"Hey, nonono, wait, look I'm lea- I said wait! Anti-Skill doesn't need to get involved, I'm leaving! Customer's always right my ass..."Registration Fields
NamesAmori, Kyoko
NicknamesA Certain Information Broker
That Piece of Shit Highschooler
Little Miss Know-It-All
The... “Pride” of Shidarezakura
Seriously Get the Fuck Out of My Shop
If You Come In Here Again I'll Call Fucking Judgement
Affiliations- Second Year highschool student at Private Shidarezakeru Academy
- Regular customer at the Saotome Family Restaurant "The Ironworks"
- Blacklisted from A Certain Pizza Joint, among a number of other stores.
- Member of SCOUT and A Certain Discord Channel / i swear to fucking god kyoko if you change the name one more time
PersonalityKyoko Amori - super mega powerful Level 5 Esper, failing highschool student, and infamous information broker, is a singular fun loving individual. When she isn’t going on one of her little investigating escapades, or messing around on A Certain Discord Channel, she explores the city - discovering the joys of her activities, or more usually, which shops have blacklisted her most recently. It's her opinion that the true path for happiness in the world is following ones desires, no matter where they take you. A side effect of this, unfortunately, is the ever growing string of establishments across Academy City, with their employees warned: do not sell to Kyoko Amori. She believes this is part of Anti-Skill’s threat of consequences, and not her own fault. You can, uh... you can do with that information as you will.
As a Level 5, her identity is well known across the city, but even as a person - Kyoko Amori - she is surprisingly well known, and not exactly in a good way. Her reputation as a violent delinquent proceeds her, to her chagrin. A curious and intuitive mind, which never studies and barely attends school, leads her into many different encounters, most of which are bad, and some of which are illegal, but no matter the challenge, she keeps her head up and uncovers the truth where she finds it. She even used to write the school newspaper for Shidarezakura. At least, until she was evicted from the position for publicly blackmailing other students with the paper.
Okay, look, I’ll admit it. She’s not a great person. She likes to enjoy herself, consequences be damned, and most important of all for her is she be involved in things, and following your desires. As a high level Esper, Academy City would be the most boring place for her without these obsessions. I mean, you don’t really want this girl doing things that are super illegal, do you? Cause she would do. Nobody wants that. Please, Luigi, she likes the pizza. Just take her off the blacklist.
HistoryAccording to records, Kyoko Amori was probably born in Academy City. There’s no information on any family, nor if she was brought in from outside, so the assumption holds that she was most likely born outside of hospital and later abandoned, leaving her as a Child Error. From there, she participated in the Power Curriculum Program from near enough the first moment she could, with the sole desire and belief in mind that a powerful ability would help her find her family, and the reason why she was abandoned. However, with each System Scan, and all her investigations, she began to notice something: despite how quickly she improved her Level, the amount of power it had, and the resources that were allocated to her because of it, none of it got her any closer to finding what she wanted to find. Scientists wanted to help her develop faster, to achieve her full potential quicker, but in the end, no amount of Esper powers would help her achieve her desire.
Towards the beginning of Middle School, she came to realise that, in order to make real progress, she needed more than raw power, and so began to develop other skills - surveillance, stealth, journalism, throwing people through windows until they told her what she wanted to know, etc. She became a Level 5, and formed SCOUT with a few of the Child Error friends that she grew up with, and even still, didn’t get any closer. By the end of Middle School, the idea that she could accomplish what she set out to do so many years became a near enough impossible one. Rather than looking for leads, Kyoko began invading Skill-Out and other gang territories, effectively becoming a pseudo-vigilante without concern for collateral damage. Her name was well known, not just as a Level 5, but as a rumoured delinquent who assaulted people in back alleys, and took down gangs with such violent force that not even Academy City had her under control, until she was effectively threatened by Anti-Skill to limit herself lest she suffer consequences. This was also about the time she began to be blacklisted by more and more stores. In response, she hired a personal trainer, in order to complete her activities without pissing off the government any more than she already had.
Starting out two years ago, she effectively turned herself into a small-time information broker and freelance investigative journalist, selling and buying secrets and services to whoever had something interesting. More recently - a few months ago - she was fired from her position as writer of the The Shidarezakura Herald, after she threatened to release the secrets of a classmate who had alleged criminal ties.
Seismic Index - Level 5
The ability possessed by Kyoko Amori is listed in The Bank as "Seismic Index", and involves the emission and control of vibrations from out of an Espers AIM Field into the nearby environment. The most favoured method of usage is the release of powerful shockwaves. At lower levels, where the molecular control of the ability is much less developed, wielders are known to cause large amounts of collateral damage due to excessive force and lack of control. More talented users are capable of targeting individual objects within their line of sight without collateral damage, and tempering their output - which, coincidentally, are the benchmarks for being classified as a Level 4.
The Level 5 Esper with the ability Seismic Index, Kyoko Amori, is capable of supreme control over the vibrations she emits. While she can release a tremendous amount of force through shockwaves, easily enough to destroy medium sized buildings, and has fine enough control to target small, individual objects without damaging nearby environments, Kyoko much prefers to fight using her more versatile means. These include spontaneous combustion by increasing the energy in molecules, speed and power enhancement through personal controlled shockwaves, creating solid air platforms, and releasing disorienting or incapacitating waves at biological opponents.
Similar to other Level 5's, Kyoko chose a nickname for her ability. Though she didn’t have very many ideas for it, she went with the most obvious: “Collapse”. Her “special move", as it were, is aptly named the same, and involves the continuous release of high energy vibrations into the ground and the nearby environment over a period of time, to create an artificial earthquake, with Collapse's own body as an epicentre. Based on the energy output of Collapse's shockwaves, due to an inability to test a Collapse safely, the earthquake is approximated at a maximum magnitude of 7.5, and would release the energy equivalent over its duration of several billions of tonnes of explosives. Due to the huge losses of life that would be sustained, the severe economic impact, and the widespread destruction of infrastructure, not to mention the extreme risk of self-injury, Collapse has been strictly advised against utilising the technique, especially within cities and other densely populated areas.
The ability itself has a few major downsides. The first is its proximity to the user - like a lot of other Esper abilities, all the effects Seismic Index can produce have a zero point centered on the Espers body. Using techniques with a high destructive output have a great chance, especially at the lower to mid Levels where control isn't as great, of putting the user at risk. Another issue is its lack of subconscious defensive measures. Unlike certain abilities, which allow an Esper to deflect incoming attacks, Seismic Index lacks a reliable technique to do the same. Disregarding Area of Effect techniques, users require visual confirmation of targets to ensure their calculations temper destructive force to a sufficient extent, and as such are often unable to react to high speed attacks from angles outside their line of sight. They can, though, release shockwaves with reckless abandon in an area where they think an attack is coming from, so they aren't missing defence entirely, however this presents the issue of putting oneself in danger again.
EquipmentKyoko carries around a few things in her backpack, almost all of which she uses on a daily basis: a fairly high end camera, a number of detachable lenses or varying magnification, and a couple of large power-banks, all for her investigations; a set of both wire and bolt cutters; a stash of money woven into the lining of the bag; two sets of spare, nondescript clothing to mask her identity; a telescopic police baton, so as to limit ability usage when undercover; and a cellphone, usually for emergency calls or simply posting in A Certain Discord Channel.
Expertise KitEmpowered by her ability, Kyoko has a fair handle on martial combat, after the Board of Directors and Anti-Skill's not-so-politely worded request in regards to her private activities. In order to keep up in the world of her desires, she has also spent quite a while developing her perception and attention span, as well as her photography skill and keeping out of sight. She’s also pretty good at breaking and entering, without destroying anything. And, while her academic studies might as well be non-existent, she has a fairly keen mind, likely developed due to her activities.
FamilyAs a Child Error, Kyoko doesn't appear to have any family, neither in nor out of Academy City. She does, however, refer to Junichiro, the current owner of The Ironworks, as "Bro". This seems to be more of simply a friendly nickname, but she does not use it for anyone other than him, and as such it can be safely assumed that he takes on a form of brother figure in her life.
OrganisationsAs one of the founding members, Kyoko is a prominent helper in the gang activities of SCOUT. The group exists really just for the hell of it, and doesn't actually do much except chat in their group DMs and go out to eat, especially considering that the group is mainly made up of very old friends from their time in orphanages; for example, Xx_Mr.Owl_xX was one of Kyoko's best friends during their formative years. Their online talks typically consist of memes and sharing information about the goings on in Academy City. Faerie, aka Kyoko, is one of the few members that are actually useful when it comes to sharing information, since the rest of the group merely shitpost - not that Kyoko is particularly innocent of that crime, either.