Age: 20
Gender: Male
Job: (Applied for) Busser
Personality: Dae-hyun likes to think of himself as a cool, respected, oft-sought big brother. He isn’t, but he likes to think so. He is boisterous, playful, and maybe a little hard to handle because of it. Dae-hyun loves games, both video games and ones that are made up on the spot, such as how quickly he can rush through the dishes, how many cakes can he balance on one tray and how long can he hide in the utility closet trying to beat his high score on the newest handheld. There is a vain, shallow streak in him, bordering on narcissistic. He is very concerned with fashion and appearance, both of himself and others. Despite this, he is exceedingly friendly, and will give the time of day to anyone who asks. He also holds suspiciously high college grades…
Background: The youngest of his siblings, Dae-hyun was the ‘baby’ of the family. Expectations were high for his sister, and she met these with leaps and bounds, even after their mothers’ demise. Seeing his big sister secure a job in the military and step up to the post of keeping the family afloat, it greatly inspired young Dae-hyun. He studied, hard. Of course, this was balanced with days in the city, gregarious outings with friends and friends of friends, and a well nurtured social life.
Imagine the agony he felt when his sister forbid him from working in the military. When it came the time to decide on a degree or a career, he was all but pile-drove into the former option.
No matter. Dae-hyun had already foreseen this. He’d get his degree in Electrical Engineering, funded by some café work. He’d work his way in. Slowly, very slowly…
Colour of Uniform: Black
He needs glasses, but he never wears them, preferring contacts. He doesn’t want to look like a ‘nerd’.
Loves selfies, group selfies, food selfies, cat selfies, dog selfies, peace-selfies…
Had braces when he was younger. He considered it ‘dark times.’
Wants to dye his hair a ‘cool’ colour, but his family would kill him.