Basic Information
Superhero/villain Name:
Civilian Name:
Origin city/Planet:
Boston, Massachusetts
None. She moves between cities often.
1.80m, or 5"9
60kg, or 132 pounds
Birth Date:
Costumed Appearance:
While she doesn't have a proper costume, she will pull a hoodie over her head if she is out, practicing her abilities or trying to get a better grip over them in an effort to help others.
Civilian Appearance:
Jean has brunette hair, blue-brownish eyes and a slender body figure. While these features make her appealing, her dressing makes for the contrary. She will normally wear whatever she can get her hands on, which normally consist of grey clothes that either appear worn out, too big for her, or overall bad. The only good appearing wearable item she has is her hat, which always appears well taken care of, and almost appears as though it has been glued to Jean's head.
She doesn't have any yet.
Costumed Personality:
While hooded, out and about, she will try and avoid civilians as much as possible, to the point of using her own ability to cause any kind of potential distraction to get out of talking to them. She will normally try and go further away from where she normally hangs around at, with thinking that the further out she goes, the better.
When it comes to fighting, Jynx will do her best to keep her head in the game. However, it is easy for her to get emotional over mere teasing of enemies, which often brings consequences of their own. When she does stay calm and focused, however, her fighting skills show the best of her, and why she won't back down without a fight.
Civilian Personality:
As Jean, she will mostly stay quiet and try to avoid the majority. Due to a past of mistrust in both herself and others, it is hard for her to become close to anyone else. It is also hard for her to start a conversation, and she could easily become flustered. When approached for a conversation, however, it will be easier for her, and she will often appear to enjoy conversations.
If someone is becoming emotional in a close proximity, she will normally turn away and try to leave until the emotions calmed down. Jean herself has some degree of difficulty maintain her own cool at many times, and could be seen breaking into tears over trivial things. She will also try to conceal her tears from others, so they won't try to approach her to comfort her.
Super abilities
Skills~ Excellent Endurance ~
~ Good Agility ~
~ Skilled Freerunner ~
~ Skilled Baton Fighter ~
~ Expert Lock Picking ~
~ Good Safe Cracking ~
Powers~ Probability Manipulation ~
Jynx's main power, and the one that caused her the most trouble throughout her life. With this power, Jynx can effectively 'sense' whats the likelihood of something to occur, and what needs to happen for that to occur. She can then affect the object needed in order to cause the chain of events that causes that to happen. She can also affect smaller animals to a degree, but she cannot affect other humans, demons, or anything that can resemble a humanoid being.
This power is also not one she has complete control over. If her emotions get the best of her, she can start affecting objects around her without even intending to. During her emotional outbursts, it appears as though her powers grow stronger and can affect multiple objects, or larger objects than the ones she would normally affect.
~ Telekinesis ~
A small side power Jynx discovered she had. She is capable of levitating objects, up to her own weight, and only within 10 meters of herself. No matter how much she tried, Jynx had been incapable of increasing the weight or distance of the objects she can levitate, making her believe this is the best will be able to use this ability to, no matter how much she tried to train it.
Gadgets~ Lockpick set ~
Jynx "liberated" this from a pawn shop early in her days as a girl with no home, and has since been using and training with the set the best she could. Although it is missing one of the original picks, she managed to make do with a bunch of hair clips that serve as substitutes.
Weapons~ Folding Baton ~
This Baton is also an item she found at a pawn shop. She received it as protection, paid by her brother. Since the moment she had it, she began practicing with it, giving her about 13 years to practice with it. The fact her older brother helped her train for a period certainly helped improve her skills.
Civilian Occupation:
Character History/Origin:
Born as Jean Delice in Boston, Jean initially had a good childhood. Her first years in the world were filled with love and care, with having an older brother, David, that protected her, and parents that wanted to smother her with love. She had no real complaints, at least not until the age of 6.
When her brother, who was 18 at the time, didn't arrive in time to pick her up from her friend, Jean started to grow anxious and scared. Seeing David arrive and apologize for being late due to what she felt was a poor excuse, Jean's emotions made way to anger. She started to scream at him, shouting at how she thought something might've happened, until suddenly, one of the street lights fell right on top of David's old car. Both appeared shocked, but David decided it was karma at play. Jean, however, felt something was off, as she was just thinking on how she wanted him to feel hurt like she did.
From that moment on, every time Jean's emotions ran wild, something happened. Be it the curtains of the house suddenly catching fire, a tree toppling over, or even a bicycle that out of the blue appeared in front of the car Jean and her dad were in. Eventually, her parents realized the truth. Her mother noticed that right after Jean started to cry hard over how they wouldn't let her go have dinner with her friend, the chicken in the oven suddenly burned because a spring that held the temperature setting snapped. It seemed unlikely to happen, especially since it was a relatively new oven. Beginning to grow wary of their child, Jean started to see less of her parents. While they informed David of their discovery, he kept spending time with his sister, making sure she was never alone.
At the age of 8, however, came the biggest disaster. While spending time at a passing carnival with David, Jean suddenly noticed that she couldn't see David. She started to call out to her big brother, with her calls and cries only growing stronger. While others tried to come and help the child, Jean didn't notice them, and her cries, sadness and fear only grew stronger. Eventually, she started to think 'I wish this stupid carnival wasn't here. Then I wouldn't have lost my big brother'.
This thought led to what Jean considers to be the darkest moment in her life.
The main pole in the biggest tent collapsed down, after the pole gotten wet by a bucket dropping from a stool on its side. Apparently, this was all it took, as the pole was old already, and somewhat rotting. 200 Audience members got trapped inside the now fallen tent, along with 50 crew members and over a dozen animals. As if that wasn't enough, a juggler of torches suddenly slipped on a ball he misplaced, and one of the torches got thrown with a bit of force, landing on the tent.
There were over 100 casualties in that fire, and the carnival got shut down for good.
It was only then that Jean realized what really happened. Or rather, who happened. Finally, David found his sister, and immediately began dragging her home, not looking at her or speaking to her. His expression was extremely grim. He didn't take her home, but rather to his own apartment, and began explaining to her exactly what she was. What their parents believed she was, and what David had trouble believing until that moment. Knowing their parents would surely piece things together, he told her the truth. That they were scared, and were considering to send her to the government for experimentation. But since he didn't want that, he chose to disobey their parents wishes. After packing whatever clothes she had in his place, and some of his, David went and dropped her off in a bus station. He gave her a disposable phone, and told her to run. He will contact her in due time.
And so Jean ran. She got on the first bus she could, and only looked back to see David walk away. This began the homeless life for Jean. She was given some money from David, but due to not handling it well, she quickly went through it and ended up on the street, alone and cold. She started to try and pick pockets, but quickly realized she did not have the capabilities for that. Instead, however, she found she had a talent for picking locks, managing to open doors to locked, abandoned appearing buildings, and take some shelter in those from time to time. When it came to food, she had to make due with scraps people threw out.
At the age of 10, however, finally came the call from David. After hearing about where she currently was, he drove to meet her. It was then that he heard about the hardships she needed to go through since Jean ran on his orders. When Jean asked if she could come home, David told her that wasn't possible. Their parents had informed the government of her, so they would surely look for her there. He gave her more money, and also took her to a pawn shop to get her some kind of protection, which came in the form of an expandable baton. While she was there, Jean fancied a lock pick set, and as she and her brother walked out, the lock pick set had mysteriously vanished. David stayed with her for as long as he could, teaching her some basic moves with the baton that he knew thanks to his own training in the police academy, the place he was currently a part of. Once more, he needed to leave, but not before trying to reassure Jean that she will be fine, and advised she try and get a better grip of her powers.
Taking the advice into heart, Jean started to practice in abandoned buildings during the nights. During the days, she focused on surviving the best she could. After several months, however, she found out the local police had been attracted to strange noises from the building she was at, and realized she had to keep running. But without any money, she couldn't get far. She began breaking into apartments for things she could pawn off, and soon enough, had just barely what she needed to take a bus ride to her next destination.
As she began stealing from homes in order to be able to move locations, she eventually encountered a group of house burglars that came close to leaving her tied up for the police to find. Using her powers, Jane managed to force them to take her with them, and soon enough, they gave her a place among them, and helped her train in both lock picking and safe cracking. Just as she began trusting the others, she suddenly discovered that they still had plans to leave her behind on their next job, so the police will have a patsy while they move their operations elsewhere. Not willing to take the chance, Jane used the chance to take as much money as she could, before using her ability to trap them inside their hideout. As she walked out, she heard one of the other thieves shout at his friend, claiming that he jinxed them all. It was then she decided to take up the name Jynx. After this, she informed the police of where the thieves were, but being sure they would give her up too, she quickly made her way to the bus, once more travelling out of town.
It wasn't long after this that Jynx managed to get some news about Boston. There was a massive following of people that called to metahumans to register legally. And to her shock, she could see David standing alongside her parents on the stage, behind the one who was speaking. Thinking the worst of the situation, Jynx took the phone he gave her and smashed it into pieces, before beginning to think that she could trust no one. She could barely even trust herself, with the nature of her powers. She also chose to drop her last name, thus distancing herself from the family that clearly could not accept her.
When the world went to the 2 month war, Jynx thought she could do nothing to help, and so she hid. She kept living the life of a wandering thief, never staying more than three months in each city. Upon hearing of 'The Seven Wonders of the World', Jynx started to look up to them, wondering if perhaps she was feeling inspired to try and act in the betterment of the civilians. But how would anyone trust her with the kind of powers she had? It was clear she had no choice. Even if metahumans were beginning to be accepted following the war, Jynx couldn't feel like she could trust anyone.
Since then, Jynx has been on the road, never staying long, always trying to remain anonymous, always doing what she felt was needed to survive. From the age of 16, she began to try and help others since she felt she had better grasp of her powers, but she never allowed anyone to get close. Because getting close was clearly the way to her downfall. And the last thing she wanted was to fall down and never get back up.
Optional information
None that she knows of.
No team yet.
~ Jynx has taken up playing the Harmonica, and is pretty decent at it. ~
~ When speaking of the Justice League, Jynx appears to have somewhat of a crush on the Emerald Knight. ~
~ Her civilian signature hat is the one item from her brother that she hadn't tossed away. ~
~ She has taken a liking to saying "Jinxed ya!" when she is successful in taking a bad guy down. ~