So I have done this before with friends and I would like to try at doing it again, but my idea is to create our own ‘comic’ universe, each contributing different heroes and villains to the mix to build out the universe, face the conflicts and save the day.
So I want to be super open to different ideas and just have a few ground rules for the universe.
-No time travel
-No true omnipotent gods without very thorough discussion.
-People die, we are not including true revival mechanics, but will have something similar.
Super technology
-No nanotechnology, at least not at the start
Mutant abilities
-Have begun to appear in the last century, every decade more and more seem to appear.
- Their powers cover a wide range from physic abilities, to body mutations and other strange powers, however they have a traceable genetic origin and explanation.
-All living beings have an innate connection to magic, though some have a closer or stronger natural connections to the most primal energy of the universe.
-There are those born with the power to manipulate magic, Mages/Wizards and those who were gifted it by another deity or item, Warlocks.
-Magic can be manipulated through the use of spells which essentially work as filters that turn the energy into a desired effect.
-The Realm of Conception is one of two major magic dimensions, within the realm of Conception the ideas and emotions of all beings with a soul become real in some form, it is a dangerous realm in which even a thought can create a maelstrom. Most ignore this place if they can.
The other is Tamura, ruled and controlled by ancient deity’s of pure magic, they act as both the source of magic itself, and its distribution into the physical world. They range from benevolent to malevolent. Souls traverse to Tamura when a living being dies due to the innate connection to magic. However Beings born in Tamura lack a soul of their own, and thus must either possess a living body in the physical world, or only remain a short time.
-Earth is protected by a singular Sorcerer Supreme, while they have many allies, they are the first and last line of defense against ingress by the forces of Tamura.
-While the Realm of Conception has given birth to god like beings before, there is only one true Absolute one, as of now there are no known entities that have interacted with it.
Aside from all of this I have nothing else built, I would like the setting to be modern day with of course, more advanced technologies, I am totally fine with creating our own history, countries etc. We also need a name for this comic universe of ours.
Open to all levels of rpers as long as there is a want to improve upon your skills, hoping to focus on characters that are more real people than just tropes personified.
I am fine with characters that are homages to already existing heroes of course, but originality is always appreciated.
Marked as 18+ to allow for adult themes including violence, trauma and realistic sexual themes HOWEVER as per appropriate forum rules all of this lewd content would have to be kept OFF the public view of the forums and in DMs if both parties chose to do so.
Here are the Character sheets:
Rules for side characters/family etc.: You do not need to make a complete character sheet for side characters such as family members for your characters or close friends so long as they: Are not Ultras, are not heroes/anti-heroes/villains etc., Hold a position of significant power: High ranking government official, Chief of Police, Military Leader, Super science researcher.
Character sheets for your heroes 'tech guy' the savvy nerd that makes all their equipment, will be needed IF they have one. If they make it themselves or buy it all somewhere a 'tech guy' is not mandatory.
I would like all complete Characters Pmed to me and they will then be posted when approved. Please feel free to PM me here, DM me on Discord or join the server to discuss any and all character ideas or plot ideas you might have, we are all building this universe together to make its stories and I hope to have a wonderful time here.
Please do not hesitate to create villains to combat other characters heroes or collaborate with others to make super hero teams whatever form they may take.
Please include the location of each section of your post example
New York, Sun and Moon Diner
Rick was eating a burger.
Los Angeles, Super Collider
Cinderblock delivered a bone crushing punch that send Wombat man tumbling across the room and through rows of machinery.
See important for us to know where things are happening.