Welcome weary traveler and come sit by the fire, let this old storyteller spin a tale of love, hope and peace. But be warned it also contains betrayal, anger and revenge. So stay awhile and let me tell you the story that has been told for generations.
Once upon a time there was a man named Helios and a woman named Akarin, both were of different races and empires; beast and human. While these two empires were not bitter enemies they were also not at peace, small skirmishes often breaking out over territory. Akarin, needing to feed her two younger siblings took the measly crops she grew and crossed into enemy territory. At first she was treated terribly but showed no signs of retaliation nor hatred for those that insulted her. A man, Helios, noticed how hard Akarin was working and felt bad for the way his people acted, so with a heart filled with kindness he began to buy Akarin's wares, taking the time to even speak with her.
Weeks passed and it was now normal to see Akarin at her broken down stall with Helios right there. Both empires watched and realized that there was really no difference between then aside from looks and slowly the two empires began to learn more about each other. To no one's surprise Helios and Akarin fell in love and had children, the two empires were beginning to get along and build up their friendship. Years passed and soon two empires became one and generations of peace rested over the land, all spurned by one mans kindness and a woman's determination.
However the greed within man is strong, the king of the humans discovered that their beastkin friends held a power greater than any before and wanted it for himself. In the dead of night the king took 6 of his best men and slaughtered a beastkin for it's heart - Akarin's youngest sibling. The peace that had been shattered with one man's greed and in a fit of revenge the beastkin killed many, retreating back to where they had come from. Akarin, broken and betrayed, left her love to follow her people. Her last remaining sibling swore revenge on the humans who had wronged them, vowing to eradicate and destroy everything the humans loved.
The king and his men, not wanting to seem like the bad guys, covered up the truth and spun a story of how the beastkin betrayed them first. Then the king disappeared, leaving the throne empty. The 3 out of 6 men followed their king while the other 3 created the 3 ruling houses, creating what we now call kina City.
Did you like that story traveler? What, I'm telling a lie? No young one, you were simply told a wrong story. You were raised on the belief that the beastkin betrayed the humans first...however what you believe is up to you. Perhaps you should ask yourself this; What is the truth?

Azure is the continent in which our story takes place, it is a place filled with many different creatures - each living in vastly different areas. At it's very center lies a massive tree, Kokkino Dentro or The Celestial Tree. This tree gives life to all of azure, it's roots spreading and providing substance to the land. The two largest empires within Azure are Ghaba Medina and Kina - these two have been at war with each other for generations and there seems to be no end to their conflict in sight.

Our story will tell the tale of adventurers who live within Azure, the lives they lead and how they will become instrumental in the war between Ghaba Medina and Kina City. Some may side with the seemingly innocent and kind-hearted citizens and leaders of Kina City. Other's may see the unfairness and desperation with those of Ghaba Medina and side with them. Either way a wondrous and compelling tale will be told.
1. This is a mature roleplay so I would like the participants to be at least 18+.
2. I'm looking for posts that are better quality than they are novels - though I would say at least 2-3 paragraphs. Decent grammar is also a must, I don't want posts that are just a bunch of run-on sentences. Be descriptive, this is a high-fantasy world so you should have plenty of things to talk about!
3. People can create up to two characters, however please try to balance out genders and what sides you take with each character.
4. This roleplay is heavily influenced by MMO's; Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft, Zelda and similar things. So when doing things keep those in mind to help you!
5. I would like pictures to be animated. I don't want anything that's super bad quality, nor do I want anything that incredibly emo/scene. I was tasteful pictures. If you struggle with finding something let me know, I always keep a stash. Also remember...this is a fantasy setting, you don't HAVE to play a human, though I won't stop you from doing so either.
6. Please do not hesitate to speak in the OOC tab. If you have questions, want to throw out idea's or want to establish a relationship with another character please do so! I want friends, enemies, lovers and everything in between! I want this to be a fun and memorable roleplay.
7. I would ask that there be at least one post a week, however depending on how many people express interest I may bring it to two weeks. I also ask that if you decide that if the roleplay just isn't your fancy anymore that you please let me know, I get sad when people just ditch.
8. Please post your CS in the OOC if you are interested. If you are accepted then I will ask you to place the CS in the character tab, please use a hider so I don't have a huge long mess of CS haha.