| Appearance
Name Alexander Franklin Woulfe
Age 20
Gender Male
Hometown North Carolina born and raised
Style The key defining term of Alex's style is comfort tending to wear t-shirts with some geeky logo or a very cheesy pun along with shorts and, if it's particularly cold, he'll add sweatpants and a leather jacket.
Disposition Puts out a vibe of uncaring but is very curious especially when it involves someone he cares about or something he likes.
Major Performing Arts, Major in Directing
Dorm Room (This will be assigned)
Likes & Dislikes Rain
Creating/Telling Stories
Making People Smile
Anime/Manga/Comic Books/Video Games/Board Games/Puzzle Games
Deep Conversations
Lying Under the Stars
Strategy and PuzzlesHimself
Large Crowds
Rude People/Snobs
Alcohol/Recreational Drugs/Smoking
Anyone who disrespects Military/Police/Fire Fighters/Paramedics
Fake people
Hot Weather Interest/Hobbies Writing/Telling Stories - Even though Alex tends to be more logical, he has been bitten by the creativity bug. Stories are the main outlet of his creativity.
Gaming (Both Video and Bored form) - As most of his family is highly competitive and his older sister preferred to play games over sports, Alex got into this recreational activity as a way to compete with her as well. Over time he has gotten pretty good but she still squashes him in any game. Something he plans to rectify.
Baseball - With regards to the boys of the Woulfe clan, they all are baseball fanatics. The oldest Woulfe son even played the sport professionally for two years before being injured. Alex does not have the same talent as his brother but he is an above average Catcher.
Acting - At the age of eight Alex just happened to join a Missoula Children's Theatre production and instantly fell in love. Ever since he has enjoyed it. He isn't the greatest but keeping up with this hobby will help him when directing.
Hiking - Alex just likes the solitude of nature. It's also a great place to be lost in thought to come up with stories.
YouTube - Alex has a gaming YouTube channel where he has approximately 250k subs although the large majority of them come from collabing with his sister's far more popular channel.
Belief"There is good in everyone but the bad always tends to be the most prominent. Stick by those who stick with you through your bad in order to see the good."
Drive Acknowledgement
Fear Being lonely and forgotten
Regret The things which lead up to and the subsequent breakup with his girlfriend last year.
Secret One night he was dragged to a party. Someone had spiked the non-alcoholic beverages so Alex ended up drunk. Everyone did. His girlfriends twin sister liked him and as she was drunk tried something stupid and succeeded. Alex’s first time was with her and over the next few weeks tensions rose as neither wanted to spill the beans so eventually Alex and his girlfriend had an argument and broke up. The secret is still kept between the two.
Intellect [3] Alex is fairly intelligent. It's not due to studying or reading a lot it is more or less because his thought process usually tends on the more logical side as opposed to the emotional side.
Social [1] Alex is not at all good at things social. He merely pretends at times, but only if he really feels like it which doesn't happen often. He would always prefer to stay at the edge of a group listening and watching. He also has his fair share of walls built up that would be difficult to break through. One thing about him is how he naturally puts off a cold and standoffish demeanor. Due to this most people feel uneasy talking to him and he does have the tendency to be very blunt and if he cracks any jokes they tend to be sarcasm or dry humor so most people just assume he's being rude.
Nerve [5] Alex is nowhere near to being a coward. He also rarely worries as in his mind, what happens happens and there is nothing he can do to change it once it has happened. He also comes up with some logical conclusion to anything. None of that paranormal mumbo jumbo from him. And as someone who does acting and Youtube, he most certainly can't let nerves get to him. He also has no fear of personal injury. Despite his uncaring attitude, if someone is in danger or hurt he will tend to run headfirst into danger to help. He feels that if someone got hurt and he could've done something to help and didn't then it was partially his fault. With great power comes great responsibility? Any power you have to do something carries responsibility.
Endurance [2] Alex can definitely take a punch. That's only because he has a high pain tolerance. Other than that all he's really good for is his ability to do a mad sprint when playing baseball.
Awareness [2] When it comes to the feelings and emotions of other Alex can be clueless. Largely because he has his own predisposition to how he expects people to act based on what he knows. He is, however, a people watcher so he is slightly ok at picking up various details others might not. However, he may not make the correct conclusion based off of these details due to his more logical nature.
Resources [0]Alex is from a fairly large family so they never really had much money to go around other than for the necessities. Nowadays, money is becoming easier to get a hold of as the kids are leaving the nest but Alex doesn't want to just be given money without working for it so he is just barely here.
(For the above section you have exactly 13 points in total to split between all stats. 0-1 points is not very impressive, 2-3 points is considered very average, 4-5+ points is considered a world-class expertise. All must be explained)