@KaiserElectric Hello and thank you :)
Alrighty then, interest shown!
Will work on a CS later (most probably wait for others' reference 1st XD)
Since I have a returning character for this rp, I think I could help you by giving you (and possibly any others) a reference to use if you need help. Thankfully, he's... sort of a shotoclone, but with some nuances.
Here's Aldous Mercer, the resident Necromancer and possibly the least "villainous" of my character.

"Instead of applying designs and colors for ritualistic purposes, commoners embalm the ink into their skin for nothing more than their own amusement... fascinating..."
⦋ ??? || N/A || Male ⦌
Aside from his crown, the necromancer reaches a height of 5'8" with a... skeletal build to boot. If one were to strip him of all his clothes, there wouldn't be a single scrap of flesh on his body, rotten or not. Despite this all, the bones, while pale, seemed to be meticulously cleaned to a pint, making it someone difficult to spot a bit of dirt on him, lest they be at his feet. Aside from his other body parts, his skulls eye-sockets glow with an iridescent shade of crimson and function similarly to eyes. If you question how he speaks without a tongue, he chalks it up to magic. Other than that, it isn't unusual to find some wrappings in his attire, namely around his feet, hands, and torso. He also dons a signature brass appearing crown with what looks to be a tattered, faded robe with some markings on the lower front of it.
- Calm
- Curious
- Excitable (Dependent)
- Nonchalant
- Open
- Passive
- Vigilant (Especially in regards to his phylactery)
- Curious
- Excitable (Dependent)
- Nonchalant
- Open
- Passive
- Vigilant (Especially in regards to his phylactery)
The only history one will get out of him was that he was a simple farm boy whose family dabbled in witchcraft, namely the arts involving souls and the dead. Along with that, he was more persistent and passionate about the future more than anyone else and instead of using soothsaying magic his family had access to, he decided to see and record for himself; after all how far into the future they could see was limited by at least fifty years. In his prime he bound his soul to a phylactery, which was when he truly, physically "died." During this time, he left on his travels, skin and flesh rotting away, eyes falling out and being replaced by red, floating orbs, the works. He does recall multiple horrific incidents where he was killed, even once having to walk through the sea to get back to shore.
Afterwards, he will inquire said person who asked their story, how it affected them, etc. Rather basic. From the brief way he puts out his story, Aldous does not seem to care much for the past, but rather what the future beholds. That is the reason why he sealed his soul into an enchanted gem after all...
... oh, and screw those religious zealots, they can go die in a spectral fire for all he cares... impeding his journey and destroying some of his recordings... speaking of which, was taught by his surprisingly literate mother over how to read. Probably had to do with magic allowing her to understand and relay it to a wee Aldous, but it doesn't matter now.
Afterwards, he will inquire said person who asked their story, how it affected them, etc. Rather basic. From the brief way he puts out his story, Aldous does not seem to care much for the past, but rather what the future beholds. That is the reason why he sealed his soul into an enchanted gem after all...
... oh, and screw those religious zealots, they can go die in a spectral fire for all he cares... impeding his journey and destroying some of his recordings... speaking of which, was taught by his surprisingly literate mother over how to read. Probably had to do with magic allowing her to understand and relay it to a wee Aldous, but it doesn't matter now.
To be frank, Aldous has no fighting style he can call his own due to his lack of training in most known martial arts. Instead, from over the years, he has compiled a basic set of moves he has studied and mimicked. How he gained these moves was due to his travels in the east and modern Europe (slinking in the shadows nevertheless), but disregarding stories, his fighting style is a combination of Karate and Boxing, but leans mainly towards Boxing, saying his style would fall under outboxing. One thing to note when using his fists, he will coat them with ki, usually to keep his hands from breaking when hitting someone. Finally, to top this off, Aldous utilizes his array of spells to enhance his body in specific ways, resurrect the dead, or to just send out spectral blobs at an opponent.
■ Spectral Flare
Aldous conjures up an ectoplasmic blob that is filled with the skeletal remains of some poor soul. When lobbed at an opponent, the bones inside seem to circle around the skull which is usually placed smack dab at the center. If it makes contact with an opponent, the amorphous sphere will burst, causing most, if not all of the skeleton to smash into the victim. If this blob is left alone, it will eventually plop onto the ground and spawn a temporary minion in the form of a skeleton to fight for Aldous. These skeletons can usually take around one to two hits before they return to their grave. If they do manage to last longer than usual, they will eventually crumple to the ground, lifeless after one minute has passed.
■ Vertebral Column
Utilizing his necromancy, Aldous summons spines that swiftly mesh with his own backbone. In a swift burst of energy, Aldous' spine suddenly elongates upwards, sending his own head flying up as well. This causes him to look a bit like a freaky human giraffe. This acts as a way to hit those characters who stay in the air, as well as knock other opponents up. At the end of it all, his body shoots up, breaking parts of the newly formed spine as it reattaches itself with his head. Breaking the spine in the middle of its movement will do minor damage to Aldous.
■ Bone Storm
Aldous' eyes blow a brighter shade of crimson before he suddenly travels forward with his skeletal torso and legs becoming a literal tornado of bones. While this is fast, he can only travel in one direction.
■ Skull Cracker
Grabbing his head, Aldous tosses it across the stage as his body disappears into the ground. As the head traverses across the area, the body can emerge on three different occasions. If the skull is hit mid-flight, the body will pop up where the skull recoils in mid-air. The necromancer can choose whether or not to emerge from the ground while its flying, which can work as an informal "uppercut" as it will impact with an opponent. Finally, if his head just lands on the ground with no interruptions from either side, Aldous will automatically emerge.
■ Rise Up and Smell the Ashes
Utilizing his ki, Aldous raises a new skeletal companion from the dead to assist him in battle. This move can be charged to create stronger, and much more powerful minions for the necromancer, but can leave him and his minion to be very open. This move gives stronger servants than ones that rise up from the necromancer's Spectral Flare move and while in the process of reviving an unfortunate soul, Aldous can use the being he is summoning as a shield. Depending on how long the charge is will result in minions that can take about four to seven hits before being defeated; if they haven't fallen, they will despawn after one to three minutes.
■ Homeostasis
This move is similar to his Rise Up and Smell the Ashes move, save for the fact that the revival process for the minion to be is almost instantaneous. However, there is a catch. Instead of having a new minion to battle with him, Aldous instead siphons health from the newly formed lackey, slowly regenerating health over time. While this can restore a good portion of his health and repair broken bones, the process is immensely slow and leaves the necromancer wide open to attacks. Using the skeleton he is taking life from as a shield won't work this time around either.
■ [Passive] Unliving, Undying
When defeated, Aldous crumples down into a pile of beaten bones. Depending on how far his phylactery is will depend on how quickly he is revived. If it's across the globe, it may take him years, possibly a decade to be restored. If it's close by or even on his being, it will take him five minutes, maybe even less to completely rejuvenate himself. However, while in this state, anyone who is aware of the circumstances involving Aldous will find that this is his most vulnerable state. By destroying his phylactery, one can permanently end Aldous' life.
■ [Passive] The Evil Dead
Due to the way he fights, Aldous can't just have a whole army of the dead running rampant considering it would take a substantial amount of effort to control a whole hive mind of them without them running rampant and inflicting chaos. That would require him to stay in one place and constantly focus and meditate! How would he have time for his studies? Instead, he puts a hard limit of three minions out per time in a fight. Depending on which move is utilized to summon them will result in how long the minions can stay on the field before returning to their graves. Incidentally enough, they cannot be put into combos; a more apt way to describe it is that performing combos to easily dispatch the undead is a waste of time, as one combo would be equal to one hit. This, however, doesn't exempt Aldous from being hit with combo's.
■ Necronomicon
Retrieving his grimoire, Aldous lets the book float in place before the pages suddenly begin flipping. He then stops on a certain page and begins chanting a magic spell. If left uninterrupted, he will shout "Unlimited power," or something else. Regardless, this will leave the necromancer bathed in a soft blue light. Incidentally, this increases many things - Aldous power, speed, and defense rise temporarily after the usage of this super move, allowing him to deal more damage and easily tank or dodge more damage than he would usually. However, this can be stopped if he is interrupted mid-chant.
■ Army of Darkness
Chuckling maniacally, Aldous pulls out his book of spells and chants an incantation. If left uninterrupted, the ground will suddenly start to rumble before numerous skeletons start emerging to assault the assailant. While these skeletons are the weakest in terms of attack power, what they lack in quality they have in quantity. While they do get destroyed in one hit, they are also very speedy and annoying to deal with. Along with that, once this super move is set off, Aldous will constantly spawn minion after minion. To stop this super move, he just needs to be hit once and it will cause him to stop summoning minions. Thankfully, he is immobile in this state. Also, any skeletons that are left on the battlefield will still continue to fight for him, even after the ability is interrupted.
For one, Aldous is an undead creature who is essentially bare bones. While, surprisingly, the holy light does the same amount of damage to him as any other human-being, any sort of damage done to him will be permanent until he utilizes one of his restoration abilities or revives himself upon "death." To top that part off, the necromancer is very fragile; not as fragile as, per say, Yeong-Suk, but his defenses are middling. Due to this, he is semi-reliant on his minions to distract other Nomads. Finally, relatively speaking, Aldous is also an all-rounder. This means he can do a lot, but he isn't relatively strong in any category.
Also, hi, co-gm here; if you got any questions, or need help, message Kai, or I about it! Our other co-gm might be a little busy at the moment.