"There's more out there than our world? Good. I was just about done with mine."[Nakala Lenore Phillips ⫻ The Black Fall Universe ⫻ 21 ⫻ Neutral-Good]
"An adventurer if you ever seen't one."Nakala is definitely a striking young lady with the face and body of an adventurer. She's tall for a girl (at six-one feet tall) and has a thick layer of muscles from all the exercising she does. She does a mixture of jogging, but due to the power that she possesses, lifting regular weights won't cut it. She lifts cars and it shows because she has a very thick muscle definition on her arms and legs. Though with curves in all the right places (especially her behind) that make it clear that she's female. Nakala is definitely African-American with her dark skin, thick lips, skull shape, and hair texture, but she has some Caucasian in her genes very distantly. Other than her height, one notable aspect of Nakala's appearance is her massive network of dreadlocks that she has. Because of genes, she has a
lot of hair, and she has it styled into dreadlocks that go to her behind. Some dreadlocks are a lot thicker than others, but she also keeps them somewhat tied up into a ponytail.
Impala, her pet raptor takes more of a "Hollywood" appearance of a dinosaur; being more of a reptilian beast than feathery. Impala is around four feet tall and is seven feet long from head to tail. She has yellow silted eyes and black nails that are razor sharp, with an intimidating mouth full of teeth. Impala is as important to Nakala's appearance because she never leaves Nakala's side.
"Wanna pet Impala? I'm sure she'll love having your your hand!"A very plucky and outspoken individual, it's obvious from first glance that Nakala is a free spirit that's full of energy. She's always out trying to explore and find out new things about the world, as soon as possible. While she's full of energy she is quite impatient, and is thus, very impulsive if she doesn't get to release that energy one way or another. She's definitely the "punch first, ask questions later" type of gal, and that's probably her biggest flaw. She's constantly out to prove herself, even if it's detrimental (and trying to prove herself to all the wrong people). Still, Nakala is still a very kind person that tries to do the right thing whenever possible. Though she likes to make a lot of jokes, a lot of her jokes are dark or line-crossing.
Impala rarely shows any outward personality, as it's been designed so Nakala is the only person whom she can understand (and vice-versa). However, it seems to share her fun-loving personality but is very distrustful of other people.
"I am going to find Olivia Clarke, where ever she is."So, Nakala was conceived when her father didn't pull out in time and was born to a pair of loving (but reluctant) parents. There wasn't much to say of her formative years because all she did was piss, shit, and vomit everywhere. But as she was growing up her parents noticed quite a talent in Nakala; she was full of so much energy and had a talent for climbing stuff. And that manifested when she climbed up a three at eight years old, so when she got old enough her family put her into sports. Obviously, there was basketball and soccer, but she also liked football. And through these sports Nakala was able to make lifelong friendships with her peers, namely a girl named Olivia Clarke. Olivia Clarke, in time, became Nakala's best friend, and the two were inseparable as they had the same interests and did the same things together.
Eventually, while rock climbing the two fell into a deep cave and came across a crystal of sorts that was glowing with a yellow light. Out of curiosity, Nakala broke off a piece and took it with her, as she went home with the crystal fragment. After a few days, she noticed that her body was changing. When she played soccer she kicked the ball much further than it would normally go, and she accidentally pulled the door off the refrigerator. After waking up floating one day, Nakala realized something was wrong.
The first person she told about her strange condition was her friend Olivia, who revealed that she had experienced something strange, too. She had gained knowledge of everything biological or anatomical and has learned how to manipulate it far beyond the scientists of the current age. She was basically a mad scientist... which she quickly became as she began to make all sorts of loony inventions. A majority of which were tested on Nakala. From potions to raging out of control monsters... to even dinosaurs, Nakala experienced it all. At least she learned how to use her powers.
However, on her eighteenth birthday, Olivia made her a gift that would stick to her forever: a pet raptor, created from her love of dinosaurs. Nakala immediately fell in love with her raptor friend and named it Impala... and the two were inseparable since. However, as the two grew up, they grew apart but Nakala choose to stay in touch regardless of what happened. Going to college, Nakala noticed that Olivia fell out of contact with her and upon prodding her family; she learned that Olivia has gone missing.
Distraught by her friend's disappearance, Nakala immediately went out to search for her friend, and made friends (and enemies) along the way.
"Are you ready? Because here I come!"Skills & Equipment.Unlike many of the other characters, Nakala is not a trained warrior or fighter, she is just a civilian on a mission. She has many skills, but few that are actually helpful or haven't been overshadowed by her superhuman abilities. She took karate classes when she was younger to help defend herself from thugs and bullies, and that has evolved into a general street fighting skill. Other than that Nakala is armed with a phone and a shard of a Delta-Crystal which she'll use to boost her powers in an emergency.
Superhuman-Strength & Durability.When Nakala first came in contact with the Yellow-Crystal, she gained a variety of different abilities - seemingly winning the "lottery". Her main abilities are that her cells are
tough and strengthened. Her entire skeleton, skin, and other such body parts are greatly enhanced to beyond human levels. Which comes in the form of being able to resist super strong punches without breaking a sweat and anything less just isn't going to cut it. This is mainly to allow her to lift up incredible amounts of weight, as her muscles have been enhanced to exert supernatural amounts of force. Nakala can lift up one and a half tons with ease, and can punch hard enough to send somebody flying.
Flight.Speaking of flying, the Delta-Crystal also gave her the ability to take flight without any obvious means of propulsion. This ability is fairly simple, she can take flight in any direction and if she doesn't feel like walking she can merely levitate. Nekala can't fly extremely fast, she can't fly any faster than twenty miles per hour.
Mild Regenerative-Factor.While Nekala hasn't realized it yet, but any damage that she does take is regenerated much faster. She hasn't realized this yet because she rarely runs into things strong enough to hurt her, but bulletholes stop bleeding and close up a lot faster than usual. Bruises and the sort clear up a lot faster, and she can seemingly survive things that would kill a normal person. Also, the tiny microfractures caused by using her abilities excessively are corrected almost immediately. It's less of a Wolverine level healing factor, and more of a way to bounce back from wounds just a little faster.
Dinosaur Mental-Link.Independent of her own superpower is her mental link to her pet Dinosaur, Impala, which has been established by a friend. She can communicate with Impala, and
command convince her to do what she askes. Impala is very intelligent and is capable of doing basic tasks to her ability. And above all else, she's a very vicious predator with a mouth full of teeth and razor-sharp claws. She can tear a person apart.
Basically, anything your character has to bring to the table. Whether it's technology, genius intellect, or super strength. List anything.
"If you think my weaknesses will stop me, then you're wrong."Unless she throws something, Nakala will be restricted to close ranged combat. While she's strong, she's still limited by her stamina. Excessively lifting objects places a strain onto Nakala, like average humans her muscles will tire out after doing a lot of work. It's rather for her to overexert herself, and feel burnt out. Fighting at full strength isn't exactly ideal. While Nakala is tough as nails, she still feels pain and punching too hard can hurt her hand. Her durability mostly prevents physical attacks from hurting her, elemental (Specifically Energy) attacks are effective against her. Getting set on fire isn't pleasant (Her blood might boil!), electricity would knock her out, and etc. And, you know, she still needs air.
The first trade-off comes when you realize that she doesn't exactly know her own strength. While this might not be a huge problem in a fight, it certainly makes the mundane tasks harder to perform. She can easily break her items if she isn't careful, or accidentally hurt someone. This doesn't normally come into play since she has a grasp over her strength, but if angry or not paying attention, that's when she has the problems. The next weakness she has is that she's much, much, stronger than she is tough. If you realize what that means, then is very possible for her to break her hand with a full force punch, or break her joints by lifting up something that's too heavy. When Nakala uses her strength, then she has the likelihood of tearing up her bodily tissues. Which hurts and is not something she wants to do in a fight. It would also cause plenty of joint pain, and impair her healing. Nakala also doesn't have the best balance, throwing a roundhouse kick is just as likely to knock herself over. Finally, muscle is pretty heavy, and it adds to her weight and it makes her a lot heavier than most people and thus makes the whole stealth thing a lot harder.
Impala is a very dangerous threat in a fight but doesn't present much more of a danger than Nakala herself. It's the biggest issue is that it's very conspicuous, and in certain cases, she cannot bring the thing along with herself in certain missions.
"I have a pet raptor, your argument has never been so invalidated before, hasn't it?"Maybe Olivia fell into the All-verse... or someone nabbed her.