Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by nightmare medx
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nightmare medx

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rachel Hayford

”I’m going to listen to Lucia right now, because I’ve puked enough this morning and the threat of disembowelment, mmm, not really helping settle my stomach,” Rachel said. ”What would Jane have on me. Well, a lot of the medical stuff I’ve done I’m not legally allowed to do- but just so we’re clear, I don’t do anything I haven’t been trained in. But most of that was done on Syndicate members... um... there was this guy that I was supposed to continue to resuscitate that I didn’t, because he was a piece of shit.... and I stole drugs off the ambulance before I got into the Syndicate.”

Rachel had nothing to hide.

She paused and looked around at everyone. ”I’m curious, Reika, why are you so obsessed with Alice?l
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Reika Saigyo

Reika tried to keep her cool, and hardened her poker face, but someone could tell she was irritated. This was not going as she had hoped. They were not taking her advice seriously. Leo was turning on her, Lucia was distracted, Vincent was angry, and Rachel was unconvinced. Before anyone else could speak, Reika continued in a firm, assertive voice.

"In order for the infestation to be clear, one must start a controlled burn. Even if the roaches are not caught in the flame, they were scurry from their holes and out into the daylight." She clenched her fists on the table.

"And personally speaking, if we are too start burning down any part of the structure, I prefer we start with the most rotten supports. Perhaps my words are hard to hear, but in my father's day I always found the faquades and double-talk of manners and respect to be a waste of everyone's time, and an insult to everyone's intelligence. We all have much to gain from this vacuum, I'm just the only one being honest about it. I want Alice gone because I find her insufferable. It also helps to smoke out this traitor."

"Two birds, one stone." She said smugly, switching to English. Leaning back in her chair, her lengthy monologue coming to an end, she eyed Vincent. She subtly flattened her palm at him, signalling for him to cool it. Reika preferred to not have him caught up in her game of politics. If the others hated her, so be it, but Vincent? He represents what the Crogiolo syndicate used to represent. Honor, loyalty, and community. Something the others didn't seem to get. The woman in blue's eye twitched, and she took another sip of her tea.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leo cleared his throat. "Usually being annoying is plenty enough reason for me to sign off on a death sentence, but we're not dealing with schmos. We're dealing with the inner council. Give me something other than 'she irks me' and I'll hear it." His eyes lowered to the table as he began tapping his fingers to this thumb once more in a familiar series of fidgets. "No one has spoken of Jane with anything but abstract queries towards the others in this room. I think it's safe to say she was simply a target one could get away with."

He suddenly looked up to Reika. "Perhaps, as our ambitious colleague has advised us to do, the rats decided to pounce on someone that supported our structure the least with the intention of watching us scatter and divide." Leo's eyebrows raised at the thought as he continued to glare at her.

"I said before that I plan on reacting with evidence in mind. The only new information we have is the treachery has come in pairs. Two of you are walking scum, working together, whispering to eachother. The only two I see figuratively holding hands are Reika and Vincent." The two continued to give off high levels of suspicion, in his opinion. Reika had no qualms about making waves while Vincent has been comparatively quiet. His defense of her was very obvious, though. The obvious nature of the pair seemed their greatest strength in proving their innocence. The rats, if they were smart, wouldn't make their partnership so blatant.

He took a mental step back and looked at the other faces in the room asking himself, If not those two, then which other pair would fit? He looked briefly at Rachel who had a moment of confession. She could have been employing an old trick that criminals used with cops all the time. 'Book me on the little stuff and let's forget all about the big thing I did'.

That left Lucia and Alice. The former being a champion of organization and thoroughness while the latter was a source of controversy. It would be a hard sell for someone to convince Leo that Lucia was involved. Alice, however...

"The only other potential pair I can see would be Rachel and Alice." He paused to let that sink in, trading glances between the two women. "Rachel, every time you speak, you've been trying to give us evidence that you are innocent despite the fact that no one has levied any accusations your way. That's behavior you see in someone with a guilty conscience. You pushed attention toward Reika after she accused Alice, seemingly in defense of our current social media queen. If you're guilty, you surely aren't partnered with Reika and you are likely partnered with the woman you are indirectly defending. While Reika and Vincent have been very obvious with their affinity toward one another, a poor strategy for a couple of rats, you have laid low."

Leo looked back to Reika and Vincent. "If Rachel goes down and it results in our favor, I'll consider you both absolved and join you in taking Alice down as well. If we get the opposite results, then you know where my suspicions will lie."

Leo bit his lip for a moment, trying to decide if he had overlooked anything. With a small sigh, he finally said, "I think we need to clip Rachel."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by nightmare medx
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nightmare medx

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rachel Hayford

“Are you...? Oh, my god, you’re serious.”

Rachel couldn’t sit up fast, her stomach still unsettled from this morning, only sinking further with the accusation. ”I’m trying to proclaim my innocence because if I sit here quietly, it’s going to be, ‘oh, Rachel, you’re awfully quiet, what are you trying to hide? Why didn’t you tell us you were innocent before?’ You want to know why I think it’s Reika? Because the ones who act unhinged like her usually are. She’s made it clear to everyone here that she thinks she should be in charge in Federica’s absence. If she’s in charge of the investigation, she can conclude whatever the hell she wants, including that it’s not her even if it is. She’s always hated Alice, who better to get rid of for when she crowns herself queen?”

She threw herself back into her chair with a huff, shooting Leo a hard stare. ”Good luck with your rat problem, caro mio.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Matters are taking a turn for the worse for Rachel Hayford. Having arrived earlier without a problem (and probably expecting death to be the last possible thing before lunch), she now finds the suspicion of all her fellow criminals focused on her. Rachel's back is literally against the metal walls of the empty hangar. The private airport is closed today, and no one is around within miles of this place. No help is available to Rachel.

The other syndicate members, with the exception of Alice, are all ready to put an end to Rachel. However, them trying to reach an agreement may give Rachel a split second to make her move first, whether that be trying (with little chance of success) to escape, fight back, or send out a message on her phone.

Between Reika, Vinnie, Lucia and Leo, someone has to do the dirty work and secure possible evidence on Rachel. Only then can her secrets be revealed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Reika Saigyo

Reika sat back in her chair. "Fine then, Leo. Play your mind games." She said derogatively, sneering at the italian. She didn't like how he suddenly took over. Even less how everyone seemed to listen to him. He was gaining influence already, and almost everyone, including Reika herself, listened to what he had to say.

But he called the shot, so now he has to take it. She gulped down the rest of her tea like it was a shot of whisky and wiped her mouth, looking unapologetically at Rachel. "That's your mistake, Rachel. We're all unhinged here." She said bitterly. Going silent she crossed her legs and slumped apathetically into her chair, stewing in frustration. Rachel didn't even belong here. If she turned out to be the rat, Reika would be very surprised and more importantly, defeated. Leo's lucky guess would cement him as the new leader of whatever happened next.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leo gave each face one last look as if to see if anyone had second thoughts. Sensing confidence in their votes, Leo felt equally confident in what he had to do next. He reached into his jacket and gripped the handle of his golden gun, pulling it out in dramatic fashion and pointing it directly at Rachel, lining the barrel up so that the bullet would go right between her eyebrows.

"Salva un posto per me." With that, he squeezed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Day 3

The news of a violent shootout is the talk of Chiavo this morning. Stories from eyewitnesses spread even before any newspaper or TV broadcast can. And how can they not? A team of dozen elite SWAT officers stormed the property of a high-ranking syndicate member. Helicopters, armored vans, batteting rams, a swirl of lights and sirens accompanied several minutes of gunfire. By the end of it, two police officers are dead, three are injured, and Leonardo Valentino's bullet-ridden corpse is taken away to the morgue.

Early in the morning, two moles within the syndicate are summoned to Chiavo PD headquarters. There, they find their handlers in a celebratory mood, despite having officers killed in the line of duty just hours ago. They claim victory is imminent; the Crogiolo leadership is sufficiently dismantled to the point that only two high-profile members are remaining. The moles' final assignment today is to capture these two criminals, dead or alive. Sweeping up the street thugs after that will only be a matter time. The end of organized crime in Chiavo is within sight.

Each with many police officers and informants as backup, the moles get to work taking down their former comrades.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reika Saigyo

Reika's make-up was smeared and her hair was tied up into a frazzled bun. Her tea set was almost empty, and she downed the liquid like it was life saving medicine, only today it didn't seem to help. There were bags under her eyes- she hadn't slept. Rachel was dead. She was the rat, right? Who was left? Leonardo was gone, too. Sweat gathered on her brow and as she went to dab it off she realized her hands were shaking.

"You fucking rat." She cursed, grinding her teeth. "Which one of you is it?" She glared between Lucia and Alice. "I know it's one of you." She glanced over at Vinnie. She placed the tea up to her lips and gulped it down. It tasted bitter. It tasted like nothing! Screaming, she threw the porcelain cup across the room and exploded to her feet. Reaching into her jacket she pulled out a beretta and leveled it at Lucia and Alice. She focused on Alice.

"It was you, wasn't it!? It always was you! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you!" Her hands were shaking and there was a wild look in her eye.

"Do you know how long I worked for this!? My father died for this! For me! You fucking rat!" There was one thing holding her back. Alice might not be the rat. If Reika fired and was wrong, she would be dead. She quickly pointed it back at Lucia, and then back to Alice. Glancing over her shoulder at Vinnie she tried to gauge his reaction. Was he going to surrender? She focused her eyes back on the women on the other side of the table.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NorthernKraken
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NorthernKraken Legit Texan™

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alice eyed Reika coolly, eyed the gun pointed, point blank, right between her eyes. She’d been on Reika’s end enough times to know how it would end - squeeze, bang, splat, and the only thing left would be one hell of a mess to clean up afterwards.

Her phone buzzed in her bag. She ignored it. Continued to stare Reika down from behind the heavy layers of makeup hiding the even heavier bags beneath her eyes. Leo was dead, and ‘innocent’. Rachel as well. Two. There’d been two.

Of course. Of course it came down to this. Ever since meeting her, she and Reika had been at each other’s throats. It made sense that now, at the end, it was the two of them. The past few days.. she’d kept the other woman safe. A word in the ear of the right person, a promise of a well timed look, and Reika’s various crimes had been hidden from the sight of any who thought to look.

Selfish, really. If Reika went down, all eyes would’ve gone straight to her. Not that it did much good now.

In the end, it was just the two of them.

She stared down the barrel of Reika’s gun. She swallowed, maybe… “Reika. Listen. It’s not me.” she glanced, just for a moment, at Lucia and Vinnie, “We need to leave. Now.” she said quietly, eyes cold as ever, “It must be one of them.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Katthaj
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Katthaj That one swedish bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vinnie Esposito

Vinnie was looking sharper than ever his suit was top notch and his shirt was clean, it was all mostly a ruse, he was sad over what had happened and what would be happening in the next minutes, he knew that Reika had a bit of a trigger finger so he would have to act fast, "Hey uh... Reika maybe we shouldn't be doing it like this." he tried to tell her as she pulled her gun out but he knew that she was seeing red, she couldn't hear him through all the metaphorical smoke around her right now.

As Reika was flicking her Beretta between the two females in front of them he reached down to his belt where he would find his service pistol hanging in its holster right next to his badge and cuffs. In one smooth movement, he had his left arm around Reikas neck dangling the cuffs in that hand with his Glock 19 service pistol in his right hand pointed straight at her temple. This was his final move, he would get that promotion he had been waiting for and he would be able to lay claim as one of the people that took down the Crogiolo Syndicate. He was sad that Reika needed to go tho, she obviously wouldn't get a plea deal as she is way too dangerous of a person but he would try to talk to the judge to let her stay in a min-medium prison instead of the maximum sec that everyone else is going to.

"I'm sorry friend, I can't let you wail that gun around at my colleague over there." He said pointing towards Lucia. "We got you guys really good, I even played you like a puppet using you against the people that were about to find me out. Now I would advise not hurting my colleague here, if you drop that gun we might be able to get you a lighter sentence, so you wouldn't get life in a max sec prison with 1 hour air a day, if you get lucky you might even get min sec prison where you will be able to play chess all day long if you want to." He said with a devious smile on his face.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Liv
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Liv Good Girl Gone Bad

Member Seen 12 days ago

Lucia Koundouros

The moment Reika aimed her weapon at Alice, Lucia gave the signal to the of the uniforms surrounding them. He fired a non-lethal round which hit Reika in the thigh, allowing Lucia the opportunity to reach for her own weapon and aim it at her. Up that point, Reika had been a very mouthy individual, and Lucia didn't appreciate it one bit.

"Hey Vin, why don't you go take care of Alice and stop promising this bitch things she doesn't deserve."

Lucia shooed him away from the woman, taking it upon herself to push Reika against the ground to place her in handcuffs. Maybe she was being a little harsh and a little rough, but she didn't care. She was just glad it was all over.

"Bet you don't have much to say now, huh? Don't worry, I'll personally make it my mission to make sure you're handed the heaviest punishment in the book."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

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Reika Saigyo

Reika eyes went wide as Vinnie wrapped his arm around her neck and put a gun to her head. Vinnie? Vinnie was the mole? This whole time? Her trembling hand still held the gun out towards Alice. Apparently Lucia was the other mole. This was confirmed went a dart hit her in the thigh. Where did that come from? What was going on? The gun fell from her hand and clattered against the floor.

"Alice?" She asked with a pleading, regretful tone in her voice staring over at her long time enemy and only ally. Her legs went jelly and when the traitorous woman pushed her to the ground she hit the floor with a meaty thud. She didn't put her hands out to prevent herself from falling and thus her temple smacked against the concrete. Lucia's taunt was muffled and sounded like it came from underwater.

"Sumimasen..." The japanese woman mumbled to no one in the room. The head trauma, tranquilizer dart, and total, utter defeat took the fight out of her. A tranquilizer dart, head trauma, and total utter defeat dragged with woman into oblviion. Darkness nipped at the edges of her vision and her body betrayed her. Eyes closing, she went limp in Lucia's grasp. It made for an easy handcuffing. Reika was still alive but unconscious, and would have to answer for her crimes. A fate worse than death.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The fourth day after Federica Azzurro's arrest is a loud one. Chiavo Police mobilizes every single officer to conduct a city-wide bust. Over 100 individuals suspected of involvement with the Crogiolo Syndicate are arrested, a portion of whom dies fighting to the very end. Then all is quiet on the fifth day. Curfew is declared and broadcasts fall silent. Chiavans brace for the retaliation characteristic of other crime families, when they died decades ago. None comes, for the destruction of Crogiolo is thorough and absolute.

The next week, business goes back to usual. Very few people bother to celebrate, though one that does is the police chief himself. Flanked by four bodyguards, all private agents instead of uniformed officers (one of them even escorted Giulio Cespuglio to the airport last week), he takes Vincente Esposito and Lucia Koundouros to the most upscale restaurant for lunch. The police chief is wearing his sharpest uniform; crisp blue jacket and trouser, polished boots, perfectly set cap and a row of service medals on his puffed up chest. The restaurant itself is equally as formal; the entire place is reserved for the three of them, and delicately crafted food is literally accompanied with a silver spoon each. This is no junk food that Vinnie typically grabs between deliveries; they even have a full vegetarian menu just for Lucia.

When everything is eaten, two suitcase are put on the table by the police chief's bodyguards. One case opens to reveal stacks of cash, probably numbering in the millions and enough for two early retirements. The other contains stacks of paper, legal documents that allow Crogiolo Syndicate to transform into a legit company, albeit one with significant government oversight.

"The easy life or CEOs of the next big thing in Chiavo." The police chief offers. He dabs his double chin with a napkin, and wipes off some alfredo sauce from a big silver medal. "Either way, remember you have a powerful friend when I become prime minister next year."

Vinnie and Lucia aren't the only ones making choices. Alone with nothing but her daily meals in the most secure cell, Jane finally receives some visitors a week after her arrest. Government prosecutors come to offer her a deal. Being one of the foremost legal experts under Federica Azzurro, Jane's defense will undoubtedly complicate matters and cost the government valuable time and money. Instead, Jane can testify against her fellow syndicate members in exchange for amnesty. She will be sent back to the US and never allowed in Chiavo again, but she will not be imprisoned for a single day. Alternatively, even though the prosecutors don't mention this, Jane knows numerous acts of police brutality can reduce Reika and Alice's life sentences to only a few years. The catch is, Jane will have to be locked up with them herself.

As for Alice Elliton and Reika Saigyo, it becomes apparent their mutual distrust is (mostly) unfounded. Lower ranking criminals testify similarly for both of them, and the prosecutors give out the same sentence. Even their jail is the same, though St. Olivia's Penetentiary is the only maximum security prison for women in Chiavo. They are initially treated as celebrities, especially Alice, whom is somewhat of a role model for misbehaving young women. However, their fame eventually fades and prison life becomes drab. Several months into their sentence, the newly elected prime minister instills much hated reforms. Daily chores become hard labor, the barely stomachable meals get cut further, and the worst of all, solitary confinements increase significantly. Many prisoner are fed up, so they stage an uprising and invite the former Crogiolo big-shots as leaders.

The uprising ends in disaster. No one breaks out, but many are killed when lethal force is authorized.

But what about Federica Azzurro, Uccian Kuso and Giulio Cespuglio? Well, Federica is released on bail valuing $10 million before what must be a widely publicized trial. That trial never happens, because she disappears the day before, following searchlights and police helicopters circling her mansion. Rumor is that Federica is shot and dumped in the middle of the Mediterranean; her connections make her too dangerous alive. On the other hand, no one needs to make Uccian Kuso disappear. He's a coward that's more than happy to sell out his former customers for his own freedom, to no avail, as he is sent to a prison in Turkey for the next decade and never allowed near a kitchen again. This contrasts sharply with Cespuglio sitting pretty on a Caribbean island. Some Interpol agent tries to arrest him later, but said agent soon resigns because of a personal scandal.

Organized crime does indeed fade from Chiavo. The story of Crogiolo Syndicate, a crime family that is able outlive all of its rivals, but not it's own greed, will be the latest tourist attraction for this tiny Mediterranean country. Federica's mansion is being repurposed into a museum; her belongings already on display elsewhere. Within a year, "Mafia Tours" and "Mob Experiences" pop up all over the city. To most visitors, it is an intriguing but perdictable gimmick. Though for those traveling off the beaten path to see Leonardo Valentino and Rachel Hayford's graves, it is a cautionary tale about mistrust.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by nightmare medx
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nightmare medx

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Epilogue - Rachel Hayford

Rachel had few connections in the area beyond the Syndicate. The police have an easy enough time of tracking down her parents to inform them of the situation before it hits the media, but it is immediately, abundantly clear why Rachel was here and not there.

Her father’s only words are, “well, good,” before the line goes dead.

The woman who answers the next number they try drunkenly screams at them to stop calling her already and hangs up. They opt not to try again.

They finally manage to track down an emergency contact- Dr. Catherine Holloway. They worked together only briefly, but she agrees to come deal with the funeral arrangements (no point shipping her home, she says) and Rachel’s personal effects. The funeral is closed casket, of course; she gives a eulogy to a room of curious tourists, painting Rachel as a tragic victim of circumstance, highlighting that while it may have been to the wrong people, her loyalty had been second to none.

Rachel’s apartment is organized chaos. Stacks of textbooks with colourful pages of notes closed inside, binders stuffed full, and half finished paperbacks are everywhere. The kitchen and bathroom are both pristine and still smell faintly of sanitizer. Her bed is neatly made, littered with an array of stuffed dogs, a journal at her bedside. She had evidently viewed Leo as the safest person to provoke and thought very highly of Lucia; funny how things had turned out. Maybe better that she wasn't here to see it all.

Everything seems entirely normal, until it comes to the second bedroom, now cordoned off by police tape. Tidy (no messy stacks in here), full of medical supplies, medications (the shelving unit she has for them is aptly labelled PHARMACY), and treatment records (no names- she apparently just assigned ID numbers), it will need to be catalogued and shipped off to evidence. Rachel’s meticulousness here means half the work is already done for them. It doesn’t look like she used this place for treatment, but she had the means to deal with just about anything.

They seize what remains in her bank account; it’s certainly far less than one would expect for someone in the Syndicate, and it’s all accounted for in the earnings statements she received through a shell company of the Syndicate. She even paid her taxes accordingly. Although they suspect she has more financial assets somewhere (there is mention of her selling designer drugs, even though they can't see any concrete evidence around), the account they find that she has been wiring money to is back home in her name, and it has been emptied.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reika Saigyo: Epilouge

Reika sits quietly at her table in the cafeteria. The gruel in front of her is hardly palatable, but she didn't really notice nor care. The woman in orange picked at the beige slop with a plastic spoon, scooped it up, and downed it. She was lost in her own head, not really thinking about much at all. Would she be put on laundry again? She was getting good at doing the laundry. She had never done any laundry herself before, but it really wasn't so bad. She probably could have done it herself. Reika was used to bossing people around, but now it was her who got bossed around.

Orange wasn't really her color, but what was there to do?

Apparently the women around her had something in mind. There was lots of shouting. Some of the women even had guns. Where did they get those? This must be that silly uprising they were all talking about. Didn't they know they were in prison? You can't just have an uprising in prison.

Reika stood slowly from her table and walked over to the place where she was supposed to put her tray when she was done with it. Suddenly, it was very hard to hear anything. Gunshots! People were shooting at each other. How...futile. Men and women in armor were busting down the doors to the cafeteria, and the rioters apparently weren't fond of that. Reika stook from her place at the cafeteria line. Another suddenly happened. Suddenly, it was very hard to stand. Her legs turned to jelly and she fell forward onto her belly, her bowl and tray clattering angrily to the floor.

What happened? Rolling onto her back, Reika sat up and looked down. Her knee got shot. That would probably hurt later. Reika lay back down and stare up at the ceiling. The shot was probably an accident. She was lucky, all things considered. Reika didn't bother looking, but she could hear the screams and moans of the dead and dying. That's what they got for breaking the rules. Eventually, they found her and picked her up in a stretcher. For some reason all of them were surprised that Reika didn't do anything wrong. Of course she didn't. Of course not. Who did they think she was?
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

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The End
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