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(WIP) Roll Descriptions

Roleplay is accepting new people! Feel free to join the server, meet new and exciting people, and build a nation to kill theirs with.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Takanis - A Historically Inspired Fantasy NRP

Political Map of the World

Tentative Map of the World (Subject to Change)

In this NRP, you play as a nation of your own creation. This is a setting with heavy historical inspiration, but no direct parallels. The best term for the setting is schizotech - this is a world wherein a mail armored cataphract charge coexists with nitrating crop rotation, the sextant, potatoes and tomatoes available without the need for any great dyings. We have technologies and ideas that would not exist until the 18th century coexisting with the 6th century. The setting is based on the concept of highly developed, intricate societies with a deep, complex web of trade, alliances, and diplomacy, societies that can build monuments to humble the Pyramids of Egypt or dwarf the Roman Colloseum. Vast empires with vast populations, deep history, and so on. That said, this is not a map painting simulator, and if you want to conquer the world, I fully understand, but this is not a Total War or EU4 game and such should not be your driving goal.

Individual nations are player created, with randomly rolled stats serving as a guideline upon which you should build your nation.

This is a world with by now some well established lore, and I encourage you to speak to me and the other players about how your own nation fits into it!

I invite those interested to join our Discord server and get to know the players already in. Slots are somewhat limited, unfortunately, so we do not have indefinite room for new players.


  • Use common sense.
  • Don't game the rolls.
  • No godmodding, powergaming, etc. You get the point.
  • What the GM and Co-GM says, goes. Please don’t push things this far.
  • No meme nations (why do I have to make this a thing?)
  • Don’t be an arse.


Other Information

And with that, I welcome you to this land - troubled though it may be, and await your own entry into the great games of war and politics that will play out!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 28 days ago

Question: How are rolls decided? Do we make up our own number or is there RNG involved?

Edit: Nevermind. I didnt scroll down when checking the app
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 28 days ago

Name of Nation: Vaerheim

Species: Human

Culture and Society: hierarchical caste system:

The Væringi (Varangian proper): Full citizens of Vaerheim are few in number that enjoy full political and civil rights. However, their dedication to physical discipline and military service may seem to be an eternal punishment to others. They’re able to own property, thralls, and vote on political matters that occur in the Thing, a meeting between all Varangians that occur every four years. Varangians can perform manual labor if they choose but it is highly frowned upon if the decision was carried out.

Male Varangians were expected to be perfect soldiers the moment they were born while female Varangians were expect to become strong healthy mothers and capable athletes. Babies that were born defective or deemed unfit by the elder judge would be demoted to become a Thenn. Rarely is a baby put to death but only in the most extreme cases.

Education was universal as literacy was expected from all Varangian youths when they reach adulthood. However there are divergences in some subjects: the men had to learn administrative duty when not training or retiring while the women were taught basic self-defense, music, and festive tradition. As a result, Væringi are famous for their drop-dead beauty and their unassuming wit.

The Thenns: Argurably the second class populace of Vaerheim, Thenns are free men and women but non-citizens of Vaerheim. However, they are given the luxury of free movement inside and outside of the state as well as full economic opportunities. They could be landowners, serve as auxiliary in the Varangian Banners, or even become a Væringi if their loyalty and military competence exceeded beyond expectations. Thenns are mainly the source for blacksmiths, merchants, priests, scribes, tax collectors, and sometimes city labourers. They are also fully protected by the law even though they have no say in politics. Ironic since they are the ones doing the basic legal and administrative work of Vaerheim.

The Thralls: The third class non-citizens of Vaerheim; originally the conquered people enslaved by the Varangians, the class has diversified when the Varangians began taking captives and prisoners of war from villages and battlefields. Thralls lived basically as slaves as they were forced to perform all the hard labour such as farming and mining to fuel the Varangian war machine. They were in constant danger of being murdered by a young Varangian going through one of his many trials.

However, despite the bleak lifestyle, Thralls have some rights in Varangian societies: they can live in their own accommodation, allowed to keep some of their farming yields, can marry and permitted to avenge an insult about their wives, form their own families, as well as buying their freedom through exemplary military service or through saving what little coinage they have. Intermarriage with a Thrall and Varangian proper was absolutely forbidden though a Thrall could gain freedom and enjoy second class freedom by marrying a Thenn. Of course, a conversion to the Varangian faith was a big requirement.

Originally, the Varangians were once a large band of nomadic people that worship gods foreign to any nation they come across. They serve as a band of mercenaries to any crown willing to pay for their service. And the Varangians serve with such distinction as either shock troops or armored line infantry.

In their contracts, however, there was that one special agreement that the Varangians get to keep what they plunder whether it be gold, captives, or other spoils. The Varangians did not care about land as they were nomadic at the time. While they did serve under their clients, the Varangians would usually learn a few new methods from them such crafting more complicated armor and weapons or learning some literature.

This continued on as the Varangians grew in status as an elite mercenary band until a particularly ambitious leader of the Varangians heard of rich soil in the north, rich with game and mineral ores. He took the gamble and led the Varangians north while still taking on mercenary contracts along the way.

When they finally reached their destination, the area was already settled so the Varangian leader decided that conquest was the solution. With the natives turned thralls, he used their labor to build a new city that would be the seat power for the Varangians, that it would be called Vaerheim.
Territorial Claims:

Economy: With fertile soil and access to abundant mines and woods, agriculture and urban industry dominate Varangian trade. Though income can also be gained by renting out Varangian soldiers as mercenaries to other nations

Army: The Varangian Bannermen, the army of Vaerheim, have trained their whole life in the art of war making them one of the most recognizable soldiers on the battlefield. The most iconic weapon of the Varangian Bannermen is the Long Axe, a two handed polearm that has a large axehead that cleaves through armor. (A comination of a Bearded Axe and Dane Axe to maximize armor piercing capabilities.)
The round shield of the Bannermen was also iconic as it was quite large, made of three layers, and has a grip that was at the edge of the shield and a leather fastening at the center. This allowed greater mobility for a Varangian soldier as well as more versatility in its offensive power.

The biggest downside of the Varangian Bannermen is that they win battles not wars. The generals that lead them are great tacticians but not competent strategies.
Army strength: 500k, 100k Varangians and 400k Auxiliaries
Navy: Hardly call it a navy, the Varangians have no experience in naval warfare.

The Agoge - Military service is inseparable in Varanagian society. It was in war where their identity was found and it in war when Vaerheim became their new home. Because of this, Vaerheim will always have an elite professional army ready to deploy at any moment.
access to elite tier heavy infantry,such as the Varangian Guardsmen, one of the world's most legendary warriors for their skill and bravery in combat.
Industrious - Being a band of wandering mercenaries, the Varangians have learned much knowledge from their clients such as metallurgy and craftsmanship. Skills that would later be taught to the Thenns. Weapons, armor, and metal tools used by the Varangians are of remarkable quality. Even the Thenns and Thralls serving as auxiliary positions enjoy adequate equipment when going into combat. However, this leads to a dependancy on slave labor in order to fulfill agricultural demands.
lower army maintenence
decreased domestic agricultural income
Fierce Negotiators - Any Varangian is worth his weight in gold, ivory, or other spoils of war. They will fight and die for you, IF the tithe was paid. Sadly, rich nations may turn down the services of the Varangians if the payment was too high for their taste.
increase Mercenary profit
minimal Monthly War exhaustion when majority of the Varangian army is under mercenary service
Well Connected - The Varangians were nomadic people, but as time went on and serving under a myriad of clients; they earned newfound reputation from their employers that would later help them when they established their own country.
improve relations overtime with foreign nations
Must be under mercenary contract for effects to activate
Tyr's Pride - A Varangian Bannerman is bound by three things: his flesh, his weapons, and his armor and equipment. Magic has no place among war banners as sweat, blood, and faith is all that a Varangian needs to become one of the most legendary warriors in history.
Increased morale and discipline in the army
Magic cannot be used in military service under a combatant role
Foreign Relations: Due to their exceptional service in the past, most nations regard Vaerheim is benign neglect or silent respect although some are willing to hire them again for mercenary contracts.

Land Area: 6
Land Fertility: 18
Development: 14 (12 + 2)
Land Power: 14 (9 + 5)
Naval Power: 1
Economy: 15 (7 + 5 + 3)
Magical Reserves: 8 (13 - 5)
Magical Sophistication: 15 (18 - 5)
Population: 6,000,000

Other: The religion of the Varangians are a pantheon of gods but they mainly worship Tyr, the god of war.
Shield design:
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name of Nation: Empire of Attolia

Species: Fae/Elven, Humans, Halfbloods

Culture and Society:

The Empire consists of the Imperial family as the head sovereigns of the state. While the Emperor is nominally the head of state, he does not technically manage all affairs of the Empire, rather he focuses on the foreign and international affairs of the Empire, namely military, diplomacy, and trade. It is the Empress, the typically Elven spouse of the Emperor who is in charge of the domestic affairs such as education, civil engineering, industry, and magical research as the native Attolians are typically much more magically attuned than the humans.

This stratification is found to be pervasive throughout the culture of the Empire as males are typically off to serve the Empire while the women drive the internal economy and keep the home front running. Both genders do their part to contribute to the Empire with each playing a crucial role in society.

The Empire's government was initially a form of military junta, but as the Empire was properly formed and stabilized, the Empire took a more centralized and formal form of government via an absolute monarchy. Particularly loyal and meritorious citizens in the Empire were/are granted land and form the foundation of a landed gentry, which take the role of a lesser nobility and bureaucracy. However, one thing is clear, the Empire favors the talented and successful and allows room for social mobility through numerous ways.


The history of Attolia is long, but largely unrecorded until a human army landed on the island of Attolia to "civilize" the island and claim it for the Empire that they had served. The natives were a magically attuned, sea-faring people, but were rather... undeveloped and primitive in many ways as they lived in small tribes and enclaves that often found themselves in conflict with each other, but the natives of the land were such skilled magical users that battles that seemed easy led to substantial losses. It was the General of the army, Imperator Marius Wolff, who would later use the tribal rivalries to help conquer the island with relative ease as the Army allied with certain key tribes to subdue the rest of the island. This major campaign proved to be successful and the General's men hailed him as "Imperator", which was a great honor. However, rather than claiming the island for the former, ancient Empire, a great tragedy had taken place in the mainland and the Empire shattered from within. The former lands of the Empire were carved up by bandits, barbarians, and would be pretenders.

The Imperator did his best to evacuate and save as many civilians from the mainland, but ultimately the human army had to settle and effectively mixed with the native population. Rather than one population or culture dominating each other, the two found mutual appreciation and admiration for each other's abilities as the Imperator married a native woman, setting a milestone in racial relations between the humans and the natives.

Many generations have passed and others have tried to invade the main island, but all have failed as the Empire came to quickly realize the importance of a strong navy. Thus, current political doctrine has changed to focus on naval projection and trade as a means to keep the state healthy and growing while having the means of protecting itself.

Territorial Claims:


Economy: The soil of Attolia are among the richest in the world and productive. However, what is more notable is the use of magic to provide industrial power to create finished goods. Needless to say, the Attolians export much more than import as the island is largely self-sufficient. Really, the only thing that the Attolians do import much of is magic crystals and lumber as they try to avoid using their own natural supplies.

Army: The Attolian Legion finds itself as a remnant of the human armies that had landed in Attolia long ago. It focuses largely on the use of well trained and well disciplined heavy infantry with small contingents of various supporting units.

Navy: The Attolian Navy has risen substantially through the years with most of the military development focused on the navy to keep the shores safe from potential invaders. Thus, the navy is possibly the most powerful in the world and is used to secure the islands of Attolia and to make sure that the trade routes are secured. Most of the military budget is spent to maintain this grand fleet.

The Attolian Navy features several "Floating Fortress", which are huge ships used to display the Empire's wealth and power.


Splendid Isolation - Unless something traumatic happens or there's a major emergency, the Empire of Attolia will avoid permanent alliances with major powers as a way to stay away from continental affairs and politics. Thus, it will take a largely neutral stance on most matters that doesn't involve them or their interests.

The Iron Walls of Attolia - Rather than referring to actual walls, the Iron Walls of Attolia refers to the giant iron platted navy of the Empire which protects its shores and the means with which it projects it power and influence.

Always Faithful - The Attolian Army is rather small. This is due to most soldiers of Attolia being sailors or marines, who man the huge fleet.

Foreign Relations: Generally amiable or neutral. As long as the trade continues to grow and flow and the island remains safe, then there isn't much that the Attolians worry about.


Land Area: 16 - 4 = 12
Land Fertility: 20
Development: 18
Land Power: 10 - 4 = 6 (Switched)
Naval Power: 5 + 15 = 20
Economy: 20
Magical Reserves: 15
Magical Sophistication: 14 - 2 = 12 (Switched)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PsyKick
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PsyKick
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PsyKick Dungeon Crawler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name of Nation: Nucaal

Government: Monarchy

Species: Geradamas (Sorcerers), Nucaal (Humans), and Nahaki (Repitilian)

Geradamas Order : Gear

Nucaal Military


Land Area: 2 (+2) 4
Land Fertility: 12
Development: 18 (+2) 20
Land Power: 12 (-2) 10
Naval Power: 15 (-3) 12
Economy: 11
Magical Reserves: 3 (+7) 10
Magical Sophistication: 19 (+1) 20
Population (Determined by other rolls): 12 (-2) 10


Sea Devils, Sky Angels

The Nucaali society has thrived off fishing and deep diving on the coastal edges working their way inland to a more agrarian culture without ever losing its thread to the water. Surrounded on all sides, the Nucaali have always trained and explored the water from when they are young to when they die. It is such apart of their culture that when a baby is born, the ceremony of birth is held in water, and when a Nucaali dies, they are dropped into the sea.

Pros: Fearless under, in, or on water, great swimmers, navigators, and excellent divers. Their stamina, physical capability, and endurance is top notch for per their usual practice in the sink. Those who excel over already great swimmers, are selected to be Sea Devils (see Sea Devils in military section.)

Nucaali Pride

A Caal is invested emotionally in their culture and society. Traditions pervade their Self practice, Cultural practice, and Societal expectations/roles/responsibilities. It is difficult to critique a Caal of his own traditions unless it comes from another Caal. They are accepting of others, will treat others equally, but they will immediately shun these traits if disrespect is perceived by the person about their heritage.

Pros: Collective mindset, high morale can sustain itself for long periods of time, sense of belonging (increased happiness).

Cons: Easily upset by perceived remarks, relationships can easily be destroyed and difficult to mend, decisions of the future can be hard to make without push back.

Augmentation Technology

Gear created by the Nucaali are typically modified to present a space to house a crystal for augmenting the gear with magical capabilities.

Pros: The gear can have certain effects in combat or other realms of society where significant impact can be had in more effective ways.

Cons: If the stone is overused, it can explode and have a negative impact on the wielder.

Artifice Becoming

The Geradamas explore unknown and known territory regardless of the laws or prohibitions. Their purpose is to seek artifacts that bring them closer to their ultimate goal. This means their ability to innovate, construct, and connect new concepts with current technology is always pushing current limits. The knowledge they hold is quite powerful, but also dangerous.

Pros: Accelerated technological, developmental, and magic sophistication upgrades.

Cons: Target for espionage, waving trust among the Nucaali, and opportunities for internal corruption.

Foreign Relations:


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roby6Com
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Name of Nation: Republic of Athia

Species: Mainly humans, notable communities of other races

Culture and Society:

The athian society can be split in three main branches:
- Vassalots, who compose a good part of the general population. These men and women are regarded as free citizens of the republic, and are equally protected by rights and have to abide by obligations and rules. Their main dominions include farming, craftsmanship, building, etc.

- Domnetaries, essentially families of land owners. They often employ vassalots on their lands in exchange for payment such as coins or various other methods including food or housing. Domnetaries have access to education and medicine, and usually represent the authorities, imperial accountants and so on. Domnetaries are also the knight class of Athia, with many military career men coming from this social class.

- Nobiles, the elite wealthiest families of the republic. Purple is the colour of choice for the nobiles, for it is hard to get and expensive to manufacture. They are the business moguls, senators and generals of the army, patrons of public works and art. Various families are scattered around the republic, each with their own sphere of influence around the realm.

The political system of Athia is centered around a stratocracy, which requires each citizen at the age of 19, regardless of social status, to serve in the land and naval forces of the army. The citizens who have completed their 10 year military service receive full voting rights, aswell as the permission to hold public political positions. Each urban center has a district that it governs on a local level, where representatives of Vassalots, Domnetaries and Nobiles meet once a semester in the year to discuss matters regarding regional problems and vote on regional matters. Nationwide decisions will be discussed and voted in the senate of the republic, where there is a general assembly of elected representatives from each district of the nation. In times of war, the general assembly vote to establish a dictator for a shord period of time to lead the nation in times of war or severe crises.

The Church of the Archangel is the main religious body in Athia. The Archangel is the only God of Athia. He is said to a spirit that came to be embodied by the collective prayers of the ancestors, who tousand of years ago descended upon his golden mount from the sun and led Athia to overthrow the tyrannical rule of mages. The Church shuns all types of magic, and regard them as degenerate and abnormal. There is a church funded para-military organisation called 'The Inquisition' which is sponsored by the state and it's primary objective is to hunt down and destroy any magic presence within the republic.


Territorial Claims:


Athia exports and imports all kinds of goods from all over the world due to it's strategic position. Main athian specialities are their wood, coming from the well known athian trees that dot the southern coast entirely. A hard type of wood that is especially prized for ship building. The Western Mountains of Athia provide the nation with lots of precious metals, but most importantly it provides materials such as iron, copper, bronze and so on, which are used for many things. Athia generally benefits from most of the known resources, aunless magical or unique to certain regions.

The land forces are commonly referred to as 'Legions', each numbering about 5,000 men, further subsidized into various units with the lowest one being the squad of 10, where 8 are regular soldiers and two are auxiliary soldiers, one an officer and one a petty officer. The officer is in charge of the squad, and the petty officer manages the administrative duties like holding the squad's journal, identity tags of each member and other bureaucratic work.

The legions are separated into three main branches:
-> Infantry

Ideal infantry for scouting, garrison and general patrol. Armed with standard spears and rounded shield.

Ideal for all around tactics, especially shock. Steel helmet and neck protection, leather cuirass and two sets of axes, one for throwing before close-in and one to use in combat. Smaller kite shield.

Ideal to tie the enemy down in one place and exceptional durability in battle, main bulk of the army. Equipped with chainmail or scale mail, either spears or swords and a kite shield for additional protection.

Standard archers of the legions.

-> Cavarly

Light cavalry is mainly composed of horse archers that are equipped with swords. Athians prefere to use heavy shock cavalry in fights, however horse archers are well able to attack by swords if they are required.

Exceptionally armoured in order to survive projectiles. Heavy cavalry is very much prized in the warfare tactics of Athians, and they are composed mainly of nobles.

-> Auxiliaries


Martial republic - Democracy within the republic is dictated by and centered around military, effectively a stratocracy where all free citizens are required to serve in the military for 10 years in order to gain republican rights, such as voting.
Pros - Maintains a very good and complex military, with a rigid hierarchy. Land forces prowess is considerable, fielding light and heavy infrantry and machines of war. Civil service and military service is not distinguished, as during peace the military acts as public employees, whereas they are tasked with building, maintaining roads, correspondence and law enforcement act. Vast human resource for military service.

Crusade of religion - religious piety and tradition in the lives of the people lead to both advantages and disadvantages.
Pros - Fierce religious indoctrination can boost the morale if the Church declares a 'Holy War'.
Cons - Intolerance to magic.

Crossroad of worlds - the position of Ahtia between West and East provides a good control over the trade routes and combines technological knowledge from both hemispheres.
Pros - economic powerhouse, capable of exporting and importing all manners of goods known on both sides of the world.
Cons - piracy and thieves plague the remote parts of the republic, corruption.

Land of the Four Rivers - the majority of eastern settlements are along river banks for the arid climate in the East won't allow sustainance otherwise.
Cons - due to the arid climate and the presence of the deserts in the East, fertility in the eastern half of the Empire is very fragile, concentrated on river banks. The republic relies on considerable food imports from all over the continent in order to sustain the high population in the urban centers.

Foreign Relations: Neutral, trade relationships for the most.

Rolls: (Rolled by GM in the Discord Server. Just ping me, and I’ll roll as soon as I’m able.)

Land Area: 17 (7+10)
Land Fertility: 10 (8+2)
Development: 19
Land Power: 20 (19+1)
Naval Power: 12 (16-4)
Economy: 16 (14+2)
Magical Reserves: 3 (9-6)
Magical Sophistication: 1

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aleranicus
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Aleranicus Sovereign's Finest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In progress...

Neferher Dynasty

Species: Human/Construct

Culture and Society:


Territorial Claims: The Neferher claim dominion over the entirety of the Sikhala River delta, from the hundreds of small springs in the north Savana, all the way to the Great Delta where sit the many palaces and Necropoli of the noble Hierarchs. Once, long ago, they held the grasslands far to their east and west. After successive wars which drained the magical capabilities of the land, these grasslands were reduced to salt wastes over which none but the hardiest camel and caravan might cross. The Neferher nominally claim these lands as their own, but have not lifted a finger to claim or defend them in centuries.

Economy: The Economy of Neferher relies exclusively on the river of Sikhala. The Sikhala floods regularly and such floods are rarely a surprise- thus farmers can plan their crops by the cycle of the river in the lowlands. Famine is unheard of in Sikhala and most of the Delta's exports come in the form of grains, fruits, and beers. Smaller luxury exports of gold nuggets and ivory from beasts comes from the upriver territories. Despite this natural wealth, the average Neferher peasant lives in squalor serving the Priesthood and the Pharaoh. Many who cannot afford to pay taxes must pay their tithes in labor, working on construction and maintenance of public works.

Army: The Armies of the Pharaohs are a fearsome force on the battlefield when they are called upon. They are not the most numerous- it is forbidden for common folk to bear weapons. They are not the fastest, as calling upon the army is a lengthy process that involves many rituals and the cooperation of the Priest Castes.

But the Armies of the Neferher are terrifying, for they require no sleep and no sustenance. They feel no pride, no anxiety, no jealousy, no fear. They feel nothing- because they are not human.

The warriors of the Neferher Dynasty are preserved beneath the sands of the Kingdom in ancient tombs, great constructs of stone and gold imbued with the souls of the Pharaoh's house guards in lengthy entombing rituals. Every generation a new batch of champions compete for this honor in festivals to the Warrior Goddess Nesp, the greatest among them are granted the honor of slumbering forever beneath the sands until they may be awakened by a descendant of the Sun God Irasha in their hour of great need.

To awaken one of these warriors will see the enchantments eventually broken and their soul freed to travel across the Ghost River, into the afterlife. Thus they are not awakened unless the need is dire, and only in such numbers as the Pharaohs and Priests deem necessary.



The Loyal Dead: The Armies of the Dynasty lie in wait, buried in great tomb-garrisons along the banks of the Sikhala- the souls of the loyal House Guards bound in these stone sarcophagi. They do not tire in their marches, they do not mutiny against commanders. They need not eat, sleep, or drink. So long as their priest commanders live, they will continue on their mission- and when the Pharaoh declares their campaign ended, the constructs disintegrate into dust.

Priest and Prince, in Accord: The Pharaohs of the Dynasty claim an unbroken lineage back to the Sun God Irasha, but much of their power lies in the hands of the mortal priesthood. The Priest Caste are the ones that perform rituals of Entombing for the great army, they collect taxes and tithes, and they oversee the harvests. While the Pharaohs may be the face of the Dynasty to the outside world, the priests ensure the kingdom runs smoothly- and command the Construct Armies in battle with their mastery of magic. The Pharaoh may awaken and dismiss the armies of the Dynasty- for their entombed souls owe their loyalty to Irasha and his Holy Line- but the Priests maintain their function on the battlefields. If the Priests and the Pharaoh do not agree on a military course of action, the armies will not march.

The Far Kingdom: The Dynasty lies at the heart of a vast swath of salt wastes, an oasis overflowing with food, water and magic- if anyone could only live to reach it by land. Because of its isolation, the Dynasty is comparatively backwards when viewed against the other kingdoms of the world and their economy suffers all the more for it.

Foreign Relations:


Land Area: 4 (+3)
Land Fertility: 20 (+4)
Development: 10 (-3)
Land Power: 19
Naval Power: 4 (+3)
Economy: 9 (+1)
Magical Reserves: 16 (-2)
Magical Sophistication: 15 (-1)
Population (Determined by other rolls): 12

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Taeryn
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While it may be intentional, just a heads up that the discord invite is invalid.
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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In a hurry, but posting mostly for the land.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Ever Faithful

First of all:
Male Varangians were expected to be perfect soldiers the moment they were born while female Varangians were expect to become strong healthy mothers and capable athletes. Babies that were born defective or deemed unfit by the elder judge would be demoted to become a Thenn. Rarely is a baby put to death but only in the most extreme cases.

You are hereby required to have _someone_ shout "THIS. IS. VAERHEIM." and kick someone down a well at some point in this RP.

The most iconic weapon of the Varangian Bannermen is the Long Axe, a two handed polearm that has a large axehead that cleaves through armor.

It should be noted that if you're referring to something like the dane axe, they were actually shockingly light and fast weapons - if you're referring to something like the big heavy two handed bearded axes they eventually supplanted, a smaller wedge can certainly drive through maille or other armor. The dane axe itself has more of a cutting motion and a rather thin blade. Armor is defeated by either going extremely fast, or by concentrating a large force in a small area - something like the dane axe, while not quite as bad as a sword as far as dispersing the power of its blow along a wide area, will still fall short of a two handed spear thrust, an arrow from a powerful bow, or a heavier narrower axe blade.

Barring those little niggles, it looks good! Approved!



Species: Fae/Elven, Humans, Halfbloods

Now now, make sure to show us what you mean by halfbloods, don't leave out any details - we've gotta know exactly how they get here! If you don't mind though, a little elaboration on your exact vision of elves and half elves would be appreciated. We all have different images in our mind if someone says elf.

The Empire's government was initially a form of military junta

A Military Junta you say...?

As for your traits, only Splendid Isolation really fits. Iron Walls and Always faithful simply reflect your rolls - you can keep them if you wish, but a very powerful navy and a small army are already shown in your rolls and in the army/navy sections.

Otherwise... it looks good!


Esher Righacd:

Ah, my favorite not-Scots return.

I... honestly have no criticisms. Heartily approved.



Elaborate on how many Geradamas there are if you don't mind. Sorcerers in this setting are exceptionally rare (as in... 1 in a million or even fewer), and while you can explain having a sorcerer race for part of your magical sophistication for sure, bear in mind that creating a sorcerer race is the goal that numerous great empires tried and utterly destroyed themselves attempting to do. The issue mostly subsides if they are for some reason unable to use crystal - that's where the real power of our sorcerers is shown, but that also negates a lot of... well, their utility beyond normal mages who must take preparations to do magic.

One other thing -
Gear created by the Nucaali are typically modified to present a space to house a crystal for augmenting the gear with magical capabilities.

Pros: The gear can have certain effects in combat or other realms of society where significant impact can be had in more effective ways.

Cons: If the stone is overused, it can explode and have a negative impact on the wielder.

Please elaborate what kind of capabilities the gear can possess. Otherwise, crystal is consumed when it is used for things - you can have it overload if you wish, but it will steadily deplete and eventually fade away as used, necessitating replacement. Unless I'm misunderstanding and this is a different material.

Otherwise looks very interesting and I'm eager to see what they do! Fix those issues or please talk to me to see what we can do, and it's good!



Salve, aspirans.

I see you have cannons on one of your ship types. Please remove - this is probably an oversight, but remember - I don't want gunpowder in this at the moment to avoid the arms race/dick measuring contest that follows.

Otherwise I see no issues. Approved.


Neferher Dynasty:

I love it.

Just bear in mind a few of the changes we've made in discussions - your eastern border is fairly good land and a fair number of Surabhi are there - but it is quite mountainous, thus difficult to traverse~


@Willy Vereb
Quavarazi Empire:

Ahem: Mongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongol

Quavaraz, alternatively referred as Aurelia, a huge land mostly dominated by savannas and magically hazardous deserts.

To clarify - is your nation largely desert specifically because of the calamity in the past, or did that simply turn central asia into the Sahara? I'm not entirely sure which. I put mountains where they were with the understanding that the desert was largely natural.

Otherwise it looks great, approved once we clear the above up.


POOHEAD189's Poopland Andred:

Species: Men

Men, you say.

What you have so far looks good, but... well, there isn't much I can critique.


@The Nexerus
Empire of East Asia Kuriso:

I love your sheet, man. Please feel free to discuss military/trait stuff with me if you feel the need. Once that's sorted out, happily accepted.


Exiles of the Barren Isles:

I love this too! My only caveat is not to get carried away with scrying the future and other magical stuff. Not to say it can't be impressive - or that I think you will get carried away for that matter - merely a reminder.


@Drunken Conquistador
Usharid Sultanate:

Abandoning the proper worship of Abtum for the faith of Ishareth and going as far as declaring that he would spread his “True Faith” to all the corners of the Usharid realm.

Meet me in my office, we have many things to discuss~

What you have so far looks great! Please feel free to message me at any time to work on military/traits and anything else.


Caelrumoste Regency:

Your sheet is long O.O

You appear to be lacking info on your military - while this isn't a game of EU4, obviously military action will have some role, so while you don't need to go super into detail, a basic summary is useful.

Otherwise... nothing sticks out to me as needing revision. Looks good!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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