Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
The fall of Voldemort at the hands of Harry Potter brought forth a era of prosperity and stability to the Wizard world. Years have passed since that fateful battle and the tales of that event are still spoken to this day. Hogwarts had been rebuilt from the ruins from which it once stood. New batches of students have found their ways back into the school and classrooms, eager to learn more about their magic heritage. But everything is not as it seems. Rumors of a cult have arisen, dedicated to continue the legacy Voldemort left behind. Although there has been no confirmed reports of said cult, the rumors spread vastly throughout the wizard world. Time will only tell if the talks of this cult are true. If so who will be the one's to defeat them?
No Godmodding!
Have fun!
No full blown arguments, disagreeing and debating on what we should do is allowed but don't go overboard!
Put effort into your posts, no one sentence responses! Try and create the story!
Romance is allowed, but no graphic content please! If you really wish too, keep it to the messages.
Character Sheet
GM Notes
Hello everyone interested in joining this RP! This RP will follow the journey of Hogwart classmates as they battle school life and followers of voldemort that have continued to pursue the dark lords ambitions. Although I have a foundation for the story, it's up to the players to flesh it out! Also I have decided that we all will be in the same year, although I haven't decided which year we all be. After a few people join in the RP we can discuss what everyone is comfortable with playing. The reason for this is because I feel if we are all the same year there will be more interaction between everyone involved. And more interaction means more activity to keep the RP going! The RP will roughly take place 7 years after the fall of voldemort. If you have any questions please ask in a post below!