Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Snobby Students Are Summoned To Our World As Heroes?

The students of class 14-A from Kurtzpel University are the cream of the crop, elite students handpicked from multiple countries in light of their academic prowess. Often they are shipped around the globe, pitted against other gifted youths from rival organizations to establish the University’s dominance in the modern world. Today was just another one of those occasions, recently landing in Glasgow via plane flight though their ending destination would be another short trip on a local bus. There were a few strangers on that bus, thought the majority of it had been occupied by these lovely students. However, there students were quite reputable and while it was a nuisance to them while in public it was more dangerous while alone. This bus ride was one of those rare situations, and with the assistance of some criminal underbelly the strangers today on that bus were sent to hijack it. The driver has great resolve in not wishing to turn over these youths easily and while he did put up a good fight, the scuffle resulted in a head on collision with an eighteen-wheeler killing all occupants in the aftermath.

Usually with such a traumatic story you would think that this is where the story ends. But truthfully, this is only the beginning to a far greater story to be told.

The Goddess calls upon you!

”Students of Kurtzpel University, your bright minds and talents shall not be wasted on your passing to the afterlife. No, for I will grant you life anew in the land in which I call my own. Take new form, new life, and see what Twintania has to offer.”

Explanations are in Order?

You are one such student of the prestigious Kurtzpel University, and in some cruel twist of fate have died along with the rest of your classmates in a bus accident. You don’t quite recall everything about your death, but you do remember most of your life on Earth. Unfortunately you are no longer living the pompous life, and have been summoned by the deity of Twintania to that very world. You will not recognize your classmates, and you will not recognize yourself as you are being remade entirely by the goddess for her world. Whatever misadventures unfold thereafter are up to the players whims, though they do have some form of responsibility on their shoulders. Their summoning was foretold, The Heroes of Light have once again returned to the forces of Darkness.

The World of Twintania!

Twintania is made up of two continents, the one which carries the majority of the world’s races “The Holy Continent”, and another that is rarely visited and is host to numerous otherworldly dangers and hostile climate dubbed “The Land of Darkness”. The Holy Continent is greatly favored by the goddess and because of this the land greatly prospers, droughts are rare, storms are only frequent along the coastlines, and famine is rarely a problem for the numerous civilizations. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t problems however as prejudice runs rampant among the numerous races, those with different beliefs and practices are witch-hunted by the Order of Holy Fire, wars while not often do occur. Though the biggest threat arises from the Land of Darkness, a great calamity said to occur every one hundred years. Armies of demonspawn, rows upon rows of unspeakable monstrosities coming to reap distraction on the holy land in defiance of the goddess.

The Heroes of Light

Numerous legends exist about the heroes summoned by the goddess of Twintania. Claiming one or creating one is as simple as showing the crest on your hand that proves you were summoned by the goddess rather than being native to the world itself. A legend does not really need to define the hero in their entirety, though the legend does decide what the goddess has bestowed upon you. For example:

• The Theif Who Stole the Sun - Legend states that a cunning rogue would be summoned to assist in the defense of the Holy Continent against the forces of darkness. His blade forever sharp, his wit like no other, and a sleight of hand so skilled that he could steal the sun from the very sky. The goddess would gift this hero with a blade that could turn day to night allowing them to hide beneath the cloak of night at their whim.

• The Heartseeker - There are already numerous famous archers and rangers across the Holy Continent, but none could compare to the one summoned to defend the Holy Continent against the forces of darkness. This bowman could strike any foe in the heart regardless of circumstance with perfect precision. Legend states that they would be gifted with a bow crafted by the goddess herself that would grant the archer the ability to fire an arrow once a day that would without a doubt strike their enemy in the heart.

The feats a hero is capable of depends entirely on the class they were summoned as. While there are a multitude of different classes already in Twintania, that does not restrict a new type to be summoned by the goddess. While guns are not nearly advanced enough for a “Gunner” to be available as a class to the natives of Twintania, it is entirely possible for one to be summoned with modern day pistols on their person should their legend permit it. Heroes are also capable of understanding and speaking every language, this includes texts and ancient scriptures normally unintelligible. Each Hero is summoned with the mark of the goddess somewhere on their body, whether it be their hand, their back, their forehead, and upon this marking is three chevrons that indicate the amount of times they may take fatal damage.

The Races

• Huma : The default race, and the most favored by the goddess, are also known to be the most cruel of the races. Their affinity for Light Magic and their closeness to the goddess herself has fueled the ego of Huma over generations to the point that they believe themselves to be superior to the other races of Twintania. Faith comes before all for the Huma, and if you are not faithful the Order of Holy Fire will shortly find you and burn you at the stake.

• Elfa : The elves are the eldest of the races and have recently retired their worship of the goddess and instead have made pacts with various Elder Beasts within their great forests. While their lives may be longer than that of the Huma they are not as plentiful, and struggle to maintain their population and as a result rarely leave their borders. Their affinity for Wind Magic and keen senses have only assisted in their xenophobic state for the past few centuries.

• Dwema : The Dwema race are descendants of the golems that built the first cities of Twintania. These golems scattered the world after their purpose was fulfilled, and as they disappeared for hundreds of years new creatures emerged from their disappearance. These earth descendants are the dwarves, gnomes, and giants. They maintain their ancestors talents for shaping the elements being master builders, smiths, and inventors unlike the word has ever seen.

• Bestia : The newest race to Twintania are the Bestia, a diverse people with rich culture and little to no belief in the goddess. They are mostly animal-like in appearance, ranging from what would be seen as a anthropomorphic wolf to a beefy bearded man with dog ears. Their beliefs are in the stars and the sky, having more faith in astrological forces than some woman in the sky. They are known to have a strong affinity with Lightning Magic, and senses that rival even elves.

• Orca : Orcs, goblins, oni, these are all classified into the Orca race. Hundreds of years ago they lived peacefully with the Dwema, living alongside them in the mountaintops and trading amongst eachother. However the Orca belief system changed at some point, and warfare became their new way of life, this destroyed the peace between the races. Their natural affinity for fire magic only made this change easier for the warbound race, now they are mostly broken into tribes scattered across he Holy Continent.

• Lizardmen : The Lizardmen believe themselves to be older than the elves, and perhaps even the goddess herself? Believing themselves to be descendants of dragons, the progrenitors of Twintania and worshipping a dragon god with the world’s very name. They are an eccentric people, and they have a strong calling to discover new magic, being ruled by a council of Archmages. Most Lizardmen are peaceful as they do not have the longest of lifespans, though they are hardy, with an innate resistance to poisons and an affinity for water magic in particular.

The Progression System

Our newly summoned heroes will not be summoned into this world as weak underdeveloped tadpoles. They will have their strengths at the start, the ability to survive in the conditions of this world, though they will be nowhere near where they need to be for that final battle. To reach that point there will be an incredible amount of hard work that can’t be cheated, or perhaps it could? To these heroes and these heroes alone, a system is in place to allow them to progress themselves in ways normal denizens of Twintania cannot. Swinging your sword and striking an enemy will raise your strength, sprinting will raise your stamina, landing a blow with careful precision will raise dexterity, speaking to the goddess will raise your faith, and reading texts from the world will raise your intellect. The amount of effort placed into simple tasks required to survive in this world are calculated by some otherworldly algorithm within the universe, and then at dusk when the sun falls from view your status points are dispersed accordingly. A level numero uno Hero Class character starts with twenty-five stat points to distribute among their starting parameters.

The Magic of Twintania

Magic occurs when someone with apt knowledge to do so harnesses mana from the leylines of Twintania and within themselves to cause a reaction that by normal means would be impossible. Spells being the more structured form of doing so, as they have set expectations and formulated occurrences, though basic manipulation of elements could also be classified as magic though such simplific use does not require spells. The elements that can be formed with mana are many typical from your run of the mill fantasy world: Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, even some more complex elements like Blood and Shadow. The limits of this magic aren't really well known even by the denizens of Twintania themselves, though the heroes are rumored to be the most capable in doing so.

Character Skeleton

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'll be keeping an eye on this for now. How fast do you intend the RP to go? And where in the spectrum of despair vs lightheartedness will this fall, cause self-awareness isn't a real indicator of comedy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Speed will be dictated by how active the players are. Actually, I’d say it’d be more dependent on the enthusiasm of the players and how long I can mtainrakn that enthusiasm. If I had a decent group with a decent schedule I’d be willing to write several meaty arcs.

As for the Lighthearted/Dark ratio I would say that the story will start off about 70/30 and gradually dwell towards the dark side as they became more comfortable with the world.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

So how does that compare to something like Charles Barkley Gaiden?

Also how do the stats work with out posting? Like is stamina like a thing we keep track of? And what does faith do?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


No idea what the hell Charles Barkley Gaiden is mate.

Stats won’t dictate things in the same rigid way they would in a pen/paper roleplay, and I say that only because I currently DM irl and I am trying to do something a little less hardcore. So instead it’ll be more so indicators for what your capable is capable of. You keep raising your strength and you’ll be punching holes in boulders. Faith is a mixture of luck and a healing stat, if the goddess favors you more then in turn good things will happen to you. And then to follow up on that, Faith effects your heals in the same way Intelllect will effect your spell damage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Well I guess that point of comparison doesn't work.

Right, so stats are just a thing to eyeball to certain benchmarks of ability at X number or range.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago


I read this as Twintalia.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll toss my hat into the ring.

I do have three "hero" ideas I could go with. A hero known for Artificing(as that's a class I'm super familiar with to an extent), a hero known for artillery/siege weapons from the middle ages back, and I had the third one, but its slipped my mind. Being tired isn't fun. If I remember the third, I'll get back to you.

I mean, I am pretty flexible, ahaha. Love the idea though!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Versa Is there a minimum requirement for mental pro's and cons and what is the max?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Minimum of 5, Maximum of 10.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I wonder how long I should wait till I start working on a CS so I won't look too eager to join

Like that’s a bad thing? Set the bar friendo, I am not the type of person who shuts stuff like that down. I’ll throw an OOC up after I get two or three more interested peoples, though I’ll still be looking for a Co-GM all the while.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If I was more confident, and had a game or two under my belt, I'd offer myself as tribute.

That's yet to occur here, but I'm always up to provide input or if you need something written, yeah.
I write world lore when bored, okay.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'm fine with Co-GMing, sure. But what do you need the co-GM for? Doing battle posts? Playing NPCs? Enforcing rules? etc
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mostly for brainstorming, enforcing rules, OOC stuff. Wouldn’t need you running NPCs or anything like that unless something goes down IRL.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Yeah, sounds pretty doable then.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Gunpowder is a big thing, but it’s still relatively new. Alchemy is where the big technological advancements come from, though I’d say magitech is more likely to flourish. But like I said, Hero Classes don’t follow the same rules as everyone else when it comes to technology as long as it fits the thematic of that hero’s legend. Same thing with magic, I’d say Gravity Magic would likely fall into Spacial, but your character would start off with some really gimped spells that don’t do much at first.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Versa Certified Pleb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Please do, it’s there to be used and explored upon. And all the heroes are former university students, so I would think many of them aren’t your typical white knights.
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