Tyranny Of Dragons – Hoard of the Dragon Queen
(link to the actual game)
The town of Greenrest was founded by the halfling Dharva Scatterheart, a rogue who fancied herself the queen of the Greenfields. Scatterheart passed away without ever achieving that level of eminence, but her town grew into a thriving community. Its success isn't surprising, since Greenrest is the only town of any size astride the Uldoon Trail, the most direct road between the eastern cities of the Dragon Coast, Cormyr, and Sembia with the Coast Way running south to the great cities of Amn, Tethyr, and far Calimshan. The trade caravans that pass through Greenrest bring gold to the town's merchants, and Governor Nighthill runs the town at the behest of the inhabitants. This is your destination.
You, the players, have been hired as guards by a brother and sister - Sebastian and Cassandra, who look to be young humans, joined your journey with theirs in Baldur's Gate. One way or another, you have found yourself in their employ. Perhaps Cassandra saw you practising your spellcraft in the streets. Perhaps Sebastian caught you trying to steal from their room. Perhaps they approached you after you alone stood as the victor of a bar fight. How matters little. But who is a question you've yet to find an answer to. And they've promised to pay extra for your silence. After all, thirty gold each is no small sum.
You headed south from Baldur's Gate, headed for Greenrest by way of Candlekeep - which Sebastian visited briefly, though you did not stay for long. Ever since, you have been travelling along the road, with the only threat being merchants and peddlers hoping to sell you something as you crossed paths. Only one more day remains until you reach the town of Greenrest... and a warm meal, a soft bed, and a town to explore.
The Tyranny of Dragons is a published Wizards of the Coast adventure that comes in two parts - Hoard of the Dragon Queen is the first part and is the beginning of your journey. There's actually already a game running here on the guild. The adventure as a whole will take you from 1st level to 15th. I welcome players both old and new, and I'm okay with most any content officially released by WOTC, so if you want to apply, run it by me, first.
I also operate on a strict Game-Info-is-Need-To-Know; the information I have detailing the basis of the game will be mine and mine alone until the story dictates it is yours to know. I will give you, as players, some knowledge regarding the world around you and what will happen in the game, as well as answering any questions about things you've gone through in the past. Backstories and character elements need to be approved by me, and you'll need to provide a copy of a character sheet in the thread or through a Private Message (PDFs, Myth-Weavers, and DiceCloud are all good options). There are story traits that you can take in addition to your character; if you would like to tie your character more closely to the story, and not just be a character that appeared incidentally, let me know.
Rule #1) I shouldn't really have to say this, but NO METAGAMING. Nobody here is a total idiot - I'm very much aware that there's a lot of information out there on the internet, and it's not too hard to find what you're looking for. If anyone gets a funny idea about looking up the story or the stats, then I'll apply an immediate penalty to their character, if I don't ask you to leave.
Rule #2) In the same vein, DO NOT modify your character sheet without my prior knowledge, and DO NOT do so in a way that grants additional bonuses. Anyone that breaks this rule will be removed from the game instantly.
Rule #3) Post quality and rates are something I am flexible on, within a reasonable margin. Yes, good writing wins you points, but more importantly, poor grammar and spelling lose points. In a post, I expect at least a decent sized paragraph, if not more. All players are asked to post at least twice a week - including the DM. If circumstances prevent you from doing so, I need to be told. If players consistently hold up the game, then I will need to re-evaluate whether they are suitable for my expected rate of play.
Rule #4) Get along, please, with each other and me. I want us all to have fun here, and if there's animosity in the mix, that's a lot less likely. These rules are in place so that we can avoid things that ruin our fun. If you have concerns regarding another player, PM me about it, but otherwise, leave it to me.
Rule #2) In the same vein, DO NOT modify your character sheet without my prior knowledge, and DO NOT do so in a way that grants additional bonuses. Anyone that breaks this rule will be removed from the game instantly.
Rule #3) Post quality and rates are something I am flexible on, within a reasonable margin. Yes, good writing wins you points, but more importantly, poor grammar and spelling lose points. In a post, I expect at least a decent sized paragraph, if not more. All players are asked to post at least twice a week - including the DM. If circumstances prevent you from doing so, I need to be told. If players consistently hold up the game, then I will need to re-evaluate whether they are suitable for my expected rate of play.
Rule #4) Get along, please, with each other and me. I want us all to have fun here, and if there's animosity in the mix, that's a lot less likely. These rules are in place so that we can avoid things that ruin our fun. If you have concerns regarding another player, PM me about it, but otherwise, leave it to me.
Rule #1) ALWAYS use the website provided dice roller. Create a campaign under the name ‘D&D 5E, Tyranny of Dragons – Character Name’ and link it in the ‘Other’ tab of your character sheet. You must also make sure to enter a description of what you are rolling for each time – if you do not, I will not accept the roll.
Rule #2) During combat, do not post in the IC unless it is your turn. Any reactions you would like to take, such as opportunity attacks or spells that affect an enemy must be stated in the OOC. The exception to this are spells like feather fall, which essentially requires your character to act as quickly as possible – I’m still thinking on this.
Rule #3) If you are engaged in combat, use the code format provided below in the beginning of each of your posts, and alter it accordingly. When describing what your character does, no matter what you write, make sure to state exactly what you are doing in a hider at the bottom of your post, including links to any dice rolls made on that turn. Once you have posted, I will respond in the OOC as soon as I can, telling you any information you have gained from your turn (e.g., if you missed, if your enemy failed their saving throw, if you triggered an opportunity attack, etc.) You can then edit this information in. If you made an attack or cast a spell that requires you to roll dice, roll all dice associated with it; if you have a pending decision that requires you to know what happened, like if you want to know if your first attack killed an enemy before you decide who to target with a second attack, then make the first roll, wait for my response, and then we’ll resolve the second one. It’s a bit inelegant, but unless someone comes up with a better idea, that’s how it’s going to be.
HPCurrent/Maximum + Temporary, if any | Status: XXX
Rule #2) During combat, do not post in the IC unless it is your turn. Any reactions you would like to take, such as opportunity attacks or spells that affect an enemy must be stated in the OOC. The exception to this are spells like feather fall, which essentially requires your character to act as quickly as possible – I’m still thinking on this.
Rule #3) If you are engaged in combat, use the code format provided below in the beginning of each of your posts, and alter it accordingly. When describing what your character does, no matter what you write, make sure to state exactly what you are doing in a hider at the bottom of your post, including links to any dice rolls made on that turn. Once you have posted, I will respond in the OOC as soon as I can, telling you any information you have gained from your turn (e.g., if you missed, if your enemy failed their saving throw, if you triggered an opportunity attack, etc.) You can then edit this information in. If you made an attack or cast a spell that requires you to roll dice, roll all dice associated with it; if you have a pending decision that requires you to know what happened, like if you want to know if your first attack killed an enemy before you decide who to target with a second attack, then make the first roll, wait for my response, and then we’ll resolve the second one. It’s a bit inelegant, but unless someone comes up with a better idea, that’s how it’s going to be.
Character’s Turn | Init: Z
HPCurrent/Maximum + Temporary, if any | Status: XXX
Bonus action
Bonus action
[h3]Cayden’s Turn | Init: Z[/h3]
[b]HP[/b]Current/Maximum + Temporary, if any | Status: If any
Cayden, seeing his ally fall unconscious, lets out a cry of panic, even as he rolls aside to avoid an incoming attack. Climbing to his feet, he draws on a little bit of magic and casts Healing Word. Then, in a burst of manic speed, he drives his spear towards the chest of the nearest foe.
[hider=Turn Summary]Monster attacked Cayden last turn, and missed.
Cayden stands up, ending the Prone condition.
Cayden uses his bonus action to cast [b]Healing Word[/b] on Ally, for 6 Hit Points. (link can be attached to the number or at the end here)
He attacks Monster, with a 14 to hit, for 5 damage.(same as above)[/hider]
[b]HP[/b]Current/Maximum + Temporary, if any | Status: If any
Cayden, seeing his ally fall unconscious, lets out a cry of panic, even as he rolls aside to avoid an incoming attack. Climbing to his feet, he draws on a little bit of magic and casts Healing Word. Then, in a burst of manic speed, he drives his spear towards the chest of the nearest foe.
[hider=Turn Summary]Monster attacked Cayden last turn, and missed.
Cayden stands up, ending the Prone condition.
Cayden uses his bonus action to cast [b]Healing Word[/b] on Ally, for 6 Hit Points. (link can be attached to the number or at the end here)
He attacks Monster, with a 14 to hit, for 5 damage.(same as above)[/hider]
Player Application Forms
Cayden Oakheart

NG Halfling (Stout) | Cleric 1 | Urchin
"I-I'm not scared of you."
AC 17 • HP 10/10 • Speed 25
STR 14 (+2) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0) | WIS 14 (+2) | CHA 10 (+0)
Saving Throws: Wisdom +4, Charisma +2
Skills: History +2, Insight +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Tools: Thieves' tools, Disguise Kit
Languages: Common, Halfling
Arms & Armour
Armour | Scale Mail | Shield
Weapons | Spear | Holy Amulet
Age: 20 | Height: 3"2' | Weight: 37lbs
Cayden is a halfling of average looks and stature - brown, curly hair, freckled skin, not quite plump, not quite thin. He wears scale mail armour and carries a shield emblazoned with the crest of Yondalla, Mother of Halflings, Protector and Provider. Well, for him, it's a shield. For anyone else, it's a buckler. Around his neck is an amulet with the same crest - much older and more worn than Cayden is. Underneath his armour, his tunic is a light blue, with a hood coming up and around his neck. And, if you look closely, you might just see, tucked inside that hood, a small fuzz of brown fur...

Name: Pepper | Age: Four (months) | Height: Smol | Weight: 0.04lbs
A common brown field mouse; it hardly stands out from the rest, in all except she is Pepper, and thus unique. She peeks her nose out from the hood, blinking at you with curiously intelligent eyes. She has been with Cayden through thick and thin, and through sheer halfling luck, survived. She lets Cayden scritch her forehead for a few seconds, before burrowing back into his hood.
Main Mood: Nervous | Fave Food: Honey and bread | Pet Peeve: Cold nights | Style of Battle: Hang back and heal/Panic
Cayden is a quiet type, usually content to keep to himself, and likes to hide in small spaces - not out of fear, but because he genuinely likes them. He is terrible at talking with strangers, even allies, but once you get to know him, his stutter will fade slightly and he will talk smoothly and easily with you, though still slightly quiet and reserved. He is open with his emotions and is most affectionate to Pepper - the daughter of his previous mouse, Mint. Beneath all of this, though, is unseen bravery that even Cayden doesn't recognise - the strength to keep fighting even as his allies fall, the burn to protect them from those who would do them harm.
Cayden doesn't really remember his parents. It's a bit sad when you think about it, but Cayden knows that grieving has its time, before you must move on. For the better part of a decade, he lived alone on the streets of Baldur's Gate. Fighting or tricking the other stray children, picking pockets, and so on. All he had was the amulet his parents gave him, and he guarded it closely.
But not all of his life was like that. One winter, food was scarce, and the rags he wore were not quite enough to keep him warm. He begged passersby for something, anything... but people didn't have much. And when one merchant kicked him in the side and shouted slurs at him, he fled. Starving and hungry, he slowly gave in, crawling into an alleyway and letting the darkness take him.
Death was warm. Like a loving embrace. He opened his eyes... and saw a halfling woman, with long golden hair the colour of a wheat field, dressed all in green, and carrying a shield, with the symbol of Yondalla emblazoned upon it. "You must be tired, my darling..." she said. "I understand if you want to sleep... but you need to stay awake just a little longer. Alright, my love?"
He woke to something nipping softly at his hand. A mouse, a brown mouse with curiously intelligent eyes, looked up at him, standing on its hind legs briefly. Then, it turned and ran over to something by his waist. A pouch - when opened, it revealed a small amount of dried meat, dried berries, some nuts, a bread roll, and a pot of honey. Almost laughing and crying with joy, Cayden stood, putting the mouse on his shoulders, where it was content to stay. And he set out, for the temple of Yondalla just outside the city.
Writing Sample
How did Cayden meet Cassandra? Simple, really. He entered Baldur's Gate, carrying the usual alms box to deliver to the orphanage there. A recent construction by a compassionate older woman, Cayden's temple was their most reliable donor, and he had been given the duty of delivering their donation at the end of every second tenday. It was his first official duty as a cleric, and he was eager to prove himself... even if this was literally moving a box from one place to another.
As he passed a gap between two houses, he heard a weak cry. The cry of a child. He turned. And he saw two men, grappling a struggling child to hold him still, while a third, a woman, slowly lowered the sharpened tip of a spear towards its throat. He didn't think. He acted. He ran into the alley.
"Stop!" he shouted.
The woman straightened and turned towards him. She took him in as he came to a halt not ten feet in front of her. Her lips twisted into a smile.
"So we have an audience. Nice to know the gods want to watch as well."
Cayden paused. "Watch what? Watch you m-murder a child?!"
One of the men scoffed. "Ain't a kid. It's a demon, and it's gonna die like one."
Cayden hesitated, before glancing toward the child, and letting out a soft gasp. From a distance, with the shadows and the dirt, it was difficult to see, but up close... the girl's eyes were onyx black, even where the whites would be. Her tear-streaked face was the colour of amber, and maroon hair hung around her shoulders... but most importantly, a pair of horns curled out around her ears. A tiefling dressed in ragged clothes, most likely abandoned on the streets, or else alone with no guardian to speak of. He looked down at himself - not always had he dressed in armour, been well fed, had a roof over his head. Once, he was just like her.
He turned back to the woman, who still held the spear in her hand. "L-let her go."
Her expression changed from smug to stunned. "What did you say?"
He took a deep breath and stood as tall as he could. "Let. Her. G-go."
"Why in the Nine Hells would we do that?!" one of the men asked. "I'm getting bored of you."
The other nodded, and added, "Piss off, halfling."
But the woman had another plan. She smiled and bowed with a flourish. "Of course, ser. Boys, go on."
They looked at her, aghast, and the girl wriggled free from their grip. In a flash, she was gone.
The woman straightened her back, and her eyes locked onto Cayden as the mirth faded from them. "Now, if you would be so kind as to hand over that box you have on your belt, we can all go on our merry way and forget this ever happened."
The two men grinned, realising now her plans, just as Cayden felt that pleased feeling fall down dead. The woman took a menacing step forward, her spear lowering. Cayden took a step back, letting out a soft sound of surprise as his back hit the wall.
"We let the girl go, didn't we?" the woman said, the spear getting unnervingly close to the halfling's throat, his eyes widening in fear. "I say we deserve to be compensated for our troub-"
"Do not touch him, you scoundrel."
Everyone's heads swivelled sharply toward the newcomer. A young woman in a white and green dress stood there, her eyes intense. Plucking at the edge of a red cloak was the tiefling girl, hiding mostly behind the new person.
The woman with the spear cursed. "All these interruptions! Go away, girlie. This doesn't involve you."
The young woman raised her chin. "I am involved now. And I will not tell you again."
The first woman sneered. "And what are you going to do about it?"
There was a burst of flame, and the woman let out a shout of pain, casting the spear aside, her hand red and angry. The newcomer had a raised hand, still glowing from the magic she had used. The thug looked at her companions.
"What are you waiting for? Get that bi-!"
Her voice died away as a spear pressed itself against her throat. Cayden was shaking all over, but his hands were steady enough, knuckles white around the spear in his hands.
Her face ruddy with anger and embarrassment, the thief didn't say anything else. She left, and her friends went with her. Cayden, the spellcaster, and the tiefling girl watched her go. The woman turned to Cayden soon after.
"You were very brave to do that," she said quietly.
"I c-could say the same of you," Cayden stammered. His heart felt like it was in his throat, and he was swaying slightly on his feet.
She tilted her head. "My name is Cassandra. Hex here ran into me on the street, and when she told me what was going on, I had to help." The tiefling mumbled something and moved closer to Cassandra, who placed a hand on her shoulder. "And you?
"C-Cayden. Cayden O-Oakheart. Cleric of Yondalla."
Cassandra paused for a moment, then smiled. "Would you perhaps be willing to take a job? My brother and I need an escort."
Cayden froze. A job? A journey? But he had barely even gone beyond Baldur's Gate before. His hand went down to the box at his side.
"I-I'll think about it. I've g-got something I need to do first." His gaze fell on Hex, who still stood shyly behind the spellcaster. "And she needs to come with me."
For a moment, fear and confusion crossed the tiefling's face. But, at Cassandra's encouragement, she stepped out from behind the cloak and nodded at Cayden. The halfling nodded back. He had lived on the streets, once. Now he had to make sure no children went through what he had ever again.
As he passed a gap between two houses, he heard a weak cry. The cry of a child. He turned. And he saw two men, grappling a struggling child to hold him still, while a third, a woman, slowly lowered the sharpened tip of a spear towards its throat. He didn't think. He acted. He ran into the alley.
"Stop!" he shouted.
The woman straightened and turned towards him. She took him in as he came to a halt not ten feet in front of her. Her lips twisted into a smile.
"So we have an audience. Nice to know the gods want to watch as well."
Cayden paused. "Watch what? Watch you m-murder a child?!"
One of the men scoffed. "Ain't a kid. It's a demon, and it's gonna die like one."
Cayden hesitated, before glancing toward the child, and letting out a soft gasp. From a distance, with the shadows and the dirt, it was difficult to see, but up close... the girl's eyes were onyx black, even where the whites would be. Her tear-streaked face was the colour of amber, and maroon hair hung around her shoulders... but most importantly, a pair of horns curled out around her ears. A tiefling dressed in ragged clothes, most likely abandoned on the streets, or else alone with no guardian to speak of. He looked down at himself - not always had he dressed in armour, been well fed, had a roof over his head. Once, he was just like her.
He turned back to the woman, who still held the spear in her hand. "L-let her go."
Her expression changed from smug to stunned. "What did you say?"
He took a deep breath and stood as tall as he could. "Let. Her. G-go."
"Why in the Nine Hells would we do that?!" one of the men asked. "I'm getting bored of you."
The other nodded, and added, "Piss off, halfling."
But the woman had another plan. She smiled and bowed with a flourish. "Of course, ser. Boys, go on."
They looked at her, aghast, and the girl wriggled free from their grip. In a flash, she was gone.
The woman straightened her back, and her eyes locked onto Cayden as the mirth faded from them. "Now, if you would be so kind as to hand over that box you have on your belt, we can all go on our merry way and forget this ever happened."
The two men grinned, realising now her plans, just as Cayden felt that pleased feeling fall down dead. The woman took a menacing step forward, her spear lowering. Cayden took a step back, letting out a soft sound of surprise as his back hit the wall.
"We let the girl go, didn't we?" the woman said, the spear getting unnervingly close to the halfling's throat, his eyes widening in fear. "I say we deserve to be compensated for our troub-"
"Do not touch him, you scoundrel."
Everyone's heads swivelled sharply toward the newcomer. A young woman in a white and green dress stood there, her eyes intense. Plucking at the edge of a red cloak was the tiefling girl, hiding mostly behind the new person.
The woman with the spear cursed. "All these interruptions! Go away, girlie. This doesn't involve you."
The young woman raised her chin. "I am involved now. And I will not tell you again."
The first woman sneered. "And what are you going to do about it?"
There was a burst of flame, and the woman let out a shout of pain, casting the spear aside, her hand red and angry. The newcomer had a raised hand, still glowing from the magic she had used. The thug looked at her companions.
"What are you waiting for? Get that bi-!"
Her voice died away as a spear pressed itself against her throat. Cayden was shaking all over, but his hands were steady enough, knuckles white around the spear in his hands.
Her face ruddy with anger and embarrassment, the thief didn't say anything else. She left, and her friends went with her. Cayden, the spellcaster, and the tiefling girl watched her go. The woman turned to Cayden soon after.
"You were very brave to do that," she said quietly.
"I c-could say the same of you," Cayden stammered. His heart felt like it was in his throat, and he was swaying slightly on his feet.
She tilted her head. "My name is Cassandra. Hex here ran into me on the street, and when she told me what was going on, I had to help." The tiefling mumbled something and moved closer to Cassandra, who placed a hand on her shoulder. "And you?
"C-Cayden. Cayden O-Oakheart. Cleric of Yondalla."
Cassandra paused for a moment, then smiled. "Would you perhaps be willing to take a job? My brother and I need an escort."
Cayden froze. A job? A journey? But he had barely even gone beyond Baldur's Gate before. His hand went down to the box at his side.
"I-I'll think about it. I've g-got something I need to do first." His gaze fell on Hex, who still stood shyly behind the spellcaster. "And she needs to come with me."
For a moment, fear and confusion crossed the tiefling's face. But, at Cassandra's encouragement, she stepped out from behind the cloak and nodded at Cayden. The halfling nodded back. He had lived on the streets, once. Now he had to make sure no children went through what he had ever again.
Features & Traits
Lucky - When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new result, even if it is a 1.
Brave - You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Nimble - You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Stout Resilience - You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance to poison damage.
Brave - You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Nimble - You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Stout Resilience - You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance to poison damage.
City Secrets - You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
Spellcasting - See spellcasting section.
Bonus Cantrip - When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the light cantrip if you don’t already know it.
Warding Flare - Also at 1st level, you can interpose divine light between yourself and an attacking enemy. When you are attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, causing light to flare before the attacker before it hits or misses. An attacker that can’t be blinded is immune to this feature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Bonus Cantrip - When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the light cantrip if you don’t already know it.
Warding Flare - Also at 1st level, you can interpose divine light between yourself and an attacking enemy. When you are attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, causing light to flare before the attacker before it hits or misses. An attacker that can’t be blinded is immune to this feature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Prepared Spells
Spell Save DC 12 | Spell Attack Modifier +4 | Max Spells Prepared 3
Cantrips: You know three cantrips from the cleric spells. You learn an additional cantrip at 4th and 10th level.
Preparing and Casting Spells: The table above shows how many spell slots you have to cast spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do so, choose a number of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (min. 1 spell). These must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You may change your list of prepared spells whenever you finish a long rest; doing so requires 1 minute of prayer or meditation per spell level of the chosen the spells.
Spellcasting Ability: Wisdom is your casting ability for cleric spells. Your magic is granted to your by your deity or their servants, as a reward for your devotion. When a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, you use Wisdom. In addition, you use your Wisdom to determine the save DC of any cleric spell which requires one, and when making an attack roll with one.
Ritual Casting: You may cast any cleric spell you have prepared as a ritual if it has the ritual tag. A spell cast as a ritual takes an additional 10 minutes to cast, but does not require you to expend a spell slot.
Spellcasting Focus: You may use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your spells. Every deity or religion has at least one holy symbol, and you may use any associated with your religion. They are traditionally amulets or pendants, but can also be signet rings, insignias on a shield, or even a held banner. Whatever form they take, you must be able to take hold of the object and present it towards the target(s) of your spell.
Preparing and Casting Spells: The table above shows how many spell slots you have to cast spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do so, choose a number of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (min. 1 spell). These must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You may change your list of prepared spells whenever you finish a long rest; doing so requires 1 minute of prayer or meditation per spell level of the chosen the spells.
Spellcasting Ability: Wisdom is your casting ability for cleric spells. Your magic is granted to your by your deity or their servants, as a reward for your devotion. When a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, you use Wisdom. In addition, you use your Wisdom to determine the save DC of any cleric spell which requires one, and when making an attack roll with one.
- Spell save DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
- Spell attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Ritual Casting: You may cast any cleric spell you have prepared as a ritual if it has the ritual tag. A spell cast as a ritual takes an additional 10 minutes to cast, but does not require you to expend a spell slot.
Spellcasting Focus: You may use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your spells. Every deity or religion has at least one holy symbol, and you may use any associated with your religion. They are traditionally amulets or pendants, but can also be signet rings, insignias on a shield, or even a held banner. Whatever form they take, you must be able to take hold of the object and present it towards the target(s) of your spell.
Light - V M (a firefly or phosphorescent moss), touch, action.
Mending - V S M (two lodestones), touch, 1 minute.
Sacred Flame - V S, 60ft, action. Dex save, 1d8 Radiant.
Spare the Dying - V S, touch, action.
Mending - V S M (two lodestones), touch, 1 minute.
Sacred Flame - V S, 60ft, action. Dex save, 1d8 Radiant.
Spare the Dying - V S, touch, action.
Bane - C V S M (drop of blood), 30ft, action. Cha Save, -1d4 to attacks and saving throws.
Bless - C V S M (sprinkling of holy water), 30ft, action. +1d4 to attacks and saving throws.
Burning Hands - V S, self (15ft cone), action. Dex save, 3d6 Fire.
Cure Wounds - V S, touch, action. 1d8+2 HP.
Faerie Fire - C V, 60ft, action. Dex save 20ft cube.
Bless - C V S M (sprinkling of holy water), 30ft, action. +1d4 to attacks and saving throws.
Burning Hands - V S, self (15ft cone), action. Dex save, 3d6 Fire.
Cure Wounds - V S, touch, action. 1d8+2 HP.
Faerie Fire - C V, 60ft, action. Dex save 20ft cube.
Cayden's color code is mediumslateblue.
His amulet glows whenever he casts a spell.
Pepper defies all odds during combat and cannot get hit.
[hider=CHARACTER NAME[center][h2][color=YourColourHere]Name of your character. Keep in mind the rules of your race (E.g., Tabaxi have phrases, Dragonborn have Lastname Firstname, Gnomes have nicknames)[/color][/h2]
[img]Character Image - Optional[/img]
[h3]Alignment (e.g., NG) Race (Subrace) | Class LevelNumber | Background[/h3]
[i][color=YourColourHere]"Something your character would say"[/color][/i]
[h3][b]AC[/b] XX • [b]HP[/b] XX/XX • [b]Speed[/b] XX[/h3]
[b]STR[/b] XX (+X) | [b]DEX[/b] XX (+X) | [b]CON[/b] XX (+X)
[b]INT[/b] XX (+X) | [b]WIS[/b] XX (+X) | [b]CHA[/b] XX (+X)
[b]Saving Throws:[/b] Proficient Saving Throws.
[b]Skills:[/b] Proficient Skill. [b]Expertise Skill[/b]
[b]Tools:[/b] Any tools, instruments or vehicles you are proficient in. [b]Expertise tools[/b]
[b]Languages:[/b] Languages spoken.
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Arms & Armour[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[b]Armour[/b] | Any armour they're wearing
[b]Weapons[/b] | Any weapons they're carrying. This includes a wizard's tome, and your spellcasting foci.
[b]Age:[/b] XX | [b]Height:[/b] In feet, keep in mind race heights | [b]Weight:[/b] XXlbs
Describe their face, their hair, their clothes
[hider=Personal Item (optional)]
[img]Image of item (optional)[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] XX | [b]Age:[/b] If applicable | [b]Size:[/b] XX | [b]Weight:[/b] XXlbs
Describe the singular item that is most important to your character. This could be a pet, a book, and so on.[/hider]
[b]Main Mood:[/b] Usual emotion | [b]Fave Food:[/b] What do they like to eat| [b]Pet Peeve:[/b] Something that annoys them | [b]Style of Battle:[/b] How do they act in battle?
Two paragraphs maximum, three if you really need it. What is their general demeanour? Their outlook on life? How do they express their emotions? How do they talk? So on and so forth.
Describe their life before this. What is their background? Who is their family, if any? What led to their becoming their class/leaving their home? A paragraph or two will suffice, three maximum.
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Writing Sample[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[hider=How did NameOfChar meet NameOfTwin?]Start with 'How did NameOfChar meet NameOfTwin? I want you to write a short story describing the answer to this question, either full-third person or from the perspective of your character. This is how I will get an idea of your writing style. Cassandra wears green and white, and is a spellcaster. Sebastian wears blue and black, and uses a sword. Both wear a red cloak, and have brown hair and green eyes. Remember, Cayden's character sheet is HIGH END of what I expect.[/hider]
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Features & Traits[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center]
[hider=Racial Features: Race (Subrace, if any)][b][i]Feature Name[/i][/b] - Feature Details.[/hider]
[hider=Background Features: Background][b][i]Name of Feature[/i][/b] - Feature details.[/hider]
[hider=Class Features: Class (Subclass, if acquired)][b][i]Name of Feature[/i][/b] - Feature details.[/hider]
[center][h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Prepared Spells[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[b]Spell Save DC[/b] XX | [b]Spell Attack Modifier[/b] +X | [b]Max Spells Prepared[/b] X[/center]
[hider=Cleric Spellcasting]Rules Surrounding your spells[/hider]
[hider=Cantrips][i]Cantrip Name[/i] [b]C[/b]oncentration [b]V[/b]erbal [b]S[/b]omatic [b]M[/b]aterial (material component), range, duration. Effect.[/hider]
[hider=Level 1 (2 Slots)][i]Spell Name[/i] [b]C[/b]oncentration [b]V[/b]erbal [b]S[/b]omatic [b]M[/b]aterial (material component), range, duration. Effect.[/hider][/hider]
Anything else you want people to know about your character.
[img]Character Image - Optional[/img]
[h3]Alignment (e.g., NG) Race (Subrace) | Class LevelNumber | Background[/h3]
[i][color=YourColourHere]"Something your character would say"[/color][/i]
[h3][b]AC[/b] XX • [b]HP[/b] XX/XX • [b]Speed[/b] XX[/h3]
[b]STR[/b] XX (+X) | [b]DEX[/b] XX (+X) | [b]CON[/b] XX (+X)
[b]INT[/b] XX (+X) | [b]WIS[/b] XX (+X) | [b]CHA[/b] XX (+X)
[b]Saving Throws:[/b] Proficient Saving Throws.
[b]Skills:[/b] Proficient Skill. [b]Expertise Skill[/b]
[b]Tools:[/b] Any tools, instruments or vehicles you are proficient in. [b]Expertise tools[/b]
[b]Languages:[/b] Languages spoken.
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Arms & Armour[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[b]Armour[/b] | Any armour they're wearing
[b]Weapons[/b] | Any weapons they're carrying. This includes a wizard's tome, and your spellcasting foci.
[b]Age:[/b] XX | [b]Height:[/b] In feet, keep in mind race heights | [b]Weight:[/b] XXlbs
Describe their face, their hair, their clothes
[hider=Personal Item (optional)]
[img]Image of item (optional)[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] XX | [b]Age:[/b] If applicable | [b]Size:[/b] XX | [b]Weight:[/b] XXlbs
Describe the singular item that is most important to your character. This could be a pet, a book, and so on.[/hider]
[b]Main Mood:[/b] Usual emotion | [b]Fave Food:[/b] What do they like to eat| [b]Pet Peeve:[/b] Something that annoys them | [b]Style of Battle:[/b] How do they act in battle?
Two paragraphs maximum, three if you really need it. What is their general demeanour? Their outlook on life? How do they express their emotions? How do they talk? So on and so forth.
Describe their life before this. What is their background? Who is their family, if any? What led to their becoming their class/leaving their home? A paragraph or two will suffice, three maximum.
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Writing Sample[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[hider=How did NameOfChar meet NameOfTwin?]Start with 'How did NameOfChar meet NameOfTwin? I want you to write a short story describing the answer to this question, either full-third person or from the perspective of your character. This is how I will get an idea of your writing style. Cassandra wears green and white, and is a spellcaster. Sebastian wears blue and black, and uses a sword. Both wear a red cloak, and have brown hair and green eyes. Remember, Cayden's character sheet is HIGH END of what I expect.[/hider]
[h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Features & Traits[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center]
[hider=Racial Features: Race (Subrace, if any)][b][i]Feature Name[/i][/b] - Feature Details.[/hider]
[hider=Background Features: Background][b][i]Name of Feature[/i][/b] - Feature details.[/hider]
[hider=Class Features: Class (Subclass, if acquired)][b][i]Name of Feature[/i][/b] - Feature details.[/hider]
[center][h3][color=YourColourHere][b][u]Prepared Spells[/u][/b][/color][/h3]
[b]Spell Save DC[/b] XX | [b]Spell Attack Modifier[/b] +X | [b]Max Spells Prepared[/b] X[/center]
[hider=Cleric Spellcasting]Rules Surrounding your spells[/hider]
[hider=Cantrips][i]Cantrip Name[/i] [b]C[/b]oncentration [b]V[/b]erbal [b]S[/b]omatic [b]M[/b]aterial (material component), range, duration. Effect.[/hider]
[hider=Level 1 (2 Slots)][i]Spell Name[/i] [b]C[/b]oncentration [b]V[/b]erbal [b]S[/b]omatic [b]M[/b]aterial (material component), range, duration. Effect.[/hider][/hider]
Anything else you want people to know about your character.