If there was one thing that all the mercs in London did have in common, it was their phones. Not that their phones were the same model, because they weren't, but because all mercenaries had access to the secure MercServ database. MercServ was a London-based hiring organisation for those who had more guns than they did money and wished to change that rather rapidly. On this system, a message would be sent out to all interested parties. Now, a message would buzz out through each one's, alerting them that there was something new for them to perhaps earn some money in
Sure enough, there was the notification, across dozens of screens. Attention [Pale Horse] Mercenary Outfit is looking to hire mercenaries for a job. Details as follows: CDA 2 str/No rspct 4 us/need 2 tk dwn a ntch. £xlots involvd/STOP// The strange, contracted language and textspeech was pretty typical for those hiring, as the server charged an exorbitant fee per letter to give out those details. Still, if they were looking for people to sign up, and promising a lot of cash, it could only mean that something was about to go down, and that was always a cause for interest.
Camille, who had been enjoying a quiet pint at the King's Head pub, on the outskirts of the shanty town, looked at the message on her phone. Whenever Pale Horse hired, the CDA would inevitably be hiring soon afterwards. Normally they didn't offer quite as much cash... Hm. Pale Horse it was for this job. A few button presses- she used a damn-near indestructible dumbphone rather than something fancy that would crack if she fumbled it and accepted the job, where a message would pop up on the screen. Accept video message? Huh. How could she disagree? Two clicks to get to the 'yes' option, and then she would listen, a rather gnarly London accent growling out.
"Fuckin' MercServ charging so much. Alright, thanks for accepting the job. The basic plan is that we think the CDA's getting too big for its boots. We gotta show them that we're still in this game, and for that reason we'll be needing you to launch an attack onto one of their secure facilities. The front door is reinforced and the whole thing is locked up tighter than a duck's arse, but we have a plan. If you accept, more detail's will be on the way. £10 grand per for this job."
Almost as soon as she had finished hearing his message, another one popped up on her phone. Attention. [CDA] Mercenary Outfit is looking mercenaries for a job. Details as follows: You'll be defending a secure site against Pale Horse. Matching £. Ooh. Well, in that case... She'd be taking the CDA job for sure. She always worked better when she was letting her enemies come to her rather than going to them, so without hesitation she cancelled the Pale Horse job and tapped down on the CDA one. Accept video message? Cropped up again. Two clicks again, yes again and the new video popped up, this time with a more pleasant woman's voice.
"Pale Horse is launching an attack on a secure server of ours. You'll be deployed by helicopter to defend the area and ensure that they don't start getting uppity. We're matching their price, so you can be sure of £10,000 transferred to a secure account of your choosing once the job is complete, with £2,000 transferred once you get on the chopper."
Well then. That seemed like it'd be the job for her. She'd just have to be aware for when the pickup'd be so that she could actually get paid. If the pair were going at each other again, she was going to be more than happy to profit from both of the idiots doing their thing. Hell, the more they fought, the more cash she made.