Sooo, please tell me where I've done totally wrong!
And sorry for the long-ish delay...

"The solution to the immovable object and the unstoppable force paradox ? Them being the same thing!"
(edited Fiery Heart skill, 21.06.2019)
And sorry for the long-ish delay...

Vodilic Hadayn
Currency: 9 bits
Ammunition: 0
Status: -
Ammunition: 0
Status: -
"The solution to the immovable object and the unstoppable force paradox ? Them being the same thing!"
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Origin: A snow-ridden island to the north of the continent.
Attire: When 'at work' Vodilic usually stays as practical as he can: His job is tough and so are his worn, but still solid and studded leather clothes that leave his limbs partially free to roam around. When the need arises to appear more 'civilized' he sticks to thick woolen stuff that has lost its pure whiteness a long time ago.
Demeanour: Vodilic is rough and with a tongue sharper than his weapons of choice. However he is also loyal to friends and others he believes earn it and accepts subordination, even though not always without struggle. He can also be quite stubborn when it comes to his own ideas.
Vodilic's origins lie in one of the few large island that lie close to the northern coast of the continent, but his people simply call it 'Kalas'. They can be considered tribesmen that have been living their own lifes while maintaining as much separation from the mainland as possible for centuries. Yet still and merely a few years ago the king has managed to reach even this far, burdening Vodilic's people with taxes and all the other annoyances that come with a foreign ruler who is rather oblivious or flat-out ignorant when it comes to local specialties. For this reason Vodilic's people themselves have decided to creep out of their Kalas cave and try to find out more about the other regions.
Vodilic was one of those young and brave men who have been sent out as discoverers and emissaries, but so little was the tribe's knowledge about the vast territory of Guillan that their chances of actually returning and reporting viable information quickly were slim at best. In Vodilic's case however one could say that he has really screwed up: He managed to pay for a passage on a tradeship headed towards the capital, but only after his arrival it dawned upon him that the importance of those gold coins and silver bits was even more ubiquitous and dominant than he had thought -- and so he had not taken enough of those with him.
Quite stranded in an unknown, but vast city with insufficient funds left he was an easy target for everyone seeking cheap workers. Now who could use a giant, hulking warrior like Vodilic ? Right... certain shady businesses that want to keep their front gardens and backyards clean from scum. What made matters even better for those people was that Vodilic, originating from a different culture and hardly knowing anything about Guillan, initially wasn't even aware of their business being exceptionally shady. Vodilic was sucked into the system before truly becoming aware of it and once inside it was too late. A number of people too great already knew him and up to this day they still could unleash their own devices against him. It's not like that many shipowners wouldn't be 'politely informed' about the fact that Vodilic must not be allowed to travel back to Kalas that easily. He has become a tool far too useful for that certain kind of jobs that suit him best.
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Origin: A snow-ridden island to the north of the continent.
Attire: When 'at work' Vodilic usually stays as practical as he can: His job is tough and so are his worn, but still solid and studded leather clothes that leave his limbs partially free to roam around. When the need arises to appear more 'civilized' he sticks to thick woolen stuff that has lost its pure whiteness a long time ago.
Demeanour: Vodilic is rough and with a tongue sharper than his weapons of choice. However he is also loyal to friends and others he believes earn it and accepts subordination, even though not always without struggle. He can also be quite stubborn when it comes to his own ideas.
- Outstanding scores - The difference between a successful thief and a successful doorman is that the former remains anonymous. In other words Vodilic has an inherent potential for turning people against him. What certainly works against him is that he's not exactly the most difficult one to keep track of on an open marketplace. It would not be the first time for sudden surprises to pop up for him in the next best narrow street or so
- Moving wall and walking tower - Vodilic's body is a marvelous monument of sheer size and muscle, but also pretty much as mobile as such. That's not a problem while keeping the assigned stay-away-zone clear, mopping up drunkards or devastating someone else's home, but in a much more open field he might find himself on the lower end of the maneuverability scale.
Skill set:
- Behemoth [5] - Sometimes a door is not locked with a lock, but with a bar. Sometimes that piece of loot you're after is a lot bigger than anticipated. Or you need to pull up a companion who can't climb the rope himself or need to dispose of a guard via the very next window. In all those cases raw strength is a virtue and this rolls in according situations.
- No no-brainer [2]- The cliché of all-brawn-no-brain is a rather frequent companion for Vodilic, but that doesn't make it any less wrong. There is a fine difference between being uneducated and being plain dumb that allows him to expose his intelligence when it's not expected. Rolls when a positive impression is to be made and the situation is suitable, but also when a spontaneously hatched out plan might succeed or end in utter failure.
- Unarmed fight [5] - All those fancy swords and daggers are of little use if you find yourself already buried underneath Vodilic's weight with your shiny white teeth being turned into a quarry. This may be lethal, but he knows when to stop in order to disable someone just temporarily and with comparably little noise and, most importantly, no bloodshed. Of course this very straightforward approach can go horribly wrong for various reasons of which not all can be foreseen... Rolls exactly when you think it would.
- Resistance is not futile [3] - Vodilic's size comes in very handy for him when drinking beer, but there is more to this: A certain amount of poison that would work properly on another man might be insufficient for him. Also there are a few plants on the Kalas island that his people are used to but that are considered poisonous elsewhere. Rolls when there is a window of opportunity to resist, counteract or shorten the effects of intoxication.
- Fiery heart [5] - Vodilic harbors some relationship to magic, in his case fire. It's a trait that can be found occasionally in his people and their belief is that it's a link to the vulcano that is still hibernating on their island. He can use it to do things such as creating a flame on his hand for the purpose of illumination or to start a campfire or other small-scale applications.
Vodilic's origins lie in one of the few large island that lie close to the northern coast of the continent, but his people simply call it 'Kalas'. They can be considered tribesmen that have been living their own lifes while maintaining as much separation from the mainland as possible for centuries. Yet still and merely a few years ago the king has managed to reach even this far, burdening Vodilic's people with taxes and all the other annoyances that come with a foreign ruler who is rather oblivious or flat-out ignorant when it comes to local specialties. For this reason Vodilic's people themselves have decided to creep out of their Kalas cave and try to find out more about the other regions.
Vodilic was one of those young and brave men who have been sent out as discoverers and emissaries, but so little was the tribe's knowledge about the vast territory of Guillan that their chances of actually returning and reporting viable information quickly were slim at best. In Vodilic's case however one could say that he has really screwed up: He managed to pay for a passage on a tradeship headed towards the capital, but only after his arrival it dawned upon him that the importance of those gold coins and silver bits was even more ubiquitous and dominant than he had thought -- and so he had not taken enough of those with him.
Quite stranded in an unknown, but vast city with insufficient funds left he was an easy target for everyone seeking cheap workers. Now who could use a giant, hulking warrior like Vodilic ? Right... certain shady businesses that want to keep their front gardens and backyards clean from scum. What made matters even better for those people was that Vodilic, originating from a different culture and hardly knowing anything about Guillan, initially wasn't even aware of their business being exceptionally shady. Vodilic was sucked into the system before truly becoming aware of it and once inside it was too late. A number of people too great already knew him and up to this day they still could unleash their own devices against him. It's not like that many shipowners wouldn't be 'politely informed' about the fact that Vodilic must not be allowed to travel back to Kalas that easily. He has become a tool far too useful for that certain kind of jobs that suit him best.
Personal effects:
- Thick and rugged leather armor, partly studded with light metal parts.
- A set of knuckles
- A crowbar, or at least a crude piece of forged iron that can be used as a lever and a blunt weapon
- A set of more 'civilian' clothes
- A large leather bag.
- Heavy, hooded cloak
(edited Fiery Heart skill, 21.06.2019)
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