Things at Serval Industries were fairly laid back at the moment. Though a bit tense to say the least, after all, it had only been a few weeks since Harrison was murdered, the fact that the new CEO didn't seem to care at all was a bit on the concerning side to say the least. Life just seemed to move on, and no one was doing a damn thin about it, that being in the words of a few other people around Serval Industries.
An few new people have joined the team, which has been made up of a few veterans of the team who truly knew Harrison Snow, while the newbies only really had met him when he had asked them to join the team. He died not too long after the new team had been recruited for it. There might be new people on the team, but most of them weren't new to the superhero business.
They actually ended up with 3 people who were typically associated with the X-Men. Psylocke joined the team, and she was typically an ally of the X-Men, occasionally joining them on the occasional mission whenever possible. Gambit and Rogue joined the team as well, mentioning something about a falling out with Xavier. However, they never really spoke openly about it, and it didn't seem like they would be talking about it any time soon.
The group is in the Serval Industries Headquarters at the moment, and they could end up with a mission at any moment.
Andrew Rossi

Location: Serval Industries Engineering Lab
Andrew was by himself for the most part in the engineering lab area of the Serval building. Of course, he was currently working on his suit. Since it hadn't been too long since he finally had managed to get it to work, so there were likely some bugs that still needed to be worked out. It wouldn't be a good thing if some time on a mission something went haywire mechanically and went crazy, blowing up or nearly killing him.
He also had a container of cupcakes next to him. This was something he generally did, have some sort of thing of sugar foods by him when he worked, since otherwise he wouldn't exactly eat anything and it helped to keep him awake in case he decided to work through the night. "That's not right..." he muttered to himself, taking a bite of one of the cupcakes as he looked at a holographic projection of his suit.
Demetria Clarke

Location: Her room
Harrison Snow's death had been taking a toll on Sapphire, after all, he'd sort of taken her in and helped her when she was sort of lost still. She thought of him as a father to her in a way, especially since her own family had abandoned her years ago. The fact that no one else seemed to really care about it pissed her off to no end. Why wouldn't they try to find out who had killed him? Why weren't they trying to catch a murderer? These were the questions constantly flying through her mind.
To say the least, her room wasn't exactly the place anyone else would want to be unless they were bundled up from head to toe. She was sitting in there by herself, and the room was completely frozen. The temperature was definitely well below freezing, and she preferred it that way. Not like she really trusted anyone, the closest she had ever come to trusting anyone had been Snow, but now there was no one. Sapphire wanted to be alone, no matter what, if a mission came in, she'd go off on it, but she'd never trust her team mates at all.