Attack Rolls: 1d20 + Dexterity (or skill if applicable) for weapons, + Strength for unarmed.
NOTE:Skills that are weapon or combat related will stack.
Blocking/Parrying: 1d20 + Shield Rating/Parry Mod, separate from Armor save (requires shield or parry skill)
ARMOR Mod: 1d20 + Armor Rating (saving throw in combat)
AWARENESS Rolls: 1d20 + Awareness (rolled when scanning an environment or searching, etc.)
Injury Mod: -2 for the duration of the injury.
Infection Mod: -1 (added)
Malnutrition Mod: -1 (added)
Dehydration Mod: -2 (added)
Intoxication Mod: -2 for duration of effect.
Flaw Mod: -2 (When in effect)
NOTE: These modifiers also stack, and should be subtracted from any + modifiers before rolling.
Skill Rolls: 1d20 + Skill Mod
( if no skill points exist for skill player rolls 1d20 without a modifier and must roll a 11 or better for a success. If successful several times the GM may award a character with this skill, adding 1 point, which will accumulate over time through experience in the game. Please make the GM aware of that you are doing a skill that is not in your CS to get credit for this.)
Flintlock Mod: -2
11-18 = Hit, 6-10 = Poor Shot, 5-0 = Catastrophic Failure
* If you roll an 18 the shot is perfectly accurate and executed with finesse. (Head shot, or similar, spectacular execution, etc.)
Unfamiliar Weapon: -2
Pickpocketing/looting: 1d20 + Skill Mod
If Successful Roll 1d100: X Silver Bits
Roll 100: 1d20 X Gold Coins
Failure Roll 0-5: Failed Pick, alerts the mark as well, resulting in confrontation.
I will update these locations accordingly over the course of the RP as it unfolds. New places of interest, specific locations, and the goods and services that can be obtained there, as well as the NPC's who provide them. Please check periodically.

A well known tavern to all the common-folk and the lower class. The dock workers and sailors, petty criminals. The grog is plentiful and cheap, and everyone knows how to mind their own business. The room fares aren't high and the hearths are always warm. Home to many a thief and pick-pocket, and one well known fence, Lord Vargas, and is a great place to do a bit of business towards the back. Mind you Keep your voice down though, and be discreet. No one likes a yapper..
Located on the outskirts of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks. A good place to tuck in for the rainy, wetter nights, even if only to dry your clothes for a bit. They offer a variety of perishables, and good hot meals.

The Black Lion Trading Company is the top authority when it comes to all business dealing with trade, imports and exports, all commodities, and even the very prices they fetch in market. Nothing comes in or out without them having a finger on it. Highly trusted by the Royal Authorities, they are known to keep a tight book. They control all the trade routes and trading vessels in the Nines. Each ship must be logged without exception, and each is carefully scrutinized down to the last crates and barrels.
All matters of commandeering or commissioning a ship or vessel for travel or business purposes can be done here. There are usually a few salty captains waiting in queue, and have ships of all sizes to suit whatever need should arise. Prices will vary, and be mindful, you get what you pay for..

The Red Sail is a brothel located in the southwestern corner of the Seaside Markets, just between the Slums and Docks. It is a musty but warm lit and welcoming establishment. Smoke from the black Lotus is thick and enticing. The women are supple and wanton. All manner of men, and women, are serviced here, from sailors, common folk, and the working class from the slums.
The establishment is ran by a Madame Margarette Fontaine, who keeps a close eye on her girls, and will go to great lengths to protect them. It is rumored that she likes to scar the faces of men who try do get over on her and hers, and known to do worse to those who be mistreat'n the fowler ways.. Make sure your coin is good, and keep away from the funny business and you'll find yourself a pleasant stay..

Some ten thousand years ago, when the Lands of The Nine's first became untied, there was a great soldier named Merrik. It was said that he was the son of a benevolent and righteous demigod named Niixus, who was well known in the times before then. His virtuous deeds and notoriety flourished among regions, far and wide. He was a just and good hearted man, and soon became a popular warrior King amongst a feudal realm. He was virtuous, and wanted to unite the Nine lands under one just rule. This realm was ripe with those who served the Dark Lords, and magic was as dense as water. Vile beasts and demon hordes, soldiers of the fallen Dark Kings, ravaged the lands, razing anything they came across, leaving none to tell about it. Some of the feuding rulers made alliances with the Dark Lords, pacts with the devil. Heretical sects and temples dotted the landscape, and the lands had fallen into despair.
Merrick sought to change this and this campaign, an all out witch hunt lasted for nearly 25 years. His vast armies, loyal followers to the cause marched vast distances, and crushed everything they encountered. He suffered many losses over the course of this witch hunt. Scores of scores of men died, perishing at the hands of the dark ones. It was said that if you were killed by them they took your soul. It was the darkest of times, the violence drove many to madness. Many thought Merrick to be the Great Savior, the chosen champion of the great All-Seer. An order of high priests known as The Keepers formed and followed his every move. They forged him a great sword, made from trinkets and relics, objects of great power and religious value. Merrick's sword became known as The Blade of Banishment, and was said to have been kissed by the All-Seer's good graces himself.

His opponent, a vile and wretched demigod named Razmu'dai. A great and ancient evil. He was the Bringer of Despair and Darkness, Suffering and Death, and all that is vile and wretched. He commanded a powerful dark magic that could spawn vicious beats, and he could also raise the dead, filling their bodies with the souls of those whom he had taken. Legions of dark soldiers to do his bidding. He wore a dark suit of armor forged by his dark powers. Razmu'dai set his legions upon Merrick's armies, and they clashed like huge waves swept up by a tempest. Almost all were lost when Merrick and Razmu'dai met on the battlefield. Their swords clashed with great energies and huge shockwaves threw scores across the field, obliterating the dead hordes and crushing the rib cages and organs of the living. But in this great and epic battle of Good and Evil fate would shine on the Merrick the Virtuous, and his blade found its mark. The Dark Lord's armor shattered into pieces and his evil spirit had been truly banished, and magic lost its strong grip on the realms of man, and dwindled to almost nothing. The only piece that was not destroyed was a single gauntlet. Merrick's sword also shattered and broke into 7 pieces, the same number of pieces as the Dark lord's armor. The gauntlet was dubbed the Gauntlet of Power. Merrick ordered The Keepers to take these seven shards of his blade and these armor bits to the far corners of the realm. To guard them till the ends of time. The Dark Lord's armor was thought to be so dangerous that each piece was said to have been completely incased in chests filled with mercury. The Gauntlet of Power and a single piece of the sword were said to have been kept together on the site of this great battle somewhere, hidden deep in a grand and monumental tomb. The rest of the pieces were spread throughout the land to secret locations, never to be discovered again. It is rumored that these locations are still guarded in great vaults and hidden tombs of a sect who call themselves The Guardians, who are so devout that they will kill anyone to keep these relics hidden from man.

It was also said that Merrick lived for another five hundred years and the Nines became united under his rule. The era of magic was over and it had given way to the common era of man, and it was a time of great prosperity in the Nines. Merrick was the last of the demigods to walk the earth. He is considered to be the great founding father of the Nines, and is still widely respected as a major patron Saint of The helpless and meek, and the defenseless. The Bringer of Light, Holy figure to the Keepers of the Light. The fall of Razmu'dai is celebrated every 1000 years on what is said to be the exact date of the battle where Good had finally conquered Evil. Merrick is supposedly buried in a great hidden tomb, the location only known to those who are now known as the Keepers. A secretive order, passed down through countless generations. So secretive that these families do not allow any outsiders to join their society. They are sworn to protect the locations of holy tombs and dangerous relics, and the location of Merrick Tomb in particular. They are also rumored to be able to conjure great Guardians from beyond the Veil. Champions and powerful Wardens. The last bastion to fend off the impending threat of darkness. Merrick's Chosen Few..


Dices Rules:
11-20 = Success, 10-6 = Moderate Success, 5-0 = Failure
Attack Rolls: 1d20 + Dexterity (or skill if applicable) for weapons, + Strength for unarmed.
NOTE:Skills that are weapon or combat related will stack.
Blocking/Parrying: 1d20 + Shield Rating/Parry Mod, separate from Armor save (requires shield or parry skill)
ARMOR Mod: 1d20 + Armor Rating (saving throw in combat)
AWARENESS Rolls: 1d20 + Awareness (rolled when scanning an environment or searching, etc.)
Injury Mod: -2 for the duration of the injury.
Infection Mod: -1 (added)
Malnutrition Mod: -1 (added)
Dehydration Mod: -2 (added)
Intoxication Mod: -2 for duration of effect.
Flaw Mod: -2 (When in effect)
NOTE: These modifiers also stack, and should be subtracted from any + modifiers before rolling.
Skill Rolls: 1d20 + Skill Mod
( if no skill points exist for skill player rolls 1d20 without a modifier and must roll a 11 or better for a success. If successful several times the GM may award a character with this skill, adding 1 point, which will accumulate over time through experience in the game. Please make the GM aware of that you are doing a skill that is not in your CS to get credit for this.)
Flintlock Mod: -2
11-18 = Hit, 6-10 = Poor Shot, 5-0 = Catastrophic Failure
* If you roll an 18 the shot is perfectly accurate and executed with finesse. (Head shot, or similar, spectacular execution, etc.)
Unfamiliar Weapon: -2
Pickpocketing/looting: 1d20 + Skill Mod
If Successful Roll 1d100: X Silver Bits
Roll 100: 1d20 X Gold Coins
Failure Roll 0-5: Failed Pick, alerts the mark as well, resulting in confrontation.
Initiative rolls will be done in posting process by individual players and are as follows:
Awareness Rolls- will be utilized to search for things or scan your immediate surroundings for clues, or to get a jump on any encounters.. The locating of traps and hidden items or clues, descriptions of environments, hidden routes and passages, etc.
Willpower Rolls- will be done to determine whether or not your characters can withstand certain forces within the game, and is basically the measurement of your resolve to see how you will act under pressure. Things like resisting certain statuses like sickness, sleep, starvation, hexes and curses, thought reading or mind control, etc.
Intelligence Rolls:- will be rolled to determine if your character is smart enough to decipher codes, read and understand various languages etc. The ability to learn new things, and the ability to retain information.
Wit Rolls:- will be utilized when trying to outsmart an opponent or encounter, your ability to reason with, or get one over on another individual. To outsmart the other party involved.
Charisma Rolls:- will be rolled when bartering, or when trying to be persuasive with another NPC or neutral encounters. It is a representation of how likeable your character is, and how well you can sway someone in your favor. It can lead to better prices when buying items or services, or win you favorable odds with the opposite sex in particular.
Attack Rolls:- will be rolled in combat along with your Dexterity Mod (or skill mod if applicable) when fighting with weapons, or with your Strength Mod for unarmed combat.
Note: Each player may have 2 attacks as beginning players unless they are equipped with a shield*. This negates one attack.
Armor:- Armor rolls will be used as a saving throw against taking wounds. Your final saving grace against combat wounds. If blocking with a shield you will roll for it's mod, and if this fails you may then roll for your armor.
Luck Rolls:- as the name suggests, luck is luck. Roll this if all else fails and maybe, just maybe, the god's will shine on you.
Awareness Rolls- will be utilized to search for things or scan your immediate surroundings for clues, or to get a jump on any encounters.. The locating of traps and hidden items or clues, descriptions of environments, hidden routes and passages, etc.
Willpower Rolls- will be done to determine whether or not your characters can withstand certain forces within the game, and is basically the measurement of your resolve to see how you will act under pressure. Things like resisting certain statuses like sickness, sleep, starvation, hexes and curses, thought reading or mind control, etc.
Intelligence Rolls:- will be rolled to determine if your character is smart enough to decipher codes, read and understand various languages etc. The ability to learn new things, and the ability to retain information.
Wit Rolls:- will be utilized when trying to outsmart an opponent or encounter, your ability to reason with, or get one over on another individual. To outsmart the other party involved.
Charisma Rolls:- will be rolled when bartering, or when trying to be persuasive with another NPC or neutral encounters. It is a representation of how likeable your character is, and how well you can sway someone in your favor. It can lead to better prices when buying items or services, or win you favorable odds with the opposite sex in particular.
Attack Rolls:- will be rolled in combat along with your Dexterity Mod (or skill mod if applicable) when fighting with weapons, or with your Strength Mod for unarmed combat.
Note: Each player may have 2 attacks as beginning players unless they are equipped with a shield*. This negates one attack.
Armor:- Armor rolls will be used as a saving throw against taking wounds. Your final saving grace against combat wounds. If blocking with a shield you will roll for it's mod, and if this fails you may then roll for your armor.
Luck Rolls:- as the name suggests, luck is luck. Roll this if all else fails and maybe, just maybe, the god's will shine on you.
The premise thus far is an ongoing, ever changing, open ended adventure for a group of underachieving, less than par, or just down on their luck thieves that are from a guild or come together through some mishap in the story and embark on adventures set upon them. These characters will all have to deal with some sort of "major flaw" that is unique to each player that will hinder them constantly. My character, for example, is a lush and addict.. These characters seem to have hard time, or are just plain unlucky. A haphazard and motley bunch. They are all underdogs, the underachieving, and will either get their shit together and persevere, or fail in epic proportions.
The story starts off in Guillan, a huge capital and port city. It is the crowned jewel of the Lands of the Nine, and home to the High King of The Lands of the Nines. All the subsidiary kingdoms of the Nines must answer to him as the top authority. Guillan is a grand port city, sure.. but it is dense, and dirty, and extremely corrupted. There is a major divide between the rich and the poor which is very disproportioned, and acts very much like great bellows, only fueling the fires. As a massive port city, it is also a great trading hub, and almost anything from even the furthest bits of the Nine's can be found here, if you have the coin for it.
It's crime syndicates are plenty, and range from petty criminals to vast, and infinitely powerful groups. The Black Hands are at the top of it all, and are all but untouchable.. Pirates and cutthroats, scoundrels. All manners of outfits. The streets are constantly soiled robbers and pickpockets, piracy on the trade routes, rape and murder.. even rumors of slaving and human traffickers from the very bowels of the city. Nothing is off limits to those consumed by greed, and everyone seems to have an angle, or a finger in something. Mind you keep your wits about you, or as best you can..
The plot is open ended, and can be entirely driven by the group how it sees fit, through various avenues provided by the extensive environment of the Lands of the Nine. It is a mid-to-low fantasy setting, as in slim on dragons and mythical beasts, but still outside the realms of reality. This RP will also have a success and mod roll system which is entirely optional to use. Mainly comprised of some success rolls and skillset rolls, mods for injuries, etc., but only to augment or direct the flow of your post and the successes of your characters during certain situations and should only be used to add a certain unexpected flair for your characters. The big driving force here is their flaws, which they are constantly having to deal with..
The story starts off in Guillan, a huge capital and port city. It is the crowned jewel of the Lands of the Nine, and home to the High King of The Lands of the Nines. All the subsidiary kingdoms of the Nines must answer to him as the top authority. Guillan is a grand port city, sure.. but it is dense, and dirty, and extremely corrupted. There is a major divide between the rich and the poor which is very disproportioned, and acts very much like great bellows, only fueling the fires. As a massive port city, it is also a great trading hub, and almost anything from even the furthest bits of the Nine's can be found here, if you have the coin for it.
It's crime syndicates are plenty, and range from petty criminals to vast, and infinitely powerful groups. The Black Hands are at the top of it all, and are all but untouchable.. Pirates and cutthroats, scoundrels. All manners of outfits. The streets are constantly soiled robbers and pickpockets, piracy on the trade routes, rape and murder.. even rumors of slaving and human traffickers from the very bowels of the city. Nothing is off limits to those consumed by greed, and everyone seems to have an angle, or a finger in something. Mind you keep your wits about you, or as best you can..
The plot is open ended, and can be entirely driven by the group how it sees fit, through various avenues provided by the extensive environment of the Lands of the Nine. It is a mid-to-low fantasy setting, as in slim on dragons and mythical beasts, but still outside the realms of reality. This RP will also have a success and mod roll system which is entirely optional to use. Mainly comprised of some success rolls and skillset rolls, mods for injuries, etc., but only to augment or direct the flow of your post and the successes of your characters during certain situations and should only be used to add a certain unexpected flair for your characters. The big driving force here is their flaws, which they are constantly having to deal with..
Useful Info:
Maps and Locations:
I will update these locations accordingly over the course of the RP as it unfolds. New places of interest, specific locations, and the goods and services that can be obtained there, as well as the NPC's who provide them. Please check periodically.

A well known tavern to all the common-folk and the lower class. The dock workers and sailors, petty criminals. The grog is plentiful and cheap, and everyone knows how to mind their own business. The room fares aren't high and the hearths are always warm. Home to many a thief and pick-pocket, and one well known fence, Lord Vargas, and is a great place to do a bit of business towards the back. Mind you Keep your voice down though, and be discreet. No one likes a yapper..
Located on the outskirts of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks. A good place to tuck in for the rainy, wetter nights, even if only to dry your clothes for a bit. They offer a variety of perishables, and good hot meals.

The Black Lion Trading Company is the top authority when it comes to all business dealing with trade, imports and exports, all commodities, and even the very prices they fetch in market. Nothing comes in or out without them having a finger on it. Highly trusted by the Royal Authorities, they are known to keep a tight book. They control all the trade routes and trading vessels in the Nines. Each ship must be logged without exception, and each is carefully scrutinized down to the last crates and barrels.
All matters of commandeering or commissioning a ship or vessel for travel or business purposes can be done here. There are usually a few salty captains waiting in queue, and have ships of all sizes to suit whatever need should arise. Prices will vary, and be mindful, you get what you pay for..

The Red Sail is a brothel located in the southwestern corner of the Seaside Markets, just between the Slums and Docks. It is a musty but warm lit and welcoming establishment. Smoke from the black Lotus is thick and enticing. The women are supple and wanton. All manner of men, and women, are serviced here, from sailors, common folk, and the working class from the slums.
The establishment is ran by a Madame Margarette Fontaine, who keeps a close eye on her girls, and will go to great lengths to protect them. It is rumored that she likes to scar the faces of men who try do get over on her and hers, and known to do worse to those who be mistreat'n the fowler ways.. Make sure your coin is good, and keep away from the funny business and you'll find yourself a pleasant stay..
There is quite a variety of religions in the Nines. They range from monotheistic to polytheistic, occult, fanatical groups, and heretics, and even rumors of the worship of dark gods and magics long dead, and even necromancy. This list will be updated as you proceed in your travels.

Type: Monotheism (patriarchal)
Direction: Outwards
Focus: Repentance, Forgiveness, Holy Virtues (Very similar to Christianity)
Ruling Deities: The All-Seer
Important Deities:
The All-Seer, the God of Wisdom, Goodness and Virtue, the Giver of Life, the Provider
Razmudai, the God of Darkness and Evil, Secrets, Suffering (malevolent)
Divine Interaction: Miracles and penances (Seldom Occur, if ever)
Involves: Devotional Prayer, Repentance of sins, Pilgrimage, Holiness
Afterlife: Heaven-like
Supernatural: benevolent spirits of relatives, Angelic beings (benevolent entities), Demonic beings (malevolent entities)
Worship: Group meditation and prayer.
Holidays: Solstices, Equinoxes
Holidays Celebrate: Great Priests, historical events, past battles, Prophets and Saints.
Major Holiday(s): happen only once every hundred years

Clergy: High Priests are Male only.
Mass/Gathering: All types of members from all walks of life. Worships every Seventh Day in large masses at the temple. Service includes the reading of religious scriptures, musical hymns, and certain special events, anointing of the youth (christenings), marriages, funerals, etc.
Function: Community leaders, healers of the sick, providers for the poor and elderly.
Lifestyle: All types
Family: Somewhat large
Chosen: Elected by pre-existing high priests
Distinguished By: Special clothing and robes, head wear
Symbol: Images of the All-Seer, emblazoned sun
Holy Colors: Gold, Red, White
Passed Down: Via the mass reproduction of Written tomes and volumes
Creation Myth Type: World-Creator
Mortals' Origin: Creation of the All-Seer
Major Myth/Symbol(s):
The Redemption
The First Defeat of Razmudai
Deadly Sins: Self-injury, malice, cowardice, irresponsibility and pride, greed, envy, lust, and worldly desires
High Virtues: faith, wisdom, kindness and honesty, modesty, humbleness, humility.
Associated Artform: Written texts, tapestries, murals, statues
Coming of Age: 17 years old
Coming of Age Rite: involves a collective ritual biannually
Marriage: Monogamous relationships
Marriage Rites: Major formal events held by the entire community
Death Rites: Performed by priests, anointing rituals, last rights, preparation and burials. Catacombs, Vaults, Graves.
Major Taboos: Incest, pedophilia, sinful desires
Prevalence: Widely believed
Outsiders: Are welcomed

The Keepers of The Light
Type: Monotheism (patriarchal)
Direction: Outwards
Focus: Repentance, Forgiveness, Holy Virtues (Very similar to Christianity)
Ruling Deities: The All-Seer
Important Deities:
The All-Seer, the God of Wisdom, Goodness and Virtue, the Giver of Life, the Provider
Razmudai, the God of Darkness and Evil, Secrets, Suffering (malevolent)
Divine Interaction: Miracles and penances (Seldom Occur, if ever)
Involves: Devotional Prayer, Repentance of sins, Pilgrimage, Holiness
Afterlife: Heaven-like
Supernatural: benevolent spirits of relatives, Angelic beings (benevolent entities), Demonic beings (malevolent entities)
Worship: Group meditation and prayer.
Holidays: Solstices, Equinoxes
Holidays Celebrate: Great Priests, historical events, past battles, Prophets and Saints.
Major Holiday(s): happen only once every hundred years

Clergy: High Priests are Male only.
Mass/Gathering: All types of members from all walks of life. Worships every Seventh Day in large masses at the temple. Service includes the reading of religious scriptures, musical hymns, and certain special events, anointing of the youth (christenings), marriages, funerals, etc.
Function: Community leaders, healers of the sick, providers for the poor and elderly.
Lifestyle: All types
Family: Somewhat large
Chosen: Elected by pre-existing high priests
Distinguished By: Special clothing and robes, head wear
Cultural Aspects:
Symbol: Images of the All-Seer, emblazoned sun
Holy Colors: Gold, Red, White
Passed Down: Via the mass reproduction of Written tomes and volumes
Creation Myth Type: World-Creator
Mortals' Origin: Creation of the All-Seer
Major Myth/Symbol(s):
The Redemption
The First Defeat of Razmudai
Deadly Sins: Self-injury, malice, cowardice, irresponsibility and pride, greed, envy, lust, and worldly desires
High Virtues: faith, wisdom, kindness and honesty, modesty, humbleness, humility.
Associated Artform: Written texts, tapestries, murals, statues
Coming of Age: 17 years old
Coming of Age Rite: involves a collective ritual biannually
Marriage: Monogamous relationships
Marriage Rites: Major formal events held by the entire community
Death Rites: Performed by priests, anointing rituals, last rights, preparation and burials. Catacombs, Vaults, Graves.
Major Taboos: Incest, pedophilia, sinful desires
Prevalence: Widely believed
Outsiders: Are welcomed
Here is a list of regular services and the average fees for them. Not all services will be available at every location, and will vary in cost depending on location, quality, and availability.
Bath: 1g (proper bath)
Clothes Washed: 30b (washes personal clothing, freshening up.)
Single Room: 2-3g (per night. Average room includes storage chest or armoire, bed, and wash basin. Inns and Taverns, etc.)
Room & Board: 5-6g (per 1 person/day. Includes average room, and 2 meals, a bath)
Double Room: 5-6g (per night. Same as average room, with 2 beds)
Party Room: 10-15g (per night. Same as average room, with 4-6 beds, extra storage)
Cheap Meal: 5b
Avg. Meal: 10-12b
Good Meal: 15b
Beverages: 1-2b
Mead: 3b
Grog: 2-3b
Beer, Lagers: 2-3b
Grain Alcohol: 4-5b
Rum: 4-5b
Wines: 5-50b
Clothes Washed: 30b (washes personal clothing, freshening up.)
Single Room: 2-3g (per night. Average room includes storage chest or armoire, bed, and wash basin. Inns and Taverns, etc.)
Room & Board: 5-6g (per 1 person/day. Includes average room, and 2 meals, a bath)
Double Room: 5-6g (per night. Same as average room, with 2 beds)
Party Room: 10-15g (per night. Same as average room, with 4-6 beds, extra storage)
Food Items:
Cheap Meal: 5b
Avg. Meal: 10-12b
Good Meal: 15b
Beverages: 1-2b
Mead: 3b
Grog: 2-3b
Beer, Lagers: 2-3b
Grain Alcohol: 4-5b
Rum: 4-5b
Wines: 5-50b
These prices will vary upon location, availability, and quality of service, as well as quality of stock. Tavern drinks and food items may also be available depending on the establishment. Rates for rooms are more costly, but they do provide discretion, and will not give away your location or information. In fact, discretion is their number one rule. You will definitely rest better here than in an inn or tavern with a cold bed to sleep in..
Bath: 2g (lavish sponge bath, with help..)
Cheap Whore: 2g (per go), 4g (per/hr)
Seasoned Whore: 3g (per go), 6g (per/hr)
Madame's Best: 5g 9per go), 10g (per/hr)
By the Night Rates: Vary
Average Room: 5g (includes Average room, wash basin, storage chest or armoire, and discretion. Does not include company.)
Lavish Room: 7g (spacious lodge, plush furniture, private Lavatory, hearth, and extra storage, discretion. Does not include company.)
Bath: 2g (lavish sponge bath, with help..)
Cheap Whore: 2g (per go), 4g (per/hr)
Seasoned Whore: 3g (per go), 6g (per/hr)
Madame's Best: 5g 9per go), 10g (per/hr)
By the Night Rates: Vary
Average Room: 5g (includes Average room, wash basin, storage chest or armoire, and discretion. Does not include company.)
Lavish Room: 7g (spacious lodge, plush furniture, private Lavatory, hearth, and extra storage, discretion. Does not include company.)
Items that are fabricated will vary in price depending on item, quality, and the amount of resources required.
Repair Tools 1g
Repair Weapons: 35-55b
Repair Armor: 2-3g
Farrier Services: 4-5g (Shoeing Horses)
Fletching Services: 1g (Arrow and fletching repair, per 10)
Restringing: 1-2g (Provides new string for bows, custom made)
Maintenance: 1g (Grips, wraps, silencing, etc. A good looking over.)
Tack Repair: 2-3g (bit and buckle, saddle, strap, and buckles.)
Repair Tools 1g
Repair Weapons: 35-55b
Repair Armor: 2-3g
Farrier Services: 4-5g (Shoeing Horses)
Fletching Services: 1g (Arrow and fletching repair, per 10)
Restringing: 1-2g (Provides new string for bows, custom made)
Maintenance: 1g (Grips, wraps, silencing, etc. A good looking over.)
Tack Repair: 2-3g (bit and buckle, saddle, strap, and buckles.)
Prices will vary upon location, quality of service, and availability.
Feed & Water: 10b (includes hay and water trough)
Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water)
Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves)
Feed & Water: 10b (includes hay and water trough)
Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water)
Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves)
Apothecary's range in a wide variety goods and services. These services include visits to determine ailments, as well as the creation and distribution of salves and tonics, ointments and cures, for all types of ailments ranging in the common rash to mold exposure, and even cures for those nasty venereal diseases. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you do the hokey-pokey, eh?
Prices will vary due to location, availability, and quality, as well as potency, and the rarity of certain ingredients.
Prices will vary due to location, availability, and quality, as well as potency, and the rarity of certain ingredients.
Telegrams and messages sent or received in a written format. Pigeons are the most effective means to send messages long distance but they can also travel by horseman over land as well. These posts and letters can often be sent from inns or taverns, but if not there is always one somewhere in even the smallest of towns.
Horse Telegram: 5b (may take up to 2 weeks)
Homing Pigeon: 1g (2 to 3 days)
Horse Telegram: 5b (may take up to 2 weeks)
Homing Pigeon: 1g (2 to 3 days)
Priests and temples, or Holy establishments may provide certain goods and services as well, and depend greatly on the type of religion it is. These services are varied, and so is their success in terms of execution. Oracles, Psychics, and Witches, may provide various trinkets and medallions, that may offer protection or wards to help along your travels.
Lighting a Candle: 2b (Lighting candles in remembrance or prayer can lift the spirit, and sometimes negative effects)
Blessings: 5g (Blessings are performed by priests on things such as personal items or apparel, voyages and travels, and may or may not provide boons to both if successful.)
Anointing's: 10g (Anointing's are also performed by priests on people. These anointing's may or may not provide certain boons to individuals if done correctly. They may also clear any negative effects, heal wounds and sicknesses as well.)
Fortune Telling: 50b (looking into the eyes to foresee the near future for an individual)
Palm Reading/Tarot: 5g (in depth and lengthy reading to foresee one's destiny.)
Divine Guidance: 10g (an attempt to find a person, place, or object by psychic guidance.)
Lighting a Candle: 2b (Lighting candles in remembrance or prayer can lift the spirit, and sometimes negative effects)
Blessings: 5g (Blessings are performed by priests on things such as personal items or apparel, voyages and travels, and may or may not provide boons to both if successful.)
Anointing's: 10g (Anointing's are also performed by priests on people. These anointing's may or may not provide certain boons to individuals if done correctly. They may also clear any negative effects, heal wounds and sicknesses as well.)
Fortune Telling: 50b (looking into the eyes to foresee the near future for an individual)
Palm Reading/Tarot: 5g (in depth and lengthy reading to foresee one's destiny.)
Divine Guidance: 10g (an attempt to find a person, place, or object by psychic guidance.)
There are various means of transportation in the Nines. These range in a wide variety and can provide local or long distance means of travel.
Human Cart: 1g (district transport w/ personal gear only.)
Horse cart: 20-35b (district & local transport w/gear)
Coach: 2-3g (district & local transport w/gear. Long distance rates vary with location)
Ferry: 1g (per person) 2g (w/horse or gear)
Boats & Vessels: Rates Vary (local & long distance transport w/gear)
Human Cart: 1g (district transport w/ personal gear only.)
Horse cart: 20-35b (district & local transport w/gear)
Coach: 2-3g (district & local transport w/gear. Long distance rates vary with location)
Ferry: 1g (per person) 2g (w/horse or gear)
Boats & Vessels: Rates Vary (local & long distance transport w/gear)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Knife: 5-10b
*Punch-Knife: 15b
Throwing knives: 25b (each)(balanced)
Dagger: 1g
Stiletto Dagger: 2g
Short sword: 3-5g
Longsword: 5g
Cutlass: 5g
Rapier: 4-5g
Duelist's Rapier: 10g
Broadsword: 5g
Claymore: 7g
Spring-loaded Dagger: 5-8g (forearm contraption)
Cane Sword: 5g
Linked Chain Sword: 7-10g (rare and unruly, expensive and hard to master)
Knife: 5-10b
*Punch-Knife: 15b
Throwing knives: 25b (each)(balanced)
Dagger: 1g
Stiletto Dagger: 2g
Short sword: 3-5g
Longsword: 5g
Cutlass: 5g
Rapier: 4-5g
Duelist's Rapier: 10g
Broadsword: 5g
Claymore: 7g
Specialty items:
Spring-loaded Dagger: 5-8g (forearm contraption)
Cane Sword: 5g
Linked Chain Sword: 7-10g (rare and unruly, expensive and hard to master)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Sling: 8b
Slingshot: 15b
bolas: 1g
Crude Bow: 15b
Hunting Bow: 1g
Short-Bow: 3g
Longbow: 4g
Recurve Bow: 8g
Composite Bow: 10g
Crossbow: 5g
Heavy Crossbow: 8g
Repeating Crossbow: 15g (extremely rare, crank to operate)
Spring-Loaded Crossbow: 10g (rare, forearm contraption)
Sling Ammo x20: 15b
Common Arrows x20: 35b
Specialty Arrows: ??? (specified)
Heavy Arrows x20: 3g
Common Bolts x10: 2g
Heavy Bolts x10: 3g
Sling: 8b
Slingshot: 15b
bolas: 1g
Crude Bow: 15b
Hunting Bow: 1g
Short-Bow: 3g
Longbow: 4g
Recurve Bow: 8g
Composite Bow: 10g
Crossbow: 5g
Heavy Crossbow: 8g
Specialty items:
Repeating Crossbow: 15g (extremely rare, crank to operate)
Spring-Loaded Crossbow: 10g (rare, forearm contraption)
Sling Ammo x20: 15b
Common Arrows x20: 35b
Specialty Arrows: ??? (specified)
Heavy Arrows x20: 3g
Common Bolts x10: 2g
Heavy Bolts x10: 3g
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Knuckle Dusters: 1g
Blackjack: 1g
Club: 1g
Mace: 3-5g
Hammer: 7g
Camp Axe: 1g
Tomahawk Axe: 3g (Steel, can be thrown)
Bearded Axe: 4g
Pike Axe: 4g (spiked)
Pole Axe: 5g
Halberd: 8g
Great Axe: 8g
Staff: 1-3g (wood, or wood/metal)
Javelin: 3g (short spear used for jab or can be thrown)
Spear: 4-5g (full sized spear)
Knuckle Dusters: 1g
Blackjack: 1g
Club: 1g
Mace: 3-5g
Hammer: 7g
Camp Axe: 1g
Tomahawk Axe: 3g (Steel, can be thrown)
Bearded Axe: 4g
Pike Axe: 4g (spiked)
Pole Axe: 5g
Halberd: 8g
Great Axe: 8g
Staff: 1-3g (wood, or wood/metal)
Javelin: 3g (short spear used for jab or can be thrown)
Spear: 4-5g (full sized spear)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Powder Horn: 1g (20 shot count)
Ball Ammunition: 1g (per 20)
Large Bore Ammunition: 1g (per 10)
Patches: 5b (per 20 swatches)
Flintlock Derringer: 50b
Flintlock Pistol; 6g
Ornate Pistol: 8-10g
Hand Cannon: 7g
Flintlock Rifle: 8g
Ornate Rifle: 10-12g
Blunderbuss: 8g
Powder Horn: 1g (20 shot count)
Ball Ammunition: 1g (per 20)
Large Bore Ammunition: 1g (per 10)
Patches: 5b (per 20 swatches)
Flintlock Derringer: 50b
Flintlock Pistol; 6g
Ornate Pistol: 8-10g
Hand Cannon: 7g
Flintlock Rifle: 8g
Ornate Rifle: 10-12g
Blunderbuss: 8g
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons. Also note that Armor ratings suffer a -1 mod to their score against bludgeoning damage, and normal clothing has an Armor Rating of +1.
Leather Armor: 8g (set)
Studded Leather: 10g (set)
Leather Helm: 50b
Gloves: 2g
Studded Gloves: 3g
Boots: 3g
Studded Boots: 4g
Hooded Cloak: 3g (thick, protection from the elements, concealment) (+1, added)
Chainmail: 12g (top and bottom)
Ornate Mail 15g (top and bottom)
Gloves: 3g
Hood: 3g
Coat of Plates: 15g
Plate Armor: 18g
Ornate Plate: 20-25g
Gauntlets: 4g
Helm: 5g
Cuirass: 4g
Greaves: 4g
Arms, Pauldrons: 4g
Wooden Buckler: 55b
Wooden Shield: 75b
Composite Shield: 5g (wood, metal)
Metal Shield: (+3)
Leather Armor (+2)
Leather Armor: 8g (set)
Studded Leather: 10g (set)
Leather Helm: 50b
Gloves: 2g
Studded Gloves: 3g
Boots: 3g
Studded Boots: 4g
Hooded Cloak: 3g (thick, protection from the elements, concealment) (+1, added)
Chainmail Armor (+3)
Chainmail: 12g (top and bottom)
Ornate Mail 15g (top and bottom)
Gloves: 3g
Hood: 3g
Plate Armor (+4)
Coat of Plates: 15g
Plate Armor: 18g
Ornate Plate: 20-25g
Gauntlets: 4g
Helm: 5g
Cuirass: 4g
Greaves: 4g
Arms, Pauldrons: 4g
Shields (+2)
Wooden Buckler: 55b
Wooden Shield: 75b
Composite Shield: 5g (wood, metal)
Metal Shield: (+3)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality meals or rations.
1 Day Rations: 10-15b
Dried Meats: 15-20b
Cheap Meal: 5b
Avg. Meal: 10-12b
Good Meal: 15b
Beverages: 1-2b
Mead: 3b
Grog: 2-3b
Beer, Lagers: 2-3b
Grain Alcohol: 4-5b
Rum: 4-5b
Wines: 5-50b
Dried Meats: 15-20b
Cheap Meal: 5b
Avg. Meal: 10-12b
Good Meal: 15b
Beverages: 1-2b
Mead: 3b
Grog: 2-3b
Beer, Lagers: 2-3b
Grain Alcohol: 4-5b
Rum: 4-5b
Wines: 5-50b
Dust: 25b (stimulant, price per vile/gram)
Black Lotus: 30b (opioid, budding flower, price per 4 grams, smoked. Mild sedative and aphrodisiac.)
Black Lotus: 30b (opioid, budding flower, price per 4 grams, smoked. Mild sedative and aphrodisiac.)
Lamb: 3g (feeds 5-10, feast)
Goat: 2g (feeds 5-10, feast)
Hog: 4-5g (feeds 10-15, feast)
Grazing Stock: (feeds 20-30, huge feast item. Cows, Bulls, etc.)
Small Game: 15b (feeds 1. Rabbit, squirrel, etc)
River Fish: 15b (feeds 1-2. Trout, Brim, Smallmouth Bass, Catfish, etc.)
Wood Foul: 1g (feeds 1-2. Quail, Pheasant, Cornish Hens, Turkey, etc.)
Fox: 25b (feeds 2-3)
Sea Fish: 35-50b (feeds 2-4. Large salt water varieties)
Wild Cats: 2-3g (feeds 4-5, feast. Bobcats, Cougars, Pumas, etc.)
Boar: 2-3g (feeds 5-7, feast)
Whitetail Deer: 3-4g (feeds 5-8, feast)
Elk: 4-5g (feeds 7-10, feast)
Bear, Large: 8-10g (feeds 20-30, huge feast item)
Grazing Animals: 7-9g (feeds 20-30, huge feast item. Bison, Water buffalo, wild horses, etc.)
Lamb: 3g (feeds 5-10, feast)
Goat: 2g (feeds 5-10, feast)
Hog: 4-5g (feeds 10-15, feast)
Grazing Stock: (feeds 20-30, huge feast item. Cows, Bulls, etc.)
Small Game: 15b (feeds 1. Rabbit, squirrel, etc)
River Fish: 15b (feeds 1-2. Trout, Brim, Smallmouth Bass, Catfish, etc.)
Wood Foul: 1g (feeds 1-2. Quail, Pheasant, Cornish Hens, Turkey, etc.)
Fox: 25b (feeds 2-3)
Sea Fish: 35-50b (feeds 2-4. Large salt water varieties)
Wild Cats: 2-3g (feeds 4-5, feast. Bobcats, Cougars, Pumas, etc.)
Boar: 2-3g (feeds 5-7, feast)
Whitetail Deer: 3-4g (feeds 5-8, feast)
Elk: 4-5g (feeds 7-10, feast)
Bear, Large: 8-10g (feeds 20-30, huge feast item)
Grazing Animals: 7-9g (feeds 20-30, huge feast item. Bison, Water buffalo, wild horses, etc.)
Healing ointment: 20b
Healing Elixir: 50b (heals wounds within 1 day)
Bandages: 10b (2 Sterile bandages)
Suture Kit: 15b
Alchemy items: range in a wide variety of elements and minerals and vary in price and availability. Some items may be sparse or unavailable, and can be extremely costly.
Steel Ingot: 1g
Leather Scrap: 1g
Pitch/Tar: 10b (jar)
Other items may be available. Ask if you have a personal request.
Healing Elixir: 50b (heals wounds within 1 day)
Bandages: 10b (2 Sterile bandages)
Suture Kit: 15b
Alchemy items: range in a wide variety of elements and minerals and vary in price and availability. Some items may be sparse or unavailable, and can be extremely costly.
Steel Ingot: 1g
Leather Scrap: 1g
Pitch/Tar: 10b (jar)
Other items may be available. Ask if you have a personal request.
These items are heavy and require additional means to transport them. These items are bulky, and require a pack mule, a wagon, or shipping vessel of some sort to move them, and are intended to feed party members for long periods of time.
Barrel-Dried Meat: 8g (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
Barrel-Fresh Fruit: 2g (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
Barrel-Potatoes: 2g (feeds 6/wk, heavy. provides starches, fights off hunger)
Barrel-Baking Flour: 5g (supplies 6/wk with daily bread rations, heavy)
Barrel-Fresh Water: 5g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy)
Beer Keg: 7g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy. Improves morale, fights off infection)
Wine Flagon, Large: 9g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy. Improves morale, fights off infection)
Barrel-Apples: 2g (supplies 1 horse/wk, heavy. Provides sugars)
Horse Feed: 4g (feeds 1 horse/wk, heavy)
Hay Bales, Large: 1g (feeds 1 horse/day, heavy)
Salt Block: 1g (supplies 2 horses/wk, heavy. Provides salt)
Barrel-Dried Meat: 8g (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
Barrel-Fresh Fruit: 2g (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
Barrel-Potatoes: 2g (feeds 6/wk, heavy. provides starches, fights off hunger)
Barrel-Baking Flour: 5g (supplies 6/wk with daily bread rations, heavy)
Barrel-Fresh Water: 5g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy)
Beer Keg: 7g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy. Improves morale, fights off infection)
Wine Flagon, Large: 9g (supplies 1 person/wk, heavy. Improves morale, fights off infection)
Barrel-Apples: 2g (supplies 1 horse/wk, heavy. Provides sugars)
Horse Feed: 4g (feeds 1 horse/wk, heavy)
Hay Bales, Large: 1g (feeds 1 horse/day, heavy)
Salt Block: 1g (supplies 2 horses/wk, heavy. Provides salt)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality items.
Water Skin: 15b (leather, 1.5l)
Mug/Ale-Horn 12-15b
Blanket: 25b
Bedroll: 2g (not suitable for cold climates)
Padded Bedroll: 3g
Cook Spit: 2g
Cook Pan: 15b
Flint & Steel: 15b
Candle: 3b
Parchment: 5b (per 5 sheets)
Writing Quill and Ink: 10b
Oil Lamp: 15b
Oil: 10b (flammable fuel, price per flask)
Torch: 10b
Small Lantern: 20b
Lantern: 25b
Hooded Lantern: 35b
Simple Tent: 4g
Twine/Lashing: 10b (per 1ooft, simple twine)
Braided Rope: 4g (per 100ft, suitable for climbing/scaling)
Grappling Hook: 50b
Water Skin: 15b (leather, 1.5l)
Mug/Ale-Horn 12-15b
Blanket: 25b
Bedroll: 2g (not suitable for cold climates)
Padded Bedroll: 3g
Cook Spit: 2g
Cook Pan: 15b
Flint & Steel: 15b
Candle: 3b
Parchment: 5b (per 5 sheets)
Writing Quill and Ink: 10b
Oil Lamp: 15b
Oil: 10b (flammable fuel, price per flask)
Torch: 10b
Small Lantern: 20b
Lantern: 25b
Hooded Lantern: 35b
Simple Tent: 4g
Twine/Lashing: 10b (per 1ooft, simple twine)
Braided Rope: 4g (per 100ft, suitable for climbing/scaling)
Grappling Hook: 50b
Spyglass: 2g
Shovel: 30b
Saw: 25b (one man), 75b (two man)
Pickaxe: 55b
Toolkit: 4g
Whetstone 10b
Barrel: 45b
Cask: 25b
Leather Pouch: 1g (small pouch, for belt)
Satchel Bag, Leather: 1g (reg.), 30b (large)
Small Chest: 2g (shoebox size)
Storage Chest: 3g (footlocker size)
Fishing Net: 25b
Glass Vial: 5b (3oz), 7b (5oz)
Flask: 5b (tin, 1 pint)
Shovel: 30b
Saw: 25b (one man), 75b (two man)
Pickaxe: 55b
Toolkit: 4g
Whetstone 10b
Barrel: 45b
Cask: 25b
Leather Pouch: 1g (small pouch, for belt)
Satchel Bag, Leather: 1g (reg.), 30b (large)
Small Chest: 2g (shoebox size)
Storage Chest: 3g (footlocker size)
Fishing Net: 25b
Glass Vial: 5b (3oz), 7b (5oz)
Flask: 5b (tin, 1 pint)
Draft Horse: 14g (work horses, war horses - 15g)
Warm Bloods: 12g (medium weight horse)
Thoroughbred: 13g (medium weight, well rounded)
Gaited Horse: 14g (Light horse bred for endurance, speed)
Pack Mule: 10g (mule used for transporting equipment)
Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water)
Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves)
Farrier Fees: 2g (blacksmithing and leather works, re-shoeing, fittings, fabrications, etc.)
Salt Block: 15b
Feed Oats: 15b (per day's rations)
Hay bale, Small: 7b (per bale)
Saddle: 4-7g (depending on quality)
Tack Gear: 3-5g (depending on quality)
Small Pull-cart: 4g (rolls behind horse for the transport of personal gear, small)
One Horse Wagon: 6g (single axle)
Two Horse Wagon: 9-10g (double axle)
Four Horse Coach: 12-15g (double axle, extra storage, enclosed. Carries 6)
Warm Bloods: 12g (medium weight horse)
Thoroughbred: 13g (medium weight, well rounded)
Gaited Horse: 14g (Light horse bred for endurance, speed)
Pack Mule: 10g (mule used for transporting equipment)
Stabling & Supplies:
Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water)
Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves)
Farrier Fees: 2g (blacksmithing and leather works, re-shoeing, fittings, fabrications, etc.)
Salt Block: 15b
Feed Oats: 15b (per day's rations)
Hay bale, Small: 7b (per bale)
Saddle: 4-7g (depending on quality)
Tack Gear: 3-5g (depending on quality)
Small Pull-cart: 4g (rolls behind horse for the transport of personal gear, small)
One Horse Wagon: 6g (single axle)
Two Horse Wagon: 9-10g (double axle)
Four Horse Coach: 12-15g (double axle, extra storage, enclosed. Carries 6)
These prices are the average prices for various boats that can be purchased at port locations, and will vary in price and availability.
Canoe: 10g - A small canoe either made of wood or hide that can carry up to 2-4 people and personal gear only. Suitable for shallow waters, shoals, lakes, rivers, canals. Silent and swift in the water, and high maneuverable. Not suitable for deep ocean waters.
Rowboats/Skiffs: 15g - A rowboat with 3 bench seats. Can carry up to 6 people with 300lbs of gear. Powered by oars. Drag is only 2.5' and is suitable for shallow waters, shoals, lakes, rivers, canals, and peaceful coastline waters. Not suitable for deep ocean waters.
Wherry: 45g (1-2 person operation) - A Slender 20' boat with a single mast and sheeted sails. Primarily used to carry cargo on rivers and canals. Can hold up to 1 ton of cargo. This boat can go in extremely shallow waters with a drag of only 3', and the mast can be lowered to navigate through bridged waterways.
Shallop: 75g (1 person operation) - A heavy built 2-6 ton, single mast carrying fore and aft sails, outfitted with oars. An open framed boat with a capacity to carry 10-15 people with about 500lbs of gear. Heavy and cumbersome, not suitable for deep water or rough seas. These boats are slow and resistance is moderate to high. Best suited for transportation along rivers, canals, coastlines, and lakes.
Schooner: 2,500g (requires a small crew) - A 100-120 ton vessel with 2 or 3 masts, fore and aft rigged, one and a half deck ship with a hold of 20-25 tons of cargo. Fast and sleek. Stability is moderate in deep and coastal waters. Vessel has a limited Crew's Quarters, Navigators office, Supply Hold, Small Cooking area, Cargo Hold. This ship is primarily used by merchants, and some variations can be up to 200 tons and carry up to 30 tons of cargo. Can be equipped with cannon.
Galleon: 10,000g (Requires a moderate crew) - A large 250 ton, 3-4 mast square rigged, multi-deck ship with a hold of up to 50 tons. Galleons are lightly armed 16-24cannon vessels, and are primarily used for commerce or war. Highly stable in deep waters and low drag and wind resistance. A fast and maneuverable vessel suitable for long ocean voyages. Vessel has Captain's and Officer's quarters, Crew Quarters, Dining Hall, Magazine, Kitchen, and Cargo Hold, and 2 lifeboats.
Canoe: 10g - A small canoe either made of wood or hide that can carry up to 2-4 people and personal gear only. Suitable for shallow waters, shoals, lakes, rivers, canals. Silent and swift in the water, and high maneuverable. Not suitable for deep ocean waters.
Rowboats/Skiffs: 15g - A rowboat with 3 bench seats. Can carry up to 6 people with 300lbs of gear. Powered by oars. Drag is only 2.5' and is suitable for shallow waters, shoals, lakes, rivers, canals, and peaceful coastline waters. Not suitable for deep ocean waters.
Wherry: 45g (1-2 person operation) - A Slender 20' boat with a single mast and sheeted sails. Primarily used to carry cargo on rivers and canals. Can hold up to 1 ton of cargo. This boat can go in extremely shallow waters with a drag of only 3', and the mast can be lowered to navigate through bridged waterways.
Shallop: 75g (1 person operation) - A heavy built 2-6 ton, single mast carrying fore and aft sails, outfitted with oars. An open framed boat with a capacity to carry 10-15 people with about 500lbs of gear. Heavy and cumbersome, not suitable for deep water or rough seas. These boats are slow and resistance is moderate to high. Best suited for transportation along rivers, canals, coastlines, and lakes.
Schooner: 2,500g (requires a small crew) - A 100-120 ton vessel with 2 or 3 masts, fore and aft rigged, one and a half deck ship with a hold of 20-25 tons of cargo. Fast and sleek. Stability is moderate in deep and coastal waters. Vessel has a limited Crew's Quarters, Navigators office, Supply Hold, Small Cooking area, Cargo Hold. This ship is primarily used by merchants, and some variations can be up to 200 tons and carry up to 30 tons of cargo. Can be equipped with cannon.
Galleon: 10,000g (Requires a moderate crew) - A large 250 ton, 3-4 mast square rigged, multi-deck ship with a hold of up to 50 tons. Galleons are lightly armed 16-24cannon vessels, and are primarily used for commerce or war. Highly stable in deep waters and low drag and wind resistance. A fast and maneuverable vessel suitable for long ocean voyages. Vessel has Captain's and Officer's quarters, Crew Quarters, Dining Hall, Magazine, Kitchen, and Cargo Hold, and 2 lifeboats.
Merrik The Virtuous, and the Fall of Razmu'dai

Some ten thousand years ago, when the Lands of The Nine's first became untied, there was a great soldier named Merrik. It was said that he was the son of a benevolent and righteous demigod named Niixus, who was well known in the times before then. His virtuous deeds and notoriety flourished among regions, far and wide. He was a just and good hearted man, and soon became a popular warrior King amongst a feudal realm. He was virtuous, and wanted to unite the Nine lands under one just rule. This realm was ripe with those who served the Dark Lords, and magic was as dense as water. Vile beasts and demon hordes, soldiers of the fallen Dark Kings, ravaged the lands, razing anything they came across, leaving none to tell about it. Some of the feuding rulers made alliances with the Dark Lords, pacts with the devil. Heretical sects and temples dotted the landscape, and the lands had fallen into despair.
Merrick sought to change this and this campaign, an all out witch hunt lasted for nearly 25 years. His vast armies, loyal followers to the cause marched vast distances, and crushed everything they encountered. He suffered many losses over the course of this witch hunt. Scores of scores of men died, perishing at the hands of the dark ones. It was said that if you were killed by them they took your soul. It was the darkest of times, the violence drove many to madness. Many thought Merrick to be the Great Savior, the chosen champion of the great All-Seer. An order of high priests known as The Keepers formed and followed his every move. They forged him a great sword, made from trinkets and relics, objects of great power and religious value. Merrick's sword became known as The Blade of Banishment, and was said to have been kissed by the All-Seer's good graces himself.

His opponent, a vile and wretched demigod named Razmu'dai. A great and ancient evil. He was the Bringer of Despair and Darkness, Suffering and Death, and all that is vile and wretched. He commanded a powerful dark magic that could spawn vicious beats, and he could also raise the dead, filling their bodies with the souls of those whom he had taken. Legions of dark soldiers to do his bidding. He wore a dark suit of armor forged by his dark powers. Razmu'dai set his legions upon Merrick's armies, and they clashed like huge waves swept up by a tempest. Almost all were lost when Merrick and Razmu'dai met on the battlefield. Their swords clashed with great energies and huge shockwaves threw scores across the field, obliterating the dead hordes and crushing the rib cages and organs of the living. But in this great and epic battle of Good and Evil fate would shine on the Merrick the Virtuous, and his blade found its mark. The Dark Lord's armor shattered into pieces and his evil spirit had been truly banished, and magic lost its strong grip on the realms of man, and dwindled to almost nothing. The only piece that was not destroyed was a single gauntlet. Merrick's sword also shattered and broke into 7 pieces, the same number of pieces as the Dark lord's armor. The gauntlet was dubbed the Gauntlet of Power. Merrick ordered The Keepers to take these seven shards of his blade and these armor bits to the far corners of the realm. To guard them till the ends of time. The Dark Lord's armor was thought to be so dangerous that each piece was said to have been completely incased in chests filled with mercury. The Gauntlet of Power and a single piece of the sword were said to have been kept together on the site of this great battle somewhere, hidden deep in a grand and monumental tomb. The rest of the pieces were spread throughout the land to secret locations, never to be discovered again. It is rumored that these locations are still guarded in great vaults and hidden tombs of a sect who call themselves The Guardians, who are so devout that they will kill anyone to keep these relics hidden from man.

It was also said that Merrick lived for another five hundred years and the Nines became united under his rule. The era of magic was over and it had given way to the common era of man, and it was a time of great prosperity in the Nines. Merrick was the last of the demigods to walk the earth. He is considered to be the great founding father of the Nines, and is still widely respected as a major patron Saint of The helpless and meek, and the defenseless. The Bringer of Light, Holy figure to the Keepers of the Light. The fall of Razmu'dai is celebrated every 1000 years on what is said to be the exact date of the battle where Good had finally conquered Evil. Merrick is supposedly buried in a great hidden tomb, the location only known to those who are now known as the Keepers. A secretive order, passed down through countless generations. So secretive that these families do not allow any outsiders to join their society. They are sworn to protect the locations of holy tombs and dangerous relics, and the location of Merrick Tomb in particular. They are also rumored to be able to conjure great Guardians from beyond the Veil. Champions and powerful Wardens. The last bastion to fend off the impending threat of darkness. Merrick's Chosen Few..