@Letter Bee Okay, what do you think? Sorry about the formatting. I used the same one cause we both like it. I can change it if I need to!

Name: Charles Liu
Age: 15
Birthday: April 10th
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Height: 1.68 M
Weight: 63 Kg
Eyes: Sky Blue
Hair: White
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Faint burn marks cover his arms and hands, the results of training with his noble arm
Charles comes from a military background and it shows. He stays organized and focused, showing a level of discipline beyond his years. Charles works best with clear instructions and an obvious goal and organizes his plan of action accordingly. He isn't one to back down from a challenging assignment but isn’t ashamed to ask clarification questions. He respects institutional hierarchies, agreeing they are necessary to maintain a strong world order, but will be the first to question and challenge orders that put too many arms master in unnecessary and careless dangers.
Charles is outgoing and pleasant, smiling and greeting every arm master that crosses his path. He is always willing to accept social invitations and make friends with arm masters, as long as his duties are complete, and usually drags along others if he can. Given the opportunity, he will talk with a person far into the night without getting bored or tired. He pushes his friends to be their best and actively encourages them, even if he doesn’t really understand exactly what they are doing. Sometimes he comes off as a little pushy but he has their best intentions in mind.
However, Charles truly believes arm masters are above common folk. He hides the fact well enough normally but on off days, he’ll completely ignore the “lesser” folk even if he needs them. His perfectionist streak often times causes him to skip meals and sleep in favor of training or studying, even though he hates it, and more than once, he’s been found collapsed or asleep in a random place. Coupled with his secretive nature, Charles struggles to ask for help and often bottles his emotions and uses his variety of physical activities as an outlet for that aggression.
Habits: Practices Tai Chi daily, writes in cursive, hums as he works
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Juggling, Training
Noble Arm Name: The Southern Dragon’s Fang (B Rank)
Summary: The Southern Dragon’s Fang conjurers at the hip and the black wooden sheath features a twining dragon spitting fire. The hilt mimics dragon hide, covered in dull red scales. This Jian (Chinese Longsword) commands the chaotic and clashing noble fury of the Southern Dragons.
Commander Fa Liu, Charles’s father, was born and raised in Illinois to two first generation Chinese immigrants who actively opposed the noble arms and the pedestal society placed them on. They were horrified when their child displayed a noble arm and attempted to force the boy to separate from the object over the course of his adult life, subjecting him to a variety of torturous methods. The courts emancipated him at 16 and locked away his parents for extreme child abuse and he joined the military, making a name for himself in several overseas tours at the time. He encountered the terrorist group the Hammer of Masters and reveled in the sense of power and authority it gave him.
Dr. Leigh Aslin,Charles’s mother, grew up the opposite. The child of a Noble Arms researcher, Leigh grew up in the fascinating world of applied Arms studies, a subject she would eventually come to earn a Doctorates in. Her mother and father worked for the Hammer of Masters to scientifically prove a link that Arms wielders were in fact a new race of humans. They were arrested and jailed before they could complete their research. Leigh grew up furious,her anger driving her to join her parents’ organization with her own Noble Arm and infiltrate the Arms of Nobility on their behalf. It was on a mission the two encountered each other and it was love at first sight.
Charles was born two years after their marriage and grew up as a military brat, moving from base to base throughout his early life. His mother constantly left home on one work assignment or another and left his father to raise him single handedly. Fa Liu did his best juggling his responsibilities in the military and his obligation to his family, instilling a strict sense of responsibility and family values. Some criticized the man on how he raised his child, resorting to corporal punishment far too quickly, but Charles took it in stride if it meant keeping one of his parents around. He outgrew his childish attention seeking antics, learning early his father made more of an effort to see him when he behaved and excelled. And so he soaked up his father’s lessons desperately and always sought the man’s approval. He treated his mother politely as he had been raised but he was secretly bitter towards her, resenting what he viewed as abandoning him.
As members of the Hammer of Masters, Fa Liu and Leigh indoctrinated their son with their divine right views. Charles wholehearted believes Arms Masters are meant to inherit the world and that those lacking Noble Arms are weak and useless, lower life forms that are meant to be subjugated. His parents mapped out his life, from early schooling to his deathbed, and he always strove to keep pace with it. He checks it regularly, making little notes on the digital document when he feels the need to record important details. He ignores the marriage portion, fully aware his own interests set him on path away from the standard wife and child path. He refuses to think about it, diving into training or work with abandon with he thinks too much about a boy’s smile or how they look exercising. He’s decided he would cross that bridge when he got there and deal with the eventual fallout. It still terrifies him, losing the one person he’s seeked approval from his entire life.
When he was given notice he would be attending this school, Charles packed the same night. He’d been given his first assignment and he was determined not to fail the organization.
Current Goal: Enter the top ten and find possible converts to the cause within the student population.
Student Rank: 1001
Charles Liu

Character Summary
Name: Charles Liu
Age: 15
Birthday: April 10th
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Height: 1.68 M
Weight: 63 Kg
Eyes: Sky Blue
Hair: White
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Faint burn marks cover his arms and hands, the results of training with his noble arm
Responsible * Elitist * Confident * Perfectionist * Friendly * Secretive
Charles comes from a military background and it shows. He stays organized and focused, showing a level of discipline beyond his years. Charles works best with clear instructions and an obvious goal and organizes his plan of action accordingly. He isn't one to back down from a challenging assignment but isn’t ashamed to ask clarification questions. He respects institutional hierarchies, agreeing they are necessary to maintain a strong world order, but will be the first to question and challenge orders that put too many arms master in unnecessary and careless dangers.
Charles is outgoing and pleasant, smiling and greeting every arm master that crosses his path. He is always willing to accept social invitations and make friends with arm masters, as long as his duties are complete, and usually drags along others if he can. Given the opportunity, he will talk with a person far into the night without getting bored or tired. He pushes his friends to be their best and actively encourages them, even if he doesn’t really understand exactly what they are doing. Sometimes he comes off as a little pushy but he has their best intentions in mind.
However, Charles truly believes arm masters are above common folk. He hides the fact well enough normally but on off days, he’ll completely ignore the “lesser” folk even if he needs them. His perfectionist streak often times causes him to skip meals and sleep in favor of training or studying, even though he hates it, and more than once, he’s been found collapsed or asleep in a random place. Coupled with his secretive nature, Charles struggles to ask for help and often bottles his emotions and uses his variety of physical activities as an outlet for that aggression.
- Fighting
- Gymnastics
- Swimming
- Stuffed Animals
- Herbal Tea
- Dark Chocolate
- Studying
- Waiting
- White Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Non-Arm Masters
- Losing
- Failing his family
- Hippos
- Coming out
Habits: Practices Tai Chi daily, writes in cursive, hums as he works
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Juggling, Training
Noble Arm
Noble Arm Name: The Southern Dragon’s Fang (B Rank)

Summary: The Southern Dragon’s Fang conjurers at the hip and the black wooden sheath features a twining dragon spitting fire. The hilt mimics dragon hide, covered in dull red scales. This Jian (Chinese Longsword) commands the chaotic and clashing noble fury of the Southern Dragons.
- Tumbling Flight: Tumbling Flight grants increased agility and speed as well as allowing Charles to step on air like solid ground. This ability only allows four steps before needing to touch a solid surface again.
- Growing Rage: While drawn, The Southern Dragon's Fang leaves a trail of flames in any cut it makes. These flames become hotter the longer the weapon remains drawn until they turn into explosions that eventually match the destructive power of a volcano with every cut. This ability puts more stress on Charles the more powerful it becomes, with results ranging from unconsciousness to cascading organ failure, and endangers Charles with its explosive power as well.
- Dragon Fumes: Volcanic gases billow out of Charles’s mouth, covering the area in a thick black smog. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfuric dioxide create a blistering hot smokescreen that stretches out to ten meters in front of Charles. While spewing the cloud, Charles is unable to move.
- Honor, Glory, and Obligation: The Southern Dragon’s Fang embodies the nobility of the beast in its name. When drawn, the sword cannot be sheathed until it fulfills the purpose for which it was drawn or if Charles can no longer handle the weight of its fury.
- Righteous Fury: The Southern Dragon’s Fang responds directly to inner conflict. If Charles’s resolve is weak, the sword will not allow itself to be drawn.
Commander Fa Liu, Charles’s father, was born and raised in Illinois to two first generation Chinese immigrants who actively opposed the noble arms and the pedestal society placed them on. They were horrified when their child displayed a noble arm and attempted to force the boy to separate from the object over the course of his adult life, subjecting him to a variety of torturous methods. The courts emancipated him at 16 and locked away his parents for extreme child abuse and he joined the military, making a name for himself in several overseas tours at the time. He encountered the terrorist group the Hammer of Masters and reveled in the sense of power and authority it gave him.
Dr. Leigh Aslin,Charles’s mother, grew up the opposite. The child of a Noble Arms researcher, Leigh grew up in the fascinating world of applied Arms studies, a subject she would eventually come to earn a Doctorates in. Her mother and father worked for the Hammer of Masters to scientifically prove a link that Arms wielders were in fact a new race of humans. They were arrested and jailed before they could complete their research. Leigh grew up furious,her anger driving her to join her parents’ organization with her own Noble Arm and infiltrate the Arms of Nobility on their behalf. It was on a mission the two encountered each other and it was love at first sight.
Charles was born two years after their marriage and grew up as a military brat, moving from base to base throughout his early life. His mother constantly left home on one work assignment or another and left his father to raise him single handedly. Fa Liu did his best juggling his responsibilities in the military and his obligation to his family, instilling a strict sense of responsibility and family values. Some criticized the man on how he raised his child, resorting to corporal punishment far too quickly, but Charles took it in stride if it meant keeping one of his parents around. He outgrew his childish attention seeking antics, learning early his father made more of an effort to see him when he behaved and excelled. And so he soaked up his father’s lessons desperately and always sought the man’s approval. He treated his mother politely as he had been raised but he was secretly bitter towards her, resenting what he viewed as abandoning him.
As members of the Hammer of Masters, Fa Liu and Leigh indoctrinated their son with their divine right views. Charles wholehearted believes Arms Masters are meant to inherit the world and that those lacking Noble Arms are weak and useless, lower life forms that are meant to be subjugated. His parents mapped out his life, from early schooling to his deathbed, and he always strove to keep pace with it. He checks it regularly, making little notes on the digital document when he feels the need to record important details. He ignores the marriage portion, fully aware his own interests set him on path away from the standard wife and child path. He refuses to think about it, diving into training or work with abandon with he thinks too much about a boy’s smile or how they look exercising. He’s decided he would cross that bridge when he got there and deal with the eventual fallout. It still terrifies him, losing the one person he’s seeked approval from his entire life.
When he was given notice he would be attending this school, Charles packed the same night. He’d been given his first assignment and he was determined not to fail the organization.
Current Goal: Enter the top ten and find possible converts to the cause within the student population.
Student Rank: 1001