Also everyone should gravitate their characters towards the lobby where the fight against the two possessed took place, so we can get in on some sweet, sweet, exposition.
I remembered something important that was supposed to contribute to the RP being pretentiously symbolic... and that was the chapter titles.
Loss x Failure ÷ Redemption... Time Unknown. After first encounter...
Also, I added the two new characters to the cast list... I thought that I didn't update the links to the new characters, only to realize that I been did that. lol
Speaking of which @Eric Horst & @MagratheanWhale, is there any type of pre-existing relations you want your characters to have? Or do you want them to be complete strangers?
@Ruler Inc I'm fine with either approach. Complete strangers would be more fun I'd think yet having some-one who my character knew from the on-set also couldn't hurt. I'll leave it up to @Eric Horst.
@FernStone I can't wait for it. I read up on some of the stuff that happened in last season and I gotta say, Cyrus is going to have some serious issues once he see's his first enemy alive haha It's going to be a lot of fun to write that :D
@MagratheanWhale Yeahhh Cyrus will not enjoy when he sees that... or like when he sees the glutton, because I don't think anyone enjoys that. It's cool to actually have new characters though it'll make things a lot more interesting!
Edit: Also just to make sure, can other people / awakened can see Cyrus' shades?