Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Delphio
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It was the morning after, the worst time. Carter Perkins groaned in a combination of annoyance and pain as he rolled over in his hotel bed. His head throbbed and spun as he lay there and stared up at the cream colored ceiling above him. The dull color hurt his eyes in the sensitive state they were in, causing his head to pound harder. He reached up with his right hand and pinched at the bridge of his nose between his eyes, where this dreaded hangover seemed to located at, there and his temples.

He slowly began to remember the night before, pounding music, the Sam B concert in the hotels' outdoor plaza. He remembered having a few too many beers, corona to be precise, topped off with a martini. He remembered making his way to the dance floor and getting close and cozy with the brunette from California on spring break. This particular remembrance of course lead to a minuscule smile, even in his state of migraine. He remembered them both staggering off to his room, booze-ridden and half-conscious, and of course the additional drinking to go with the events' of the night.

That vixen still here? he wondered as he removed his hands from his face, only for the lighting of the room to sharpen the pain of his migraine. He winced as he lay his left arm across his eyes. He realized he was still wearing his clothes from the night before; blue button-up shirt, his tie, which hung loose around his neck, though his pants and shoes were missing. It was then that he heard it, a faint, raspy groan. "Hey," Carter spoke up, his arm still across his eyes,"Sarah? Cheryl? Whatever? That you, girl?"

The response was a louder and more throaty grumbling growl, certainly not that of a slim, pearly teethed college sorority skag. "Hey, who the-?!" His words were cut short as he leap upright in bed, instead becoming a loud cry of shock and disbelief at what he saw standing at the foot of his bed. Not the beautiful girl from the night before, but instead a walking nightmare. She stood there, her eyes glossed and milky, her skin a deathly grayish color, and her lips and teeth were bared into a vicious snarl. Blood was spattered down her entire right arm and dripped onto the carpet floor. It was her, emphasis on was, he recognized the bleached-white bikini from the night before and the golden broach she wore.
"W-What in hell-?!" Carter scambled back across his bed as the creature of a woman surged forward with a savage snarl.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

(click for image)

A squid had his leg! No matter how hard he pulled, he couldn't get away from it. Reno bit his lip, trying to hold his breath, the water moving around him. He could hardly see, but he could make out the silhouette of his opposition. The monstrosity of the deep. Its tentacles wrapped around his ankles showing no signs of weakness. Reno pulled and, as he saw the creature's mouth emerge, ever advancing, he screamed. Bubbles encasing morbid shreaks of hopelessness floated up around Reno's face toward the water's surface miles above. If he could be heard, a passerby would know he was screaming "HELP ME! OH, GOD, PLEASE GET THIS F@&^#ING THINK OFF ME!" He gave his leg another hard tug. It was looser... Progress. Again, he tugged. This time it was completely loose! Reno kicked his leg out as hard as he could...

...and hit the pavement. He was suddenly conscious, laying poolside at the Royal Palms Resort. Beside him was a lawnchair, constructed by metal and ribbons of rubber. As he looked it over, he noticed one of his sandals lodged between two of the ribbons. "Ha. Squid." Reno was amused by many things. Self deprecation was certainly one of them. You fucking idiot, he thought to himself.

Reno squinted toward the sunrise. As he looked around, the remnants of the party were fully present, but the participants of said party were a bit more scarce. There were empty plastic cups, questionable piles of biological material, cigarette butts, empty cans... Reno surveyed the area and found his eyes set on the only person standing. A middle aged man who could be described as thin except for the beer belly that he'd clearly spent years developing.

"'Ey, man," he called out. "That was a freakin rager, huh?" The man didn't seem responsive. Reno shrugged and set his hands into motion. They scoured each and every one of his pickets until they found the treasure they were looking for. A half-smoked pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulled out a cig with his thumb and index finger and propped into mouth before setting is ablaze. Between puffs, he called out again, "So where the hell are the rest if 'em?" Reno waved his arms, showcasing all of his surroundings with so few people populating the space, almost all of whom were still passed out. He let out a nervous chuckle, trying to coax a response out of his counterpart. No luck.

Slowly, the other man started walking toward him in the most awkward fashion, taking staggered baby steps. "Ha. Brother, I think you need to sit down." Reno looked at himself and realized he wasn't in much better shape. He pulled himself up with a shallow grunt and stretched out, moaning his pleasure out audibly as he did so. He glanced down at the ground to see if he was missing anything but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. With that, he moved back toward the direction of the hotel lobby. It was time to get a proper nap with pillows and blankets and mattresses... and possibly pretty women...

"Well take care, man" he called out to the guy that moved like he had cerebral palsy. "See ya when I see ya, I guess." He never even looked back. Guy seemed weird. Not worth the time. As Reno took another puff of his cigarette, he couldn't help but think to himself, I'm so glad I took this vacation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Steve woke up, scratching his facial hair faintly as slowly he opened his eyes. He sighed, placing his baseball cap on his head as he moved aside his blanket. The fucking millennials couldn't let an honest man sleep with their voodoo and bitching. He went over to the sink, splashing some water on his face. He heard some screaming going down the hallway, and a loud thud. The old boy shook his head in annoyance, "Fucking little shits." He muttered as he shaved off some annoying stubble on either cheek. Done, he splashed some aftershave and shuddered once the cool feeling hit hard. He put on a pair of shorts and didn't quite bother with a shirt for now, he wasn't going anywhere fancy and instead he reckoned he'd just go for a walk around, maybe breakfast and a lie down at the beach.

He stepped out of his room, gut jiggling with every step. It was oddly dark owing to lights not being on in the floor for some reason. Well, no problem, the windows and balcony let in enough sun to the hallway. "Kids with their shit music, eh?" He said, walking past a man of similar build and age to him. He heard a groan from the guy, who waved a bandaged arm. "Yeah, you and me both pal! Take care with them mosquitoes, don't scratch them bites eh?" Steve was about to step into the elevator, before he realized he really, really had to take a dump.

With a light whistle on his lips he turned a corner into the bathroom and took a stall. Sitting down he went at his business until quite surprised he heard the click of high heels. He looked under the stall door to make sure it was the men's room - as it was - before also seeing a pair of sneakers follow. "Rabbits, can't wait to get to their room before fucking." The man muttered, seeing the sneakers go into the same stall as high heel lady before some noises from the woman followed by fleshy noises and a growl from the lover boy.

Kids couldn't even let a man take shit! With headphones in the boomer finished his business and went over to wash his hands. In the mirror he saw someone else coming in, and smiled as he recognized the feller from the hallway. "Something with them steaks they serve, isn't it?" he remarked, gesticulating with a tap to his gut. When he got no response and only a growl again Steve turned to look at the man properly. As he came into the light, the man looked fucking rabid. Eyes crossed, foamy and bloodshot, teeth yellowed and bloody while missing a goddamn ear. "Buddy, you might want to head t-" he began, but didn't get the chance as he had to duck under a swing from the guy. Momentum made his counterpart fall over, knocking upon the stall door of the lovely couple. From his position, Steve only saw that the girl had a big bite on her wrist while her... boyfriend was prone on her, going for her chest. "Yo, help me with this guy!" It seemed however, that the kid had other things on his mind. He stood and turned to Steve with similar appearance to the feller on the ground, walking, shambling towards him. "Dude, back off...." He said, before yelling in surprise as the guy on the ground started gnawing at his shoe. In surprise he stumbled and fell, hat falling over his eyes. As he quickly readjusted the thing he saw that both men were going at him and this was now pretty clearly a fight. A kick was aimed at the guy on the ground, while turning his head Steve noticed he was beside the fire extinguisher. He grabbed the thing and threw it at the head of the standing man, using the short space of time he earned himself to stand up. He stepped aside the clumsy flail of the lover-boy, returning a heavy hay-maker that - against an ordinary man - should have him go out cold. "The fuck?" he muttered as even though the impact also made him reel back and hit his head against the wall he still stood!

But this was no time for a damn medical analysis of what had happened. Instead he turned back to the other guy and gave a heavy handed jab to the gut. It gave the man pause, but holding on to the sink he still keep his balance. Steve rotated for full force to bring down a hammer-fist to the guy's head, and then another. He heard a crack, but a damaged skull wasn't enough. He took both hands together wrapping one around the other band brought down this combined hammer-fist twice more on the guy's head. Finally flattening the guy's head against the faucet. He looked to the other man, and with a roar ran at him repeating the two-fisted downwards strike straight on his head. For this one it worked much faster with the guy going straight down. Looking at his roughed up fists, Steve sighed heading over to the medical kit in the corner of the room, not quite noticing the faint sounds coming from where the woman had been in the stall. Slipping one pair of scissors around his fingers to cut off some wrapping, but yelled at the same time as the woman stood before him with a loud screech, before running at him with her arms flailing. She was so thin, but they hit like painful bricks that he barely blocked with his arms. As she began to wind down Steve game a scream of both fear and rage before swinging his fist with scissors still on it to hit her square in the head. She stopped as the tip went into her skull, but she wasn't down. With the same scream Steve struck her twice more in the head until finally the scissors now broken carved a hole in her head.

Shoulders heaving, the aging handyman gave a triumphant roar as he beat his enemy only to hear more noises from the hallway. "Oh no you don't bitches...." He muttered as he closed and locked the bathroom. He took the usual five minutes to recuperate, preparing himself to deal with the banging upon the door. He grabbed all the scissors in the first aid kit placing them on his fingers and wrapping over his fists with bandage. Looking down at his improvised weapons Steve nodded in approval at the quick design before going to open the door, getting his breathing good for whatever the hell was on the other side.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cole Anderson

Penthouse suite, top floor. Morning.

God my aching head

The night before was quite the event. There was everybody from rich business men, college girls, NFL players, musicians there, and there was way too much alcohol and drugs. Cole told himself that this was bad for his health, but he could afford to have some cheat days. Besides, he had just won the middle weight champion of the world last week, and this was his way of celebrating. An up and rising star in both boxing and MMA, he was proud that he was starting to make a name for himself. That also meant a bit of cash that allowed him to have such a nice place, which he didn't mind at all. He didn't do it for the money, but it surely helped.

Although this hangover did not, and he grabbed his head as he sat up in his king sized bed. Looking around, it seemed like he had half ass drunk wandered into his room and somehow made it into his bed. Maybe he didn't end up here himself. There were a lot of women he talked to last night, but there seemed to be quite the commotion. Lots of deranged drunk people snarling and fighting each other. There was a terrible amount of cocaine going around it seemed. Pity.

After sipping some water he could hear a faint siren echoing outside of his room, and he raised an eyebrow. Was there some kind of fire alarm going on? Or maybe there was just some really loud music. He wasn't sure, but just in case, he decided to dress himself and stuff some shit in a backpack. His attire consisted of a white tanktop, black leather jacket, ripped jeans, combat boots, and some dark shades. His backpack consisted of his sparing gloves, a t shirt and shorts, a water bottle, a few snacks, and a first aid kit. Also his wallet, keys, and other personal items. He also kept brass knuckles on himself for safety, considering he would be a prime target to get mugged. He was planning on going to the gym to practice, so even if there was a fire drill, he'd have his shit together.

Finally he ran a comb through his thick hair, putting on his dog tags and looking himself in the mirror. Bright blue green eyes stared back at him, and he rubbed the five o'clock shadow on his face. He'd have to shave that later. After inspecting himself he opened the door to his penthouse suite and gave a low whistle.

The place was absolutely trashed. Furniture was torn apart, shit thrown everyone, broken glass. Food and alcohol littered the floor, there was a pile of trash in the corner, and it seemed like a tornado hit the place. "Wow, I must have had quite the party." Cole said, looking around. Upon further inspection however, it looked like there was pools of dried blood in several spots. What the hell? It was almost like a murder scene in here. He didn't see any dead bodies, but it seemed like glass near the balcony was smashed, almost as if people launched themselves off the top floor. What the fuck happened? He made a mental note to invite less people to the after party.

The sirens were getting louder, and it sounded like there was an evacuation going on for the building. It was recorded however, and it seemed like some emergency was happening. It wasn't a fire alarm, or maybe it was. Why were we suddenly evacuating? The people here are utter maniacs apparently. Quickly grabbing an apple, he chomped it down before opening his hotel door, taking a peak outside. Holy fuck. It seemed like the entire hotel got trashed. Luggage littered the floors, paintings were smashed and plants were littering the floors. The more he thought about it the more he got confused. He just needed to get the hell out and worry about that later.

After jogging down the hallway a bit he heard a loud scream coming from one of the hotel rooms. Two screams actually, one almost yelling and the other a high pitched shriek. His brain told him nope nope nope nope nope but his legs moved him over to the ajar door. This couldn't be anything good. He threw open the door, looking inside.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

Alinda Williams

”Get the fuck of me!” Alinda screamed. She was in her hotel room, where she had woken up from the night before. Brought from her deep sleep by the wailing of an emergency siren, Alinda had awoken to find her room with no power and some mysterious person lurking in her open doorway.

Startled of course by this, Alinda had scrambled up and ordered the stranger out, threatening to call security. Instead, the stranger surged forward into her room, arms raised. Alinda had grabbed a chair from the nearby table and thrown it at the intruding man. The chair had ricocheted off his thick form and he continued forward like it had been nothing.

Alinda had tried to run past but had tripped on the rug, and in seconds her asailant was on top of her. She lay on her back, kicking and flailing her arms wildly. In the vague darkness she could still see the man gnashing his teeth at her like a rabid dog and grumbling as they struggled on the floor. Convinced this was a madman on drugs, Alinda began screaming for help, ”Help! Someone help! Get this lunatic off of me!”

Cole noticed a larger man on top of a young woman, maybe a little younger than himself. It definitely seemed like the non consensual things were going on, the woman screaming for help. The man grumbled and gnashed his teeth like a dog. Damn crack heads.

"What the fuck man, got off of her!" He yelled, rushing over to help her. He grabbed the man around his waist, throwing him to the side with surprising force. "What the hell is wrong with you mate? That's no way to get with a woman." he sighed, looking at the man.

But the monstrosity didn't even seem to understand what he was saying, and he charged at Cole head on. Cole was pushed onto the bed, holding the monster back as it tried to bite him. Cole one hand on his throat, the other on it's chest, keeping it inches away from him. It looked like it was going off of pure instinct and aggression, trying to kill him as it attempting to start to beat the shit out of Cole now with it's arms.

"Why you motherfucker..." Cole whispered, and he planted his feet on the ground. He pushed the man off of him, keeping his left hand on it's throat as he careened it's head firmly into the dry wall. It seemed like the man was still trying to fight him, and Cole was since done with this crackhead's shit. He let go of the man, winding back and delivering a clean right hook to it's jaw. A wicked snap was heard, something breaking from the force of the impact as the man slumped to the ground.

Cole breathed heavily, not expecting that at all. What's with these people? He almost never threw punches at civilians, his fists technically being legal weapons, and he could get in a lot of trouble for straight up decking someone. But this was an exception he was willing to live with.

Turning over to the woman who was attacked, which he almost completely forgot was there, he offered his hand to help her up. "It's safe now, don't worry. I won't hurt you. Are you okay?" he asked, bringing her to her feet and making sure she wasn't seriously hurt.

Alinda braced herself as the man helped her stand, the feelings of shock still careening through her mind and body. She stepped back from him steadily as she tried to compose herself, her breathing was rapid though was beginning to slow.
She looked to her rescuer, looking him in the face, ”T-Thank you,” she forced herself to swallow, hoping it would help her breathing ”wha-... what the hell was that? I had just woke up, and that psycho came into my room and attacked me.”

”And that alarm...” she said, as the faint emergency message could still be heard repeating itself. She reached up and pulled her tussled hair back, she wiped her forehead which was coated in sweat. Alinda looked the man in the face again Who-what are you-“ her words were cut short as a heavy grumble came from her collapsed attacker. He shifted around on the floor, looking up at the two. His jaw hung open loose, broken from the punch he had received. He growled, a spray of blood squirting from his mouth onto the floor as he began to rise up. Another vicious snarling could be heard out in the hallway, deeper.

"Look, you're preaching to the choir. I couldn't tell you either." Cole said, looking just as confused as she was in the matter. She looked unharmed, which was great, but the situation was slowly piecing itself in his head. His place was trashed, and blood and broken glass everywhere. The strange rumors and behavior from last night, followed by this monstrosity attacking this woman. Not to mention, when he was going down the hallway, it seemed like the stairwell was barricaded. That could either mean it was trying to keep something from getting in... or to keep something from getting out. The more the siren blared, the more he realized that whatever was causing this guy to freak out was happening to others most likely, and that's why the evacuation was going on. But what the hell was up with these people? Drugs?

Turning towards the man, he blinked in disbelief as he slowly started to stir and get up. You could see blood pouring out of his mouth, his jaw clearly broken and unhinged like some sort of snake. Any normal person would be out cold from a punch like that, let alone the pain from his jaw being broken. That professionally thrown punch even hurt the boxer a little, his hand a little red from the incident. This was no ordinary drug or illness. These people didn't feel pain, didn't have any intelligent thought, and only wanted to kill.

"I don't know who or what the hell you are, but if you're going to attack us like that, I'm not going to have a choice." Cole said, as hands grabbed at his jeans, trying to grab him. Cole reared his leg back, delivering a swift and powerful kick to it's temple. It's neck snapped back, eyes rolling to the back of it's head as it finally crumpled into a heap on the ground for good. It was most certainly dead. Was murdering him right? He didn't know, but in situations like these, you had to survive.

"I have a bad feeling that those sirens are for that." he says, pointing to the dead body. He drags it into the hallway, tossing it to the side as he sees another figure groan loudly in the hallway. It was a woman, maybe 20, in the hallway with a bright yellow bikini. But she had the same dead stare and posture of the man he had just killed, and upon eye contact she started screaming and running toward him. "Something tells me that there's a lot more like him, and that they're really sick and want to kill us."

Cole waited for the woman to come, getting into a firm and strong fighting stance. He spun around, his leg twirling as he did as a round house kick hit the woman square in the chest. There was a loud groan and a snap, the woman slamming into the wall next to her. Yup, she was definitely just like the man, as even some cracked ribs from a combat boot barely phased her. This wasn't even human.

Reaching into his jacket pocket, he slowly slipped the brass knuckles into his right hand as she angrily charged him. There was no talking or reasoning with her at this point, as his hand came out of his pocket, wound back, and popped her right in between her eyes. A sickening crunch sound could be heard as the front part of her skull caved in, and like a tree she fell down backwards. Wiping off the blood from his knuckles, he could still hear a little groaning coming from the woman before he decided to curb stomp her head in. Anything that could take a hit like that and still move around should be dead.

Alinda had watched her rescuer kill her attacker, and could hear him now in the hallway, fighting presumably another of these...psychos. The site of the dead man, the sound of breaking and crumbling bones, it was too much. Alinda bent over and emptied the contents of her stomach on the floor, which was mostly bile and finger foods from the night before.

She coughed and spit at the taste in her mouth, though after a minute stood, composing herself. Right, just be calm. Keep calm, and everything will be fine. Gotta’ keep a clear head here. Can’t fall apart. The first thing she needed was a change in clothes, her current green shorts and black bikini top wouldn’t exactly be the best right now. She crossed the room to where her luggage sat against the wall, and pulled from her suitcase a green jacket and jeans, and then reached for her sneakers.

She paused, looking around her room, wondering if she had anything else they would need. We? she thought to herself. After all, she didn’t even know this man she had just met. But, he had saved her life from that deranged guest who was trying to rip her face off. And he appeared aside from her to be the only other “sane” human being in a yells’ distance. ”In times of crisis...” as she reached for her cell phone from the night stand.

"The phone line is dead." Cole said, leaning against the door frame. He showed his iPhone, noting that it said "no service" on the top corner. "Apparently while we were sleeping something hit the phone lines. Hell, when I looked outside I didn't even see any hotel staff or policemen. There were a lot of abandoned cars, but nobody around them. Whatever this is, it's not just us."

Cole closed the door, looking out it just to make sure nothing had spotted them. He locked the door, opening his backpack up. He grabbed his MMA sparring gloves, putting them on before putting his brass knuckles back in his pockets. He only wanted to use the knuckles if he absolutely had to. He closed up his backpack and peaked out the window, surveying the scene below.

"Grab whatever shit you need that'll be useful, and then we're getting the hell out of here. I have no idea where, but here definitely isn't safe. Not with those... things running around. Then we'll find some place safe. However, we have a bit of an issue. We're on the top floor, and the stairwell is blocked off and the elevator crashed down the shaft. Our options of getting out are a little bit tougher. Either we climb down the elevator shaft, try to unbarricade the stairs and hope the rest of the way down is fine... or we start balcony hopping. One thing is for certain. We need to grab our shit and go."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago



‍ ‍ ‍

Sunlight, it bled through taupe colored curtains, dancing carelessly across anything it could touch. One thing in particular, was the face of an unconscious girl. The bright rays kissed gingerly at honeyed skin, warming, welcoming. The sudden shift in the rooms lighting would draw a tired groan from the lithe figure that slept almost soundlessly. It wasn't long before the beckoning of the sun would bring the slumbering girl to an upright position, arms reaching every which way while a yawn split through the otherwise silent room. Eyes drowsy from sleep, would scan over their surroundings, taking in the aftermath of what had been a rather rowdy night. The decently sized suite was disheveled, pillows thrown recklessly, clothes draped over chairs and sprawled across the floor. Another groan would sound off, this time it was one of dismay.

"What a mess.." Clementine let the words puff past her lips in a huff, her hand moving to rake through the mane of curls that occupied her head. "And of course, nobody is here to help clean it up..." As the second series of words were spoken, Clementine pulled herself from the large queen sized bed, searching the room nonchalantly to assure her former statement was correct. "Where the hell is Aimee..Brooke?" The question would receive no reply, the names being called seemingly belonging to no one. Something felt off, and a knot was growing in the young brunettes stomach, one that she couldn't shake. It wasn't unlike her friends to wander off on vacations like this, she assumed they were each shacked up with some brute from last nights party, but the ever growing knot in her stomach told her there was something more. Clumsy thumbs fumbled through text messages and call logs, finding no trace of either of the girls whereabouts. Clementine's last resort was checking their location, pinching her screen to zoom in on where the map had loaded their phones last signal. The pool? How odd, they had all left the pool together around two in the morning, why would they end up back there? Clementine chewed nervously at the inside of her cheek, tapping Aimee's number first, listening as the line rang for what seemed like forever before it finally came to a stop. "Hi, you've reached Aimee's phone, I'm not here right now but I'll be sure to get back to you.. Byeeee! ... Beeeeep" Clementine repeated the process with Brooke, coming to the same result, no answer. Her worries were beginning to expand, consuming her, the eerie silence that curtained the room, becoming suffocating, unbearable. Clementine stood once more, pulling a pair of shorts and a bright orange cropped tank top on, her feet clad with a simple pair of white sneakers. As she neared the door to leave the suite, the sudden wail of an alarm would erupt through the entirety of the hotel. Its abruptness would send Clementine stumbling backward away from the door, hands moving to press firmly against her ears. The sound was headache inducing, enough to scramble your thoughts and leave you disoriented.

"What the fuck is that?!" Clementine cried out to nobody but herself, moving forward once more to exit her room as she had initially planned. She was met by a dimmed hallway, absent of the fluorescent lights that had lit the way the night prior. Now there was nothing but the single window at the end of the hall, the glow it emitted just enough for visibility. The girl, hands remaining over her ears, began down the hall, glancing over her shoulder anxiously every now and then. Her head was jumbled, the alarm making it impossible to think, impossible to put together a cohesive plan. Thankfully, her feet were still working and despite their disconnection from her head, they led her to the stairs. Clementine shoved the door that led to the stairway, open, the alarm slightly muffled now, allowing her the use of her hands once more. Where the hell was everyone? It was a question that lingered within her thoughts, adding to that nauseating feel in her gut.

It wasn't until she was nearly to the stairways exit, that she heard the first sign of life. It was a gurgle, not particularly human sounding, but it definitely belonged to something living. Clementine crept cautiously toward the stairways exit, her eyes peering through the rectangular window that sat in the middle of the door. The window was slightly dingy, streaked fingerprints and some sort of dried substance blocking most of her vision. She could however, see a figure, its form slumped over in a sitting position against the wall directly across from the door she was behind. Her eyes narrowed into a squint, trying to clear her sight to see the figure more clearly. It appeared to be a male, his skin was a sickly hue and what looked like blood, stained his trousers. The sight was enough to force her away from the door, a hand covering her mouth to silence the staggered breathing and choked sobs that threatened to spill out. Clementine remained still for a moment, trying to recollect her thoughts before she would near the door once more. This time she made an effort to avoid the motionless corpse against the wall, her eyes straining to peer left and then right. While she wasn't able to see much, she was able to gather that the hotel was in shambles. Things were thrown about, paintings pulled off walls, luggage unzipped, belongings littering the halls. It looked as if the hotel had been robbed and was now desolate of life.

"God no... Am I alone? What the hell is happening..." Clementine's voice trembled, her hands moving back through her hair before resting on the back of her neck. Panic was setting in, her eyes, normally bright with optimism, were cloudy and welling up with tears. Abandonment and being alone were her biggest fears, fears that were nearly immobilizing. This, however, would all be forgotten as a sound echoed through the stairwell. Clementine's head shot upward, the sound originating from a floor or two above. Someone else was in the stairwell, that was very clear now. She could hear the shuffle of their feet as they made their way down the stairs. Part of her felt relief that she wasn't alone, but that relief soon turned to dread as that all too familiar gurgle reappeared. She had heard it earlier before seeing that corpse in the hall. Whoever was coming down the stairs, made the same noise. The gurgles grew louder and as the figure descended closer, she could heard additional sounds. Growls? Snarls? Whatever the noise was, it no longer resembled something a human would emit. "H-Hello...? Are you o-okay?" Clementine called up, shifting slightly to try and get a view of who was coming down, but found they were too far up the winding staircase to see. Her question received no response, instead the stairwell grew silent. The previous shuffling, the gargles, the snarling, it all stopped. "Hello?" Again she called out, her voice weakening with each attempt, obvious concern in her tone.

The silence only lingered for a moment more before the slow paced shuffling that had been there before, turned to rapid scurrying. The sound was hideous, flesh slapping and dragging across concrete in a desperate attempt to get down the stairway quicker. Rabid and desperate growls shifted to deep, animal-like bellows. Clementine threw herself away from the stairs, a shriek ripping through her throat as she barged out of the stairwell exit and into the hallway she had been peering into. The body that had been propped up against the wall, motionless, sprung to life at her presence. It lunged toward the horrified girl, its legs remained behind where it had been propped up, each severed from its body. Clementine yelped at the sudden attack, falling over a mess of luggage, landing on her bottom. The girl scooted backwards rapidly, trying desperately to get away from the snapping jaws that crawled her way.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Delphio
Avatar of Delphio


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

”Hello, hello?... Is anyone there? Can anyone here me?”
”Give it a rest. Nobody’s there. Me and you are the only ones left. So cut that thing off.”
“Look, there’s others out there. I know it, I’ve seen them on the monitors.”
”What, like half an hour ago? They’re probably dead by now.”

Mike Davis and Carter Perkins stood together in the security control room. Mike had first barricaded himself here during the initial outbreak. Ever since this madness had overtaken the resort hotel.

He had since been operating the security cameras and intercom systems, attempting to guide anyone he may see on the monitors to safety. This hadn’t proven too fruitful though so far. Many places in the hotel were short on power, and others suffered total outages. And many people that Mike would see on the monitors couldn’t seem to hear him, or would be overtaken before reaching safety. From what he could see, these... things seemed to have completely overrun the hotel.

Mike recognized many of them, coworkers, friends, acquaintances, all overcome with this murderous madness that had infected most of those in the resort. He sat there now in front of the monitors, eyes gliding across the screens, scanning for signs of live and survival. ”Your wasting time, we should be focused on getting a car and getting the fuck out of here.” Carter suddenly blurted our from behind Mike.

Mike scowled as he kept his eyes on the screens. Carter had shown up just short of an hour ago, and Mike already hated the prick. Mike had been rebooting the system when Carter came banging on the security room door, yelling for Mike to let him in. His shirt was specked in blood and he carried a bloody crowbar as Mike had let him in, which Mike was labeling as his first mistake of the day.

Since showing up, Carter had been badgering Mike and belittling his efforts at rescuing or aiding others. Carter so far had proven to be nothing but a pain in Mike’s proverbial ass. “I’m not giving up,” Mike said over his shoulder to Carter,”just give it another thirty minutes.”
”That’s thirty more minutes for a gang of those things to come pounding the door down. C’mon man let’s get out of here!”
“Shut up, asshole!” Mike snapped and turned back to the monitor.

Carter cursed and kicked over and nearby chair as Mike leaned in to the microphone,”Hello? Anyone? If anyone can hear me, please, make your way to the security control room. It’s safe here! Don’t bother with the elevators, they’re all out. Look foor fire escapes and the stairwells. Use the stairs or fire exits to make your way to the fifth floor! The fifth floor! If anyone’s there, come to the security control room...”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Liliana Russo

It was late at night, and Lili was in a dark alley all by herself. She heard sirens off in the distance, or maybe an alarm of some sort. The young woman looked around, but the walls on either side seemed to stretch on for miles.

"If anyone can hear me..." The voice was sudden and unexpected, and Lili attempted to make out the words just right, "...security control room".

What did that even mean? As far as she could tell, there were no doors in that alley. No windows either. Maybe the announcement was meant for someone else, it'd only be logical. Lili started walking forward, not being too picky about which direction she went. It's not like it mattered; she'd be walking for a while anyway.

"Liliana! Wake the hell up!" This voice was much louder and clearer to understand. It was oddly familiar...

She was startled awake, only to be face to face with her boyfriend, Liam. He was ordering for her to get up and get dressed, although it took her a moment to figure out she wasn't dreaming anymore. Lili looked around the room and realized where she was, and the urgency in Liam's voice coupled with his frantic movements prompted her to get out of bed. Her heart rate picked up and adrenaline started coursing through her veins. He was usually calm and collected under pressure, so Lili knew the reason behind his behavior wasn't good.

"What's going on?" she asked him, trying not to trip over her own two feet as she pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Liam gently tossed her the pair of white shoes she had on the previous night before answering her question. "It seems people have lost their bloody minds out there. They're attacking and eating each other so we need to get out of here this instant." Lili had barely slipped on the last shoe before Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. For a moment, she wondered who in their right mind would run towards danger when they could have been perfectly fine holed up in their room, but then that bit from her dream came back to her, where a security room was mentioned. That's probably where Liam was taking her. And who's to say they'd be any safer in their room? They where practically sitting ducks.

Once outside, Lili finally understood the situation. The hallway was a scene out of a horror movie, but she did her best not to focus too much on the details, that never ended good and it would only waste time. They couple turned the corner near their room and were met with a few bodies not too far from them. Some standing, some dead, and a few others hovering over an unresponsive one. Lili gasped in shock before they turned to go the other way, but a tall man with a bloody face and idle eyes was blocking their path. In the next instant, the stranger would tackle Liam with an inhuman growl and Lily could only stand there paralyzed with fear as the man bit Liam's cheek. His screams paralyzed Lily with fear and her breath caught in her throat, making it nearly impossible to get her legs to work.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Abraham MacLachlan

Waking up form what felt like a good night's sleep, Getting out of the rather soft bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready for his day. He swore their was usually movement of staff and tourists outside of his door, He wondered if he woke up too early but checking his phone it was not to early nor late. Brushing his teeth and getting changed into a black suit and slacks adding his own flavor by wearing a orange tie. Looking at his phone if their was any messages and or checking his emails to see if their was anything there. Nothing and so he put away his phone inside of the pocket of his slack. When he was finished getting ready he picked up his key to his room, And a sharp letter opener that was sitting on the desk opposite of his bed.

Heading outside of his room looking around seeing the hallway was empty, Again he wondered where everyone was and then thought their must be some big party or at least everyone was at the beach area or pool. Shrugging his shoulder and heading towards the elevator wanting to get the lay of the land. With the information he was given by his employer he had all the time in the world to get to his target, Clicking on the elevator button and as the door opened he saw a short woman devouring the entrails of a small girl. His eyes widen and he felt his heart shrunk into his stomach, Even though he was hitman and seen and done many terrible things. Seeing a child being killed and devoured by their mother was devastating to him, Slowly backing away accidentally bumping into a tall man that let out a inhuman growl. Quickly turning around as his hitman instincts kicked in. Kicking the man in the head and booking it down the hallway and towards the stairs, While running down the hallway. Making sure to escape the grabbing hands of these people, Noticing a woman scared out of her mind while her presumably boyfriend's face was being eaten.

His only thought was his own survival and completing the mission, But another thought came into his mind and that was helping a woman in need. He was going to kick himself for doing this but it had to be done, Rushing over towards the girl but not before getting passed a few of those strange people. Kicking or using the letter opener as a weapon, Stabbing them in the shoulder, leg and non lethal parts of the body. Finally getting to the girl and shaking her, "Are you okay? We have to go some place safe" Looking over at her boyfriend who's face and head by now was partially eaten. "Their is no saving him, We have to leave" He said rather coldly trying to get her to the staircase.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Liliana Russo

Tears stained her cheeks as Lili witnessed that...man devour her boyfriend's face as if he were some piece of meat. The thoughts in her head were a mess. She was certain that Liam had brought them on this trip to propose. Weeks before their flight, she had accidentally seen a text message in his cell phone. Liam had been in contact with Lili's dad and the last message he had received was "I'm sure it'll fit, she's got small hands". No one would worry that much about jewelry size unless it was a proposal ring. But Lili never read the rest of their messages for obvious reasons.

And now she would more than likely never find out.

The state of shock she was in came to an abrupt end when someone placed their hand on her and shook her. The deep voice that accompanied it made her react. She would never see Liam again, and although she wanted nothing more than to lie next to him as he took his last painful breaths, this man was right, they had to go.

Lili followed the stranger to the stairwell. He was tall, and he looked just as intimidating as his voice made him out to be. But that should play in their favor, and she felt a tinge better. Lili hurried down the steps behind the man to keep up with him. He was rushing down at a quick pace, and their height difference didn't help. Her heart was beating so hard that it could have been deafening had the noise of their footsteps not been bouncing off the walls, making their presence known to anyone that was around. Although, the further down they went, she easier it was to pick up on a different sound, one that terrified her to her core having just experienced it.

"Please tell me you can get us to the security room in one piece!"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Abraham MacLachlan

Abraham was holding her hand and leading her down the stairs, He didn't know where exactly the security room was. All he knew was that it was in the basement of the hotel. Stabbing and or taking down the strange figures that was attacking them. But the letter opener that he was using was lost when he stabbed one of them in the head, Resorting to using his fists or pushing them away as they made their way to the basement. Stopping for a moment to caught his breath feeling quite tired form all his running and fighting of these things, The two of them would be on the first floor and judging by the now crowding cannibal figures they would need weapons.

Having a quick look around picking up a fire axe for himself and giving the girl a kitchen knife embedded in someone. "Take this, We are going to have to fight our way to the basement, And to answer your question i think we can make it. But i need you to help me fight off these things so we can get there, Can you do that for me?" He asked her really not knowing why he was helping this girl, When he should be looking after himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Liliana Russo

Lili took the knife that the man was handing her. "Yes, I can do that, I've used--"

The young woman's speech was cut short by a low, guttural moan a little too close behind her. She looked over her shoulder and noticed a young girl who couldn't have been older than 9 or 10 making her way towards them, and something within Lili snapped. She lunged towards the girl to close the distance between them, and when she was within reach, she shoved the knife as deep as it would go into the girl's head, inflicting the wound just above the girl's left ear.

"¡Muérete hija 'e puta!" Lili yelled in her native tongue, the rage she felt over Liam's death suddenly surfacing as she inflicted more damage by stabbing the young girl again and again. After Lili had stabbed her a third time, she forcibly pulled the knife out of the side of the girl's head and kicked her in the chest hard enough for the young girl to fall on her back. Lili didn't feel any mercy for that thing. If the girl would have been the sweet little kid she was raised to be, then Lili would have protected her to the moon and back, but she wasn't a child, or human for that matter. Not anymore. Lili's face bared no emotion as she knelt over the girl and with both hands, plunged the tip of the knife between her eyes. Lili was breathing hard by that point, but she was far from done. She pulled the knife and stood up to rejoin her partner in crime, wiping the hand that was slightly covered in blood on the side of her shirt.

"Not bad, huh? She was, uh...easy. Come on, let's go."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Abraham MacLachlan

Abraham watched the girl taking action and defending herself and attacking these things, Smiling when she spoke to him and nodding his head. "Not bad" He said thinking she had the killer instinct that reminded him of himself when he was starting out, Leading her across what looked like a dining room using the fire ax to decapitating these things. Heading towards a double door that would lead into the basement, Scanning the area and seeing more of those things hanging around. The sight and stench of the half eaten was getting to him, Even with the experiences of committing terrible deeds. The smell was something that has always bothered him.

Moving or rather walking quickly towards the double door, Hitting the creatures in the chest or legs so the two of them could continue on. Making sure she was not being left behind or surrounded by those things. Finally making his way towards the door and opening it noticing their was more of those things behind said door. Most of them looking like maintenance workers and low paid security guys, "If we can get though the rent a cops then we should be able to get to the security room, But by now i do not know if that is even safe" He said feeling hesitate that no where is safe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Liliana Russo

The sight of so many mindless killers present in a small space made Lili more terrified than she was before. Their numbers seemingly kept growing, while on the other hand, it was just the two of them fighting them off. And it didn't help that her partner was being a realist instead of an optimist; she could use that little bit of hope she was hanging on to.

Despite her mind telling her otherwise, Lili pushed forward into the chaos. She squared off with one of them wearing a valet uniform, or at least she assumed that's what it was. But unlike the little girl, the guy wasn't so easily overpowered. In fact, she found herself on the defensive. Lili successfully dodged a swing from the man, but the second time around she wasn't so quick and ended up with a scratch from her collarbone across to her chest. She ignored it, and since her back was practically against the wall, Lili used it to her advantage to kick away the man, sending him stumbling back. She noticed her chance to finish him off and grabbed a lamp that was on a small table against the wall. Lili brought it back and with all her might, took a swing at his head, aiming the base of the lamp to make contact with his temple. The result was a sickening crack and a limp body dropping to the ground. But that was just one of them, and when she quickly looked down, she noticed she was bleeding a little.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Abraham MacLachlan

Abraham was too busy dealing with the now cannibalistic tourists, And the staffs that was in their way to the security room. Hacking away at them with the ax, Dismembering as many of these things as he could without being touched in any way by them. "Bastards" He cursed under his breath as the two were moving slowly towards the basement. Once there Abraham was scanning the area seeing the room they were looking for, He could not see any of those creatures inside of the room. And the door of the room being closed and wondered if it was locked or shut in form the other side.

Quickly turning towards Lili and eyeing her body, Checking if she was hurt in anyway and saw she was bleeding. "Are you okay?" He asked her and wondered if their was med kits in the security room, If not then they would have to find it elsewhere. He wondered as well if their was any firearms they could use, Although he didn't think their would be firearms in the security room, Perhaps their was a armory someplace or were actually in the security room but was over thinking things. Another thought in his mind was that if their was any weapons and if they would be safe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Cole Anderson

Suddenly, there was a voice echoing over the intercom. It sounded like it was coming from somewhere in the hotel, considering the alarm went quiet when the man spoke. This was certainly bad, especially since the man clarified that it was safe in the control room. Did that mean that there wasn't anywhere else safe in the hotel? Or outside of it? Despite the alarm telling them to all get the hell out of the hotel, this guy wanted them to make it to the security room. He didn't want to stay in this damn hotel anymore, but what choice did he have? He had no idea where to go once he got out. And there was no telling if anymore of these... creatures, out there.

"Well, it looks like that's where we're gonna go. We really don't have any other options." Cole said, looking over to his fellow survivor. She seemed very distressed, vomiting, her hair a mess, quickly packing whatever she could. He didn't blame her, and if it wasn't for the pure adrenaline and survival instincts kicking in, he would be a mess too. This shit was scary. But hiding and being scared wasn't going to save his ass, because it looked like nobody else was going to.

Cole peaked out of the door, looking left and right. It seemed most of the zombies hadn't made it to the top floor, the barricade preventing them. However, that also means they couldn't use the stairs to go down. He remembered there being a fire escape in his penthouse, remembering what the man had said over the intercom earlier.

"It looks like our best bet to get down there is the fire escapes. We may have to do some balcony hopping until we find a good path for getting on the fifth floor. That's 15 floors down. And I have a bad feeling that the farther down we go, the more of those things we're gonna find. Maybe there'll be other survivors too."

Was he really going to go up against these drug infected, sick, mutant humans hell bent on killing him? What if there were more than just two? And what if there were more people in trouble? Could he risk saving them all?

"Come on, let's go. The sooner the better at this rate. Just grab whatever you can as a weapon and stay close to me. As far as I'm concerned, it's kill or be killed once we get down there."

Alinda Williams

Alinda had taken the short time on hand to change into her clothes. Pulling her black jacket over her top and buttoning it, and sliding her jeans over her shorts.

She had heard the voice on the intercom too, and was slipping her sneakers on as she listened. The fifth floor? Fifteen floors down? In a hotel overrun with these psychos? Forget it.

Of course her rescuer was right; what other options were there? No cell phone, no signs or sounds of other people. No immediate rescue effort to be seen. For all they knew this was happening all across the island. They couldn’t just stay here, waiting for a rescue that could be days, or not at all. They needed to find a safer place. The security room was really their only shot it seemed. And if there were others in the hotel that survived, surely they heard the announcement as well. They would be heading to the security room too, surely.

When her new companion mentioned finding a weapon, she rushed over to her suitcase. After rifling about and tossing some clothes to and fro, she pulled a small switchblade from within her bag. She stood and flipped it open with a sharp click, and then closed it back. ”Got this after I left the airport,” she said as she slipped it in her right front pocket”All types at a place like this, and I couldn’t exactly bring my gun from home.”

She reached over and grabbed a bottle of water from her nightstand, and a bag of corn chips, tossing them to her rescuer, since he was the one with a bag. She went ahead and slipped her cell phone into her back left pocket, and grabbed another bottle of water from her bag. She had started to leave when she briskly spun around and grabbed a flashlight from her nightstand.

”Alright,” she said, looking to the man,”that’s all I can really think of. Lead the way, stranger.” she finished, tossing him the flashlight.

"The name's Cole... Cole Anderson." he said, catching the flashlight in his hand. It was weird to him, and he had finally realized that the two literally didn't even know each other. They just met a few moments ago because of... that dead body outside, and now they just agreed they were going to work together to survive. It was weird that in times of need, humans instinctively just banned together. There was no reason for him not to trust her, after all. Hopefully with that switchblade she would hold her own. He didn't know how many things were out there, and there were only so many he could hold off with just MMA gloves on. Speaking of MMA, it just occurred to him that she also had know idea who he was. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing, and he honestly expected most people not to know about him, being a small celebrity.

"And you are? Just to be formal here, I guess. That, and so I know what to shout to get your attention." he whispered, chuckling and trying to at least make a little light of the situation. The two of them made their way down the hallways, dimly lit by the alarm as Cole flipped the flashlight on. As expected there was little resistance as they made it to his penthouse, swiping his key card and entering his hotel room. Closing the door behind him, he walked over to the balcony and took a good look at his surroundings.

"Holy shit." he said abruptly, flicking off the flashlight and shoving it in his pocket. As far as he could see, there were several crashed cars, a few houses on fire, corpses ripped apart and scattered around the island. Random debris, luggage, and trash thrown everywhere. Although it was clear that some of those corpses were walking around, some faster than others, aimlessly walking around the island. These fuckers were everywhere, and it seemed they were lucky to have been on the top floor and woke up only to the two of those zombies. Would they still be alive and gotten through the night if they were somewhere else?

Cole looked down at the fire escape, and it seemed somebody had already used it, from the broken glass and blood trailing down it. It only went down maybe 5 floors, but it was a start. There were other blood trails on the balcony, but it seemed as though those people had taken a one way ticket to pavement town. He didn't try to see if those body were below him, even though he had a feeling if they were, they either had walked away or eaten like a chicken wing at the bar.

"Let's get a move on then." he said, careful where he was stepping as he walked onto the fire escape. After helping Alinda got on with him, he slowly descended the fire escape. The sounds of alarms, burning fires, and screaming, both near and far, assaulted their ears as they went down. Most of it was coming from the island around them, but some of those screams were also coming from the hotel itself. They knew that their were survivors, but how many were actually safe.

As they got to the 15th floor, the end of the fire escape, it seemed like there were three corpses on the balcony that led to it. One was slumped against the wall, and two others were almost right in front of the stairwell, looking like a few chunks missing from them. Apparently whomever had fled his penthouse party hadn't made it very far. "Oh god... just, watch your step."

Alinda nodded rather blankly,”Alinda, Cole. My names Alinda. I’m a-uh... journalist from New York.” She was still trying to process what was happening. Her panic for the moment was gone, replaced by unsurity and... doubt?
It seemed that she still couldn’t seem to process this. These people overcome with some kind of madness. She avoided looking at the dead man on the floor nearby.

She followed Cole past the now dead woman and to his own suite out of hers. Fortunately there were no more of these psychos to contend with, for now anyway.

Though what little optimism she clung to seemed to dissipate as she heard Cole swear and joined him in looking down below at the chaos. ”Oh my God...” she said bleakly, seeing more of these afflicted people below, hearing screaming and witnessing as the island itself descended into hell it seemed,”They’re...everywhere. The island. What the hell is this? Cole, what-“ she stopped herself from asking. He, like her, had no idea what was happening.

She complied with her new companion as he lead her down the fire escape. It took every fiber of her being to constrict the fear that tried to overwhelm her. Any second she expected one of these blood-washed lunatics to leap from a window and drag her inside, or knock her from the fire escape down to a crushing death.

She took steady breaths as she followed Cole, keeping her arms pinned at her sides as she followed. At the sight of the corpses at the base of the fire escape she had to clench her throat tight to avoid vomiting.

My god! she hissed”Have they been eaten? Are these afflicted people cannibalizing each other?”

She couldn’t bear it anymore, she leaned over the railing nearby and released a torrent of puke over the side, clear and putrid.

Well, it did seem in fact like they were eating each other. He had guessed they were at least biting each other, remembering back to when the large man almost tried to bite him. But to think they were eating each other? It was a lot worse than he thought. Also, it seemed like they weren't attacking each other. Most drug addicts usually didn't care about whether they hit their fellow drug addicts or not. With this some kind of illness? A virus? But to have spread this quickly already... Something much worse was going on here. He wasn't so sure that any of them were safe at this point. This was hell.

"You may want to try and keep some of that left in you. If this island has gone to shit like this, I doubt the McDonald's is open." Cole said, gently patting her shoulder, trying to at least calm her down a bit. If his body wasn't full of adrenaline, he stomach would most likely turn as well. This stuff was just... gross.

As they descended to the balcony he turned on the flashlight, taking a good look around the room. It was small, a bit of a mess, some dried blood. Nothing stalking around the corner anyways. After helping Alisha down from the fire escape, one of the dead bodies started to move. "Alright, hopefully the stairs aren't barred off on this floor. If not we're gonna have to find another... What the hell?' the body creaked and cracked as it turned it's head towards the two of them. It was a middle aged woman in a business suit. Her arm was almost to the bone and her torso was eaten to ribbons, but she slowly shambled over to them, going to get up. The other two bodies, although not as damaged, slowly started to rise as well. The lady made a screaming sound, launching after him.

"What the... how is she even still alive?" he said, seeing her body launch at him. He side stepped out of the way, grabbing the back of her neck and sending her off the balcony. There was a loud screech followed by a sickening splat, other zombies on the ground turning to see what caused the noise. It seemed like her screams attracted some friends, as banging could be heard at the door. The other two zombies were slower to get up, but they were only mere feet away from them.

Cole looked down and saw that their was a balcony down a floor and to the left, although it wasn't close enough to simply jump without risking a 15 foot drop. "Look, we need to get to that balcony over there. I want you to start climbing across, the windowsills are big enough for you to stand on. Just hug the wall, go slow, and don't look down." Cole said, as one of the other two zombies approached. He kicked it square in the chest, causing it to stumble and fall back. Even louder banging could be heard on the door, and it didn't seem like it was going to take much more.

"Look I'll be right behind you, just go. We don't have too many options, and I really don't wanna go back up. This might be the best chance we have."

Alinda just couldn’t process this. That woman, she looked like a corpse. A live, moving corpse. She had to stop herself from freezing up as she saw what she saw, and when this man effectively threw her over the railing. Alinda didn’t know what she felt, aside from terror obviously. Disgust, wonder, additional fear?

She felt weak at the knees as she saw the other two “corpse-people” begin to rise up.

The banging at the hotel door seem to snap her out of her sub-catatonic state along with Cole urging her on. She blinked several times as he directed her on what to do. Climb across window seals huh? Alright, simple... In truth she didn’t care for the idea, but what else could they do? No point in turning back. The door was obviously out of the question, as was a fifteen story drop.

”Right,” she said with forced confidencewe've got this. Climb across and jump, simple. Just... watch our back.” she said, indicating the creatures that persisted back in the room.

”Look, here...” she handed him her knife from her pocket as she stepped up onto the nearby, narrow, windowsill.

”Kill them.” she insisted.

Cole nodded, catching the switchblade in his hand and snapping it open. He watched as she climbed up on the window sill. He really hoped they weren't coordinated enough to follow them, but what other choice did they have? He at least needed to clear the other two in the room. That would give enough time for his new companion to get far enough over where they wouldn't be in any danger. "You're doing great, just keep it up. Don't worry about me."

Although the truth was, he was most certainly worried about himself. One of the two remaining zombies, the one he hadn't kick, charged at him, but instead seemed to throw a punch at him. He blocked, caught a bit off guard by it as the zombie pushed him into the balcony. He now half hung off of it, trying to keep his feet firmly planted while holding the man off of him. The zombie bit into his shoulder, but the leather protected him, the teeth having a hard time piercing the hard leather shell. This gave Cole just enough time to shove the blade right through it's eye socket.

After a few quick stabs to make sure it was dead, the body seemed to pin him against the balcony as the other zombie approached. Struggling fiercely, he managed to slide the body off of him just in time to throw a left hook at his attacker. It stumbled back, and Cole didn't give it any time at all, following up with a clean roundhouse kick, snapping it's neck in an awkward spot and having it lay in a heap. Only moments after this he could hear the sound of the door breaking, holes starting to peak through and soon hands were clawing out.

"Shit." Cole muttered, knowing there were seconds left before that thing burst. He had to risk a jump. All those years of parkour would have to pay off, as he leaned back at the edge of the balcony, hoping to take a running start. As soon as he took a deep breath the door burst open, and several of the things sprinted towards him. Only a mere few feet away he dashed himself, using the railing as a stepping stone before launching himself off the end of the balcony. A hand was mere inches away from grabbing his leg, but now out of the reach of the zombies, he was sailing towards the balcony, hopefully in reach of anything. He extended his arms out as far as he could and managed to catch the bottom of the railing with his right hand. All that adrenaline running through him was the difference, in inches, between living and dying a horrible death.

"Well hey, uh, I made it like I said."

Alinda dropped down onto the balcony, falling to her knees slightly from the impact. She stood briskly and looked back up, the things above snarled and growled, though didn't seem to be leaping after them. Fortunately. All they did was flail about at the edge, roaring in fury and waving their arms at the pair. She looked to Cole then back up abruptly, and then back to him again.
"Knife," she held her hand out ,"you can fight man, I need a weapon."

She hoped they didn't have to do that again. Despite the much needed adrenaline surge, she didn't like the idea of tight-roping along balconies and windowsills while waves of cannibals tore at them. "We need to go, get to the security room. That or... maybe a car? I mean we might could make it to the parking garage. What do you think?" In truth Alinda didn't want to be at this accursed hotel any longer, she just wanted to flee, to get away and maybe find a ship or a plane or some way off of this island now.

"I don't know... I'm more worried about right now and getting out of here alive. Come on, the security room is up ahead."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Andrew Temple

Despite the utter insanity that had gone on outside, one resident of the hotel had not been asleep. He had tried, of course, but a mixture of paranoia and simple restlessness had prevented him from doing it. Instead, he had been at a table that currently acted as his work desk, doing a mixture of watching television, writing notes pertaining to very different things in a small notebook and picking at a large packet of chips he had picked up the day before. Every so often, he would tap his shirt pocket, feeling the comfort of a small rectangular shape.
Two more days. He had made all the arrangements. It was going to be risky, but it was worth it. They knew of his disgrace, and they also knew how good he was. They would want him on their side.
And if they didn't, he had planned for that, too.

His television had been turned right up, blaring some sitcom he didn't bother to remember the name of. He had also been too invested in writing to bother turning the channel, or even turning the damn thing off altogether. He desperately wanted to go outside, have a swim, get with some random women...but, of course, he couldn't risk that. The FBI were almost certainly still looking, and it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that they tracked him here. There were plenty of American tourists here, after all. If caught, he certainly wouldn't get a trial. His new "Friends" would have him murdered in prison long before the case got anywhere near a courtroom, and that was assuming the FBI wanted him alive at all...

Best not to think about that now. Things would work out fine if he kept a cool head. Which, as it so happened, was pretty difficult with some annoying noise he heard just outside his door. It had been going on for a while, but stuck in his thoughts, Andrew hadnt bothered to notice it properly. If was some sort of shuffling followed by crashing into walls. He sighed and got up, pulling on his suit jacket.

"Ugh, i wonder if this one's drunk from this morning or last night."

Strolling over to the door, he pulled it open. He thought this was a good hotel, he wouldn't have to deal with drunken retards constantly all the time...

Usually he wouldn't have minded a woman in a swimsuit being right outside his door. But unfortunately, those thoughts were interrupted by said woman launching herself at him almost as soon as Andrew opened the door. His fist flew, catching the woman in the head, but barely fazing her. About a hundred thoughts registered in his head in a split second, but one thing he did before opening the door almost certainly saved his life.

Andrew's right hand had been in his jacket, doing up a shirt button that had come loose earlier without him noticing. As the...thing launched herself towards him, instincts kicked in, and his hand barely had to move two inches before resting on a handle. He brought it out, opening the handle with a practiced flick, slashing over the woman's eyes. Briefly blinded by their own blood, they didn't block the second strike, Andrew's knife burying itself in her throat.

The woman fell to the floor, his knife still protruding from her neck. Andrew took a deep breath. He had been in fights before, but killing...that had always been against criminals. He had never killed...wait, what the fuck was this thing anyway?

Turning the corpse over, Andrew retrieved his knife, before checking the corpse. Milky eyes, grey tinted skin, gums pierced by teeth clenched together. He knew the symptoms of Rabies, but this...didn't quite check out. Plus, did it even cause such violence in humans? He looked up, the door to his room had swung almost closed, and without the TV noise, he could hear a lot more of what was going on outside. It varied, but didn't bode well in any way.

Looks like he would get to go out after all.

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