Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mentioning/Helping: @Aerandir@TheDoctor

Killing the creature the goblins seemed to worship was a big mistake. For every goblin that Rowyn seemed to kill, another one seemed to take its place. How had the goblins even come to the town in the first place? In all her years here Rowyn had never seen this happen before but she had heard of it happening to other towns so she guessed it was just chance.

Cursing out a string of words, she threw yet another goblin off her back into two goblins. In front of her she noticed three more goblins fall, arrows sticking out of them. Looking up from the goblins she noticed the man she had taken care of in the tavern, Flint is what she think Bobby called him. He was holding a bow and had most likely been the one to shoot the goblins. She watched as one jumped on his back and he slammed it and himself into the wall of a building, he was certainly stronger than he looked. But now he appeared stuck and two more goblins were approaching him.

Deciding to return the favor, Rowyn threw the knives currently in her hands, one hitting one in the head and the other in the neck. Hopefully buying him enough time to get himself unstuck from the wall. She noticed another hunter on the ground wrestling with a goblin and was quick to grab a third knife and throw it straight into the skull of the goblin. Now done helping out the two other hunters, Rowyn refocused on her own fight having just enough time to pull out another knife and stab a goblin midair in the chest. She used her other hand and shoved the goblin off her knife and was going to go to move and get more distance from the group of goblins so she didn’t get encircled. Unfortunately when she went to move she felt a pain on her left leg just above the back of her knee as a goblin got its claws through the fabric of her pants and clawed down her leg ripping a chunk of her pants away with it.

Lifting her left leg up with the goblin hanging on, Rowyn stabbed it causing it to let go. At the same time a goblin jumped onto her from the side and caused her to topple over with the creature on her and also making her lose her grip on the knife she used to stab the one that ripped her pants.

The one goblin ripping her pants got the other ones all excited and they all began trying to tear at her clothing. Some being successful in creating small rips, others meeting her knee, foot, fist, or elbow. She was fighting back with all she had but Rowyn was outnumbered by the goblins and was slowly losing the battle. And of course every other hunter seemed preoccupied in their own battles as they helped the remaining citizens get away from the goblins and dealt with their own overwhelming number of goblins. It also didn’t help that Rowyn was also fighting a mental battle now with Rakshasa to keep control over her body. Fighting both battles at once was a lot for the girl and sooner or later she’d lose one if not both.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Celsius
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Celsius Clueless Potato

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With Characters borrowed from @Whoami and @Legion02
Time: Prior to meeting the Bone Demon

Having listened to the two men’s exchange, John was inclined to rethink his evaluation of the Princess’ entourage. Personality aside, their work so far were not quite as bad as it appeared during their first encounter. Following the airflow, huh? Maybe they’re not THAT incompetent after all.

Sound as it may be, however, the task was simply a boring one. To listen for faint whistling of air in complete darkness in an uncharted area was not a job any sane person would be elated to do. No matter how aloof he may act, John was but a human, and human are not designed to be OK to stay silent in the dark for as long as whatever this expedition has forced them to. There are so many questions that was bothering him anyway, and the steady wind had been steady and strong enough for them to follow without focusing too much on it for a while now. Perhaps it is time to break the silence? John thought to himself.

“So, what is a royalty doing in Goldencrest anyway?” He asked. An ice breaker question, if you may.

“Princess, it would be better not to reveal anything to this man,” an icy tone replied, in complement with the sound of a bow string being pulled. “Acting nonchalant but suddenly asking questions while we’re isolated? I don’t trust him.”

Apparently the ice won’t be thawing anytime soon for John.

“Big word from Mr. ‘Oh this guy looks suspicious but OK I will let the princess approach him. Did you grow a second set of brain in the dark? Or is that your instinct to win favour kicking in yet again?” John replied in kind.

The reaction he received was pretty much a given. “Let’s see if you can still talk big with an arrow stuck through your mouth,” Dale mouthed as he brought his bow to full spring.

Breaking the tension was Father Wyn, who demanded the two men not to spill blood in front of the young Princess. The suggestion fell to deaf ears at first, yet like the seasoned clergymen that he is, Father Wyn seemed to have ways to subtly coerce people into listening to him. A simple mention of the Princess’ willingness to put her trust in the mystery man was the final push it took to stay Dale’s hand.

“Now that the problems’ been sorted out, this is a good chance for us to know each other better, don’t you think?” Father Wyn declared with a clap and a slightly higher voice than what he’s been using previously. Then, having placed his right palm in front of his chest, he declared their identity. “I am Father Wyn. This fine gentleman with a bow here is Dale. We are a part of Princess Tera Valenci’s retinue.”

Then, silence. At least on the surface, that is, for beneath the superficial lack of sound, for whatever reason, John could feel the two nagging him to reveal something in return.

“What?” John finally buckled to the pressure.

“Your name, you idiot. Or do you want us to refer to you as Hunter A?” Dale answered in kind.

“Eh, Hunter A is fine,” replied said Mr. Hunter A. “I don’t want to get too attached.”

Mixed result, that last remark had. The only other face without a name, for example, produced a less-than-subtle ‘fuck you’ smile upon hearing that blunt honesty from John.

“But young man,” Father Wyn to the rescue once again. “Surely giving us a name will help us coordinate better?” he reasoned.

And a good reasoning, that was. But this is John we were talking about. Being obstinate and disagreeable was like breathing to him.

“You know,” he answered deviantly. “That argument would work better if, A: you refer to your Princess by name and not her title; and B: everybody else has given their name”. Having made his argument, John turned to the silver-haired lady and asked the deciding question. “So what’s it going to be? Help the Father out and drop a name?”

To which the lady replied with a true-to-character, “I might if you’re not dead by dawn.”

“There you have it,” John stated rather triumphantly, satisfied to have made his point. “John. Nick. Ted. Bob. Gunner. Rookie,” he then listed a few names and title he could think of. “Any name that’s not obviously female and does not rhyme with Dale or Wyn will do. Choose one to your liking.”


Before they realized it, the party arrived on an antechamber of some sort. The place was rather peculiar, and felt out of place in a small village as Goldencrest, but none of those piqued John’s interest more than the faint whimpering in the distance. One that, as the party drew closer to, began talking with them in deranged and cryptic sentences. One sentence in particular, had set off an alarm in John’s mind.

"One two three four- four! Four centuries! The light! Ohhh it's so... B- b- beautiful!"
Four centuries? He’s either a warlock or is cursed by some.. Thing..

Pat. Tick. Klok. Pat. Klok. Tick.

An ominous sound crept from the distance.

Then the mysterious man started to sniffle again. "It's coming back... Oh- oh no... Oh it's coming back! You all need to run! It'll capture you too! It'll... It'll feed you and keep you alive forever until you're nothing! R- run away from here! Far away!"

Call it cowardice if you want, but something tells John that something very wrong is coming. Wordlessly, he urged the party to take a step back. A gesture that he wished he had done sooner.

Lit by the torch Dale tossed, was the visage of a man - nay - a leather suit that vaguely resembles a man, suspended helplessly by four boney protrusions that resemble spikes they often use to crucify caught witches and warlocks with.

“Looks like I’m not sleeping tonight,” John mouthed to noone in particular. “Or the night after, for that matter. Who needs sleep after all, yeah?”

Then the real horror decided to say hello. You know, the everyday four-armed, four-stilt-legged skeletal monstrosity bigger than your average bear. The usual stuff of nightmare, see? The ones that would casually pull out your bones from your body. Not scary or disgusting in any way. Besides, it did not seem to have eyes or ears. Perhaps if they can juuuust inch away slowly and discreetly, they can leave this wretched place unharmed.

"D- demon! It's a demon! Kill it!" Dale cried out in horror and disgust.

Well, there it is.

“Scatter!” John cried to the group, just before the creature started to contort into incomprehensibly more terrible form and let out a piercing shriek.

Then all hell seemed to break loose. Dale shot the creature in his panic, and prompted it into attacking the party if it hadn’t had that in mind beforehand. The party themselves, heeding to John’s word for the first time, scattered in an attempt to avoid getting wiped out in one go, and to contain and examine the bone demon’s movement.

One thing led to another, and somehow John found himself carrying Tera on his left shoulder and moving rather erratically across the room, dodging the occasional swipe or two from the demonic being. Then, having somehow reached the ante chamber’s entrance, quite a distance away from the battle, he set the Princess down. He would have told the Princess to stay hidden, but his guts told him that she would not listen anyway.. Which by the way had nothing to do with the Princess gripping her sword strongly that her hands had turned white, nor the shine in her eyes that screams to be on the battlefield with her vassals. Not at all.

So instead, John knelt to lower his eye level to hers, and began his ‘gentle’ persuasion.

“Listen. I will be blunt with you: we don’t need inexperienced child on the battlefield,” he carefully picked his word as not to hurt the girl’s feeling too much. “So here, take this. This is how you will help us,” he continued as he took off one of his belt, and hand it to the Princess. The belt carried with it two pouches of different color; one brown, and the other jet black. Then, without giving the Princess a chance to talk back, he produced his flintlock.

“This here is what you call a gun. You point it at a target, cock the hammer, and pull the trigger. When you do so..” his voice trailed off as he took aim at his target: the helpless man, still sobbing and mouthing unintelligible prayers while squirming in futility to keep his head held upright as he watched the fight unravel in his tearful eyes.


A thunderous roar, followed by a small fireball escaped the trinket’s muzzle.
Like some kind of magic, an invisible lance erupted from within it.
Too fast for their eyes to follow, the lance punched a gaping hole in the crying man’s skull, ending his misery in twisted, morbid kindness.

“.. Ideally, you would be using this weapon against that abomination,” John gestured towards the demon, which now seemed to have directed its full attention towards the pair. “However, if we fall prey to it.. I trust you know what to do.”

Then, as the skeletal being charged at them, John tossed the gun towards the girl behind him, reached for his sword, scabbard and all, and bashed at the flailing limbs in an attempt to stay the beast’s rampage.

“Clean the chamber, put a bead from the black pouch, then a silver bead from the brown one, and push it in until you hear a crack!” he instructed Tera on how to reload as concisely as possible.

What was left for him to do, then, was to direct the beast’s attention away from the girl.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanjin, Hunter

interacting with: Rowyn@Kitty, Bobby and Flint @Aerandir

For the second time tonight, the tavern exploded into chaos. Men and women rushed hurried to strap on swords, re-tighten armor they had laxed to breath, or simply recover from the sheer alcoholic stupor they had put themselves into. Frankly, Sanjin was pretty sure the tavern only needed to be ‘mostly’ on fire before the image was pretty much perfect. The only real downside was the collective speed of said rowdy (now blood thirsty) group, either still fiddling with equipment or too slow to exit the front door with Bobby and Flint before a small crowd began to form at the mouth of the tavern.

Staring at the small crowd tweaked at the young man’s nerves, a harsh snarl escaping his lips as he drew his club. The town needed help, a part of his mind was still aware of that, but that did not stop the sudden flare of frustration bursting in his chest. The prospect of killing wendigos had excited him, the rabid hunger roiling in his stomach held in check only by a small shred of pragmatism drilled into him by his elders. If the goblin’s were so keen on interrupting his first true hunt, then he was more than keen to work his urges out on them.

He pushed past the crowd for a moment before spying his target, a clean window staring out onto the muddy strip of dirt and gravel that made up the roads in Saren’s Folly. He dropped to a dead sprint, flinging himself through the pane in a shower of glass and feverish growling that was steadily growing in volume. He landed on all fours, a mad scramble of limbs and club as he righted himself and chased after the receding figures of Flit and Bobby. It took him little time to catch up, one man being injured, the other long since crippled, and both occasionally stopping to deal with some minor green distraction.

Bobby was the first to finally stop, screeching in a deep baritone in language that Sanjin could (at the moment atleast) normally reserved for the most obstinate of drunkards. Flint was just ahead, slamming his back against a wall and crushing a small nuisance to death under the sheer berth of his relative weight. And further beyond Flint, a flash of gold eyes that Sanjin only vaguely recognized as the doctor from earlier, knife in hand and several dead goblins at her feet, generously pepper with both arrows and stab wounds. He made a mental note to apologize to her later for not assuming she could fight, and compliment Flint’s shooting while he was at it. All that said, the sheer number of goblins was starting to get slow her down.

Another goblin clambering from the shadows near Flint finally drew Sanjin back to the moment, his arms and as he burst into a lopping sprint, passing Bobby by in a flurry of almost barking laughter that was at odds with the goblish gibbering and screeches that filled the air. As the sneaking goblin readied his (her?) knife, they were greeted with the sight of a masked man practically barreling over Flint and bringing a vicious nail tipped club down over their skull. A small shudder of pleasure rolled up through the pack child as he sailed past the archer, the familiar sensation of his weapon striking true and sticking into his prey delighting his hunger. Sheer momentum from his mad dash and the strike carried him forward, the insane ball of hunter and goblin (hanging from the club like the worlds worst ornament) rolling forward a foot before finally stopping in a low crouch.

With the high of a fresh kill now calming him slightly, he turned to Flint and spoke, his voice barely comprehensible amongst the din of combat and the orchestra of pleased beastial rumbling he was making. ”Cover me. Helping doctor.” was probably the most accurate translation one could manage, but if Sanjin had any interest in seeing if Flint had understood him it wasn’t showing.

He darted forward again, howling gleefully as he did and relishing the fact he heard more than a few similar howls echoing across the town. A few goblins who’d not yet closed the gap to Rowyn turned towards him, their eyes widening in what likely passed for fear in their dim little minds as they saw a masked man charging their way; wearing next to no armor and dragging a club decorated with the limp body of their former fellow.

A brief millisecond of stunned silence fell over the troupe before their collective survival instinct began to scream at them in unison to kill it before it gets close, whatever IT was. Two of the goblins drew their bows and fired, but Sanjin made no attempt to dodge. At this distance, it was impractical and it was faster to just keep going. One arrow went low, slapping uselessly into the dirt. The other landed cleanly, burying itself into the pack child’s shoulder.

Pain tried to assert itself in Sanjin’s mind, but was lost among the cacophony of feral need that currently swirled about his brain. He did not stop his tear towards the goblins, bearing down on them before the realization that he wasn’t hurt enough to stop had even begun to spark in their brains.

Sanjin raised his club, a loud grinding noise of metal (or stone perhaps) and protesting muscle ringing in his ears as he brought it down on the nearest goblin, bringing the brunt of the swing and its dead companion down on its head with a sickening thunk of meat and bone. Their confidence shattered, the small cluster began to disperse, tiny bodies fleeing in whatever direction seemed to offer the quickest retreat from the mask human. Sanjin’s good arm fired out, catching on by a primitive belt of sorts and dragging it back towards himself, retching the club free from his two previous victims. The goblin had just enough time to turn and squeal an unintelligible plea before it was silenced with a dull wet thump.

With the small troup scattered Sanjin took a moment to check on the Doctor, now flat on her back as the goblins ripped at her clothing. Small tents forming alongside vicious little smiles, filling the young hunter with an...unfamiliar sense of rage. He gripped the arrow shaft embedded in his shoulder and pulled, the arrow coming lose in a small gout of blood and an explosion of pain that only fuel him more as he darted to the dog pile.

He crashed into the group in a low tackle, howling laughter erupting from him as his club found another soft body that squeak briefly before falling silent. A goblin to his left was the first to react to his presence, hastily stopping his attempts at removing his trousers and grabbing a short sword at his hip and stabbing down at the young man. Sanjin raised his club arm almost lazily in response, a sadistic smile spreading across his face as he felt the blade cut through him, sliding between the bones of his forearm. He turned the stabbed arm, forcing the blade from the little monsters grasp despite his bodies protest and shot forward with the arrow in his off hand, planting it firmly in the awful creatures throat.

Several of the goblin gang leapt back, giving the two hunters some space as they assesed this new threat. Sanjin rose to his feet, dragging Rowyn with him. ”You ok doc?” he rumbled, pulling the short sword out while they still had a moment and casting an unreadable glance in her direction. She seemed...mostly unhurt. A few scrapes here and there but nothing serious from what he could tell. He gave the short sword an experimental swing, flicking blood (his blood he noted dully) from the blade. Its balance was nothing to write home about but it would have to do. He gave a small barking laugh, a sudden realization hitting him. ”This is so much fun isn’t it?!” he asked, voice as bubbly and excited as it had been back at the bar, the feral rabidness that had brought him to her side briefly forgotten in a fit of whimsy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Interacting with Ryleth @Legion02

The air was much colder down in this part of the castle, although they weren’t terribly far from where her den was. The air tasted of a darkness that suckled at everything living. Heat, life, joy, till nothing was left but an icy void. A side effect of the secrets kept locked just out of her reach.

Not that Ang tried very hard to reach them. The dead were gone and had very little value to her. It couldn’t be moulded or worked with or even used for useful parts. Once the life faded from it, the magic vanished too. All that was left behind was meat.

Meat her children would have adored. Ang watched the skeletons leave with the corpse with an unreadable expression. If Ryleth couldn’t have left her the meat, he should have offered the bones in its space. T’was only polite.

Silly boy, the night is already waning,” She said, halting the man’s movement before taking the lead in their little dance. Shamelessly swaying even as the robe slipped down off her shoulders. More comfortable in her nudity than in the finest dress of silk. “Although, if you have no pressing matters to attend to, you might find me in my rooms,” She stood on the tips of her toes, her lips nearly touching his. “After, of course, I find food for my children,” She pulled away from the man, her limbs slowly unwinding. She made no effort to cover her form, nor did she looked back as she left the man to his thoughts.

Food had to be close by.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bartolomeo Peckish, Hunter

Interacting: Aromull@TheDoctor

Bartolomeo had gotten as far as putting the saddle on his horse before the situation had clearly gone to all kinds of shit. For a moment in the relative calmness of the stables while the town was being actively assaulted by goblins, the young noble took a moment to look up towards the ceiling and just... sigh. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, stepped away from the horse and started to walk towards the street.

In those few steps as he walked away from his mode of transport, a subtle change seemed to come over Bartolomeo; No longer was he the meek, haunted young man who seemed more at home in a library then at the Witches Paradise. Instead as he opened his eyes his face was nothing but the picture image of ruthless contempt, seemingly standing taller then before as he was no longer making the sub-consequence effort to make himself look smaller then he was. Turning the handle of his cane and drawing a beautifully embodied steel blade, he wielded sword in one hand and what was effectively a silver club in the form of the rest of the cane in the other. Gone was the noble boy who was 'playing' hunter... and out of the stable stepped a man mentally and physically prepared for war.

As he walked into the chaotic mess that was the goblin invasion, Bartolomeo's attention turned towards the scholorly man from the Paradise who had clearly gotten in over his head... even if he seemed too stupid to understand the danger that he was clearly in. He didn't run towards the man through; Instead his pace was more of a forceful stride, clearly much faster then simply walking but the kind of pace that could be kept up for hours without tiring.

Making a beeline towards the scholor, he decided to turn his focus on the vile little shits that were trying to pin him down, pulling the hand holding the silver club that was the base of his cane back in order to wind up a swing at the back of the head of the goblin trying to pin down his sword hand... and connected with a sickening crunch. Pulling the club hand back for another swing at a new target, he lunged with his blade over the man towards the goblin trying to restrain the other arm; In the contest of well made steel vs goblin skull, steel clearly won. The sword sticking through the goblin's head and being pretty much the only thing still holding up the corpse, Bartolomeo's expression of contempt remained as he flicked his arm to the side, -dragging- the goblin in that direction until the sword freed itself from the body by sundering half of the creatures head... and putting the hunter in perfect position to swing the club at a third goblin to give the scholor some much needed breathing room to fight back and get up on his feet again.

Draco Russ, Hunter

Interaction: Flint@Aerandir

Stepping out of the Witches Paradise, Draco was glad that he had lost his sense of smell years ago. He hadn't encountered goblins before he lost the ability to detect scents, but from what he had heard they smelt absolutely foul. At that moment through, their odor wasn't the biggest issue.

Removing his saw-cleaver from his belt, he slowly turned his gaze around to see where he might best be used... before he spotted the very same man who had come into the Paradise injured and with tales of a pack of wendigo's after somehow embedding himself into a wooden wall back first with goblins closing in on him. Feeling like getting the idiot out of the wall would be a good thing under the circumstances (even more so since the nice healer woman had put so much effort into saving his dumb ass and his sister would be upset if he died), Draco started his charge towards the goblins trying to take advantage of the situation.

His footsteps caught the attention of one of the pair of goblins moving towards Flint, causing the foul little creature to turn around... and caught what was effectively a specially decided saw right in its throat, both collapsing its throat and ripping it out at the same time. Pulling the cleaver back for an overhead swing, a novice would have recognized that the target goblin seemed to far away to hit... at least, until the blade of the saw-cleaver extended and almost doubled it's reach. Catching the goblin completely by surprise, the heavy hunk of metal slammed through its skull and embodied itself in its head, splitting it open like an executioners axe on a watermelon. Pulling the blade (and thus the body) closer to himself, Draco wasted no effort in kicking the corpse off to land on the ground before flicking the blade to get the gunk off it... and cause it to fold back up into its original state.

Looking at Flint, he sighed a little as he walked over and lifted a foot up to brace it against the very wooden wall that he had gotten stuck in before offering a hand. "You've really got to stop getting yourself stuck in messes like this." He teased as he got ready to pull and try and get the idiot unstuck and free.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

~Hellena Leigh~

Interaction with; @Aerandir

As the commotion in the courtyard slowly continued to die down and everyone started heading towards their way, Hellena gave her vexed shoulders a little stretch before clutching onto her basket, just about ready to leave for the castle herself.

“Ah. Mistress.” Lucy softly hissed at her owner’s ear as if to pinpoint something out.
Hellena gave a sheer glance to see Alexina steadily approaching her, requesting a potion that can rot the insides of an individual – one of the condemned witches, to be exact.

As Alexina reached out to Lucy to give her a light stroke, (in which Lucy always did enjoy) Hellena’s eyes flashed wide for a few second to Alexina’s sudden requisition. But with a quick memory recap of the formula for the right potion, all is really left is to make the potion look natural as possible.

Before she could even reply, Alexina added another request for another potion that she must’ve been familiar with. When she followed the coven leader’s gaze that landed on Rebbeca, who was on her way towards the castle, it immediately rang a bell.

“The first one shouldn’t be much of a problem.” Hellena stated, her finger coming up to her lips as to think deeply. “But that other potion you asked for-“ Once Hellena looked up, a little bird swooped down to Alexina’s shoulder and tweeted at her ear. Sure enough to know that the little bird was telling her something, Alexina listened attentively. And the face she eventually expressed seemed like it was bad news.
“Err-.. the preparation for it hasn’t been too easy. I think I’m still missing a few essential herbs for it.” Hellena nervously voiced. “I’ll just go back to the forest and try looking again.”

But just as she was about to turn her heel towards the forest, she was eventually halted by an instant grab on her arm. In the end, she was commanded by Alexina not to venture into the forest now as ‘danger’ seemed to have lurked. The red headed witch could only stare blankly at their coven leader, clueless. But she knew better than to ask why in a timing as such. Nevertheless, she silently obeyed.

Hellena couldn’t help but look down at Alexina’s deep cut that she made prior to the earlier ritual. Once her coven leader asked her for assistance to heal the cut, she needn’t say any more.

Hellena gently grabbed Alexina’s bleeding hand so as to conduct a close inspection. In just a matter of less than a minute, she shed Alexina a small smile to the easy diagnosis. “Of course. Follow me.” And led their way towards the castle.

Before heading inside, Hellena took one last glance back at the forest, worry expressed on her face. As every doctor’s concern, the source of her medicines and potions lie at the very hearts of the forest. If something bad seemed to have happened, what is to be of her…?


Reaching an all too familiar door deep inside the castle, Hellena gave it a little twist of a rusted key and a heavy push. Behind it was a chamber where Hellena sets to her work. Open cupboards and cabinets stacked with glass bottles and jars of all absurd shapes and sizes containing either odd and unnatural colors of liquids, sandy substances, leaves and herbs, sometimes dead butterflies, spiders and other insects (Hellena and Lucy had made sure that these creatures are already found dead before obtaining them. Killing of any sort has never been acted upon unless completely necessary or if Alexina allows).

“I’ll just get the things I need for that cut. While yooouuu….sit tight.” Hellena informed to Alexina, jerking her head at the nearest sofa right at the corner of the room. “And I will gladly take care of our guest!” Lucy delightfully hissed as she slithered from Hellena’s neck down to the floor, guiding Alexina to the seat before curling up next to her.

Hanging up her long, green cloak, Hellena grabbed a cloth and drenched it with cold water from a big basin before seating herself next to Alexina to gently clean her bleeding cut (while Lucy gets up and slithers back up to Hellena’s neck).
The stern look on Alexina’s face was something Hellena couldn’t seem to simply ignore, and thought of the moment as a perfect opportunity to break the ice. It was evident enough how flooded Alexina’s mind must’ve been. Over more, her chest as well couldn’t seem to ignore a strange pang.

“To ease your thoughts," Hellena voiced out, gently padding the wet cloth onto her cut. “The potion for Rebbeca is in slow process, though I can’t say it’ll turn out 100%, but rest assured I am continuously working on it. Now please keep pressing this onto that cut while I go get more to wrap it up.” The red head smiled, gently pressing the wet cloth onto the cut that was now blotted in the clear colors of light crimson before heading back to the other side of the room to gather more items to aid the wound.

Just across the chamber room was a wide window where the forest could be clearly seen at a distance. As Lucy slithers her long body upwards while her owner minds her work, pouring a small amount of liquid onto a new dry cloth that’ll heal the wound, her little head flinches to see thin lines of fog escaping from the forest. “Strange…the weather seems to be changing fast.”

Taking notice of her pet's short statement, Hellena looked up at the window and quickly noticed the eerie fog. Alarm immediately swarmed her head as she walked closer to the window, forgetting the treatment that she was suppose to give Alexina.

Is this why she didn’t want Hellena to go? Then doubtless, something is wrong.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Flint tried pulling himself away, but grunted as he realized he was stuck, As another man spoke to him. He grunted “Little...Busy at the moment” he said trying to pull himself out again. Wincing as he put too much strain on his arm. As some goblins turned towards him he readied himself with his bow, about to beat away them as he tried to pull himself, only to see the doctor throw two daggers, killing two goblins that were coming after him, He tried to pull himself out again but the suction of the blood and guts and the awkward angle. He looked to his right to see another, and raised his bow again to slap the goblin away but then odd dog guy jumped over him and killed it. Telling him he was going to go help the doc, and to cover him. He growled as he ran off towards the lady.

He started to feel like an idiot being stuck like this, as the looked to the doctor who was getting overwhelmed starting to rip at her clothes. He growled and pushed even harder but this was when the large man in the mask offered to help him. Annoyed at this moment at him being joked about and the fact he was stuck. He took his hand despite not wanting to, he saw the dog boy letting his guard down and laughing trying to flirt with the doc. He might have pulled a little too hard as he pulled himself out with Draco’s help. But as soon as he was free he pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked, and fired it. The arrow hissing in between the Doc and the dogboy. Into a goblin that had snuck up behind them. ”I’m just giving you guys some time to shine.” He said as he used his bow to slap a goblin in the face who got too close before punting him hard into a rock wall.

He then saw more goblins going after the Doc and decided to do something drastic. ”Well come on ya brute, I gotta plan.” He said towards Draco before running to a chicken’s coop and grabbing a chicken by the neck. The creature began to swuak and squabble loudly. He shook his arm high with the chicken to get the attention of any goblins near him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

As she went through her transformation, Celosia watched Taran’s reaction with amusement dancing in her eyes. He appeared to be more embarrassed from her lack of clothing than she was. His refusal to look towards her amusing Celosia as she stood there, her warm hair flowing and dripping every now and then on the ground.

"You can control that...right? Alexina doesn’t like it when people mess with her forest"

“I can keep it from setting things on fire if that's what you are wondering…. It will burn things, but I can keep it as close to me as possible and make sure to not harm the trees and forest to the best of my ability.” Celosia informed him as she put her hands out, controlling the lava to wrap around her feet and stay in a circle around her ankles. It would eventually grow as more lava dripped from her hair but she’d use her magic to the best of her ability to keep it contained and not piss off this Alexina, whom she suspected was the coven leader.

The battle with goblins was close to being lost. Rowyn’s pants were shredded and her shirt was torn in multiple places. To stop her from kicking and hitting them the goblins had stabbed her and cut her, or maybe it was to help get off her clothes, she wasn’t sure. Either way it helped slow down her fighting enough for them to overwhelm her.

Just when she thought the disgusting creatures were gonna have their way, someone tackled into the group of goblins. He fought some of them, killing some before coming back to her and pulling her up as he stood. She looked to the masked man as he called her doc then asked her,

”This is so much fun isn’t it?!”

“Sure. Fun…” Rowyn muttered sarcastically, “Thanks for the help by the way.” she added as she looked around for her bag as not only was she hurt, but this boy was bleeding from quite a few places and had just pulled a sword out of his arm. Of course her bag was lost in the chaos of everything which not only meant no medical supplies but also no more knives leaving her with her sword. The ever growing presence of Rakshasa in her mind wasn’t helping. If she had to use the sword, the chance of him taking over grew immensely, it was inevitable at that point with everything that happened so far.

A whizz of something flying threw the air past her caused her to jump back away from the boy. She looked back to the goblins to see an arrow sticking out of on just as it fell. The arrow, most likely Flint's, drawing her attention back to the goblin’s as they charged to attack again, all clearly pissed at the intrusion on their ‘fun’. But they all stopped at the sound of a squawk from a chicken, their heads along with Rowyn’s turned to the sound to find Flint standing with a chicken in hand, holding it high in the air as it squawked and panicked in his hand. ‘Idiot’ She thought as goblins began to move towards him.

Taking out the sword, Rowyn took out the goblins closest to her, not caring much about the pain from her wounds. She was obviously not as skilled in the sword as she swung it and took longer to kill the goblins than she normally would if she had her knives. As she drew close enough to call out to the man, she did so.

“You are an idiot. Put the chicken back in the coop. You aren’t recovered enough from the wendigos to be trying to play hero right now!” Rowyn scolded Flint. Killing a goblin as it came at her. She felt teeth sink into her thigh just above her knee and that’s when her mental battle was lost. ‘Didn’t pay enough attention to your surroundings… my turn to play.’ Rakshasa told Rowyn as she lost control of her body.

'Rowyn' froze for a moment as the goblin bit down on her thigh, then in a swift motion she ripped the goblin off of her thigh and threw the goblin into the side of a nearby building. The goblin’s head broke open and seemingly exploded on contact. She looked towards Flint one last time, glaring at him with black eyes before turning and glaring at the goblins as she crouched and prepared to charge. A few of them met her eyes and stopped in their tracks. A malicious grin slipped onto her lips as she charged forward slashing at the goblins, her skill with the sword much different than it was before. Where it was a bit slow and occasionally sloppy before, the sword now was quick and sliced through the goblins with skill.

A few goblins tried to run once they noticed her eyes but 'Rowyn' was quick to catch them. She kicked one down as she skewered two at the same time and dragged the sword out of their bodies before walking to the one she knocked down and slamming her boot down, crushing its skull beneath her foot. A pressure pierced into her left side and she looked down to see an arrow piercing her side. She pulled it out and shattered the shaft of the arrow in her hand as she looked at the goblin that had shot her. She picked up the dagger the goblin she had just killed was armed with and threw it. She didn’t have the accuracy she had early and only managed to hit its shoulder. It kept it from shooting her again which is all she cared about as she focused her attention and blood lust on the goblins closer to her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

What Did You Just DO?

Collaboration between Emiliah and Andvari @fetzen and one uping an injury while running into Mat @TheDoctor

Andvari reached a position next to Emiliah’s doorstep almost at full speed, breathing more heavily both due to the physical effort and the psychological tension involved. Having chosen a location right around the corner with his back to the outer wall he had not to worry about goblins coming from behind, but instead could keep track of what was going on in front of him and if any of those things would come out of the open door. That would be the worst scenario of all, and in order to make sure it wouldn’t happen he took heart and twisted around, the crossbow now pointing through the door and into the building. Another plume of foul stench surrounded his nose, but at second glance one could tell that Emiliah had done better at disposing of ‘her’ goblin cleanly than he had. Well, at least as cleanly as one reasonably could.

Andvari stepped in and turned around so they were facing into the same, outward going direction. ”Sorry to interrupt. I was worried something wrong was going on in your house.”

The sharp end of a spear met Andvari’s greeting. Emiliah’s stance tight, ready to attack the man the moment he made an ill advised step. After a second, a glint of recognition flashed across her eyes and she lowered the blade back down to the corps by her feet.
Just a few unwelcome visitors,” Said Emiliah, pushing the beast out of her home with the edge of her spear. “They seem to be leaving the side streets,” She muttered, watching a handful of goblins race past, trickling onto the much more populated main street.“This place is going to reek in the morning,

It is already reeking now.” Andvari replied. Emiliah had just proved to be one of very few who apparently were not able to recognize him in an instant, but actually took a moment to do so. Silently the hunter hoped for this to be a mere side effect of the fight, even if this would not change anything about how dangerous that moment had been for him.

Following her words, Andvari also left the building and kept as close to the wall as possible. While holding his crossbow at the ready he continued talking: “I’d deem ‘a few unwelcome visitors’ to be a considerable understatement. Maybe they are moving to those places where the most people are ? If that’s true maybe we should try to follow ?

Emiliah nodded before taking the lead, following a particularly dull goblin towards the main street. She kept her body crouched low, favoring making herself a smaller target over the speed a few stance would have offered.

In the distance, a few of her acquaintances from the tavern seemed to be making decent progress with the goblins. Sarjin and the healer looked a little worse for wear, but overall handling their own.

A pack of goblins had clumped together a couple of houses down. They were swatting at each other and yanking and some unknown object that they had all dubbed more worthy than any other. Paying zero attention to anything beyond their prize. “Basically sitting ducks,” Emiliah push a wayward strand of hair out of her face, licking her lips in anticipation. “How many do you think you can take?” she said, figuring she could count on Andvari to keep her covered as she took the close contact route.

After the first shot I will require a bit of time to reload this thing, but if I can hit this crowd in the right angle the bolt might hit more than one. I… just hope that I won’t accidentally hit you.” He could see the writing on the wall, the challenge approaching. He was truly fearing for such an accident to happen with her fighting inside the mess he was going to target at, but he would have to get through this -- hopefully without a major catastrophe befalling him this late evening.

Some kind of elevated position would be good. Would make the job a lot easier I guess.” Andvari looked around, trying to find something he could climb onto quickly and that would offer a good footing while not exposing himself too much. After all probably nobody knew if those goblins really only had melee weapons, a.k.a. claws, with them.

Try the rooftop over there,” She said, pointing towards a nearby building. “Doesn’t get much taller than that ‘round here,” She was already a few steps closer to the flighting when she looked back. “Oh and...if you shoot me...I will cut off your balls, so...aim true,

Andvari did not see much of another option than to simply nod and head off into the direction pointed out by Emiliah. The roof was quite flat which was a very good thing to begin with, but with so many goblins strolling around not every option to get up there was available. After a few seconds of frantic searching he found a old wooden barrel that looked sturdy enough. With a series of quick moves, at least quick for someone his size, he was up there and inspect the goblin horde from above.

Emiliah watched Andvari out of the corner of her eye. The goblins making everything far more difficult than it needed to be. She watch the man running to avoid them as the crawled out of every easy pathway to the roof. Finally, though, the man succeed. Emiliah made sure that he could see her before gesturing for him to shoot at the hoard on the far side of her.

Andvari knew that high up here he was rather exposed, but by far not as exposed as any fighter on the ground. At least this would hold true until the goblins would find out how to crawl up walls. In order to make this not happen to begin with he followed Emiliah’s order and pointed at the crowd. No much need to aim here he believed, so Andvari pulled the trigger right away. It wasn’t easy to make out if he had actually hit anything though, but the crowd seemed to become more angered within a seconds notice.

Using the arrows as a distraction, Emiliah dove into the crowd. It was easy enough, to pick off the creatures on the edge. The real risk with goblins is when they used their shear numbers to overwhelm. She just had to move slow. To not let the creatures surround her. She had to count on Andvari killing any who were clever enough to sneak behind.

One couldn’t say that Emiliah was making things easier for Andvari in his opinion. He got that he would have to keep her back clear, but now there was not only the risk of accidentally aiming and shooting at her, but shooting at a goblin and the bolt penetrating the foul creature. It was a very powerful weapon that had made the very first of its victims in his house almost explode, so he’d have to be careful and hope for the best. With that much caution involved it turned out that he was not the very best shooter around as the next bolt did nothing but punch hard into the dirt, becoming an obstacle for anyone careless enough to stumble over it.

In the distance, Emiliah spotted a lone figure stumbling in the wake of goblins, he was human...but covered in blood. The momentary distraction was all one of the disgusting creature needed to get is claw into her skin. Her legs got tangled up in the creatures and they both crashed into the dirt.

Andvari watched the scene with horror. He was tempted to just run at her and into the crowd, but logic barely managed to dictate that he would be of greater help here, continuing to shoot. Reloading that crossbow took a painful amount of time even though he tried to hurry up as hard as he could, even damaging the roof when he slammed the head of the weapon into it in order to step onto the lever. The next bolt was loaded, the bow under tension and he took his aim. Yet moments after the projectile had departed with an aggressive, hissing noise Andvari’s eyes got wider. Much wider…

Pain erupted from her arm. With an angry growl she was able to kick the goblin off and scramble to her feet. Stick from her arm was…

A bolt….

The idiot actually did it.

He fucking shot her.

Never in a million years did she think the hunter was a risk of actually fucking shooting her. The world didn’t give her much time to build up her rage, as the goblin on the ground wouldn’t be ignored for long. Using her good arm, she was able to stick the creature before pulling back, escaping away from the crowd. Towards the edge of town and the bleeding man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mistakes are Made

Edge of Seren’s Folly
With Emiliah @Ellion and Andvari @Fetzen

Matrim’s spear plunged right into the head of the nearest goblin, then whipped it out and stabbed another shit who was biting onto his leg. Both goblins fell dead, and Matrim breathed heavily as he realized that was the last two attacking him for now.

Corpses laid all around from where he came from, and blood dripped everywhere off of him. The smell was absolutely nauseating, making it difficult for him to keep going. He was finally at the town, to what he thought was safe. Escaping one problem and onto the next, he thought bitterly. The time allowed him to reload his pistol, which was a delicate and excruciatingly long procedure. “I swear I’ll just get one of those small crossbows or something when I can and finally be rid of this useless shit,” he muttered as he poured the firing powder down the chamber.

The hunter could hear the noise of the rest of the goblin horde within the city. Judging by the amount he’d already fought, he imagined the place swarming with the things. Finished reloading, Matrim picked up the pace but slowed as a woman had escaped from the crowd and was heading towards him. She seemed in a similar state to him, but also had a bolt lodged in her arm.

The bolt confused Matrim, who knew no goblin would ever actually use a crossbow, especially a heavy one to launch a bolt like that. He looked past the woman and noticed a man on a roof looking in this direction. He seemed the likely culprit, holding a crossbow and all. The whole scene seemed so strange for Matrim, who grew ever more confused.

There was little time to be wasting, the goblins would likely notice them soon, and there were others in the town that obviously needed some aid, especially the woman with the bolt in the arm. He made a step towards her, but looked back up at the man, then back up at the woman, then back at the man. From the undead, to goblins, and now a man shooting a woman while there was too many goblins. It was quite enough for Matrim at the moment.

“You people make no damned sense,” he muttered, then raised the flintlock and fired at the man.


Enjoying his time in the middle of a goblin raid
Near @Aerandir @Kitty @Bright_Ops @ghastlyInc

A knife had suddenly entered into the skull of the goblin that had tackled Aromull, which caused the goblin to die and fall off of him. Looking over from where the knife came from, Aromull saw the woman who possessed medical skills, and now appeared to also be quite capable in knife throwings into goblin heads. “Thank you madam!” Aromull called out to the woman, who likely didn’t hear him over everything else going on.

Unfortunately the scholar was not given quite enough time to get back up as several more goblins pinned him back down. “Oh dear, not again,” he muttered while shaking his head and attempting to get the goblins off of him. Really should have been more careful, ah what a shame, he thought.

However, it was not the scholar’s time to be murdered, as the goblins were suddenly beaten with an illustrious man with a silver cane. The three goblins were defeated, and allowed Aromull to regain his footing.

“Thank you my good sir,” Aromull said, standing and brushing off some of the blood as though it were simple dust. “Quite a good show with that cane!” He was about to join back into the fray but faltered as he looked over at Flint who was currently taunting the goblins with a chicken. “Quite an unusual strategy against goblins. Most of the time I believe you want to not get swarmed with all of them while you dangle one of their gods in the air, but to each their own. What do you think?” he asked the man who had recently saved him, even if he had already left to fight more goblins.

The woman with medical skills was attacking once more, but no longer with the knives and instead a sword. The goblins seemed to actually fear her, but Aromull was unable to tell exactly why from his current angle as he was unable to see the black eyes.

More goblins were heading towards the raised chicken, and made Aromull realize he should probably be attempting to help. Well back into the fray once more. Try not to exceed your luck again, I really want to make a chapter on witches first, he thought as he stepped in front of several goblins and began to fight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


“John it is.” A very disinterested Sarah responded. In the torchlight she observed the various sealed and unsealed crypts around her. They were old, very old. Some bones were gone but that was to be expected. In between the witches, the rats and the horrible conditions she couldn’t imagine the bodies to stay in one piece for longer than a generation. Still, something was off. Bones were missing but the remaining ones were smooth, polished. Where stone turned weathered and rough the bones remained in pristine conditions. It did not make her feel at peace. She had fought enough necromancers to know that these were their home turfs. So she especially had no time nor patience for the possible ramblings of a stranger, a child, a fool or a glory seeker.

Instead the ramblings of an almost-corpse pulled her out of her vigil. She stayed out of the antechamber until Dale threw his torch in it. The second she saw the pit she knew there would be trouble but not because she knew what it was. In fact she had no idea what would steal bones and make such a pit and it was exactly that which was worrying her. Whatever it was, it soon revealed itself to the group.

They needed to get out. Now. But apparently the party had another idea. John was giving some firearm to the princess. Something played up in Sarah. What if that thing blew up in her face? The poor girl. She wanted to go over there and take it away. It was much safer to just run. But Sarah shook the feeling off. This wasn’t a playground. There was no place here for little girls that need protection and Sarah would most certainly not play babysitter. Still, she felt like she needed to make her point clear: “If she hits me with that thing I will feed you your own guts!” She yelled across the room at John.

With the thing’s attention fixated on John, Sarah prepared to attack the bone demon. Skeletal constructs always had a sort of power source. A focal point within them. Inexperienced necromancers often used the ribcage to substitute it for a heart. More advanced ones would substitute it for a brain. This thing looked like it was made by someone with skill. So while she charged in an arch to get behind it, she looked all over the thing to find something different. Something glowing. The moving skull did elude her. Still, she was quick and was upon the demon as it got closer to John. Right before it could attack, Sarah swung her blade at the joint of one of its legs. If they could incapacitate it, maybe they could find the its source. Or so she thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The commotion of the scene was initially lost on Kalisel. As a perfect servant of God, she was used to being omniscient, at least where the immediate area was concerned. Now, as rather fallible flesh, and ever so slightly inebriated besides, she was easily caught off her guard. Still, she got up and quickly headed outside with a somewhat clumsy draw of Forgiveness.

The scene outside was a madhouse. What seemed like the world's largest goblin tribe had invaded the town, and while she tried to catch up, other hunters who had been more alert were slowly cutting through the goblin horde. One goblin was no threat to a group of well-trained hunters, but this many would be a challenge. Kalisel blocked a claw swipe aimed at her thigh, then made an awkward thrust that nonetheless clipped her attacker in the shoulder. As she stepped back to keep her distance, the former angel caught sight of a group of hunters luring the goblins off with a chicken, of all things. Odd, but it seems to be working. Finishing off her current opponent with a strike that was more smash than slash, she started to come up behind them, hoping to catch them while they were distracted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex followed hellena to her room, She followed the instruction and sat on the chair, but was lost in her own thoughts. She glanced up for a moment and a faint smile of thanks on her lips as she allowed Hellena to clean her wound. Getting lost once again in her thoughts. When ever the Black knight came back, it always brought painful memories with her. As if Lorelai herself was tormenting her.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Hellena mentioned the potion she requested once again. She nodded, as she pressed the cloth to her wound. “I’m not terribly worried, I’m sure Rebecca would be here for a bit longer with or without the treatment. She’s already survived fifty or so years.” She rested back against the sofa while Hellena gathered more items.

She sat in silence for a moment while Hellena kept busy. She started to grow worried for Taran, perhaps she should send her wolves out. She knew he hated when she did that, and that she sent Todd with him, she couldn’t help it in her eyes he was still a child….her child. He could be naive at times, and she enjoyed it. Being in the bloodrose coven where most of the witches would kill someone without a thought, or wise beyond their years. Taran was almost innocent, despite her hate for men, she felt close to the lad as a mother and child.

She glanced up when Lucy mentioned the fog rolling in. She said softly “That’s not normal weather. That's Death’s fog, the reason I didn’t want you going into the woods again for a bit. “ She said worriedly thinking of Taran. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Black Knight rumors around the region? It’s true for the most part. It brings death where ever it roams, collecting rotting bodies as it travels around. It was bound here long ago...by…”
She sighed as she pushed the womans name from her head, standing up and walking to the window.

”Sadly I have no idea how to banish it. Medusa didn’t either. It comes and goes as it pleases… its one of the things I sadly regret wishing the hunters will take care of.” She said with a sour taste in her mouth. ”But it cannot enter our coven’s grounds. So you don’t need to worry about it. He should be gone within a couple days.”

Later that night…

Alexina now stood at the castle gates, the fog was no longer near the entrance, but she could sense it farther in the woods. The only reason she wasn’t in the woods herself was because she knew Taran was safe. Todd, and a few of the birds kept her in constant communication. She was a bit worried about the lava witch...so far she had only burned what she came across...as much as she hated it, she knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose. She was trying to contain it. Which was all she could ask for.

She rubbed her folded arms as she listened to the news from other forest animals. Despite the black knight being there, apparently a den of Goblins was spooked and raided Saren’s Folley. Disgusting little creatures, that were dumb as rocks apparently for attacking a town of that size. She hoped it would throw off the hunters bloodlust as well. Hopefully it would satisfy their hunger till this annoying little coven was killed.

She heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, which only made her smile. Looking up she could see rain clouds coming. Even in the primal wilds...Alice was watching over her. Sending a rain storm when it was needed and protecting her forest. She felt the warm tugs of love that followed up by a tang of loneliness… it had been a while since she saw her, and felt her embrace.

She hope that once this was over, she could retire to the wilds along with her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The cellars of Castle Bloodrose, to some major degree, very not different from the cellars one could find in other homes and castles. The fact that these were underground locations became more and more undeniably as things became colder, damper, darker and more and more discomforting in general the further down one went. What complicated matters was the fact that many of the lower levels had been built, abandoned, reopened, haphazardly maintained, abandoned again, stripped and rebuilt several times over the last few centuries. At first glance they were a maze, but if one possessed enough knowledge one could see the political roadmap of old times in them as the state of things and the kind of equipment left down here changed considerably from place to place. Much of it was just discarded furniture and household stuff probably none would ever use again but everyone had been too lazy or oblivious to get rid off properly, but there were also torture instruments and prison cells with only a moderate layer of rust on them that could be put back into action.

It wasn't as if Andri would have to worry about those things anymore. The cold grasp of death was a thing of the past for him -- and so were concerns like a cold or wet environment or bad air. He didn't breathe anymore, but was much more of a shade that had decided to come down here for a meeting. None had installed ghost-repelling magic down here, so he was pretty much free to go and leave as he desired at this point. He was waiting in one of the more empty rooms, having seated himself in a large, dilapidated sofa that most likely would have collapsed instantly if he had not turned weightless. The only source of light here was he himself, a dim, fluctuating and eerie white glow.

Rebecca trotted down to the bowels of Castle Bloodrose, a look of sorrow on her face. Things had gone very badly that day, and she needed to talk with a friend, even one who was an enemy in days long, long past. The lich tread softly, following a faint glow to an old storeroom. There he was, just sitting there on some ancient furniture, with a look of anticipation on his face.

“It does me good to see you, Andri, and all the more with today’s events.” She took a seat opposite him, on a threadworn and ratty old chair. “I hate to use the term ‘grave matter’, given our current states, but it’s the only thing that describes what has happened. The Bloodroses have turned, not only on each other, but on innocents. Acts that even Lorelai Von’Strauss and Medusa would never have dared condone, much less commit. I… I fear for us, Andri. I truly do.” What was left of Rebecca’s face twitched nervously, as she began to think of her home under siege. “I know we had hoped to just talk, but I need your advice. You were the hunter with the courage to work with witches. I trust you more than anyone, even Alexina. What shall I do?”

If Andri had still been able to let air flow through his lungs he would have let go of a sigh at this point. He had not been anywhere near Seren’s Folly and Castle Bloodrose for years, and now that he had come back it seemed that things were falling apart. There was some degree of despair in Rebecca’s voice that he had not heard before, indicating that the situation was indeed severe. “What has happened ?” was his first reaction. “Please don’t be afraid of being less abstract. I need to know what is going on above our heads.” Given that they were located in the very basement of the Castle this could be taken quite literally. “I haven’t been here for quite a while, so I guess my information is pretty outdated.”

“The worst kind of black magic,” Rebecca said with a shudder. Coming from a necromancer, the words were absolutely damning. “Five witches conspired to sack a village. No adults survived, and the town was razed. What’s worse, they invaded the church where the children were being hidden. Demon’s blood was used to desecrate every inch of the building, as well as the holy relics. They’ll never hold power for miracles again.” Rebecca would have broken down in tears, had she still had the requisite parts. “They killed a little girl, stealing her life force to restore their own youth, and would have done the same to the rest, had Alexina not intervened. I was with her. So much pain, so much torment, and all so a few witches could live fifteen years more.”

“They did what ?” it shot out of Andri’s mouth. “They have fallen completely mad, haven’t they ?” the ghostly man added, shaking his head and starting to support it with his left hand. “This is bound to invoke the attention of every hunter in the region. Even if they don’t know who’s the culprit they might try to give this place a visit rather soon than later. Or do some other acts of revenge.” He remembered the advice he had given his son once, that he should not go to Seren’s Folly. Now hopefully he would have sticked to that advice, given that things were bound to get more ugly. “This will make everybody’s life considerably harder I think. Including ours, possibly. So… what could and should we do about this ?”

“That’s the rub. There are things we could do, yes.” Rebecca shook her head. “I don’t know if you’ve revealed yourself to Alexina, but you might still have some influence with her and the other elders. As for me, well, I have some of Lorelai’s old tomes. The magic of Hell, and instructions on calling some of her… friends.” The lich quivered like a leaf. “You helped me stop the war, all those years ago. You know how I abhor violence and vengeance. But these witches, what they’ve done… do they deserve death? Is there a point where it is wrong not to seek retribution for true evil?”

“Maybe I sound a little superficial at this point, but I think we should not focus too much on what we think these witches deserve or not. This is a concern, yes, but what we think becomes rather pointless the moment a bunch of hunters shows up at the doorstep of this castle and goes on a rampage. Or they encounter one of the supply lines and do the same thing. If what you’ve described is true then there is hardly any argument against such an act of revenge. Or much more defense one should say at this point as this would be the next logical step if I were still alive and a hunter. What if those witches run out of ritualistic benefits and have to do it again ? Even if not, even if Alexina had them already executed herself…the ordinary humans out there don’t know that. I can throw myself into the equation and try to speak with Alexina, but some internal chit-chat or even spilling some witchblood on that decapitation machine next door won’t help. We need a strong signal that the people out there can see.”

“I think I understand what you’re saying,” Rebecca responded. “We need to keep the hunters from turning this into an all-out war, and the best way I can think of to do that is to give them names of the individuals responsible. Limit their targets.” She grinned, which looked truly eerie on her features. “Unless I miss my guess, my identity would serve as evidence enough that I know what I speak of, and I believe that the Witch’s Paradise is still open in Seren’s Folly. You can talk to Alexina, try to keep her from going after the hunters.”

“I think that names alone would not be enough. People need pictures in order to know how the ones they should search for look. Nobody is going to ask everybody who’s suspected to be a witch for her name before trying to kill her.” Andri stopped talking for a moment, thinking while staring at the wall as if it was a transparent thing to look through. “Which brings us to the next piece of the puzzle: What’s Alexina’s stance on the matter ? What does she currently intend to do in order to stop this from happening again ? Or does she actually care about ? We need to clarify this first I think.”

“Well, if you’re talking about what she did to them, she ordered them to go exterminate another nearby coven. ‘Come back victorious or not at all’ was her general sentiment.” Rebecca rolled out a creak in her shoulders, and the sound of bone against bone could faintly be heard. “But what if they do succeed? Is she going to just send them out until they’re used up? Will they have proven their obedience to her satisfaction? That, I cannot answer for you.”

“We will have to monitor this. Also we should find out what other coven she ordered them to strike against -- just in case they come back all too successful and managed to exterminate a bunch of other witches. It surprises me that Alexina finds starting a witch war to be an acceptable cost to dispose of insubordinate members of her own coven. I will talk to her, or at least I’ll try to get an appointment. Does she know I even exist ?”

“I… I think she knows, or at least she suspects. She’s never been sensitive to ghosts and souls, not like me, anyway. But she’s always been a sharp one.” There was no sign of emotion from Rebecca as she idly drummed her fingers on the chair. “I can get us an audience with her, and if she has trouble seeing you, well, there are always spells for that. Meet me tomorrow morning, in the castle hall, and we’ll see what is to be done about this."

“Alright. I think I know where that is. Let’s hope there won’t be too many witches trying to intercept me. Or just trying to keep me busy with nonsensical small talk…” Having said this, the dim glow that had an eerie resemblance to a human body seemed to fade away, into the next wall.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cryptek12


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Interacting with: @Ellion and @Dark Light.

“Thank you sir,” said Wendi, “you are saving my parents… they are very. Very. Hungry."

Pinned to the ground. Loud breaths. The warmth of blood running down his front.

And the threat of death that she whispered.

Sheffield had to take a moment to realize he was under attack. From a bleeding girl no less, someone he tried to save.

"Dead-- dead, gods darn it, HELP!" he yelled for the man following him.

He swung his fist to pound on the girl's head, aiming to stun, then planned to force these gripping arms off.

And he knew if that didn't work, he will ram his knees up into the girl, forcing her away for more room. If that didn't work, he'll stop the two... humans walking towards him first with something. A pan maybe. Or a cuff to the face.

He was young, but that did not mean an utter lack of strength and focus. He survived much worse than these shamblers. He refused to lay down and die there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 8 days ago


“God dammit.” Kyzler whispered as things took an unexpected turn. One thought edged into otherwise empty mind as he began to fuidly act. ‘Don’t kill her’ As he approached the child he didn’t let her appearance build any biases of her strength. He whipped free his bolas belt, a sturdy leather bound chain with three weighted ends. As he passed the child and the struggling hunter he swung it around the young girls neck. As the balls entine behind her head, still looking in the direction he was going, (his back to hers as he passes) he clasps the bolas tails from over his right shoulder as he uses momentum and leverage, leaning down forward to try hoist her up off the injured hunter by her neck.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Interacting with Alexina @Aerandir, Celosia @Kitty and anyone else lurking nearby

The light from Castle Bloodrose was dimmed considerably by the ever present glow of Celosia’s hair. The forest, used to be kept away from the castle wall, now covered up to and through the gate itself. Thin vine wrapped themselves in between the bars of the gate and ivy covered every part of the wall until it shown green, rather than grey. Tiny buds had recently appeared, threatening to cover the walls in thousands of flowers by the time it was midsummer. Tiny trees had also made themselves at home along both sides of the wall. None of this would have been allowed when Medusa was in-charge, she strived to keep order in all parts of the coven. Alexina...Alexina seemed to welcome the wildness and embrace the forest with open arms.

Taran and Celosia had traveled the remaining distance in utter silence. Every once in awhile, traces of the fog would reach their peripheral vision. Always vanishing the second they’d turn to look closer. The danger had passed but the fog would not be forgotten.

By the time the gate came into sight, Taran’s body ached with exhaustion. Everything hurt. His feet, legs...all of it. But it dulled in comparison to the icy pain that still hovered around his wrist. His mind overly occupied with the vision of the bed that lay waiting for him just beyond the gate. His thoughts kept him so distracted that he would have walked right by the witch waiting for them at the gate--had Tod not taken off to rejoin his Mistress.

Alexina ,” He said, approaching the witch. “I’m sorry if I kept you wait-” his statement was cut short by Alexina’s warm arms wrapping around him and pulling him into a close hug. Taran’s whole body tensed at the sensation, before relaxing slowly into it, offering his good arm out and returning the hug. He let the moment linger longer than he should, the sensation of it was all too familiar and left an ache of longing for a another life. A life where moments like this occurred often and were taken for granted. When he did pull back from the embrace, a cold emptiness quickly over took the warmth left behind.

Taran cleared his voice, using the few seconds to collect himself.“Alexina, may I present Celosia,” he said, gesturing to the girl. “She was the witch you...sent me for,” The smell of rain had overpowered the area, the sounds of an oncoming storm falling some distance behind them. “Celosia, this is Alexina...she is...um,” With Medusa, the words would have come far more easily. She was Coven leader, or the mistress of the coven or...any number of things. “Our...leader,” He finished, the words struggling out of his mouth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Interacting with: Emiliah (@Ellion) and Mat (@TheDoctor), though only indirectly
Location: Anonymous rooftop in Seren's Folly

Andvari could see Emiliah rush towards another man, another hunter apparently that had just popped up in the street. He seemed to be at least as injured as she, very unfortunately and even so by his own hands, had become. Andvari didn't know the male person, nor could he understand any of the words they were exchanging from this distance and with various fights going on around him. Yet he did understand the immediate meaning of an elongated item with a trigger on one end a steel barrel on the other that was being pointed towards him.

Did he manage to hide and cover in time though ? Not even remotely. The bullet was faster than the sound of the gunpowder exploding, but when the surge of pain set in the latter had already passed and blood had started to pour out of Andvari's left shoulder, drenching the woolen lining underneath the leather. It was a feeling of warmth he very well could have done without at this point, especially since the root cause of it was a comrade! Or an ex-comrade for that matter! He would beat the shit out of this man, stomp on his torso until at least a few ribs were broken! Or maybe he'd even let the 'beak' on the front of his crossbow punch into his gut and rip it open, allowing him to pull out the stinky contents and hang their owner from the next lantern with it, on one leg and upside down! Or maybe Bobbdy or someone else who had not lost his mind would do something like this!

Just seconds later however this purely hypothetical inrush of fancy ideas for revenge collapsed though. Andvari could feel his legs growing weak and starting to buckle. He had to lay down or he'd risk falling off this roof in an uncontrolled manner. He dropped his weapon before sitting down himself. His left arm was shot quite literally and lacked the strength, precision and freedom from pain necessary for being of much use anymore, so what to do now ? Just sitting here and doing nothing didn't sit right, if not for the others still in the fight then at least for the fact that he'd be rather defenseless if any goblin would finally manage to crawl up here. Maybe they could even smell blood and were attracted by it ? On the other hand he couldn't just climb down while the streets were such a mess...

Using his legs and his still intact right arm Andvari tried to load another bolt while sitting on the roof. If any goblin would come up here he'd at least have one more free shot to go on with, but it wouldn't be easy to resist the temptation to just return the favor to that crazy guy that did this to him. He'd have to try and hold on to the thought that his own, accidental mistake now was shadowed by another act of friendly fire that had been commited on purpose. In this state a perfectly healthy anonymous crazy guy actually would be of much more use to him than an anonymous crazy guy who had been impaled by one of these enormous bolts only one person in this village probably had around.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


interacting with: Celosia@Kitty, Alexina @Aerandir, Taran@Ellion

Usoa had done little after the excitement of this morning's meeting, which was something of a norm for her. She had returned to her dwellings just as quickly as she could, eager to disrobe of her ‘formal’ garments and return to her normal duties. A few of the younger witches flitted about the space of the ‘clinic’ providing what minor medical attention was needed to its various residents as their patron stalked through on eight tentacles, only stopping briefly to free herself of the pants and shirt she had been adorned with; dropping them to the floor in a haphazard pile of fabric that was to be someone else's problem.

There was little in the way of work to do at the moment though, and Usoa found herself...bored. As much warmth she may have felt for Alexina, there was something to be said about her propensity towards isolation and peace. It left people like Usoa desperately under worked. The weird amalgam of eldritch and human lifts herself slightly, surveying the clinic momentarily as she tried to run through a mental checklist of things that her ‘toys’ needed, only coming up with rest for her efforts.

With an annoyed huff she slunk deeper into her clinic, arms reaching into a carved out hole in the wall near a back corner and pulling her up with (to observers) looked to be an unnatural grace. Inside there was a rats nest of blankets, most due for a cleaning but not overly so, discarded books and wooden toy people of various occupations with long faded paint.

She regarded the toys silently as she pulled the covers over herself, a brief moment of bliss shooting through her as she felt her own residual body heat still trapped firmly in its folds. She couldn’t remember where they had come from nor why she liked them. They were crude approximations of people, their faces little more than spheres with small pointed wedge like noses to complete the image. All most all posed in the same stilted fashion, arms at their side and legs straight, with only the occasional lifted arm holding aloft some icon of their profession to distinguish those of greater standing. Bakers and Coopers stood mirrored by Soldiers, holding aloft their rolling pins and hammers in mocking salute of their bladed counter parts.

As sleep began to worm its way in her chest she wondered if they appreciated the insult before brushing the thought away. Wood was not of the thinking sort. She allowed an arm to brave the cold air outside of her nest and let it flick a wooden soldier to its side before returning, coiling her tentacles around her tightly as she gave up fighting the urge to nap.


It was dark by the time she awoke, knowing more from the sounds of deep breathless sleep that echoed into her hole from the clinic than what the light of the room. She rumbled darkly as she turned in the covers, attempting to banish her consciousness away so she could enjoy the warmth of her bed for a few hours longer with little success. After a few fruitless moments she admitted defeat, dragging her body from her nest in a tangle of limbs and blankets.

She allowed the blankets to fall from her body and pool on the floor beneath her, knowing full well she probably should clean it up herself but struggling to find the motivation to do so. Someone else would clean it, they did more often than not atleast. She yawned and stretched the whole of herself, tentacles curling and uncurling at odd angles from her body seemingly enjoying the act as much as the rest of her.

Cold air rushed over her, a pleased murmur escaping her as goosebumps erupted along her skin as she entered the final stages of waking up. She allowed her feet a rare moment of contact with the floor, a final shuddering spike of cold rising up through her as she made tentative contact with the floor. She wandered slowly and quietly over to a window, careful not to disturb the sleep of what few patients she had, gazing out over the darkened courtyard of Castle Bloodrose.

Alexina was standing sentinel at the gates, posture firm and solemn as the castle she claimed as her own. Though not an alien sight, it was rare enough to warrant a weak bubble of interest from Usoa. Alex was, for the most part, not a creature of whimsy. If she was at the gates, it was not to entrance herself in the joy of a cold nights air. She was either waiting patiently for something or something very foolish was about to walk into her. Either option struck Usoa as more interesting than spending another night doing approximately fuck and all in her own quarters.

She turned from the window and headed towards the door of her chambers, not bothering to worry about dressing. It was late enough that what few children that called Castle Bloodrose home were long since asleep so those who may see her would be more than capable of handling the sight, if not entirely used to it by this point.


As she pushed the door to the courtyard open, two things caught Usoa’s attention. First, the acrid rot of a Death’s Fog hung weakly in the air. Too weak to have been close or recent, but it was there all the same. Usoa thanked her lucky stars she had been asleep when it rolled in, feeling herself gag against the smell slightly, having hated that stench for far longer than she could remember.

The second thing was that Alexina was no longer alone, her...child? Ward?....Welp? Whatever Taran was to Alex, he was there, his words falling weakly from his mouth after a embrace by the older witch. At his flank was another, less familiar face. Red hair flowed smoothly over soft curves, quiet literally red and quite literally flowing Usoa noted.

Swallowing the sour taste of the Death’s Fog out of her mouth, Usoa pushed outward into the night air. Fingers of too cold air crawling along the length of her spine before spread out across the rest of her skin as she approached the trio, the awkward lilting gait provided by her extra limbs being surprisingly quiet when she willed it to be.

”Taran brings us another?” She says as she gently steps past Alexina, eyes tracing over the young man’s frame in search of injuries. Her eyes spied the growing purple black stain of his wrist, swollen and angry with neglect. ”And hurts themself in the process…” She added after a quick glance to Celosia showed she was perfectly fine, sans a few minor scrapes here or there.

Usoa grabs the fabric of Taran’s sleeve, raising the injured arm up as she closed the gap between them to examine the extent of the damage. ”We know you know how to make a splint.” She said her tone carrying its normal levels of indifference, though only slightly higher with the mild aggravation one might expect from an exasperated maid walking in on a muddied floor. Celosia and Alex were treated to the sight of a tentacle sliding back into Usoa’s skin, the ichor black appendage growing smaller and smaller until it disappeared into pale flesh.

It was probably a waste to spend a coil on the boys foolishness, but Usoa doubted she would need all four over the next four days. And if the current state of his wrist was any indication, he could not be trusted to take care of himself properly if given a lesser cure. The fact that she was also a little bored perhaps also influenced the final decision, though she would not let Alexina in on that little fact.

Usoa pulled herself ever closer to Taran, wrapping her arms around his and pressing it firmly in a vertical grip against her chest, angled such that his wrist sat level with her mouth. ”You will hold very still…” She warned darkly, yellow eyes gleaming with both warning and a frightening amount of unvoiced amusement as seven tentacles wavered in the air around her.. ”Or We will be doing this again. Less comfortably.”

Giving him no time to respond, Usoa bit into the soft swollen flesh of Taran’s wrist, ripping away a not so small chunk of the poor boy in doing so. She allowed herself a moment to enjoy the feel of it all; the soft ball of rolling flesh moving freely in the confines of her mouth like an over ripened piece of fruit, the metallic tang of blood against her tongue and throat, the writhing sense of movement that was slowly making its way up her throat. But she allowed herself ONLY that moment, unhinging her jaw from Taran’s arm to quickly spit the warlocks now useless flesh out before it became a hindrance.

Usoa briefly wondered if this new girl thought the whole situation looked as strange as it likely felt for Taran, but banished the line of thought as quickly as it came when she felt the tentacle emerge from the back of her throat. She clamped her mouth back over Taran’s fresh wound as it crawled forth from inside her and pushed its way into the warlock, a black worm that distended her throat to the point of near asphyxia that dug into the broken flesh of her victimpatient.

The tentacle snaked its way through Taran’s flesh, pushing vien and bone out of its way with almost no concern for comfort or care as it simply attempted to fill as much of his arm as possible. The skin around the wrist bulged unnaturally, almost doubling in width and threatening to burst for a moment before the invading ‘aid’ of Usoa seemed to find the crampedness equally unbearable and coiling part way up the young man's arm. After that, it seemed to settle and Usoa felt a familiar snap deep in her stomach signaling she’d released the tentacle successfully. She leaned back from her grip on Taran’s wrist, more tentacle flowing out of her throat for a few inches before finally ending with a wet pop.

The hole she had bitten in the warlock was bleeding less now, more a slow weeping wound than the gout of blood it really should be. ”Better?” She asks as she quickly wraps the remainder of the detached tentacle around his wrist before slinking behind him, arms wrapping around his chest as she held him firmly against her. Likely a somewhat...scandalous pose for Celosia, but Taran likely knew how draining his elders methods could be on her patients, so the support was not without merit. That and, despite not being particularly fond of men, Usoa had to admit the night air as...more than she wanted to deal with in her current state of dress. The new girl would be more ideal, but she seemed a tad….flamey for that at the moment.



interacting with: Rowyn@Kitty, Flint @Aerandir, @Bright_Ops

”Not a problem!” Sanjin chirped, almost too happily as he casually stabbed the sword into the chest on an oncoming goblin. He really couldn’t help but enjoy all of this...chaos, he supposed. Sure people were dying which sort of sucked the joy out of the whole deal, but people were ALWAYS dying. Saren’s folly, as far as he could tell anyway, had a near perpetual effluvial haze of fatalism hanging about it even in the most joyous occasions. Brutal as this whole scenario was, Sanjin would be a liar if he said that the collective catharsis he felt from the other hunters (...ok. Just him really.) was wonderful.

A loud parade of squawks brought him back to reality, his eyes turning to the noise in unison with the goblins, though more out of confusion than reference for the divine fowl in question. Sanjin could practically feel the goblin hordes collective mass begin to shift away from him and the doctor, eager to recover such a holy beast. He almost laughed again, Flint’s battered and now be-chickened frame wading through the battlefield like the world's worst delivery man being the last thing he’d expected. The doctor was...far less amused, drawing her sword and cutting a clumsy path towards the bowman.

Sanjin followed in her wake, stabbing and crushing what goblins she left in her path of less than stellar sword play. He was about to ask if she wanted him to take the lead when a goblin swiped at her leg as she screamed at Flint. Something...clicked inside the woman and the words on his lips died as it did, his body immediately syncing and feeding off the suddenly vicious aura around the woman.

Whatever it was it felt GREAT. Powerful, animal and almost lustful! And it showed in the doctors sudden, though much improved, blade work. Sanjin let himself feed off the feeling, letting himself be lost in it as he too began to tear into the goblins. Details were becoming fuzzy for him, the sensation of a dull thud resonating through his club or the sleight resistance of his sword on flesh becoming far more meaningful than sight.

Those looking at the spectacle of the two hunters, it must have been hard not to start pitying the goblins (even if only slightly). Caught between two berserking storms of hunters and the object of their devotion, neither maelstrom of painless fury slowing. A cackling howl escaped Sanjin as he drove his sword straight through the wooden slat shield of a goblin, hidden manic eyes sliding over the doctor’s form before he yelled at them. ”HAHA, I fucking love it! What else ya got!? MORE MORE!” He half cackled, whatever plan Flint may have had being lost to a frenzy.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Interacting with: @Fetzen

A shattering sound was heard back at the tavern as a red figure jumped through a window and landed in a roll. Rolling to a crouched position in the middle of the street, a large weapon that the goblins couldn't make out in her hand. The figure was small and the goblins looked at it momentarily before laughing and refocusing on the man with their god in his hand. Her plan was to stay and help where she currently was when she heard a gunshot ring out. The sound intrigued her and she decided she’d go check on whatever hunter that came from. That also meant she’d get away from her brother who would try and be protective of her. So it was perfect.

Smirking, Sapphire stood up lazily walking towards the group and the goblins as her scythe dragging behind her on the ground once again drawing some of the goblin’s attention towards her. Her lazy walking was slowly speeding up until suddenly she burst into a sprint, lifting the scythe and her face to fully look at the goblins. A huge smirking grin on her face as she charge forward and leapt off the ground landing in the middle of a group of goblins. Using her momentum, Saph knelt and spun on one foot, her scythe ripping through the goblins.

Placing her other foot down, she skidded to a halt her scythe behind her and her body facing the direction she needed to go. Taking off once again, she jumped up kicking off of a goblins head to avoid its attack and getting past the group as she became a red streak running off to a different part of the town.

On her way to the other part of the town, she used her scythe to hook onto a roof and pull herself up. Sapphire continued to run along the roofs until she noticed a group of goblins, she changed her course of direction and as she got closer she saw a man sitting on a roof above the goblins trying to use his crossbow with one hand.

Saph ran and slid to a stop on the roof, using her scythe to ensure she didn't slide off as she stopped near the man. She grinned at him, ignoring the goblins for the time being as she took her hood down. “Now why are you trying to do it with one hand silly? I think it would be easier with two… Her voice trailed off and her grin faltered as she noticed the very obvious gunshot wound on his left shoulder. “Oh… Well don’t worry! I’ll keep the goblins away from you and Mr. Grumpy Wolf and I will take care of the rest of the critters when he finally gets here.”

Rowyn continued her slaughtering until she heard a shattering sound behind her. Turning her head to look, she saw the red cloaked girl kneeling in the middle of the street. Out of the corner of her eye Rowyn saw a goblin charging at her with a sword and she turned her head and black eyes to stare it down just in time for her to catch the goblin’s sword in her hand. Pain was not felt, just exhilaration at the fear from the goblin as they locked eyes.

The goblin went to drop the sword and run but Rowyn was quicker, sheathing her sword and grabbing the creatures arm with her other hand. She was quick to rip the sword from the creatures grasp. As she held the creature’s arm, her attention was once again brought back to the red cloaked girl as she spun taking out a few goblins with her scythe all while grinning. While distracted by the girl, the goblin decided to try and bite Rowyn’s forearm in hopes of her letting it go. All it did was piss her off.

With a swift but calculated motion, the goblin let out a pained scream as she tore its arm from its body. Rowyn tossed the arm over her shoulder and grabbed the creature’s ankle before begin to walk away from the group. No other goblins dared to move against her after that sight. A few moving to attack the others instead and others watching on in horror as she disappeared into the closest alley with their fellow goblin. It was still alive and thrashing, all the while Rowyn was thinking of all the torturous things that she could do to the creature to fulfill the blood lust that he had been craving and she had been refusing to give to him. Reminding himself to also grab the drunk’s body and drain it’s blood, cause goblin blood tasted bad but human blood didn’t, the goblin’s screams and struggling just music in her ears as she made her way towards her house.
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