Imagine a flag with these colors but better
Name: Free City of Boston
Location: Boston; eastern Massachusetts (Map TBD)
The legions of Old America seized control of Boston two centuries ago, bringing the city under strict martial governance as a measure to deal with the scourge that had swept across the Old Empire. This period is characterized by Institute scholars as having been brutal though perhaps necessary to the survival of Boston. What had been at first an assignment became a permanent military state that maintained its power through force and executed those believed to carry the plague. It transformed eventually into a quasi-knightly order, splitting the city and the surrounding land into quadrants ruled by its officers on behalf of the Governor-General, or Lord Protector as it was later styled. Today, these quadrants are known as First Base, Second Base, Third Base and Home Base by the Red Clads, but otherwise by their civilian names. House Ressocks, the current ruling family of Boston, once served as Enseeos – a type of underling – for the knightly lords of First Base.
The Cambridge Institute came under the service of the military government almost immediately, as did the Harvard Academy, for the purposes of finding a cure to the Great Sickness, though no real progress was ever made. Military rule over the city began to decline upon the discovery of an Old World specter still haunting the city. Institute scholars put the date of the discovery at over one-hundred years ago, when excavations and demolitions by the military order – presumably for the purpose of reinforcement or land-clearing – were halted by an invisible force thought long-dead. Though not much is known about this phenomenon today, records made by the military order in the earliest days of their rule speak of an intelligence said to have been in control of much of the city before being destroyed – presumably – for unknown reasons. The reemergence of this phantom proved problematic, and marked the decline of the order's grasp on the city.
The Ghost of Boston is long gone now, but before its disappearance it wrecked havoc. For reasons unknown, by means unknown, it swept through the city, bringing things to life and forever ruining others. The mayhem it created for the ruling class then allowed for the rise of the House of Ressocks and for the academics of the city to free themselves from what had become indentured servitude. Spurred by the Professors of the Cambridge Institute and the Harvard Academy, Preston Ressocks, then head of the minor House of Ressocks, mounted a people's rebellion that culminated with the dissolution of the military order and the establishment of a Republic. For a short time, the specter lingered and aided the recovery of the city, but vanished violently shortly after, leaving an unfollowable trail of destruction. This post-military period of Boston proved difficult at first, but the city would ultimately blossom into a relatively prosperous society encouraging scientific pursuits and trade through its innumerable guilds, becoming a hub in the northeast.
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