax him out of the tent and away from the garrison and wall...when he figured out who he was dealing with. He knew all the Guardians. He knew what they were capable of, and the whole thing had a familiar feel. Garlock let out an exasperated sigh and said...

"Greater Teleportation."

The both of them were now transported in the direction that had been indicated by the shadows, only instantaneously and further out enough that no one should have line-of-sight on him for suddenly appearing out of nowhere. He checked to make certain that there was nothing around here, as well, because we can't have interlopers here, either. He would likely draw any such beings into his domain to prevent trouble, if need-be. Once done, the 'king' looked down at the shadow with familiar cat-like eyes instead of Lucius' own, fairly annoyed with it as he spoke in the voice of Garlock The Destroyer.

"For the love of your own creator, Samael... It. Is. Me. The story was made up. I have taken the king's place. He is our prisoner. If you care to join me upon a journey of discovery and devious fun, then you may do so. If not, then do not linger here for long, for I will be making moves to benefit us all in this world."

He wanted to get the most out of this as he could, so he didn't want to spend time talking for long with the Guardian. Best that the king does not have TWO mysterious occurrances in one day. Not unless that sort of thing was the norm around here.
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