Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Island Nation of Balruba

February 17th, 1947
Elements of the British 14th Brigade under General Kunacker officially surrender at Fort Salàna, and the Balruban Free Army (BFA) take 480 men prisoner. The battle here is the last official engagement between British and Balruban forces on the island--following eighteen months of intense guerrilla warfare and nearly six months of standalone fighting. This day is also considered the birth day of the Balruban Navy, when Balruban guerrillas boarded the HMS Cornwall, a U-class British destroyer and christened her the BNS Mejos.

February 22nd, 1947
Delegates between the Balruban Free State and the United Kingdom arrive in the capitol of Bagha and discuss the terms of the end of the Balruban War of Independence. This is canonized in the Treaty of Bagha, where the United Kingdom and all the relevant nations in the Allied Powers recognize the independence of Balruba as an independent and free nation. Similarly, within thirty-six hours, the United States, Soviet Union and neighboring Brazil all requested foreign embassies to be established in the capitol city.

March 1st, 1947
The Constitutional Conference began in Balruba. Held by the Founding Brothers, those esteemed statesmen, military minded individuals and businessmen who helped Balruba earn it's own independence, would now write it's own constitution.

Constitutional Conference
- The Constitutional Conference is the set up for Balruba, with the Founding Brothers helping to determine what form of government and what laws Balruba will take.
- Influence: Every character has a starting influence.
* State Faction characters start with 50 Influence + X Influence (X being their age - 25).
* Military Faction characters start with 30 Influence.
* Business Faction characters start with 10 Influence and can spend $1 Million to buy 3 Influence. (Must determine how much influence they purchase on their first action).

- The Constitution will have Seven Sections. Each section has three options. Each turn, which represents 1 in-game day, players will post IC and represent their views and ideologies and then privately PM how much influence they will spend and on which option. The option with the most influence is selected and embedded into the Constitution.
- For the Legislative, Judiciary and Executive Branch. For every +1 Influence a State Faction character has over any other, will be granted preference during Government Set Up.
- In the case of a tie, the option with the most influence from State Faction characters is selected.

Issues to be Discussed
- Legislative Branch is the branch that authors and writes legislature.
- Judiciary Branch is the branch that interprets laws in the country.
- Executive Branch is the Head of State and determines how strong it's powers are.
- Armed Forces is the Army, Navy, Air Force and Security Ministry of Balruba.
- Voting Rights determine who can vote.
- State & Religion determine whether Balruba is a secular or religious state.
- Separation of Powers determine checks and balances.

March 2nd, 1947
The first day of the Constitutional Conference took place on March 2nd, 1947 in Bagha, the capitol of Balruba. While it remained the principal and guiding minds of the Founding Brothers to dictate the future of Balruba, it was an amalgamation of nearly 500 different writers, statesmen, former and current soldiers, businessmen and entrepreneurs who would all have a hand in the Constitution.

The Constitutional Conference begins, 1947

Thus, the first issue of the Constitution of Balruba was the decision of it's Legislative Branch.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 11 days ago

General Elliot Webb

General Elliot Webb, a man not known for idleness or politics, would be found as one of the influential speakers within the Constitutional Congress of Balruba, after having led the Air Force of the Balruban Independence War. He had been a key element, having known British Air tactics and thus being able to fight against most British Air elements with surprising effectiveness with the few resources he had at his disposal. However, Webb was out of place in a room full of politicals and statesmen as he was a man for war plans and flying. Though, he could not turn down an offer to have some say in the formation of a new nation, especially after leading the Air Force as he did.

When the time came to speak of the legislative branch, he immediately seized his chance so that he could get his ideas out first. Webb spoke loudly and clearly, stating, “It is within the interest of the nation as a whole that we adopt ideas close to that of the Americans, given their proximity to us and their strength as a whole. Thusly, we should adopt a similar bicameral legislature that the people should elect, furthermore, the people will feel more pride to live within this nation we have fought so valiantly to create if we were to allow them to vote on who gets seats within this legislature.” He had been calm and clear-spoken in an effort to make himself heard with a room of hundreds of different ideas.

Those close to him would support these ideas, especially those who understood the importance of not angering the Americans whose home had not been touched by the likes of an independence war or the wrath of World War II. Webb would say little else regarding the Legislative Branch of the new Balruban Government, allowing the politicians and statesmen to take control of the situation in a field that he admittedly knew little in. He would later admit in his biography that, “-[he] felt as if the [politicians] would care little for what a military man would have to say, but I was thinking tactically to avoid conflict against a foe that we would not be able to defeat.”

He would be known to be a rather silent character when it came to the likes of politics, but he would allow tactical thinking from his military career to guide his actions in the likes of these subjects.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rupert Sullam III

A familiar face sat around the first rows of the constitutional congress, flanked by other members of the New Balruban Front, as he listened intently to the chorus of voices bringing to bare their opinion on the future of their legislative branch. To his own disdain the room was full of all manner of beings from a plethora of backgrounds, many he deemed unnecessary for the formation of a constitution. Despite the vital role of the armed services, the military had no place in the administration of government in his mind and numerous others in the room had done little more than sit around whilst patriots such as himself had campaigned tirelessly.

It was then that a man he recognised, one Elliot Webb, spoke on the matter. Concise, and too the point, there was a slight guffaw from from those around Rupert. Even the party leader could not help himself from a gentle chortle at the remark. Seizing upon a break in the sound, Rupert stood and waited with his hands raised as a slow hush fell and one of the comparatively elder statesmen begin his position on the matter.

"Whilst I respect the effort, the blood, and the expertise of the General Webb, I think I can speak for a majority here when I say our nation has only just escaped the dominance of one global power. Many of you know me, know my passion, built over decades of pushing for independence, and you will all know I would sooner die than give this finally sovereign nation over to another global power. We should not be looking outwards, but instead turn inwards to soothe and heal this fragile new country and the citizens who now desire peace." Rupert paused, allowing for those who supported his sentiment to make themselves known across the room.

"The world has only recently emerged from a conflict brought about by extreme ideology, and it seems in the coming years that it will soon become embroiled in another. Do we really want to dive head first back into such an affair? I say no! This country will require two houses in its legislature, to better represent the will of the people and protect them from the danger of extremists. With the first house elected directly by the people, and having the second selected. By protecting one of these houses with selection, rather than election, we will insure that the corruption and interference rampant in other countries can be expunged from our own. BY working in the tandem we will balance the short and long term needs of the people for the betterment of the nation." He gestured vaguely in the direction of the the Balruban flag.

"This is the right answer for the people, and the one that all members of the New Balruban Front will be supporting in their loudest voices." At that, a chorus of cheers and approval erupted from the members of the party, taken up by those around the room who also shared that particular view. Rupert sat, pleased with himself, and smiled as he peered around to hear what other voices might have to say.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

General Trevar Rothington

The general of the armed forces sat quietly in the middle of the room as the voices continued to discuss while he had studied political science while in school. After joining the military he never thought he’d have a chance to create a nation like which he was doing now. The first voice was a fellow military officer General Webb, who wished for the lines to be blurred with that of america who was our great neighbor. The next noticeable voice was that of Rupert Sullam a man who has plenty of political expertise but only that for which his party seemed to dominate.

Ultimately the general cared little for the legislature but wanted his voice to be heard. He stood up and sushed the others down so that he may speak.
Gentlemen, while there are two good options on the floor, I believe a third alternative maybe at hand.I believe a single house which would be elected by the people would be the best choice. If we have two houses it requires a lot of back and forth when we have one house it would merely require one vote pass or fail. Clearly we can all see the positives in that.” The general then sat back down and let the others continue.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Arthur Adkins

Balruban Popular Front

Adkins was a firm believer that the bicameral system wasn't needed by Balruba, he had managed to convince most of the BPF that a unicameral system was needed by Balruba not a disruptive and costly bicameral system.

"The Constitutional Conference speaks of the great achievement of the Balruban people. We have made it this far by virtue of seeking the progress of our nation, thus we must focus on bringing up our country to modernity and bring about laws that will make our nation shine in comparison to the old and convoluted systems of governance that exist in countries such as the United Kingdom. That's why we don't need two cameras constraining the process of the legislature. A single camera is representative enough of the wishes of the People and let's not forget that a single camera will be much less costly to maintain, all that money can be put into the betterment of the government services to its people"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James Zemurray took to the podium and cleared his throat before continuing to speak

"Gentlemen, friends, and citizens of Balruba! On behalf of my compatriots to the north, I wish to congratulate you all in these trying, yet hopeful and exciting times. While I may not be a citizen of Balruba, I have the fortune and privilege to call many of you my friend. It is for that reason that I wish the best for the nation and its people. Thus, it is out of concern that I have come to speak in this Conference. The United States was designed with one basic concept in mind. To preserve liberty and freedom for its people. Not only from Tyrannical Kings, but also from the tyranny of the majority. We have all seen the horrors that have occurred in Germany, and how populist uprisings in a Republic could lead to the gruesome images that we have all undoubtedly seen of the various concentration and labor camps such as Dachau. The government must be a beacon of stability, not subject to the fickle whims of the people or to the trickery of a charismatic artist, thug or charlatan.

Thus, I urge you all to vote for the formation of a bicameral system that values both the value of the people and of the provinces of the state. This is a form of governance that will provide a voice to the minority that would otherwise be washed out and prevent populists from causing unrest and instability in this new nation."



James speaks out in support of Option 1.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 11 days ago

General Elliot Webb

"I must disagree with both Mr. Adkins and General Rothington, a bicameral legislature elected wholly by the people would be the best for us. While yes, the process of making laws would become longer, I do believe that it is this system that has allowed for nations like the United Kingdom and the United States to stand. The United States is one of the most modernized countries in the world and they have this style of legislature. Additionally, investing power into one authority is a risk that the legislative branch would become corrupt. As such I cannot justify my decision being for a unicameral legislature." These were the final words of Elliot Webb regarding the legislator as he allowed those more qualified than he to make a decision of this government. It was this silence on the government that perhaps made his presence at the Constitutional Congress rather lackluster than what someone would have expected of him. However, he would allow his fellow supports to go and talk for him.

One such man was a Lawrence Watts, a fellow defector from the RAF, would later be mentioned to be the passion that followed Webb's words where he would speak fervently of how the people must elect all parts of the legislature and how it must be debated by two in order to ensure it is truly the best for the people. Where Webb was calm and composed, Watts was fiery and passionate, however, Webb would often tap the shoulder of Watts to reel him in if he ever got too aggressive. Webb would not allow Watts to speak too much out of a fear that whatever Watts would say would be interpreted as exactly what Webb would want. To avoid such a problem, it was said that Webb had explicitly told Watts to avoid speaking.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Island Nation of Balruba

The first day of the conference was uneventful. Evidence of the beginning formation of the Balruban state began to take shape as the discussion of the Legislative Branch was the prime topic of discussion. A heavy emphasis on the legislature being manned and determined by the People was considered a massive victory for populists and communists, who sought out the overbearing rights of the people versus the state. The second day of the Conference carried itself to the Judiciary and by whom the highest courts in the land would be empowered by.

OPTION I: The Legislative Branch shall be a bicameral legislature, with both a Greater and a Lesser House, so as to fully furnish and represent the whims of the People and the Provinces, with powers and functions being delegated between the two, with the People electing the Greater House and the Provinces or Executive appointing the Lesser, as to be decided by the Enacting Government. [12 Votes]

OPTION II: The Legislative Branch shall be a bicameral legislature, with both a Greater and a Lesser House, so as to fully furnish and represent the whims of the People and the Provinces, with powers and functions being delegated between the two, with the People electing both the Greater House and the Lesser House. [3 Votes]

OPTION III: The Legislative Branch shall be a unicameral legislative, with a Single House encompassing the totality of powers and functions and them to be elected by the People. [23 Votes]

Article II. The Judiciary Branch
OPTION I: The Judiciary of Balruba will be made up of a Supreme Judiciary of dedicated judges to be appointed by the Executive.

OPTION II: The Judiciary of Balruba will be made up of a Supreme Judiciary of dedicated judges to be selected by the Legislature.

OPTION III: The Judiciary of Balruba will be made up of a Supreme Judiciary of dedicated judges to be elected by the People.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Rupert Sullam III

Rupert found his seat early, alongside other members of the New Balruban Front, to settle the matters of the judiciary promptly. He carried with him a briefcase filled with a stack of papers on a number of different ideas and some notes to be used in his speaking for the party. Swiftly enough the room soon filled with the other members of the conference, amidst the rising racket of hundreds of voices Rupert too sought to converse with those around him on potential points of order before finally the speaker called to open discussion on the judiciary of the new constitution. There had been lengthy discussion within Rupert's own party on this matter, making it something of a cause for great division, and they had finally come to a majority over the position that would be adopted. Standing to speak on the matter first, Rupert allowed the room to fall into relative quiet before opening.

"It is vital, in any modern and liberal nation and this day and age, that a government - as well as the citizens it represents - be held accountable to the laws of the nation. There are, however, numerous problems that arise to challenge true just law. I begin with the criminality of the individual, for if we were to allow the power to invest judges to rest in a single individual then they would be beholden to he, and he alone. Any of you with half a brain could rightly see the risks this carries of allowing for awful misuse of the rule of law to suit the nefarious desires of someone unfit to rule." Rupert would raise his hands, challenging to meet the gaze of all those sat around on the front benches.

"We cannot ignore the opposite, however, in the form of a trial by the masses. A court placed entirely within the hands of the populace, made up of men at the whims of popular support, creates a group who will be bent time and time again by necessity of re-election over the truth of justice. When the lives of our citizens hang in the balance I will be ashamed if this conference finds it at all feasible to hand over power of the courts to the voting masses, allowing for manipulation and popularism to abuse the most sacred of governmental pillars. Accountability. This is why it is impossible to consider any other option than a system in which our supreme judges are selected by the legislature. As representatives of the people, as well as politicians of some repute, we will enjoy some of the protection from the need to popularise the judiciary system, as well as safety from the horrors of an individual becoming above the very laws they are sworn to maintain." Rupert lent forwards, his arms resting as he smiled charmingly.

"Gentlemen, you must understand that what I speak is the truth, I thank you for your time." And, with that, Rupert returned to his seat, immediately conferring with the team around him before the next speaker were to rise and take their turn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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General Trevar Rothington

The Judiciary while important to the General wasn’t what he came here for nor did he care to much but he had to keep up an appearance. “Gentlemen, the judicary should be appointed by the executive as our true leader of the land only they will know who is the most efficient and important judges in the land.”
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