Name: Dyce
Race: Zandol
Ki: Yellow
Power Level: Unknown, but ki users can sense that it is high.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 172 lbs
Full Body: Appearance
- Hydra: Unknown to the characters, Dyce's race possesses the ability to multiply if any part of his body is severed. Once a cell has separated, if it is not destroyed, then it will rapidly multiply and create a second Zandol. For as many cells are separated as many Zandols will be created. Other alien races considered Zandols to be like weeds due to this trait.
- Bone Blade: Dyce's radius bone extends into a sickle-like blade capable of cutting his enemies. Bones carry cells, so if his blade is severed, then it will create a new Zandol.
- Annihilation Blast: This attack is signaled when Dyce raises both of his hands into the air. His palms will flatten toward the sky and his energy will be released all at once in a blast so great that it can wipe an entire city from existence.
- Basic Ki Attacks: They are yellow in color.
- Ki-Induced Flight: He is capable of flying at mach speeds.
Goal: Purge the planet of weakness to make way for the dominant race.
The television screens flickered and the earth about Parsley City quaked. An entire block collapsed on itself as gray and brown plumes of smoke and scattered debris erupted into the sky like a geyser. Cars drove madly away from the scene. Citizens fled screaming and calling it a terrorist attack. Fire fighters, cops, and ambulances rolled up to the smoke screen surrounding which would later be revealed to be a crater 200 m wide. Helicopters hovered over it, using the gusts from their propellers to clear the dust. On the ground, a news reporter stood before a Parsley police cordon as she exuberantly reported, “This is Jena Summers with Channel 12 News! I am at ground zero of what many in Parsley City believe to be a terrorist attack! We don’t have any estimates on casualties, but behind me used to be a block. An entire city block is gone. The death toll could be in the hundreds folks!”
On the television screen, a dark silhouette rose from the crater obscured by the smoke. Cops began screaming and pointing at it, while curious citizens stood by and gawked. The silhouette looked like a man, but as he emerged from behind the smoke screen, his skin was unlike any human they had ever seen. A mother holding her child pointed and dramatically exclaimed, “It’s an alien!”
The green man hovered above the humans of Earth, his white pupil-less eyes sizing them up before his hand rose to the side of his head. At his temples were two black circular discs. He pressed one of them and an orange visor flashed over his eyes. As he continued to observe the people below, blue flashing digits and symbols in a foreign language appeared before his eyes as the machine scanned the earthlings. His nose scrunched and lips turned up with distaste. Weak… he thought. They’re all so weak. Would this planet be this simple? Could he really conquer it on his own?
The Zandol named Dyce touched the disc to retract his visor. The alien adorned in a foreign blue and yellow armor lowered to the street, having passed over the police’s cordon. The cops whirled, aiming their pistols at him and screamed, “Stay where you are and put your hands in the air!”
Dyce’s pointy ears twitched and he turned a milk-white eye over his shoulder to nonchalantly regard the cops. Jena continued to report, “It looks like the police are planning to arrest the alien! Could it have caused the crater?”
Dyce calmly turned to face the cops who were hiding behind their vehicle doors. Slowly, he started raising his hands in the air. When his arms were completely stretched to the sky, his hands opened and palms turned flat and upwards. A white light began to build, swallowing the dumbstruck cops, the reporter, and the oblivious bystanders. The light erased everyone in its glare until Parsley City winked before it exploded in a fiery dome. The dome swirled and expanded, the released energy absorbed the surrounding light, bathing the region in temporary darkness. In but an instant, Parsley City was no more.

GM Guidance: This is a PVE event. Your characters depending on how adept they are at sensing ki will sense the dramatic spike in power level. They may or may not have access to a television where they can see the destruction of Parsley City. Regardless, Dyce will be targeting every character in this game to do combat with them. The first time your character fights him, they will lose. He will catch them off-guard. This is Earth's first alien attack. Everyone will write their own battle with Dyce. I have listed the extent of his capabilities. Try not to kill your character. They should survive the first bout. Whether your character chooses to pursue Dyce after his ambush is up to the writer. Either way, Dyce will be targeting everyone and everyone will have one initial fight with him. The end goal is to have everyone come together to beat him, and if people accidentally create more Zandols, then to figure out how to destroy him without spreading his cells around. Good luck and have fun!
Clarifications: This section is for answers I gave to player-asked questions concerning this specific event. Dyce will not produce more copies if you make him bleed. There are thousands of blood cells in a blood drop. There would be a ridiculous amount of duplicates. So you can feel at ease. The replication does not happen if you make him bleed. It is only if you sever any piece of him.
[center][b]Name:[/b] Your character's name
[b]Race:[/b] Your character's race
[b]Ki Color:[/b] Your character's ki color
[b]Power Level:[/b] Your character's power level. This will change if your character learns how to conceal it.
[b]Location:[/b] Where is your character? What city, region, etc.
[b]Tag:[/b] Who is your character directly talking to? @mention them. Also, @mention them if indirect such as thinking about them or speaking about a character not currently present. If your character is open for interaction, write "Open." If you are doing a private scene that you are not expecting to receive any interaction, then write "Closed." You can also Close scenes off to specific players you want involved. Simply, @mention them and end the tag with "Closed."[/center]