Mila was awed by the towering statues, her eyes wide with wonder, fear, astonishment. She was too slow to react to the wide arching blow of the Anubi's stone arm. Fortunately for the Rusalka her werewolf colleague was quicker to act. With a powerful push of a large paw Mila was swept out of the way. She tumbled back, rolling over the floor until she hit something solid and hard. A bookcase had kept her from rolling any further, stopping her momentum. The bookcase was probably as old as the books it held and it shook on its foundations after their collision. Books fell out and Mila covered her head with her arms as several large tomes crashed down. Every hit felt like a dull throbbing, similar to the muscle ache you'd experience after a work out. The crash should have broken at least some of her bones if she had been human. Instead she only felt a memory of true pain, having a really high threshold. But even that grew painful over the years. It was at times like this Mila despised having a body.
The swooping strike of the Anubi had missed her by a hair. She looked up and struggled to see clearly, her head was still spinning and dust was floating in the air. The first of the Anubi, the one who'd tried to crush them with its hand was felled by the collective might of her colleagues. First there was an explosion of rock sending shards flying everywhere. Mila tried her best to avoid most of it but couldn't dodge everything. The sharp stones raked at her skin and tore her clothes. The loud crash that followed was deafening and her legs were left shaking afterwards. They got one down! This team really was something. Mila started to doubt their victory less and less. It was truly like they said, The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Despite their small victory the fight was far from over. The second Anubi was even more ferocious than the first. It rammed its stone hand into the man dressed in fur coats sending him flying. Mila gasped and jumped up from between the books. She didn't see him anywhere...... and there was no time to look. A devastating attack of fire and stone swept across the floor towards them. She wasn't in the direct line of fire but the approaching wave of heat forced her to think on her feet. Panic and fear fueled her adrenaline and she frantically looked around for a way to avoid getting her feet burned off. There was nothing to climb on and she doubted she could jump over it. There was only one way then. Diverting it.
She took out her silver comb and ran it through her copper locks with a shaking hand. She really hoped this was going to work out as she'd planned. If it wasn't they had a serious problem. None of them were wholly impervious. The Rusalka let out a relieved sigh feeling the drops of water trickling down her hands as she brushed. She needed to be fast and throw smart. The Rusalka aimed for a spot where most of the team was gathered including the stone man and the pink haired girl, she threw her comb at that spot. It spun across the floor spinning around creating a disc of water as it went. When it came to a stop, the water it summoned increased in volume dramatically. It created a miniature fountain which was quickly spreading in width to form a ward against the wave of fire. Stones still passed through it but the heat of the fire was effectively doused. Mila let out a sigh of relief before running to join them in the fray.