Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Geyter
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It was a large, well-lit white room, easily accommodating over fifty people. Several miniature ship replicas were displayed on rows of shelves while nautical charts and graphs along with topographic island maps were either rolled up and stacked atop each other, or were hanging from the walls on all sides of the room. In the middle was a massive wooden table and over it was a large-scale map of world and blue seas with cartography tools scattered along its edges. It was where strategic planning and maritime tactics were usually discussed.

Across the room, opposite to its entrance, were transparent glass sliding doors leading to a garden balcony overlooking the entirety of Marineford. Many have said that this was the best view on the island, but most often than not, only one individual had the luxury of experiencing such a sight on a daily basis.

It was close to an hour past dawn and Vinsmoke Sanji, current commander-in-chief of the marine naval military, found himself staring blankly at the horizon before taking a few puffs of the cigarette he was holding between the base of his right hand's index and middle finger.

More lean than muscular, his skin appeared scarred and wrinkled, while his blond hair lacked its former luster as it had completely grayed. Dressed in an untucked white frilled dress shirt, black dress pants, and black leather shoes, despite being hooked to numerous intravenous lines and having both his legs encased in metal casts, Sanji silently sat in a reclining wheelchair, enjoying his morning.

Nearing the age of eighty, Sanji knew all too well that he was long past his prime. He no longer was the brash youth he was before; he was merely another old man who now had a lot on his shoulders.

It had been less than a decade since the reformation of the Marines, yet they still had inadequate manpower to sufficiently help all the seas, be it the Four Seas, Grand Line, or the New World. Everyday they searched and screened for recruits suitable to serve their cause, regardless of their questionable backgrounds or unique eccentricities. Fortunately, their more recent crop of applicants for the naval military seemed promising.

In his left hand, Sanji had a sealed envelope with the letter of approval for the new ensigns along with a list of their names that was to be delivered to the designated officer in charge for them, Captain Salamanca.

The still scenery that Sanji's gaze had fixated on was soon disrupted as a circular door cut out of the air itself suddenly appeared. Sanji's eyes immediately turned into massive protruding pink hearts as the door opened outward from the middle, revealing his most trusted aid.

"Lisa-chwaaaan~! Seeing you always helps start my day off~!" Sanji's nonchalant and serious demeanor turned saccharine in a heartbeat.

"Good morning, Mr. Prince." Lisa said in a stern, almost apathetic voice. She was far too used to Sanji and his "habits".

"You're always so cute when you act all serious~!" He continued, rubbing his clenched fist against his cheeks, trying his best to appear endearing.

"If I may ask, have you gone through the documents I left you, sir?" Straight-faced and straight to the point, being strictly professional and duty-bound were the characteristics that made her the perfect assistant to the commander-in-chief.

"Of course~! I have them right here; signed and sealed~" He said while his hand was extended forward, waving the letter towards Lisa.

"Thank you for always complying with your deadlines, sir." As long as Sanji did what was expected from him, Lisa had no reason to complain. Behind his bouts of pervertedness and inappropriate playfulness with women, Sanji was a man highly respected, and equally feared by many. He was, in a way, a worldly treasure by himself for all the accomplishments both he and his allies achieved throughout their lives.

"But before you leave, maybe you could join me for some breakfast~? I could whip you up some South Bird Eggs Benedict or an Fairy Pumpkin Crostini~? We also have some Blood Flower Tea, Oolong, and Black Hennessy Coffee~".

Sanji continued on, listing more of the exquisite choices available in his personal pantry. He failed to realize that he no longer had the letter in hand and Lisa had already left before he even started to ramble.

In the south eastern coast of Marineford lies a thick bamboo grove atop a hill. It was considered a maze due to the natural bamboo’s incredible length, thickness, and bizarre growth patterns. Unlike typical bamboo, the ones that grew in this particular area were oriented differently, causing them to take zigzag-like shapes and resulting to the formation of numerous pathways within the small forest. If fortunate enough, one would end up in the center where a clear saltwater hot spring was located; this was where the Rainbow Koi were found. They were large saltwater fish with prism-like scales, which caused miniature rainbows to form once they came in contact with sunlight.

Word around Marineford was that the pond itself possessed revitalizing properties and was ideal for recuperation when back from missions. However, a certain individual developed a liking to this place, eventually causing a decrease in its number of visitors. In time, most decided to simply avoid it.

Submerged from the waist down with his back resting against a large rock, Roronoa Zoro, the appointed leader of the Mercenary Corps, made use of the ponds healing capabilities to soothe his aching muscles. He had just finished his routine morning exercises consisting of ten thousand push-ups and ten thousand overhead swings using an iron rod with oversized weights stacked on it.

Zoro was still known far and wide as the infamous “Pirate Hunter”, but after taking a good look at him, it was obvious that time had taken its toll on his body. His hair had begun to thin and turn pale green while some of his muscles appeared contracted. Multiple scars and wounds from hard fought battles had accumulated over the years, covering his whole body.

While Zoro was enjoying the silence and calming warmth, his right eye slightly opened as he felt a familiar presence.

“…Karma.” The former pirate spoke in a low-toned, stringent voice. “Here, boss.”

Immediately after replying, a small female, befitting the disembodied voice that was heard earlier, had appeared out of nowhere. Her visage apparently breaking out of what seemed to be some sort of camouflage. She was dressed in ninja apparel and possessed a long, scaly green tail with hair that appeared tail-like as well.

She was momentarily left speechless given the sight that was in front of her. Aside from Zoro, several Rainbow Koi were sitting beside him, apparently taking a break from all the swimming that they do. They too wanted to enjoy the springs themselves.

Regaining her composure, she quickly spoke. “I’m here to pick up the…” Before she could finish her statement, Zoro interjected with a question that seemed to hold quite the amount of weight, given his tone of voice.

“Did you bring it?”

Karma couldn’t help but take a deep gulp before answering the pirate hunter. “Yes boss; it's right here.” She immediately pulled out the large gourd that was strapped to her back and tossed it towards Zoro.

Catching it with one hand and pulling out the cork that sealed it, Zoro took a whiff of its contents and poured a cup for each Rainbow Koi, before taking a chug for himself.

“Cheap West Blue alcohol always tastes the best.” He said with a grin on his face before taking another swig.

“Glad you liked it, boss. But could I get the…” Before Karma could finish, Zoro interrupted her again by pointing towards his back. Behind him, there was a crumbled piece of paper with what looked to be a bloody thumbprint; this was actually a list of new mercenaries that needed Zoro’s approval before being allowed to join. What caught Karma’s eye though, were the five iconic sheathed blades beside it. He was known to be a Gotoryuu Master, but It had been over a decade since the pirate hunter drew his blades. There were several rumors behind this strange vow, but none were certain on the reason.

Picking up the list, Karma’s body slowly blended into the environment and disappeared.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elizabeth Almeria Nu Delrouge Blementacia

She surfaced for breath once more, before continuing to swim towards her destination at a good speed.

They were supposed to do self training, but all she had really did was repair a toaster which suddenly grew crab legs and wicked pincers. The recruit who asked her to repair it wasn't pleased, but he did mention it was making the best toast he ever had once he managed to catch it. There was her roommate as well, who was rather uptight about everything. Elizabeth wasn't actually too keen on her, finding that sort of attitude rather stifling. With everything being uninteresting in her eyes for the moment, she headed out towards a nearby island to see what she could find there in the name of 'self training', before being told she had to return for a mission the moment she made land.

What more, they didn't even wait to offer her a ride on their boat, and simply sped off, leaving her to make the swim back. At least with all the swimming she had done, Elizabeth was as comfortable in the water as she was on land, being able to move relatively quickly now.

Finally reaching the Eastern port, she hoisted herself up on the pier, before shaking off the water from her person. Wearing her usual wide grin, she approached the group gathering there.

"Am I late? I got caught by a riptide halfway here. Almost got eaten too."

She laughed heartily at that, as if it was a mere joke that she almost died.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SubjectVision
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

okay: three, two, one, let's jam

The early bird gets the worm. That was a rather good saying, although it wouldn't be enough to explain why Aria was a morning person in most of the cases. The mornings tended to be quiet and, unlike the nights, one had the liberty to move around the place without stumbling into any janitors as the sunlight slowly entered through the windows of the hall, a pleasant yellow tinge carefully glazing over the buildings that could be seen through the glass panel of the hallway. A magnificent view that she didn't think she'd ever see.

Marineford. She had made it in.

As lackluster as their training course had been, Aria was understanding of the situation: the rise in piracy meant that there weren't enough hands to have in the base for this matter, as important as it was in hindsight. And, despite how wrong as it seemed, the only way that Justice could be imposed at this point of time meant that the marines were meant to deal with bounty hounters and other assorted scum.

A slight commotion that came from the kitchen withdrew Aria from her thoughts, as a couple of chairs and trays cluttered noisily to the floor, followed by the tiny clattering of minuscule legs and the menacing snapping of claws. The scream from one of the other recruits earned a sigh from her as she ventured into the kitchen and found the hope of the seas attempting to fit as many marines as they could between the countertop and the shelves at the sight of an animated toaster that threatened to snip at their ankles should they get too close.

Less than three minutes later the issue had been resolved by smashing the legs to bits and removing the lower half of the pincers with a couple of precise strikes. A quick spin on her heel and she exited the room, her cloak fluttering behind her due to the movement before settling down as the tapping of her cane faded into the hallway. Aria'd have a word with her roommate later, automated toasters would only cause trouble down the line.

The news of a mission reached Aria's ears later that day, in the middle of her training. The pause had been good, but this made her wonder if they also lacked manpower within the dispatchment department as well. If they were going to give her almost no information on what she was supposed to do, then this was gonna be more difficult than expected.

Orders were orders, nevertheless, and she arrived the destination less than five minutes before noon. Punctuality was important if she wanted to rise through the ranks and have enough priviledges to command a ship or even an entire fleet. She spent the waiting minutes wondering who could Salamanca possibly be before hearing the voice that she had the (dis)grace of sharing a room with. A single nod was given as a salute as Aria adjusted her gloves and allowed the tasteless joke to go unanswered. The answer to the question was apparent in her eyes, and as such she was gonna let Elizabeth figure it out all by herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"My aim is true, my flask is full and my soul is free. That's what makes me THE Candor."

Shouted the hearty rowdy fellas in the brothel, bar & inn. This thin jagged toothed musky fella was not alone as he was celebrating with his crew of some recent victory. Their story was no coherent enough to be told but their excitement was tangible. Their drinks and bellies were running free and the maidens surrounding their numbers were happy to service these men. Though unfortunately not all of these women were here to make some berries. Though walking with more than one jug of full, even over flowing pints, she was not a server. Aela walked with a smile from ear to ear from her free drinks. Slipping away from some poor fella who bought whatever she asked for, in hopes of paying even more for a few minutes in bed with her, was very easy. She knew many of these women here and had no problem asking them for favors. In this case she mentioned to one how loose the mans pockets were and she was thanked in kind by taking such a man away from her.

But whilst making her way to her own table a indiscriminate hand grasped her back side with a ample squeeze. Aela nearly froze after feeling the slithering fingers of a piss smelling pirate caress her. Her shadow seemed to creep along her edges. Her vein growing on her forehead as she put her head down. "Grrr..." A literal growl left her mouth. She took the two jugs and drank them within seconds. Slamming the two drinks on the table she had to wipe the foam from her lips before turning around. "OI! YOU SLIME COVERED TRASH! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!" Her heel was planted in the mans throat as she shouted. He was struggling for air and out within seconds. Though she was still pissed. Luckily for her he had allies that didn't take kindly to her having seemingly just killed their friend. With a flip her hands were on the ground and she began spinning rapidly. Delivering kicks to multiple enemies at once and knocking them down with bloodied gashes on their bodies. She flipped and landed on a table. "Looks like what they own is mine to give. Free drinks on me ladies and gents!" The onlookers rejoiced!

At night Aela found herself looking upon a letter. She was a being tested as a mercenary? That sounded fun. She stretched out laying on the large bed. "Ow." moaned a woman beneath the pillows. Aela was surrounded by women and a few men within a large bed, though some laid on the floor in the room. Empty bottles, attire and other belongings were thrown about on the ground and bed. Aela herself was entirely nude as well. She stretched with a delightful exhaustion. "I need a boat." She muttered, looking at the ceiling.

It was indeed a good morning. The boat she managed to acquire was quite fun to ride. With a slight modification it sailed similar to how her people rode the lava rivers. With water skidding across the underbelly of the boat and the sail drawn wide to ride the high winds Aela was using a rope and balancing along the waves to keep herself going. Luckily she had taken a boat from a ship she stowed away on. Along with a bag of food and some coin. She was smiling with excitement as the port came into sight. The cleanliness of it was a sight to see. Most places were unkempt due to pirate control.

She leaped off the boat and didn't mind it getting caught up in the waves. She flipped effortlessly and landed on the high port grounds. She looked back at the ocean before stepping forward to find the other 'mercenary rookies'.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Solotros
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He had spent very little time in his room since the orientation the previous day, though he was grateful that for the time being he had the room to himself. Instead he had taken to the second part of their instructions with vigor. The moment orientation was completed, Cedric had headed out toward the beach and began training. He alternated between the sandy shores and submerging himself beneath the waves. Since there was a substantial difference in his speed between the two he had to make sure to split his time evenly while training.

Once the sun began to set he ended his training session. Under normal circumstances he would have continued for a couple more hours, but due to the fact that they were told to expect a mission in a few days time he had decided that he didn’t want to risk exhausting himself. Instead he watched the sunset, a slight smile on his face. It wasn’t until night had completely engulfed the beach that he made his way back to his room to sleep.

The messenger found him the following morning, just as he had completed the first of his land based exercises. He was pleased that they would be heading out sooner than anticipated, and interested in seeing who his fellow Ensigns were, but he couldn’t help but be disappointed that they hadn’t waited until he had finished the set. Still he gave the man an affirmative nod and watched as the messenger raced off into the distance.

Since he had been called to action before he could begin his water exercises he decided that to make up for it, at least in part, he would make his way to the Eastern Port via the ocean. His chosen method also came with the benefit that he would reach his destination sooner than if he had walked there. Fully submerged he easily outpaced his land speed. Without any further delay he slid into the waves, virtually disappearing from sight.

His underwater journey was rather uneventful and before he knew it he had arrived at the location they were to meet Captain Salamanca. For just a moment he let himself enjoy being surrounded by the ocean before surfacing and pulling himself onto the pier. One of the other Ensigns had already arrived, a young woman with brilliant violet eyes, and shortly following his appearance another guest popped out of the sea. After letting the latter shake herself free of some of the water clinging to her Cedric approached the pair.

”Hopefully Captain Salamanca will be here shortly.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KrischKrisch
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KrischKrisch Eldest Son of Smitty / Werbenjagermanjensen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


He had made it. He had become a member of the mercenary corps. House would have loved to celebrate it with a round of dice, but he couldn't find anyone around so he settled for a nap instead. Of course that decision wasn't a quick one, seeing as no one had bothered to point him towards a room to call his own. So for his first 3 hours as a true marine recruit House wandered around the marineford looking for a place to stay. In the end he made a wager with a Janitor he met and, after beating him fair and square, acquired a key to an empty room in the Naval Military's quarters. It was a single bed bedroom and even had a small desk. As far as he could tell, House had acquired a room in the far north of the building and he made the Janitor promise to keep their arrangement off the books for as long as possible. Sighing loudly, he tossed his trench coat over the small chair and threw himself onto the bed to finally take his celebratory nap.

About two hours later he was awoken by a flying paper crane, that was bumping against his forehead repeatedly. After unsuccessfully swatting at it for a second, House gave in, opened his eyes and sat up, grabbing the now patiently hovering piece of paper and unfolding it in his dazed state. As he was reading the note he yawned and looked at the small alarm clock on the desk, which was standing in front of the window. Half past eleven. He got up, still yawning and stretching his arms wide, before letting them fall to his sides and standing still for a moment. A second past. "Wait what?!" House exclaimed, suddenly wide awake, and looked at the used to be crane again. "That's thirty minutes from now! I need to get going!" He pulled his trench coat from the floor, as he had missed the chair before his nap, threw it on and ran out of his room, taking the time to lock it behind him and putting the key into the inner pocket of his coat.

House guessed that he took approximately 28 of the 30 minutes he had left, arriving at the Southern Port severely winded and struggling to catch his breath. He leaned himself on a small bollard next to his co-mercenaries to compose himself and raised his head again just in time to see a red-headed lady front flip onto the port side. He tried to straighten up and say something along the lines of "8 points, but the landing lacked style", but instead he coughed, leaned back down and admitted defeat to the shortness of his breath. Taking slow deep breaths, he resigned to waiting for what was to come next.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurena had gotten up early, as she usually did. Life at the Monastery had instilled that habit in her, mostly because it proved the easiest way to get her morning workout done without interfering with anything. It was nothing too strenuous, mostly some jogging in the morning mist around Marineford, and then some kata drills in one of the bamboo glades on the southeastern edge, where the plant life proved very good for striking practice. And yet, for all their quality at it, they hardly helped her ability to unlock the remaining three forms of Kamiken. She couldn't really call herself a martial artist until she mastered all of them, nor would she realistically be an asset to the Mercenary Corps until she at least learned them, but it seemed there was always something stopped her from making a break through. It was aggravating, to a degree, but at the same time she wasn't too worried. There was plenty of time still, and something told her the doors would open when she needed them to.

As she finished her drills she wiped her face with a towel and headed for a rock outcropping on one of the island's cliffsides, where she climbed to the peak and sat to watch the sun finish cresting over the horizon. She'd managed to time it pretty well today, and she'd be able to watch it for a good while before heading back to her small apartment in the residential area. A little bit into her not-so-much meditative session, a paper crane came fluttering toward her on the wind, with some writing visible on the wing. Kurena caught it deftly and opened it carefully, reading what was inscribed. Her face lit up as she read; it was time for a mission! Meet at noon... that gave her a couple of hours to herself still. "Well," she said out loud, "Should at least take a bath first, don't want to be all sweaty at the start..."

A couple of hours later she was walking through the South Port of the island, trying to stay out of anybody's way while still looking around for a gathering of recruits with bandanas. She spied someone wearing the same color, a dark skinned woman loaded for bear with firearms, and with a wave and a smile Kurena strolled over to her. "Hi," she said, "Merc Corps, right? Same here. I'm Kurena. Haven't seen anybody else yet, so I guess this is as good a gathering spot as any?" she supposed, looking around for anybody of a higher ranking.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Geyter
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elizabeth Almeria Nu Delrouge Blementacia

She had only just raised up her hand in greeting to Aria, before being roped off and dumped unceremoniously onto a couch.


Still confused, a tall well dressed man in a top hat made his appearance, further compounding her confusion. As if it wasn't enough things exploded behind him colorfully, and *three more* men appeared. By now her head stopped working and all she could do was gape at the sudden impromptu performance.


A while after, she had finally managed to get herself together, and had just started to enjoy the odd tricks Salamanca pulled out one by one before the briefing started. Retrieving anything useful from a hidden base? That should be easy! Especially when it seemed to be empty considering how he said it. If it was this easy then she was gonna go and do it quickly! Easy job means easy money, and easy money means she can finally eat something good that didn't come out of a trashcan. Though there was that odd island where everything was delicious... It was a pity she had to abandon it after being punched in the face by a pirate, before passing out and drifting around in the ocean unconscious before a large fish had the audacity to try and eat her.

"Don't worry Captain Salmoncar. We'll be right back with anything we find. Right, uh..." a brief pause as she looked towards her companions. "Blue and Fish?"
With excitement in her heart and a spring in her steps, Elizabeth was the first to jump on land, noticing several people running away, but thinking nothing of it. With a shrug, she turned back and called out as she started walking.

"I think its this way?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


It wasn't long after the third rookie joined the ragtag band that there was a deafening crash nearby and dust filled the air, only to be gone in a rush of wind. Kurena had been forced back a few feet, but had instinctively assumed a combat stance that she maintained until she saw the bandanna the new arrival was sporting; it meant he was multiple ranks above them, and from the sound of it he was their overseer for this mission. Well, he was nothing if not bold, given the dynamic entry. And it certainly seemed like he had a martial artist's physique. Maybe she could pick up a few things by watching him work? "Yes sir!" she said as she jogged after him to his ship.

As it turned out, due to Fuzei's method of piloting his ship, she had little else to do but observe him. His movements, his stance, the way he balanced... Kurena had always been more of a tactile learner, but watching a more experienced martial artist move was always a treat. Especially when he harnessed the wind to such a degree that he launched them out and away from the waves that had been threatening to drown them. It wasn't all that applicable to her style, being of entirely different aims and substance, but perhaps...

She was taken out of her musings by Fuzei explaining their objective. A fugitive by the name of Goldann the Wild was on the loose, and he was to be their target. There was some caution to be taken; they were not the first group of rookies to attempt the takedown. And neither of the previous groups had been heard from. That was especially concerning, because it meant Goldann and any of his cronies knew the Corps were after him. "This is probably a good idea then..." Kurena said out loud as she reached up, untied her bandanna from her hair, and stuffed it in her pocket out of sight. She shook her hair loose to it hung around her head and neck, then started walking toward the Salty Spitoon. She glanced around as she walked in the door, and smiled sweetly at all the patrons before making her way to the bar, regardless of the glares she was sure she was earning.

"Afternoon," she said as she sat down, "Anything the barkeep recommends for a girl just off a rough ocean ride?"

Small talk first, she thought, then information can follow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"My aim is true, my flask is full and my soul is free. That's what makes me THE Candor."

Aela was surprised to see that there weren't many mercenaries here. Her head tilted at the sight of only two others and no commander barking orders already. Though this was more of 'do your own thing' kind of deal. She expected a branch of the naval armada to be more organized right off the jump. She sighed, exhaling the fresh salt air still permeating in her lungs. Her legs were still getting a bit used to the solid footing. Rocking back and forth all morning nearly made her want to remove her heels.

She walked with one leg wrapping around before the other. Her hips carrying her long legs as she got a feel for walking on land again. When she was within range she noticed the other two had eyes on her. She couldn't help but rub her nose and plaster a grin across her scarred face 8 points, but the landing lacked style. House shot her way. This removed her cheery smile and replaced it with a glare. Though it didn't last too long. Once Kurena approached her she couldn't help but be amused. She was cute, too cute for a merc. Aela's weapons were strapped to her back, allowing her to put her hands on her hips and look down at the young girl, a bit of ambivalence in her eyes. "Aela the Candor. I can't say I'm too surprised. Who the hell hires a buncha untrust worthy mercenaries anyhow?" She huffed. She began to feel like she was wasting her time.

Just then however the sky echoed with a storm's cry and almost in the same instant she and those around her were blown back. She managed to keep on her feet when landing though. Her hands were up to protect her from any debris and the light show. "I figured it would be someone crazy..." She figured this was the one who would be barking orders. Trying to intimidate a bunch of 'recruits'.

It was harrowing for Aela to have to ride with three others on such a small craft in such a wild sea. She certainly wouldn't risk taking a small craft on her own let alone with more weight than the 'boat' seemed designed for. Never the less she was able to trust this man enough to see what he would do about the waves. Wondering if they would be killed before arrival. She was scared yet intrigued. The adrenaline the sea could give was partially what she lived for. Observing Fuzei's powers made her feel more assured, but her hands still held on tight to the edge of the boat as it literally soared over or through the climbing walls of the sea.

Once landing in calmer waters and told of where they were headed Aela shook off the water on her body like an excited dog. Though the others may of suffered for it. The paper crumbled up and displayed to her was of some wanted pirate. She whistled a bit at idea of their first job going straight for a bounty. Though it was definitely not something she wasn't used to doing. She thought she would at least get some kind of enrolling ceremony. Oh well.

Upon arrival things were calm and simple like any other well behaved town. Pirates loved places like this though. She had no interest in keeping this place safe. She was more curious as to why she wasn't just sent alone. Surely the others would prefer the same. She jumped off the boat and began to stretch as she strolled down the port to get to town. She eyed the two who walked with her then they were directed to the sky. "Say. Does anyone have any booze money?" She asked aloud. Her eyes occasionally looking down to see a shady citizen walking around. Seemed like they were in the rough part of town. Though she didn't know how the rest looked she came to this conclusion on a whim.

Soon the pub door was kicked open. Aela wasn't one to enter a pub quietly. Eager to get a drink she made her way to the counter to sit. Once she did she sighed with relief. "I though I was going to die on that bath. I refuse to take another ride in that thing.." She groaned. Waving for the bartender to come her way and ease her stress.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SubjectVision
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SubjectVision Available Domain Name

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aria didn't have time to react to either the arrival of the fishman or the ropes hoisting her up, albeit her reaction would've been very much minimal at the end of the day. She didn't have any time to recover either as the man that'd later introduce himself as her superior for this mission displayed a showmanship that was both impressive and grating to an extent.

Nevertheless, the fencer held off any sort of comments she might've had about either the magician or the triplets, as they were Marines just like her and she was to respect them and the hierarchy within the military. Thankfully, Salamanca toned down his antics and proceeded to brief the three of them on their mission. Aria's eyes scanned the maps to memorize the layout of the island, the general location of the facility and it's position relative to the town and their docking spot. No questions were asked as none were needed; finding the base would be easy, after all the mountain was in the center so they simply needed to head there and locate the entrance.

Last, but not least, there were these two individuals. Aria would payed attention to their faces and nodded. They would have to be a big deal if she was to judge Salamanca's tone. But no one was larger than Justice, and should she meet them she'd make due with them.

Aria made no atempts to correct her roommate as the three of them descended from the ship; she'd have to do that enough on a daily basis to waste her efforts in this situationThe forest was lush and dense, and Aria thought at first this would aid their need for stealth. However, it would seem that this wasn't going to be the case as her eyes spotted what she believed to be bandits running away. Without missing a beat, Aria raised her cane and tapped it against an open palm as she said her first words to her group in a good couple of hours: "I'll meet you at the base". And, without further ado, she took off to chase after the bandits, her white coat fluttering behind her as she entered the woods. Their mission was supposed to be secret, so she'd take the risk and avoid having these bandits ruin it.

It didn't take long for Aria to intercept the bandits. Even if the grounds of the forest were odd to her feet, she didn't trip nor stumble once as she steadily caught up to the group of fleeing bandits. And once she was close enough to the group, she picked up the pace to sprint through the group as fast as she could, ducking to avoid any swings before kicking the ground and lunging forward with her cane to connect a hit on the back of one of the members at the front, using him as a brake for her dash and bringing him down with the inertia of her run.

Taking advantage of the shock, she turned to face the group in a manner that made her coat flutter and took a proper posture for a fencer, the cane raised at head level. With a clear voice, she spoke to the supposed bandits. "It's bad manners for a welcoming party to not fulfill its meant purpose. I ask of you gentlemen to surrender, lest I'll be forced to make you do so." Surely they'd believe that with numeric superiority they could subdue her, and as such she was prepared to take them down one by one. However, she couldn't extract answers from unconcious people, so she hoped at least one would see that their situation was desperate. And if none of them were in conditions of speaking in a language other than grunts and groans, then she'd tie them down with their own clothes and impede them from moving and spilling the beans after they recover. She'd be long gone by then.

Aria hoped that Salamanca didn't see any of this, else he'd start teaching her how to improve her dramatics.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Solotros
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


His body stiffened as he watched his fellow Ensigns wrapped up in ropes and yanked into the sky. He did not however have anytime to do anything about it as right after he found himself bound in a similar manner, though it seemed that more ropes had been needed to lift his larger frame. The tension did not leave his body until he was fully deposited on a rather comfy couch, set directly between the two women he had briefly seen on the dock.

Even with the new found closeness he had no opportunity to speak to either of them as their Captain decided that it would be the perfect time to introduce himself. While Salamanca was a rather unique individual, Cedric actually found him rather delightful. During his time sailing under Leo’s employment he had ran across more than one magician, and his current superior was by far one of the best he had ever seen. Naturally though he did not allow his amusement to show beyond a very faint smile.

Once Salamanca had finally exhausted his extensive array of props and set about beginning a proper briefing, Cedric’s smile faded completely once more and was replaced with steely determination. He joined the blue haired woman in examining the map, taking note of any water sources large enough for him to use in order to accelerate his movements. Fortunately there were a few near their destination, though he knew he would have to walk once they started ascending the mountain itself.

With their main objective in a stationary location he turned his attention to the two bounty posters they were shown. While they were not necessarily part of their mission he was certain that it would aid their cause to have these two men eliminated in one form or another. By the time they arrived at their destination he had a firm picture of the two deeply embedded in his mind.

He hopped off of the ship after his compatriots, enjoying the feeling of sand beneath his feet before his attention was caught by the sight of the retreating bandits. His gut reaction was to pursue them himself while the other two continued to their primary target. He was too slow however as the blue haired woman had already begun following the group and rapidly disappeared into the trees.

Rather than let himself continue to be torn by indecisiveness he turned towards the remaining Ensign, who was already heading towards the mountain.

”Continue towards the base. We will join you as soon as possible. Be safe and be smart.”

With his piece said he quickly dove into the river that lead into the forest. His speed in water allowed him to catch up to Aria and the bandit group just as she issued them her ultimatum. Before they could have a chance to rush her he leapt out of the river and took position on the opposing side, trapping them between himself and his blue haired teammate.

”I strongly urge you to listen to her. Surrender is your best option.” As he spoke he settled into the base stance for Fish-Man Karate, eyes hardened and scanning the group waiting for any of them to make a move.
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