Not satisfied with it. Definitely needs to be proof-read but take this as a first draft. I will edit this further down the board. Also, two people competing for the same position.

29.5 mph | MALE DRIVER | 6'0 seats| HIGH O- CTANE BLOOD
NAME: Mackwell Fordwell Sloane
- The Stacked Over-Driver/Over-Driver
- MacTruck
SEX: Male
AGE: 29 Years, 6 Months, 4 Days, 13 hours, 12 seconds ticking.....
Mack’s weathered and towering figure bears the typical popular adornment of the average citizen of the Reclaim Zone, which is a fashionable veil of neon griminess and dilapidation, except instead of a dour frown, you get a brown-toothed smile besmirched with crumbs of cheap re-hydrated ice-cream sandwiches. Mack radiates happiness and it's rare to see a frown on his face only for it to become a smile once more. However, there's an un-mistakable twitch, a blink, a momentary passing sign of pain in his positivism that demands to be reaped upon. Every corner of his body is covered in the unmistakable down-trodden scent of South City’s underbelly. His dirty blonde hair, flecked with motor oil and the nauseous scent of engine coolant, is cut in a slick, short comb with shaven chops on each side of his skull, moving slightly as if being blown by some invisible wind. Underneath his mop of hairs lies his sunken green eyes that have a ever-constant look of electrical optimism and peppy happiness. Rows of sleepless bags hang like curtains underneath his eye-lids, fueled by hours of coffee consumption. Mac often hides his sugar-fueled insomnia with a pair of horn-rimmed smart-glasses that are chipped at the sides.
Unlike most individuals in South City, Mack does not display his cybernetic augmentations outwardly as a badge of modernity, resorting to means to hide it such as cheap two-dollar replaceable dermal kera-patches or pharmaceutical cyte-lotion. Other than that, Mack bears a light-tattoo in the shape of a stylized bar-code on the left side of his neck and several relay lines that jut out from the right side of his head in an intricate pattern.
Mack isn’t a fashionista nor extremely picky in his choice of apparel, preferring to blend in with the crowd rather than stand out. He isn’t one to keep up with the latest Reclaim Zone chics of the current month but he isn’t an individual who lives under a rock as well. He usually prefers to wear the latest tacky Reclaimer garb, a sucker for cheap holo-movie merchandise combined with high-collared street jackets and jeans along with fingerless gloves on both of his hands. When he’s officially driving as Campbell’s Driver, Mack dresses in his Prism Helmet and his Trench-Vest Gear, a reminder from his days as the Detroit Over_Rider.
January 13th, 2064
Mr Mack Fordwell Sloane - LA1907335992
48th Floor, Hab 10, Tower 9
Babel Holdings, South City
Free Economic Zone of Los Angeles
The Campbell Campaign Office is pleased to offer you the position of Personal Chaffeur. Thorough review of your prior distinguished experience and employment records by our Campaign Manager has indicated that you would be the most suitable candidate for this position. Employment with Campbell’s Campaign Office will officially end during the completion of South City’s mayoral election procedure. Note that your employment with Campbell’s Campaign Office is “at will”, meaning that the Campbell Campaign Office may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause.
As we previously discussed, the starting date for your position will be May 12th, 2064. The starting salary is $105,459 per year and will be paid in weekly installments. Please consult with our Campaign Treasurer for any financial assistance regarding depositing of salary.
Although your following reponsibilities as Head Chaffeur will change over time as Campell's Campaign Office personal and private policies are liable to change, please note that your following responsibilities as Head Chaffeur will include as of now:
- Transportation and transfer of Dexter Campbell and campaign staff members from and to locations within the South City Free Economic Zone.
- Evacuation and protection of Dexter Campbell and campaign staff members from hostile areas and individuals within the South City Free Economic Zone.
- Helping and escorting passengers off and onto personal vehicle
- Manual maintenance and optimal repair of your vehicle.
- Opening doors for passengers.
- Ensuring that vehicle is equipped with appropriate faculties in order to alleviate stress of Campaign Staff Members.
If you choose to accept this job offer, please complete the bio-voc verification sub-program attached to this e-message and send a copy of this e-message with your e-signature before April 24th, 2064.
When your confirmation has been received, the Campbell Campaign Office will provide you with further instructions.
The Campbell Campaign Office
Mack own personal agenda for still living within the wrecked remains of South City is to gain back enough money to repair Monica, his car, and to seek some remnants of his former glory and excitement that is missing in his current life by taking the most dangerous and high-risk jobs available to him as a taxi driver within the crime-ridden streets of the Reclaim Zone. All that matters to him is the next big paycheck or the next big job that is able to cough up some cash - enough cash for him to repair Monica and legitimize himself in the eyes of his former street-racing family in the Detroit Stacks. Or so he tries to convince himself.
Truthfully, Mack has seeked out employment in South City in hopes of being able to find a high-risk job so absurd and dangerous that it will finally result in his permanent death. Hopefully, Campbell might be able to fulfill that wish. However, his own personal agendas have recently included securing his bodily and personal freedom from the Reclaimer Gang who have forced him through non-consensual augmentation and blackmail to work for them as a means of influencing Campbell’s campaign in secret.
CAMPAIGN GOAL (Why did you link up with Campbell? What are you trying to do for his platform?)
Mack original purposes for linking up and signing up as Campbell’s driver was a manner of both monetary gain and the fact that Campbell’s controversial views on changing the geopolitical game of South City attract a lot of eyes and therefore, a hefty amount of high-profile danger. The thought of getting the chance to drive around a politician attracts some measure of danger and Mack believes that acting as Campbell’s driver will be the key to finding some semblance of purpose in his shattered life of his and a escape from constantly having to drive dangerous routes in the Reclaim Zone with little to no pay. Besides, if Campbell promises release and respite from the corporate gang-filled hell of the Reclaim Zone and promising further change at the governmental level, how can a man who’s had his entire life trodden on by corporations and gangsters not be tempted by those promises?
While Mack has no concerns for Campbell’s platform other than driving him safely through the roads of the Reclaim Zone and making sure that he doesn't ally with any corporate scum-bags, the Reclaimer Gang seeks to use Campbell as a means of influencing the mayoral process for their own needs, using Mack as a proxy for their own agenda…...
PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY (Who are you really? What morally defines you? What drives you?)
Mack is an individual who believes that staying still is a route towards becoming extinct like the dodo on the road of life and suffers from a major inferiority complex when he’s not behind the wheel of a car. He takes full measure of every opportunity to enjoy himself as best as he can and is extremely sociable as a result, acting extremely exuberant in every situation, even when he’s a driver. He is a adrenaline-junkie at heart and ,no matter how much he tries to deny it, can’t resist the alluring temptation of high-speed chases or races because without any sense of thrill, he’s left lost in the wind and forced to acknowledge the sheer nauseating nature of the dark and decaying future around him or in this case, reality. Though he tries and deny it, he’s attracted to the danger of high-risk situations as he believes it’s the only way to prove himself and his worth to others.
Therefore, due to this life-style and his experiences as a racer, Mack’s moral code involves a apathetic sense of desensitization to the violence around him, possessing no strong moral sense of justice whatsoever and is only willing to look out for himself and his own car. Mack generally only helps other people if there’s the promise of a high-speed chase or if they’re a street-racer like he was once. Mack does however possess a sense of sympathy for those who have lived in poverty or have been screwed over by a corporation, mainly using them as a scapegoat for all his current problems and the state of the Reclaim Zone.
What drives Mack is his desire to repair Monica and his dream to officially enter the Metro Prix as a racer as he once nearly did back then, even though, he is at wills with his inner desire to return to the streets and duel as the Over_Driver again.
POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: (What are your views on the world? While a partisan identity would be nice to include, feel free to define yourself outside of the five parties. This is important as Campbell will eventually have to choose a party to represent.)
Whilst Mack’s foray into the world of politics is about as much as a fish venturing into dry land (Impossible, since most fish these days are nearly extinct), most of Mack’s own views on the current contemporary state of American politics can be stated to ascribe to a updated model of socio-liberalism.
Mack believes that individuals are possessive of civil rights and that there should exist a general state of equality for every single citizen of the United States of America, which is however undercut by his cynicism in his lack of faith in government institutions, particularly relating to regulation of law and the fact that governments have mainly de-evolved into a corporatocracy or otherwise,‘a ventriloquist's dummy’. Mack generally views the current state of American politics as under the threat of homogenization and industrialization by mega-corporations that are culpable in the destruction of America as a whole.
As a former street racer and a inhabitant of the urban sprawls of Detroit, Mack possesses great amounts of enmity towards megacorporations and the upper class of society, believing it to be unfair that they are the dominant class of society in terms of economic and social power parity relative to the working class.
SECRETS: (What are you hiding? What would it cost you if someone found out what’s behind the veil?)
When a group of booster-gang vagabonds have implanted a torture device in your sternum and black-mail you, it’s not in your best interests to disclose that information. It’s nearly impossible for Mack to reveal the fact that he’s collaborating with the Reclaimers, without suddenly suffering a massive bout of debilitating paralysis when he least expects it. Safe to say, if Mack’s secret came out, the Reclaimers would find out and kill him in a secluded spot.
Whilst it’s not as sensitive compared to his secret of forceful collaboration with the Reclaimers, Mack’s former identity as the OverDriver has been kept relatively secret to the public eye as it’s mainly passed by word of mouth around by the racing community and glitchy video recordings of a few races in the Detroit Stacks. Needless to say, Mackwell doesn’t want at all to reap the reputation of the OverDriver in his identity as a taxi driver and prefers to keep his OverDriver identity secret lest he gets hunted by every street-racer and gang within South City. So far, only the Reclaimers know about his true identity as the OverDriver.
FEARS: (What keeps you up at night? What makes you freeze up in the moment? What do you avoid at all costs?)
Mack’s biggest fear is notably centered around the condition and future of his Victory Ultra, Monica, who he has fought tooth and nail for him to win it in his possession. It’s his most treasured vehicle, his source of employment and by far, the only real reason for why he still continues to live. Ultimately, Monica’s condition is the biggest factor that contends with his reckless desires of attaining that high-speed adrenaline rush as he doesn’t wish to damage her further. One can be assured that stealing or threatening to destroy Monica will put him in a state of distress.
Mack’s next biggest fear of all is ironically his biggest strength. It’s the fear of his past as the OverDriver, of living up to what he once was and becoming forgotten in name. It’s a fear that he tries to avoid and quashes down deep within him but Due to the presence of the Gleipnir implant in his body, Mack is also fearful of pissing off the Reclaimers and generally tries to acquiesce to their demands as much as possible. The Gleipnir augmentation (if it can be even called an augmentation) serves as an antithesis to Mack’s own personal modus operandi of being constantly in motion as the thought of being fully paralysed is something that gives him continual nightmares whenever he sleeps. Mack also generally tries to avoid violent confrontations that don’t involve him behind a steering wheel and a carbon-alloy wheeled chassis and his opponent in another car or more preferably, not in one.
REPUTATION: (How does the world view you? What are you known for? How do your people act around you?)
Mack’s reputation as the infamous OverRider of Detroit, renowned driver of the international community, has become little more than an online boogey-tale that drivers tell each other to scare. The reputation of Mackwell Sloane is equivalent to that of a random schlub across the streets but the reputation of the OverRider is equivalent to a god in the racing circle. As the OverRider, Mack is known for his infamous driving skills in Detroit and in South City and the signature combination of his Prism and Trench-Vest before the accident which irreversibly damaged Monica and put him out of commission as a street-racer. Due to his legacy and innovations within the art of combat racing as a whole, Mack has a lot of admirers and a lot of great imitators who attempt to follow behind on his footsteps or rather his wheelmarks with some measure of success or utter failure. Needless to say, the world knows more about the OverRider rather than the meagre taxi driver that is Mackwell Sloane.
In terms of being a taxi driver, Mackwell Sloane is known in South City as the only driver insane and willing enough to drive around the crime-ridden areas of the Reclaim Zone for any client willing enough to cough up enough credits. Most of his passengers notably treat him with a sizable amount of disinterest and lack of gratitude. Whatever genial interaction is few and far between as Mack never receives a call twice due to the high mortality rate within the Reclaim Zone.
- Pre-pack Candy
- Combat Racing
- Drifting
- Electronic Music
- Sushi
DISLIKES: (Same as above)
- Pre-pack Candy
- Alcohol
- Bad customers
- Poor etiquette
- Pop Music
- Corporate A-Holes
- Repairing his car
Most of Mack's eccentricities mainly relate to the intense neural mutation of his internal brain organs caused by his neural-ware. He's never found without something sweet in his mouth- whether that be chewing gum, cheap Singaporean hard candy, dehydrated fruit or a plastic-wrapped bar full of unsaturated fats or something of the like. Otherwise, he's got a preference for playing a large menagerie of music tracks whenever he drives in Monica, justifying it as sort of a lucky charm or 'his tune.'

" I don't run away from my problems. I drive towards my problems.”
Born in the urban sprawling land of the Detroit Slacks in 2035, Mackwell Fordwell Sloane, 3rd oldest child, was born to a pair of salvagers and scrappers like so many in the city of MotorLane. His family struggled to feast and survive off the great junkyards, searching for valuable e-waste, broken down cyberware, rain-washed appliances and old gear that would only amount to a day’s meal at most if sold on the prominent underground black-market. All in all, it was a pretty sordid existence in MotorLane, maintaining his family’s stall with a pair of rubber gloves and a bottle of solvent cleanser.
Until he discovered the glories of street-racing. All hope seem lost until Mackwell got caught up in the local street-racing scene in Detroit. He was virtually entranced by it and immedietely signed up to participate in one of the local competitions in a jury-rigged Fury HeavyTech Pursuer he found in the junkyard. Mackwell began his career of street racing in the pits of the Shadow-Rails, an old abandoned series of industrial rail-tracks that once belonged to a bankrupt corporation that had been swallowed up by the rapid urban growth of the Detroit Stacks . It was aptly named due to the shadows that the towering stacks would cast downwards upon the abandoned railway, leaving it permanently dark forever and secure from the notice of the authorities. He slowly rose through the echelons, racing race after race, beating competitor after competitor, pushing himself further and further through a series of bracketed local tournaments. It wasn't until the final round that Mackwell somehow entered the final race with a Victory Ultra in his possession. How it exactly arrived in his possession is a folk-tale in the Detroit Stacks. Some say that he found it in an abandoned Daedalus factory. Some say that it was a shipment that got lost in the flow. Some say that he built it out of the junkyards himself. Nevertheless, with the Victory Ultra by his side, Mackwell beat his fellow racers in the final round and was proclaimed the racing champion of the Detroit Stacks. The chantings of Overlord soon transformed into the OverDriver, a permanent fixture, a legend that was carved into his very identity and one that would stick with him until the day that he would die. It seemed like he was invincible.
Well, right until the Metro Prix. The OverDriver signed up for the largest combat motor-sports competition on the East Coast in secret, his ambition and need for speed driving him forward to greater lengths. As the OverDriver, Mackwell received a great many number of sponsorship deals that he accepted but unfortunately, during a sponsor meeting, he declined a request to drive in one of Fury HeavyTech's newest prototypical vehicles for the competition. He didn't realize the folly of his decision until on the day of the Grand Metro Prix, where he and a 101 other competitors from all across the states took off on a 10 kilometer track located in the waste-lands. During the final lap, Mackwell's Velocity was hi-jacked with a deadly computer virus that completely destablised his systems, proving all the more deadly as he was still directly tele-pathed with his Velocity. He skidded out of control and burnt out as they say, only 100 meters away from the finishing line.
Several years later, picking himself up from the accident and emotionally destroyed, Mackwell drove away from the Detroit Stacks with tears in his eyes to a dangerous new life in South City, signing up to be a driver for the South City Taxi Association. All of his other co-workers knew him as a loose cannon, a suicidal maniac who took on the most riskiest clients who wanted to be driven to the Reclaim Zone. Mackwell, meanwhile, focused on accumulating enough money to fix his car, his source of pride, and to seek death in the Reclaim Zone. Until he saw one of Campbell's advertisements. Seeking a recommendation from his boss, who was sympathic and grateful for him as being one of the only drivers willing enough to go into the Reclaim Zone, Mackwell managed to successfully become Campbell's Driver.
During one night, however, after driving Campbell home safely after an campaign speech, Mackwell was knocked out during a drive back to his apartment and found himself in a darkly dim-lit room with bandages around his torso and the boss of the Reclaimers in front of him, Lou "Lieutenant" Lazlo. Lou explained the nature of his situation, the fact that he knew Mackwell was the OverDriver and what he'd put inside Mackwell's body much to his growing horror. Mackwell was to act as Lazlo's chief informant in the Campbell campaign and to serve as a means to influence South City's geopolitics well enough so that it would be beneficial for the Reclaimer's operations.
Mack continues to work as Campbell's driver, albeit with a literal heavy heart and the threat of death following him with every moment he pushes the pedal....
//Noo-Solutions Kasparovian Variable Neural OverClocker Model V
Finding the responsibilities of modern cybernetic life hard to handle? Don’t worry! With NooSolutions newly upgraded line of Neural Overclockers, thinking becomes a breeze! It’s all thanks to our proprietary nano silk arrays which increase neural transmission speeds to over 200 times faster than normal base-lines and with our innovative new inhibition matrix chipware, you don’t have to worry about over-loading your higher brain functions when using NooSolutions Neural Overclocker. Remember all your items on your yearly summer catalogue, finish your tax forms in no time flat and watch as bullets become slow as bubbles! Buy now for 2,500 ||C||.
With the advent of faster motorspeeds and racing courses that were essentially death traps, street-racers and turbo-blazers alike flocked towards the utility of neuralware and boosterware to help them coordinate and react to the intense speeds that their automobiles were zooming at. While NooSolutions may have been bought out by APEX Industries in the field of cybernetic augmentations like so many other smaller corporations that specialised in the industry, the Kasparovian Overclocker serves as a final eternal swan-song to NooSolutions ingenuity that still finds itself in relative ubiquitous usage across most of Central America.
The Variable Kasparovian Neural Overclocker Mark V consists of two pieces of cybernetic hardware: an external cybernetic optic and the internal chip-ware laced at the user’s cerebellum to the bottom of their spine which are linked to one another wirelessly. The cybernetic optic mainly records and monitors the user’s visual surroundings and provides a user interface in which the user is able to see at what level of speed their chip is running at. The internal chipware mainly bestows upon the user variable rates of neural processing speed that range from a level of 1-5. The first level is at the level of allowing users to amuse themselves by watching people talk in slow-motion whereas the final level allows users to theoretically catch bullets mid-air. The chipware activates and deactivates in response to perceived hostile stimuli from the cybernetic optic, thereby removing the need for the user to think consciously in prior models to activate the neuralware. Whilst this option can be altered with choice, it is almost always preferred as it affords the user a measure of reactive reflexive maneuvering without being caught by surprise.
Lest, there are some caveats. Overclocking extends massive amounts of mental strain on the user, meaning that extensive usage of the Kasparovian Neural Overclocker, especially at the highest level, will suffer risk of general nausea, aneurysms, seizures and, worst case scenario, total brain failure. The Kasparovian Neural Overclocker requires the cybernetic optic to be cleansed once a time daily to remove any foreign occlusions within the socket. NooSolutions never managed to fix the bug where the nano-silk arrays impinged onto the user’s hypothalamus, thereby causing extreme hormonal mood-swings during over-usage of the chip-ware. For Mack, overuse of the neural overclocker causes an extreme amount of hunger for sugary products.
//APEX Nodeless Tactile Smart-Link v5.5 - Civilian Edition
Tele-paths. Forging a deeper bond between man and machine. Buy now at APEX. Making you your best.
Tele-Paths or short for Telecommunicative Smart Path allows for the translation of wireless electrical signals from any wireless device to neural code; essentially allowing the user to control any device through direct mental control through the use of an extensive miniaturized transponder stored either within a limb or within their brain.
The Interactive Vehicular Co-Processor Tele-Path created by APEX Industries allows a user to interact with and take control of the functions of a single vehicle only. The 5.5 version has been updated to allow the user to have full mental remote control of their personal vehicle or another smart vehicles, whether land-based or aerial with a nearly instantaneous transmission speed of This allows the user to control all available systems linked through the computer. The Vehicular Tele-Path affords a greater degree of control and precision than most other drivers, being able to control the most minute sub-systems of their vehicle with their mind.
There are several prerequisites in order to properly use the Tele-Path. The vehicle in question must be considered a vehicle that has had their systems replaced with a computerised system in order to be mentally controlled. The user must be within close-range of the vehicle in order to control, which in case of the 5.5, must be at least within 20 meters of the vehicle. The user also is unable to access any smart vehicle that is biometrically or password locked and must provide proper identification before accessing it.
There are also several drawbacks to using the Tele-Path. Any damage received to the vehicle while linked will result in pain being transmitted to the user. Enough shock and damage to the systems of the vehicle may permanently put the user in a coma if they are still linked to the vehicle. Tele-Paths also are measured to have a slight 5.5% risk of causing severe schizophrenia, particularly in regards to giving anthromorphic characteristics to the linked machine.
//Gleipnir Skeletal Maiden
You disobey me again, you'll never step foot in a car again or step foot anywhere for that manner.
The brainchild of the most notorious of Ripper Docs by a man only known in the underworld as ‘Proxy’, the Cardiac Maiden is rumoured to have been the product of a failed illegal corporate experiment done on the the Miami Platforms. Whether or not it was a test or a success, the augmentation - or rather - diminution is a hideous piece of experimental bio-mechanical engineering that serves as a rather effective means of cruel and unusual torture.
This devious little torture device is a series of nano-chips directly implanted into the joints of the user. With activation, the nano-chips release a chemical cocktail that inhibits movements of all the joints of the victim, essentially locking them into place and being trapped within their own body, unable to move. The nano-chips can also be activated to release a chemical inhibitor that neutralizes the chemical and allow the joints to return back to their normal state. The activation of the implant can be controlled via a remote which is currently in the possession of his partner/generous host/hostage taker, Lieutenant Lazlo, leader of the Reclaimers.
//Secedo Armoury A.B.C Model 5AS
Remember, when you want to first shoot, you gotta learn your A.B.Cs! Well, that’s what Secedo is offering with its newest selection of premium A.B.C Model 5 line. Call 4-445-9143 now and get three free Model 4A’s to go along.
You gotta be a real pussy to use a A.B.C.
Seriously, who uses an A.B.C? It’s the wet dog of all modern weapons, the anorexic cat, the limp pre-packaged spam. Are you telling me you couldn’t have gotten something better, you che-
Ugh, fine.
The A.B.C line, colloquially known as the Alphabet Gun, Ass Bullet Crapper, Always Buy China, A.B.C.Dead, is the most ubiquitous line of mass-produced civilian defense weapons in the U.S.A shipped from the Republic of China. Socedo is known for their horrifically sub-par construction compared to other military tech corporations. A.B.C is an anagram that stands for Additive. Binding. Carbopolymerisation which refers to the 3-D printing process that is used to produce this line of weapons en-masse. The cheap carbon-polymer is derived from leftover materials from recycling plants that are mulched and synthesized into an easily moldable macromolecule that is shaped and heated into a gun using online blueprints. The A.B.C is designed first and foremost as a American’s first gun and is marketed as a safe, easily usable weapon for public consumer markets. The gun’s value comes at its nearly unlimited ubiquity, light-weight and cheap pricing, not its quality. The A.B.C line is a weapon for the cheapest of cheapskates.
The Model 5AS is a compact submachine gun that fires 5mm flechettes at a rate of 1250 rounds per minute with a drum magazine of 100 rounds. Due to the nature of its production, the Model 5AS is able to be easily dis-assembled in a moment like a puzzle piece and assembled back with no loss to its function. The Model 5AS is intended mostly for soft targets and you better hold your breathe if you think it can even penetrate the most basic of body armor in one shot. Mack mainly uses the Model 5AS as a hold-out weapon of the last resort and doesn't hold much faith in it as a reliable gun. Mack mainly uses the Model 5AS out of sentimental value and due to the fact that its light-weight nature and ambidextrous grip allows him to fire it from his vehicle if he's caught in a free-way spat.
Which he should.
Because all A.B.C's suck ass.
//Armalance Mk 5.0 Street-Shredder CAS Model S
Armalance. Providing top-of-the-line American Protection since 2020.
Armalance is considered to be the old conservative of every good gun corporation. Sure, they may not do much in the way of revolutionary advancements such as the tactical smart-gun innovations of Fury Vehemetech or the demented suit-breacher rounds of Takakura Security but what they lack in simplicity, they make up in sheer reliable fire-power. The type that makes a booster-thug think twice before they approach someone with one of their products.
One of the maxims of Armalance is ensuring that you only need to shoot once to ensure that's someone dead and that's what they've focused in their Mk5 Street-Shredder. The Street-Sweeper is a break-action single-breeched hi-tech shotgun that's capable of both anti-personnel and anti-vehicular applications. The main reason for its destructive power is the integrated electromagnetic coils in the barrel, that when combined with the custom-forged depleted uranium 10 Gauge 'SoulKraft' shells, is just downright hazardous to the health of anyone pointed down its barrel. The Model S Street Shredder is a scaled-down pistol-sized version of the Model L Street-Sweeper that some gun users may find lacking in close-quarters stability but in no way sacrifices the firepower. It's only got one round but that one round is all you need, sometimes.
//Monica - Modified 2050 Dadaelus-Motorworks Victory Ultra GSX4000
Offering you Victory. One drive at a time.
Daedalus Motorworks may be officially dead in the world of auto-mobile, supplanted by FuryTech, HiSpeed and Pegason Inc but the mythical 2050 Victory Ultra is spoken in hushed words around the circles of the racing industry. Some say it never made it out of the prototypical RnD phase. Some believe it to be a hoax, a mere corporate conspiracy while street-racers and all fellow turbo-blazers believe that it is indeed real. One person is rumoured to have access to one of the very few existing models, the Over_Driver.
Sleek, swift and sexy. It’s venerable. It’s a dream item in any retro car collector’s museum. The 2050 Victory Ultra GSX4000 is the epitome of high-speed urban transportation equipped with the most state of the art revolutionary technology. top theoretical speed of 600 mph, an buttery acceleration of 0-80 mph in 1.1 seconds with titanium alloyed mag-level wheels that completely reduce friction to a non-existent variable all in an astonishing aerodynamic shell comprised of a light-weight machined carbon-aluminium ceramic alloy. It’s powered by a hybrid fusion engine powered by both carbon lattice electro-supercapacitors and high-octane ethanol that measures to about 1750 hp. Every part of it was made with attention to detail and perfection to create the most dynamic and revolutionary urban vehicle in existence. One wonders whether or not it was proposed and designed by some secret speed-freak in Dadaelus Motorworks.
Well, it would have lived up to the hype. Once. The Victory Ultra's systems have been core completely destroyed , mangled and repaired to the point where they are less effective than they once were. No matter how much credits that Mack fishes out, Monica will never be the same car that she once was again. It's top speed has declined to a piddling speed of 250 mph with an acceleration of 0-60 mph in 1.9 seconds. Most of the aerodynamic shell has been replaced with low quality ceramic-titanium shielding. The engine is prone to rare malfunctions, the head-lights sometimes don't turn on and the entire shell is covered in a thin layer of rust. One of the prototypical mag-lev wheels has been replaced with a gyroscopic all-terrain high performance tire. Well, at least, the computerized systems would have
The most innovative quality of the vehicle is its computerized systems which are specifically designed to promote the use of Tele-Path cyberware, allowing for the user to synchronise with the Victory Ultra’s quantum processing chip, combining both machine-like speed and the adaptability of the human brain into one single directive. The consciousness of the user is melded with the onboard camera systems, allowing users to have a 360 degree view of their entire enviroment. Every part of the Victory Ultra GSX5000 can be controlled with stunning precision through the user’s mental control, to inhuman degrees, allowing users to make hairpin turns through the most tightest of roads, stand just millimeters away from bumping with another car and move through the most complex of courses without making a scratch.
However, the Victory Ultra GSX5000 is still a prototype and even prototype are reknown for having glitches, something that Mack has tried to solve over the past decade of having owned Monica. The computer integrated systems of Monica, whilst revolutionary, can impart significant psychological and mental toll on the user they more they continue to tele-path with the vehicle. Mack has managed to stave off the worse of the symptoms but it’s developed to the point where he has clear dissociative personality disorder. As it is a vehicle mainly running on electronic systems, the Victory Ultra is also susceptible to being infected by viruses or having its systems shut down by an EMP blast. The Victory Ultra also is unable to be driven by anyone who doesn’t have the proper cyber-ware to take advantage of its dizzying speed.
//Fury HeavyTech Interface Prism Helmet Mark 4.5
Fury HeavyTech Prism’s. The official Interface Helmet of the 33rd Metro Prix. Buy tickets now!
Every racing driver needs a proper helmet. The Prism has been a popular stand-by of all legal racers who compete in the annual American Metro Prix held in MetroChicago and has been slowly growing in ubiquity into the informal international racing community. The Prism’s main function is protection and it comes in the form of a boron-nitride laminate outer shell combined with the thermo-plast inner shell dampens the effects of kinetic impact and provides a bullet-proof cranial shield. The Prism dampens the effects of inertia through its variable isostatic air pressure and its in-built rebreather allows it to control the user’s level of oxygen gas. The visor is able to be depolarized and repolarized at will.
As an interface helmet, the Prism HUD operates as a miniature data-slate, allowing the user to see information about their vehicle’s instrumentation in real-time (current fuel levels, speed, rpm, current wind levels) as well as being able to access the Net at will.
//Nemeus Fashion Incorporated Twilight Interface Trench-Vest
Nemeus. Fashion and Protection in Every Product You Wear.
Shipped out straight out of Europe, Nemeus Fashion blends high-value protection and presentability in The Twilight Trench-Vest using their innovations in tetra-weave technology and reactive materials. The Twilight-Trench Vest consists of a high-brimmed collared jacket and a form-fitting body suit that electrostatically moulds itself around the user’s body. The tetra-weave in the Twilight Trench Vest consists of an outer epoxide laminate nano-weave for general ablative protection, a liquid-crystalline layer of reactive gel for shock absorption, a series of ceramic-titanium composite alloy plating for ballistic protection and an circuit-laced elasto-fabric for interfacing with any cybernetic augmentations the user might have on hand. Seeing as Mack has none, this provides no advantage whatsoever. The right arm of the suit displays a holo bio-monitor that fully monitors the user’s heart-beat, their rate of breathing and their other vital activities that can be turned off and on. The brim of the collar can be altered to electrostatically latch onto the user’s neck. The overall apperance of the Twilight Trench-Vest mimics the track suits used by racers in the 2010s.
SKILLS (Feel free to list a few and elaborate a bit.)
//A Grand-Master of Locomotion
“ I’m the Overlord of the Wheel. That’s why they call me the OverDriver.”
In the world of drivers, to achieve the name of OverDriver means that you are one hell of a driver amongst cybernetically enhanced turbo-blazers, drug-injecting bokozotsu and street-racers pimped out with barely legal automobiles. Mack is one of the best drivers in the entire world - a world that whispers his name in fear but doesn’t know who he truly is. He can perform feats at over 100 miles per hour such as inertia drifting, power-sliding, hairpin turning, driving in the rain and dark with his headlights turned off, driving whilst blindfolded, powering through a traffic jam at 100 mph without scuffing, timing like clockwork anyone, it’s easier to say what he can’t do and anything that he does seems to defy the laws of physics. If you’re in a race with him, it’s already confirmed that you’re going to lose, no matter what vehicle is in, whether it’s a electro-cycle, an ATV, a muscle car or a friggin’ bicycle. Combined with his encyclopedic knowledge of everything automobile to the intricacies of racing makes him a dangerous opponent for anyone who wishes to take him on with a wheel. Combined with his Kasparovian Booster-Ware and his Tele-Path increases his already supernatural driving skills to those of a god.
Don't under-estimate the Over_Driver in his territory because once you do, you're already roadkill.
//Automobile Surgeon
“ A car is not a tool. It’s your friend. It’s your baby. You best know how to take care of your friend.”
Mack is generally educated on how to properly maintain and repair his vehicle and any other automobiles similar to his own, although not to the same extent nor expertise as Ripper-Docs would have in their craft. In fact, it’s a frustration of his that his skills are unable to restore Monica back to her former glory. Most of his skills are derived from his early childhood working in the pits of the Detroit Stacks and generally picking up tips and tricks from other better-skilled auto-mechanics over the years. He’s generally able to identify the simplest solutions for the most annoying of malfunctions and knows his way around a wrench or a welding tool. Just don’t expect him to give your car a massive makeover or fashion a new one from scratch.
" THAT'S IT! One on one, no booster-ware, no headlights, Tartarus Pass, right now!"
Though, the soul of the Turbo-Blazer has dimmed within him over the past few years spent in the ennui of a Taxi Driver, it can sometimes flare up if he receives a challenge or whether his pride on the road is challenged. Whenever Mack is behind the wheel, it's to be expected that he'll take the most adrenaline-pumping and dangerous courses to go through rather than through the safe ones, justifying to himself that it was a necessary action. Mack often risks himself and his passengers rather unnecessarily in his choices, even if they make it out alive. It's clear that he can't keep walking on the edge of death forever and one wonders when his bravery will soon be the end of him.
Mack is extremely lacking in close-quarter combat skills and long-range combat skills, essentially being rendered ineffective without something to drive. His aim with any weapon is so horrendously bad and shaky that the target has to be at point-blank range in order to land, perhaps, a decent hit that will kill him. He barely knows his way around a punch, a kick and any confrontation with any adequately trained individual is likely to become a lop-sided battle that will end up becoming a slaughter.
//A-addiction? W-what addiction?
After years of tele-pathing with Monica, Mack's Kasparovian Over-Clocker has irrevocably altered his hypothalamus, thereby causing him to have an extreme craving for anything sugary and high-content in saccharine substances. This has become a full-blown addiction where Mack can't survive without chewing or gnawing on a candy bar or something sweet for 15 minutes. Without his supply of candy, Mack is liable to become extremely angsty and jittery to the point where it cripples his train of rational thought.
//Filthy Corpo Scum
Mack has had a long history with corporations and needless to say, he's ultimately wary of them. He possesses a pre-disposed bias towards any corporate representative, especially one of the dominant Mega-Corporations, and will act towards them in a manner that one might consider rude. Though he doesn't possess a hatred of them so much so that it could be considered vengeful, it's a hatred that's been fostered through years of corporate repression and living in abject relative poverty in the Stacks.
//The Car Talks
Due to prolonged tele-pathing with the computerised systems of the Velocity , Mack now suffers from a relatively benign form of SPECS that manifests as auditory hallucinations where he believes his car is talking to him. These hallucinations come in short painful bouts, particularly when he tele-paths with Monica for long periods of time, and can hamper his train of thought. This may soon develop into full-blown dementia or severe bi-polar personality disorder if Mack doesn’t recognise the nature of his mental condition.

Crusin' at the speed of neon, Cruisin' at the speed of fun
29.5 mph | MALE DRIVER | 6'0 seats| HIGH O- CTANE BLOOD
General Information/Specifications
NAME: Mackwell Fordwell Sloane
- The Stacked Over-Driver/Over-Driver
- MacTruck
SEX: Male
AGE: 29 Years, 6 Months, 4 Days, 13 hours, 12 seconds ticking.....
Mack’s weathered and towering figure bears the typical popular adornment of the average citizen of the Reclaim Zone, which is a fashionable veil of neon griminess and dilapidation, except instead of a dour frown, you get a brown-toothed smile besmirched with crumbs of cheap re-hydrated ice-cream sandwiches. Mack radiates happiness and it's rare to see a frown on his face only for it to become a smile once more. However, there's an un-mistakable twitch, a blink, a momentary passing sign of pain in his positivism that demands to be reaped upon. Every corner of his body is covered in the unmistakable down-trodden scent of South City’s underbelly. His dirty blonde hair, flecked with motor oil and the nauseous scent of engine coolant, is cut in a slick, short comb with shaven chops on each side of his skull, moving slightly as if being blown by some invisible wind. Underneath his mop of hairs lies his sunken green eyes that have a ever-constant look of electrical optimism and peppy happiness. Rows of sleepless bags hang like curtains underneath his eye-lids, fueled by hours of coffee consumption. Mac often hides his sugar-fueled insomnia with a pair of horn-rimmed smart-glasses that are chipped at the sides.
Unlike most individuals in South City, Mack does not display his cybernetic augmentations outwardly as a badge of modernity, resorting to means to hide it such as cheap two-dollar replaceable dermal kera-patches or pharmaceutical cyte-lotion. Other than that, Mack bears a light-tattoo in the shape of a stylized bar-code on the left side of his neck and several relay lines that jut out from the right side of his head in an intricate pattern.
Mack isn’t a fashionista nor extremely picky in his choice of apparel, preferring to blend in with the crowd rather than stand out. He isn’t one to keep up with the latest Reclaim Zone chics of the current month but he isn’t an individual who lives under a rock as well. He usually prefers to wear the latest tacky Reclaimer garb, a sucker for cheap holo-movie merchandise combined with high-collared street jackets and jeans along with fingerless gloves on both of his hands. When he’s officially driving as Campbell’s Driver, Mack dresses in his Prism Helmet and his Trench-Vest Gear, a reminder from his days as the Detroit Over_Rider.
January 13th, 2064
Mr Mack Fordwell Sloane - LA1907335992
48th Floor, Hab 10, Tower 9
Babel Holdings, South City
Free Economic Zone of Los Angeles
The Campbell Campaign Office is pleased to offer you the position of Personal Chaffeur. Thorough review of your prior distinguished experience and employment records by our Campaign Manager has indicated that you would be the most suitable candidate for this position. Employment with Campbell’s Campaign Office will officially end during the completion of South City’s mayoral election procedure. Note that your employment with Campbell’s Campaign Office is “at will”, meaning that the Campbell Campaign Office may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause.
As we previously discussed, the starting date for your position will be May 12th, 2064. The starting salary is $105,459 per year and will be paid in weekly installments. Please consult with our Campaign Treasurer for any financial assistance regarding depositing of salary.
Although your following reponsibilities as Head Chaffeur will change over time as Campell's Campaign Office personal and private policies are liable to change, please note that your following responsibilities as Head Chaffeur will include as of now:
- Transportation and transfer of Dexter Campbell and campaign staff members from and to locations within the South City Free Economic Zone.
- Evacuation and protection of Dexter Campbell and campaign staff members from hostile areas and individuals within the South City Free Economic Zone.
- Helping and escorting passengers off and onto personal vehicle
- Manual maintenance and optimal repair of your vehicle.
- Opening doors for passengers.
- Ensuring that vehicle is equipped with appropriate faculties in order to alleviate stress of Campaign Staff Members.
If you choose to accept this job offer, please complete the bio-voc verification sub-program attached to this e-message and send a copy of this e-message with your e-signature before April 24th, 2064.
When your confirmation has been received, the Campbell Campaign Office will provide you with further instructions.
The Campbell Campaign Office
Psychological Profile/General Performance
Tenacious | Dare-Devil | Grieving | Proud | Unflappable | Cheerful
“ People have been always trying to wrangle that turbo-blazer in my DNA for their own use. I'm certain
of that. One other thing's certain, though. I'm tired of being a plain ol' taxi driver all the time.”
Mack own personal agenda for still living within the wrecked remains of South City is to gain back enough money to repair Monica, his car, and to seek some remnants of his former glory and excitement that is missing in his current life by taking the most dangerous and high-risk jobs available to him as a taxi driver within the crime-ridden streets of the Reclaim Zone. All that matters to him is the next big paycheck or the next big job that is able to cough up some cash - enough cash for him to repair Monica and legitimize himself in the eyes of his former street-racing family in the Detroit Stacks. Or so he tries to convince himself.
Truthfully, Mack has seeked out employment in South City in hopes of being able to find a high-risk job so absurd and dangerous that it will finally result in his permanent death. Hopefully, Campbell might be able to fulfill that wish. However, his own personal agendas have recently included securing his bodily and personal freedom from the Reclaimer Gang who have forced him through non-consensual augmentation and blackmail to work for them as a means of influencing Campbell’s campaign in secret.
CAMPAIGN GOAL (Why did you link up with Campbell? What are you trying to do for his platform?)
“ Bad men foster in this city, not good. That’s why the city needs to change; not the people. And it starts with Campbell.”
Mack original purposes for linking up and signing up as Campbell’s driver was a manner of both monetary gain and the fact that Campbell’s controversial views on changing the geopolitical game of South City attract a lot of eyes and therefore, a hefty amount of high-profile danger. The thought of getting the chance to drive around a politician attracts some measure of danger and Mack believes that acting as Campbell’s driver will be the key to finding some semblance of purpose in his shattered life of his and a escape from constantly having to drive dangerous routes in the Reclaim Zone with little to no pay. Besides, if Campbell promises release and respite from the corporate gang-filled hell of the Reclaim Zone and promising further change at the governmental level, how can a man who’s had his entire life trodden on by corporations and gangsters not be tempted by those promises?
While Mack has no concerns for Campbell’s platform other than driving him safely through the roads of the Reclaim Zone and making sure that he doesn't ally with any corporate scum-bags, the Reclaimer Gang seeks to use Campbell as a means of influencing the mayoral process for their own needs, using Mack as a proxy for their own agenda…...
PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY (Who are you really? What morally defines you? What drives you?)
Whenever you're by yourself, walking on the side of the street out in this shit-hole of a world, you feel small. But when you're behind a wheel, you feel like you can take on the world.
Mack is an individual who believes that staying still is a route towards becoming extinct like the dodo on the road of life and suffers from a major inferiority complex when he’s not behind the wheel of a car. He takes full measure of every opportunity to enjoy himself as best as he can and is extremely sociable as a result, acting extremely exuberant in every situation, even when he’s a driver. He is a adrenaline-junkie at heart and ,no matter how much he tries to deny it, can’t resist the alluring temptation of high-speed chases or races because without any sense of thrill, he’s left lost in the wind and forced to acknowledge the sheer nauseating nature of the dark and decaying future around him or in this case, reality. Though he tries and deny it, he’s attracted to the danger of high-risk situations as he believes it’s the only way to prove himself and his worth to others.
Therefore, due to this life-style and his experiences as a racer, Mack’s moral code involves a apathetic sense of desensitization to the violence around him, possessing no strong moral sense of justice whatsoever and is only willing to look out for himself and his own car. Mack generally only helps other people if there’s the promise of a high-speed chase or if they’re a street-racer like he was once. Mack does however possess a sense of sympathy for those who have lived in poverty or have been screwed over by a corporation, mainly using them as a scapegoat for all his current problems and the state of the Reclaim Zone.
What drives Mack is his desire to repair Monica and his dream to officially enter the Metro Prix as a racer as he once nearly did back then, even though, he is at wills with his inner desire to return to the streets and duel as the Over_Driver again.
POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: (What are your views on the world? While a partisan identity would be nice to include, feel free to define yourself outside of the five parties. This is important as Campbell will eventually have to choose a party to represent.)
Politics are like traffic jams in South City.
Whilst Mack’s foray into the world of politics is about as much as a fish venturing into dry land (Impossible, since most fish these days are nearly extinct), most of Mack’s own views on the current contemporary state of American politics can be stated to ascribe to a updated model of socio-liberalism.
Mack believes that individuals are possessive of civil rights and that there should exist a general state of equality for every single citizen of the United States of America, which is however undercut by his cynicism in his lack of faith in government institutions, particularly relating to regulation of law and the fact that governments have mainly de-evolved into a corporatocracy or otherwise,‘a ventriloquist's dummy’. Mack generally views the current state of American politics as under the threat of homogenization and industrialization by mega-corporations that are culpable in the destruction of America as a whole.
As a former street racer and a inhabitant of the urban sprawls of Detroit, Mack possesses great amounts of enmity towards megacorporations and the upper class of society, believing it to be unfair that they are the dominant class of society in terms of economic and social power parity relative to the working class.
SECRETS: (What are you hiding? What would it cost you if someone found out what’s behind the veil?)
Airing my dirty laundry scares me more than any car crash or stunt gone wrong will.
When a group of booster-gang vagabonds have implanted a torture device in your sternum and black-mail you, it’s not in your best interests to disclose that information. It’s nearly impossible for Mack to reveal the fact that he’s collaborating with the Reclaimers, without suddenly suffering a massive bout of debilitating paralysis when he least expects it. Safe to say, if Mack’s secret came out, the Reclaimers would find out and kill him in a secluded spot.
Whilst it’s not as sensitive compared to his secret of forceful collaboration with the Reclaimers, Mack’s former identity as the OverDriver has been kept relatively secret to the public eye as it’s mainly passed by word of mouth around by the racing community and glitchy video recordings of a few races in the Detroit Stacks. Needless to say, Mackwell doesn’t want at all to reap the reputation of the OverDriver in his identity as a taxi driver and prefers to keep his OverDriver identity secret lest he gets hunted by every street-racer and gang within South City. So far, only the Reclaimers know about his true identity as the OverDriver.
FEARS: (What keeps you up at night? What makes you freeze up in the moment? What do you avoid at all costs?)
Car's all I got. Car's all I am. Without a car, my whole world goes still.
Mack’s biggest fear is notably centered around the condition and future of his Victory Ultra, Monica, who he has fought tooth and nail for him to win it in his possession. It’s his most treasured vehicle, his source of employment and by far, the only real reason for why he still continues to live. Ultimately, Monica’s condition is the biggest factor that contends with his reckless desires of attaining that high-speed adrenaline rush as he doesn’t wish to damage her further. One can be assured that stealing or threatening to destroy Monica will put him in a state of distress.
Mack’s next biggest fear of all is ironically his biggest strength. It’s the fear of his past as the OverDriver, of living up to what he once was and becoming forgotten in name. It’s a fear that he tries to avoid and quashes down deep within him but Due to the presence of the Gleipnir implant in his body, Mack is also fearful of pissing off the Reclaimers and generally tries to acquiesce to their demands as much as possible. The Gleipnir augmentation (if it can be even called an augmentation) serves as an antithesis to Mack’s own personal modus operandi of being constantly in motion as the thought of being fully paralysed is something that gives him continual nightmares whenever he sleeps. Mack also generally tries to avoid violent confrontations that don’t involve him behind a steering wheel and a carbon-alloy wheeled chassis and his opponent in another car or more preferably, not in one.
REPUTATION: (How does the world view you? What are you known for? How do your people act around you?)
I never asked for the name, but somehow, it stuck with me. And pretty soon, the whole world decided that it would stick forever.
Mack’s reputation as the infamous OverRider of Detroit, renowned driver of the international community, has become little more than an online boogey-tale that drivers tell each other to scare. The reputation of Mackwell Sloane is equivalent to that of a random schlub across the streets but the reputation of the OverRider is equivalent to a god in the racing circle. As the OverRider, Mack is known for his infamous driving skills in Detroit and in South City and the signature combination of his Prism and Trench-Vest before the accident which irreversibly damaged Monica and put him out of commission as a street-racer. Due to his legacy and innovations within the art of combat racing as a whole, Mack has a lot of admirers and a lot of great imitators who attempt to follow behind on his footsteps or rather his wheelmarks with some measure of success or utter failure. Needless to say, the world knows more about the OverRider rather than the meagre taxi driver that is Mackwell Sloane.
In terms of being a taxi driver, Mackwell Sloane is known in South City as the only driver insane and willing enough to drive around the crime-ridden areas of the Reclaim Zone for any client willing enough to cough up enough credits. Most of his passengers notably treat him with a sizable amount of disinterest and lack of gratitude. Whatever genial interaction is few and far between as Mack never receives a call twice due to the high mortality rate within the Reclaim Zone.
- Pre-pack Candy
- Combat Racing
- Drifting
- Electronic Music
- Sushi
DISLIKES: (Same as above)
- Pre-pack Candy
- Alcohol
- Bad customers
- Poor etiquette
- Pop Music
- Corporate A-Holes
- Repairing his car
Most of Mack's eccentricities mainly relate to the intense neural mutation of his internal brain organs caused by his neural-ware. He's never found without something sweet in his mouth- whether that be chewing gum, cheap Singaporean hard candy, dehydrated fruit or a plastic-wrapped bar full of unsaturated fats or something of the like. Otherwise, he's got a preference for playing a large menagerie of music tracks whenever he drives in Monica, justifying it as sort of a lucky charm or 'his tune.'

Background Information/Inspection Record
" I don't run away from my problems. I drive towards my problems.”
Born in the urban sprawling land of the Detroit Slacks in 2035, Mackwell Fordwell Sloane, 3rd oldest child, was born to a pair of salvagers and scrappers like so many in the city of MotorLane. His family struggled to feast and survive off the great junkyards, searching for valuable e-waste, broken down cyberware, rain-washed appliances and old gear that would only amount to a day’s meal at most if sold on the prominent underground black-market. All in all, it was a pretty sordid existence in MotorLane, maintaining his family’s stall with a pair of rubber gloves and a bottle of solvent cleanser.
Until he discovered the glories of street-racing. All hope seem lost until Mackwell got caught up in the local street-racing scene in Detroit. He was virtually entranced by it and immedietely signed up to participate in one of the local competitions in a jury-rigged Fury HeavyTech Pursuer he found in the junkyard. Mackwell began his career of street racing in the pits of the Shadow-Rails, an old abandoned series of industrial rail-tracks that once belonged to a bankrupt corporation that had been swallowed up by the rapid urban growth of the Detroit Stacks . It was aptly named due to the shadows that the towering stacks would cast downwards upon the abandoned railway, leaving it permanently dark forever and secure from the notice of the authorities. He slowly rose through the echelons, racing race after race, beating competitor after competitor, pushing himself further and further through a series of bracketed local tournaments. It wasn't until the final round that Mackwell somehow entered the final race with a Victory Ultra in his possession. How it exactly arrived in his possession is a folk-tale in the Detroit Stacks. Some say that he found it in an abandoned Daedalus factory. Some say that it was a shipment that got lost in the flow. Some say that he built it out of the junkyards himself. Nevertheless, with the Victory Ultra by his side, Mackwell beat his fellow racers in the final round and was proclaimed the racing champion of the Detroit Stacks. The chantings of Overlord soon transformed into the OverDriver, a permanent fixture, a legend that was carved into his very identity and one that would stick with him until the day that he would die. It seemed like he was invincible.
Well, right until the Metro Prix. The OverDriver signed up for the largest combat motor-sports competition on the East Coast in secret, his ambition and need for speed driving him forward to greater lengths. As the OverDriver, Mackwell received a great many number of sponsorship deals that he accepted but unfortunately, during a sponsor meeting, he declined a request to drive in one of Fury HeavyTech's newest prototypical vehicles for the competition. He didn't realize the folly of his decision until on the day of the Grand Metro Prix, where he and a 101 other competitors from all across the states took off on a 10 kilometer track located in the waste-lands. During the final lap, Mackwell's Velocity was hi-jacked with a deadly computer virus that completely destablised his systems, proving all the more deadly as he was still directly tele-pathed with his Velocity. He skidded out of control and burnt out as they say, only 100 meters away from the finishing line.
Several years later, picking himself up from the accident and emotionally destroyed, Mackwell drove away from the Detroit Stacks with tears in his eyes to a dangerous new life in South City, signing up to be a driver for the South City Taxi Association. All of his other co-workers knew him as a loose cannon, a suicidal maniac who took on the most riskiest clients who wanted to be driven to the Reclaim Zone. Mackwell, meanwhile, focused on accumulating enough money to fix his car, his source of pride, and to seek death in the Reclaim Zone. Until he saw one of Campbell's advertisements. Seeking a recommendation from his boss, who was sympathic and grateful for him as being one of the only drivers willing enough to go into the Reclaim Zone, Mackwell managed to successfully become Campbell's Driver.
During one night, however, after driving Campbell home safely after an campaign speech, Mackwell was knocked out during a drive back to his apartment and found himself in a darkly dim-lit room with bandages around his torso and the boss of the Reclaimers in front of him, Lou "Lieutenant" Lazlo. Lou explained the nature of his situation, the fact that he knew Mackwell was the OverDriver and what he'd put inside Mackwell's body much to his growing horror. Mackwell was to act as Lazlo's chief informant in the Campbell campaign and to serve as a means to influence South City's geopolitics well enough so that it would be beneficial for the Reclaimer's operations.
Mack continues to work as Campbell's driver, albeit with a literal heavy heart and the threat of death following him with every moment he pushes the pedal....
Operative Information/Market Value
//Noo-Solutions Kasparovian Variable Neural OverClocker Model V
Finding the responsibilities of modern cybernetic life hard to handle? Don’t worry! With NooSolutions newly upgraded line of Neural Overclockers, thinking becomes a breeze! It’s all thanks to our proprietary nano silk arrays which increase neural transmission speeds to over 200 times faster than normal base-lines and with our innovative new inhibition matrix chipware, you don’t have to worry about over-loading your higher brain functions when using NooSolutions Neural Overclocker. Remember all your items on your yearly summer catalogue, finish your tax forms in no time flat and watch as bullets become slow as bubbles! Buy now for 2,500 ||C||.
With the advent of faster motorspeeds and racing courses that were essentially death traps, street-racers and turbo-blazers alike flocked towards the utility of neuralware and boosterware to help them coordinate and react to the intense speeds that their automobiles were zooming at. While NooSolutions may have been bought out by APEX Industries in the field of cybernetic augmentations like so many other smaller corporations that specialised in the industry, the Kasparovian Overclocker serves as a final eternal swan-song to NooSolutions ingenuity that still finds itself in relative ubiquitous usage across most of Central America.
The Variable Kasparovian Neural Overclocker Mark V consists of two pieces of cybernetic hardware: an external cybernetic optic and the internal chip-ware laced at the user’s cerebellum to the bottom of their spine which are linked to one another wirelessly. The cybernetic optic mainly records and monitors the user’s visual surroundings and provides a user interface in which the user is able to see at what level of speed their chip is running at. The internal chipware mainly bestows upon the user variable rates of neural processing speed that range from a level of 1-5. The first level is at the level of allowing users to amuse themselves by watching people talk in slow-motion whereas the final level allows users to theoretically catch bullets mid-air. The chipware activates and deactivates in response to perceived hostile stimuli from the cybernetic optic, thereby removing the need for the user to think consciously in prior models to activate the neuralware. Whilst this option can be altered with choice, it is almost always preferred as it affords the user a measure of reactive reflexive maneuvering without being caught by surprise.
Lest, there are some caveats. Overclocking extends massive amounts of mental strain on the user, meaning that extensive usage of the Kasparovian Neural Overclocker, especially at the highest level, will suffer risk of general nausea, aneurysms, seizures and, worst case scenario, total brain failure. The Kasparovian Neural Overclocker requires the cybernetic optic to be cleansed once a time daily to remove any foreign occlusions within the socket. NooSolutions never managed to fix the bug where the nano-silk arrays impinged onto the user’s hypothalamus, thereby causing extreme hormonal mood-swings during over-usage of the chip-ware. For Mack, overuse of the neural overclocker causes an extreme amount of hunger for sugary products.
//APEX Nodeless Tactile Smart-Link v5.5 - Civilian Edition
Tele-paths. Forging a deeper bond between man and machine. Buy now at APEX. Making you your best.
Tele-Paths or short for Telecommunicative Smart Path allows for the translation of wireless electrical signals from any wireless device to neural code; essentially allowing the user to control any device through direct mental control through the use of an extensive miniaturized transponder stored either within a limb or within their brain.
The Interactive Vehicular Co-Processor Tele-Path created by APEX Industries allows a user to interact with and take control of the functions of a single vehicle only. The 5.5 version has been updated to allow the user to have full mental remote control of their personal vehicle or another smart vehicles, whether land-based or aerial with a nearly instantaneous transmission speed of This allows the user to control all available systems linked through the computer. The Vehicular Tele-Path affords a greater degree of control and precision than most other drivers, being able to control the most minute sub-systems of their vehicle with their mind.
There are several prerequisites in order to properly use the Tele-Path. The vehicle in question must be considered a vehicle that has had their systems replaced with a computerised system in order to be mentally controlled. The user must be within close-range of the vehicle in order to control, which in case of the 5.5, must be at least within 20 meters of the vehicle. The user also is unable to access any smart vehicle that is biometrically or password locked and must provide proper identification before accessing it.
There are also several drawbacks to using the Tele-Path. Any damage received to the vehicle while linked will result in pain being transmitted to the user. Enough shock and damage to the systems of the vehicle may permanently put the user in a coma if they are still linked to the vehicle. Tele-Paths also are measured to have a slight 5.5% risk of causing severe schizophrenia, particularly in regards to giving anthromorphic characteristics to the linked machine.
//Gleipnir Skeletal Maiden
You disobey me again, you'll never step foot in a car again or step foot anywhere for that manner.
The brainchild of the most notorious of Ripper Docs by a man only known in the underworld as ‘Proxy’, the Cardiac Maiden is rumoured to have been the product of a failed illegal corporate experiment done on the the Miami Platforms. Whether or not it was a test or a success, the augmentation - or rather - diminution is a hideous piece of experimental bio-mechanical engineering that serves as a rather effective means of cruel and unusual torture.
This devious little torture device is a series of nano-chips directly implanted into the joints of the user. With activation, the nano-chips release a chemical cocktail that inhibits movements of all the joints of the victim, essentially locking them into place and being trapped within their own body, unable to move. The nano-chips can also be activated to release a chemical inhibitor that neutralizes the chemical and allow the joints to return back to their normal state. The activation of the implant can be controlled via a remote which is currently in the possession of his partner/generous host/hostage taker, Lieutenant Lazlo, leader of the Reclaimers.
//Secedo Armoury A.B.C Model 5AS
Remember, when you want to first shoot, you gotta learn your A.B.Cs! Well, that’s what Secedo is offering with its newest selection of premium A.B.C Model 5 line. Call 4-445-9143 now and get three free Model 4A’s to go along.
You gotta be a real pussy to use a A.B.C.
Seriously, who uses an A.B.C? It’s the wet dog of all modern weapons, the anorexic cat, the limp pre-packaged spam. Are you telling me you couldn’t have gotten something better, you che-
Ugh, fine.
The A.B.C line, colloquially known as the Alphabet Gun, Ass Bullet Crapper, Always Buy China, A.B.C.Dead, is the most ubiquitous line of mass-produced civilian defense weapons in the U.S.A shipped from the Republic of China. Socedo is known for their horrifically sub-par construction compared to other military tech corporations. A.B.C is an anagram that stands for Additive. Binding. Carbopolymerisation which refers to the 3-D printing process that is used to produce this line of weapons en-masse. The cheap carbon-polymer is derived from leftover materials from recycling plants that are mulched and synthesized into an easily moldable macromolecule that is shaped and heated into a gun using online blueprints. The A.B.C is designed first and foremost as a American’s first gun and is marketed as a safe, easily usable weapon for public consumer markets. The gun’s value comes at its nearly unlimited ubiquity, light-weight and cheap pricing, not its quality. The A.B.C line is a weapon for the cheapest of cheapskates.
The Model 5AS is a compact submachine gun that fires 5mm flechettes at a rate of 1250 rounds per minute with a drum magazine of 100 rounds. Due to the nature of its production, the Model 5AS is able to be easily dis-assembled in a moment like a puzzle piece and assembled back with no loss to its function. The Model 5AS is intended mostly for soft targets and you better hold your breathe if you think it can even penetrate the most basic of body armor in one shot. Mack mainly uses the Model 5AS as a hold-out weapon of the last resort and doesn't hold much faith in it as a reliable gun. Mack mainly uses the Model 5AS out of sentimental value and due to the fact that its light-weight nature and ambidextrous grip allows him to fire it from his vehicle if he's caught in a free-way spat.
Which he should.
Because all A.B.C's suck ass.
//Armalance Mk 5.0 Street-Shredder CAS Model S
Armalance. Providing top-of-the-line American Protection since 2020.
Armalance is considered to be the old conservative of every good gun corporation. Sure, they may not do much in the way of revolutionary advancements such as the tactical smart-gun innovations of Fury Vehemetech or the demented suit-breacher rounds of Takakura Security but what they lack in simplicity, they make up in sheer reliable fire-power. The type that makes a booster-thug think twice before they approach someone with one of their products.
One of the maxims of Armalance is ensuring that you only need to shoot once to ensure that's someone dead and that's what they've focused in their Mk5 Street-Shredder. The Street-Sweeper is a break-action single-breeched hi-tech shotgun that's capable of both anti-personnel and anti-vehicular applications. The main reason for its destructive power is the integrated electromagnetic coils in the barrel, that when combined with the custom-forged depleted uranium 10 Gauge 'SoulKraft' shells, is just downright hazardous to the health of anyone pointed down its barrel. The Model S Street Shredder is a scaled-down pistol-sized version of the Model L Street-Sweeper that some gun users may find lacking in close-quarters stability but in no way sacrifices the firepower. It's only got one round but that one round is all you need, sometimes.
//Monica - Modified 2050 Dadaelus-Motorworks Victory Ultra GSX4000
Offering you Victory. One drive at a time.
Daedalus Motorworks may be officially dead in the world of auto-mobile, supplanted by FuryTech, HiSpeed and Pegason Inc but the mythical 2050 Victory Ultra is spoken in hushed words around the circles of the racing industry. Some say it never made it out of the prototypical RnD phase. Some believe it to be a hoax, a mere corporate conspiracy while street-racers and all fellow turbo-blazers believe that it is indeed real. One person is rumoured to have access to one of the very few existing models, the Over_Driver.
Sleek, swift and sexy. It’s venerable. It’s a dream item in any retro car collector’s museum. The 2050 Victory Ultra GSX4000 is the epitome of high-speed urban transportation equipped with the most state of the art revolutionary technology. top theoretical speed of 600 mph, an buttery acceleration of 0-80 mph in 1.1 seconds with titanium alloyed mag-level wheels that completely reduce friction to a non-existent variable all in an astonishing aerodynamic shell comprised of a light-weight machined carbon-aluminium ceramic alloy. It’s powered by a hybrid fusion engine powered by both carbon lattice electro-supercapacitors and high-octane ethanol that measures to about 1750 hp. Every part of it was made with attention to detail and perfection to create the most dynamic and revolutionary urban vehicle in existence. One wonders whether or not it was proposed and designed by some secret speed-freak in Dadaelus Motorworks.
Well, it would have lived up to the hype. Once. The Victory Ultra's systems have been core completely destroyed , mangled and repaired to the point where they are less effective than they once were. No matter how much credits that Mack fishes out, Monica will never be the same car that she once was again. It's top speed has declined to a piddling speed of 250 mph with an acceleration of 0-60 mph in 1.9 seconds. Most of the aerodynamic shell has been replaced with low quality ceramic-titanium shielding. The engine is prone to rare malfunctions, the head-lights sometimes don't turn on and the entire shell is covered in a thin layer of rust. One of the prototypical mag-lev wheels has been replaced with a gyroscopic all-terrain high performance tire. Well, at least, the computerized systems would have
The most innovative quality of the vehicle is its computerized systems which are specifically designed to promote the use of Tele-Path cyberware, allowing for the user to synchronise with the Victory Ultra’s quantum processing chip, combining both machine-like speed and the adaptability of the human brain into one single directive. The consciousness of the user is melded with the onboard camera systems, allowing users to have a 360 degree view of their entire enviroment. Every part of the Victory Ultra GSX5000 can be controlled with stunning precision through the user’s mental control, to inhuman degrees, allowing users to make hairpin turns through the most tightest of roads, stand just millimeters away from bumping with another car and move through the most complex of courses without making a scratch.
However, the Victory Ultra GSX5000 is still a prototype and even prototype are reknown for having glitches, something that Mack has tried to solve over the past decade of having owned Monica. The computer integrated systems of Monica, whilst revolutionary, can impart significant psychological and mental toll on the user they more they continue to tele-path with the vehicle. Mack has managed to stave off the worse of the symptoms but it’s developed to the point where he has clear dissociative personality disorder. As it is a vehicle mainly running on electronic systems, the Victory Ultra is also susceptible to being infected by viruses or having its systems shut down by an EMP blast. The Victory Ultra also is unable to be driven by anyone who doesn’t have the proper cyber-ware to take advantage of its dizzying speed.
//Fury HeavyTech Interface Prism Helmet Mark 4.5
Fury HeavyTech Prism’s. The official Interface Helmet of the 33rd Metro Prix. Buy tickets now!
Every racing driver needs a proper helmet. The Prism has been a popular stand-by of all legal racers who compete in the annual American Metro Prix held in MetroChicago and has been slowly growing in ubiquity into the informal international racing community. The Prism’s main function is protection and it comes in the form of a boron-nitride laminate outer shell combined with the thermo-plast inner shell dampens the effects of kinetic impact and provides a bullet-proof cranial shield. The Prism dampens the effects of inertia through its variable isostatic air pressure and its in-built rebreather allows it to control the user’s level of oxygen gas. The visor is able to be depolarized and repolarized at will.
As an interface helmet, the Prism HUD operates as a miniature data-slate, allowing the user to see information about their vehicle’s instrumentation in real-time (current fuel levels, speed, rpm, current wind levels) as well as being able to access the Net at will.
//Nemeus Fashion Incorporated Twilight Interface Trench-Vest
Nemeus. Fashion and Protection in Every Product You Wear.
Shipped out straight out of Europe, Nemeus Fashion blends high-value protection and presentability in The Twilight Trench-Vest using their innovations in tetra-weave technology and reactive materials. The Twilight-Trench Vest consists of a high-brimmed collared jacket and a form-fitting body suit that electrostatically moulds itself around the user’s body. The tetra-weave in the Twilight Trench Vest consists of an outer epoxide laminate nano-weave for general ablative protection, a liquid-crystalline layer of reactive gel for shock absorption, a series of ceramic-titanium composite alloy plating for ballistic protection and an circuit-laced elasto-fabric for interfacing with any cybernetic augmentations the user might have on hand. Seeing as Mack has none, this provides no advantage whatsoever. The right arm of the suit displays a holo bio-monitor that fully monitors the user’s heart-beat, their rate of breathing and their other vital activities that can be turned off and on. The brim of the collar can be altered to electrostatically latch onto the user’s neck. The overall apperance of the Twilight Trench-Vest mimics the track suits used by racers in the 2010s.
SKILLS (Feel free to list a few and elaborate a bit.)
//A Grand-Master of Locomotion
“ I’m the Overlord of the Wheel. That’s why they call me the OverDriver.”
In the world of drivers, to achieve the name of OverDriver means that you are one hell of a driver amongst cybernetically enhanced turbo-blazers, drug-injecting bokozotsu and street-racers pimped out with barely legal automobiles. Mack is one of the best drivers in the entire world - a world that whispers his name in fear but doesn’t know who he truly is. He can perform feats at over 100 miles per hour such as inertia drifting, power-sliding, hairpin turning, driving in the rain and dark with his headlights turned off, driving whilst blindfolded, powering through a traffic jam at 100 mph without scuffing, timing like clockwork anyone, it’s easier to say what he can’t do and anything that he does seems to defy the laws of physics. If you’re in a race with him, it’s already confirmed that you’re going to lose, no matter what vehicle is in, whether it’s a electro-cycle, an ATV, a muscle car or a friggin’ bicycle. Combined with his encyclopedic knowledge of everything automobile to the intricacies of racing makes him a dangerous opponent for anyone who wishes to take him on with a wheel. Combined with his Kasparovian Booster-Ware and his Tele-Path increases his already supernatural driving skills to those of a god.
Don't under-estimate the Over_Driver in his territory because once you do, you're already roadkill.
//Automobile Surgeon
“ A car is not a tool. It’s your friend. It’s your baby. You best know how to take care of your friend.”
Mack is generally educated on how to properly maintain and repair his vehicle and any other automobiles similar to his own, although not to the same extent nor expertise as Ripper-Docs would have in their craft. In fact, it’s a frustration of his that his skills are unable to restore Monica back to her former glory. Most of his skills are derived from his early childhood working in the pits of the Detroit Stacks and generally picking up tips and tricks from other better-skilled auto-mechanics over the years. He’s generally able to identify the simplest solutions for the most annoying of malfunctions and knows his way around a wrench or a welding tool. Just don’t expect him to give your car a massive makeover or fashion a new one from scratch.
" THAT'S IT! One on one, no booster-ware, no headlights, Tartarus Pass, right now!"
Though, the soul of the Turbo-Blazer has dimmed within him over the past few years spent in the ennui of a Taxi Driver, it can sometimes flare up if he receives a challenge or whether his pride on the road is challenged. Whenever Mack is behind the wheel, it's to be expected that he'll take the most adrenaline-pumping and dangerous courses to go through rather than through the safe ones, justifying to himself that it was a necessary action. Mack often risks himself and his passengers rather unnecessarily in his choices, even if they make it out alive. It's clear that he can't keep walking on the edge of death forever and one wonders when his bravery will soon be the end of him.
Mack is extremely lacking in close-quarter combat skills and long-range combat skills, essentially being rendered ineffective without something to drive. His aim with any weapon is so horrendously bad and shaky that the target has to be at point-blank range in order to land, perhaps, a decent hit that will kill him. He barely knows his way around a punch, a kick and any confrontation with any adequately trained individual is likely to become a lop-sided battle that will end up becoming a slaughter.
//A-addiction? W-what addiction?
After years of tele-pathing with Monica, Mack's Kasparovian Over-Clocker has irrevocably altered his hypothalamus, thereby causing him to have an extreme craving for anything sugary and high-content in saccharine substances. This has become a full-blown addiction where Mack can't survive without chewing or gnawing on a candy bar or something sweet for 15 minutes. Without his supply of candy, Mack is liable to become extremely angsty and jittery to the point where it cripples his train of rational thought.
//Filthy Corpo Scum
Mack has had a long history with corporations and needless to say, he's ultimately wary of them. He possesses a pre-disposed bias towards any corporate representative, especially one of the dominant Mega-Corporations, and will act towards them in a manner that one might consider rude. Though he doesn't possess a hatred of them so much so that it could be considered vengeful, it's a hatred that's been fostered through years of corporate repression and living in abject relative poverty in the Stacks.
//The Car Talks
Due to prolonged tele-pathing with the computerised systems of the Velocity , Mack now suffers from a relatively benign form of SPECS that manifests as auditory hallucinations where he believes his car is talking to him. These hallucinations come in short painful bouts, particularly when he tele-paths with Monica for long periods of time, and can hamper his train of thought. This may soon develop into full-blown dementia or severe bi-polar personality disorder if Mack doesn’t recognise the nature of his mental condition.

Mackwell Fordwell Sloane | Relationship |
[Cass Cantor] | [[Out of all the members in Campbell's campaign, Mack bears the most wariness towards the self-proclaimed Fixer. Her reclusive nature and her underground connections are an unknown for him and he's worried about on being on her receiving end if she ever finds out he's working (not by choice) with the Reclaimers. Overall, he attempts to keep his distance away from her as much as humanly possible and is extremely quiet around her, only interacting with her on a need-to-know basis. ] |
[S'venia Skor] | [[ Mack overall bears a lot of admiration for S'venia and the potentially caustic qualities of her line of work, feeling a level of gratitude towards her for slowly peeling away the corruption and rot that plagues the mayoral administration of Gatch and the fact they have a friendly working relationship. He's grown fond of her enough to give her a rare free ride form time to time.] |
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