The Siege of Amone, September 26th – The Call of Dinner
”Hmm… I wonder what her response will be? I hope it won’t be shocking…” Diana thought to herself. She wasn’t expecting anything really shocking it took only a bit until Reyna spoke up. It caused her to gasp and be shocked that Jean did that, it was definitely sweet of him. She had to breath a bit because she didn’t see it at all but it would’ve made sense if she did seen it.
”Umm… That must’ve been a bit of a shock. It is okay better to tell than not to tell, which would my mother would tell me. You have been expecting that he liked you?” Diana questioned with a bit of a curious look at Reyna.
"Yeah, I have for sure ever since the White Hart Inn, on that first day. And honestly a little before then." Reyna replied, remembering the pendant that Jean gave her. She never found an opportune time to give it back, but she had the feeling the time would come. Reyna switched between reading the letters and looking at Diana in the eyes.
" He's a very romantic Francian, not that I'm surprised. I bet he had a lot of rendezvous's with different girls before his enlistment." She half-joked to keep her mind off of the letters for the moment. That attempt, however, was a failure.
In terms of what Diana was thinking was many things at this point, which what Reyna had said. It gave her a slight smile on her face, with what was said by Reyna in question.
"That is very nice to know that he did like you before the Inn. He was a bit taken aback by my outright bluntness and forwardness of wanting him on the Hill 58. But it seems like he likes that part of me even though I should take it slightly slower since it is a bit of a pain." Diana said, with a cute little smile on her face. However, she was a bit more forceful to tell people she liked them or otherwise, which its just how she is. She softly giggled at what Reyna said, while starring at her. It was obvious it was a joke, since she was trying to distract herself from the letters that are abundant.
"He definitely looked happy while dancing with you. Which is why I must say he's a bit of a shy romantic. But a smile is the best policy, which is what my mother Rebecca always said when working in our family's bakery." Diana said, which she always liked bringing up what her mother talked about. She looked over the letters, which was a bit much even for Reyna.
"If you had anymore letters, it would be like raining cats and dogs." Diana jokingly said with a slight giggle.
"Yeah, he did. I had a little fun with it too." Reyna was not going to mention the reason she committed to dancing. However, she did have fun dancing. She liked moving around, and because she was in a warzone she could not exactly go out on a jog.
Wanting him? Oh...oh geez. That sounds like a story, but I should probably not ask right now. Reyna conveniently decided to just note that and not comment on that specific topic and move on.
"You got that right. It's mostly love letters. This Daniel guy is the worst. I really feel like strangling him." Reyna clenched her fists, one of the love letters in her hand.
Diana sweetly smiled with what Reyna responded with about she had fun dancing. It was a bit cute to say the least, all she did was softly giggles because of it. However, when she heard Reyna wanting to strangle the person, which sent her love letters. It made her specifically remember what her mother had said about it.
"My mother Rebecca has a funny way of saying things, this latest thing is a bit hilarious in my opinion. It would be better to terrify them than strangle them so they never send you another love letter to you or you might end up in jail for accidentally killing them." Diana said with a slight undertone of like really mom? She shrugged her shoulders basically when she finished with that she said. It was a bit too funny, however, which caused her to laugh at Reyna's problems a bit.
"I haven't ever gotten a love letter in my life. I have a feeling it involves the same person I am scared of... But laughing is always the better medicine than being sad or scared, which my mother always tells me." Diana said, with a slight saddening tone, however, she looked passed the sadness, fear with a laugh at the whole thing. It was obvious, whom she was talking about Richard Averring Donster.
"Your mother does have a point, but I can't exactly do either of those in my position. Also, no love letters at all? That's weird." Reyna gave Diana a smile that quickly faded when she processed the sadness of the tone Diana had. Or was it sadness? It was difficult to tell but she decided to go with her gut feeling for now. Tossing the four love letters in question in an unorganized pile she deemed specifically for "junk," Reyna glanced over at Diana as she spoke
"Your momma's right. Laughter is some of the best medicine out there, but so is talking about it. At least, that is what my momma would say, not that I listened to that particular thing."Diana sighed a little bit at the question, which Reyna posed in terms of no love letters at all. It was basically obvious in why she never gotten any of them because of Richard Averring Donster.
"Yeah... guess everyone is afraid of Richard Averring Donster. However, my father Gavin on the other hand isn't afraid of the Donster Family. They are more afraid of my dad than anyone else." Diana responded to the question. She couldn't really ever get over her fear of that man, since he did pick her up and slam her against a wall and made her deathly afraid of him ever since that day. In the back of her head, which it could've always turned out worse. She smiled and giggled slightly when Reyna replied with what she said.
"I do have to agree with your mother. However, Rebecca usually knew what was wrong with me just by a glance and usually got me to open up with what's wrong with ease. But I guess that's what mothers are for. Oh yeah, what's your mother's name? Might as well ask." Diana said, with a smile and looking at Reyna. However, she did realize the other letters in terms of the ones that are directed at the Squad in question.
"Your father's timing is a bit well timed. I should really take a letter so, it would be probably delivered to the right person... since it is required for the whole squad to get these letters." Diana said, with a slight gasp. As if she forgot about Randall's letters while talking about other important things. It was pretty silly to do but chatting with someone is important.
"Donster huh? We have a Donster family back over in Darport. They're kinda uhh, as my dad put it, 'assholes and nothing to be afraid of.'" Reyna recalled. In Darport, at least one of the major families and one that Darport takes pride in being the home of was the Hall family. Philanthropy goes a long way, she learned, and giving back to society and helping it flourish was strongly emphasized to her as a duty of the rich. Not everyone was as fortunate, but Reyna didn't learn how exactly until a few months ago. She dipped a little into a thicker accent without realizing as she answered Diana's question.
"Momma's Melissa. Melissa Hall. And yeah, go ahead and take one of those letters. Dad's annoying with the timing, but that's 'cause he loves me. Don't know what's in them yet but I hope it's not bad."Diana gave out a small annoyed sigh of frustration in hearing the Donster Family lives in two places, which means they all have citizenship in both countries. She always knew of the history of the Donster Estate in Castleton since they are highly dogmatic believers in Yggdism and all those Darscens in the far past that were hanged on the tree of that estate was brutal.
"My father Gavin once told me of Richard's parents living in another country but I didn't really understand why they would live in another country. But it makes perfect sense now, that family is broken beyond repair because of the parents living in Darport, Vinland. And the kids specifically living in Castleton, Edinburgh. I have to say I agree with your father, even my mother would agree with it..." Diana said, with a slight smile but still frustrated at the fact they have
two estates in two different countries. It takes a bit of her to calm down from that utter frustration because it definitely ticked her off a bit but made her more afraid of Richard since he acted like he owned the place. When in a sense he did since he was the smartest, had the cunning and able to make her afraid of him easily. However, when Reyna slipped into a deeper southern accent made her giggle a bit since it was definitely cute.
"Your mother's name is really pretty, Reyna. And I must say, your accent is cute as well. It's always good to have fathers that love you instead of what the Donster Family is." Diana said, with a smile since the accent cheered her up a bit more. She picked up one of the letters, which said squad 1, however, she'll read it later even though she has no idea what it says either. It took her a bit and remembered something that her parents do at the Bakery.
"Oh yeah, my dad Gavin actually does business trips once or twice every now a then. When its important or otherwise. My father also handles the balance sheet and gives the employees at the New Vastergoth Bakery their pay. While my mother Rebecca handles the creative side of things like baking the bread, cookies, etc. She loves baking and drinking mostly since the earlier is a passion and the latter is what she always does." Diana said, with a hint that Randall & Gavin probably met once or twice on her father's business trips.
A small red flush of red appeared on Reyna's cheeks as Diana complimented her accent, making her aware of it. Reeling her accent back to a more refined state, Reyna gave a small smile to Diana
"Oh, uh thank you for the compliments." Reyna noted what Diana was telling her about the Donster family. It seemed Diana's family and the Donster family were at odds with each other, or at least Diana really hated that family herself. Whatever the case, it was interesting to hear considering a part of them live in the same town as her and something to ask her father, Randall Hall, later.
"Mhm. Dad takes a lot of trips being he is the CEO of Hall Industries. He's taken a few to Edinburgh to work out deals and meet influential people. I don't know what goes on in those business trips too much, but since you family runs a bakery your dad and mine could have met." Reyna smiled with the thought of more cookies and a bakery.
"Homemade cookies and milk are among my favorite snacks! Sometimes cookies and homemade sweet tea are good too."Diana saw Reyna's cheeks turn slightly red, which she couldn't help but giggle at Reyna blushing at her compliment. She tried to smile back at Reyna but couldn't help but continue to giggle a bit.
"No problem, Reyna. My mother Rebecca always said, give out compliments to people that deserve them. And you definitely deserve a compliment or two." Diana said with a slight goofy smile on her face since she can't help but continue to giggle at the accent. It was the first time she heard any kind of southern accent before. She calmed down a bit since the giggle fit she usually has is more about certain things. She heard what Reyna said about Randall being the CEO of Hall Industries, it makes sense since Reyna family's last name is Hall.
"Oh yeah, my family's bakery is a historical landmark in the center of Castleton. It's been around for along time, around 250 years I think? My father keeps on telling me its 250 years old but I have a feeling its older than that. But my father and mother always had problems with sabotage from the Donster Family by people they hired and they have a large list of people they can hire. Since they are bloody rich assholes, my father complained about that a few times at home. He never raised his voice that loud before, guess he was getting sick of worrying about the employees that work there being injured by sabotage. Gavin definitely did mention meeting Randall once or twice but that was around the time that the bakery was firebombed, I think?" Diana questioned a bit, since she wasn't there at the bakery but how her father was yelling, cursing and other things were definitely a thing. Her father puts everyone who works at his bakery over himself since they require the work since they are pretty much hated throughout the Federation, the Darscens.
"I have to agree with that, my mother always makes the best homemade cookies." Diana said, agreeing with Reyna. However, when Reyna mentioned tea, it made her smile a bit more and gave Reyna a look like can you teach me.
"Uhh.. Reyna can you teach me how to make tea?" Diana questioned with a smile.
There was concern on Reyna's face as she heard of what supposedly the Donsters have done, as well as obvious horror and disgust. Did they really do that kind of stuff? She hoped it was just suspicions and bad luck, but Diana seemed very sure of what she was saying. A firebombing? How could someone do that? Biting her lip, Reyna spoke in a lower tone of concern.
"Geez...I'm sorry to hear that. Hey, if you need help you can always ask my dad. He might be able to help and if he can't he probably knows someone who can." After that, Reyna desired a quick change to the subject and took Diana's question for the tea as that and answered with a small smile
"Sure! I'd be happy to teach you how to make my homemade sweet tea. Every Vinlander should know how to make it!" It was true, at least in Reyna's mind. If you didn't know how to make sweet tea as a Vinlander then you are weird. Other nationalities can be forgiven...not all could be graced with the ability to make sweet tea like Vinlanders, but sharing the knowledge didn't hurt one bit!
Diana saw concern in Reyna's face but Reyna doesn't know that the Donster Family owns half of Castleton as a high governing sector in northern Edinburgh. And the primarily reason why her family's bakery is constantly attacked is because of the Darscens that work there.
"Thank you for your concern. Doesn't help that the Donster Family are a high governing sector in Castleton, they control half of it. That is mainly the reason for the harassing nature of the Donster Family, because they want to control our bakery. My father Gavin will never allow them to take control of it. You can probably tell why they attack our bakery is because of the Darscens my parents employ, they are vehemently against anything Darscen, their Estate in Castleton has a pretty dark history to say the least. Your father will probably help my family out in someways or find someone that will since I dislike hearing my dad curse he's a kind and gentle man." Diana said, with a sigh of annoyance at the whole thing. She was mostly afraid of one of those Donsters because of what Richard did to her before she was conscripted into the military, while he got to join said military. However, she wanted to change the subject to something else. It brightened her mood much when she heard Reyna said sure about teaching her how to make tea.
Aww, thanks Reyna I cannot wait to make tea, with your help. The tea you've made helped me during that one competition thing." Diana said, with a bit of a realization. She facepalmed slightly because she just put her foot in her mouth, but talking about the Donster Family is a sour subject for her and her family.
"Huh? What competition?" Reyna asked as she raised an eyebrow. This was new, but the last time she made tea and distributed it to the squad was when they were at the White Hart Inn. The place was of enjoyment until the gas attack, but Reyna didn't think of said attack. Instead, she remembered the shenanigans that happened there. Things couldn't be worse than she heard behind the closed doors, could they?
"I'm glad my tea helped, but what was it? Were there any stakes in that competition?" Reyna expected something like having to do push-ups or doing something silly or even money.
Diana looked at Reyna when she said, what competition and blushed a bit hard because she remembered every little thing that happened at that competition. It felt like a far flung dream since it happened before the gas attack at the White Hart Inn.
"Uhh... hmm... it was at the White Hart Inn to say for sure." Diana said, with a bit of red in her face. She was stuck in a remembrance of said event since it was a bit too embarrassing for her, however, when Reyna asked were their any stakes. It made her go full circle and decided to be blunt about them.
"It was a drinking competition, and the stakes were high in my case. It was between Luke, Victoria and me... Luke was already drunk off his ass before he entered into another drinking competition. It was embarrassing to say the least, when he fell Victoria stripped him completely naked since that's what one the stakes were. The winner of the drinking competition was allowed to make the rest of the losers their slaves, and I for one wasn't the winner of said drinking competition. I cutely slurred my words a bit and gave up while drinking your tea so I would be graceful in defeat by stripping myself naked in that case." Diana said, with a pause since she was highly embarrassed with what would happened next. She nervously shaken her head a bit and was blushing a bit harder. Because it was highly embarrassing to say the least.
"I had to wake up Luke via splashing water on him, so We could kiss because we both lost the competition. He wasn't a good kisser... but he was the very first male I've kissed though... Lost my first kiss to a bit of an ass." Diana said, with her face redder than all get out. She realized again she was being so blunt and embarrassed herself a bit much that she decided to add something.
"This... is so embarrassing my mother Rebecca would be embarrassed at my behalf I think..." Diana said, with a cute little smile on her face while she put her face into her hands.
Reyna almost wished she didn't ask Diana that question. What she thought was gonna be something really silly turned out to be something else entirely. Yes, it was silly but it was a different kind of silly and something Reyna couldn't believe happened. Having seen some of Victoria's more minor shenanigans and knowing her sense of humor a little but not too much combined with the other events that happened at the inn, Reyna could put two and two together when the word "slaves" came up. With a really red face, Reyna could barely contain herself.
"So....all three of you were drinking, Luke and you lost and Victoria made you do some really....interesting stuff." Reyna put both of her hands over her mouth as she started to giggle, both from embarrassment and how absurd the whole thing sounded to her. She believed Diana, which made the matter worse.
"I uh, didn't know you were into showing yourself off, Diana. Or think that you like girls." This was surprising, funny and slightly awkward, but they were both girls and comrades so Reyna didn't mind the awkwardness. There was far, far worse things after all and her curiosity was sparked regardless.
Diana did see Reyna's look on her face, which turned red really quickly after listening to what she had said. She blushed and couldn't help but giggle slightly at with what Reyna had said.
"Interesting is putting it mildly... there Reyna. I shared a night with Victoria... completely naked in bed with her." Diana said, with her face all but red because it was embarrassing to be so blunt about that. She heard Reyna trying to cover her mouth because she was giggling a bit much. She started to giggle because it was a bit funny about the whole thing after the fact anyways. However, when Reyna said what she said, made her head go a bit compartmentalized and think of something that made her face turn a bit redder than usual.
"I-I'm not into Exhibitionism... there Reyna. But it's odd you didn't knew that... I do have a childhood friend by the name of Anna, whom I did kiss on the lips because she was crying and it definitely stopped her from crying. It was pretty cute in how she acted... But I am... Bisexual after all..." Diana said, with an oddity of happiness in talking about her childhood friend in that way. Because she dislikes seeing her friend crying. However, her entire face turned really red and realized something a bit funny to her but it was peaked by the fact that Reyna didn't knew that she was basically a bisexual. She still needs to tell her mother about the fact she is bisexual, unless her mother somehow already knows this.
"Oh, so that's what it's called. Exhibitionism...." Reyna couldn't help but get into a giggle fit with a face as red as a tomato. The bluntness was absurd, but it was amusing. Reyna decided not to comment about it just to see what else Diana would say at this point. After about twenty seconds to both giggle and recover, Reyna moved her hands away from her face and looked at Diana with a smile.
"Yeah I imagine. If I was kissed suddenly by my friend I'd be surprised and stop crying, boy or girl. As for me, uhh..." Reyna paused for a moment with a little embarrassment of her own as she decided to admit it.
"I know I like boys but... I've wondered how'd it feel to be with a girl for a while. It's not that big of a deal, at least to me, but it's embarrassing and weird."Diana giggled a bit when she heard Reyna say Exhibitionism alike she never knew what it meant before, it was a bit funny to her but it did make her red alike Reyna. It was definitely embarrassing to her to say things like this but its in her veins to say things as they are and not hide from it. She wasn't raised to be a coward unless it involves life or death situations alike Richard after all.
"Aww that sounds really cute there Reyna." Diana said, with a bit of a confused look on her face mostly because Reyna was about to admit something. However, with what Reyna had said afterwards made her blush really heavily and couldn't help but blush at what she had said. It took her a bit to answer with what Reyna exactly said.
"Oh my... that's a big deal to say that don't you think? But... I could always be that girl if you want... unless you want to try something else. I am all fine with that... uuhhh crap why did I say that exactly?" Diana questioned a bit and put her face back into her hands because she was blushing brighter than a tomato. She couldn't help but feel like that's what her mother had said once or twice to a friend or two once in a time.
"T-That's why I was embarrassed when I danced with you... because our breasts were rubbing against each other." Diana said, with a slight gasp of oh boy if anymore happens she'll faint basically.
Surprise is what Reyna was made of right now as she heard the words from Diana's mouth.
Is she....coming onto me? Or is this an offer for doing the deed? Reyna tried to process what was going on. In doing so, she stuttered
"I...I guess so but..N-Not now! I mean, I'm not against it but I can't just do it..." Embarrassment being high was an understatement, but it was in good fun regardless and only between her and Diana.
"A-Anyway... yeah of course! Both of our breasts are well-developed and big. Th-They're not bad and I'm proud of my own but sometimes they're a paaain, especially when dancing even just laying down on my chest. I know how it feels." Reyna had to wonder: how did this conversation reach this point from letters as she took out her canteen and drank some water. At least she knew that it could not get much worse than this, this bluntness.
Diana saw the surprise on Reyna's face but giggled a bit at the whole thing.
"My god... what am I doing right now? This is outright embarrassing for both of us... the bluntness has got me in trouble already before with Jean after all." Diana thought to herself, with a deep thoughtful look on her face. However, when Reyna started to stutter and say what she had said. It made her blush a bit harder than normal because she was highly embarrassed with what she had said. It took her awhile to fiddle with her words since she was a bit speechless at what happened but she could tell that Reyna was curious in someways.
"U-Uhhh... u-ummm... I'm trying not to come onto you, it's just something to think about. I guess? But you are cute when you stutter Reyna. I haven't ever had this much fun just talking to someone about certain things, that matters to me and not someone else." Diana said, with a smile on her face but her face was blushing really red. It was basically like, she had no idea what to say in particular because with what Reyna said took her off guard.
"Y-Yeah, I was a definitely early bloomer in terms of my breasts. My elder sister Astra Sara Vastergoth is a late bloomer and she's only 21 years old right now. I have a feeling my elder sister was jealous of my bust size for some odd reason. I have to agree with that laying down face first is a pain... I'd rather lay on my back rather on my chest since it feels better." Diana said, with a bit of her wanting to tell her sister off still but she wants to help her get out of that soon to be permanent relationship with Richard. However, she did think about how it went from this to that in such short time because it was embarrassing. It caused her to take a drink a water out of her own canteen, since she did make sure of that.
"I must say, water is such refreshing. Even though Tea would be so much better to drink right now with all the embarrassing things I've said." Diana said, still embarrassed at the whole thing.
"Uhhh, thanks I guess? You're cute when you're embarrassed too." Reyna gave a sheepish smile to Diana as she breathed a sigh of relief.
"And yeah, she must be. Take pride in them and you won't have many problems aside from the obvious." Reyna snickered a little as she said that, her face still red but it was starting to return to normal color.
"Yeah.... I want tea right now too. Hmm, dinner is about to come up I think so.." Reyna looked at the pile of letters that were the "junk" letters and started taking them to a fire.
"Let me show you how to make some. I still have a little sugar and some teabags left. We can make the tea while we figure out how to torment Jean and possibly the other boys."Diana embarrassingly giggles when Reyna compliments her via calling her cute too, it made her blush slightly more than usual.
"Thanks for the compliment, I suppose. My mother Rebecca, has a saying for this. One's embarrassment is another's gain, which is an odd saying to say the least. Since it makes me a bit confused in what that means." Diana said, with a smile back at Reyna. She gleamed with a smile like herself since she enjoys smiling a bit more since, she should be proud with what she got instead of worrying about what others have.
"That's very good advice, there Reyna. It seems like you have your own words of wisdom. My mother Rebecca would just tell people to mind their own business than starring at her. It's a bit odd, but my mother doesn't really like wearing a bikini... I don't know why." Diana said, with a bit of a giggle at her mother's oddity in how she acts. But her mother never really leaves Castleton to go to a beach or what not. Her eyes goes wide when Reyna says Tea, and about Dinner coming up and remembers that Jean was talking about that earlier in terms of one of the Squad mates would create dinner.
"Oh yeah, I completely spaced that in terms of dinner, mostly because most of the time the military rations aren't that great... But I guess its better than eating your shoes though." Diana said, with a slight sigh at that fact Military rations are better than eating nothing and starving to death. She noticed that Reyna was looking at the letters of annoyance to her, which she smiled really happy about with what she said.
"That would be lovely, in terms of the Tea and how to make it. Torment the boys... hmm... my mother Rebecca would do something unjustly mean and tormenting to the tea... Don't know what she does since she doesn't want to pass that down. Uhh, think Diana... think.. guess no sugar or something?" Diana questioned a bit, unless that's what Reyna already thought of.
Reyna gave Diana an evil grin and nodded.
"Yes, that will work just fine! No sugar, and you'll be the one distributing it!" Reyna said when she came back from the fire, destroying the last of the letters.
"Oh, and I prefer one-pieces. As for military food, bleh! I really miss the mansion's chilli from home....and the chicken...." Reyna drifted off, musing about the rich food the cooks in the mansion fixed. All of it really good and most of it healthy.
Diana saw Reyna's evil grin and shivered a bit because it was a bit devious in question. However, when Reyna said she'll be the one distributing it as well, kinda made her give a sigh.
"That's going to be fun I suppose. I am the one who thought of it..." Diana said, with a slight smile. However, when Reyna was talking about food from home and how bleh military food is, she definitely agreed with her sentiment. She always missed her mother's cooking since she goes all out for dinner.
"My mother Rebecca's most favorite dish to cook for everyone in our home, is basically. Lamb Steak with a special sauce, Mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes and corn. It's her specialty..." Diana said, with an awed look in her eye since she loves that meal from home much. She enjoys what her mother does in cooking and wants to try to copy her way of cooking all the meals she does, since she wants to keep whomever her husband and children are. However, it'll take awhile for that to happen in her mind, since there's still this blasted war going on.
That listing of food was getting her hungry. Reyna was already hungry, but this only served to make it worse.
"Geez, that's sounds so good! Ok, let's go make the tea before you make me even more hungrier." Reyna stated as she finished the cleanup and headed towards an area where they'd be free to make both types of tea: the sweet and unsweet tea, showing Diana the steps all the way. When to add the sugar, what tea bags she prefers, all the instructions her mother, Melissa, taught her. When dinner was called, Reyna was very annoyed by Jean's sudden interruption, not processing the majority of his words because of how hungry she was, only thinking that he deserved the fate of receiving the unsweet tea unwittingly for blocking her way towards garlic bread and food in general.
Diana couldn't help but giggle a bit at hearing what Reyna had said about that sounds good in terms of what her mother really enjoys making. It was a bit funny to say the least but not as much since it was making her stomach grumble a bit since its always amazing.
"Yeah, it does sound so good. Oh yay, I'm going to definitely enjoy that. To make tea for the better or worst, for certain people after all." Diana said, with small giggle and smile on her lips. It was definitely funny in terms of certain people were going to get the unsweetened tea if they are doing something that is a bit wrong in some cases. She was a definite good study with Reyna teaching her how to make both types of tea, which definitely showed that Reyna was a good teacher in that respects. However, while making the tea, she showed her pendant necklace to Reyna, which had the two pillars in her life. On the right, showed her mother Rebecca, the one she constantly talked about and Gavin her father on the left. She was grateful she had these two parents in her life, it's the only thing keeping her strong throughout the whole war basically, however, she was grateful she meet someone on this hellish battlefield she thought as a friend.
"Here's my parents Gavin and Rebecca, my mother still basically looks like this... these were taken when they were 23 years old." Diana said, happily while talking about her parent's photos in the pendant.
This put a smile on Reyna's face as Reyna commented
"Aww, they look like good people!"Diana was happy with the response that Reyna gave to the pendant necklace and what her parents look like and nodded. However, when Dinner was called, which she was very hungry nonetheless. She sighed verily annoyed at Jean's sudden interruption, she rolled her eyes mostly because of the fact she didn't really want to go on the scouting mission to search for a weakness in certain things. It felt like a waste of time in her eyes. However, she was shocked and amazed to see Garlic Bread at dinner, something her mother usually makes regularly on certain types of meals.
"J-Jean, Garlic bread here and you are talking about a scouting mission that I don't want to go on." Diana said, mostly because of the awfulness that happened with the Gas Attack mainly.