Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
Avatar of Kitty


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Collab with @Aerandir@Chiro

The ride had been long and the group was exhausted. The trip, though successful, had taken many days and nights for the guards and the two royals. It certainly didn’t help that the carriage had broken down on the way back leaving the princess to have to ride horseback the rest of the way. They were almost back to the castle though, the group just now passing through the castle town.

The king sat tall as he kept his eyes ahead, his stare occasionally glancing to the crowd of people watching them pass, only making anyone he laid eyes on cower from his stare. Anytime his eyes fell on one of his men they sat up taller not wanting to get in trouble for coming off as tired as they were. If anyone slacked off he would punish them and they knew it.

Eleanor sat upon her horse riding side-saddle, the most uncomfortable way to ride but she couldn’t ride normally without getting in trouble. She was exhausted and her lower half practically numb from the long ride in such an uncomfortable position. All the princess wanted to do was sleep at this point but she kept her head up and a smile on her face.

Quietly and kindly she greeted the people and occasionally would try and slip a few gold coins from her dress pocket to them if she could reach without falling off her horse that is. She just had to make sure her father didn’t see. The other guards, especially Fenros was used to it by now and Fenros seemed to really be the only one who paid much mind to what she was doing the better part of the last half of the journey. The rest of the men too tired to care. It was Fenros’ job though, seeing as he was her bodyguard.

The castle town was as it usually was when they passed through, lively and crowded. People mainly cowering from the king while attempting to get close to the generous princess. It was clear which royal was liked more and that’s why the guards more centered around the king through the town as none truly believed the princess to be in that much danger. Of course she had guards around her too, but the king was the hated one.

Fenros was walking beside the princess to her left. He had given the princess his own horse and walked beside her the rest of the way. Though he would have wished to have ridden with her personally. For a multitude of reasons. But he highly doubted the King would have approved even for the most logical reasons for protecting her.

So he decided the best thing was to walk by her side. Though admittedly walking those miles in his armor was a brutal one. He felt it was good for him...having the position he did...he didn’t see action too much. He didn’t look it, but he was ready to just sleep in his armor. He couldn’t let that hinder his need to make sure El was safe.

He glanced to her, as she handed out coins. He groaned inwardly… as she was sure to see the look on his face on not liking the idea of letting strangers so close to her like this. But he couldn’t stop her… it was what made her...well her. Especially when she kept that warm smile on her lips, despite being in pain he was sure from the way she rode. It’s what gave him strength.

His left hand rested on the Pommel of his sword as he walked, partially out of comfort and readiness. He glanced forward towards the king, as to make sure he was not looking at them. Fenros drew closer to the princess and whispered.
“We are beginning to draw a crowd. Perhaps we don’t want to draw more attention of your father the king?” He would have hated to have her get into trouble giving money to her people.

Glancing down at Fenros for a brief moment as he spoke, El nodded absentmindedly before she reached into her pocket to get the last of the gold and quickly handed it out.
“There, I’m all out now so I won’t hand anymore out.” Eleanor informed him, smiling to him. “Besides the crowd would be here with or without me giving out coin Fenros. You and I both know this.” She looked back up at the crowd, looking over everyone. Her heart growing heavy at the sight of some of the people. She would have to sneak out later with some food to hand out. She hated that there could be such an excess of it in the castle but so many people could have so little outside the gates.

Fenros raised an eyebrow at El when she quickly handed one more coin out.
“Yes….that’s true…” He said slowly. Everyone wanted a chance to see the princess. He opened his mouth to explain but he sighed as he knew, whatever he said, she would not listen to him. She had an overly generous heart for a royal. She looked around and he knew, she was thinking of the people. This was one of the reasons he never took the position as general for the King. He had to make sure she was safe. “Please princess….I wish to sleep tonight...Don’t be thinking what I think you are…”

A chuckle escaped Eleanor’s lips, “Don’t worry Fenros. I will wait for tomorrow so you can get some sleep.” She looked to him and grinned widely before looking ahead once again. Not wanting her father to catch her speaking with Fenros.

A little further away, Annabelle finished putting on the stolen watch uniform. It was a simple outfit, not much different from the one she used to wear in the militia, although this time the chest had the Kingdom’s crest. Next she grabbed her crossbow, using a lever to span it’s powerful prod. She didn’t put the bolt on yet. That would come in later.

’This is it’ Annabelle thought to herself as she climbed to the nearby roof. Up there she took the bolt and put it on the bow. Now she looked no different from any other crossbowman of the watch, observing the crowds from above. She wasn’t searching for apple thieves or possible causes of riot. Her target was the worst criminal of them all, the King.

Annabelle couldn’t have believed her luck when she hard heard at the marketplace that the King and the Princess were late because of the loss of their carriage. That meant that they were forced to ride to the city in the open. The outlaw hadn’t actually thought of King dying like this. She had hoped to one day storm the castle with an army and force the King to walk to the bridge wearing nothing but a millstone tied around his neck, from where she would throw him to the river to drown like the dog he was. A fitting end to the Blood King. But beggars can’t be choosers.

Besides, this one bolt would be all she needed. Annabelle could just imagine it in her mind. With the King dead, the Royal Family would tear itself apart over who would sit on the throne. In the chaos she would have time to find the disgruntled people to form an army. By then the Vanguard would only be a shadow of itself after being forced by the King’s children to fight amongst themselves, no match for the rebels. Oh, how Annabelle waited for the opportunity to humiliate what remained of the Royal Family before their execution.

But first things first. Annabelle returned from her daydreams to the real world. The crowd below was retreating, a sign of the King approaching. She saw how the members of the Watch straightened themselves when the King looked at them, and Annabelle did the same. But as the King and his escort passed her, Annabelle took aim with her crossbow, targeting the King’s head. From the pressing of the trigger, the prod was released, sending the bolt towards its target.

Just before the bolt was released, a guard had looked back in time to see them aiming for the king. With no time, but to yell
“Assassin!” He reached out and covered his monarch. The bolt piercing his armor and lung letting a gargle of blood escape his mouth before his weight and awkward position caused him to slide off the back of the horse. Four more guards on horses lifted their shields and covered the kings back, Urging the king to move towards a different route. While the King roared to kill the person who dared attempt to attack him. Though this did not stop him from rushing off a separate route. Nor did it seem to occur to him his daughter might have been in danger.

As soon as heard the word the single word, Fenros felt a surge of adrenaline. Only glancing to see the man who was shot in the back, he was already mounting his horse. As soon as his much larger body was now shielding her, he wrapped his left arm around her waist and grabbed the reins with his right and snapped them.
“Protect the King!” He yelled to the other guards, He would not let any harm come to El. But he didn’t know how many assassins there were. So he ordered the other guards to stay with the man, and hunt down.

He did not look back as the other guards who had bows began to fire back at the assasin on the roof.

Everything happened all very suddenly. The exclamation of an assassin, a man dying to protect her father, then Fenros was behind her. He had wrapped his arm around her waist grabbed the reins with his other and then they were off. Eleanor mostly just felt shocked at what had happened, her mind going blank as she recounted the last assassination attempt she had gone through. But this time Fenros was with her and there was only one person who was making the attempt, or so she hoped. El gently shook her head, her body subconsciously leaning closer to Fenros. He protected her last time and she knew he would this time as well. That is what she focused on instead of anything negative.

Annabelle cursed her bad luck. One vigilant guard was all that stood between her and King’s death. And now the guards on rooftops had noticed her. She needed to escape. Luckily behind the house she had already put a carriage full of hay to soften her landing. The carriage itself would be no good for escaping. It was too slow in the midst of all this chaos. She discarded her helmet. It would only draw attention to her now, and replaced it with her cloak she had left on the carriage. Putting on the cloak, Annabelle ran to the opposite direction of the scene, attempting to hide in the shadowy alleys of Akarath.

As the guards were scrambling, there was another man in a green mottled cloak with a Longbow in his left hand that was coming upon the scene. From behind. Walking with his horse following without guiding it with the reins. He had missed the initial attack, but saw the royal guards shooting up at the building behind them, and in front of him. His eyes followed the shots to see a person running away up and over the roof for their escape.

An interested ‘hmph’ could came from his throat, as moved to the nearest alley that was near the assassins perch.
“Stay Shay!” he called out to his horse without looking who stopped suddenly where she stood. Once in the shadows he moved quickly enough to make it to the other side to see the would be assassin climbing out of her escape plan.

He stayed in the shadows as she discarded the helmet. Slowly pulling an arrow from his quiver. Nocking it to the drawstring He waited for the right moment as she ran passed him in the opposite direction. As she ran away in the crowded streets, he waited till the absolute right moment before pulling back his bowstring and while aiming for only aiming for a second, he fired. The arrow hissed passed innocent people and found its mark a hundred yards away.

The force of the arrow and unexpectedness of it suddenly piercing her shoulder would have caused the woman to be knocked down. The cloaked man ran out into the crowd as people screamed at seeing someone shot.

He made his way over to the woman till he was only five feet away. Not even putting an arrow on his bow again. Sighing. He said irritably.
“ All I wanted was some coffee…” Reaching down he grabbed the girls uninjured arm. “Up you go…under the order of his majesty the... “ He stopped himself. “ you know what you are under. Come on then.”

Barely missing the action, another cloaked person jogged over to the man and the injured woman. “Dammit! I always miss the action! Never leave any fun for me do ya old man?” A woman’s voice spoke. “First you’ve been taking the kills for the meals and now you steal the catching of the king’s attempted assassin! It is quite rude if you ask me. Very rude indeed.” The woman crossed her arms.

Annabelle groaned, too much in pain to talk or fight, so she just let herself be dragged. She chuckled when the woman came, reprimanding the man from stealing her catch. The two bounty hunters had no courtesy at all, not that Annabelle assumed they’d have. There they were, fighting over who would get a chance to bring him to the king. Although for Annabelle it would be beneficial if the bounty hunters tried to kill each other over her price. It would give her some time to escape.

“Fight for the reward money all you want,” She finally grunted. “All you will get from the Blood King is your own noose in the gallows as my co-conspirators.”

The man stopped as he heard the voice of the woman behind him. “If you were not browsing every shop that sold a dagger… you could have been here to take her in.” he started to say as he turned around, looking at the woman with just a hint of a smile on his face. “I’m just keeping you on your toes.”

His smile vanished when the would be assassin spoke raising his eyebrow at her comment. She didn’t know who they were? That’s new. Pulling her back to where he left his horse “Honestly If I got paid a reward for every bandit I brought in, I would not…..” he stopped suddenly as he noticed a smell. Looking to his right he saw a stall that had different sorts of Coffee beans. Their lovely aroma strong enough to reach their noses even in this street.

”If you got paid a reward?” Annabelle asked, realizing what the hooded man had just said. “How can you make a living if you...”

It was at that moment that the outlaw noticed the man’s mottled cloak, or rather why he would wear one, and gave a hearty laugh, or as hearty as she could with all the pain she was having.

“Woodsman,” Annabelle sighed, cursing her luck. “Honestly, I don’t know if I should be honored, or mortified. To run into the King’s personal operatives like that. The Fate truly is against me.”

He dragged the bleeding woman over to the stall, despite his small stature he had a vice grip on her arm. He seemingly ignored the woman laughing. Clearly she was finally coming to terms in an odd way.

He looked the different kinds. Noting one he never seen before. “I’ll take some of this one please.” He said in a completely different tone. Almost like he was a boy in a candy shop. Despite the importance of taking this would be assassin to the garrison.

“My old ones need to be replaced! I can’t help it, they have some real beauts in the shops here in town.” The woman replied as she walked with him and the would be assassin. As the man stopped short, she also noticed the smell in the air. “Wait V-” She tried to stop him but it was too late, the man was already dragging the woman to the coffee stall.

Placing her hand on her face and shaking her head, the woman followed after them.
“I swear this is an addiction for you. If you had to choose between anything and coffee. It would always be the coffee. Even if it was something like peace in the kingdom. Nope. Coffee. You’d marry it if you could. Honestly, I’m going to talk to a priest later. I want to make your love for coffee official.” A smirk grew on her face as she spoke. It had been years since he tried to get her to enjoy coffee but it just never was her thing.

The man looked to the girl. He opened his mouth in protest…. but hesitated. He shrugged as he realized what she said was true.
“Don’t be silly….” he said at normal tone. Looking back to the shop keeper as she handed him a small bag and he gave her some of his coin. “I’ve already tried….” he said in a softer tone in sarcasm.

He then seemed to remember he had a criminal in his hand.
“It’s true that fate is with me today. I would have never have found this coffee stand.” He said lifting the coffee beans. Clearly in a better mood.

“I have seen some stupid things done throughout my life. But nothing as fantastical as trying to kill the king in broad daylight…. alone.” He said as he packed the coffee beans in his pouch.

“And I would have succeeded, if it wasn’t for that vanguard in the rear.” Annabelle reminded. Carriage broken, the King had to arrive on horseback, a perfect target. One bolt to the head and he’d be dead. And then his children would have fought over who would get the crown, forcing the Vanguard to slaughter each other and the Woodsmen...” The outlaw went silent after realizing what she was about to say, so she turned her attention elsewhere. “You capital folks have it good. Coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco, opium. Stalls filled with pleasure commodities. I’d be happy to just have beer to drink, instead of that cursed gin. It’s the only drink we commoners can afford anymore with you nobles taxing and confiscating everything. We can’t even gather branches from the forest without paying a compensation for it.”

Annabelle sighed. “Although, what does it matter? Here I am having a chat with the man who is sending me to the gallows, buying coffee like it was normal to do when holding a captive. Then again, I’m not exactly going anywhere, am I?” The outlaw looked behind her, watching if the woman was still keeping her eyes on her.

Letting a chuckle out at the man’s response to her joke, the woman simply shook her head.

“Why am I not surprised…” she muttered. She then stayed silent, keeping her eyes on the fugitive while listening to the man speak before listening to the fugitive speak. Her idea on how the kingdom would fall was a fantasy at best, it made the woman scoff at the would be assassin.

“You’ve got a skewed view of some of the people in the kingdom. Well those around the king… Most of the nobles can kiss my ass.” The woman spoke the last part to herself.

“Anywho, I do believe it is time we take the fugitive to the jail instead of buying coffee.” The woman suggested.

The man sighed, as he ignored most what the assassin said but chuckled, looking to his companion. “She thinks us to be nobles. She really doesn’t understand the world does she?” He shook his head. But with her saying it was time to go he nodded his head, it was indeed time. He got what he needed.

The two woodsmen retrieved their horses all while dragging the prisoner with them. The prisoner was then delivered to the castle prison to await her fate. What fate had in store for her? Well, that’s fate’s decision.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The dungeon was filled with the typical stench that you never find anywhere else. Sure, the most important components were easily identifiable; the piss, shit and sometimes vomit created a unique a truly… personalised mixture that differed from person to person. The subtle smell of blood from drying splatters on the table and walls was in sharp contrast with sour, sharp odour of burned flesh. But there was something different here, a soft scent of something else, permeating the air, almost like special spices, a secret ingredient thrown into a pot with nearly perfect soup. Not many people who entered the dark place below the House of Questions were able to identify it, but everyone was affected by it. The smell of hopelessness and desperation, evaporating from every pore of people who were locked up down here.

This was the smell that Eva enjoyed, because it meant she was doing her job well. Some people might think that she enjoyed torturing people, hurting them until they reached the breaking point, but that wasn't really the truth. She didn't love it, she didn't hate it. It simply needed to be done and she was one of the best at it.

As she entered the cell, a soft smile appeared on her lips. Today was a good day. Her knee hurt, but it was that normal everyday kind of pain she was used to living with. She even managed to get out of bed on her own and required only a short massage on the stuff muscles to be able to walk the stairs down to the dungeon. And she got to work on this traitor, an older chubby baker, who was caught last night singing that damn song. Just the thought of that was enough to erase the smile from her lips. How dare they? The people in the kingdom owe everything to the royal family - there has been nothing but peace, stability and prosperity for the past decades. And still, there are individuals who would riot and rebel, not giving a thought to the chaos that would ensue if the king had ever been overthrown. Such ingratitude.

One of her two henchmen, Garret, had already prepared a softly cushioned chair for her. It looked almost inappropriate compared to the simple wooden chair the baker had been tied to. But it was the prisoners who were supposed to be feeling uncomfortable, not her, she thought as she slowly maneuvered her body into the chair, trying to avoid putting her knee into some uncomfortable position. Garret stood by, ready to help her, but since today was a good day, she didn’t need any assistance. Once she was settled in comfortably, her leg resting on a smaller stool, she finally looked at the prisoner.

The man was sobbing slightly, the sound muffled by the gag in his mouth, his arms tied to the chair by wide leather straps, hands clenched into fists to mask fear, or maybe even anger? Anger would be much more interesting, but judging by the large wet spot on the front of man’s trousers, it was probably just fear.

Eva reached into the pile of papers on a small table next to her, taking a while to find the right one. Not that she would actually need it, she had already read and memorized everything that was publicly known about this man before entering this room, but it was all a part of the show. Her eyes slowly followed the letters on the paper, while the tip of her index finger tapped on her lower lip. The prisoner’s eyes jumped between her and Garret, who was playing his own part, preparing the show for act two. Several tools were carefully spread on the big table, and the large man was taking the rest out of a box, closely examining each one. Eva had to suppress a giggle as she saw him shake a small speck of dust off an old, rusty and bloodstained cleaver. She liked working with this man. While he wasn't the smartest man alive, he had certain sense for dramatic moments. Not to mention his strength, which was useful not only in their job, but he also helped her to move around, sometimes even carrying her when she had one of the bad days. And he did all this with blind silent devotion she never truly understood.

The baker squirmed in his restraints, shook his head and tried to speak. Eva just smiled and looked into his eyes. “Stop that.” She made a short pause to make sure she had his undivided attention. “Now I'm pretty sure you are dying to tell me a lot of things. You wouldn't believe how even the most quiet people can't seem to keep their mouths shut when they're down here. But,” she tilted her head a bit, narrowing her eyes, “most of what people tell me here is just useless bullshit. ‘I'm innocent!’ ‘I didn't do anything!’ ‘This is all a mistake.’ Do you think I would waste my energy coming here if this was all a MISTAKE?” she raised her voice unexpectedly, pleased to see that the man jerked, startled by the sudden change in her tone.

“I wouldn't be happier if we could just go straight to the moment when we have a decent and meaningful conversation. But I have a very bad experience with people just not taking it seriously. Can you imagine they even try to lie to me? Even though I have an authority granted by the king himself. And disrespecting me like that is disrespecting his majesty.” She shook her head, sighing. “So let's just make sure that everyone in this room knows exactly what is going on, and what will continue to go on in case there is someone who doesn't get the message the first time. Garret, I will leave the first choice to you today.”

Smiling, the man turned to the table, moving his hand over the tools. He sometimes enjoyed this part a bit too much, a flaw easily forgiven given his other benefits. The baker started squirming and squealing again, trying to scream through the gag. Garret frowned at him, a big pair of cutting pliers gripped tightly in his left hand. His right fist now flung forward, hitting the prisoner's stomach and silencing him for a few moments. Eva gave Garret an appreciating nod, those sounds were really starting to get annoying. With precision acquired by the years of practice Garret placed the sharp blades of the pliers around the base of man's little finger and pressed on the handles. The bone snapped with a quiet crack and as always, there was a moment of silence before the baker started screaming, staring in disbelief on the finger that was now lying in the dirt on the ground.

Garret raised an eyebrow in an unspoken question whether he should punch the man again to shut him up, but Eva sighed and shook her head. She stretched her back and waited patiently for the screams to die out, massaging her thigh. The muscles tended to get stiff when she didn’t move for some time and she could already tell that getting up from this chair will not be very nice. ‘Not for me and certainly not for you,’ she thought and looked at the prisoner who was now just sobbing quietly, hypnotizing his bleeding hand, as if in hope that the finger will suddenly grow back.

“So,” she growled and put her foot on the ground, grabbing her cane, “I think now we can talk like two responsible adults, don’t you think?”

She left the cell two hours later, carefully wiping the blood from her cane-holding hand (slippery hands led to very painful accidents), and headed to a small bathroom to wash the rest of the blood from her face and arms. She was a bit sad because the baker really wasn’t a part of any secret group of rebels, but just a lonely old man who got drunk and whistled the wrong tune. She made sure that were no lies and nothing left untold, at the end he would have told her about every single thought that had ever passed through his head without a split second of hesitation. Now all that she had to do was sign the execution order. ‘And take a long hot bath,’ she thought while scrubbing a blood splatter from behind her ear, wondering how the hell did it get there.

A quiet knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. “What?” she snapped out.

“I have a message for you, inquisitor Gallard,” a startled voice answered. Eva opened the door and a young acolyte handed her a sealed note. She glanced at the symbol imprinted in the wax, not surprised to see it was from Superior Jennal, the inquisition leader. This could either be very good or very bad, but it was certain he wasn’t inviting her for a nice cup of tea.

Her eyes widened as she read the few lines Jennal scratched in hurry.

“Assassination attempt on the king, he is unharmed.
Suspect arrested by the Woodsmen (V.), in the castle now.
I’m meeting with high council, you are in charge of the investigation.

She frowned at the mention of the Woodsmen. They could be useful from time to time, but otherwise they were just a pain in the ass, sneaking around in their capes, looking all gloomy and mysterious. “Garret! Pack the things and get the carriage ready, please. We have some work at the castle.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Krusader
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Conall Cassidy

Conall almost felt a small smile on his face as he and the King finally entered into the capital. He was happy to finally be done with this diplomatic mission that was all kinds of too tedious for him personally. He was the kind of man who needed action and combat or at least is able to drink in a tavern. Sadly however there was none of that in the trip and Conall was growing restless for some action. ‘Another boring trip over with.’ he thought to himself as the first of the citizens came into view to welcome them back.

As they passed through the gates to the city he could see the peasants begin to shrink as their eyes set upon the towering presences that were northern raider Conall. As he continued to walk next to the king he looked over the commoners who looked with a mix of hate and fear at him. He could hear them whispering to each other as he passed them. It was no secret that outside the King and some members of the Vanguard Conall was not a well-liked man. There was no doubt about his strength and his capabilities as a warrior, but they feared the fact that he was a ‘Headhunter’ for the king who seemed to be unkillable. It was because of this, however, that Conall was able to merely silence them with a simple side glance in their direction. Those on his side of the street who had not already begun to cower from the glaring eyes of the king certainly did after seeing Conalls eyes look over them almost daring them to try something against the King.


Hearing those words Conall flipped on a dime as he saw an arrow pierce the back of one of his fellow guards as they dove to protect the king. Looking up to the rooftops he saw a woman standing with a crossbow already beginning to hurry down. “Get her!” He yelled at the top of his lungs as he pointed out to where she once stood as he ran off with the king ensuring he was safe. As he began to turn the corner he could see Fenros and Eleanor had gotten out safe as they rode off for to the castle. Smiling to himself at this he quickly followed behind the king who had already started to run off on horseback through the streets. Running by his side Conall yelled up to the king “My Lord, we need to get you to the castle.” as he finished he continued to look for more of these spineless Assassins that couldn't even face their opponent face to face but rather would attack from far away. Lucky it seemed this radical was working alone in their failed attempt to kill their king. Getting in front of the king Conall began yelling for citizens to get out of the way as they frantically filled the streets in a panic. The people in a mix of fear from the assassin and from seeing both the king and his personal guard charging right at them did their best to clear a path in the streets dropping whatever they were doing. Turning the corner Conall saw that some of the villagers had left a small tipped over cart that was now blocking the way through the street. “Why do the gods choose now to test me?” he said to himself irritated at the obstacle in front of him. Knowing there was no way to get the king to stop and turn around without risking more danger Conall picked up speed as he lowered his shoulder towards the cart. "All-father give me strength,” he said as he let his deep anger boil over consuming him. With a thunderous crash, Conall smashed through the cart shattering the middle portion of it give a clear path for the king's horse. As they neared the palace walls Conall once again kept his eyes open waiting to see if there was another attacking but it seemed the coward had fled after their failure. After entering the walls the king was quickly taken within the doors to the throne room itself to ensure his protection just as his children would be when they arrived.

Later that day

Conall gave a sigh letting his body relax from the training he was currently putting it through. Sitting down his ax for a moment he lifted a large canteen to his mouth inhaling all the water it held within it. He looked over the dummy admiring his work while he took a small break. In all honesty, Conall didn't need the extra training today but after today's events, he needed something to make him feel better. That and considering it was still too early for most the Vanguard members to start their usual drinking and fighting in the pub reduced his options greatly. Throwing his canteen to the side, Conall hurled the large Axe back up to his shoulder as he made his way to a small area with several targets set up. ‘Can't believe one of those damned woodsmen caught the traitor rather than one of us.’ he thought to himself as he pulled out his throwing hatchets inspecting them. ‘Over course it takes one of those cowards to catch another I suppose.’ Rolling his neck around he settled his gaze on the painted target that stood a couple yards away from him. Twirling the hatchet a bit in his hand he suddenly and spontaneously through the small ax with all his might as it slammed deep into the slab of wood. Smiling for but a second he through two more hatchets with the same speed and intensity as the first one watching as they impacted against two different targets. ‘I'd like to drive my ax through the traitorous bastard's neck personally but I'm sure Eva would make sure there wasn't much left for me to deal with.’ He thought to himself as he walked towards the targets to collect his axes. ‘Perhaps I could assist in the questioning process’ he laughed to himself seeing it as both a joke and a real idea. Wiping off the blades to his axes he placed them back into their correct spots on his person as he left the training area.

As he left one of the training areas within the palace Conall could see the guards were still on high alert but we're starting to relax a bit as it became more clear that this was just a solo act. He was surprised at the recent course of events, however, sure there was always unrest when it came to people and those in charge it was after all human nature. But what surprised him was someone acting on those waves of anger in such a way. It was a bold move to go straight for the head of the snake with no real plan which gave him great concern. If this person was willing to go this far then they must have had agenda and others helping them. “Who would be stupid enough to challenge the king and his armies?” he said to himself quietly as he continued through the open courtyard. Looking out the gate he saw Eva in a cart entering with a neutral face that was unnerving considering what she was capital of. Seeing her here meant one thing, this assian would be in for the worst time of their life. Some would feel pity for the poor girl that was at the end of the Eva “questing” sessions but Conall just had a smile on his face knowing the traitor was going to get what they deserved.

“Good Day Eva.” he said as he passed the cart holding the ever so feared Inquisitor. “I heard that you would be coming to meet or most esteemed guest.” he said with a serious tone with just the slightest hint of humor. “If you need I would be happy to escort you to our guest room.” he offered with sincerity awaiting her response.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collab with @Kitty

Fenros raced through the streets of the city, holding his princess as close to him as he could so she wouldn’t fall off his horse as he made a few sharp turns as to not hurt anyone innocent. Jumping over a few carts or barrels when he had to. While it was clear there was no one else now, he still didn’t want to risk it. With their speed they made it to the castle before the king.

The guards recognizing their princess and her knight, they cleared a path for them to the main courtyard. It was only after they passed the gate was when he slowed his horse to a skidding stop. A moment went by as Fenros did not want to get off his horse...nor let the princess go with her leaning into him still. He did glance down at her and ask softly, so she could only hear. “Are you okay El?” He did not move an inch till she would say anything.

Now that they were within the castle’s gates, Eleanor’s mind began to run wild. Another assassination attempt. Her mind remembering what had happened during the last one caused her breathing to increase in rate. Quickly, she leaned off of Fenros and snapped around to face him. She began leaning forward and backwards checking him for injuries. She’d nearly lost him last time and that was her only fear right now. Losing him, so she checked everywhere she could, forcefully moving his head to one side then to the other with her hand. Once she was sure she saw no injuries she let out a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing. “No injuries this time… good.” She breathed as she leaned against Fenros once again. Not even realizing he had asked her anything.

Fenros looked at her as she tried to look him over, Attempting to say her name a few times as she then moved his head from side to side forcibly. Getting slightly annoyed she was not listening to him, but suddenly stopped when she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against him once again. He was glad she wasn’t looking at his face. As he grew slightly red, and he was sure it was not from the sudden rush of adrenaline he had a few minutes ago.

He cleared his throat after a moment, looking around at the the other guards of the castle. “El… I wasn’t asking if I was ok, I was asking if you were.” He glanced down at her, trying to see any wounds of hers. He didn’t dare try to move her for a few reasons.

He knew she was thinking of the last time this happened, and how he nearly lost his life protecting hers. While he was touched on how much she cared for him in that regard. He tried to push that out his mind. Slowly moving his hand away from her waist, waiting for her answer.

The redhead looked up at him, “Of course I'm fine Fen. There was no chance of my being hurt with your fat self behind me.” Eleanor grinned, answering his question while also poking fun at the man who was in no way fat to lighten the mood after what they'd gone through. She did hate to dwell on the bad… minus the one time she did nothing but. “Can we get off the horse now? I'd like to know if I actually have legs under this skirt seeing as I lost feeling for them a while ago.” Eleanor joked as she looked to her skirt and moved her numb and asleep legs a bit.

His eyes were wide as she looked at him, and his entire body seemed to deflate when she called him fat. He was genuinely worried about her and she started to joke. He let out a long sigh but could not help but allow a tiny smirk on his face when she grinned at him. “I only look fat because you are tiny compared to any other lady.” He whispered with a smile.

When she asked if they could get off he nodded slipping his left leg under hers to get to the stirrups so he could lower himself. Regretfully pulling himself away from her. As soon as he was on the ground Also knowing the feeling of numb leg he was prepared to hold her if necessary. He reached up and helped her off easily and slowly off the horse.

Upon her feet hitting the ground, Eleanor kept a grip on Fenros as she let feeling come back to her legs. She did not trust herself to take another walk yet. “Thank you Fenros-” She paused testing her legs by shifting her weight. “For everything today.” She softly told him, glancing up at the man. She looked into his eyes as she thanked him before looking over his face with her eyes, making sure once again he was fine. Her eyes stayed a bit longer on his lips than anywhere else besides her eyes but El was brought back to reality at the shouting of orders and the hooves beating on ground indicating her father’s arrival back to the castle. She was quick to look away and finally take a step. Once she felt she was good, she let go of Fenros and stepped away from him. Eleanor didn’t want to get him in trouble or worse, killed by her father just because of how close they were.

Fenros nodded his head to her as she said thank you. But he couldn’t say anything. As he started to hear hoof beats. As she pulled away from him he felt a tear in his chest. He moved his hands to behind his back just In time to see the king and the kingsguard came running in. As the king rode by, he noticed the man glaring down at him. Looking down and away as he did so. Not wanting to further glean attention from the king.

Eleanor saw her father’s glare to Fenros and she couldn’t help as a bad feeling settled in that the drama wasn’t over.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 23 days ago

It was dark in the castle's dungeon, with little sounds besides the occasional drip echoing in the distance. The prisoners there didn't dare to speak much, for reasons very clear. One prisoner did release a groan from time to time, not because she was being tortured, though. At least not yet.

Annabelle Tyler, the outlaw who tried to assassinate the king, was still in pain from the wound in her arm she had gained after the Woodsman who arrested her shot an arrow through it. She had to admit that the medicinal practices she had gone through were good. But Annabelle knew exactly why she had been treated so well. They wanted her to be as healthy as possible until the interrogation would take place. A dead prisoner would tell nothing. Though Annabelle had the feeling that whoever would interrogate her was going to use the wound as a way to torture her, along with whatever other methods they had planned.

The outlaw held no illusions that she would live. It wasn't like she wasn't afraid of dying, because she was. But there were still things in this world dying for. And maybe she could do something before she was executed.

Perhaps the King doesn't need to be dead for his family to turn against one another.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 13 days ago

A Home In Turmoil

By: @CaptainBritton @Dusty


Long shadows gathered as the noonday sun dipped slowly in the sky, blinding the dozen westbond riders as they journeyed. They rode at a fast, steady pace, the dust from their horses’ hooves billowing out behind them. To their backs lay the Rhina, the flowing blue river that snaked south and east until it reached the sea, and to their fore spreading out like a bulbous weed rose the Tricealian capital of Akarath. Surrounded by patchwork quilts of cultivated fields and walled off manor houses. It was a testament to the kingdom, and Prince Aaron could smell it from there.

Drawing on his steeds riens the prince nodded to his squire who raised his hand bringing the remaining ten riders to a halt. They were knights of the Vanguard, mostly, with three manservants accompanying them and two squires to draw the baggage mules. They were certainly fewer than when they had left. Aaron revld in the fond memory of near a hundred Vanguard knights, dressed in gleaming armor, suitability riding the vanguard of the Tricaelian war host as they paraded out of the city. Those men had since dispersed, the levied returning to their farms and the knights to their estates and families. Those of the army that remained, well remained at the captured castle of the traitors. Aaron had seen no reason to drive three thousand men back across the river on yet another painfully slow journey. “We should travel swift and light. No more than five men so that we might return with all due haste. I wouldn’t be gone a moment longer than I must.” He’d informed his leading commander. Sir Iben was a stern, and cautious man however, and would not hear of it.

“Your grace has been wounded in battle, and is not fit to swing a sword.” He spoke bluntly, with an assurance that came with dealing with the royal family for so many years. He had the gray hair and titles to show for it after all. “No fewer than thirty sire, thirty armed men and their retainers.”

Aaron however was no less stubborn, insisting upon speed to protect him on the road. He did not fear bandits, nor anything or anyone, and he’d be damned if he scurried home, surrounded by hundreds of bodyguards. It was bad enough he would be returning with his arm wrapped in bandages and his left eye a nasty green and blue from a week old bruise. They had gone back and forth before settling upon ten men to accompany him, plus his new squire. Sir Iben had been displeased to say the least, but he’d dutifully chosen his five best knights and assigned them to guard the Prince.

Thus assembled they rode, and a fortnight later they’d arrived on the outskirts of Akarath, the Seat of the King. Prince Aaron squinted at the city, hidden behind the dipping sun. They would arrive well before nightfall should they keep up a decent pace. Waving one of the manservants forward Aaron issued a few final orders. “Ride ahead good man, inform the keep of my return and have the servants prepare my chambers. I wish to bathe upon my arrival.” Aaron thought for a moment, then said. “If my lord father and sister have returned insure they know of the my coming as well. I would dine with them.”

The servant nodded his head. “As you say m’lord. Anything else?”

“No, now ride.” And ride he did, setting off at a gallop full tilt down the dirt path leaving the others to follow at a slower pace.

Just as Aaron had predicted their party arrived at the outer city walls well before nightfall. The dirt roads had changed to cobble and there was an abundance of taverns and street vendors packing up their stands for the night. They cast curious glances at the Prince, as if unsure of his motives. Some whispers rose, and though the Vanguard loosened their swords in their scabbards Aaron ignored it, keeping his gaze locked forward, not giving the peasantry so much as a sideways glance. Aaron led the way up the cobbled steps towards the gate, one of the smaller ones reserved for nobility, when a score of battle armored knights burst from the archway, spilling out onto the dirty path leading up to the passageway. Most were not mounted, but they marched swiftly down the path, led by a tall knight astride a destrier of immense size.

Aaron recoiled at the sight, uncertain at their motive. He had not received word they would be greeted by a welcoming host of this magnitude. Aaron eyes slide over the knights until they locked onto the leader, a smile flickering across his face. “Sir Arvel, I would recognize that crest anywhere. But to what purpose does he approach with so many armed men?” Aaron glanced around at the other knights and men accompanying him. Equally bemused expressions on their faces. “I suppose we will have to wait and find out.” He mused.

They did not have long to dally. The knights reached them quickly, surrounding them in a wall of steel and flesh, naked blades held tight in gauntleted hands. They faced outwards, forming a protective ring around the royal and Sir Arvel. Aaron nodded to the older man, giving him a look off amused curiosity. “Warm greetings sir knight. I welcome your company but this is, unusual.” He said, matter of factly. “Might I be privy to the occasion?”

Arvel approached, straining his bony frame against his plate as he darted a hand up, enunciating, “Agurrak nire liseria.” A formality, a term which roughly was a generalized greeting to royalty. His helmet, a sallet with mask, was removed with care, revealing the disheveled and gaunt features of the man. “Lord, I’m afraid there’s been an incident, involving His Majesty.” Arvel paused, glancing about at his own patchwork retinue compared to the Lord Commander’s own. “An attempt on His Majesty’s life, he’s unharmed. The perpetrator is in custody, but we cannot be wholly sure that there are not other associates out for the heads of His Majesty or perhaps yourself.”

Sir Arvel took a deep breath as he rested an idle hand on his longsword’s sheath, balancing himself as he looked back to the city momentarily. “My company of foot has been tasked as your provost. I surely hope you do not mind, sire.”

A dark scowl materialized on Prince Aaron features. The news did not bode well with him. Would the enemies of the crown, the potential assassins be so bold as to make an attempt upon the king in daylight, surrounded by Vanguard and with the Woodsmens’ center of operation so close? “How was this not discovered? How could the Woodsmen have failed so spectacularly in their mission?” The question was more hypothetical, and Aaron did not expect a proper answer from Sir Arvel. Even the high ranking knight wouldn’t know the full goings on within the kingdom’s secret police. This botched assassination was just another in a stream of foul tidings for the young prince. Entire noble families defecting, bold murder, and a generally discontent populous. The crown was losing its grip, and the kingdom was slipping away. Perhaps the only thing keeping any semblance of order now was the threat of a thousand Vanguard knights unleashing fury upon anyone who attempted armed insurrection. But how long would it be until even they began sensing a change in the winds? The thought made Aaron sick to his stomach. How close had someone come to cutting off the head of the dragon? Leaving only the crown heir and princess to hold the reins.

Aaron paled, terrified he turned in his saddle fixing Sir Arvel with a piercing stare. “My sister? She was traveling with my father when I left. Did any harm befall her?”

“I do not believe so, Lord.” Arvel muttered, eyes still darting to watch every approach. Never could be too sure.

“Some small relief.” Aaron breathed, a touch of color returning to his features. “With such troubling tidings I feel it necessary to make haste to the keep. These assassins might feel my father is their target, but surely I do not fall far behind. Sir knight, order your men forward.”

“With all speed, sire.” Arvel made to guide his helmet back upon his head, barking out to the men which had lined up nearby. “Company, forward! Diamond formation, protect the Lord Commander!” One armored glove was raised, giving the proper motions to his men.

As one the armored column stepped out at double time, their boots clattering upon the cobbled roads. Prince Aaron and Sir Arvel rode abreast, with the mounted contingent pressed tight around them while the footmen maintained their wall in perfect form, like a double edged spear point. The diamond was forced to contract within the tight confines of the city, but they pressed on resolutely, striking any peasant foolish enough to not get out of the way in time with the flat of their swords.

Any concern Aaron had over optics had long since vanished. The Prince could only mull over the implications of this new development, and fulmagate over the failings of the Woodsmen. He wanted answers from Jack, an explanation that would simultaneously reassure, and placate. And Aaron was confident no such excuse would be forthcoming. Aaron was suddenly jared from his contemplations when their column was forced to halt, and angry shouting ensued from the front. The city was especially crowded here, in the economic epicenter, and angry cries could be heard from all around as the people pressed themselves tight against the walls of shops and houses to make room for the Vanguard. “What is the meaning of this?” Aaron shouted above the babble of voices from every side. Over the commotion Aaron heard a wheezy old voice shouting at the top of his lungs.

“The king is dead, long live the king!”

Then a different call. “Shut it ya old fool, the king an prince be dead long live the princess!”

“They’re all dead, and the enemies march upon us!”

“The city is doomed!”

Aaron’s horse reared, screaming as a stone bounced of a Vanguard’s helm and struck it in the eye. Expertly Aaron adjusted in his saddle, allowing the horse to calm. Did these people not see him? Could they not tell he sat in the middle of them all and could hear every word they spoke. Then it dawned upon him, he wore dusty armor, a dented helm and with no banners to speak of. For all these stupid people knew his crest could be that of any lord or knight. “Sir Arvel,” Aaron cried, finally regaining control over his horse. “Command these people aside in the name of the king!”

“Sir Arvel they are too tightly packed, we cannot push through.” came the warning from the front. A man in the line somewhere. “Your orders sir?”

Arvel bit his lip, glaring at the crowd, and then the knight. He mustered a deep, guttural tone to carry his voice to his men. “Shields forward! Push through, make a chevron and open up a channel! Now!” He commanded, reaching up a hand to put down the mask on his helmet, using his off-hand to tear the retention strap from his longsword sheath, allowing the weapon to simply be pulled forth if needed. “Lord, I would advise to prepare for a hard ride. We will not have long if my men make an opening.”

“As you say Captain, I am prepared.” Aaron assured him his knuckles white around the hilt of his sword. He cursed his injured arm, hating himself as a weakling as pain lanced up his elbow. He would have to bear it. He could not hold his reins and hilt simultaneously with a single hand.

Before them the thin line of footmen heaved against the crowd, bringing their broad shields forward, smashing those unfortunate souls trapped between the heaving crowd and resolute knights again and again.

Eventually the crowd broke, the battle yard training of many years shattering the unorganized mass. The knights surged through, closely followed by the mounted contingent and Prince Aaron, keeping as close to the front as possible. It was a battle to be sung of, and the knights had to shove and push their way through as a miner would through rock. Fighting every inch, constantly reinforcing the tip of the spear so as to continue the advance. There was no telling how many fathers would not be returning home that evening, as men were trampled under the feet of beasts and men. And although the knights took care to use only the dull sides of their weapons the powerful swings still cracked skulls, and not an ounce of strength was withheld. After nearly an hour of grueling work the column and crowd parted, the knights all with fresh dents in their armor from thrown stones. Fortunately the only injuries that had been sustain as far as Aaron could tell were from the manservants, who wore no armor and who were sporting several fresh bruises and cuts.

Given the chance to breath Aaron turned, venting his anger about the incident upon the captain. “This is outrageous. Any Vanguard unit should not be waylaid by a rabble. Clearly the Watchmen have lost control over the city to allow a riot of such magnitude to form. And when the city should be locked down after an assassination attempt upon my Lord Father! As Lord Commander of the Vanguard I command you to rally as many men as possible, including the household guard, and the city watchmen and retake control of this city! Close off the gates and deny entry to anyone but those of higher status. No one leaves, and no one enters. Furthermore establish a curfew, and let it be the gallows for any fool who resists. You have Command Captain. Send a runner to me once order is reestablished.” Flushed and angry Aaron spurred his horse forward, riding onto the Path of the Royals, a narrow, raised bridge that spanned the moat, and separated the keep from the rest of the city. He cast one final look back at Sir Arvel and the exhausted knights of the Vanguard. It would be a long night for them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The following day…

Vanguard soldiers marched down the hall. Orders from the king himself, ones that though left them with many questions, they all knew better than to say a thing. Stopping shortly, the men formed a line where they were told to. The traitor they were supposed to be arresting should be coming shortly and though the men wished not for a fight, they were prepared. Two of them were the main ones chosen to arrest the traitor and the other twenty were backup in the event the man decided to fight back. One of the men, was the general of the Vanguard himself, standing tall with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Minutes passed until the traitor rounded the corner and began down the hall they were in, one that lead to the stairs leading to the wing of the castle where the princess’s chambers were. Another guard was already sent to be her new bodyguard, standing outside her door as the events elsewhere in the castle occurred.

“Halt Fenros.”The general ordered, walking to meet the man halfway. The other guards lining either side of the wall and the general’s second-hand behind him, all of them watching Fenros’ every move. “You no longer serve as the bodyguard of the princess and will not be heading any further near her.”

As Fenros walked around the corner he hesitated for a moment upon seeing the company of Vanguard that lined the walls of the hall. His hand instantly falling upon the pommel of his own sword. He moved forward cautiously as the general and another walked towards him. Reluctantly stopping when he was ordered to do so . When he was told he was no longer El’s bodyguard, he pulled his head back in confusion. Why was this? He couldn’t head further near her.

Shaking his head as he shifted side to side, coming to a rest at a slightly ready position to fight. Something was clearly wrong. “Why? What is the meaning of this?” He asked as he thought it might have been him riding off with Eleanor yesterday after the attack, But...He did his duty. While making sure there was more men to protect the king.

“Fenros Allaway you are under arrest for treason to the crown. Please come without a fight. We don’t want to have to use force but we will.” The general nodded towards the guards on either side of Fenros. All prepared to fight Fenros if they needed to.

Fenros was shocked at the charge of treason. He raised his left hand, telling them to wait as he took a step backwards as they started to move towards him. “Wait! What do you mean ‘treason’?! I’ve served the king faithfully always!” He wanted to fight this. They were in a smaller corridor, only room for three or so to line up against him. He could fight. But that would only confirm their suspicion, despite it being not true. Eleanor might be able to fight this if he just listened to the general. It would be a long shot but it was his only way to perhaps, one day be at her side again. As he allowed his arms to be seized by the guards.

“Correct move.” The general said as two men seized Fenros. They then began to take him to the dungeon. The general and his second-in-command right in front of him and two more guards behind him. The rest also following. Soon they were in the dungeons and after Fenros was disarmed of his weapons and stripped of his armor, he was led into a cell right beside the assassin.

News spread quite quickly that Fenros had been arrested for treason. People coming up with their own theories and ideas on what happened. Many outlandish ideas and very few actually wondering if it was just their evil king no longer getting use of him.

Once hearing the news, a mysterious person could be seen staring at the castle from a far. “Don’t worry. Help is on its way.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 23 days ago

The previous day…

Collab with @Raylah

Eva sat on the carriage and watched Garret carefully maneuver through the growing crowd. The news about the assassination spread fast, and although no one seemed to know what exactly happened, everyone was eager to tell a story that was even more exciting to hear than the previous one. Before they reached the keep, she had heard about the king’s death (in one version the blood that poured from his slit throat was black and hissed as the sun touched it), about the deaths of the prince and princess, one crazy old man even yelled about groups of rebels taking control over the city. Eva shook her head, such thing was nearly impossible, but then again, such direct attack on the king’s life was also considered impossible just hours ago. And if two organizations with nearly unlimited resources couldn’t prevent such attack, who is to say that they haven’t missed something bigger?

It was a fear amongst the kingdom’s leadership, not just for the king, but for other people on high position, that an underground resistance exists. A group of rebels, dedicated to end the current dynasty and start a revolution. Moving unseen in the shadows, gathering strength and preparing for a final strike. There was never any hard evidence discovered actually proving the existence of such group, but the thought of it was never dismissed. Could this assassin be a part that group? Or just an individual who had somehow gotten so close to killing the king?
So many questions. But at least some of them will be answered soon. As the cart entered the castle gates, she noticed much more soldiers than usual, running around as a flock of scared chicken. There was only one that seemed calm as he headed across the yard towards her. She recognized him as a member of king’s personal guard.

“Good day to you as well, sir. I appreciate your offer, but I know my way around here and I am sure that you have more important duties right now, concerning the protection of the royal family.” She nodded in his direction. That was a man she could respect. Simple, strong, following his orders without questions and loyal to the king. She waited until he left and then let Garret help her down from the carriage. Her climbing days were long over.

The prisoner had already been brought to the interrogation room, sitting in a wooden chair, firm leather straps holding her wrists, ankles and chest in place. Eva didn’t let any emotion show as she observed the woman, noticing some older scars on her skin, no doubt products of fights, and a new bandage over her shoulder. One corner of Eva’s mouth turned up in a small smile. This woman will not be as easy to break as the commoners she had dealt with before. Garret has started the usual show, taking out all the instruments and lining them up on a large table beside the wall, well within the prisoner’s eyesight. A small fire was lit in a metallic bowl on the other side of the room, heating the air and providing dim lighting. Tips of the metallic tools inside were burning red, ready to be used. Eva hadn’t decided whether she was going to use them yet, she actually had something else in mind, but it couldn’t hurt to have them at hand.

Eva watched woman’s face carefully, trying to determine what is it she is most afraid of. For most people it was the fire – as soon as it had been lit, they couldn’t take their eyes off the instruments inside. Some people were more afraid of the knife and scalpel collection, others of the drills or pliers. At this point, Eva usually had the prisoner gagged, but felt in this case it wasn’t necessary. This woman is not going to beg for her life. ‘At least not at start,’ she thought with a smirk.

Annabelle’s mind was spinning. She was not unfamiliar to pain, having experienced it from time to time during practice fights and hunting trips. Boars were very dangerous opponents. But this was something else entirely. Annabelle’s brother, Sebastian, had told her things about torture, how its supposed purpose was to look for information, but in the end was very unreliable. A man could break completely, become unresponsive and useless. Or, more likely, he would tell the torturer what they wanted to hear. In fact, what torture was good for was getting confessions, false or not, to stop the pain.

That was Annabelle’s lifeline. She needed to reveal something that the inquisitor wanted. Although Annabelle despised lying, it was the only way for her not to lose her mind or life.

The inquisitor was looking at Annabelle, observing. She was no doubt looking for her fears. Annabelle thanked her luck that this woman hadn’t gotten what would have truly terrified her. Had she brought in Sebastian, Isobel, or any other member of the Tyler family to torture in Annabelle’s stead, she was sure that she would break. But now that she alone was in danger, she could think, at least somewhat. The outlaw let her eyes wander around the room, through the torture implements. So many ways to cause pain, to cripple. But she needed something else.

It was then that Annabelle’s eyes turned to the brazer burning in the coals. Worth a try. The outlaw collected her thoughts, staring at the brazer, while trying to imagine her siblings in the torture chamber. The thought certainly caused her body to tremble.

Eva stared at the prisoner, trying to guess her thoughts. Woman’s eyes swept the room, trying to find an exit, something to hold onto, or maybe a slightly friendlier face. Not finding anything, eventually her sight turned to the tools and instruments laid on the table. Eva could almost feel the woman’s heart, suddenly pounding faster and harder. No one was immune to fear. As Eva had guessed before, the prisoner couldn’t take her eyes of the fire pit, hypnotizing the glowing red tips of the metallic instruments inside, shivering a little.

The inquisitor had to suppress a victorious smirk. The situation was almost perfect. Almost, expect for the fact that Eva didn’t know anything about this woman. There was power in information, there was always something you could use against the person, something from their history you could pull out and exploit. Sometimes, when there was no other choice, even a loved one you could threaten. But this woman had seemingly materialized out of nowhere and without at least knowing her name, the inquisition had no way of getting any information about her.

Eva leaned forward a bit, letting her hair fall to her face to cover a painful frown as a cramp locked her thigh in place, sharp needles of pain pinching all the way up towards her spine. Looks like the good part of her day was coming to an end. After a few seconds she was finally able to stand up, leaning heavily against her cane.
“Some would say,” she said, “that an injury makes you weaker. In my line of work, however, it gives me certain advantages.” She slowly walked towards the fire, warming her hands above the flames. “You see, I understand pain better than anyone. You would be amazed by how much pain the body can take before the mind shuts down. I can tell the exact spot right before that happens and I can keep a person there for hours.”

She grabbed the handle of one of the branding irons, this one had an X shape at the end, and pulled it out of the fire. Even without being in the fire, the tip was still burning bright red. She knew the woman will expect her to ask questions first, that she would only start hurting her when those questions wouldn’t be answered fast enough. Many people seemed to believe they could get out of this situation completely unharmed. It felt good to prove them wrong. “So,” she turned to the prisoner and moved a bit closer. Garret moved behind the tied woman, ready to assist Eva in case she needed it. “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Eva Gallard and I am a part of the Royal Inquisition.” Without giving the woman any moment to respond, she pointed the branding iron at her healthy shoulder and pressed the hot tip against her skin.

A blood curdling scream left Annabelle’s mouth as the burning iron scalded her skin. Though she had expected pain, the actual experience was beyond expectations. Sebastian had told not to think of pain, because it would only make it worse. But in circumstances like this, it was difficult not to think of pain. Annabelle slumped on her chair, trembling. She took deep breaths, trying to speak
”I… am Daisy… serf from Khunrith She finally told. As she breathed in and out, she tried to think whether to tell it all now. The pain was incredible, but she needed to keep up the facade, at least a little longer.”And that is all you will ever know”

Eva waved the iron in the air, frowning at the pieces of burned skin attached to the tip. She put it back into the fire, pulling out another one. “Hmm, so Daisy. A beautiful flower.” No doubt a made-up name. Khunrith? That was possible, she definitely didn’t have the typical capital accent. Although that could be just an act as well. “I imagine such beauty like you must be very popular amongst the men. I wonder if it still will be true if we make some slight… adjustments to this lovely face.” She waved the tip of the branding iron in front of woman’s face. Garret tightly gripped her hair, preventing her from moving.
“I could use this,” the bright red iron was now only inches away from prisoner’s eye, “to take your eyesight away. But you couldn’t see what’s coming next, which would be such shame. So instead,” she leaned forward, whispering right into Daisy’s ear, “after we will end our fun today, I will have you locked up in a tiny cell deep underground. And for the rest of your life, the only light you will ever see will be this. She waved the iron, smiling at the red it was seemingly leaving in the air. A short nod to Garret and he tore the front of woman’s shirt. “That is unless you start TELLING ME THE TRUTH,” Eva yelled and pressed the hot iron on the white skin right under woman’s collarbone.

Annabelle breathed faster. She wasn’t sure herself if she was actually panicking, or it was part of her own performance, it was all getting mixed around. Screw facade. Annabelle started speaking.
”Fine, it’s too late anyway” The outlaw put her head down, like she was ashamed, ”The cart was sabotaged. The king was out in the open, and I would have killed him if if wasn’t for that loyalist.” She gave a painful chuckle ”Who would have thought there are still people ready to die for the King. But it doesn’t matter. I’m just one death in the Undaunted’s arsenal. And now that Akarath is in chaos, the Blood King is as good as death, along with the Unworthy prince. It’s too late.”

Eva took a step back, trying to put the information together. She didn’t think the woman was lying. Not telling the whole truth yet, but that fanaticism with which she spoke was genuine. For now, she had to set aside with the ‘Undaunted’, as the woman called her group, it was an important information, but there was something more pressing. She said ‘it’s too late anyway’. Shivers ran down Eva’s spine, her mind racing, attempting to decipher the threat hidden underneath those words. The carriage was sabotaged, that could only have been caused by someone from the king’s court, most likely from the Vanguard, as they have been guarding the king on his travels. Since this crazy woman had been arrested, the security measures will not be as strict as they would have been if the assassin had gotten away.

But who, who would be in such position to sabotage the cart, and even harm the king in case the main plan failed? And prince Aaron for that matter? Eva knew that he had just returned to the city, he will probably be with his father now. Both targets at one spot, unsuspecting of a traitor moving nearby. She had to force this woman to say the name. Maybe something more aggressive will erase that smile off her face.

Eva set the iron aside, letting it heat in the fire again, and reached for a small knife. It was a slightly bent skinning knife, razor-sharp.
“You see, this way the hot iron can only get to upper layers of the skin. As that burns, it creates a thick layer that protects the muscles beneath. So, if I want to go deeper…,” she drove the blade expertly under the fried skin, cutting a piece off, revealing the bare flesh. The wound quickly filled with blood, pouring down onto the remains of woman’s shirt. Eva stepped aside and reached for a new iron, this one was pointy, designed to go deep inside the body. “I want the name,” she whispered and moved the hot tip so close to the wound that the blood began to sizzle.

Another scream from Annabelle. The pain that combined cutting and cauterizing was incredible.
”FENROS!” She screamed like a madwoman ”FENROS!” The outlaw trembled from the pain, ”Fenros the Undaunted. Bodyguard of the Queen. He who whispers to her ear.“ There was a new smell as Annabelle tried to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure what was the cause of the smell, nor if she wanted to know. Everything was spinning.

Eva froze, gasping for air. Thousands of thoughts were whirling around in her head, but the most important was that the king was in terrible danger. Bodyguard to the queen? As far as she knew, Fenros was a bodyguard assigned solely to protect princess Eleanor, not the queen. Maybe the woman was just confused, or her information wasn’t entirely correct. But how else would she know Fenros’ name? It made perfect sense, he had access to the entire royal family and he most certainly had time and opportunity to sabotage the carriage. And he was moving freely around the palace even now. Eva threw the iron back into the fire, causing a geyser of sparks.

“Take her back to a cell. We will finish this conversation later,” she growled at Garret. He raised an eyebrow – normally she would continue the interrogation to make sure the prisoner wasn’t lying. But the situation was too dangerous, the king needed to be warned as soon as possible. “And you,” she leaned towards the woman, “if you are lying to me, I guarantee you that I will be listening to your beautiful screams for hours and hours,” she whispered. The prisoner seemed like she was about to pass out, but Eva knew she could hear her. The inquisitor headed out of the room as fast as her leg allowed her.

Annabelle, still delirious, felt the rough hands take her from the chair and carrying her to the cell, before roughly throwing her inside. As she heard the lock clicking behind her, Annabelle somehow found strength to crawl to her so called bed, before losing herself to blissful unconsciousness.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eva didn’t sleep well. Saying that she hasn’t slept at all would probably be closer to the truth. The few precious minutes of sleep she got were filled with nightmares about daggers in the dark, arrows flying around, burying themselves deep into flesh, streams of blood filling the streets, fire consuming the city. She jerked awake from a nightmare of the night right into the nightmare of the day – cramps running all over right side of her body, muscles on her thigh as hard as stone. She bit her lip not to scream out at loud and suffered in silence until the sun popped up over the horizon and she could finally move a little. She spat out the blood on the floor, she must have bitten the lip too hard. The door opened, Eva didn’t even have to look to know it’s Garret, the only person who could enter her room at this hour and without knocking.

He gently grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom, where there was a full tub of hot water already waiting for her. A sigh of relief escaped her lips and she had to fight hard not to let any tears escape her eyes. Now that she could finally turn from a heap of flesh screaming for help into a normal person, she had time to think about previous day. To her regret, she wasn’t allowed to go back to interrogating the assassin. As soon as she told Superior Jennal the name that the woman screamed out, all investigations were halted temporarily, waiting for the king to decide on the next steps.

Fenros was to be arrested, that was without a shadow of doubt. Whether he would be handed over to the inquisition immediately, that was uncertain. He was an important person in the court, and the evidence against him wasn’t very solid. Eva didn’t know what the history between the king and the knight was, but the ruler must have had great trust in him to put the responsibility of guarding the princess’ life solely on his shoulders.

‘A bodyguard of the queen’, that was what the woman said. Eva thought about the queen for a moment, but if there was one thing to be known about her, it was the love for her children. While there could be some hidden tension between her and the king, it was unthinkable to even consider the possibility that she would want to harm prince Aaron. But what about the princess? The assassin said that the deaths of the king and the prince were certain, but not a word about princess Eleanor. Just that Fenros was the bodyguard of the queen.

Thoughts rolled slowly in her head, a new idea formed somewhere deep in her subconsciousness. Eva examined it carefully from each angle she could think of, poking and probing it, looking for mistakes and weak spots. It wasn’t until the water in the bath was almost cold when she summoned Garret to help her get dressed, her eyebrows drawn together, and her mind still lost in thoughts.

She had to wait in the hallway for several minutes before being taken to the Superior’s office, gritting her teeth as she had to lean against the wall to take the weight off her leg. When she was finally allowed to enter, one or two drops of sweat had already formed on her forehead.

“Eva Gallard,” he looked at her from behind his desk, laying down a quill. “I thought you will get some rest before we need your services again.”

Eva had to suppress a frown. ‘I’m busy, get out and wait till I call for you,’ that was what he was really saying. He must have guessed what she was thinking about, because a wide smile appeared on his lips and he got up to greet her. With a sigh of relief, she lowered herself down onto a chair and accepted a glass with dark liquid he was offering her. “I do apologize for interrupting you, but there is one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. It might be nothing, but…” She didn’t have to finish to get his full attention. While they didn’t particularly like each other on a personal level, the Superior had learned to trust her instincts and listen to what she had to say. She took a sip from the glass and nodded with an appreciative smile.

“Yerusian mead. I got a few bottles left from last year’s harvest festival. I’m not really a wine person this early in the morning, but this thing puts you up on your feet,” he talked, letting her gather her thoughts.

Eva nodded, already feeling the warmth spreading inside her body. “There was something else the prisoner had told me yesterday. At first, I dismissed it as her mistake or inaccurate information, but…”


“There might be something to it. When she said that Fenros was responsible for the sabotage, she also mentioned, that he was the bodyguard of the queen.”

Jennal shook his head. “The queen has her own bodyguards, Fenros was tasked only to protect princess Eleanor.”

“Yes. But the woman didn’t mention her at all. She said the king is as good as dead, alongside with ‘the unworthy prince’, which we assume to be prince Aaron. But nothing about princess Eleanor.”

“It might be because the princess is of little consequence,” Jennal replied, but then frowned. “But if the king and the prince were dead…” he stopped, realizing where she was headed to.

Was she really going to say this out loud? If it turned out to be a lie, she would probably be considered a traitor to the crown herself. But then again, if it turned out to be truth, the consequences were huge. She took a deep breath. “In that case, Eleanor would inherit the crown,” she finished his thought. “She would be the queen and Fenros would truly be the queen’s bodyguard.” There was a moment of silence when they both contemplated on the gravity of the situation they have found themselves in. “Now this is just a theory, based on a few words of a woman we know nothing about.”

Jennal nodded. “Indeed. But it is still a theory the king should be notified about. I will go and talk to him right away, we will leave it to him to decide what to do next. Meanwhile, you should get ready. There is a special guest in the dungeons that will be waiting for you.”

A corner of Eva’s mouth turned up in an evil grin. “The king handed him over to us?”

“Without a second of hesitation. But he will not be easy to break.”

“Oh, I’m counting on that.” Her smile got wider as she limped towards the office doors.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

collab with @Raylah

Fenros sat on the cold ground of the cell. Trying to figure out why this was happening to him. He had multiple theories, the most prominent being the king was tired of Fenros being so close to Eleanor. Finally finding a way to get Fenros out of the picture.

While he openly supported the king, and did nothing that would say otherwise. It was well known he and his family had a different mindset about nobles and royalty and how they should act but whenever the king ordered them to do something they would do it.

The only thing that would have been ‘treason’ towards the king, was his loyalty to El. If it was between the kings life and El’s, there would be no hesitation. He would save El every time.

Was this recent attempt the reason why? How he just left the king behind? He ordered the princess’s extra guards to stay behind though, there would have been. No reason for her to stay in the danger. He didn’t know if there were other assassins vying for a shot.

But that still didn’t make sense. He wondered what it could have been. Perhaps he was framed for some reason, by who though was the question. No one explained where they got their ‘intell’ from.

He mind was starting to hurt and grow more confused trying to figure this out without being told anything. He rested his head back against the wall he sat with his back to and sighed irritably. Deciding to not think on it.

His mind did turn to El though. His eyes closed as he imagined her smile… her crystal blue eyes that sparkled as she did, to even that glint of mischievousness that sometimes flickered behind her eyes when she had an idea that only made his day more complicated.

He wondered what she was doing…. was she still resting? She did love her sleep. Did she even hear what happened yet? Was she already trying to figure out a way for him to get out? Knowing her she probably was. But He hoped also she would not risk her father's wrath for him.

He realized In this moment, that if the king indeed was bent on seeing him as a traitor… he might not see her again, even on the day of his...execution. Not that he would want her to see that anyways.

It was a grim outlook, but it was a realistic one. Very rarely did those who were accused of treason lived. It was unheard of really. He did have regrets, and wished that he could see her once more. To see her smile. But more importantly, that she will be safe from harm after he was gone.

He was pulled from his thoughts when two guards opened the door. Two more guards with crossbows were clever enough to stand far back enough in case he tried anything. They all knew how dangerous he was even without a sword.

Forced to chain his arms and legs, he was then shuffled to the royal inquisition’s torturing chambers. Instantly he could smell the remains of burnt skin and the thick smell of blood.

He looked around quickly before he was shoved into a chair and arms were shackled to the heavy oak chair so he could not even move them an inch. Despite him knowing this, he still tested it. Trying to see how much he could move or somehow ‘magically’ break them with his strength.

He also looked at his chair to see if he could somehow use something on it. But there wasn’t much to use, and the chair was designed to be heavy anyways.

Eva couldn’t help but being bit nervous. As if the yesterday’s assassination attempt hasn’t been enough, the investigation suddenly took a spin into places she would have never thought to find herself in. She had just accused the princess of being a traitor and now she was headed to question her bodyguard, an esteemed knight, a son to the Duke Allaway, ruler of Khunrith. A man who most likely created an entire underground rebel organization, plotting to overthrow the rightful ruler of Tricaelia. ‘The Undaunted’. Eva smirked. Only an overly confident and egoistic person would name a secret group after himself. Then again, that is exactly the type of person Fenros seemed to be. Always throwing smiles around, joking and flirting with every woman in the five-mile radius, acting as if the world belonged to him. Eva remembered very well of how he mocked her when they met in the castle on some occasion, mention casually how beautiful she looked that day. Oh, how badly she wanted to take a knife back then and shove it inside his body, just to erase that smug smile from his face. She never thought she would actually get a chance to do that.

However, there was something else she was worried about. She knew from experience that people who were this dedicated to their treasonous acts didn’t give up easily. Some were extremely hard to break, and Eva knew Fenros would be one of them. Everyone would break eventually if they were locked up for weeks and the inquisitor came in every day, causing pain and taking parts of their bodies until there was barely something left to send to the gallows. But she didn’t have that luxury, this matter needed to be solved as soon as possible. She could start cutting him to pieces, but the problem was that king wanted his execution to be very public. And while the crowd tolerated bruises and occasional broken bones as a sign that the prisoner suffered some pain even before being executed, more obvious signs of torture might raise questions whether the person really was guilty and whether the confession wasn’t forced. She had to use some more subtle methods. ‘But if he doesn’t talk,’ she thought to herself, gritting her teeth, ‘I’m gonna take a saw and cut his fucking hand off myself.’

She entered the room with Garret right behind her and sat down as he started to unpack the tools. There was no need to make it a show this time, this man would not be intimidated by such simple act. The air in the room was thick and hot and it got even worse when the fire was started in a small fire pit. The smell of burnt skin was still quite strong, the prisoner could probably recognize it, but she couldn’t tell if it had any effect on him. After all, he must have known a lot about the inquisition practices, and yet he was looking relatively calm.

“Sir Fenros Allaway,”she said, sneering over the word ‘sir’. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I am inquisitor Eva Gallard. I believe you know why we are meeting here under these… circumstances.” She waved her hand at the table with all the torture instruments. “Let’s be honest with each other. I am quite impressed of how you managed to keep your actions a secret for so long, so I’m going to give you a chance that not many people get. If you tell me everything right now, you can go back to your cell and your execution will be painless. Well, mostly,” she added. For anyone else this would be an irresistible offer, but she knew he was not going to take it. “You have to know,” she leaned towards him, “that there is no rescue coming. The king had already made it clear that he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore, aside from watching you die. No one can help you, not even the princess.” She stressed the last word, trying to see how he will react.

Fenros looked forward when Eva and the massive man named Garrett walked In. The latter began to unpack the instruments of Eva’s craft while she started talking to him. Clearly she did not like him already. She introduced herself, and he said nothing for the moment. Of course he knew of her. Being in the inner courts all the time and seeing her about the castle. There were a few times he complimented her on her beauty, though it seemed that she took it as an insult at that time.

He didn’t say a word as he focused on what she would say, hoping that he would figure out exactly what it was. He only grew more confused. What was she talking about him keeping his actions a secret for so long? He racked his brain but could not even get what she was talking about.

Was it about the assassination attempt? Did they think he was behind this? He looked genuinely confused at what she was saying. But when she mentioned the king wanted nothing to do with him anymore. If it really was about yesterday. He wished the king did get shot. Hell he would do it himself now.

He sat up as straight as he could, his eyes never leaving Eva’s. She was trying to get him to just confess to something like she knew about it. He already knew the princess would not be able to do much. Though his fears were confirmed. He was going to die.

He leaned foward as well, his look serious as he got close to Eva. “I have no clue what you are even talking about….” he has a smirk come on his face. "Unless this is about me hitting on you. I mean I got the hint after the second attempt. Don’t need to go all crazy on me, even though I don’t understand why you don’t believe me when I said you looked beautiful.” He said trying to throw her off balance. His last chance on getting out of here was to get this woman to like him enough to believe him. Cause clearly she didn’t care about facts or truth.

“If it’s about the stolen pastries I admit, I took them because the princess asked. The cook gets way to bent out of shape when the princess spoils her appetite.“ he continued, sitting back in his chair. Shrugging. “ Of course he is only concerned about her health, so I understand if he is mad at me for allowing it but honestly this is overkill. “

He raised an eyebrow,”....Unless …it’s neither of those, then that never happened.” He coughed as he said it quickly.

“So instead of trying to intimidate me, tell me what I did and we can clear this all up.” He said in an irritated voice.

Eva kept a smile on her face as he talked, not showing how enraged she was. She didn’t expect him to confess, but this was truly outrageous. Even now he wanted to make fun of her? It took all her strength to just keep herself from grabbing a knife and cutting that stupid smile off from his face.

She raised one eyebrow. “Believe me, I haven’t even began trying to intimidate you. It seems to me that you don’t fully understand the gravity of the situation yet. But that will change, don’t worry.” Her smile was almost sincere. “I only wanted to make the situation easier for both of us, but if this is how you prefer it, well,” she shrugged, “your choice.”

She got up and grabbed a paper from the table. “You are accused of conspiring against the throne and orchestrating a plot to assassinate the king. I believe you are familiar with the king’s signature and personal seal?” She held the paper in front of his eyes and let him read the few lines. “So, until you have something relevant to say…” She nodded at Garret. “He is all yours.” The big man smiled and cracked his fingers before burrowing his fist into Fenros’ stomach.

Fenros narrowed his eyes at the woman as she tried to explain that things would get worse for him. Like he thought, no matter what he said, she wouldn’t believe him. He took a few low deep breaths as he prepared himself. Glancing at the paper she showed him. But before he could say anything she allowed the giant to punch him in the gut. He involuntarily bent forward as the air was literally knocked from his lungs.

He waited but nothing happened, he was given time to catch his breath again. “ The king can sign or seal any papers he wants, it doesn’t make it any more true if the accusation is false.” He said. Looking to Eva. “I, as well as my family has served the king and his kingdom always.”

He glared. “Who accused me? What proof do you have?” He demanded of her.

Eva just laughed, shaking her head. “You are not the one who will be asking questions here.“ She watched as Garret punched Fenros over and over, focusing mainly on his stomach, but also adding a few hits into his face for good measure. She looked as uninterested as possible, picking some dirt from beneath her fingernail, reminding herself she need to trim them again. Too many things got stuck behind long nails in this line of work, it wasn’t worth the effort to keep them long and nicely polished as it was usual amongst the highborn ladies.

After few minutes she lifted her hand, halting Garret’s next move. “No more smart comments?” she looked over Fenros who was trying to catch his breath. “Good. It’s a small progress, but it’s something. You see, it’s a good thing that you mentioned your family – I am not sure how long will the Duke be able to keep his title and position when his son will be executed as a traitor to the crown.”

A small knife in her hand cut his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. “I want to know who else is behind this, who else in the Vanguard or near the king is a part of your little conspiracy?” The branding iron was glowing red, ready to be used and Eva used her weight to press is against his skin as hard as she could. The smell of burnt flesh once again filled the room, but this time it wasn’t followed by any screams of pain. Eva angrily watched as Fenros clenched his fists and bit his lip, causing more blood to run down his chin, but he didn’t make a sound.

She gave it a few more tries, all with the same results. Even though part of his chest was now covered in ugly looking burnt spots, he didn’t give up, and when she asked him her questions again, he just repeated what he said before about being innocent. She didn’t even manage to erase that stupid smirk off his face completely, which nearly drove her mad.

“It’s obvious,” she said, wiping the sweat off her forehead, “that we need to take a bit more personalized approach. You are so proud to be an excellent swordsman, aren’t you. I do believe you need all your fingers intact to hold a sword properly, is that right? Garret,” she turned to her assistant, “he is right handed.” Some parts of the process still required brute force, and she was happy that someone was here to provide it. He took a small hammer off the table and tried to pull one finger out of Fenros’ clenched fist. When he was unable to do so, he just shrugged and swung the hammer, hitting the top of the fist.

The short scream that finally came out of his mouth was music to her ears. “Did you know there are twenty seven bones just in your hand?” She leaned towards Fenros to take a closer look at his hand, that had already begun to swell. “My assistant here broke maybe three or four now, so we still have plenty more to go. And that’s just your right hand.”

“You are wasting your time,” Fenros mumbled through clenched teeth. “I already told you I don’t know anything.”

Fenros wasn’t a stranger to pain, despite having a somewhat peaceful duty of protecting the princess, it didn’t mean he still didn’t get hurt. He nearly died once while being her bodyguard. Many of the scars still showed on his body.

He focused himself to ignore the urge to cry out. Only made her more mad, but he didn’t want to give her the pleasure she sought out from it.

But by the time she had her ogre break his sword hand. His mouth was bloody. Not just from the punches he received, but from biting down so hard. He looked up at Eva clearly tired but Defiance still danced in his eyes strongly.

Eva snorted. Was there really nothing she could do to make him talk? “You are not in charge of this, are you? It’s her. She has you wrapped around her pretty little finger and you would do anything to protect her. Did she promise to take you to her bed if you kill her father and brother?” Eva whispered into Fenros’ ear. “I don’t blame you, she is beautiful and rich and she would became the most powerful woman in Tricaelia.”

Eva straightened up, carefully stretching her leg. “I’m curious if she will be as resistant to the pain as you are. Maybe I will even let you watch,” she added with a wide grin.

The air about Fenros changed. The hint of a smirk was gone. She had just insulted and threatened to harm the princess. He felt his blood begin to boil. His hands gripped the arm of the chair, despite the pain that shot from his broken hand. He ignored the pain, the woman ears were deaf to his story, there was no way they were ever going to listen to reason. She enjoyed causing pain and not finding the truth. He couldn’t just sit here anymore.

He hung his head. Seemingly defeated. “The princess had nothing to do with this! She did offer herself to me, and if I wasn’t chained I would slap you for insulting her. She is NOTHING like other nobles. Who are greedy, backstabbing, power hungry lazy pieces of shits. She has no desire to harm her brother or the king. Unlike… “ he stopped for a moment only for her to take a step, as he sounded like he was about to reveal who really was behind the assassination. ”...Her brother who constantly looks to further his own gain. Even against the kings wishes…” as she was close enough he lashed out, delivering a hard kick with the sole of his foot to her thigh just above her knee on her bad leg.

Eva leaned towards Fenros, unable to hide the excited look in her eyes. Finally, she seemed to have hit the right string, despite all his strength and resilience, she had found his weak spot. Who would have thought all it took was to mention the princess? She took a step closer in order to hear him better, her eyes hypnotizing his bleeding lips. His movement was so fast she only saw a blur in the corner of her field of vision. She didn’t even have time to realize what was happening before a huge explosion of pain erupted from her knee. The only reason she didn’t scream in pain was because the muscles between her ribs refused to cooperate and let her breath. Her back arched, fingers desperately scraping the stones on the floor.

Her vision was blurred but she still recognized Garret rushing to help her, turning his back to Fenros, who used this moment to attack, using the heavy chair as a weapon.

After all the years of beating someone on the chair, the arms and legs were slightly loose, and helped with breaking the chair over the back of Garrett. Free, suddenly he stumbled and fell on his side, but he scrambled up as Garrett got up faster than he.

Despite his pain, Fenros was able to duck away from Garrett who tried to restrain him and deliver a sharp uppercut to his jaw with his right palm. Groaning in pain as the jolt traveled up his arm and caused him to pull it back while Garrett was knocked backwards. This gave him enough time to grab the red hot iron poke used on him and aim it at Eva. The tip just an inch or so from her neck, the heat starting to burn her skin despite the iron not touching her.

He pushed her over with his foot. So she was looking up at him. His eyes were full of hate and anger towards the woman. He looked to Garrett as he was getting up, indicating his poker and not to move. “Enough. I am tired of your sick and demented pleasure. You threatened the Princess, I cannot allow that to go unpunished.” He said coldly.

“I’ve told you I’m innocent-” He started to say when the doors bursted open. Guards poured into the room, he saw one of them raise his crossbow and ducked behind a table that was knocked over in the brief fight, the bolt embedding into the wood. This gave the guards an opportunity to surround him and disarm him, shoving him to the ground face first. Fenros tried to fight, but he couldn’t at the moment.

Eva couldn’t turn her head to see what exactly happened, she only heard the noise of struggle, but the fight was short. Fenros, while desperate, was tired and outnumbered. He didn’t really stand any chance at the sudden rush of guards. Eva swallowed the blood that filled her mouth, she must have bit her tongue. Garret knelt down next to her and gently massaged her back. She could scream now but swore to herself that she would not give him that satisfaction. The worst cramps in the most of her body passed in few minutes, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get up on her own for hours, not even talking about being able to walk.

She rolled over to look at Fenros. His face pressed against the cold stone floor with a knee of one of the guards as he watched her with hatred in his eyes. “Stop it,” she growled at Garret, panting heavily. “Give me the fucking hammer.” Crawling sent more waves of pain into her body as she dragged her useless leg behind her, but she barely even noticed it. Their faces were on the same level now as she stopped just outside of his reach. “Everything. I’ve done to you. I will. Do to her. Hundred times. Over,” she hissed at him through clenched teeth. The hammer was surprisingly heavy, but she managed to lift it and swing it against his already broken hand. The vibrations from the hit ran through her entire body, nearly making her lose consciousness. She felt a strong pair of hands lifting her off the ground and carrying her away.

Fenros let out a clenched yell as he felt more bones breaking in his hand. “IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER I SWEAR-.” He screamed as he was roughly pulled up and dragged out of the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 23 days ago

Surprising Revelations

It had been a whole day since Annabelle had been taken for torturing and started the chain reaction that had brought Fenros into the prison accused of treason. Not that she knew it yet. Most of her time had went pondering what her words had caused. Did Fenros actually take those loyal to him and the princess and escaped? Or had Annabelle bitten more than she could chew. The words of the Woodsman... Woodswoman? No matter, the woman's words still haunted her.

“You’ve got a skewed view of some of the people in the kingdom.

Was she really assuming too much? She had thought that the court was a powder keg ready to blow. But she had also assumed that the King was so hated that no one would have lifted a finger to help him. That the vanguard were a bunch of opportunists seeking to have their puppet on the throne.

No, there was good, and there was evil, and that evil was aristocracy. Let them execute her. No matter how evil they'd paint her, the commoners knew the truth. She'd become a martyr, a memory to which rally behind, a reminder that someone has the courage to kill a king.

The noise of someone forcefully dragged drew her attention. Annabelle had known there was someone in the cell opposite to her, but hadn't bothered to look more closely, her thoughts being more focused on escape and accepting death. Now however her curiosity had won over, and there wasn't much to do in her cell anyway. After she thought the guards were far enough, she walked out of the cell's shadows. Still, Annabelle wasn't ready for who he saw on the other side.

"I don't believe it." She thought aloud. "Fenros Allaway himself. Fate really seems to have it in for me."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
Avatar of CaptainBritton

CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 1 day ago

"You have command, Captain."

His posture completely rigid on his mare, he rendered a raised right hand, a salute as the Prince spurred on. Arvel pulled the reins to one side, looking back on his company. His blue eyes twinkled with the delight and gravity of having been given a blank order, an excuse to take command, and one to prove himself no less. His men had spread to the sides of the path, regaining strength for what little time they had. Spurring his mare lightly, he drove himself into their midst and spoke with perfect clarity, and at once all his men ceased their chatter.

"We move for the barracks. Every man in the company is to rest, I'm elevated to Captain of the Watch for duration. I want section commanders to assume joint responsibility. Make haste!" He barked, spurring his horse on faster.

Some hours later...

Arvel felt like he'd been awake for centuries. He stood overlooking the exterior wall, a courtyard below at the watch station his point of interest. His armor felt as if it had become a thousand times heavier, but yet he still wore it, sans his helmet, as his piercing blue eyes traced the figures meters below with sheer grogginess. Of course he'd maintained his distance, looking imposing and cold as ever.

Below him were members of the Watch, men which he'd been given command over to regain control of the city. He'd stepped on many toes of commanders surely senior to him, and for that he would never hear the end of it. But it was pure ecstacy to be in such a position with such opportunities available to him. The Watchmen below worked with far-off speech, unintelligible from Sir Arvel's perch.

He honed in as he escaped his own thoughts, pinpointing the chatter. The Watchmen had prisoners in transport at the courtyard. Violators of the curfew, to see the gallows by order of the Lord Commander of the Vanguard. The previous night had been packed with such encounters, Watchmen clubbing down any peasantry that failed to stay within their homes. It was.. enlightening, to say the least. He had not dealt much with the civil side of things before. Most riots and insurrections turned bloody quickly, and he'd cut down his own fair share of mobs with pitchfork and torches in hand.

But this had gone well, coordinated mostly by delegating the proper interaction with isolated peasantry to the Watch. His Vanguards, including the Household Guards, were turned loose with an intricate web of signal fires and runners, putting down the masses which had formed, albeit not without blood being shed. Flats of swords and shafts of spears could only spare so much damage, and the toll was high enough, but with all considered, it was a resounding success. And now as the sun of the day beat down, the city was back in control, with only small pockets of resistance being delegated to the now augmented Watch.

Arvel smirked through stiff cheek muscles and ran a gloved hand through greasy and sweat-caked hair. Returning his glove down, he looked down at its digits. Not grease or sweat. Dried blood, not his. He had not been spared from combat, the echo of a man's cry as he recalled his shoulder crunching under the weight of a longsword's flat edge, a man who persisted despite it and was cut in twain, one of the few intentional fatalities of the night's events. The man was courageous, sure, but stupid, bluntly. Arvel fought to recall through a fogged mind. The man had somehow made it past his retinue of mounted men he'd collected, had clambered up the side of his saddle, and fought to break Sir Arvel's helmet free.

It was a close enough call, and even thinking about it made Arvel's hairs raise. The man had been close to knocking him clean from his saddle and into a sea of rabble, peasants with clubs and cooking knives. But he had been quicker with the blade, and the man did not survive. Arvel mused, lost again as the Watchmen in the courtyard below disappeared one by one. He bit his lip, turning to an aide, further off and watching the exterior of the wall for those approaching the gate. "Send a runner to the Lord Commander, his will is done! I shall retire, leave my subordinates to resolve the remainder."

He swept up his helmet from the ground beside, turning with the seeming weight of a thousand ingots of iron on each shoulder. His work for the day was done.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
Avatar of Kitty


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Collab with:@Dustyand@Aerandir(as the king)

The king had requested a family dinner, the same night as the day he had Fenros arrested. To say Eleanor wanted nothing to do with him or the dinner would be an understatement. She was already well aware that Fenros was, well had faced Eva, the lovely inquisitor. Her heart broke for him, she already didn’t like Eva, but now knowing she had hurt Fenros. Well Eleanor couldn’t stand the thought of the woman.

She’d refused breakfast and lunch, staying in her room and sulking for the beginning of the day until she began to plot how she could save Fenros. Of course, Eleanor hadn’t gotten much of an idea other than to just demand he be released. Besides, how could he be a traitor? She was with him almost all the time and would have known if he was doing anything fishy. Not to mention he was Fenros, her Fenros. He was loyal to her and would never, NEVER, do or think of such things. So all she could feel was anger towards her father, for ever believing that Fenros was a traitor and for locking him up.

Despite all the anger towards her father, Eleanor knew she had to be there. She had to be strong and push her emotions down, face her father, and try and get some answers. Walking in through the doors as the guards opened them to the dining room, she noticed she was the first there so she walked to her seat and stood by it awaiting her father and brother. The fourth chair would remain empty as always, her mother forced to dine in the king and queen’s chamber like normal.

Right behind Eleanor followed her new bodyguard, a man in his 40s who would not give her any space. She had already snapped at him once today and with how closely he had followed her to the dining hall and was now standing not too far from her. She was ready to give the man a piece of her mind again.

Following soon after Eleanor’s entrance Prince Aaron arrived without pomp or ceremony. He strode rapidly across the hall, ignoring the beauty surrounding him, paintings, purple canvases and silver cutlery placed intricately around, but his eyes were fixed on a leaflet of parchment clutched in his hand. He had changed and bathed at least since arriving. His hair was slicked back and he had donned new outfit of black and silver with his personal crest embroidered into the sleeve. An elegant sword swung at his hip and in his wake a new squire scurried, like a frightened kitten following its mother, terrified it might fall to far back and be rebuked.

Reaching the table Aaron threw down the paper he was holding an irritable frown dominating his face has he muttered obscenities under his breath. It didn’t look like he had done much sleeping the previous night, and his eyes were sunken and bloodshot. Despite this he managed a small smile for Eleanor, but it quickly vanished when he saw the absolute righteous fury burning underneath her feigned mask of emotional control.

“I understand your anger dear sister.” Aaron said trying to cajole her. “I too am taken aback, but perhaps it would be better for your sake, and that of our friend in chains to conceal your temper. I know you better, but our lord father is not dullard, and he will see in a moment that you wish to shove the nearest fork down his throat. Just as quick as I noticed. Perhaps something to calm the nerves.” He waved his hand beckoning the new squire. “Sister, meet Justain Royce, son of the late Simmion Royce, and my squire. Boy, pour us wine.”

Justain stood blanky for a moment staring at Eleanor before springing into action gathering the nearest glass goblets and a pitcher of wine and began pouring a glass for Aaron.

“Not me you fool.” Aaron hissed resisting the urge to slap the lad across the head. “Serve the princess first, Were you taught nothing?”

Justain mumbled an apology leaving Aaron’s glass half full, before rushing around the table to where Eleanor was. Aaron groaned in exasperation but said nothing more picking up his half full goblet and draining it in a single gulp.

It had been an interesting few weeks for Justain. Interesting, confusing, and terrifying. He was completely bewildered, unable to think and remember as he usual did. Aaron had been explaining all the delicate principles of serving those with power on the road. He had done so in great detail in fact, laying out everything Justain would need to know and more. Such as in what order to serve drinks, whom to bow to, and by what title he should address each person as a squire. Of course Justain had nearly forgotten everything the moment Aaron had explained it, and he’d been to scared to ask the Prince to repeat himself. Thus he went about every new task, and he had many even in the last fourteen hours of arriving, with all the delicacy of a man holding a volatile magical explosive. Justain figured he was of such low importance that he couldn’t go wrong by just scraping and bowing for everyone.

“Apologies my lady.” He gasped as he spilled some of the wine staining the pure white tablecloth with a few crimson droplets. There was something about Eleanor that made him even shakery and muddled than normal. He beat a hasty retreat trying not to stare at the princess as he went to fill Aaron’s glass and then stand quietly out of the way hoping everyone just forgot about him and he would be left alone in the shadows of the big hall. He wouldn’t cry, no he wouldn’t dare, and even still all his tears had long been spent. He just hoped with all his heart that when Aaron introduced him to the king he wouldn’t force him to show off that gastley trophy he had brought with him.

“It is alright Justain.” Eleanor told the boy, smiling softly to him. She hoped her brother wouldn’t be too harsh to the poor child. But this was her brother, child of her father. It sometimes seemed she didn’t fully belong in the family with how harsh and brutal her father and brother were. But they were her family and that was that. Looking to her brother, her smile kept for only a second before she began speaking. “I will not hide all of my anger, father would be an idiot to not know I was angry even if I hid it. Besides, you and I both know I’m not the one who would want to shove a fork down father’s throat. Violence isn’t my way brother. It is you who needs to hide their frustration and anger so he doesn’t believe you want to shove said fork down his throat.”

Eleanor looked to the drink that had been poured for her but she was in no mood to drink. She didn’t need it to calm her nerves. She hadn’t ever been a fan of drinking to begin with, her brother knew this yet choose to ignore it. Besides, her face now was unreadable. It may have been readable when her brother entered, but masking emotions was a skill she was good at, one she had always been able to trick her father with and many others. Standing taller, Eleanor glanced from her brother to the door. All they awaited was their father. Once he arrived and sat down, the two could also sit and dinner could begin.

Sipping his wine Aaron smiled cooly back at his elder sibling, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly in amused fashion. “You wound me El.” He clenched his fist close to his heart in feigned pain at her cruel words. “You know I hold no malice towards our beloved father.” Aaron held Eleanor’s eyes only for a moment before he broke, looking down and chuckling. “Alas you read me like a book. I have never been able to hide my feelings from you, they are concealed like sparkling stones are hidden on the bottom of a calm lake. Transparent as glass… But truly, what son does not hate loathe the father’s ways? I would wish him no harm, not in the fork-throat stabbing sense at least. Though that is not to say he does not frustrate me to no end. And you as well if your mood is any indication.” Aaron fell silent, swirling his wine and watching the door expectantly. When the king made no appearance he look back to Eleanor expectantly. “Do you know where he is, perchance? I have no mood to wait out the evening in hunger. The road and battle makes a man ravenous, and I am wearied. A proper meal, and a good night's rest would do me, and my feet a world of good.”

The main doors to the the hall opened quickly, The King walking through just as the door was wide enough. As soon as he entered his eyes were on both Aaron and El. He sighed irritably and as he moved to his position at the head of the table. According to what happened in Fenros’ ‘interrogation’ it was clear he was up to something. Now…. he had to find out who he was working for.

Without so much as a grunt of acknowledgement, he sat down and snapped his fingers for the servants to start serving the food. He was hungry and that didn’t go well with his mood. He leaned back in his chair and on his right arm as he looked back and forth from Eleanor to Aaron. Eleanor face was blank once again. He narrowed his eyes slightly at this, annoyed that she was doing that. She was probably bent out of shape he took her bodyguard from her. Childish.

He wasn't just annoyed with El, but with Aaron as well. Fenros did bring up the fact Aaron was greedy and self serving like any other nobles. He knew this, but with the recent assassination attempt, all were under suspicion. Especially when Aaron ignored his orders and took the brat under his wing. He wanted the family dead. He would deal with that in a moment though. He started to drink, allowing the silence to fall.

For a few moments after the plates were filled, He looked to El, and decided to give her the only bit of good news he received. “I just received word, there is a prince in a kingdom to the south that despite all his interests, is willing to settle down with an older maid.” He said flatly. Finally he had some way where this girl could be useful. Especially after the assassination attempt and that damned Earl who didn’t know his place with her.

He looked down at his drink as he sipped it. “You leave at the end of the week to meet him and be wedded.” He said in a matter of factly tone. Having this business with Fenros happen now was just as well. He didn’t want her to stay all clingy to her bodyguard.

Head turning to the door as it opened, Eleanor watched as her father strode in. Watching him until he sat down, sitting only after he did. Food was quickly served and Eleanor couldn’t help but to just stare at the food, she picked at it in the tense silence that sat over the family. It wasn’t until she had just gripped her glass of wine, deciding maybe a few sips to help take the edge off wouldn’t hurt, that the silence was broken.

Of course the way the silence was broken only broke Eleanor’s facade. Though her face for the most part remained blank, anger blazed in her eyes. Yet another marriage proposal it would seem. One with the addition of the words older maid. No doubt, a sly insult from her father, she knew he wished she had been married off many years ago yet here she was. Eleanor didn’t realize how tightly she was gripping her glass until it shattered in her hand, red wine spilling all over the table, some even on her dress. The glass exploding outwards, while some embedded itself in her hand.

Just as it shattered, Eleanor snapped her head to her father and stood to her feet. All anger on full display. “I’m quite tired of you choosing who I marry father. You don’t seem to be able to ever make good decisions in regards to it so maybe you should give up on the love business and instead focus on not being a terrible king!” Eleanor snapped at her father, glaring down at him in his chair.

“Imprisoning people falsely would be a good start. Not only in regards to the events of today with Fenros but our own mother. What sort of image do you think you are setting to the people of the kingdom by locking their queen away in some tower! Then imprisoning and torturing probably the most loyal knight of the vanguard! You are sending a terrible image to the people is what. No wonder there are rumors of a rebellion against you!” Eleanor finished yelling and not only did she leave the servants nearby standing paled in shock, but she shocked herself. She had never blown up like that, especially not at her father. She tried to sense any regret within herself though and she had none.

The king sat in shock as the girl broke the glass in her hand. He sat there staring at the girl he raised as his daughter, as she started to yell at him. Each word only making his blood boil a little more. Suddenly getting the gaul to tell him he cannot tell her what to do, or who to marry that is. That he is horrible in making decisions in that department.

His eyes narrowed as he was called a terrible king, as she explained herself he started to see that perhaps this girl really could be apart of the attempt on his life. She just openly admitted that he was a terrible king, Bringing up his wife, and of course, Fenros. She was acting like a child who’s favorite toy was taken away. Once she was done, he only grew more angry. She was only confirming the inquisitors theory in his eyes.

He stood up, and threw his drink to his left angrily. Hitting Aaron’s new squire in the chest by off chance with the half filled glass. “You dare speak like that to your King?! I tell you what you do, that is my role. You’ve lived a comfortable life growing fat off of my kingdom and not pulling your own weight.” He pointed to Aaron, “He at least deals with with problems that arise. While you sit and play around with your bodyguard. It's time to grow up and become an adult you ungrateful brat! Unless you truly want to just take the kingdom from us!”

“Me? Not pulling my own weight?! You call murdering countless innocent lives pulling weight?! I at least have gone out of my way to help the people of our kingdom, the commoners not the damn greedy and lazy nobles. The people you treat like dirt.” Eleanor slammed her hands down on the table, further pushing glass into her hand. Her anger blinded her from the pain though. “I act more like an adult than either of you two! You two don’t even have the decent manners of children when it comes to dealing with people around you who you see beneath you. You could care less for any of the people who serve you, you are the selfish and ungrateful one father. Ungrateful for the life you were given on a silver platter. Did you ever think of what your life could have been had you not been born royal. I surely have plenty of times. It allows me to not take things for granted and people for granted. BUt you just use and abuse people. Enjoying the show and how people have to follow your every order simply because of birthright! One day it is going to come back to bite you and if you keep acting the way you do, it’s going to be sooner than later!”

Holding back a condescending sigh Aaron motioned his squire forward. The lad was covered in red wine, and his cream-colored tunic was stained as if he was drenched in blood from some terrible wound on his chest. He looked a little shocked but hurried forward to Aaron’s side all the same. “Attend the princess, Justain, she has spilled wine on herself.” As Justain move hesitantly forward to obey Aaron remained seated, staring at his standing family an annoyed expression etched on his face. “El, I - I thought we discussed this? But perhaps I am being too harsh? Father please, forgive her. You can clearly see she is in a state of shock, speaking foolishness, from the assassination attempt. Hellfire, it took me nearly a full day after my encounter with one of Royce’s retainers before I recovered...” Uncertain whether he had been successful in defusing the heated conversation the Prince tried to gently nudge evenings discussion to less tumultuous waters, giving the servers an angry glare that demanded they finish their duty and leave.

“The mission was a success. Your armies performed adequately as expected, and those few levies and knights the Royces’ were able to gather either surrendered, or perished by the sword upon the siege’s conclusion. Sir Bennrick of the Vanguard even now remains to steward the manor until young Royce comes of age, or you deem the titles worthy of another family.” There was a hint of a plea in Aaron’s voice. He did not wish for his sister and father to be at each other’s throats, and he knew all to well the paranoia that clouded his father’s vision, making him dangerous even to his own children. Fenros’ fate was a clear testament to that. It had taken Aaron some time, but he knew the game was won in wiley ways, not through brash outrage and shouting.

Eleanor’s head whipped to look at her brother. She ignored anything he said after not only ordering the poor boy to attend to her but also apologizing for her. With fire in her eyes she stared down at him. “Do not apologize for me! I am not a child, I am not in a state of shock. Stop trying to weasel your way into the good graces of our father. You are sometimes no better than him. Forcing this poor child to serve you! He’s terrified! You don’t even bother using your own manners. Have you forgotten mother’s teachings of the uses of please and thank you. Try using them. Also instead of buying yourself fancy things you should start helping our people too. Mother would be disappointed if she saw that you were following in father’s footsteps. Murdering and mistreating people. I know I’m disappointed. But the only person to blame is father, you of course can’t see that as you are blinded by the same life that was handed to father on a silver platter as it is the same one being served to you.” Taking a step back from the table, her face only softened to wave Justain away. She didn’t need his help nor really want it. After she looked away from him, Eleanor’s face hardened again. Anger still clear on every feature.

“Both of you may believe you know what is right for this kingdom but as you sit here on your chairs, people starve and die from things we could be helping with. But as I have no power, that all falls on you two. You two are doing nothing to help the main population of people, instead you have only made their lives worse. I am disgusted to be a part of this family and to have to call myself a royal of this broken kingdom.”

Sitting straighter in his seat Aaron felt his blood boil. How dare she? How dare she accuse him of such things when she knew nothing of the trials he undergone, nor the vicious coldness of the people she spoke so highly of. She saw them, yes, while surrounded by guards while the scraped and pleaded for coins. But had she seen them stab each other in the back for the tiniest copper? Or how they lied and stank and were cowed by the slightest threat. “You go to far sister!” Aaron slammed his fist on the table, making the tiny shards of glass from Eleanor’s shattered goblet dance and scatter. Aaron knew better than to get angry, he knew better than to make enemies of the one person he could trust, truly trust never to betray him but her words cut deep, and his pride flared like a forge’s fire.

“Must we sell the clothes from our backs? Must we wallow in the streets with the beggars and give up these comforts to state your guilt at being born amongst this family? Should we mingle with the people we seek to rule, and how then would we bring about a better kingdom? I broke my arm fighting,” Aaron raised his bandaged limb glaring daggers at his sister, challenging her to deny the wound. “Fighting to stop a tratorious family from rising up against us? For this family I would give ten fold more. For you, for father, and for mother. You, us, means everything to me and I would kill a thousand more innocents if I must. You call it cruel, you call it murder, but how quickly do you think Lord Royce would have taken your head as well as mine if he could? You know nothing of these realities, though you speak as if an authority. Our power is of the divine, and we must wield it as our ancestors wielded it. So that our children might wield it after us. This is our burden and our privilege. You know as well as I.”

The king grew even more angry. His blood boiling even more as his rage started to blind his thoughts. He fought for control over his reason, he needed her to be wedded to that prince for his lands. Aaron pipped in, and despite his anger towards him for keeping that kid as a squire. He agreed with him. For the most part.

“You little bitch. You point your finger at us, but you never complained while you had silk dresses, jewelry, and baked goods! You’ve spent too much time with that peasant Fenros, He has poisoned your mind, much like your whore of a mother.”He said with venom in his voice.“I should have never taken you as my child, and tossed you on the streets to where you truly belong.”

All the anger was quickly drained from Eleanor as those words left her father’s mouth and into her ears. She wasn’t his child? Her mother… a whore? “What? What do you mean?!” Eleanor demanded.

It was Aaron’s turn to shatter a goblet, the vessel flying from his hand as he stood, his high backed chair falling and crashing to the ground behind him. He was pale, and his hand shook as he looked from his father to his sister, or was she? Uncertainty filled his heart with dread. For a moment he could not even form coherent words as he gaped at the two of them. “Explain yourself!” He screamed, all sense of propriety lost to the ether.

The king glared at Eleanor. A smirk on his face. “Your...mother… is a whore. What is there to explain. Why do you think she is forced to stay locked up? It’s punishment. I still want my way with her. But she doesn’t deserve her freedom.” He looked to Aaron. “You.. You are definitely my child. Though sometimes I wonder.” He said after a moment of thought.

He turned his head back to Eleanor. ” Your mother accidently let it slip when you were young. I was merciful enough to allow you to stay and take you on as my child. But I feel that this isn’t worth the trouble anymore. It makes sense that that the recent assassination attempt was aimed at me, and while you were rushed off by ‘your knight in shining armor. Clearly you don’t like how my kingdom is ruled, and have the gaul to tell me, your KING. How I should. ”

He snapped his fingers. “Guards. Take a hold of that traitorous bastard of a redheaded stepchild. He said coldly.

Shock filled her mind and her body. Eleanor wasn’t his daughter. She felt some relief, to not share blood with the man. But she also felt fear, fear that now that it was revealed meant her time was coming. She was correct to fear such a thing as the king ordered the guards to grab her. Eleanor looked to them as they approached, she watched the men hesitantly look at each other before the two guards grabbed either of her arms. Their grips were gentle, but firm. Eleanor wouldn’t fight it.

Looking to her father, her eyes locked with his. Her light blue eyes were filled with a burning fire as she stared at him. “Know if you kill me. Your head will follow on a stake shortly. I’ll be happy to watch you burn in hell where you belong.”

Aaron leaned heavily on the table, his knees suddenly felt to weak to sustain his weight. He said not a word as the guardsmen stepped forward to drag his sister, no, half-sister away, to a fate worse than death. He could only stand, and fear. Turning his head ever so slightly the prince eyed his father from his peripheral vision. The king’s cold smirk shattering him to his core. “El, she wouldn’t, she couldn’t… Mother?” He shook his head trying to make sense of it all. “Sir Fenros, he is the most loyal man I know, he betrayed you at Eleanor’s command? This is madness father!”

He looked to his son. Already Lady Eva has interrogated that traitor Fenros. He was hard to crack...but after a few hours of Eva working him, he continued to try and say she was innocent, putting the blame on you Aaron. Saying you were scheming behind me. And tried to escape when she mentioned interrogating El.”

He looked to Eleanor. ”Tried...but was overpowered. Beaten and burned.” He knew how much she cared for him, despite trying to hide it.” He moved over closer to Eleanor. He leaned in and said through his teeth. ”Then was put to death. He attempted to murder Lady Eva and her servant. It only confirmed our suspicions. His throat was cut, and bled like a stock pig. No one will be there to rescue you Eleanor… “

Eleanor felt her heart break hearing Fenros was dead. She didn’t let it show as she stared, face to face with her father. Breaking down now would do no good, no matter how much she loved him. “Then do as you will to me. Just know that the crown will fall.”

The king looked to his son and used his hand to point, palm open to Eleanor. “See? She admits it.”

“I never would have thought it of you El, to betray us…” Aaron said aghast. “You didn’t know you were a bastard. I saw the shock on your face. You would have killed your own father for what? Your concerns for the people? Should you have succeeded and had slain us the kingdom would have been torn asunder in the following wars for power. How many would have perished then…?” Aaron turned back to the king an undisguised disgust in his gaze. “And what of the noble and powerful house of Allaway? Now that Fenros is dead. Surely Lord Allaway will not abide such an insult? We have seen lesser houses rise in rebellion for lesser slights.” Aaron cast his hand towards Justain Royce. The boy was standing in utter dumbfoundment, taking in all the proceedings with eyes wider than saucers. “It will not be in our favor to anger the noble families by executing their sons so brazenly. He could have proved a valuable hostage to ensure Allaway’s good behavior…”

The king looked to the guards and waved his hand dismissively, “Take her away, lock her in her room and lock the door. Make sure she’s cleaned up too. She will need to make a final appearance.” he said gruffly. Looking away without hesitation.

The guards nodded and hauled Eleanor off. Eleanor didn’t fight and she didn’t regret anything. As soon as she was out of the hall, the tears began to flow. She had lost Fenros. She had lost him forever. Just when she finally figure out her feelings for him. It was her own fault for taking that long. It wouldn’t matter though, she wasn’t long for this world much longer. She’d be with him soon enough.

He looked to Aaron who was trying to tell him how to rule. He narrowed his eyes. “Watch your tone boy, I know what I am doing. The Allaways will follow us, they don’t know their son is dead, They will never know. Don’t think you have any room to give me advice when you don’t listen to mine. I told you to kill off that family line. But now you want a pet. Who will bite you when he gets the opportunity.”

“I followed your orders father.” Aaron said with a frown. “Justain is of a cadet branch of the Royce family line, and should the titles have passed normally he would have been the last in succession. Behind another family entirely. But if you fear for my health so, by all means, order his execution and I shall carry out the act myself. But he is as much my hostage as my pet, and I would not see the house of Royce so easily forgotten. I am not so young as to not remember their service to this kingdom and to the crown. Sentimental though that might seem loyalty, and nobility is a rare thing it seems. I would seek to water this plant early, and ensure its growth personally.”[ This resistance was Aaron’s own small rebellion. To flex his muscle as the new Lord Commander of the Vanguard. Perhaps in poor taste and timing following Eleanor’s own, more serious actions, but that could not be helped. The prince was still rattled by the evenings events, and although unease curdled the wine in his stomach, he had to know how far he could push this, despite the nights surprises. “Have you yourself not said father, to keep one’s friends close, and one’s enemies closer still?”

The King was annoyed. After all that happen, he’s going to try and do this? NOW? He saw the reasoning in his sons flawed view. But from his experience. Allowing part of the family to live only brewed more rebellion later on. “Not after they know you executed their entire family!” He yelled as he slapped the boy on the side of the head. He growled and started to walk away, done with being in the company of his idiot son. ”When he stabs you in the back. Take it as am ‘I told you so.’ “

”Bring me my food to my chambers.”

King Willum’s departure was followed by an audible sigh of relief from Justain, even as Aaron stood silently, seemingly lost in thought. At long last the young prince turned to his squire, his face awash with a great mixture of emotions, from disgust to confusion to grief. "Not a word of this shall leave this room.” Aaron snapped suddenly. "Should someone who is not us, know of what happened here I shall personally cut your tongue from your throat and feed it to my hounds.”

With that Aaron strode from the hall leaving Justain yet again to follow in his wake.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 23 days ago


Annabelle Tyler

Collab with: @Aerandir

When Fenros was brought back to his cell, he was thrown into it. He grunted He grunted in pain as he hit the cold stone floor. The door shutting behind him as the guards began to talk about something else as they walked away. He rested there for a minute or two, taking in some deep breaths. After pushing himself to his knees, he shuffled over on all ‘threes’ while holding his broken hand close to his chest. He made it to the corner he was aiming to get to and pulled off a chunk of rock that was loose. It dropped to the ground with a clatter, but he didn’t care.

This was the point when he heard a female voice saying his name. He didn’t look over to who ever was talking but he reached into the hole in the wall and pulled out a silver necklace with a ring on it. He had hid it there earlier before he was taken away. Managing to hide it from the guards who searched him. He let out a relieved sigh and held it in his left hand as he turned and sat right where he was kneeling. His back to the wall, he closed his eyes and held the jewelry close to his lip. With his eyes closed.

After a moment he opened them to see a woman in the cell opposite of him, She mentioned something about fate and meeting him. He asked very gruffly, “And you are?” He looked around his cell. He would take this moment to rest, but he needed to get out of here, if Eva’s threats were real. El...he had just put her in danger. A cold hand seemed to gripped around his heart at that thought. His anger, and lack of thinking put her in harm's way and he couldn’t be there to stop it.

Annabelle looked at the prisoner, Fenros, in front of her. He was certainly in bad shape, at least in body. Mind didn’t seem exactly broken, more like worried. ”Daisy,” She spoke, looking around before continuing. ”That is the name I gave to the inquisitor. My real name is Annabelle. Although, I’m not really sure if what my name is really matters. The rest of Akarath probably simply calls me Assassin”

The Outlaw chuckled. ”You probably think me mad revealing this to you, and perhaps I am mad. But it doesn’t really matter if I tell you who I am or not. The inquisitor only hears what she wants to hear, and sometimes she’s too dim to realize even that. Learned that the hard way, and apparently so did you. In a way, seeing you here is a relief. It means that the city is in chaos, and the Royals eating each other, hopefully at least.”

Fenros sat silently...when she said assassin he was suppressed. She was the one who started all of this? He stayed silent as she continued talking. He didn’t understand her at first, but when it did his eyes opened wide. Him being there was a relief? And everything was in chaos? She...She did this! He pushed himself up quickly and moved to the bars. “You….YOU did this?” He said angrily. His mind finally clicked at the ‘source’. “YOU SAID I WAS APART OF THE ATTEMPT!?” He slammed his left fist against the cold Iron bars. “WHY?” His voice loud enough to vibrate the other metal in the room.

Annabelle realised her mistake. She had been too noisy, too revealing, and if the guards heard the racket, they would come and check. She let out a tirade of screams while dropping on her knees. I AM SORRY, MASTER! I TRIED TO WITHSTAND THE PAIN, BUT I COULDN’T! I WASN’T STRONG ENOUGH!” For a moment she stayed there, checking if the guards had reacted. As the silence continued, Annabelle started speaking again, this time in a normal voice. ”Like I said, they would have never believed me if I told them I worked alone. As for why I tried to kill the King, well, there was the opportunity. I would have wanted to one day storm the palace with an army, capture the King and his family and execute them in the most humiliating way I can imagine. But starting with the King was good for now. Aaron and Eleanor would have fought for the crown anyway, I merely tried to hasten the process. As I stood here, waiting for the torture, I realized that you were close to the Princess. Granted, I didn’t expect you to end up here. More like taking the Princess with you, along with the Vanguard members loyal to you, form an army and spend the next year or so fighting the King and Prince Aaron for the throne. I didn’t expect to escape or anything, but even if I died here, or on the gallows, the commoners would have remembered me. A woman who had the courage to face the King.”

”Are….You fucking insane?” He said angrily. ”Eleanor is not like her brother or father. She wouldn’t have fought Aaron for the throne if the king died. Also who do you think Eva reports to? The princess? No the king, so of course i will be thrown into this cell. And now, the princess is in danger! You fucking-!” He raised his arms raised his hands wanting to grip her throat. ”If anything happens to her I will hunt you down and make you suffer what we suffered.” He said noticing the lack of wounds on the woman.

”Yes, I seem to have overestimated you skills.” Annabelle sighed. I knew exactly who the Inquisitor reported to, but I had assumed that whatever men the King sent after you would have been no match to you. And don’t try to give me that ‘Princess is not a monster’ crap. You’ve been with her for years. You have probably participated yourself in those torture sessions she enjoys. Tell me, how many servants have you hurt under Princess’ orders? Was it fun? And how many have you hurt on your own? Taken to your bedchamber because they have no choice!”

”NONE! Clearly you don’t know the princess. If you just talked to the people, every single one that met her loved her. It is well known she is different from her father and brother, she is generous, kind and thoughtful. But your head was too far stuck up your ass you couldn’t tell the difference. You seem to have one track mind and no one can change your opinion. Just like Eva. he said through his teeth. ”Clearly you don’t even understand me, or my family. But you lump me in with the other nobles. You are not a hero. You are just as bad. Destroying my life, the princess’s life, where she could have made a difference, and possibly my families, Because you think you know better.. “

Liar! Liar! Liar!” Annabelle screamed, tears in her eyes, ”I haven’t ruined Nobles’ lives. They ruined mine! They ruined my family!” Her hands shook the bars of her cell. ”Outside the capital, serfs starve, tenants are reduced to begging and robbing, and not even a freeholder can make a decent living anymore! We used to own a mill! We used to own a creamery! And then you nobles took them, just because you wanted! And not even that was enough! All I did was say that taking our means of living wasn’t fair, that we as freeholders weren’t bound to nobility, but the Sheriff would have none of it! He grabbed Isobel. He said he was going to teach us commoners our place, but I knew exactly what he planned. ISOBEL WAS BUT A CHILD! IF I HADN’T KILLED THAT SHERIFF, HE WOULD HAVE DONE WORSE TO HER. I HAD TO ABANDON THE TYLER ESTATE, MY HOME, AND LIVE IN THE FORESTS AS AN OUTLAW JUST TO PROTECT MY FAMILY FROM RETRIBUTION!”

It was then that a horrifying revelation hit Annabelle. She had screamed too loud. She had revealed that she had a family, among them a sister named Isobel, and her family name was Tyler. The guards had no doubt heard it all, and would report to Eva.

No... Was all Annabelle could say, as she retreated to the shadows of her cell, terrified of her mistake ”No! No! No! No! No...”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

His companions thought it was so exciting, but Ferrel personally hated this part. The waiting could take hours, it could rain while they were freezing their asses of in bushes next to the road. Sometimes the tip was fake, and they returned to the shack emptyhanded, hungry, cold and pissed off. Ferrel hoped that this would not be one of those days, because the road from Akarath to Ruvale has been empty so far. At least it wasn’t raining.

There was some movement on the other side of the road and a head popped out of a bush. “Where are they?” the man yelled in Ferrel’s direction.

Ferrel just rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to bang his head against the nearest tree. “Get back inside you faggot!” These new people were as dumb as they come, but this prize was too big for Ferrel to take on with his usual crew. The mark would have armed guards as he was told, probably two or three armored knights.

Finally, the sound of hooves started to echo from behind a road turn and the first horses appeared. Two, three, Ferrel counted. Five, six, seven. “Fuck!” he growled. So much for three knights. Five heavily armed men, the mark and one cargo horse. There wasn’t time to call of the plan and those dumbfucks wouldn’t listen to him anyway, blinded by the prospect of the gold. Hell, in their minds, they’ve probably spent half of it already.

The rope went up right before the first two knights arrived on the spot, just as they planned. But then again, he entrusted this part of the plan to his regular crew, Marve and Isri. Two men and two horses went down in one pile of entangled bodies and armor. The target – youngest son of some baron from east flew over the head of his horse as that came to a sudden halt, cargo horse stopping next to it.

Arrows started flying from both sides of the road, hitting the remaining three knights. The first two managed to climb back on their feet and a quick brawl ensued as several bandits jumped out of the bushes on the roadside and attacked them. The fight was short but bloody, Ferrel waiting until the last possible moment to join in, putting his short sword into back of the last knight standing. As he expected, nearly half of the new recruits was bleeding into the dirt, either dead or wounded.

The man that shouted at him from the bush earlier was trying to hold a long cut on his leg together and stopping the stream of blood from it. “We did it, eh?” he grinned. Ferrel nodded and smiled, bending over to him, extending one hand to help him up. The moment man grabbed it, Ferrel’s left hand darted forward, slitting man’s throat in one clean cut.

“Finish the wounded,” he ordered to Marve, who quickly ended the lives of two other men on the ground. Only three recruits remained now, stunned by the quick turn of the events. Isri moved behind them, quiet and elegant as always, thin dagger in each hand as she waited for the order to get rid of them.

One of the men stepped forward. “Ey man, we had a deal!”

Ferrel shook his head and Isri leaped forward, the tip of her blade coming out of the front of man’s throat. He gargled blood for a moment before his body joined the rest of the corpses on the ground. Other man turned to flee, stopped by a dagger that somehow moved from Marve’s hand into man’s back. The last recruit frowned, tightly gripping his bow handle, his other hand ready to reach for an arrow, even though he had no chance of even drawing the bow. Ferrel watched him with a smirk. “I think I like you.”

Isri grinned and stepped towards the archer. He tried to lift the bow, but she laid one of her hands on it, gently pushing it down. Her other hand grabbed man’s hair, pulling his face closer to hers and sticking a tongue into his mouth. “Welcome,” she smiled, licked her lips and danced off down the road.

Ferrel and Mavri shared amused looks. “Get back to the fucking job,” Ferrel laughed and patted the archer on a shoulder.

Mavri caught the cargo horse and started searching through the satchels on its back. A few satchels of coins were quickly moved into his backpack before he finally pulled out a leather document case. “I think this is it!” He peeked inside.

“As if you could read, you dipshit.” Ferrel took the documents and went through them. He didn’t really understand why they were so important, but someone was willing to pay money for them and that was good enough for him. “All right, we got it. Grab anything useful and let’s move before someone shows up.”

“Is this useful?” Isri returned, dragging a man by a collar of his expensive shirt.

It was the noble boy, son of someone, who seemed to have survived the fight without any injuries, side from a big bruise on his forehead. Ferrel shook his head. “Sadly, no. The buyer clearly said no survivors.”

The boy’s eyes widened as he finally realized what was happening. “No! Wait! My father will pay for me whatever you say!”

Ferrel shrugged. “Sorry kid. Hey, new guy! Put an arrow into him and let’s go.” He scratched his head. “Actually, wait a second,” he added quickly. The boy sighed in relief. “I really like your coat.”

“It’s yours!” He took it of fast, handing it over to the bandit. “Whatever you want, you can have a hundred more like it!”

“Thank you, it would be shame to get blood on it. Now you can shoot him.”

“WAIT! THE KING WILL GO AFTER YOU IF…” words were cut off by an arrow that pierced boy’s chest, directly where the heart was.

A laugher escaped Ferrel’s lips. The king. “Fuck the king. He can come and blow my dick if he wants me so much.”

The shoes were polished so well be could almost see his reflection in them. Janril admired them for a second before moving to the last item on the list - his sword. A quick look around confirmed that the barracks were empty, his colleagues probably out drinking or playing cards. Janril shook his head with a disgusted look at the empty beds, for sure not made up properly. The regulations clearly stated that the sheets should be folded in half, placed in the middle right under the pillow, exactly as Janril’s were.

He sighed. The other men didn't take their duties in service to the king seriously enough. But back to the sword. After checking he was alone again, he suddenly drew the it, jumping up to his feet, trying to copy the stance he had seen swordsmen use at the latest tournament. “Sir Allaway, I challenge you to a duel!” he yelled at the empty beds. “The winner shall earn undying fame, the loser will perish. Let the best man win!” Janril swung a sword, imagining how he would fight the famous knight. He attacked, lounging forward and hitting a bed frame with his knee. A few curses escaped his lips, but he kept the fantasy going, stumbling back and making a few feeble defensive movements, imagining deflecting powerful strokes from his opponent. He suddenly ducked and jumped back up, hitting the enemy with the hilt and finishing him off with a fast and deadly direct strike right under the helmet.

The crowd roared as Fenros went to the ground, blood running through gaps in his armour. Janril turned to see the king, looking pleased and impressed. King nodded and Janril knelt in front of him. A sword softly touched his shoulders. “Arise, sir Janril!” the king exclaimed and the crowds cheered again. Princess Eleanor was coming, beautiful as always. “My champion,” she leaned towards him, “I have a special gift for the tournament winner,” she whispered right into his ear.

A burst of laughter interrupted the fantasy at the best part and Janril opened his eyes to see two other men watching him, grinning. “Ermmm… I was just about to polish my sword,” he mumbled.

That only caused another laugh. “Sure, sure, go ahead and polish all you want, just don't make us watch it.” One of the men jumped right into bed, not even taking of his shoes. “If you went with us, you wouldn't have to polish your sword yourself. Nancy at the Yeruvian rose can do things with your sword you wouldn’t believe it.” He yawned and closed his eyes.

The other man came closer to Janril and spoke quietly. “Look, kid, I know you are new here and want to make a good impression, but you should get some rest. The king is returning to the capital tomorrow and the city guards have been tasked to keep order in the streets. That's where you can prove yourself, not by folded sheets and polished boots. So go to bed now.”

Janril stood at attention. “Yes, sergeant! I will do my best to serve the king!”

The older man just shook his head, mumbled something about kids being unbearable these days and headed into his bed. It took Janril a while to fall asleep, thinking about all the kinds of reward the princess would give him in her own chambers.

The next day city guard was at full strength, placed along the kings route through the city, trying to keep the crowds at bay. Janril was stationed at a smaller square along with the sergeant that talked to him previous day. He felt like living a dream - wearing a beautiful uniform, carrying a sword and most importantly, protecting the king himself! He could hear the crowd cheering down the road as the convoy was getting closer to the square.

Janril could barely hold his excitement. What if the princess notices him? The noises got louder and sergeant frowned, listening carefully. “Something is wrong,” he said at the same time as a galloping horse, carrying a beautifully dressed woman and a knight ran through their section of the route. “Come on!” the sergeant yelled and sprinted towards the source of the noise. Janril’s excitement was dulled by confusion, but he followed the older man.

They ran a few hundred yards until the couldn't continue anymore - a huge crowd was blocking the path. “The king is dead!” someone yelled. “No it was the prince who died!” other voice responded angrily. “Shut up, you haven't seen anything!” Janril couldn't tell if it was the first man again or someone else, they were all hidden in the crowd. “The armies are marching onto us!”

Three other city guards have joined them, all looking as confused as Janril was feeling. “Everyone calm down,” the sergeant spoke calmly. “Please return to your homes, the show is over.”

“What do you know?” “You all serve the blood king!” “They took my SON!”

Janril was terrified, but he couldn't just stand by when they insulted the king. He stepped forward. “Who said that? You are under arrest!”

“Fuck you!” “Go back to kissing the tyrant’s ass!” “Fuck the king!”

Anger took control of him. How dare they say such things? He drew the sword. “I command you to stand down.”

The sergeant jumped to him, trying to pull him back. “Are you insane? Put that sword away or you are gonna get us all killed!”

That sentence caused Janril to snap out of his state of righteous fury. He looked back at the other men. Five guards with swords, two of them also had worn shields. Against a huge angry mob. They exchanged clueless looks, waiting for someone to decide what to do. The crowd solved the problem for them. A stone hit one of the guards right into face, who fell to the ground, covered in blood. The sergeant jumped to him, trying to help him up, but the man was unconscious. “Help me with him!” he yelled at Janril who was standing by with his mouth wide open, unable to move. The other two guards quickly raised their shields over their fallen friend, protecting him from more rock that came from the crowd. “Don't just stand there boy, MOVE!”

And Janril did move, although not in a way the sergeant expected. The sword clanged loudly when it hit the ground, the boy who held it already on the run through a side alley. “Get him!” someone yelled which made him increase the speed. He could have gotten away had he not made a mistake of looking back. While checking on how far the pursuers are he tripped over an abandoned cart and came tumbling down onto the dirty ground.

He stared in horror on the men that ran after him, carrying sticks and stones, fury and hatred clearly visible in their eyes. Sudden warm wet feeling spread from his crotch as he squealed, trying to get back up to his feet. He moved into a smaller alley behind some inn, startling the horses stabled there. His eyes desperately searched for a place to hide, finding only a huge pile of horse manure. The shouts were getting closer, so he jumped in, burying himself deep into it. The men following him moved past and continued through the alley.

Janril’s heart was pounding heavily accompanied by the sound of soft sobbing. The fact that he had just ran away and failed his duty didn't really concern him. But this was real fight? Being scared and running away for his life, hiding in a pile of shit? There was nothing noble, nothing heroic here, it was not at all as he had imagined it. And the king? Part of the crowd seemed to believe he was dead. And even if he weren't, what could one young boy really do to protect him? “Fuck the king,” Janril mumbled and started to unbutton his uniform.

They wouldn't even let her bury her father. Karina furiously kicked a stray cat, lounging towards its prey. It was a rat, dead for at least a few days, judging by the smell coming from its opened stomach. The girl swallowed a desperate scream, it wouldn't do her any good other than alarming the city guards who would beat her up and kicked her out of the city. Her stomach grumbled and she looked down at the carcass again before turning away. She wasn't that hungry. Yet.

How much can your life change in just a few days, she thought as she wandered the streets aimlessly, hoping some miracle would happen and she would wake up from this horrible nightmare. Just three days ago she was sitting at that bench, holding hands with Olaf and exchanging stealthy kisses when they thought no one was watching. And now?

She was all alone and scared, the paper that had been nailed to the bakery door crumbled in her hand. The men at the smithy gave her side glances, whispering amongst themselves until she walked closer to them. When she asked to speak to Olaf, they looked at each other, frowning. “He's not here,” one growled. “You should leave.”

Karina was confused, she could clearly see his silhouette through the window, but when she took a step forward to explain it, the man yelled at her. “I said get lost! We don't want anything to do with you,” he added loud enough so everyone on the street could hear him.

Trying to hold back the tears, she sat on a bench on the other side of the street, determined to wait for her boyfriend. Maybe he was just too busy and didn't want any disturbance. His apprenticeship was nearly over and his master was now deciding whether to offer him a proper job or not. Yes that must have been it, he was just too nervous right now.

She waited for hours, trying to hold back the tears. The sun was nearly setting and all the other men had already left the smithy, before he finally showed up. She walked towards him, looking forward to be held in his arms, but he took a step back the moment she moved closer, his eyes ice cold. Never in her life had she felt more lost and alone. Even him. She knew what he was going to say, but it still hurt beyond imagination to hear those words from him.

“We can't see each other anymore. You have to stay away from me.” He just turned around and left her there, standing alone in the middle of the street. She could not hold the tears back anymore, whole streams were running down her cheeks, while people walked around her, careful to not even look her way.

The memory came uninvited and didn't want to leave her. She decided to go back to the Mounted mufloon inn, perhaps Raken will be in a better mood this time and at least gives her some leftovers from the kitchen or lets her sleep in the stables.

It was early morning, the sun had barely risen over the horizon, but Karina had already been up for a few hours. It was the tough life of the bakers, in order to have fresh pastry for sale in the morning, he and her father had to get up long before sunrise each day. Today it was just her, preparing the dough, heating the oven, her slim fingers carefully twisting and weaving until the buns and pretzels were in the right shape. She knew her father went to the tavern last night and most likely returned very late, so she let him sleep in. When the first batch was ready, she pulled it out of the oven, enjoying the beautiful smell of fresh-baked pastry. She took a few pieces and a mug of water and knocked on father's door. As there was no response, she quietly opened it.

A small frown appeared on her face - the bed was intact as she had made it previous morning, meaning her father didn't get home at all. Perhaps he and his friends played cards a bit too long and decided to sleep at the inn? Or he had one too many ales and is now sleeping it off somewhere next to the street on the route home? She sighed and decided to go look for him. Fresh pastries would be late today.

She headed to the Mounted mufloon, asking some people along the way, but no one seemed to have seen her father. The young girl, who was cleaning the floor let her inside the tavern, giving her strange looks, as she went to get Raken.

Karina smiled at the man and went to hug him, confused when he grabbed her shoulders and gently pushed her away. “What are you doing here child?” He wasn't looking at her, but at the front door to the inn, which were still open. He maneuvered Karina into a corner, so they wouldn't be visible from the street. “Your father isn't here, I thought they would let you know,” he hesitated, looking somewhat guilty. “They took him last night. The inquisition.” He was now just whispering. “Arrested for treason, that's what I've heard.” he stepped away from her, his voice now louder. “You can't be here. I don't want any problems and I certainly don't want any traitors parading about in my inn.”

Karina stared him, unable to speak. “You knew my father since you were children. You must know…”

“I don't know anything!” he shouted. “And I don't want any problems. Leave!”

She was stunned as he pushed her out of the building, took a quick frightened look on the street, and slammed the door behind her. Even though the street was busy, people moved around her as if she were contagious.

She took a longer route through the city outskirts so she wouldn't have to walk close to the House of Questions. Most people avoided the inquisition headquarters, but on that day she headed straight there, determined to find her father, to convince them that it was just a horrible misunderstanding. Her visit was short. When she said her name, the clerk at the desk searched through a pile of papers and then dryly announced her that her father had been found guilty of treason and the sentence had already been carried out. This body was to be burned and ashes scattered into the river. All of his properties are forfeited in favor of the crown. She was staggered, barely managing to stutter a few words before a guard kicked her out into the street.

She went home, the thought that she still had unbaked buns prepared for the oven now felt absurd. There was a new big lock on the door of the house she grew up in and an eviction notice nailed to the wood. Karina wasn't a great reader, it took her a while to go through it, even though she already knew what it said.

In just a few hours her world turned upside down. Yesterday she and her father owned a bakery, not exactly rich, but enough to make a decent living, befriended and respected by the neighborhood. Now she had a few copper coins in one of her pockets, not even enough to buy a proper meal. The only clothes she had was the dress she was wearing. Everyone avoided her as if she were a leper. Oh yes, and also her father is dead, executed for somehow committing treason against this monster of a king that ruled over Tricaelia.

She had no tears left, used them all to cry herself to sleep last night, shivering from cold and fear in some half-demolished hut at the outskirts. It was lunch time and Mounted mufloon was full of people, enjoying Raken’s delicious stew. She stayed away, watching from a side street, not wanting to go through the pain of being kicked out by a close friend again. One of the customers stumbled out to piss in the back alley. When he was done, he turned to her with a greedy look, gesturing her to come closer. Having a pretty good idea of what such man would want from her, she didn't move. At least until he reached into his pocket and showed her a few golden coins. Her brain immediately came up with an image of a hot meal and a bed and it was almost impossible to resist.

Cold, pain and the smell of sweat and ale, that was what Karina remembered from her ‘first time’, a moment she dreamt of sharing with Olaf at this year's harvest festival, when her father would finally let her spend the night away from home. She was, after all, only fourteen. She bit her lip to stay quiet when he turned her to face the wall, his drooling mouth kissing her shoulder, dirty fingers lifting her skirt, roughly forcing themselves between her legs. As the man was groaning and moaning behind her, there was only one thought in her head. ‘FUCK THE KING!’
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krusader
Avatar of Krusader


Member Seen 3 days ago

Collab with @Kitty

Upon hearing the order Conall was the first to move towards the seathing form of Eleanor. As he moved closer he had a sad look on his face that only she could see that easily showed how much he hated what he was doing. When he reached her he quietly whispered “Im sorry Lady Eleanor.” before he gently grabbed her arm using hardly any force. Nodding to the other guard they slowly escorted her out of the room either daring to look back when they heard the king and his son begin to argue. As they reached the door Conall turned to the other guard motioning for him to stop. “I'll take her to her room and see to it she is safe you stay here and make sure nothing worse happens.” after seeing the guard begin to protest Conall cut him off. “I am perfectly capable of watching her myself.” he finished without letting the man argue as he was already walking away with Eleanor. As they drew just slightly farther Conall let go of Eleanors arm when he saw tears begin to roll down her face. Without thinking Conall placed a hand on her shoulder as he continued to lead her away from the hall.

She was so lost in her own emotions and mind that she didn’t realize only Conall was escorting her now. Nor did Eleanor realize he had released his grip on her until she felt his hand on her shoulder. She turned her head up at the tall man and gave him a small smile through the tears before looking forward again. She let out a shaky breath as she wiped tried wiping the tears from her eyes.

She didn’t want to look weak, it wasn’t like she was too afraid to die. But the heartbreak Eleanor felt at the loss of Fenros was overwhelming. It made her whole body heavy and it felt like everything good she had left in her life was gone. He had been her rock through so much since he became her bodyguard twelve years ago. All twelve years were seemingly torn and broken with the simple uttering of his death. But at the same time, she found solace in the memories of their years spent together. What she wouldn’t give to go back to when they had visited Fenros’ home. The ocean breeze and the feeling of healing during the trip. All thanks to Fenros.

She’d long taken him for granted as a friend and a man. Eleanor had scolded her own childlike crush on him when she first had him as a bodyguard, she thought it was nothing more than just a childlike crush. Of course, her naivety in dealing with romance allowed it to stay that way as year passed. But recently, she’d been going back over past events shared between the two, words spoken and unspoken alike. And she fell for him, she had a long time ago if only she could have seen the signs herself. But time had a way of playing games and now it was too late to do anything about it. Even if a relationship with him would have been inappropriate. She didn’t care, not after all she’d been through. He was her only constant and he would have been worth it.

Eleanor’s heart seemingly broke all over again at her thoughts but this time no more tears fell. She’d be strong, no more tears. She’d face whatever was to come no matter what the evil king planned for her.

“Conall, ignore me if you like. I know I must look like a traitor in your eyes. I just wanted to commend your loyalty to my fath- the king. But do make sure you take care of yourself and live your own fulfilling life.” Eleanor grew silent mulling over a thought before looking to make sure no one else was around before continuing to speak, “And if you could… you don’t have to, but there is a family in the town. The baker’s family. They can’t afford medicine for the mother who is currently pregnant with their second child, I have it in my room and was going to deliver it to them. Under guise of course. But I can’t anymore and if you could just do this one thing for me. I did so wish to help make sure the mother and baby survive. I understand if you don’t want to do anything of the sort or even talk to me right now. I thought it was worth trying.”

Conall felt a massive pain in his heart at hearing Eleanors words. Even in the face of certain death or worse if the king had his way Eleanor was still putting others over her own self. She wasn't begging or praying for her life to be saved, no she was willing to accept fate and that he could respect most of all. What hurt most however was even with him taking her to be locked away in her room she was still acting kind to him. One of maybe four people who treated him as a friend within these castle walls. When he heard her tell him to Live his own life he could see a flash of snow and many people dancing around a large bonfire as people clicked mugs together singing loudly into the night sky. Shaking his head Conall forced those thoughts away from his mind for the time being. “I will if i am able to.” he paused for a second not really sure how to talk to her in this instance. After hearing her second request Conall knew there was nothing he could do but to fulfill her request. “It would be an honor to make sure they get the medicine they need.”

After another short pause Conall began to speak again “As much as it would make it easier to hate your very existence right now I can't seem to bring myself to do that. I'm not sure what that means about me.” He let out a small laugh barely audible. “It feels like I should want to see you and Fenros both hung by the gallows for treason but I just can't. I can't seem to bring myself to want to see you and my brother like that. And I know I should but i just can't.” Conall stopped for a moment. [color=007236][b]“If it helps any, I know how close you and Fenros where. He was like a brother to me.” he paused making sure that no one else was around. “He did love you. And would have gladly died for you. And not like a normal guard would, but as a man for the women he loves.”

Some relief was felt as Conall informed her that he would get the medicine to the family. Eleanor was glad that even in her death she could help one more. Eleanor listened as he spoke, she wasn’t sure how to reply to his confession on how he feels about the two in regards to their ‘treason’ but then he said something that surprised Eleanor and shattered what was left of her heart. “I don’t know if you are right or not in what you say of Fenros. But I wish to believe it is true and will take it with me to my own grave. Knowing that there was a possibility that the man I loved felt the same brings me comfort. Thank you Conall.” She was sincere in her thanks to the man. It hurt her but comforted her all in the same.

“Though it may seem the opposite. Know Fenros was no traitor. He never did anything wrong, my words at dinner were enough to make me treasonous though so I will not try and change that thought about me. But I know how close you and Fenros were and since he is gone and cannot convince you himself, I hope I can convince you that he is innocent. He had nothing to do with the assassination attempt today, nor did I. I can tell you that for sure. So please try to find solace knowing your brother is innocent and that if you need someone to blame for his death. Let it be me. His loyalty to me is what hurt him so I take full responsibility for the fate that has befallen him. If it is easier to mourn his loss thinking he is a traitor then think as you wish. I just wanted to make sure you knew the truth.” Eleanor didn’t care about her own image in Conall’s eyes. She knew the words she said at dinner condemned her and there was no changing that. But the relationship Conall and Fenros shared, she didn’t want memories spoiled by falsities. She could only hope that the Allaway’s would be able to figure it out on their own that their son was no traitor no matter what is said. The family didn’t deserve that. As they continued walking, she let silence fall having nothing else to say at the time.

“I hope for nothing more than the fact that Fenros was not a traitor as he is accused of being. I would have trusted that man with my life and i have many a times before.” he paused for a moment thinking over everything that they were talking about. “As kind as you are trying to be, don't take on the brunt of what has happened to him on you. It not what he would have wanted.” Conall took another moment to mourn the life of his best friend. “Regardless of his actions or his acustions he deserved better then to be killed in the dungeons like a common thief. A warrior such as he should have met the end of a blade on the battlefield. Though i suppose if he died trying to keep you out of this whole shite storm of a mess then he died as honorable as any man can ever hope to.” He paused for a second before looking down to her once more. “If you could do something for me and for Fenros I would greatly appreciate it.” he paused again looking up for a brief second before looking back down. “Remember him for his sacrifice and for all he has done. Do not mourn his death as a sad event, though i know it seems that way. But be glad that in his final moments he was doing the one thing he wanted to do most of all… Protecting you.”

Eleanor bowed her head as he spoke, listening to his words. She knew they were true and that he was right. She’d remember him for the rest of her time as the brave man he was and try not to let too much of it feel like it was her fault. She stopped walking as they reached her chambers. The door was open and Eleanor briefly walked in before grabbing something from her dresser. A small bag containing the medicine the family needed. She returned to Conall and looked up at him, holding the bag out. “Here is the medicine. Thank you Conall. For everything. You’ve been a good friend and you are a great man. You are sure to have great things awaiting you. Just please live a good life and in the event of a rebellion, try not to get caught on the wrong side. I want to watch you live a long happy life, I’m sure Fenros would say the same. Take care of yourself now.” A small smile made its way to Eleanor’s face as she looked up at the man, she was grateful to have one last pleasant experience before she faced her punishment and to see one last friendly face before hand too. It helped her strengthen her courage to face whatever is to come with her head held high. She would do it for the people of the kingdom, for Fenros, and now for Conall as well.

Conall took the bag of medicine with a small smile on his face that held a bit of sadness in it knowing that this could the last time he saw her. “I appreciate your kind words lady Eleanor. I am sorry that this is how our story will end but I assure you I will never forget the kindness you have shown me in the time I have known you.” he smiled a full smile at hearing himself say that. “And I will always remember that you were the first person to look at me without hate in your eyes when I first moved here to serve your father. And i want to thank you for that.” looking around one last time he saw that there was still no one near her chambers as he begin to leave. Just as they were about to part ways for most likely the last time he turned one last time. “It has been an honor lady Eleanor.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eva slowly started to realize the world around her once again, although her mind still felt foggy and each part of her body weighed at least a ton. This was the precious moment where she didn’t feel any pain yet, but the bitter taste in the back of her mouth indicated that it will be pretty bad. Only one thing she knew of tasted that way – on the streets they called it Kahla or ‘a small death’. Extracted from a rare plant growing only in western deserts, it was a drug for the rich. One or two drops would give you an evening of foggy happiness, where nothing in the world really mattered and no problems existed. Around five drops would kick you out for a few hours, sending you into a deep dreamless slumber. Ten or more was a deadly dose, and frankly, it was one of the nicest deaths you could get, passing away happy with a smile on your lips.

Aside from being quite expensive, there was another huge flaw to the substance – it was incredibly addictive, and Eva tried to avoid it as much as she possibly could. This time she didn’t even remember drinking it, someone must have poured it down her mouth. What was it that happened? It was so hard trying to concentrate when the blissful flow was trying to carry her away again, but some vague feeling of danger forced to at least try to wake up. There was a lot of pain, she remembered that, coming in waves through her body. And some other pain, sharp and burning at one spot on her neck. Bright red iron was so close, but wasn’t she the one who was supposed to be holding it?

The memories came to her slowly, she remembered questioning Fenros, the short fight that could have very well ended with her death and most importantly the beautiful sound of the bastard’s bones cracking and his short scream full of pain. The rest was gone, deleted by the drug. She squinted, trying to determine where and when she is. The room was dimly lit by one candle, it seemed like it was one of the rooms in the castle reserved for the inquisitors, and it was dark outside. She must have been out for a couple of hours, yet she didn’t feel rested at all. The pain was waiting behind a corner, but she could already feel every muscle in her body sore, as if she had been running and lifting enormous weights for hours.

She tried to move her fingers and tilt her head a bit, slowly waking her body up, while thinking about the things Fenros said. Something just didn’t add up, this whole case was a strange one, she could already feel it before, but got a bit too excited about the idea of torturing the man. How unprofessional. Usually she wasn’t driven by emotions rather than reason and logic. Now, that the emotions nearly cost her life, she pushed reason back in charge.

All the time he claimed he was innocent, even at the moment when he had the upper hand over them. That didn’t really pair well with the idea of an overly confident person who uses his nickname to name an underground rebel party. Someone like that would no doubt take every chance to brag about his accomplishment and make threats. The only time she ever got a reaction from him was when she threatened the princess. It would be a great play by Eleanor – using this man as a pawn while keeping herself safe from any suspicion. If anything were discovered, it would have always been Fenros behind all of it, ready to take the blame.

Except for the fact that he didn’t actually take the blame. Maybe not that well trained pawn? There were several angles of the whole matter that didn’t make too much sense. She was ignoring them before, fully concentrated on the one that was perfectly clear, but now it was painfully obvious that she didn’t know the whole story. Actually, there was one more theory that she chose to ignore even now, one that would mean she had made a terrible mistake. But for the time being her pride wouldn’t even let her acknowledge that, let alone think about how much more logical this theory would be. She needed to talk to the assassin again, this time properly, break her completely to reveal the full truth.

A short groan escaped her lips as she tried to lift her body up on her elbows. After heroic, several minutes long effort, she managed to sit up in bed, leaning against the cold wall. There was a bowl of soup and a few papers on the stool next to her bed. She reached for the soup, starving as always after the drug left her body, wandering where Garret was. Hopefully Fenros hasn’t harmed him in the fight. She had another assistant, but it was a consistent talker, his constant blabbering sometimes driving Eva to the point where she wished he was the one tied up to the chair instead of whoever they were questioning at that moment. She glanced at the papers, realizing that as she was unconscious, Garret was the one who had to report to the Superior what they found out questioning the former bodyguard.

It took her a while to realize what was in the first folder she grabbed, but when she did, a wide smile appeared on her face. It was full of information about certain Annabelle Tyler, originally a freeholder from Yeruse, now an outlaw renowned for her hatred against the nobles. There were several warrants with increasing reward and a rough sketch of a woman Eva interrogated. She quickly went through the personal information, stopping on a note about closest living relatives – a younger sister and older brother, both still living in Yeruse, the brother even being the captain of the city guard.

Under the folder she found a note from Jennal. She gasped for air as she read it. So, our dear princess isn’t king’s daughter? Who would have said the queen would do such thing. Eva was actually quite surprised that the king raised Eleanor as his own, never mentioning anything, even when he was furious with her at times. She wondered whether he would hand her over to the inquisition, or he would rather deal with the ‘problem’ quietly using his own resources. Most likely the later, since he wanted to keep it a secret even from the ones most loyal to him. Good thing the Superior has half of the servants in the castle on the payroll. And the other half is terrified of him, so they tell him everything even without getting paid.

There was a postscript at the bottom of the note that even widened Eva’s grin.

“As for Annabelle Tyler, the king’s most loyal knights have been dispatched to bring her family members into the capital, so we could provide them with proper care. Get some rest before they get here.”

Although she was a bit disappointed not to be able to question the assassin immediately, she had to admit it is better to wait until they have ways to properly motivate her. Eva was looking forward to providing such motivation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 13 days ago

Routine Reports

The tapestried halls grew silent as evening embraced the palace. Within the Prince’s royal chambers all that could be heard is the steady clink of spurs as his highness paced back and forth across his room. It was a well adorned room, decorated to fit Aaron’s particular tastes. The walls were hung with the trophies of many hunts, bear, boar, fox, and deer stuffed and preserved, rested in macabre poses, while red silk curtains covered the windows and fur rugs were draped across the floor. In a large dog bed in the corner an old wolfhound lay curled up, one large eye watching the prince as he paced like a caged animal. Once in a while he stopped, stooping down to scratch the dog behind the ears, but in a moment he was up and walking again, his brow furrowed in thought.

He felt a pang of sadness at the loss of his sister. If Willum did not kill her outright, he would ship her away, far away and sell her to some distant princeling. Aaron would have liked her to stay, perhaps even have her married to a lord from their own lands, someone powerful who could have bolstered their strength. Someone loyal and well-liked by the people. She would have served a far greater purpose at home, a figurehead that the people could love and adore. Something beautiful they could marvel over while he ruled with strength. She possessed an almost natural affinity for wooing their hearts, something he, and his father lacked in considerable fashion. Instead, through some twist of fate, or a conspiracy of the highest order both of them had ruined any success on that front, and in his stupid fit of anger Aaron himself had destroyed any chance of his sister supporting him. A bond he’d worked so hard to form shattered with a few ill-chosen words. Aaron cursed himself, and his stupidity aloud with such venom his dog whined and cowered in his bed.

Clicking his tongue Aaron quieted, soothing the old hound before beginning his ninetieth circuit of his room.

He still was not sure of the validity of his father’s claims. How far would he go to lie to them, just to unbalance her and anger her just enough to make her irrational, spouting nonsense born from anger? What bounds did his father’s paranoia have? Would he really have went so far as to prove his own theory? Who then were the other players? Sir Fenros, a more loyal man Aaron had never known, what would drive him to betray his king? His love for El perhaps? His loyalty for her? But then what purpose would she have in slaying her own father? To stop the murder of the people? Mayhap. But she herself had said such things were not her way. Besides she had easy access to their chambers. Aaron had no personal guard standing outside his door, neither did the king. She could have waltzed in at a late hour, slid a knife across their throats and left without any man being the wiser. Or even give entrance for another assassin to do the deed. And who would suspect the beautiful, and innocent princess of such hideous crimes? No, for all the logic Aaron could muster it made little sense for Eleanor to nefariously plot the king’s demise in such foolish fashion. She was smart enough to realize there were a thousand better ways surely. What had caused this then? The honest testimony of an assassin?

Aaron was interrupted from his contemplations by a soft rapping on his bedroom door. Wondering who would think to disturb him at this hour the prince hastened over, lifting the latch and pushing the heavy door outward. A young man, only slightly older than Aaron stood at attention on the other side, dressed in the uniform of the House Guard. He placed a hand over his heart as he whispered out his report, his voice kept low for the sake of the slumbering keep.

“Sir Arvel sent me sire, to inform the Lord Commander the city has been successfully brought under control and the crowds dispersed to their homes. The streets are safe, and well patrolled and those who break the curfew are being sent to the gallows to await execution. The gates are locked and the wall watch doubled as ordered, until your review your grace.”

“Good news for once.” Aaron muttered clapping the tall runner on the shoulder. “Send Sir Arvel my regards, and inform him I would meet and discuss reopening the city on the morrow. I would like to reward him for his swift completion of his orders... Those prisoners, there must be many, where are they being kept? And when will their justice be administered”

The soldier paused, thinking carefully over the answer. “Most are held in the standard watch cells your grace, though, as you say there are many. The overflow are being transported to the Inquisition dungeons, the upper ones for low security. I brought a few there myself. They should begin the hanging in a few hours, mayhap sooner since there are so many.”

Having learned all he wanted Aaron dismissed the man and stepped from his chambers. His suspicions nagged at the back of his mind as he checked his sword, and pulled his mink fur cloak tighter around his shoulders before departing alone through the many halls and staircases within the keep, ever downward towards the dungeons. Everything about this situation seemed off to him, and perhaps a private conversation with the would-be-assassin would assist in clearing the all to murky waters.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fenros grew too irritated with the woman across from him. She was freaking out that she just put her family in danger, but she did not hesitate to think. Her lies have put El, and his family in danger. She had no problem destroying others lives and that made him hate her all the more. He turned away from her and allowed himself to slide down the bars of his cage with his back. Till he was sitting on the ground, his swollen broken hand was open, the cool metal from the ring and necklace brought little comfort to the heat and pain inside it.

He rested the back of his head in between two of the rusty bars and closed his eyes. His thoughts once again turned to the princess. From when they first met when he was 18 and she 14. How she was just the worst because he wouldn’t call her by her name. To riding through the forest with her almost everyday, the days spent alone together inside the castles grove of trees. The assassination attempts a few years before. But the time that stuck in his mind was after a nasty experience with a noble, when they went to his home for her to get away from things...

After Eleanor was lead to the outdoor dining area in the upper courtyard, she wandered over to look out at the sea, enjoying the breeze as she waited for Fenros and his family to make the changes to dinner plans. She wouldn’t lie. This was a nice change in pace compared to the last month and she had been wanting to meet Fenros’ family, although she wished the circumstances were different. For a moment, Eleanor just closed her eyes inhaling the smell of the sea and the fresh air, listening to the waves crash on the shore. Just allowing herself a bit of peace for the first time since the incident.

Fenros had walked up behind El as she stood near the edge of the upper courtyard that overhung the sea below. He stopped a few feet back from herm, allowing her to take all the personal time she needed. But he was content on watching as the breeze gently caused her hair to dance to the side, revealing the back of her neck and shoulder. The warm light of the afternoon sun that made her soft pure skin glow. While the sea was a beautiful sight, just her standing with that soft smile made everything else pale in comparison. Seeing this calmed him..but also deep down, a sharp pain of large but annoying fact came to mind He felt selfish for a moment and pushed the thought from his mind. The most important thing here was her and her happiness.

As he could see the change in her demeanor. He didn’t want to interrupt her moment of relaxation and just stood there. Watching silently.

Hearing footsteps approach from behind, Eleanor took one last moment to enjoy the breeze and sounds of the ocean. Opening her eyes and turning to look over her shoulder she saw Fenros. “Well don’t just stand there. You are missing out on the view. I’m sure you have missed it.” Eleanor’s face was calm, not holding much emotion besides just the calm feeling she had as she turned back to look out.

He raised his eyebrows when she looked at him, Telling him he’s missing out on the view. His head tilting to the side. He very much doubted that. The view was better back here. But nonetheless he walked forward and stood next to her. After a moment he glanced at her. Nope she was right. He was missing the better part of the view. He cleared his throat as he felt warmth on his cheeks and looked out to the sea.

The view was pleasing as well, reminding him of his childhood. Taking a breath, “I have. Not so much the view, but I do miss the smell of the salt water…” He thought for a moment. “You know… I thought I wanted to be a sailor when I was younger...I used to sneak onto the docks all the time to try to get on a ship. Get caught every time and thrown off...quite literally. Into the water.” He said with a smile, glancing at El. Hoping it would brighten her spirits more.

A small smile graced Eleanor’s face, “Seems water has been a useful way to snap you to your senses.” She joked as she thought back to their first week together when she shoved him into the lake.

Raising his eyebrow he smiled. “It would seem so...a cold shock of water does wonders…” He said very slowly as if leading her to something. As he too remembered what happened right after that. He glanced over the small wall that served as railing, at the water.

Eleanor looked at the water staring into it as he spoke before glancing to him, “Don’t even think about it.” She warned as she read his face. Although she couldn’t help the smile on her face, one that just touched her eyes, as the memory from that day played in her head.

He grinned back at her, his heart seemingly flopping a few times. He hadn't seen that smile in a long time...far too long. He chuckled as he shrugged. “Too late.” He then looked to her with a soft smile. “There is my princess. I haven’t seen that smile in a long time..” His eyes looked to hers calm and genuine. Inside he was freaking out, wondering why he just said that.

Her cheeks warming up at what he said caused her to quickly face away from him as she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Clearing her throat she looked down at her hands as she clasped them in front of her, “It does feel good to genuinely smile again.” Eleanor spoke softly, barely louder than a whisper before looking back out to the water. Her cheeks burning as she did so…

That month they spent together at his residence was one of the happiest he had been in forever. She didn’t have to hide her true self as much, and they didn’t have to worry that the king or her brother would appear. He pushed the fond memory from his mind as he looked down at the ring. He just wished… and kicked himself mentally for never telling her how he felt about her. For twelve years he protected her with his life, and not because he was ordered to...because he genuinely wanted to protect her from all harm he swore to her he would, no matter what.

His hand tightened around the ring, groaning inwardly at the pain it caused moving his broken hand. But he didn’t care, the fire of resolve burned within his heart. Anger bubbled inside of him as he realized how pathetic he was, sitting here in a cell allowing this to happen. He had to get out of here.

Suddenly he stood up, a surge of energy running through him as he looked around the cell. He couldn’t allow the princess to suffer at the hand of her father or any longer, nor at Eva’s. He needed a plan. There was nothing in his cell that could help him. No rock was big enough to use as a weapon. He just needed the door opened.

“GUARDS!” He yelled out weakly. Mostly on purpose. He rested heavily against the bars as he then once again called for them. To which they yelled “SHUT IT!”

“I NEED TO SPEAK TO EVA OF THE INQUISITORS NOW! I HAVE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE ASSASSIN!” He said glancing to Annabell who was sure to give him a look. He heard grunting from one of the guards as he got up and made his way to them.

As the heavier set man reached him he didn’t look to happy. “Oh now you want to talk?? Couldn’t you do that before I sat down for dinner?” He asked harshly.

“Please…”He said sounding defeated and weak. “I need to speak with her now. The kings life is in danger…” He started to plead.

“Why do you care about the King Traitor! How about you tell me wha-”

Fenros began to grow irritated but the guards attention was suddenly pulled back towards the guards room. Leaning in a little too close to Fenros without realizing it. Fenros lashed out with his left hand and gripped the top of the guards breastplate. Giving him a hard yank against the cell and slamming his head against the iron bars. He didn’t let go as he quickly reached his other arm to the mans belt and yanked the keyring with his fingers. Letting out a small painful yell of anger and determination as he did and felt as if every inch of his hand was on fire.

But he pushed through it. He managed to get the keys. Breathing heavily for a moment he realized the necklace was still in his hand. He quickly slipped it over his head, wincing as he hit himself with the keys by accident. He quickly tried to wiggle the keys as he heard fighting down in the guards room grow silent. It was awkward doing so with just his left hand. But he managed.

Pushing the door open only to have it stop suddenly as if blocked by something. He looked down as he tried it twice more, opening and closing only to see it hitting the knocked out guards head. He had forgotten that the man had dropped like a sack of potatoes in front of the cell door, his mind too busy trying to focus on the door ”Right…” He said with a smirk and only pushed harder to move the man's head enough so he could slip through. Once out he reached down and quickly pulled out the guards sword ready for a fight. In case, for some reason. They were going to come kill him.

A black cloaked figure walked through the doorway of the guards room and stopped right in front of it. “Your savior has arrived lovely damsels!” Walking over to Fenros, she placed a gloved finger on the end of the sword and pushed it down.

“Beefcake there is no need to try and skewer me. I am here to free you from your cell, though you seemed to do that yourself.” The woman grabbed the keys from the door and walked over to the door to Annabelle’s cell.

Fenros was taken back as a woman in a black cloak suddenly appeared. Saying she came to save them. Allowing his blade to be pushed down. His eyes grew wide as she took the keys and moved over to the cell that Annabelle was in. “No! Don’t let her out. She deserves to be in here.” he said angrily. Giving annabelle a death glare.

“Oi! Did I ask you who gets to be freed or not? No.” She unlocked the door and threw it open. “You certainly looked a lot better yesterday. I hope you had fun learning first hand the insanity of the king and his underlings. Though I do suggest you stay quiet during this escape else beefcake will rough you up more and i’d hate to see your pretty face anymore messed up. Also being quiet is important to stealth. So lips sealed.” Turning away from the woman she faced Fenros once more and looked over his injuries, nothing life threatening so thankfully she didn’t have to provide first aid to the man. “Have you any other objections? I can lock you back up in the cell if you do? I may get in a lot of trouble but it’d be worth it if you are going to fight with me.” The woman sassed him, obviously she would not lock him back up but she would consider it.

He glared at her as she snapped back at him. He gripped his sword tightly. If this girl didn’t open her lying mouth, they wouldn’t be here in the first place. He contemplated accepting her challenge just to spite her. He knew he could take her, but the time and effort it would take to do so seemed to outweigh each other. He lifted his sword to annabelle just to point. Giving her a look that just said, give me a reason..’ Before he let it drop.

”Fine, Thanks for the ‘help’ but this is where we go our separate ways. I need to make sure Princess Eleanor is safe.” He turned around and started walking towards the guards room, not waiting for an answer.

A sigh escaped her lips as she grabbed Fenros’ broken hand and squeezed, was she going to hurt him, yes, but was it going to get his attention and get him to stop long enough for her to speak? Yes it would also do that. “You listen here and you listen good. I’m not just some random person here to release you two to do whatever the fuck you want. I’m here under the order of the rebellion to get you two out of here safely. We already have plans to get the princess out safely and if you go and try something on your own you will ruin the plans that we are trying to follow very carefully. Don’t make me tie you up and drag you if I have to. Got it?” The woman asked codly.

Fenros winced and yanked his hand away, despite it hurting even more. He growled as he looked at the girl who continued to speak. He hesitated a moment as he actually listened… she sounded familiar, with how she acted and that cloak. He narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer, he was about to say her name. But a quick look at annabelle made him stop himself. It all clicked, despite her wearing a different cloak he finally recognized her as one of the woodsman, an apprentice to Verrick. He trusted Verrick, and despite the sudden revelation that she said she was working with the rebellion. “Wai-wha….how?” He was confused for a moment, but pushed the thoughts away realizing that’s not important at the moment.

He knew if Verrick was behind a plan like this, he better listen to it.“What is the plan?”He said quickly.

He recognized her, good. The threat of Verrick looming over could make most people listen, especially if the plan was Verrick’s. When he asked what the plan was she remembered the bag that only contained two items that was slung uncomfortably over her shoulder. She slipped it off, the bag dropping to the ground and she knelt down opening it. “Simple. Wear these. Stay close. Stay low. Stay silent. And Stay out of sight.” The woman pulled out two cloaks not much different from hers, she tossed them to the two before turning and heading further into the dungeon. It may seem like it was odd to go deeper into a place that had no way out but, the woodsmen knew the secret tunnels that others didn’t know about. That is exactly where she lead the two.

She opened the entrance and made sure the two got through it before entering and closing it behind her. Swiftly she moved so she was in front of them and leading the way again. Taking them through a few turns in the tunnels, they finally came out not far from the small field that was between the castle and the wall that had a forest on the other side. Crouching in the shadows, she glanced around making sure they were in the clear before taking off running, sticking to the shadows. Once they got the wall, she released a low whistle and a rope fell down from the top of the wall. Sierra helped Annabelle first since she had an injured arm, she then turned to look at Fenros when the rope returned to them, meaning Annabelle was safely on the other side. “Your turn beefcake.”


In her chambers, Eleanor sat as one maid cleaned the glass from her hand and patched up her wounds. Meanwhile two other maids were doing her hair and makeup, she wasn’t sure why the king saw it necessary for her to look nice for an execution but he was not of a fully sane mind.

Once her hand was clean and a bandage wrapped around it and her makeup and hair done. The maids helped her into a fancy robe over her dressing gown. Confused at the outfit choice, Eleanor began to grow concerned at what else the king had planned. She had no time to think as soon, she was being escorted from her room by two guards she didn’t know to who knows where.


The king made his way towards the vanguard barrack’s, a demented smirk on his face as he was satisfied with the punishment he had decided upon for his step daughter. Killing her would not be enough. Though he will kill Fenros in front of her. Just to see that face of realization he was alive, and he didn’t come and save her before he died. Oh it felt good to FINALLY deal with the whore’s child. Though he did admit, keeping her as his own did help with a few treaties and deals he had her take control of. He was tempted to sell her away to that barbarian of a king down south as one of his wenches. But that wouldn’t be humiliating enough.

He had a messenger run on ahead and gathered the Vanguard in the barracks, to gather the officers, as all of the guard could not fit into the main hall of the barracks. Which was fine, once they were done they can rotate the message to everyone else.

He entered the barracks and stood on the platform on which he always stood on while giving them an announcement. He smiled. “My Vanguard! I am extremely pleased with how you all have been performing in the last few days, saving my life from a would be assassin and regaining control of the capital and squashing theories as well. As well as all the hard work you do to protect the kingdom from rebellion and traitors to the crown. I thank you for your service and wish to present you with a gift fitting of a King and prince!”

The men cheered, getting excited, most surprised at the king's generosity. He never did anything like this before. while some were skeptical, they couldn’t wait to see what it was. The king laughed and waited for the anticipation to build while he enjoyed the fanfare. He then motioned them to grow silent.

After a few more moments he then said “I give you… The Beautiful princess Eleanor! Do with her what you please! I recently found out she was the one behind the attempt to kill me and my son Aaron. Wanting the throne for herself despite the loving life I have given her. She was willing to kill anyone who got in her way. Threatening YOUR lives! Well I think she deserves to pay you men back for your service!”

Back with Fenros and the Cloaked Woman…

A celestial voice echoed within Fenros’ mind, speaking a warning to him. An urgent warning in regards to the Princess. Fenros, the Mad King wishes to gift the men of the Vanguard Princess Eleanor’s body for whatever they desire before he ends her life. The rebellion’s plan to save the Princess will no longer work. She needs you.”

Fenros was about to protest when suddenly he heard a voice in his head. He whipped his head around to see who was speaking. But, no one was there. It took a moment for him to realize what was said. His eyes grew wide with horror at that revelation. The voice spoke more, telling him where he needed to go. He never heard this voice before, and honestly was afraid as it happened. But that didn't matter at this moment. Whatever it was, he wasn’t going to take a chance that it might be right.

He looked towards the castle, all the pain in his body washed away with the sudden rush of Adrenaline. He gripped his sword tightly and sprinted along the walls shadows. Completely ignoring Sierra and any attempt she tried to stop him. He prayed that he would make it to her in time,

“Hold on El...I’m coming…”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by pandapolio
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nikolaus sat by the campfire poking the ashes with a stick hoping to see any sign of remaining embers, but to no avail. The last trails of smoke rose from the fire pit into the the sky before being dispersed by a mild breeze. The Duke eventually gave up on his dead fire and rose to his feet with a loud groan. Him and a small group of men have been on the road for the last few days heading north towards the capital, and their journey was nearing its end. While he had some paperwork that had to be delivered to the courts stewards that was no reason for him to come along. He was hoping to investigate some of the rumors of rebellion that have been passing through the countryside. Looking towards the road he could see three of his men talking with a distressed peasant that had been traveling south away from the capital. The peasant was waving their arms and was nearly shouting at his men out of fear. The poor man looked as if he had not slept in days and smelled worse. As the guards managed to calm the man down the handed the peasant a piece of bread and sent them on his way. After they finished the conversation the guards made their way back to their Lord talking amongst themselves. As they neared Nikolaus the guard in front bowed his head and tapped his fist to his chest.

“My lord, this one had a similar tale to the previous serfs we have met on the road.”. The man reporting in had a thick accent and had swarthy tanned skin that screamed foreigner. “Though this one says that the entire royal family had been killed by a single crossbow bolt.”. The guard couldn't help let a bit of sarcasm seep into his voice as he reported in.

“Didn't the last one say that a demon had flown down and ripped the king's heart out?”. Nikolaus felt a small smile come to his face even though now really wasn't the time. “While we can discount a majority of what these commoners say, there is a common thread here: something or someone has attacked the royal family.” As he said those words Nikolaus made his way to his horse and reached down to tighten his saddle. Seeing their Lord get ready the other men of the camp finished packing up the last of the camp and began mounting their horses. “While normally I wouldn't worry too much about the king, these talks of rebellion make me warry. If he was to die, and become the spark for a rebellion it could hurt Yhore immensely.”. Pulling himself into the saddle he nudged his horse forward. Guiding the animal with his knees he leaned down onto the pommel and looked around bored. “If the king we're to die, I wonder which child would win the ensuing fight. The princess's kindness would likely win her the people, but the son would likely have the vanguard and control the capital.”

As he was thinking aloud the captain that had spoken earlier rode up next to him and joined in on the conversation. “Doesn’t the princess have that lord that is always by her side? If the rumors are true he is basically her guard dog.”

“Who? Ooh, Fenros. I would say he is more than a dog, he is just infatuated with a pretty woman. By the way he himself is not a landed noble, but his father is, and a very powerful one at that.”. As he became lost in thought the captain appeared to remember something and smirked. “Infatuated with a pretty woman? Doesn't that remind me of a time long ago involving a young mercenary and a princess?”. Nikolaus could feel himself blush and show the rare sign of emotion. Embarrassed he began to trot his horse ahead, causing his guard to fall a bit behind. As he trotted off he shouted behind him at the laughing foreigner. “You're hilarious, absolutely hilarious. Let's remember who pays who here!”

As night was falling they began to near the capital and the ride became more tense. They no longer joked about women and war, and were getting ready for business. Leather straps were checked and swords loosened as some men lit torches so they wouldn't spook any terrified guard into shooting them. With the walls in sight his guard got tighter together and kept there eyes out for trouble. If the worst had happened and the city was in chaos, they had to be ready to fight their way out of there. The closer they got the more they could tell the city wasn't in good shape. One could easily smell smoke and there was no sign of life at the gates. Slowly riding up to the gates they heard a shout from the top of the wall.

“Halt! By the order of King Willum you are to move no farther.”

Nikolaus looked up at the figure speaking and was relieved to see a normal guards uniform instead of a peasant with a crossbow. “So the King is alive, that's good news isn't it. My name is Nikolaus Aeitos and I am the Duke of Yhore. I am here to deliver some paperwork to the court and enjoy some time away from my responsibilities. If you don't mind could you let me in?”.

The guard appeared somewhat taken aback by someone asking to be let in to what is clearly a closed city. “I was given direct orders to not let anyone in.”

“Well I'm not just anyone now am I? I am sure it would be fine if you let me in.”

“My lord, I am sorry, but I am afraid I do not have the authority to decide this.”

“Well then go find someone who does, until then my party and I will be camping out right here.” As Nikolaus said this he got off his horse and began unpacking his saddle bag. Looking up at the still figure atop the wall he hollered at him once more. “Can you hurry up a bit, I don't really enjoy sleeping on the road.”. The guard looked around and walked off to go tell his captain about his situation as the Duke and his men began laughing while setting up their tents.
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