Illistair is currently the largest settlement in Pertovia, and that's due to its high walls and thick regulations on who enters and when. The people are cramped and grumpy, but relatively safe when compared to the rest of the Pertovian population; that is not to say it is without its dangers. Illistair suffers from sieges every now and again, but luckily it's isolated northern position keeps it away from bulk armies of filth, or at least small enough regiments to usually outlast a siege -- but with casualties. Illistair has fallen in the past, having existed for roughly 300 years, and founded by a mythical figure known as Aethel.
It is currently run by a mayor named Orvin, an elderly man of great wisdom but perhaps calloused compassion. His great rise to fame was his introduction of the ration stamp, a piece of bark signed by him in brown ink -- nigh unrepeatable by the populace, as its ingredients are highly kept secrets. These stamps are exchanged as currency and are redeemable at the granaries for rations.
Illistair has just experienced its first wall breach in a very long time, the attack destroying the Wisserbury monastery and causing tensions between the Apothecaries and the Mayor.
It is currently run by a mayor named Orvin, an elderly man of great wisdom but perhaps calloused compassion. His great rise to fame was his introduction of the ration stamp, a piece of bark signed by him in brown ink -- nigh unrepeatable by the populace, as its ingredients are highly kept secrets. These stamps are exchanged as currency and are redeemable at the granaries for rations.
Illistair has just experienced its first wall breach in a very long time, the attack destroying the Wisserbury monastery and causing tensions between the Apothecaries and the Mayor.
Kendles is the ever changing town. If you want something, you can likely barter for it in Kendles, but safely? Perhaps not. Kendles has no authority or government besides sour honesty and sharp points. Not many people go there to stay, unless they have no other choice. Roving gangs and thugs aren’t the worst thing you will find in this ragged park of debris and poorly built homes, no, the worst thing is the attention that it can garner.
The Filth has moved through Kendles more times than anyone can count, and each time is devastating, and yet -- it never seems to die. People are of habits, and when you pick one spot to be The spot, it stays, much to everyone’s aggravation.
Kendles is currently run by the Filth Eaters gang, headed by Derick Eight Fingers. The town is experiencing an unusual amount of abductions.
The Filth has moved through Kendles more times than anyone can count, and each time is devastating, and yet -- it never seems to die. People are of habits, and when you pick one spot to be The spot, it stays, much to everyone’s aggravation.
Kendles is currently run by the Filth Eaters gang, headed by Derick Eight Fingers. The town is experiencing an unusual amount of abductions.
The least visited, yet populated, settlement in all of Pertovia (or at least our best guess) is Jornorston. It is said to be rather quiet and unsettlingly safe. As long as anyone can remember there hasn’t been any filth seen in the area, and the locals aim to keep it that way. Outsiders are not usually welcomed in Jornorston, the people being suspicious and downright rude.
This sort of attitude breeds suspicion of its own, and many have created rumors concerning what may really be happening down in Jornorston. Some say the high priest (An angular man named Thomas) of the highly religious settlement is a polygamist who steals young girls from surrounding area for his own pleasure -- a sick way to worship Oorick and thus pleasing the Filth. Others go right for the throat and suggest human sacrifice, or even cannibalism. No matter the rumor, many believe they are in cahoots with the Filth.
It is rumored that people are being smuggled into Jornorston by the droves.
This sort of attitude breeds suspicion of its own, and many have created rumors concerning what may really be happening down in Jornorston. Some say the high priest (An angular man named Thomas) of the highly religious settlement is a polygamist who steals young girls from surrounding area for his own pleasure -- a sick way to worship Oorick and thus pleasing the Filth. Others go right for the throat and suggest human sacrifice, or even cannibalism. No matter the rumor, many believe they are in cahoots with the Filth.
It is rumored that people are being smuggled into Jornorston by the droves.
The iron crown is currently in the possession of Sister Candle and was discovered on one of her journeys through the wilderness. It was a miracle at all that she had found it amid the mineral and rock it was embedded in, it being a rusty iron itself. It is clearly very old and openly bears the hammer marks of when it was forged as well as very neatly carved etchings on the inside ring, giving it less the look of a blacksmith’s work and more of that of a long dead artist.
Sister Candle has not been able to discern the etchings to mean much of anything, not recognizing them as any of the letters she knows.
Sister Candle has not been able to discern the etchings to mean much of anything, not recognizing them as any of the letters she knows.
The silver crown is currently in the possession of Gerrick the Grey and was discovered in a stream. The ripples of water nearly hid its sheen, but the glint of red rubies gave it away. The crown itself has suffered some damage, with a dent in the soft metal and a ruby missing on the front left side. Strange overlapping circles only a pin’s nose thick are sculpted along the silver, leaving not a single area smooth save where the dent smooshed the metal flat.
The ivory crown is currently in the possession of Isolda Foy and was discovered hidden in a ruin. It is a thin circulet with a large hunk of onyx on the front. It is uniquely smooth and somehow sculpted from a single piece of ivory -- but whatever has a ivory bone that big is beyond Isolda. The craftsman ship is impeccable and on the inside of circlet rin are four notch marks inlaid with a strange silvery white metal.
The golden crown is currently lost. It is a very vibrant metal adorned with many gems, all arranged in a strange circular pattern, with overlapping etchings inbetween the set stones. There is no telling how old the crown is.
The bronze crown is currently in the possession of Kiera and was discovered in her old homestead. It is a heavily decorated crown, with a lot of stones (many replaced over the ages) and geometric patterns. Despite what should be a beautiful craft, something looks wrong.
The ruined crown is currently in the possession of Rodrick the red and was discovered deep in a ruin. It is a mess, with no real telling what the real crown looks like underneath, and no real way to release it from its blackened, charred prison of grim and rust -- no matter how hard you try.
The Signet ring: Currently in the possession of Red, it has a puzzle motif on the head.
The Ledger: Currently in the possession of Jarren, it holds the key to finding Castle Hope.
The Map: Currently in the possession of an unknown Kend, it holds the way to Castle Hope.
Jank Blades: While not an artifact, jank blades are common enough to be important to note. They are what you get when you smelt all the scrap metal you can find into one questionable medley and pound it into an axe head or sword.
The Ledger: Currently in the possession of Jarren, it holds the key to finding Castle Hope.
The Map: Currently in the possession of an unknown Kend, it holds the way to Castle Hope.
Jank Blades: While not an artifact, jank blades are common enough to be important to note. They are what you get when you smelt all the scrap metal you can find into one questionable medley and pound it into an axe head or sword.
The filth tend to attack at night, sallying from their stone ringed portals -- but that is not to say all return to the portals after the night ends. The tend to bypass wretched fools who wallow in the dirt, but will bring entire armies against settlements. Worst yet, they tend to steal tools and objects as they leave the destroyed settlement.
The filth don’t react to pain or retreat, nor do they rely on sense of sight.
You don’t know too much more about the Filth yet.
The filth don’t react to pain or retreat, nor do they rely on sense of sight.
You don’t know too much more about the Filth yet.
The first three are shameless rips from the inspiration cited.
Grunt: Perhaps the backbone of any Filth incursion and everyones (hopefully) first encounter with the strange beasts. The grunt is the height of a short man, but moves incredibly quick on its short fat legs and is rarely alone. It has arms that train all the way down past its knees and pack a deadly whallop capable of breaking bones and caving skulls. The body of the grunt is bloated and stocky, covered in a viscious slime. It lacks a head or neck, with a simple puss covered lump atop its shoulders. Upon death, the grunt begins to melt into a puddle of filth… fitting (as do all the rest). Encountered by all members of the group.
Giant: Looking almost identical to the grunt, save for it’s towering size of easily four men and expansive girth. It is all muscle and much like all filth, seems to be immune to pain, moving forward until its goal is met or it is destroyed. The giant is a staple to every seige, their massive battering ram arms able to crack stone itself, leaving walls vulnerable to their assault. What’s worse is their ability to puke up grunts. It is not reccomended to attack or defend against a giant, not without some seige weaponry of your own. Encountered by Ethelsten, known by the rest of the group.
Flyer: What could only be described as a floating squid or perhaps tentacled clam of flabby flesh, the flyer is a very feared version of the filth. Luckily for most, they rarely are seen, seemingly saved for the defiant settlements and ambitious leaders. Their tentacles snap up people as they fly overhead, smashing them into their cavernous maw never to be seen again. The horrid truth is while the first two types of filth seem to focus on destroying civilization, the flyer seems content with simply destroying people. Known by all members of the group.
Crawler: a bulb of slimy flesh centered between ten razor sharp legs, the crawler looks like a bizzare spider -- if a spider could be the size of a horse. Unlike a spider, however, the crawler doesn’t rely on acrobatic legs to climb even sheer walls of stone, but pure power. It’s piston like strength slams it’s pointed feet into the stone as it climbs, making it insanely deadly to fight alone -- it’s front two legs serving as spears to the standing and all the rest serving as an executioner to anyone who may have fallen from their feet.. Encountered by all members of the group.
You don’t know any more types of Filth.
Most of you aren’t known by the people of Pertovia.
Isolda: known for killing the leader of the Friends of Foy in Kendles. Isolda isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Ethelsten: Known as a doctor in Illistair, Ethelsten isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Candle: Candle is known in the Kendles region for her charity over the past year. Candle isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Red: Red is known as a scrapper working out of Kendles and Jornorston. Red isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Greum: Greum is a well known scholar of the past, he works out of Illistair.
Isolda: known for killing the leader of the Friends of Foy in Kendles. Isolda isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Ethelsten: Known as a doctor in Illistair, Ethelsten isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Candle: Candle is known in the Kendles region for her charity over the past year. Candle isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Red: Red is known as a scrapper working out of Kendles and Jornorston. Red isn’t known for anything else, anywhere else.
Greum: Greum is a well known scholar of the past, he works out of Illistair.
Orin is a barber/dentist, or so he claims. Not a lot of simple folk can move like he does in the thick of a fight.
Might: 2
Coordination: 3
Fortitude: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 2
Might: 2
Coordination: 3
Fortitude: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 2
Derick is the de facto kingpin of Kendles and leader of the Filth Eaters gang.
Might: 2
Coordination: 2
Fortitude: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 3
Might: 2
Coordination: 2
Fortitude: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 3
Jarren is also known mistakenly as Ratcher, hero of Illistair.
Might: 2
Coordination: 2
Fortitude: 5
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 1
Might: 2
Coordination: 2
Fortitude: 5
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 1
Rat is a paranoid thief from Kendles
Might: 1
Coordination: 5
Fortitude: 1
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 1
Willpower: 2
Might: 1
Coordination: 5
Fortitude: 1
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 1
Willpower: 2

You haven’t acquired this knowledge… yet.