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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Maldur lazily cleaned its face while Kazudain sat, pensively. A target falling in the midst of conflict isn't anything new to the man, but knowing that Juan had fallen so quickly still left a bad taste in his mouth. At the time he had given a brief introduction to the other swordsman, Enishi, his mind being elsewhere he couldn't help but be a little curt. He would apologize later when given the opportunity.

Now, he sat with the other investigators before Athos, speaking of both the new character that was unceremoniously dragged in, and of Keith's capture. Letting out a deep breath, Kazudain let go of the rising tension within while giving Maldur a scratch behind the ear. He perked up at the mention of going after Lisia; later he would approach Enishi but wanted to see what the man would say.

Tibrus was going over a copy of Keith's testimony and Intel, but his mind was elsewhere. The mans desire to leave this country was strong, not so much that he would fight his way out, but the words spoken under breath...

Alone such would be simply categorized as lunacy, but it seemed too coincidental with both the current situation and Lumina's reason for coming to the kingdom. The threads of time were weaving something the could prove most troublesome, yet the evidence was lacking. Until more appeared, Tibrus could only dwell on the feelings within, and hope that when the truth appeared his feelings were for naught.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



What...was going on here? Seleth had desperately wanted a moment to collect her thoughts. Engage in prayer. Meditate a bit and maybe get something to eat. She was more than happy to share it with Nur as well...but what she wasn't happy about, was two apparent troublemakers standing right in her home. Curiously, they were not here to bother her, but rather Nur. Were they here to cause trouble for the poor girl some more? Either way, Seleth wouldn't have it. Not in her Cathedral.

"...I don't know what you two apparent troublemakers are here for," Seleth interjected with a sigh. "But if you don't recognize me then you have nothing but a single rock between your collective skulls." She stood up straight, giving both of the boys a cool look. "Seleth Thenri. recent victor against the princess in the tournament." Varjan's name was dropped, too. What did he have to do with this.

"I do not mind guests here in this holy place, but I will not tolerate troublemakers." Seleth narrowed her eyes at them. "...and Nur is currently under my watch. If you are here to cause trouble for her, then I will only ask you nicely once to leave." She was still concerned about Varjan and the others, but this situation was more immediate and she'd be a poor host if she left Nur to these two.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous

"I'm fine, thank you." Lumina looked behind with a wary smile, at the words of concern.

"He's dead. We can't do anything for him now."

"... Yeah. I know." She knew Juan was lost. There were certain rites she wanted to perform, but it seemed as though he had moved on without confusion. Good. Someone came and gave her summons to the citadel. She would be along in a moment, but first she wanted one of those cards. She spoke some words for Juan softly before rising and moving to the cards today had embedded themselves in the ground. She carefully drew her power out of her arm and crunched down to retrieve one of the cards. The aura of whatever person threw this was probably still on it. She carefully tucked it away before responding to the summons.


This whole thing left a bad taste in her mouth. A million things she could have done even just slightly differently, but she shouldn't get caught up in that. Beating herself up isn't going to change anything. Their newest associate gave an introduction, and she learned good ol' Kieth North was in the building. She'd definitely have to visit him.

She turned to Rimilian, curious, "are you from around here? I come from a land out at sea, myself." Especially now that he took the mask off, his scent was different from most of the things she found around here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Nur might stay, for a little while. Grasping for a thread of hope. Something to prove her wrong.

But she will answer the call, when it comes. Just like Orne and Zeen had. Just like many more.

Radiant Cathedral

Western Gate

"...I don't know what you two apparent troublemakers are here for, but if you don't recognize me then you have nothing but a single rock between your collective skulls. Seleth Thenri. recent victor against the princess in the tournament."
Seleth Thenri

Orne's eyes widened and Zeen raised his eyebrows. "Bulls***. There's no way an upstart like you could've defeated the damn Princess." He denied your truthful claim.

"I believe her." Zeen adjusted his glasses. "Seleth may not be the perfect Dark Elf but a liar she is not. Very few of the Light and Dark Elves are." Orne was not happy with Zeen's assessment but he grunted in agreement.

"I do not mind guests here in this holy place, but I will not tolerate troublemakers... and Nur is currently under my watch. If you are here to cause trouble for her, then I will only ask you nicely once to leave."
Seleth Thenri

Orne glared at you and reached for his axe on his back but Zeen stopped him with the raise of a hand. "Peace, Orne... for now. If Seleth can defeat the Princess, we stand little chance against her..." Zeen said. "...for now."

The two boys then quietly left the shrine, leaving you and the quiet Nur. "Thanks for... covering me, Seleth. Although, I do wonder why Varjan wants to see me. I'm a nobody. No one likes me. If people don't ignore me, they usually throw insults at me." She then glared at you, in hate and envy. Snarling, she continued. "At least you get to beat the Princess. At least some people give you respect. At least you get to be--"

Nur stopped herself. "I-I'm sorry." She apologized meekly. "I really am all what they say. You show me kindness and here I am being a b*** to you."

Luminous Citadel

~~~ @Frozen0Titan (KAZ & TIB), @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI), @ZAVAZggg ~~~

"My name is Rimlian. Rimlian Greylock. And there is no need for you to apologise. You could not have known that I would be caught up in the events that transpired today."

"I humbly thank you for consideration." Athos bowed.

"With the information gathered from Sir Keith, the investigation will target the mastermind: A woman named Annabelle Orlov." Athos declared. "With Keith's help, we will track her down and bring her to custody. Keith says she will most definitely resist so we must bring our best when confronting and arresting her."

"This last operation of the investigation will be taking place as soon as possible. Please be ready when you are called. If there are no more questions then this debriefing is over." The Court Mage finished. "Oh and, if you wish to visit Keith, you may find him in the dungeons beneath this place."


Should any of the investigators visit Keith, they would find him in a special cell that is guarded by elite-looking guards. The iron bars looked plain but they and the rest of the cell were reinforced with magic, making escape supremely difficult. Not that Keith was going to attempt one.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Seleth frowned. This was...odd. Troubling. Something just wasn't sitting well with her. This entire situation just smelled of...wrongness. Not to mention that thing with Varjan. So far it seemed like everything was leading back to him...but what? What did it all mean? Seleth frowned, grinding her teeth together as she watched the two leave. Should she stop them? Maybe she should, but that wouldn't solve anything right now. She was still tired after that fight with the Princess, and she didn't want to poke a hornets nest as of now.

"...Nur," Seleth narrowed her eyes coolly at the other girl. "I'm not so thin skinned as to let a little insult get to me, besides," Seleth took a few steps closer to Nur. "Such feelings are natural for humans. Envy. Anger. Only a fool tries to deny it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't used to feel those things myself, almost every day when I was attending the academy. I can't tell you how many times I was both angry at myself, jealous of others for their freedom." Seleth sighed, electing to not elaborate on her own familiar situation and history for the moment. "Sometimes I, rather shamefully, even acted on such impulses." She locked eyes with Nur. "So tell me, Nur. Are you pathetic? Are you a fool? Are you so weak as to act on such impulses? You endure such insults daily. You are not as weak as you think you are. All you can do is make a promise to yourself to try to both be, and do better."

Yawning, Seleth stretched.

"Aaaah, that fight with the princess left me tired. You said you'd like to join me for some meditation earlier, hm? I'm not letting you take that back." Besides, she was worried about this whole thing still. She wasn't going to let Nur out of her sight if she could help it. Those fools wouldn't dare to cause trouble here in the Cathedral. She would bring down the full force of Lady Aylama on them if she had too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Radiant Cathedral

Western Gate

"So tell me, Nur. Are you PATHETIC? Are you a fool? Are you so WEAK as to act on such impulses? You endure such insults daily. You are not as weak as you think you are. All you can do is make a promise to yourself........."
Seleth Thenri

Nur was listening intently at first, inspired by your words, the deadness in her eyes regaining life. But as you continued, she stopped listening. Stopped completely, freezing in place like a statue with her eyes wide.

A bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the shrine. "I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!" Nur screamed, repeating the mantra over and over again. The quiet home of Aylama shattered by one single girl. Try as you might, you could not get her to stop or to respond in any way at all. She only sobbed and apologized. "I'M SORRY I'M WEAK! I'M PATHETIC! I'M SORRY!"

Her deranged cries attracted attention from the other patrons of the cathedral. It all happened fast, surreal even, and the next thing you knew, Nur was being escorted out of the holy grounds by a pair of Dark Elves.

With that little incident over, the rest of the day went about normally. Well, as normally as it could after witnessing a mental breakdown.

--- THE NEXT DAY ---

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Today was the big day. Thanks to your unexpected victory against Lisianthus, the Princess of Razelia herself, you would be the one to face Varjan instead. Indeed, very few was unsurprised by your win. Some didn't even believe but the results spoke for itself.

Your departure from the Cathedral was not quiet. Practically everyone in the Radiant Cathedral had gathered to see you off, offering their supports and prayers for your battle against Varjan. They said that if Aylama had granted you victory against the Razelian Princess herself, she would surely see you through Varjan as well. They even prepared a special carriage for you to take you to Seraph Academy.

Being inside the wagon, you could take the time to savor the sights of the final days of the Grand Academy Tournament. Things were livelier than normal in the city square though you could see that most people were heading the same direction as you, toward Seraph Academy. It was no mystery to you that they were going to see the grand finals of the tournament.

You soon reach your destination and upon stepping out of your carriage, you were received with much fanfare. As you walked to the main arena, students and teachers alike greeted you and wished you the best of luck. Even from those whom you were certain disliked you. You were told to head to the arena as quickly as possible for Varjan was already there and waiting.

But as you entered the main arena, just before you enter the actual field of battle, you were greeted by a familiar face. "We meet again, Dark Elf. I congratulate you for making it this far in the tournament, beating even Lady Lisianthus." The Lot Knight with the sleepwear armor motioned you to come closer.

In a shallow gap in the wall, somehow a secluded area away from the eyes and ears of the public, the Lot Knight continued. "I am very sorry for this, Dark Elf, but I need to talk to you. You see, your opponent Varjan... He is cheating." The Lot Knight revealed. Perhaps you wondered why a prodigy like Varjan would need to cheat. "I saw him using, well snorting... something when I came to see him. I have reason to believe those are enhancing drugs."

"I know it sounds crazy but you must believe me."

Luminous Citadel

~~~ @smoken ~~~

Another day, another coin.

At least, that was how things were before the Grand Academy Tournament arrived. Then, it was practically work all day. The festivities have increased the burdens of the guardians of Zauberheim but such was their duty. However, a recent incident have drawn the majority of the city guard's attention.

An investigation started by Athos, the Court Mage of the royal family, uncovered a crime ring within Zauberheim that ran a profitable operation selling illegal drugs and enhancers. With the Grand Academy Tournament ongoing, the targeted customers was obvious. A small clash in the Southern Gate Town showed that the ring was not just a bunch of schemers, they had dangerous people among them. Dangerous enough to reliably stand up against the authorities.

Fortunately, a member of the operation was captured and had spilled everything with strangely little coercion. With the mastermind identified and her whereabouts knows, it was time to deliver the final blow.

You were called to assist in the arrest and you would be joining the investigators as well as elements of the city guard. On the way to the rendezvous point, you met up with a knight-looking person wearing silver armor and the colors of the city guard. "Ah, Lady Castoran. Well met."

While he knew you, almost every knight in Zauberheim, maybe even Razelia, knew him. He was the famed Sir Vitalion, a master in both the arts of the sword and the magics of Amalya. He was one of the greatest Arcknights of Razelia, even friends with the King himself. However, one day he suddenly left the Arcknights and signed up as a simple guardsman in Zauberheim. No one knew why but regardless, he was soon made Head Captain as he was better leading guardsmen than serving as a grunt.

"I am glad that a knight of your caliber would be joining us. I shall be honest though, the foes we will face have a LOT of tricks up their sleeve. I have no idea what to expect." Vitalion said as you and him exited the Luminous Citadel. "I'm sure you have been briefed about our mission but still, do you have any questions? Any thoughts about it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by smoken
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lady Halleine of House Castoran

A knight in shining, but slightly faded armor. A blue cloth adorning the shoulder. Each step, a slight thump and a noise far restrained for an almost complete set of armor. Almost. The helmet dangles on the hip, at least for now.

The full glory of the knight's visage is shown. Ladylike face, stern eyes but a slight smile. Hair, almost as white as snow, a bit frizzled as if it's gone through a lot of wind, and yet it still has quite the flow. A tiny scar on the nose of her bridge. Where did it even come from? A simple accident, she says. Reflecting on her cheeks is the shine of an odd blade, a greater sword of the greatswords. Its steel shines like no ordinary iron, a faint bit of bluish color on its glimmer. A crossguard of pure, but fading gold. Halleine Castoran, she was, and she was striving and slowly succeeding to make a name for herself.

Before her was another knight. Sir Vitalion was a man whose name resonated among knights, guards and infantrymen. Though now just a simple guardsman by his own volition, he still had the respect of almost everyone in the land save for, well, criminals, dishonorable rebels and most importantly, the maliciously envious. To be quite honest, Halleine was envious, too. But he had her respect too, so in a way, her envy is more of a despire, an aspiration to surpass this man. Working with him was an honor, no matter how little the work. For him, his legendary name is all great deeds. For Hally, her name may be her once-honorable family name for now, but she wants great deeds, too.

"My pleasure, Sir Vitalion."

Halleine tightened a piece of loose armor for a moment.

"No idea what to expect? Kind of concerning when you say that for a mere doping den. But it is really concerning when they say a pack of the most wanted rogues are running it.

I'l be curious though, what do you have that makes you... ready?"

Perhaps a glimpse of Vitalion's abilities would let her see how well-prepared they are.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous

They weren't giving up, despite the death of a public official. Good. She wanted to find the person that had done that, and that would likely be easier with the force of this team to shake the hornet's nest. There was, however, something she wanted to do, since she had the chance. "Well, if that's where he is, then I have some questions of my own for him." With a respectful bow, Lumina started to make her way down to the dungeons.

The court mage had been less than helpful in the persuit of her own mission, succumbing to fear in the face of the revelation from the Seers. He had seen to it that she was provided for, and that was some help, but not what she needed. Kieth, however, seemed to already anticipate such a catastrophy, and was planning some way to deal with it. He would not be so easily spooked.

She came to the cell, where she could see the man within. She could feel some kind of power from the cell, itself. The guards looked tough. "Z'at you, Kieth? I've got some questions t' ask you. Nothin' to do with your bein' in here, mind yuh. Just wanted to know more about why you're so eager to leave the city. You mentioned some kind of catastrophy, before, hadn't you?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago




Seleth could only watch in mild shock as Nur began ranting. Was that...a normal reaction? Surely it couldn't have been? Whatever it was, Seleth could do nothing. She tried calming down the girl, but nothing she said was sufficient, and soon enough several other priests were on the scene intent on moving the source of the disruption from the shrine itself.

"W-wait-!" She tried to order them to stop, but it was no use. Curses! Was it something she said? Something she did? Seleth's eyes turned to the ground as the incident soon came to an end. The Dark Elf ground her teeth together, turning and heading for her room as the day swiftly came to an end. She needed to clear her head. A bit of meditation always helped.

The next day came, and Seleth was pleasantly surprised.

Her departure was not quiet. Everyone in the Cathedral seemed to see her off. Had they planned this without her knowing about it? Some courtesy would have been nice, but she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the surprise. Prayers of support and well being met her ears, and Seleth could only smile, basking in the praise and certainty from those around her. Surely they were right? Aylama had granted her victory against the princess, even if it had been close, so of course Varjan would be the same. They even prepared a special carriage. Stepping inside, Seleth took a moment to relax and savor the final day of the tournament.

Ah, she could get used to the royal treatment.

It was pleasantly lively outside the wagon, and Seleth should have been relaxing, right? Certainly, but everything that happened so far sat in the back of her mind. Like a spider waiting to snatch a fly from its web. Try as she might, she couldn't shake some uncertainty from her mind. What happened last night with Nur. Alicia's and Mira's connection to Varjan. Varjan himself...and what the Lot Knight had told her on the first day. Not to mention she was slightly concerned for Alicia. She hadn't seen her since then.

Her grip tightened on her spear.

Well, nothing to be done about it right now.

She had reached the arena, and stepped out of the carriage - and pleasantly surprised, a number of the students were there cheering for her, of all people. Her! Hah, well, it was only right she supposed, but still...after being one of the most insufferable people during her time in the academy she couldn't help but feel she didn't quite deserve it. Well, if they were willing to believe in her, then she'd return the feeling.

Heading into the main Arena, Seleth returned the cheers with waves and thanks for the luck, but as soon as she had entered she was greeted with a familiar face. The Lot Knight. He motioned that he wished to speak with her, and Seleth obliged, coming closer. What he said next however, was of no small consequence.

"Varjan? Doping?" Seleth stared at the Lot Knight, eyes intently trying to burrow a hole into his own, it seemed. The idea seemed entirely far-fetched. Why would someone like him need to cheat? She could only think of two things, either his entire prodigy status was because of the drugs, or they weren't drugs, but something else. Either thought seemed utterly ridiculous...but the Knight seemed certain of what he saw, and Seleth had no real reason to outright deny him.

"...that is difficult to believe, Knight." Seleth replied with a cool, even tone. "Why would a prodigy need drugs? And why tell me, not those running the tournament?" Well, she could likely think of a few reasons he didn't herself. No one would believe him, for one. Still, such an accusation would surely have put a stop to the festivities while an investigation was hopefully made. "I have no reason not to believe you, yet no reason to believe you either. Even if he is," Seleth turned her head towards the Arena. "Not much to be done about it now. Thank you for the warning, Knight. I shall attempt to be cautious."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

(Lumina is in Timey-Wimey Ball right now. She can continue conversing with Keith but she's also at the next day at the gym raid. Sorry for the confusion.)

Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Z'at you, Kieth? I've got some questions t' ask you. Nothin' to do with your bein' in here, mind yuh. Just wanted to know more about why you're so eager to leave the city. You mentioned some kind of catastrophy, before, hadn't you?"
Lumina Lusteria

Keith tilted his head."Why are you talking like that? You just look silly, you know?"

"Anyway, yeah, disaster's coming. I was supposed to be way away from here several pa-- days ago but one thing led to another and now here I am." Keith said. "Although, I am promised release after this so it's bye-bye Razelia soon anyway."

"And you guys better not renege that deal!" Keith suddenly shouted. "Or else! Or else... you'll, uhh, you'll hear from my lawyer!"

"Oh and to save you some time so you can head over and beat the crap out of Orlov, no, I don't know the details of the upcoming catastrophy." The mercenary continued. "All I know is, it's happening soon. How do I know that? You see..." Keith began whispering. "...I'm actually Athos from the future." The guards banged a weapon at the bars, startling Keith away.

"Jeez! Can't you guys take a joke?" The mercenary crossed his arms. "Anyway, yeah, I don't know the details so don't bother asking. Just know that whatever's coming, you can't stop it. Well, maybe you can but do you even know what's going to cause the disaster? Hell, I don't know what's the cause."

"Long story short, kid, get out of here as soon as possible. Before you get caught up in whatever s***show's coming." Keith leaned back. "Now, got any more questions?"

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

A small task force made of the Athos' investigators and several knights and guardsmen of Zauberheim had gathered discreetly near a conspicuous gym. According to Keith, this place was a front for the drug operation. While normal gym activities happened during regular hours, shadier things happened at night. It was closed right now but the force had the authorization to barge in and act like they own the place.

Keith noted that they would encounter the mastermind here, a blonde woman named Annabelle Orlov. The prisoner advised that they arrest her soon since she likely already knew the authorities were on to her and might bail out of Zauberheim to evade capture.

Sir Vitalion was known to Halleine but he was familiar to the investigators as the knight who fought with them against Keith and Hisana in the attempt to apprehend Juan de la Cruz.

"No idea what to expect? Kind of concerning when you say that for a mere doping den. But it is really concerning when they say a pack of the most wanted rogues are running it.

I'l be curious though, what do you have that makes you... ready?"
Halleine Castoran

"Well, I can swing my sword and shoot beams of light from my palms." Vitalion joked. "But I'm serious though. I have fought a member of this 'doping den' and she was quite capable. Likely a veteran mercenary."

"Now that we're all here, I'd normally start with introductions but I'm afraid we don't have time for it. The kingpin, well, queenpin of this operation might be leaving soon so we cannot dawdle." The Head Captain looked at the gym. It was a plain gym with 'Kill Moves' marked above the entrance. Quite large in size and the structure itself was mostly made of stone. It was inconspicuous in every single way.

"So how do you all want to do this? Do we go in quietly or just kick open the front doors?"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

"Varjan? Doping? ...that is difficult to believe, Knight. Why would a prodigy need drugs? And why tell me, not those running the tournament?"
Seleth Thenri

"They will not believe me, madam." The Lot Knight replied. "More than that, they may just see it as an attempt to besmirch the boy's name... and invite unnecessary trouble to my kingdom."

"I don't think he is a regular user, however." The knight added. "He did not seem... used to it. It looked it was his first time." The Lot Knight looked to the arena. "I think he used the drugs because he fears you. You defeated the Princess, after all. An unexpected turn of events. I think that rattled him, made him try to guarantee his victory against you."

"But... that is just what I believe. You are pretty close to Varjan, why don't you ask him?" The knight joked.

"Not much to be done about it now. Thank you for the warning, Knight. I shall attempt to be cautious."
Seleth Thenri

"You can attempt more than that, Dark Elf." The Lot Knight stopped you.

"Varjan has ingested and imbibed a lot of drugs. I mean, a LOT of drugs. More than an average person can handle." The knight said. "Varjan may not be an average person but that can't be good for his being. He may be standing there at the moment but he's going to burn out sooner or later."

"That's your key to victory, Dark Elf. Forgive me but I doubt you could beat him in a straight fight." The Lot Knight continued his advice. "What you have to do is outlast him. Hold out until he burns out. It shall not be easy, I admit, but it's the best shot you have." The knight then bowed. "I thank you for listening to me. Heed my words, Dark Elf, and may your goddess be with you."

You and the Lot Knight parted ways with you heading off to face Varjan truly this time.

Your eyes adjust to the brightness as you enter the arena itself. It was a large, round platform with glyphs and markings on the floor. Surrounding the arena were the immense and filled to the brim audience seats. The loud murmurs grew louder when you appeared. The confluence of thousands of words made them just sound like babble so attempting to make them out was futile.

At the fore was your opponent, the infamous Varjan Caldeyron, the boy prodigy who breezed through the tournament. He did not look much different from the last time-- No, that was not true. There, you saw on his cheek, a dark blue color drawn like roots of a tree. It was then you realized those were his veins, as if some evil corruption had tainted his blood and was now flowing freely inside him. You also noticed he was panting and a little bit jittery but his glare was focused on you.

The referee quieted the crowd and explained the rules of the fight. You already heard it before and likely so did, Varjan. "And without further ado, BEGIN!"

Varjan quickly thrust his arms towards the sky and the bright, sunny day immediately turned dark. The crowds went with an 'Ooohh...' as the rumbling of thunder came with the gray clouds. Varjan turned back to you, waiting for you to make your first move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Taco Time - Special Holding Cell

"Why'm I..." What, the fact she didn't talk like these blokes? Should she just cover it all the time, then? Sounded bothersome. "Eh, it comes an' goes. You looked pretty funny in that dress, too, didn' ya?"
But in the end, Kieth was the first to claim he didn't know anything. He said he was Athos from the future, which was supposed to be how he knew it was coming. It was true that a coming cataclysm could be anything. The vision and the Seers' wisdom together provided only a certain perspective, though it was the Seers' job to not only receive but interpret the vision. Normally, others might get involved in the interpretation, but this one had been handled more carefully.
So supposing he was from the future, that would make him... Probably a key component of the catastrophy. There was more to ask him, but without more information, she couldn't know what. It was a preposterous thing in the first place, but she couldn't count it out in the face of a great unknown cataclysm. Unlikely as it was.
"Ok, Mr. From-the-future-cataclysm..." She tried to reach her aura out to read him, but she couldn't seem like she was taking him too seriously, either. Not that she put much stock in his words anyway. This guy was hard to read normally, either he was just a bit crazy or he was telling the truth. Or both. Time travel would probably do that to you. Would trying to get a read on him this way even help? "If you're from the future, then wha' do you remember? I jus' so 'appen to be chasing a calamity. If wha' you say is true, then this city seems, indeed, to be my destination. But that's a lot to go on from a- well, sorry to say it, but you come off as a little looney, don't you?" She was tempted to stick her arms through the iron bars and lean, but she didn't know what kind of power enchanted then. Could be painful.
She took another look at Kieth. If what he said was true, that could have made him looney. But, again. That's a big if. "Tell you what. I can go and put your memory to the test. Then we'll know if you're on the mark or not." She really wanted for a solid lead, anyway. This was about as good as she could expect. She couldn't just go around asking any ol' body, she saw how the Court Mage reacted.

Today - Weird Gym

"'Kill Moves'? People buy into stuff like that?" She kind of wanted to wreck up the place on principle, but the laws here were different. And that may or may not actually be what they're selling. She couldn't really come up with and anything catchier or as easy to remember that also got the point across. Made of stone, so lots of greys and browns. Nothing to draw the eye besides the name. Inconspicuous. And yet, in being so, it became the perfect suspect.

She'd come with all her gear, today. She'd gotten some leather armor pieces, since the previous day, seeing as she was in such a dangerous place. It was layered over the blue button-up and dark grey slacks. The crystal pack on her back glowed softly, wrapped in a frame of some white metal, which was sat into the harness she wore for it. The white mantle she wore was crafted to rest around the pack, the designs remaining undisturbed by its presence.

The captain spoke, and she considered the question. "Is there a rear entrance? We could enter from there, first, and if things so south... If there's no upper floor, I can fire off a signal. I'd hate to hit someone with that, though."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 7 days ago



The princess turned to the sudden greeting to find Mira standing there. Mira seems to have, of course, heard the news - how the princess was defeated in the semifinal round by Seleth. The upset rattled quite the many, most of all Lisia herself. Mira asked if Lisia wanted to join her in getting food. Mira probably thought that the loss wounded her spirits, understandably so, but Lisia already told herself that she wouldn't let it affect her. There was also the fact that Lisia's mother told her to return to the castle immediately after leaving the infirmary. The Queen's words still stung, so much so that her defeat seems insignificant, Lisia knew it'd be best to not keep her waiting.

"Oh, hello Mira!" Happily replied Lisia, masking her shaken esteem. "Indeed, I was defeated by Seleth. She's alot stronger than I though at first, I shouldn't have taken her skills for granted." The princess looked away from Mira for a moment, pausing her speech. She then begins walking in the direction of the castle, but not before turning to the eastern mage again.

"I apologize, Mira, but I have to return to the royal castle for right now. There's a bit of family business I must attend to. Forgive me, I promise that if fate permits it I will set aside time for us to converse and further enjoy one another's company! Oh, and don't worry about me, one loss isn't enough to get me down. I'm not sure if I'll make it back in time for the final match, if I don't please cheer on Varjan and Seleth. I'll be rooting for both of them!"

With a slight wave of her hand, Lisia bade farewell to her mage friend and undertook her trek to the castle. She wouldn't admit it, but her heart was pounding with anxiety. She shudder to think what her father had to say to her, much less her mother.



Hisana sat on the table, legs crossed, as Anna gave her final orders. The picture of Enishi and the other masked mage faded away from the poker cards Hisana was holding, dissipating into crimson sparkles. After folding the cards in her hand, they vanished without a trace.

"So, you DON'T mind if I butcher him after all. That's a relief, I was afraid that you might have been smitten with him. I would have felt terrible having permanently separate you from your betrothed...💧" Said the fight manic in a sarcastic, yet ominous tone.

With that, the dame hopped off the table and headed for the door. But not before one last utterance. "Annabelle, darling, I really am going to miss those pretty eyes of yours. I suppose it was fun while it lasted.~❤️ Said Hisana, as she made her way out onto the streets. She supposed that she would have to find a way to get to Keith. No doubt he's being detained somewhere, she thought. Using her elastic alchemy and deft acrobatics, Hisana made her way up a nearby rooftop where she overlooked the night sky. She had some fun in this kingdom so far, even meeting Enishi again. However, at this point it just wasn't enough for her. She was only able to kill one person so far, albeit one of high importance and standing. Something else was needed, something more...dramatic. That's when she though about that one boy. What was his name again...? Oh! That's right, his name was Varjan. She had remembered the boy who was to be her opponent during the second round of matches. She was told that the boy was a prodigy and that she would more than likely be crushed if she'd faced him. All the better, she could use the entertainment.

It was settled, after she killed Keith and before she went to Enishi again, she would see just how strong this Varjan boy really was. It'd be best to wait until after the tournament, when there are no longer any rules or constraints. She could cut loose as much as she wanted. Truthfully she couldn't care less about killing Keith as a means of following orders. Hell, if it proved to be too much trouble she could just turn on Annabelle and fight her instead. She's probably handy with that knife~♤ She thought.

Stretching a bit, she thought about what to do next as she stared at the moon shining in the sky. If no one bothered her, she would kill some time until the next where she would make her next move.


@PaulHaynek @CitrusArms @smoken @Frozen0Titan

Seeing the masked mage take his leave, Enishi was glad that the civilian did not wish to get himself involved with the investigation. Though he was alittle little disappointed that they were losing such a skilled fighter. No matter, though, Keith was detained and they were at the pivotal point of busting this drug ring. Of course, the bounty hunter had some few questions for Keith himself.

"Thank you Athos-san, but as I said Hisana is my target. I'll handle her myself." Replied the bounty hunter.

Having made his way to Keith's cell a little after Lumina did, he starred into the eyes of the captured convict. He was a bit taken aback by the mercenary's words of disaster befalling Razelia. It seemed that even he didn't know the exact cause, but he didn't sound to be joking despite his disposition. After his explanation, Enishi has his turn at asking questions.

"Greetings, brigand, you can call me Enishi. Although, I'd rather we skip the formalities and get down to business." said Enishi, who shot a gaze so cold it could rival his icy sorcery. "I understand that in addition to working with this Orlov woman, you were also alongside another. Does the name Hisana ring a bell? The young woman who we saved you from getting sliced up from? Athos-san tells me that Hisana wants to kill you, and that she'll be coming after you. If you're truly willing to cooperate with us, then it will make it easier for me to deal with that woman. After all, I can't see you being enthralled by the notion of being stabbed, sliced, or otherwise decimated by a flurry of playing cards."

While he did agree to assist in the kingdom's investigation of drug abuse, Enishi fully meant to capture his target once and for all. And with Keith's help he hoped to make that goal easier.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by smoken
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Halleine Castoran

@PaulHaynek @CitrusArms

(and maybe) @AzureKnight

"Well, I can swing my sword and shoot beams of light from my palms."

"That'll... work, I guess. I can swing my sword and shoot beams of light too... but also from my sword." His was a rather vague description, if it was accurate at all. But if he had his own reasons for keeping the surprise, such as snitches in the corner or Orlov having excellent hearing, that'll do.

"But I'm serious though. I have fought a member of this 'doping den' and she was quite capable. Likely a veteran mercenary."

Halleine kept silent, but her eyes looked down in slight concern. Of course, Juan de la Cruz still bit the dust despite the best efforts of the team that even Vitalion was in, and the fact that they're dealing with unfinished business right now makes sense when the crime ring is that potent enough to refuse to be quashed in one go. Hisana was reportedly the most dangerous of the bunch whose tricks put some nasty scratches and cuts in the armor and skins of knights and mages, as well as on Juan's face and brain. Orlov, on the other hand, is a big unknown in the history of unknowns, but the fact that she runs the entire gang is not something to be taken lightly.

Here she lies in this gym. Quite spacious and sturdy, but nothing else looks interesting about it except... "Kill Moves" on the entrance? Who wrote this? Why write this? Maybe it's a gym that trains some suave killer moves. Maybe it trains literally killer moves. Maybe something more ominous. Whatever. This is the spot they were about to raid, and there's no time pondering its history.

"Now that we're all here, I'd normally start with introductions but I'm afraid we don't have time for it. The kingpin, well, queenpin of this operation might be leaving soon so we cannot dawdle."

"So how do you all want to do this? Do we go in quietly or just kick open the front doors?"

"Is there a rear entrance? We could enter from there, first, and if things so south... If there's no upper floor, I can fire off a signal. I'd hate to hit someone with that, though."

"Nice meeting you then, Captain. And you too, whoever you are, but we can introduce ourselves later." Halleine smiled, and the smile became obscured as she put on her helm. "We could really use some sneaking in like she said, and it'll be nice too if there's some holes to crawl in. Just... make sure our armor isn't loose enough to clank too loud. Tell some people to secure the exits too in case anyone escapes."

Following this, Halleine swapped out a piece of metal in the base of the blade of her sword for another piece with the Null Circle written.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Seleth said nothing to the knight as she left for the arena. So this wasn't going to be a battle of force on her part, but of endurance. She could probably trust the Lot knight in his assessment. It made sense, after all. If he really did use a large amount of drugs then there was a very good chance he overdosed...but there was still one thing bothering Seleth. Why? Was it something to do with what happened with his mother that day? Or Alicia's deception?

Well, now wasn't the time to ask.

She stepped into the Arena, eyes adjusting to the brightness. The noise of the crowd was indiscernible from the sheer amount of people present, but Seleth paid it no mind. No, she was focused entirely on her opponent. Varjan Caldeyron, and it seemed the Lot Knight had been correct. His veins bulged on his face, like the twisted roots of a tree. Just a small part on his cheek, but it was visible. He was panting, jittery, but focused.

Well, she wasn't going to let some fool who lacked confidence in his abilities win.

What she wasn't entirely prepared for however, was the sudden change in the weather. Dark clouds rolled in, earning an audible gasp from the crowd. Some sort of weather magic? Seleth frowned coolly, fixing Varjan with her own glare. Normally she'd return a bit of a flashy show with one of her own, but she couldn't waste magic on being overly flashy here.

"So, Varjan." Seleth began, taking a ready stance, holding her spear ready in front of her. "I always respected you, you know. The prodigy of the academy. I get it though. How heavy the expectations of everyone else feels." Seleth didn't attack, she wanted Varjan to make the first move. She simply prepped one of her mirrors, ready to counter any attack Varjan might throw at her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI) ~~~

"Tell you what. I can go and put your memory to the test. Then we'll know if you're on the mark or not."
Lumina Lusteria

"Are you... are you taking me seriously? Again?!" Keith burst into laughter again. "Ahahahahahaha! You... you're... I like you! I really, really like you, Beastie! I hope you survive whatever's coming 'cause boy oh boy, the world's gonna be a sadder place without you around. Haaaahahahhaha!"

Once Keith calmed down, he continued. "Okay, to make it clear: I'm not from the future. Time travel doesn't exist. Okay, it does but not the way we think it does. Oh, and I'm not Athos." Stifling a giggle, he added. "You said you're chasing a calamity foretold? You came to the right place then 'cause whatever's going to happen here, it's gonna be big and it's probably going to affect the entire world. Again, I don't know the specifics nor will I tell you how I know these things. That, you can take seriously."

"And I'm not sticking around to find out." Keith grimly declared.

"Greetings, brigand, you can call me Enishi. Although, I'd rather we skip the formalities and get down to business. I understand that in addition to working with this Orlov woman, you were also alongside another. Does the name Hisana ring a bell? The young woman who we saved you from getting sliced up from? Athos-san tells me that Hisana wants to kill you, and that she'll be coming after you. If you're truly willing to cooperate with us, then it will make it easier for me to deal with that woman. After all, I can't see you being enthralled by the notion of being stabbed, sliced, or otherwise decimated by a flurry of playing cards."

"Oh, Hisana! Your girlfriend, right? Yeah, I know her. Annabelle asked me to recruit her for the operation. She wisely accepted instead of getting beaten to a pulp by Zauberheim's golden boy."

"Yeah, she's probably gonna come after me. Not only does she want me dead but I'm pretty sure Orlov herself is gonna want me dead too since I pretty much wrecked her entire shindig by revealing ourselves to the authorities." Keith replied. "I guess you can follow me as I leave Zauberheim. That's probably the best bet that Hisana would show up to kill me."

"Not that she can, though. I'm immortal, after all."

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

"Is there a rear entrance? We could enter from there, first, and if things so south... If there's no upper floor, I can fire off a signal. I'd hate to hit someone with that, though."
Lumina Lusteria

"Nice meeting you then, Captain. And you too, whoever you are, but we can introduce ourselves later. We could really use some sneaking in like she said, and it'll be nice too if there's some holes to crawl in. Just... make sure our armor isn't loose enough to clank too loud. Tell some people to secure the exits too in case anyone escapes."
Halleine Castoran

"Very well. We shall post some men guarding the main entrance, ready to kick them open once we give the signal. Meanwhile, us three will circle to the back and try to find a rear entrance and take the criminals by surprise." Vitalion said the plan. "As their base of operations, I'm sure they have an alternate exit should they get discovered. Like what's about to happen now, hahaha!"

Vitalion, Halleine and Lumina left behind the main force and went around the gym. The alley behind the building was not spacious but it was enough room that the gym had a sizable pair of cellar doors that likely lead to a room beneath the gym. "There it is." Vitalion grabbed both of the doors' handles and his hands began to glow brightly. The handles then melted, unlocking the rear entrance. "Let's go."

The Head Captain took point and descended to the gym's basement. The flight down the stone stairs did not take long and the trio found themselves in a spacious room filled with long, empty tables and lots of crates and boxes of varying sizes. There were also a few people inside, sorting out equipment and putting them inside crates. The trio realized that this was the lab where the drugs were made and it was currently being evacuated.

The people in the lab stopped in their tracks once they saw the trio appear. "We didn't exactly have any place to hide." Vitalion remarked to Halleine and Lumina as he pulled out his sword and the people in the lab scrambled in panic.

"Damn it! They're here!" A woman in a black and white dress screamed. She had long, blonde hair and crimson red eyes. She looked young but had command over everyone in the lab. "Someone take care of 'em! Then it's every man for himself!" She barked an order before bolting off upstairs, likely to the gym proper.

Several people followed her upstairs while five stayed behind to battle the trio. The four grabbed some short swords and spiked cudgels while the last one went over to a box and began rummaging through its contents. "The guardsmen will be waiting upstairs. Let's take care of this!" Vitalion told Lumina and Halleine.

The Head Captain charged and began fighting one of the two swordsmen. The criminal was clearly outmatched and so, the other swordsman joined in. That left the two cudgel men and the one on the box.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS) ~~~

Tomorrow arrived and you found out that Keith had been released from custody and had immediately left Zauberheim. He had not gone far though, he was likely just at the outskirts.

And indeed he was, you saw Keith heading away from Zauberheim playfully twirling a staff and singing a tune. "The coconut nut is a giant nut. If you eat too much, you get very fat. Now, the coconut nut is a big, big nut. But this delicious nut... is NOT a nut!" He was completely alone and there was no one else in the road. It was the perfect set up for an ambush. Or so it seemed.

Regardless, it appeared Keith was oblivious to your presence. "...from the coconut familyyyy!"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

"So, Varjan. I always respected you, you know. The prodigy of the academy. I get it though. How heavy the expectations of everyone else feels."
Seleth Thenri

"Do you, Seleth?" Varjan spat. "Do you really?"

Before you could answer, a thunderbolt loudly struck a position beside you. Soon, more bolts struck at the arena continuously and randomly. Some even struck near Varjan but the prodigy was undeterred. They probably would not even hurt him. With the environmental hazard set up, Varjan began the fight truly.

Varjan raised his right foot and brought it down the arena, shaking the floor and throwing you off balance. Maybe even off your feet. You are reminded of your first tournament match with Sir Eats-A-Lot. Regardless, you were distracted and only when you recovered you saw that Varjan was no longer there. You immediately realize he was behind you and you turn.

The boy prodigy was indeed behind you and pretty close. Close enough for him to seize your neck with his right hand while his left one curled into a fist and began burning with fire magic. He raised the fist and aimed for your face. It was no mystery what he was trying to do.

But at least now, you were able to react.

The Grand Palace

Palace Garden

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

Yesterday, you dutifully returned to the castle and faced the judgment of your father. While his calm words were but a simple expression of disappointment at your defeat, you felt that they meant more than just disappointment. After rebuking you, he immediately dismissed you, never calling you again for the rest of the day, leaving you to eat dinner by yourself.

The next day arrived and you were still left with the cold shoulder. With nothing to do, you find yourself in the palace's beautiful garden. Its serene, quiet peace always lifted your spirits. "Hey sis!" A familiar voice greeted you. It was your little brother Lutz with a happy smile on his face that fell immediately. "Hey uhh, I know we kinda left you alone yesterday on purpose but..."

"I just want you to know that father didn't mean it. I mean, he kinda did but-but I'm sure he'll forgive you. I mean, it was kinda the most important tournament in Razelia but-but you'll make him proud anyway! I'm sure of it." Your brother attempted ease you. "I'm sure an opportunity will present itself. And then it will all be alright!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Seleth grimaced as Varjan spat at her, but was given little time to react as lightning slammed into the ground from overhead. Such power! To set up such an overwhelming environmental hazard. She really wanted to try speaking with him more, but there wasn't much she could do. If she got blasted with even one for all she knew, she'd lose - hell, she might not even get a chance to do anything but lose.

The ground shook, throwing the dark elf completely off balance, nearly off her feet, but she managed to balance herself before she could be in such a vulnerable position, but that wasn't enough. By the time she had, Varjan was behind her - damn it she should have moved away, but he was far too quick! Could a human be this quick?!

She felt his hand wrap around her throat, a small gasp of startled air left her lips as she was seized. If this was how this fight was going to go, she was going to need to do everything she could just to not be defeated so easily, and she wasn't about to lay down and accept defeat. She had come too far. She was going to return home a goddamn hero, and she wasn't going to let some lousy boy who lacked so much confidence in his abilities best her.

Seleth took the only second she could to react, returning the favor - a flash of bright light as she used one of her dazzles, followed by her own swift uppercut to Varjan's chin. If all worked, she'd be free of his grasp with only minimal damage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Taco Time - County Jail Dungeon

Lumina smiled and nodded a little, yeah, "yeah, maybe I shouldn't have taken you so seriously before, but this is... Different, maybe." She cleared her throat. "You require varying degrees of salt, but.. well, my purpose in being here is too stop this catastrophy, and I will succeed."

She let Keith speak, getting one important confirmation out of him. She was in the right city, and this on the right track. "Thank you, Kieth. That's all I've got for you, though... No, there's one other thing. This card. It's one of the ones that was thrown at you, brother to the ones that killed Juan. Do you know about who used it?"

Wierd Gym

Hm. When she said rear entrance, she was hoping for something behind, not something below. That said, this was the worst scenario. Her rear entrance dumped them out into the middle of their preparations, completely exposing their presence. That said, at least they all knew where the other was. No getting away in secrecy like they were hoping.

Men ran off up the stairs. Maybe they had a third way out upstairs, maybe they didn't. She had to give her signal, but her friends were sorely outnumbered. If she could even the odds just a little, she wouldn't feel as bad about a short time away. She just needed to see the roof. That guy, rummaging around in a box in the middle of a fight. Perfect.

She knew what she had to do. Forging allies in her fight against an unknown catastrophy, presently, this was her task. Now she just had to do it! Power flooded her legs, and reinforced her fist. Mustering as much speed as she could, she burst forward, on a beeline toward the guy at the chest. She'd trip someone on the way, given the opportunity. She'd go for one, swift knockout punch before then beelining it to the stairs. She'd climb partway up before stopping and gathering her power into her hands. It took a second to focus it, but then she'd unleash it in a beam, upward and toward the front. Her signal to the guards out front.

That job done, she'd draw her weapons, powering on her shield first and regathering her strength.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Thank you, Kieth. That's all I've got for you, though... No, there's one other thing. This card. It's one of the ones that was thrown at you, brother to the ones that killed Juan. Do you know about who used it?"
Lumina Lusteria

"That's Hisana's. Enishi's girlfriend. Enishi being the guy beside you." Keith answered, motioning to the Eastern swordsman. "She'll like you, you know? Although, I don't think you'll like her."

"Anyway, good luck with your little disaster hunt. You're gonna need it 'cause you don't even know what it is nor any clues or leads about it." The mercenary added. "Me? I'll be outta here. Don't have to worry about it if I get far enough."

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

The man on the box took out a corked vial. He popped off the cork to drink the contents within but you clocked him straight in the face, putting him out of the fight. Your beam burst forth to the sky, blasting a hole through the first floor and through the roof. You already hear fighting on the upper floor.

"Beastkin! Watch out!" Vitalion warned while you were gathering strength and powering up. A cudgel man had approached and brought his weapon up for an overhead swing. It was time to fight.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Varjan did not see your dazzle coming and relented his attack, allowing you to send a sharp uppercut at the boy. The grip on your neck released and Varjan was knocked a few steps back. He put his hand on his chin, not from pain but from surprise.

You saw him smirk, you shattered his illusion that you would go down with a fight. Varjan returned his gaze to you and raised his hands to the sky. The dark clouds overhead heeded his call and sent several lightning bolts to his palms. With hot plasma burning in his grasp, Varjan then turned his arms sidewards and shot out the bolts in all sorts of angles.

The lightning hit the arena's invisible protective dome, bouncing from it and all converging towards you. The bright, blinding bolts surrounded you and you had seconds to react. Being always on the defensive was unwise, but you had advice from a certain knight. You knew you just had to weather the storm, literally and metaphorically.
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