R a y n e C a e l l a c h

"When God will judge me, he’ll judge Rayne, not Caellach." NameRayne of House Caellach
AppearanceRayne stands at an imposing 6'3". He has an imposing build and is kept in shape by his constant moving and carrying of equipment. Rayne has a somewhat unkept appearance, with a dark beard tied at the ends, and medium length dark hair kept in a loosely fitted ponytail. Rayne wears a modified lighter knight's armor, with the crest of the Kingdom on the front. The armor is less dense in certain areas, allowing for increased agility but less protection.
PersonalityAt his core, Rayne always believes in doing the right thing. He believes in protecting others and helping those who ask for it. Many have trouble believing such things, as they judge him more by his rough, imposing appearance and his family/personal history. Rayne is also generally quiet, which gives people very little to judge off of. When in a group of familiar people, or people he feels more comfortable around, he would usually become more talkative. However, he is generally perceived as cold, uncaring, and distant. While he may act this way on occasion, and has no problem being rude to those who confront him or talk down to him, Rayne prefers his actions speak for his morality. However, because of that, it builds onto his less than stellar reputation.
That being said, Rayne has a major chip on his shoulder (see background). Though he cares less about the opinions of others, he believes he has something to prove to himself. Given this, Rayne will hardly ever be caught doing what he doesn't believe is right. For his past, Rayne believes he has a score to settle with God, and he must pay that debt. This can cause turmoil with others, as Rayne will often take the action he believes is right even when it is outlawed, forbidden, discouraged, or highly unpopular. It can also cause Rayne to act hastily sometimes, even rashly, in order to accomplish his goals. However, Rayne has enough sense and courtesy to observe most etiquette when necessary.
BackgroundRayne was born to the House of Caellach, an old family name with a very long, hated history. His ancestors were once noble men in the land, but somewhere down the line, they became rotten and corrupt. His ancestors collaborated with thieves and underground fences. Many used underhanded and dirty tactics to get what they want. This was a tradition which continued for generations, until the Caellach name lost all sense of nobility. Their titles were taken, and many looked upon the Caellachs with nothing but disgust. There were few in their family who were not thieves, brigands, or even murderers.
Rayne grew up hearing all of the insults that came with his family name. Even his own father bought into the family name, and chose many underhanded tactics in his business as a merchant. From an early age, Rayne hated the insults flung his way, and the looks he had always gotten. He didn't help his situation by listening to his father as he would ask him to spy on rival merchants, or "sneak" into areas off limits to him. As he grew older, he began taking different last names, and trying his best to disassociate with his family name. However, the name would always come back to him. Instead of embracing what others thought, Rayne decided to make a name for himself. He left home at an early age to become a knight, set on acting as a force for good. He was wide-eyed and eager to help others. He started as a soldiers, and his abilities rose him in the ranks.
But the rest of the world still didn't take too kindly to him. Many believed he had something to hide. Many thought him a fake knight, a pretender, and many questioned his motives. Even among knights, his intentions were questioned. It didn't help that he preferred to sneak around and help as a scout and through long-range tactics. But Rayne continued to do his duties the best way he knew how. He grew tired of wearing any mask for others, and chose not to care for their opinions. But when he heard of the High King's death, and the White Rose, he knew he had to be a part of it. Though his intentions may be personal to help clear his name, he also knew that at the end of the day, this was the right thing to do.
Skills- Archery - Rayne's tool of his trade is the bow and arrow, which he had become quite adept with as a knight.
- Scouting/Spying - from his early years, Rayne has developed a proficiency with scouting enemy areas and spying without getting caught.
Weakness(es)- Bad Reputation - See history for Rayne's familial reputation.
- Poor Close Range combat
Equipment- Small dagger for hunting, cutting food, and close range combat, if absolutely necessary
- Long Range Scout Bow - Rayne’s personally designed bow with double-refined heartstring made for extended length and range
- x50 standard (35) and silver (15) arrows kept on his person. Open to scavenging loose arrows for others.
- Modified armor plating for less density and more mobility. Includes wolf pelt hood and openings for lighter travel and agility.
Dialogue ColorLightcoral