The year is 2287, and a new kind of conflict is brewing in the West Coast of the land that once was the Thirteen Commonwealths. You have the choice to pick a side in the conflict to come, either as a Legate of the Legion, a player in the great game for mighty Caesar's legacy, an NCR Generalissimo, hardened by years of conflict and with potential ambitions for the presidency...or dictatorship, or the warlord/leader/king of a third kind of faction!
While united in name, both the NCR and Legion has splintered in a struggle for power and influence. The NCR is a shadow of its old ideas, with a weak show of democracy still holding congress, while the true power is in the hand of the cliques of Generalissimos. The Legion, held together by the pure willpower of its founder, now finds itself without a leader! With enemies approaching from all sides, this state could turn out deadly soon!
Minor factions, without any connection to the two major powers in this conflict, may enter the great game, yet should be fully aware, of the danger an ant faces, in a war of giants!
*Vault City and New Reno, are all in Legion territory. Long 15 has been nuked.

Following the Legion's triumph at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam brought about by the Courier, (ideal F:NV ending) Caesar, having crossed his Rubicon, the Colorado River, made himself a Rome out of New Vegas. Legate Lanius resumed his savage campaign westwards not long after, and, greatly assisted by the cunning Vulpes Inculta, conquered much of the weakened New California Republic under the flag of the Bull in the years that followed, despite alarming territorial losses in the east. It is now 2287, six years after civilization, unforgiving as it was, finally came to the Mojave Wasteland, and Edward Sallow can no longer stave off his approaching death. With no clear heir, Caesar's Legion is at the precipice of bloody civil war between the tribes of which it was forged, a massive internal conflict that will surely embolden regional superpowers throughout the southwest, friends and foes alike, to carve up the empire.
With Caesar dead, the whole West Coast of the former Thirteen Commonwealths holds it's breath, aware of the impact the passing of this single man will have. For before his body will be fully cold, the legates will start to plot and wage over the ultimate price, that is the empire of the Legion. From the golden city of Nova Roma, forged from the debased hole that was New Vegas, the subjugated parts of the NCR, filled with hateful rebels to the far east, the homeland of the Legion, pretenders will rise and fall. These are the days of the legates!
In the west, the NCR, beaten and crippled by the onslaught of the legion, has turned into a monster born from Presidents Tandi's nightmares. Yet, the day of retribution is upon the Legion! With the death of Caesar, the head of the deathclaw has been taken off. For years, the Arsenal of Democracy has been build up, and the true heir of the American Dream is ready to unleash its vengeance onto the weakened Legion! These are the days of the Generalissimos!
Far in the north, the 80s heed the call of the holy highway, with tales of plunder and glory in the south! Old tribes and gangs heed the call of the death of the Bull! The invincible Legion, no longer looks all that threatening. Other powers, long forgotten, resting uneasy for years, now notice the chance to return to this world! These are the days of the Warlords!
In the west, the NCR, beaten and crippled by the onslaught of the legion, has turned into a monster born from Presidents Tandi's nightmares. Yet, the day of retribution is upon the Legion! With the death of Caesar, the head of the deathclaw has been taken off. For years, the Arsenal of Democracy has been build up, and the true heir of the American Dream is ready to unleash its vengeance onto the weakened Legion! These are the days of the Generalissimos!
Far in the north, the 80s heed the call of the holy highway, with tales of plunder and glory in the south! Old tribes and gangs heed the call of the death of the Bull! The invincible Legion, no longer looks all that threatening. Other powers, long forgotten, resting uneasy for years, now notice the chance to return to this world! These are the days of the Warlords!
The year is 2287, and a new kind of conflict is brewing in the West Coast of the land that once was the Thirteen Commonwealths. You have the choice to pick a side in the conflict to come, either as a Legate of the Legion, a player in the great game for mighty Caesar's legacy, an NCR Generalissimo, hardened by years of conflict and with potential ambitions for the presidency...or dictatorship, or the warlord/leader/king of a third kind of faction!
While united in name, both the NCR and Legion has splintered in a struggle for power and influence. The NCR is a shadow of its old ideas, with a weak show of democracy still holding congress, while the true power is in the hand of the cliques of Generalissimos. The Legion, held together by the pure willpower of its founder, now finds itself without a leader! With enemies approaching from all sides, this state could turn out deadly soon!
Minor factions, without any connection to the two major powers in this conflict, may enter the great game, yet should be fully aware, of the danger an ant faces, in a war of giants!
*Vault City and New Reno, are all in Legion territory. Long 15 has been nuked.