I gotta reserve people and colors...I gotta reserve a COLOR?!? And now I cant be a female??
yo I just wanna write.
Can I just write?
Oh? Is Ruby gonna join?

I gotta reserve people and colors...I gotta reserve a COLOR?!? And now I cant be a female??
yo I just wanna write.
Can I just write?
Honestly I have plans for a second character. But I was playing to wait for the Ooc to be posted before I even finish my plans for him. This is all I really have for now.
| Orion Felix Silva | FC: Michael Evans Behling | 0076a3 |
I-I don't think you'll have to RP with yourself.
<Snipped quote by Lady Ostara>
LOOK AT JORDAN MF BAKERRRRRRR 😍😍😍 UGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Season 2 can't come fast enough!