NPC's and Antagonists:
The High King: (Guillan, as well as all the Lands of the Nine)

The High King is an honest enough and just King. He is old and wise. Hardened by battles of years past, but now he is long past his prime and knows it well. He reigns supreme over all the Nine Lands, and Guillan is his lustering gem, a great capital city. He is well aware of the displaced wealth and corruption that any such grand city would surely supply, and he does his best to keep it all from boiling over. He is perhaps aware that his own Guardsmen are corrupted as well, but definitely not to the fullness nor depth of it.
Anyone would most assuredly have a vexing time from keeping it from tatters.. He relies heavily on his Master at Arms, Lord Vallec, whom he trusts with more than he possibly should. Vallec has his finger in all the going's on when it comes to the King's matters. For the better, and the worse of it. He uses the King'sGuard not just to uphold the laws of the city, but also for his own personal lackeys, which will blindly do his bidding without hesitation..
The king is a fair man.. but he IS still, just a man.
Vallec Von Brandt:

Age: 34
Race: Human
Origin: Guillan
Occupation: Master at Arms to the High King
Demeanor: Collected, Straightforward, Militant
Disposition: Engaging, Tact, Vindictive
Vallec is Master at Arms to the High King, Emperor to all of the lands of the Nines. He is confidant, advisor, and enforcer to the entire city of Guillan. He is very well acclimated to the soldier way of life, from the battlefields to the high polished marble of the courts. His military prowess was gained through many battles in his career as a soldier for the Imperial Army. He had proven himself many times. He had grown up with the High King, and they played often as children, as his father was also a consort to the previous king, and father to the current.
Vallec is very intelligent, and many believe that he is completely capable of conveying his agendas through the High King. His words fall upon the King's ear with heavy weight as it were, and often times it was unclear just who's interests were being served. He has earned the nickname "Hound of the Nines" from his title, and his reputation as a loyal dog, who would attack anything that threatens it's master. This name was a fitting one.
Fine silver sabre, Royally issued for his title and prominence. Ornately decorated.
Matching dagger. Long, stiletto type design with matching details to the sabre.
Scabbard and belts.
Ornate medium caliber flintlock pistol. Immaculate
Leather studded and plated armor. Well crafted and seasoned. Well fitting and decorated.
High leather boots.
Seal of the High King
Letter of prominence.
Lord Vargas: (Known fence, black market merchant)

Vargas, or "Lord Vargas", as he likes to be called, is a well known fence and head of a small time crime syndicate to the common pick-pocketer and petty criminals of Guillan. He is a hard bargainer and seldom pays the top fair price, but he's about the best of them, and by others' standards, his rates are about as fair as one can hope for. He can often be found at The Faded Lantern Tavern & Inn, right on the edge of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks.
He is also a bit of a merchant, for those hard to get black market items. The sort of things you don't go round lookin' for just anywhere.. special items. The kinds of things that might be a bit more trouble than they're worth to be caught with. He keeps a room at the inn so he is almost always available. He can usually be found lurking about round the back end of the tavern, holed up in some chair in a dim-lit corner. Mind you keep your voice down and be discreet and he'll be sure to appreciate it. Make a scene and you'll have to rid your wares somewhere else.
Madame Margarette Fontaine: (Madame, Owner of The Red Sail Brothel)

Madame Margarette Fontaine is the head Madame and owner of the Red Sail Brothel located between the Slums and Seaside Markets, in the southwestern corner down by the docks and opposite the corner of the Faded Lantern Tavern and Inn. She is a prominent figure to those that graze in the underworld. Her clientele has always been kept in a discreet manner, whether it be a commoner or person of a higher status. She keeps a close eye on her girls and has been known to go to great lengths to maintain their safety, and dignity. She likes to mark the faces of men who would harm a hair on their heads, or tried to get one over on her and hers. Said to use nasty blade too, as to set the wound to festering right off.
She is also the head of another small but organized crime syndicate that operates from within the safe confines of the brothel, using its discretion and general nature as a natural sanctuary. She is a well known fence, much like Lord Vargas, and though they are often in competition with one another, scrapping for the leftovers in the wake of the Black Hands. Her group of minions is perhaps smaller than Vargas', but they are equal or better when speaking in terms of efficiency, and Madame Fontaine is far more ambitious than he.
Gail Livingsworth-Slums (Street Dealer/fence/Apothecary)

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Human
Origin: Gullian
Attire: Unarmored, has a nice wool coat though
Demeanor: hesitant/friendly/excitable/distractable/smooth-talker
Talking (distracting/convincing others) - 4
Stealth - 2
*Apothecary - 6
Climbing - 1
City Knowledge (back alleys and the like – useful for running away) - 2
Gail’s mother died early, trying to give birth to her daughter. Both died, and Gail’s father was left to raise him. Ryredan Caradec was born and raised a thief, a master of the slight of hand and guile of language. While his son was able to quickly pick up on the family’s smooth talking ways, he shaky hands proved useless for many of the tasks his father set before him, and grew up constantly berated.
These shaky hands proved to be more than just a benign curse, however, as Gail learned after cutting himself on the hand making dinner, accidentally healing the wound he had just created, then passing out for three hours. His father was certainly worried when he came home to his 14-year-old child sleeping on the floor of their hovel, but didn’t believe his story, thinking he was just trying to excuse his laziness with a myth. When Gail repeated this same miracle later after burning his finger on the stove, this time with his father present, Ryredan realized the possibilities, and lifted a book on healing from a bookstore in town, hoping that his son’s abilities would be profitable. Unfortunately, when he discovered just how long it took to build up the strength to make even simple potions, he gave up on the whole escapade – what use was this magic if it couldn’t restore entire bones, or cure the town lepers and get his son looked at – and treated like a god? Unfortunately, when he was caught in the middle of robbing the house of a noble a year later, he didn’t have much of a chance to impose his own limitations on his son, or anyone else for that matter.
At least it was just exile.
Since the age of 15, Gail has been on his own, doing his best to carry on his father’s legacy while learning about his own skills. Theft is all he knows and all he was taught, though he has rarely succeeded in stealing anything large. He has, however, learned that people will pay surprisingly well for a liquid that helps to remove acne, among other small ailments, if they can afford it.
Magic, though rudimentary, still has its uses. Those blessed with the skill to restore living things from their injuries will find that it takes a great toll on their bodies to heal anything at all, and the magic is wild and unpredictable. By learning sets of movements and incantations, one can learn to carefully transfer this magic into water or other liquids. This must be done in small amounts, or the process will completely wear out the user. As it is, the amount of magic required for tasks increases with the scale of what they heal – learning to funnel ones magic into a potion that helps a body fight an infection is not too difficult. Trying to heal broken bones? That might take a day or two in total of focus and preparation for a bottle the size of a shot glass (though on the bright side, he can stretch the process over multiple days, a few hours at a time). At this point, Gail is capable of quickly healing small nicks and scratches without much effort, but will be seriously incapacitated if he needs to heal even a moderate injury. his potions could potentially produce a wide variety of useful effects, if he can figure out how to achieve it. they will not, however, put back together someone whose guts are hanging out.
Personal Effects:
4 small glass jars with stoppers on them, empty
A small completed potion; will reduce swelling from sores and acne if dripped over affected area
Another small potion, the most powerful he’s been able to create, capable of massively accelerating the healing process of broken bones if ingested.
A knife
Some bread he found on the walk home. It doesn’t look moldy?
One room hovel off in a back alley of the slums near the marketplace

The High King is an honest enough and just King. He is old and wise. Hardened by battles of years past, but now he is long past his prime and knows it well. He reigns supreme over all the Nine Lands, and Guillan is his lustering gem, a great capital city. He is well aware of the displaced wealth and corruption that any such grand city would surely supply, and he does his best to keep it all from boiling over. He is perhaps aware that his own Guardsmen are corrupted as well, but definitely not to the fullness nor depth of it.
Anyone would most assuredly have a vexing time from keeping it from tatters.. He relies heavily on his Master at Arms, Lord Vallec, whom he trusts with more than he possibly should. Vallec has his finger in all the going's on when it comes to the King's matters. For the better, and the worse of it. He uses the King'sGuard not just to uphold the laws of the city, but also for his own personal lackeys, which will blindly do his bidding without hesitation..
The king is a fair man.. but he IS still, just a man.
Vallec Von Brandt:

Currency: --
Ammunition: 6 shot
Status: N/A
Ammunition: 6 shot
Status: N/A
Age: 34
Race: Human
Origin: Guillan
Occupation: Master at Arms to the High King
Demeanor: Collected, Straightforward, Militant
Disposition: Engaging, Tact, Vindictive
Vallec is Master at Arms to the High King, Emperor to all of the lands of the Nines. He is confidant, advisor, and enforcer to the entire city of Guillan. He is very well acclimated to the soldier way of life, from the battlefields to the high polished marble of the courts. His military prowess was gained through many battles in his career as a soldier for the Imperial Army. He had proven himself many times. He had grown up with the High King, and they played often as children, as his father was also a consort to the previous king, and father to the current.
Vallec is very intelligent, and many believe that he is completely capable of conveying his agendas through the High King. His words fall upon the King's ear with heavy weight as it were, and often times it was unclear just who's interests were being served. He has earned the nickname "Hound of the Nines" from his title, and his reputation as a loyal dog, who would attack anything that threatens it's master. This name was a fitting one.
Personal Effects-
Fine silver sabre, Royally issued for his title and prominence. Ornately decorated.
Matching dagger. Long, stiletto type design with matching details to the sabre.
Scabbard and belts.
Ornate medium caliber flintlock pistol. Immaculate
Leather studded and plated armor. Well crafted and seasoned. Well fitting and decorated.
High leather boots.
Seal of the High King
Letter of prominence.
Lord Vargas: (Known fence, black market merchant)

Vargas, or "Lord Vargas", as he likes to be called, is a well known fence and head of a small time crime syndicate to the common pick-pocketer and petty criminals of Guillan. He is a hard bargainer and seldom pays the top fair price, but he's about the best of them, and by others' standards, his rates are about as fair as one can hope for. He can often be found at The Faded Lantern Tavern & Inn, right on the edge of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks.
He is also a bit of a merchant, for those hard to get black market items. The sort of things you don't go round lookin' for just anywhere.. special items. The kinds of things that might be a bit more trouble than they're worth to be caught with. He keeps a room at the inn so he is almost always available. He can usually be found lurking about round the back end of the tavern, holed up in some chair in a dim-lit corner. Mind you keep your voice down and be discreet and he'll be sure to appreciate it. Make a scene and you'll have to rid your wares somewhere else.
Madame Margarette Fontaine: (Madame, Owner of The Red Sail Brothel)

Madame Margarette Fontaine is the head Madame and owner of the Red Sail Brothel located between the Slums and Seaside Markets, in the southwestern corner down by the docks and opposite the corner of the Faded Lantern Tavern and Inn. She is a prominent figure to those that graze in the underworld. Her clientele has always been kept in a discreet manner, whether it be a commoner or person of a higher status. She keeps a close eye on her girls and has been known to go to great lengths to maintain their safety, and dignity. She likes to mark the faces of men who would harm a hair on their heads, or tried to get one over on her and hers. Said to use nasty blade too, as to set the wound to festering right off.
She is also the head of another small but organized crime syndicate that operates from within the safe confines of the brothel, using its discretion and general nature as a natural sanctuary. She is a well known fence, much like Lord Vargas, and though they are often in competition with one another, scrapping for the leftovers in the wake of the Black Hands. Her group of minions is perhaps smaller than Vargas', but they are equal or better when speaking in terms of efficiency, and Madame Fontaine is far more ambitious than he.
Gail Livingsworth-Slums (Street Dealer/fence/Apothecary)

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Human
Origin: Gullian
Attire: Unarmored, has a nice wool coat though
Demeanor: hesitant/friendly/excitable/distractable/smooth-talker
Talking (distracting/convincing others) - 4
Stealth - 2
*Apothecary - 6
Climbing - 1
City Knowledge (back alleys and the like – useful for running away) - 2
Gail’s mother died early, trying to give birth to her daughter. Both died, and Gail’s father was left to raise him. Ryredan Caradec was born and raised a thief, a master of the slight of hand and guile of language. While his son was able to quickly pick up on the family’s smooth talking ways, he shaky hands proved useless for many of the tasks his father set before him, and grew up constantly berated.
These shaky hands proved to be more than just a benign curse, however, as Gail learned after cutting himself on the hand making dinner, accidentally healing the wound he had just created, then passing out for three hours. His father was certainly worried when he came home to his 14-year-old child sleeping on the floor of their hovel, but didn’t believe his story, thinking he was just trying to excuse his laziness with a myth. When Gail repeated this same miracle later after burning his finger on the stove, this time with his father present, Ryredan realized the possibilities, and lifted a book on healing from a bookstore in town, hoping that his son’s abilities would be profitable. Unfortunately, when he discovered just how long it took to build up the strength to make even simple potions, he gave up on the whole escapade – what use was this magic if it couldn’t restore entire bones, or cure the town lepers and get his son looked at – and treated like a god? Unfortunately, when he was caught in the middle of robbing the house of a noble a year later, he didn’t have much of a chance to impose his own limitations on his son, or anyone else for that matter.
At least it was just exile.
Since the age of 15, Gail has been on his own, doing his best to carry on his father’s legacy while learning about his own skills. Theft is all he knows and all he was taught, though he has rarely succeeded in stealing anything large. He has, however, learned that people will pay surprisingly well for a liquid that helps to remove acne, among other small ailments, if they can afford it.
Magic, though rudimentary, still has its uses. Those blessed with the skill to restore living things from their injuries will find that it takes a great toll on their bodies to heal anything at all, and the magic is wild and unpredictable. By learning sets of movements and incantations, one can learn to carefully transfer this magic into water or other liquids. This must be done in small amounts, or the process will completely wear out the user. As it is, the amount of magic required for tasks increases with the scale of what they heal – learning to funnel ones magic into a potion that helps a body fight an infection is not too difficult. Trying to heal broken bones? That might take a day or two in total of focus and preparation for a bottle the size of a shot glass (though on the bright side, he can stretch the process over multiple days, a few hours at a time). At this point, Gail is capable of quickly healing small nicks and scratches without much effort, but will be seriously incapacitated if he needs to heal even a moderate injury. his potions could potentially produce a wide variety of useful effects, if he can figure out how to achieve it. they will not, however, put back together someone whose guts are hanging out.
Personal Effects:
4 small glass jars with stoppers on them, empty
A small completed potion; will reduce swelling from sores and acne if dripped over affected area
Another small potion, the most powerful he’s been able to create, capable of massively accelerating the healing process of broken bones if ingested.
A knife
Some bread he found on the walk home. It doesn’t look moldy?
One room hovel off in a back alley of the slums near the marketplace
This is a list of antagonists and encounters, and will be updated as the adventure unfolds. These will include humans, gods, demons, and other beasts that wish to end your lives, as well as empty your pockets..
These are dangers that lurk in dark corners and unguarded highways, cutthroats, rapists, thieves, bandits, and strong arms. Low life scum, these souls are the scourge of civilized lands and cities. They have no concern for the law and kill on a whim, all for the sake of a few bits. Some work alone in dark alleys and tunnels, and some work in groups and implement pack tactics and ambushes like packs of rabid wolves. These criminals can be found in all corners of the Nines and travelers should always be wary. Mind you don't get too drunk at the watering hole and get took for every coin in your purse, or even worse, you could lose your very life.

Bandits rob and plunder unwary travelers and adventurers, and are also known as Highwaymen. These bandits or highwaymen like to travel in small groups and often ambush their prey. Bandits usually have a small camp or stronghold in the same vicinity, or at least a small stash or hidden cache. They use a wide variety of weapons and aren't afraid to spill innocent blood for the sake of loot. They will even kill the horses, take hostages, and prisoners for rape or ransom. Extremely predatory and vile individuals who have no concern for the law. Check inns, brothels, and taverns for local gossip and recent sightings, and avoid them if at all possible.
These small groups most often have a leader who governs the group, and the leader is commonly the brains of the outfit. Bandits are usually clad in a hodgepodge of armor types like leather, studded leather, and chainmail, and weapons include all manner of blades, maces, blackjacks, and polearms, bows, and crossbows. Bandits have also been known to set a trap or two as well, so keep your wits sharp, and your eyes keen.
Ambush: 3
Parry: 2
Ranged Weapons: 2
LEVEL: 1-3 (3-10 members)
AMMO: 0-5 shot (per bandit)
ARMOR: +2, +3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Captains)
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 1
Charisma: 1 Luck: 1

The Black Hands are the most prominent and well known thieves' guild in all the Nines. They are the most dastardly cutthroats and lowlifes the world has to offer. Murderers and villainous scoundrels. They have numbers throughout the Nine Lands, but nowhere are they stronger than in Guillan. They use the alleys and underways of the city to plot and plunder, slitting throats in dark corners, safe from the torch's tellings.. Some say that they have stronghold somewhere in the sewers, the underbelly of the of the capital. No one knows for certain, to be sure.. Excellent Sailors and seafarers aplenty, and most of 'ems pirates. Navigating the seas and shorelines of the Nines, disguised as merchants, only they are dispersing fenced and stolen goods, so that tracking anything would be next to futile.. Be wary when commissioning a ship or crewed vessel when traveling.
NOTES: There is also talk of a King of Thieves, or a leader of sorts, and also that there is some sort of hierarchy as well. A close, governing circle of trusted members at the top of it all, and each wildly rich, well beyond the comprehension of a common thief for certain. Some would say that they have a combined wealth which would best the King's several times over, affording them great power in the Nines. Enough to sway laws and kings, barons, and magistrates.. the very tides of war could unleashed, all funded by those few alone. They use all types of weapons and armor, but usually nothing heavier than chainmail.
Ambush: 3
Parry: 3
Ranged Weapons: 2
LEVEL: 3-5 (15 Guild Leader)
AMMO: 0-5 shots
ARMOR: +2-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Guild Leader)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 3-4 Luck: 3

Cultists are individuals who practice in the Dark Arts- A vile and evil magic that involves rituals and sacrificial offerings. These purveyors of darkness summon dark forces and great demons from beyond the Veil. Some are more powerful than others, and they often work in hand with Necromancers, performing perverse rituals on corpses, or even sacrificing individuals whom they've kidnapped. They are often the force responsible for strings of disappearances, people whom never to be seen or heard from again.
NOTES: These cults are rumored to be in every corner of the Nines, lurking in the bowels of great cities and hidden deep within megalithic tombs and long forgotten catacombs, performing blood magic and dark rites. Some cultist can perform certain cantrips and spells like binding, sleep, hex, and summon. They are often equipped with ritualistic blades like short swords or daggers, knives, blackjacks, axes, or small spring-loaded crossbows or small ranged weapons. They are also quite skilled in the art of drugging or poisoning, and are known to put drugs in food and drink, or poisons or incapacitating concoctions on blades, arrows, and pin-pricks.
Dark Magic: 3 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, other various cantrips)
Summon: 5
Deceive: 4
Drug/Poison: 3
LEVEL: 1-5 (10 Leader)
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Cult Leader)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 3 Luck: 0

"A rough and sour bunch to be open honest. Sorely and ill tempered, cronies to Lord Vallec and the King. They are not mindless drones, blindly serving their masters, no. Not this lot. They have their own motives as well. Thirsty, heartless dogs, they knick you for every last bit, they will... They only treat fair the rich and upper class for they tip well. It's far worse on your purse if you're of the underhanded kind, black marketers, fences, for they demand a hefty payout waiting for 'em. Mind'n near every corner of the city and they keep a fairly sharp eye abouts. Not too bad on their own mind you, but if'n their in a group of three or so keep your wits about, they'll surely be scheming something awful. There's more than not that are on the smarter side, and plenty enough on the dimmer end but rest assured they'll always have a slick one in the group."
NOTES: The King's Guard are usually well equipped and organized enough. They are usually clad in plate, chainmail, or heavy studded leather armor, and use an array of weapons from long pike axes to maces, but all are sure to have a longsword strapped to their side, and dagger long enough to hit your heart if they plunged you in the neck, and wouldn't mind doing so in the least bit. Some guards and captains are susceptible to bribery, but be wary of those whom you try to bribe, for some may not be so open to the suggestion..
Parry: 3
Contacts: 2
LEVEL: 1-3 ( 3-5 Captain)
AMMO: 0-5 shots
ARMOR: +3-4
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Guard Captain)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 3 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 1-2 Luck: 2

Necromancers raise the dead and conjure dark forces from beyond the grave as well as the Veil. They perform dark rituals and devious forbidden rites. They can raise vast armies of undead, or unleash a horde of zombies, or even summon great evils with the help of devoted Cultists. They often mark their skin, covering themselves with ritualistic symbols and incantations. Some necromancers are extremely powerful.
NOTES: Necromancers are reclusive and generally stay away from civilization when possible. They are known to carry bladed weapons and ritualistic items like daggers or staves, and small ranged weapons like light crossbows, etc.. They generally wear leather armor or dense leather robes and light armor items.
Dark Magic: 4 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, dark force, raise, confusion, dispel)
Summon: 6
Deceive: 4
LEVEL: 4-10
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-4
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 3 Luck: 0

Witches can be found everywhere in the Nines. Witches, Warlocks, Witch Doctors, Shamans, whatever you like to call them. All walks of practitioners of magic. Some are not as welcome in some areas of society but can be found in remote locations. Witches can be either benevolent or malevolent so you should make sure you know who you are dealing with first. If one should require or seek a witch, it would be wise to ask around first.. Some witches can cure sicknesses or ailments, and some can cause them too. Fortune telling and card readings are among the services that they might provide. They may also be able to provide you with blessed or charmed trinkets or amulets, or you could wind up in their stew perhaps. They perform various magic like harmless and even beneficial earth and healing magics, to devious and sinister blood magic and cannibalistic behaviors. Be warned, and seek with caution..
NOTES: Witches range in a variety of practices, services, and ritualistic magics. Some are benevolent. Most however, are not. Witches have all sorts of capabilities that span the entire spectrum of known magical practices throughout the realms, some being quite archaic and powerful. Witches come in all skill levels from novices to extremely proficient practitioners.
Magic: 3 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, dark force, raise, confusion, dispel, mind control, fear, charm, bless, boon, rage, cure, heal, disease, sap, shapeshifting, animal familiar, carnal knowledge)
Summon: 2
Afflict: 4
LEVEL: 4-10
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 and up for Experienced Witches)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 3 Luck: 1

Bandits rob and plunder unwary travelers and adventurers, and are also known as Highwaymen. These bandits or highwaymen like to travel in small groups and often ambush their prey. Bandits usually have a small camp or stronghold in the same vicinity, or at least a small stash or hidden cache. They use a wide variety of weapons and aren't afraid to spill innocent blood for the sake of loot. They will even kill the horses, take hostages, and prisoners for rape or ransom. Extremely predatory and vile individuals who have no concern for the law. Check inns, brothels, and taverns for local gossip and recent sightings, and avoid them if at all possible.
These small groups most often have a leader who governs the group, and the leader is commonly the brains of the outfit. Bandits are usually clad in a hodgepodge of armor types like leather, studded leather, and chainmail, and weapons include all manner of blades, maces, blackjacks, and polearms, bows, and crossbows. Bandits have also been known to set a trap or two as well, so keep your wits sharp, and your eyes keen.
Ambush: 3
Parry: 2
Ranged Weapons: 2
LEVEL: 1-3 (3-10 members)
AMMO: 0-5 shot (per bandit)
ARMOR: +2, +3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Captains)
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 1
Charisma: 1 Luck: 1

The Black Hands are the most prominent and well known thieves' guild in all the Nines. They are the most dastardly cutthroats and lowlifes the world has to offer. Murderers and villainous scoundrels. They have numbers throughout the Nine Lands, but nowhere are they stronger than in Guillan. They use the alleys and underways of the city to plot and plunder, slitting throats in dark corners, safe from the torch's tellings.. Some say that they have stronghold somewhere in the sewers, the underbelly of the of the capital. No one knows for certain, to be sure.. Excellent Sailors and seafarers aplenty, and most of 'ems pirates. Navigating the seas and shorelines of the Nines, disguised as merchants, only they are dispersing fenced and stolen goods, so that tracking anything would be next to futile.. Be wary when commissioning a ship or crewed vessel when traveling.
NOTES: There is also talk of a King of Thieves, or a leader of sorts, and also that there is some sort of hierarchy as well. A close, governing circle of trusted members at the top of it all, and each wildly rich, well beyond the comprehension of a common thief for certain. Some would say that they have a combined wealth which would best the King's several times over, affording them great power in the Nines. Enough to sway laws and kings, barons, and magistrates.. the very tides of war could unleashed, all funded by those few alone. They use all types of weapons and armor, but usually nothing heavier than chainmail.
Ambush: 3
Parry: 3
Ranged Weapons: 2
LEVEL: 3-5 (15 Guild Leader)
AMMO: 0-5 shots
ARMOR: +2-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Guild Leader)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 3-4 Luck: 3

Cultists are individuals who practice in the Dark Arts- A vile and evil magic that involves rituals and sacrificial offerings. These purveyors of darkness summon dark forces and great demons from beyond the Veil. Some are more powerful than others, and they often work in hand with Necromancers, performing perverse rituals on corpses, or even sacrificing individuals whom they've kidnapped. They are often the force responsible for strings of disappearances, people whom never to be seen or heard from again.
NOTES: These cults are rumored to be in every corner of the Nines, lurking in the bowels of great cities and hidden deep within megalithic tombs and long forgotten catacombs, performing blood magic and dark rites. Some cultist can perform certain cantrips and spells like binding, sleep, hex, and summon. They are often equipped with ritualistic blades like short swords or daggers, knives, blackjacks, axes, or small spring-loaded crossbows or small ranged weapons. They are also quite skilled in the art of drugging or poisoning, and are known to put drugs in food and drink, or poisons or incapacitating concoctions on blades, arrows, and pin-pricks.
Dark Magic: 3 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, other various cantrips)
Summon: 5
Deceive: 4
Drug/Poison: 3
LEVEL: 1-5 (10 Leader)
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Cult Leader)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 3 Luck: 0

"A rough and sour bunch to be open honest. Sorely and ill tempered, cronies to Lord Vallec and the King. They are not mindless drones, blindly serving their masters, no. Not this lot. They have their own motives as well. Thirsty, heartless dogs, they knick you for every last bit, they will... They only treat fair the rich and upper class for they tip well. It's far worse on your purse if you're of the underhanded kind, black marketers, fences, for they demand a hefty payout waiting for 'em. Mind'n near every corner of the city and they keep a fairly sharp eye abouts. Not too bad on their own mind you, but if'n their in a group of three or so keep your wits about, they'll surely be scheming something awful. There's more than not that are on the smarter side, and plenty enough on the dimmer end but rest assured they'll always have a slick one in the group."
NOTES: The King's Guard are usually well equipped and organized enough. They are usually clad in plate, chainmail, or heavy studded leather armor, and use an array of weapons from long pike axes to maces, but all are sure to have a longsword strapped to their side, and dagger long enough to hit your heart if they plunged you in the neck, and wouldn't mind doing so in the least bit. Some guards and captains are susceptible to bribery, but be wary of those whom you try to bribe, for some may not be so open to the suggestion..
Parry: 3
Contacts: 2
LEVEL: 1-3 ( 3-5 Captain)
AMMO: 0-5 shots
ARMOR: +3-4
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for Guard Captain)
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 3 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 1-2 Luck: 2

Necromancers raise the dead and conjure dark forces from beyond the grave as well as the Veil. They perform dark rituals and devious forbidden rites. They can raise vast armies of undead, or unleash a horde of zombies, or even summon great evils with the help of devoted Cultists. They often mark their skin, covering themselves with ritualistic symbols and incantations. Some necromancers are extremely powerful.
NOTES: Necromancers are reclusive and generally stay away from civilization when possible. They are known to carry bladed weapons and ritualistic items like daggers or staves, and small ranged weapons like light crossbows, etc.. They generally wear leather armor or dense leather robes and light armor items.
Dark Magic: 4 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, dark force, raise, confusion, dispel)
Summon: 6
Deceive: 4
LEVEL: 4-10
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-4
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 3 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 3 Luck: 0

Witches can be found everywhere in the Nines. Witches, Warlocks, Witch Doctors, Shamans, whatever you like to call them. All walks of practitioners of magic. Some are not as welcome in some areas of society but can be found in remote locations. Witches can be either benevolent or malevolent so you should make sure you know who you are dealing with first. If one should require or seek a witch, it would be wise to ask around first.. Some witches can cure sicknesses or ailments, and some can cause them too. Fortune telling and card readings are among the services that they might provide. They may also be able to provide you with blessed or charmed trinkets or amulets, or you could wind up in their stew perhaps. They perform various magic like harmless and even beneficial earth and healing magics, to devious and sinister blood magic and cannibalistic behaviors. Be warned, and seek with caution..
NOTES: Witches range in a variety of practices, services, and ritualistic magics. Some are benevolent. Most however, are not. Witches have all sorts of capabilities that span the entire spectrum of known magical practices throughout the realms, some being quite archaic and powerful. Witches come in all skill levels from novices to extremely proficient practitioners.
Magic: 3 (hex or curse, sleep, binding, dark force, raise, confusion, dispel, mind control, fear, charm, bless, boon, rage, cure, heal, disease, sap, shapeshifting, animal familiar, carnal knowledge)
Summon: 2
Afflict: 4
LEVEL: 4-10
AMMO: 0-5
ARMOR: +1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 and up for Experienced Witches)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 3 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 3 Luck: 1
These are some of the beasts that one might encounter while traversing the various Lands of the Nines. This is a small list of those that may pose a threat to those who travel unprepared for the dangers abroad.

The dire wolf differs greatly from the average wolves of the woodlands in several ways. It is much larger and it has a massive skull and huge protruding teeth in the front, and relatively long and strong limbs. The species is considerably widespread and can be found all over the Nines. They were much more muscular than regular wolves and their bites were more powerful too.. Dire Wolves also have a taste for horses, so be warry of these beasts on your travels.
NOTES: Dire wolves are usually solitary animals, and can rarely be found in small packs. They prey on large animals and men as well, so there is generally only room in one territory to support a single one. These wolves are extremely powerful and aggressive, and should be avoided. If you should happen to cross paths with one you should definitely try to kill it though, because it will continue to hunt you until it gets what it wants, or you are dead. They have very thick coats of fur offering a good bit of protection.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 5 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Harpies are vile beasts, and are generally depicted as birds with the heads of maidens, faces pale with hunger and long claws on their hands. Writers and sailors have both detailed their ugliness, and old pottery art depicting the harpies featured beautiful women with wings. Some have described them as human-vultures, ravenous beasts that kill their prey and then hoist them up on high cliffs to let them rot a bit before feasting on their bones. Harpies are said to prey upon ships and sailors in flocks or groups that can number in the twenties or thirties. Relentless creatures that attack from above with razor like talons and claws. "Death from above"..
NOTES: Harpies are susceptible to fire damage, and they may shy away from open flame or attack it. They have a residue on their feathers that will tarnish metal and cause rusting if not tended to. They are generally found in cliffs overlooking shorelines, and prey mostly on local fauna and ships that pass through their territories. They make huge nests high on these cliffs and they are extremely hard to get to, often requiring extremely dangerous climbs of up to hundreds of feat. They can also give a nasty bite, that will cause infection and rot if not mended properly.
Swooping Dive: 3
Nasty Bite: 3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 1 Luck: 0

Hounds or dogs, implemented by bandits, pirates, and guards as well.. especially the guards. These are guard dogs, bloodhounds, attack dogs, etc. Some of the larger breeds (Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, Mastiffs, etc.) even wear leather, studded leather, and plate armor, and are referred to as war-dogs. Some of the smaller breeds (terriers and foxhounds, etc.) are also used for hunting wild game in small packs. Dogs who are owned by bandits are not as well equipped as those of the King's Guard, but are still formidable in a fight.
NOTES: Hounds are extremely loyal to their masters, but on rare occasions can be tamed by others, if given an adequate amount of time. They are ferocious in battle and are rewarded for doing so, and they definitely like to please their masters as well.
Locking Bite: 3
Loyal Defender: 4
LEVEL: 1-3
ARMOR: +1-+3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 1 Luck: 0

Sabertoothed Cats are huge predatory cats that inhabit various regions of the Nines including tropical climates, woodlands, plains, and artic regions. These cats come in several species such as pumas, lions, and leopard types. Huge teeth jut out from their muscular jaws, and powerful paws tipped with large claws rend flesh from bone with great ease.
NOTES: These great predatory cats often stalk their prey over great distances. They tend to ambush their prey, pouncing from overhangs or canopies, and it is often too late to evade them once they're on you, and the best one can hope for is to merely survive.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stalk: 5
Stealthy Pounce: 5
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 6 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 6 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 3 Luck: 1

Wolves or Timberwolves can be found throughout the forests and woodlands of the Nines, smart pack animals who hunt in groups. Lurking in the darkness of the tree line and waiting for the perfect moment to strike on unsuspecting prey. They will hunt humans, but are generally more interested in natural prey such as deer, elk, or similar. Extreme hunger and convenience has been known can cause them to attack people, so be mindful of your environment when traveling through these regions.
NOTES: Wolves are extremely skilled hunters that employ pack tactics and ambush their prey. They have vicious bites and will go for the kill. Coats offer some armor protection, equal to leather. Wolves will attack livestock.
Strong Bite: 3
Pack Tactics: 4
LEVEL: 1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+1 for alpha male)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 2 Luck: 2

The dire wolf differs greatly from the average wolves of the woodlands in several ways. It is much larger and it has a massive skull and huge protruding teeth in the front, and relatively long and strong limbs. The species is considerably widespread and can be found all over the Nines. They were much more muscular than regular wolves and their bites were more powerful too.. Dire Wolves also have a taste for horses, so be warry of these beasts on your travels.
NOTES: Dire wolves are usually solitary animals, and can rarely be found in small packs. They prey on large animals and men as well, so there is generally only room in one territory to support a single one. These wolves are extremely powerful and aggressive, and should be avoided. If you should happen to cross paths with one you should definitely try to kill it though, because it will continue to hunt you until it gets what it wants, or you are dead. They have very thick coats of fur offering a good bit of protection.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 5 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Harpies are vile beasts, and are generally depicted as birds with the heads of maidens, faces pale with hunger and long claws on their hands. Writers and sailors have both detailed their ugliness, and old pottery art depicting the harpies featured beautiful women with wings. Some have described them as human-vultures, ravenous beasts that kill their prey and then hoist them up on high cliffs to let them rot a bit before feasting on their bones. Harpies are said to prey upon ships and sailors in flocks or groups that can number in the twenties or thirties. Relentless creatures that attack from above with razor like talons and claws. "Death from above"..
NOTES: Harpies are susceptible to fire damage, and they may shy away from open flame or attack it. They have a residue on their feathers that will tarnish metal and cause rusting if not tended to. They are generally found in cliffs overlooking shorelines, and prey mostly on local fauna and ships that pass through their territories. They make huge nests high on these cliffs and they are extremely hard to get to, often requiring extremely dangerous climbs of up to hundreds of feat. They can also give a nasty bite, that will cause infection and rot if not mended properly.
Swooping Dive: 3
Nasty Bite: 3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 1 Luck: 0

Hounds or dogs, implemented by bandits, pirates, and guards as well.. especially the guards. These are guard dogs, bloodhounds, attack dogs, etc. Some of the larger breeds (Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, Mastiffs, etc.) even wear leather, studded leather, and plate armor, and are referred to as war-dogs. Some of the smaller breeds (terriers and foxhounds, etc.) are also used for hunting wild game in small packs. Dogs who are owned by bandits are not as well equipped as those of the King's Guard, but are still formidable in a fight.
NOTES: Hounds are extremely loyal to their masters, but on rare occasions can be tamed by others, if given an adequate amount of time. They are ferocious in battle and are rewarded for doing so, and they definitely like to please their masters as well.
Locking Bite: 3
Loyal Defender: 4
LEVEL: 1-3
ARMOR: +1-+3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 1 Luck: 0

Sabertoothed Cats are huge predatory cats that inhabit various regions of the Nines including tropical climates, woodlands, plains, and artic regions. These cats come in several species such as pumas, lions, and leopard types. Huge teeth jut out from their muscular jaws, and powerful paws tipped with large claws rend flesh from bone with great ease.
NOTES: These great predatory cats often stalk their prey over great distances. They tend to ambush their prey, pouncing from overhangs or canopies, and it is often too late to evade them once they're on you, and the best one can hope for is to merely survive.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stalk: 5
Stealthy Pounce: 5
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 6 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 6 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 3 Luck: 1

Wolves or Timberwolves can be found throughout the forests and woodlands of the Nines, smart pack animals who hunt in groups. Lurking in the darkness of the tree line and waiting for the perfect moment to strike on unsuspecting prey. They will hunt humans, but are generally more interested in natural prey such as deer, elk, or similar. Extreme hunger and convenience has been known can cause them to attack people, so be mindful of your environment when traveling through these regions.
NOTES: Wolves are extremely skilled hunters that employ pack tactics and ambush their prey. They have vicious bites and will go for the kill. Coats offer some armor protection, equal to leather. Wolves will attack livestock.
Strong Bite: 3
Pack Tactics: 4
LEVEL: 1-3
ATTRIBUTES: (+1 for alpha male)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 2
Charisma: 2 Luck: 2
These creatures lurk in the depths of the seas and plague the rivers and streams of the Nines. Some are thought to be nothing more than folklore, but others are very well known throughout the lands. Some are benevolent creatures and harmless animals, but others very much want you dead.. Either way, wise travelers be warry.

Basilisks are huge serpents who usually keep to the rivers and swamplands of the Nines. They can grow up to nearly 100' in length and are covered in thick tough scales. They are quite amphibious and prey often on unwary fishermen, destroying their boats with its muscular body. They are quite fast in the water but slower on land. They tend to make nests in large holes on riverbanks and swamps, and feed off of anything that gets in their path. They have razor sharp teeth and fore-fins that resemble small wings but they cannot fly.
NOTES: Basilisks have very poor eyesight but sensitive hearing, and they can feel the vibrations of feet hitting the ground. They will attack torches or lanterns in the dark, finding it easier to pinpoint them even with their poor sight. Light and sound helps them to track targets. Their saliva carries wretched bacteria that will cause terrible infections that are gangrenous in nature. They also carry a venom in their saliva that attacks the nervous system, causing temporary paralysis.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 3-6
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 7 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

These deadly fish can be found in freshwater rivers and deltas, as well as in the shorelines near the mouths of these rivers. These fish get their name from their sharp dagger like teeth. These are a type of armored pike fish that have long eel like tails. They can grow up to 15 or 20 feet in length, and can sever a man's leg or take his torso in a single bite..
NOTES: These fish are swift and strike quickly. They have razor sharp teeth and attack with their long muscular tails, slapping at their prey to disorient and knock them off their balance. Be wary of these fish in large river shallows and crossings. They also have hard scales that provide armor protection near the front of their bodies that protect the head and vital organs.
Razor Bite: 4
Tail Slap: 3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 3 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 1
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Horned Crocodiles inhabit both the fresh and saltwater rivers and streams, deltas, and swamplands of the low lying tropical regions of the Nines. These crocs come in all sizes and can grow into giants, massive lengths of up to 30 feet from head to tail. Crocodiles this large are big enough to swallow a man whole, and would have little trouble taking down a bison or horse. Thick scaly skin like tiny plates of armor are thick on it's back and sides, and horn like protrusions jut out above their eyes. Their massive tails are extremely muscular and can slap at prey, rendering them unconscious or perhaps even kill.
NOTES: Crocodiles have extremely tough hides that provide armor protection. They may attack with their jaws or tails, and can deal massive amounts of damage to anyone caught off guard. Crocodiles are faster in water and like to ambush their targets from murky pools of water. Mind you pay attention when drinking from unfamiliar watering holes.
Hidden Strike: 5
Tail Slap: 4
LEVEL: 1-5 (8-10 for giant crocs)
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for giant crocs)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 3 (6 water) Willpower: 1
Charisma: 0 Luck: 1

Leviathans are huge sea creatures of old folklore. These beasts are well known to sailors though none have ever actually seen one and lived to tell the tale, so it is still considered to be mythical in nature, it does not go without those who are keen on superstitions. It has various descriptions, some with tentacles and others with great mouths with rows of teeth or horned bills, features of crocodiles, arms with webbed claws. One thing that everyone seems to agree on is just how gigantic they are. Large enough to sink a fleet of ships in a short few moments, reducing them to splinters and sending sailors to watery graves or even worse, eaten alive.
NOTES: The sea creatures deal massive amounts of damage to both humans as well as vessels and structures. Direct combat should be avoided. Huge harpoon-like tentacles can crush a ship in minutes, rendering it into pieces. Some sailors still give offerings to various gods of the sea to bless their passages and to protect them from these creatures even to this very day.
Devastating Blow: 10
Vortex: 8 (can create vortex that can pull a vessel down causing it to take on water)
Harpoon Jab: 8 (tentacles have hardened sharp tips like harpoons, used as an aimed attack)
Harpoon Jab: 8
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 15 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

The "Waterborn" are fish like humanoid creatures, also referred to as "Mire-Men", that live in freshwater streams and rivers. They are very amphibious in appearance and have large eyes for seeing in the murky deep. They are not accustomed to being out in broad day light as it is too bright for them, so they make their homes on the bottoms of riverbeds and deep pools in the swamps and still running streams. They hunt fish and other small game associated with these areas. They can use tools and weapons, having a somewhat similar anatomy to man, and have webbed hands and feet. These creatures are very skittish of man and generally keep to themselves, and out of sight of those who are passing through their territories. They are also scared of fire. They are common throughout the Nines in freshwater areas and swamps, and are generally shunned by men, thus making them extremely timid and cautious with the dealings of men.
NOTES: Waterborn have the ability to breathe underwater, and can also breathe air as well. They are quite peaceful and do not seek relations with likes of men. Their equipment and weapons are usually very crude, and include bone spears, pikes, reclaimed metal spears and knives, very seldom do they wear armor, or very much attire for that matter. They are extremely crafty and can be very helpful, if you can talk them into it that is.. They are quite partial to shiny things like gold coins and trinkets, but you've still got to find one first..
Gills: Waterborn have the ability to breathe both air and water. Immune to drowning.
Crafting: Waterborn are extremely crafty.
Swift Strike: 2 (with spear)
LEVEL: 1-2
AMMO: 1-2
Awareness: 1-3 Intelligence: 1-3
Strength: 1 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 1 (3 in water) Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 2

Basilisks are huge serpents who usually keep to the rivers and swamplands of the Nines. They can grow up to nearly 100' in length and are covered in thick tough scales. They are quite amphibious and prey often on unwary fishermen, destroying their boats with its muscular body. They are quite fast in the water but slower on land. They tend to make nests in large holes on riverbanks and swamps, and feed off of anything that gets in their path. They have razor sharp teeth and fore-fins that resemble small wings but they cannot fly.
NOTES: Basilisks have very poor eyesight but sensitive hearing, and they can feel the vibrations of feet hitting the ground. They will attack torches or lanterns in the dark, finding it easier to pinpoint them even with their poor sight. Light and sound helps them to track targets. Their saliva carries wretched bacteria that will cause terrible infections that are gangrenous in nature. They also carry a venom in their saliva that attacks the nervous system, causing temporary paralysis.
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 3-6
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 7 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

These deadly fish can be found in freshwater rivers and deltas, as well as in the shorelines near the mouths of these rivers. These fish get their name from their sharp dagger like teeth. These are a type of armored pike fish that have long eel like tails. They can grow up to 15 or 20 feet in length, and can sever a man's leg or take his torso in a single bite..
NOTES: These fish are swift and strike quickly. They have razor sharp teeth and attack with their long muscular tails, slapping at their prey to disorient and knock them off their balance. Be wary of these fish in large river shallows and crossings. They also have hard scales that provide armor protection near the front of their bodies that protect the head and vital organs.
Razor Bite: 4
Tail Slap: 3
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 3 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 1
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Horned Crocodiles inhabit both the fresh and saltwater rivers and streams, deltas, and swamplands of the low lying tropical regions of the Nines. These crocs come in all sizes and can grow into giants, massive lengths of up to 30 feet from head to tail. Crocodiles this large are big enough to swallow a man whole, and would have little trouble taking down a bison or horse. Thick scaly skin like tiny plates of armor are thick on it's back and sides, and horn like protrusions jut out above their eyes. Their massive tails are extremely muscular and can slap at prey, rendering them unconscious or perhaps even kill.
NOTES: Crocodiles have extremely tough hides that provide armor protection. They may attack with their jaws or tails, and can deal massive amounts of damage to anyone caught off guard. Crocodiles are faster in water and like to ambush their targets from murky pools of water. Mind you pay attention when drinking from unfamiliar watering holes.
Hidden Strike: 5
Tail Slap: 4
LEVEL: 1-5 (8-10 for giant crocs)
ATTRIBUTES: (+2 for giant crocs)
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 3 (6 water) Willpower: 1
Charisma: 0 Luck: 1

Leviathans are huge sea creatures of old folklore. These beasts are well known to sailors though none have ever actually seen one and lived to tell the tale, so it is still considered to be mythical in nature, it does not go without those who are keen on superstitions. It has various descriptions, some with tentacles and others with great mouths with rows of teeth or horned bills, features of crocodiles, arms with webbed claws. One thing that everyone seems to agree on is just how gigantic they are. Large enough to sink a fleet of ships in a short few moments, reducing them to splinters and sending sailors to watery graves or even worse, eaten alive.
NOTES: The sea creatures deal massive amounts of damage to both humans as well as vessels and structures. Direct combat should be avoided. Huge harpoon-like tentacles can crush a ship in minutes, rendering it into pieces. Some sailors still give offerings to various gods of the sea to bless their passages and to protect them from these creatures even to this very day.
Devastating Blow: 10
Vortex: 8 (can create vortex that can pull a vessel down causing it to take on water)
Harpoon Jab: 8 (tentacles have hardened sharp tips like harpoons, used as an aimed attack)
Harpoon Jab: 8
Awareness: 3 Intelligence: 2
Strength: 15 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

The "Waterborn" are fish like humanoid creatures, also referred to as "Mire-Men", that live in freshwater streams and rivers. They are very amphibious in appearance and have large eyes for seeing in the murky deep. They are not accustomed to being out in broad day light as it is too bright for them, so they make their homes on the bottoms of riverbeds and deep pools in the swamps and still running streams. They hunt fish and other small game associated with these areas. They can use tools and weapons, having a somewhat similar anatomy to man, and have webbed hands and feet. These creatures are very skittish of man and generally keep to themselves, and out of sight of those who are passing through their territories. They are also scared of fire. They are common throughout the Nines in freshwater areas and swamps, and are generally shunned by men, thus making them extremely timid and cautious with the dealings of men.
NOTES: Waterborn have the ability to breathe underwater, and can also breathe air as well. They are quite peaceful and do not seek relations with likes of men. Their equipment and weapons are usually very crude, and include bone spears, pikes, reclaimed metal spears and knives, very seldom do they wear armor, or very much attire for that matter. They are extremely crafty and can be very helpful, if you can talk them into it that is.. They are quite partial to shiny things like gold coins and trinkets, but you've still got to find one first..
Gills: Waterborn have the ability to breathe both air and water. Immune to drowning.
Crafting: Waterborn are extremely crafty.
Swift Strike: 2 (with spear)
LEVEL: 1-2
AMMO: 1-2
Awareness: 1-3 Intelligence: 1-3
Strength: 1 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 1 (3 in water) Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 2
Cursed ones, or marked ones, are usually people who have been cursed or marked, either by a witch, witch doctor, or warlock, or have become cursed by the gods for their Heinous crimes. Powerful and vile creatures who roam the night, and lurk in dark and foreboding places.

Ghouls are cursed individuals who have either been hexed or cursed by a witch or warlock, witch doctor, or they have been cursed by the gods for heinous crimes they committed against others while they were alive. The curse twists their mortal forms into wretched looking demons. Some state that a ghouls are desert-dwelling, shapeshifting demon that can assume the guise of an animal, especially a hyena. It lures unwary people into the desert wastes or abandoned places to slay and devour them. The creature also preys on young children, drinks blood, steals coins, and eats the dead, some say they can even take the form of the person most recently eaten. Others lurk in catacombs and cemeteries, and can shapeshift into the form of maidens or children to lure the unsuspecting into a dark trap in some corner, to which there is no escape. These creatures are cursed to suffer, and are to be cast out of society for all eternity.
NOTES: Ghouls prey on the weak minded and sympathetic, and the curious. They are great tricksters and can cause temporary paralysis, fear, and confusion. Ghouls usually reside in abandoned areas, buildings, shacks, tombs, catacombs, cemeteries, and remote locations.
Infectious bite: 3
Extreme Rage: 3
Magical Abilities: 3 (paralysis, fear, confusion)
Shapeshifting: Can change form twice per day.
Immunities: Drowning, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
LEVEL: 3-5
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0-5 (lure) Luck: 0

Lycanthropes or Werewolves are people who have been hexed or marked, cursed by a witch or another individual via dark magic or twisted incantation, or by an intense hatred or passion. These curses can sometimes be lifted, but it is never an easy task and often times far riskier than it's worth. These curses are meant to be permanent and don't wash off easily. Individuals who have been cursed are meant to endure great suffering, longing for a death that will not come, and terrified by visions and memories of their actions, lit by the pale moonlight. They are constantly tormented and shunned, and can know no lover's touch and food turns to ash in their mouths.
NOTES: These individuals cannot help themselves or save themselves from the horrors they commit by night. The transformations are painful, twisting flesh and bones that grow to twice their normal size. Werewolves are extremely strong and efficient killers. They cannot be reasoned or bargained with in their beastly forms. (-2 on damage sustained by potions, weapons, oils, etc. containing Silver)
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 5 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0-3 Luck: 0

Ghouls are cursed individuals who have either been hexed or cursed by a witch or warlock, witch doctor, or they have been cursed by the gods for heinous crimes they committed against others while they were alive. The curse twists their mortal forms into wretched looking demons. Some state that a ghouls are desert-dwelling, shapeshifting demon that can assume the guise of an animal, especially a hyena. It lures unwary people into the desert wastes or abandoned places to slay and devour them. The creature also preys on young children, drinks blood, steals coins, and eats the dead, some say they can even take the form of the person most recently eaten. Others lurk in catacombs and cemeteries, and can shapeshift into the form of maidens or children to lure the unsuspecting into a dark trap in some corner, to which there is no escape. These creatures are cursed to suffer, and are to be cast out of society for all eternity.
NOTES: Ghouls prey on the weak minded and sympathetic, and the curious. They are great tricksters and can cause temporary paralysis, fear, and confusion. Ghouls usually reside in abandoned areas, buildings, shacks, tombs, catacombs, cemeteries, and remote locations.
Infectious bite: 3
Extreme Rage: 3
Magical Abilities: 3 (paralysis, fear, confusion)
Shapeshifting: Can change form twice per day.
Immunities: Drowning, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
LEVEL: 3-5
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0-5 (lure) Luck: 0

Lycanthropes or Werewolves are people who have been hexed or marked, cursed by a witch or another individual via dark magic or twisted incantation, or by an intense hatred or passion. These curses can sometimes be lifted, but it is never an easy task and often times far riskier than it's worth. These curses are meant to be permanent and don't wash off easily. Individuals who have been cursed are meant to endure great suffering, longing for a death that will not come, and terrified by visions and memories of their actions, lit by the pale moonlight. They are constantly tormented and shunned, and can know no lover's touch and food turns to ash in their mouths.
NOTES: These individuals cannot help themselves or save themselves from the horrors they commit by night. The transformations are painful, twisting flesh and bones that grow to twice their normal size. Werewolves are extremely strong and efficient killers. They cannot be reasoned or bargained with in their beastly forms. (-2 on damage sustained by potions, weapons, oils, etc. containing Silver)
Ferocious Bite: 5
Stealth: 4
Rage: 4
LEVEL: 1-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 5 Wit: 2
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0-3 Luck: 0
Demons are powerful evil entities that come from across the Veil. These creatures are extremely powerful, and come in a wide variety, but they all have one thing in common.. they are terrifying to behold and leave nothing but horror and death in their wake.

Fiends are lesser demons who prey on the fears of the living. Also called Tormentors, these vile abominations are usually the first to cross the Veil. These beings are summoned by those who practice the dark arts, and are beyond the reach of those who only dabble. They strike terror into those unlucky enough to ever come across one. They wield great and evil powers, and "one glance can cause madness from which few could return.".
NOTES: Fiends can cause paralyzing fear or extreme terror, confusion, thought control, and even madness. Must roll a sanity check (1d20+Willpower) upon contact. If you fail you must roll again for each action sequence after until you succeed. Same for paralysis, confusion, thought control, etc.. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Dark Magic: 6 ( paralyzing fear, extreme terror, confusion, thought control, madness, binding, dark force)
Intimidation: 5
Shapeshifting: 6
LEVEL: 10-15
ARMOR: +3-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 7
Strength: 7 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 6
Charisma: 5 Luck: 0

Hellhounds are demonic beasts, foul hounds covered in hard and sharp scales that are black as soot. "Very black, blacker than pitch, they are." Hellhounds have sharp teeth and claws that are metal like in nature, that pierce flesh with great ease. The bloodhounds and fetchers of fiends and lesser demons, the can even serve as their eyes and ears. If a hellhound picks up your trail greater evils will surely be on their heels. These beasts hunt for whatever desires guide its host's will, and will seek out whatever that may be relentlessly.
NOTES: Hellhounds can inflict major damage with their teeth and claws, and their scales are sharp as well. These wounds will fester until treated properly by a priest or certain practitioners of various magics. The wounds become black, and this will continue to spread through the nervous system until it reaches the heart, causing one to lose their soul completely to darkness forever. Scales act as hardened plate armor. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Shards of pain: 5 (locking bite)
Veil of Darkness: 6 (dark, dense fog. Used to distract, confuse, and evade)
Swift Advance: 6
Awareness: 6 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 6 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 6 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Plague Bringers are lesser demons who spread disease and decay. Also known as Defilers, these demons spread sickness and plagues as their name suggests. Evil beings that put a scourge on the earth. They can also amass large hordes of disease riddled rats that spread their filth efficiently through dense cities and villages with ease, causing livestock to die and wells to be tainted. Truly evil entities..
NOTES: Plague bringers are extremely powerful and should be avoided. They can cause paralyzing fear or extreme terror, confusion, thought control, and even madness. Must roll a sanity check (1d20+Willpower) upon contact. If you fail you must roll again for each action sequence after until you succeed. Same for paralysis, confusion, thought control, etc.. Uses all types of bladed weapons, polearms, axes, and ranged weapons such as crossbows, etc. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Dark Magic: 6 ( paralyzing fear, extreme terror, confusion, thought control, madness, binding, dark force, disease, rot, dispel)
Infectious Disease: 6
Decay: 6
Piper's Call: 6 (can control a horde of diseased vermin, numbering in the hundreds)
LEVEL: 10-15
AMMO: 0-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 7
Strength: 7 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 6
Charisma: 5 Luck: 0

Sirens or Songstresses are treacherous demons, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and angelic voices to shipwreck seafaring vessels on rocky coasts and crags around islands located in troublesome seas. They are mantic demons knowing both the past and the future. Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm, and the end of that song is death. They are shapeshifters, and have been known to take on traits of birds or fish, and their human forms are seductively succulent, and enticing.
NOTES: Sirens come in the guise of beautiful women who enchant sailors and adventurers with dreamy songs. These demons have extreme willpower and are extremely hard to resist once they have you in their spell. Must roll 1d20 + willpower to resist enchantment for every round of actions.
Enchanting Song: 7
Turbulence: 6 (spell causing extremely rough seas and swells)
Talons: 6
LEVEL: 7-10
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 5 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 8
Charisma: 9 Luck: 2

Fiends are lesser demons who prey on the fears of the living. Also called Tormentors, these vile abominations are usually the first to cross the Veil. These beings are summoned by those who practice the dark arts, and are beyond the reach of those who only dabble. They strike terror into those unlucky enough to ever come across one. They wield great and evil powers, and "one glance can cause madness from which few could return.".
NOTES: Fiends can cause paralyzing fear or extreme terror, confusion, thought control, and even madness. Must roll a sanity check (1d20+Willpower) upon contact. If you fail you must roll again for each action sequence after until you succeed. Same for paralysis, confusion, thought control, etc.. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Dark Magic: 6 ( paralyzing fear, extreme terror, confusion, thought control, madness, binding, dark force)
Intimidation: 5
Shapeshifting: 6
LEVEL: 10-15
ARMOR: +3-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 7
Strength: 7 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 6
Charisma: 5 Luck: 0

Hellhounds are demonic beasts, foul hounds covered in hard and sharp scales that are black as soot. "Very black, blacker than pitch, they are." Hellhounds have sharp teeth and claws that are metal like in nature, that pierce flesh with great ease. The bloodhounds and fetchers of fiends and lesser demons, the can even serve as their eyes and ears. If a hellhound picks up your trail greater evils will surely be on their heels. These beasts hunt for whatever desires guide its host's will, and will seek out whatever that may be relentlessly.
NOTES: Hellhounds can inflict major damage with their teeth and claws, and their scales are sharp as well. These wounds will fester until treated properly by a priest or certain practitioners of various magics. The wounds become black, and this will continue to spread through the nervous system until it reaches the heart, causing one to lose their soul completely to darkness forever. Scales act as hardened plate armor. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Shards of pain: 5 (locking bite)
Veil of Darkness: 6 (dark, dense fog. Used to distract, confuse, and evade)
Swift Advance: 6
Awareness: 6 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 6 Wit: 4
Dexterity: 6 Willpower: 5
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

Plague Bringers are lesser demons who spread disease and decay. Also known as Defilers, these demons spread sickness and plagues as their name suggests. Evil beings that put a scourge on the earth. They can also amass large hordes of disease riddled rats that spread their filth efficiently through dense cities and villages with ease, causing livestock to die and wells to be tainted. Truly evil entities..
NOTES: Plague bringers are extremely powerful and should be avoided. They can cause paralyzing fear or extreme terror, confusion, thought control, and even madness. Must roll a sanity check (1d20+Willpower) upon contact. If you fail you must roll again for each action sequence after until you succeed. Same for paralysis, confusion, thought control, etc.. Uses all types of bladed weapons, polearms, axes, and ranged weapons such as crossbows, etc. (-2 on damage sustained by blessed or holy relics, potions, weapons, oils, etc.)
Dark Magic: 6 ( paralyzing fear, extreme terror, confusion, thought control, madness, binding, dark force, disease, rot, dispel)
Infectious Disease: 6
Decay: 6
Piper's Call: 6 (can control a horde of diseased vermin, numbering in the hundreds)
LEVEL: 10-15
AMMO: 0-5
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 7
Strength: 7 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 5 Willpower: 6
Charisma: 5 Luck: 0

Sirens or Songstresses are treacherous demons, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and angelic voices to shipwreck seafaring vessels on rocky coasts and crags around islands located in troublesome seas. They are mantic demons knowing both the past and the future. Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm, and the end of that song is death. They are shapeshifters, and have been known to take on traits of birds or fish, and their human forms are seductively succulent, and enticing.
NOTES: Sirens come in the guise of beautiful women who enchant sailors and adventurers with dreamy songs. These demons have extreme willpower and are extremely hard to resist once they have you in their spell. Must roll 1d20 + willpower to resist enchantment for every round of actions.
Enchanting Song: 7
Turbulence: 6 (spell causing extremely rough seas and swells)
Talons: 6
LEVEL: 7-10
Awareness: 5 Intelligence: 4
Strength: 5 Wit: 5
Dexterity: 4 Willpower: 8
Charisma: 9 Luck: 2
The Undead Horde is comprised of various vile creatures including the animated bones of long dead soldiers and townsfolk alike, soft and rotting zombie like corpses fresh risen from the grave, and great ancient evils of formidable power. These animated dead are the work of a Necromancer. If you happen to run across these abominations a Necromancer is sure to be behind it. These creatures are very daft, and this becomes worse the further they are from their source. Their reactions and dexterity also suffer in this manner, diminishing the further they get from their master. These creatures are usually only dispatched when there is major trauma to the head, or it is decapitated altogether, or the complete dismemberment or the crushing of bones. The dead can use all sorts of bladed weapons and polearms, axes, pikes, and even bows and crossbows, however they don't have the best aim. They can also be equipped with any sort of armor or clothing.

These reanimated dead are the remains of old soldiers and townsfolk, dead adventurers in remote and dangerous areas, or knights fresh risen from the depths of hidden catacombs. These vessels of the dead are often the work of necromancers, and those who dabble in the dark arts. These creatures are subjects to their master's will, and will seek to do their bidding relentlessly. Their power will fade over great distances so their masters are usually close by, but some skilled practitioners can project and control these creatures from greater distances, from many miles away. They are brainless and they aren't very bright but they will stop at nothing.
NOTES: The dead are not bright enough to set traps or set up ambushes, but they are able to rally each other when in small groups. The are immune to drowning, or suffocation, but they take a -2 to bludgeoning and fire damage. A Necromancer can also channel themselves through the corpses to communicate, but they usually don't speak otherwise..
Powerful Blow: 3
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Exhaustion, and Poison.
LEVEL: 1-4 (5-100 members)
AMMO: 1-5 shot (per dead)
ARMOR: 1-5
Awareness: 1-3 Intelligence: 1-3
Strength: 1-4 Wit: 0-2
Dexterity: 1-3 Willpower: 0-2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0-2

These are the reanimated corpses of great champions, warriors, berserkers, and fallen kings. All cruel and deadly foes, writhe with ill intent. These fiends, unlike zombies or skeletal hordes, these sinister beings can think for themselves, and often seek their own agendas, though they may still be somewhat loyal to a Necromancer, should they be responsible for their resurrection. Some may even have a bit magic of their own, capable of performing various cantrips and spells, causing an array of status effects among others.. These are powerful dead encounters, strong and formidable opponents. Do not underestimate the power that these evil beings can wield.
NOTES: Powerful evil creatures of moderate to high levels. These beings are immune to illness, dehydration, starvation, exhaustion, poison, and drowning. Much more intelligent than it's other dead counterparts. Capable of performing some magic. Susceptible to fire damage. Equipment varies from many types of weapons to all types of armor and attire.
Powerful Blow: 3
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
Arcane Magic: +3 ( paralysis, confusion, terror, insanity, arcane force, dispel, binding, dark shroud, demoralize)
LEVEL: 3-7
AMMO: 1-5 shot (per dead)
ARMOR: 2-5
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4-6 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 3-4 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0-1 Luck: 1
These reanimated corpse are mindless freshly dead, rotting carcasses who feed on the flesh of the living. They are voracious in their appetite and will stop at nothing to peel the meat from our bones and pick the brains from your skull. They will never rest or sleep, and cannot drowned or suffocate, or bleed out. They know nothing but insatiable hunger, and a taste for human flesh. They are quite quick, but they are less than coordinated.
NOTES: Zombies are accompanied by the smell of putrid, rotting flesh. They have a keen sense of hearing but their eyesight is poor. They also have a good sense of smell, and can smell party members from a good distance away. They do not use tools or weapons, but they have been known to wear the armor they were buried in.
Infectious bite: 2
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
LEVEL: 1-2(1-100 members)
ARMOR: 1-5
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 1
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0

These reanimated dead are the remains of old soldiers and townsfolk, dead adventurers in remote and dangerous areas, or knights fresh risen from the depths of hidden catacombs. These vessels of the dead are often the work of necromancers, and those who dabble in the dark arts. These creatures are subjects to their master's will, and will seek to do their bidding relentlessly. Their power will fade over great distances so their masters are usually close by, but some skilled practitioners can project and control these creatures from greater distances, from many miles away. They are brainless and they aren't very bright but they will stop at nothing.
NOTES: The dead are not bright enough to set traps or set up ambushes, but they are able to rally each other when in small groups. The are immune to drowning, or suffocation, but they take a -2 to bludgeoning and fire damage. A Necromancer can also channel themselves through the corpses to communicate, but they usually don't speak otherwise..
Powerful Blow: 3
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Exhaustion, and Poison.
LEVEL: 1-4 (5-100 members)
AMMO: 1-5 shot (per dead)
ARMOR: 1-5
Awareness: 1-3 Intelligence: 1-3
Strength: 1-4 Wit: 0-2
Dexterity: 1-3 Willpower: 0-2
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0-2

These are the reanimated corpses of great champions, warriors, berserkers, and fallen kings. All cruel and deadly foes, writhe with ill intent. These fiends, unlike zombies or skeletal hordes, these sinister beings can think for themselves, and often seek their own agendas, though they may still be somewhat loyal to a Necromancer, should they be responsible for their resurrection. Some may even have a bit magic of their own, capable of performing various cantrips and spells, causing an array of status effects among others.. These are powerful dead encounters, strong and formidable opponents. Do not underestimate the power that these evil beings can wield.
NOTES: Powerful evil creatures of moderate to high levels. These beings are immune to illness, dehydration, starvation, exhaustion, poison, and drowning. Much more intelligent than it's other dead counterparts. Capable of performing some magic. Susceptible to fire damage. Equipment varies from many types of weapons to all types of armor and attire.
Powerful Blow: 3
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
Arcane Magic: +3 ( paralysis, confusion, terror, insanity, arcane force, dispel, binding, dark shroud, demoralize)
LEVEL: 3-7
AMMO: 1-5 shot (per dead)
ARMOR: 2-5
Awareness: 4 Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4-6 Wit: 3
Dexterity: 3-4 Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0-1 Luck: 1

These reanimated corpse are mindless freshly dead, rotting carcasses who feed on the flesh of the living. They are voracious in their appetite and will stop at nothing to peel the meat from our bones and pick the brains from your skull. They will never rest or sleep, and cannot drowned or suffocate, or bleed out. They know nothing but insatiable hunger, and a taste for human flesh. They are quite quick, but they are less than coordinated.
NOTES: Zombies are accompanied by the smell of putrid, rotting flesh. They have a keen sense of hearing but their eyesight is poor. They also have a good sense of smell, and can smell party members from a good distance away. They do not use tools or weapons, but they have been known to wear the armor they were buried in.
Infectious bite: 2
Immunities: Drowning, Hunger, Dehydration, Poison, and Exhaustion
LEVEL: 1-2(1-100 members)
ARMOR: 1-5
Awareness: 2 Intelligence: 1
Strength: 2 Wit: 1
Dexterity: 2 Willpower: 4
Charisma: 0 Luck: 0