We will put to the pyre your precious law and order. We will show you how truly vulnerable your nation really is.

Location: University District - Founder’s Island, Gotham City
Mass Panic Tie-In: Meta Brawl!
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Chaos in Gotham
Turning to look towards Terry, the gangbanger charged towards the small man. Sliding a chair into the Mutant’s path, Terry reached out for the nearest object. He felt his fingers wrapped around a piece of rigid plastic before gripping it tightly and swinging it with all his might. The empty tray whipped through the air before colliding with the other man’s skull. A resounding crack could be heard across the restaurant upon contact.
Looking down, Terry found himself to only be holding half of a tray, the other piece clattering loudly against the floor. The blow had been enough to stagger the young thug, but it hadn’t taken him down. Dropping the jagged piece of plastic, Terry raised two fists into a defensive position.
The Mutants member looked at Terry before slowly moving his gaze towards the three girls all while rubbing a hand gingerly against his jaw. Spitting a bloodied tooth from between his pursed lips, the Mutant shook his head before reaching into his tattered denim vest. Assuming the worst, Terry shouted towards the girls.
“Get down!”
Doing as they were told, the three girls immediately dove beneath their table. Scrambling towards another booth, Terry flipped the table onto its side, preparing to use it as a shield should the gang member produce a gun.
However, what the Mutant produced was far worse.
Rolling up his sleeve, the other man placed a small patch on his bicep. The veins around the area immediately began to bulge, appearing to glow green as the Mutant’s muscle mass inflated.
“Slappers.” Terry muttered before turning towards the girls, “Go out the back, get the car, I’ll meet you there.”
“Terry!” Dana protested before she was cut off as Max took hold of her arm.
“C’mon!” She reiterated as Dana reluctantly went along while Terry turned back to their assailant. Before becoming Batman, he had never run into a Mutant, they primarily kept to themselves. The gang was born from social outcasts, those who were treated differently because of what they were. But it hadn’t stopped there, and soon it grew.
From what Terry knew, the majority of members weren’t metahumans. In fact, those with the X-Gene were in the minority. Instead, the Mutants’ numbers had expanded thanks to Splicers and Slappers. While splicing had its own ethical concerns, slappers were far more dangerous. Based on a dangerous steroid used by one of Bruce’s old foes, the ‘slapper’ was a small patch which when applied increased the strength, speed and notably, aggression of the host. While extremely addictive, the side effects were considered dangerous enough that many dealers refused to traffick it due to the loss of business.
Jumping over the table, Terry twisted his body through the air. Bringing his back leg around, he delivered a spinning kick to the now hulking man’s face. It felt as though his leg had met steel. Letting out a yell, Terry fell backwards before scrambling back to his feet. The Mutant laughed, cracking each of his knuckles. Suddenly, he rushed forward at an alarming speed, catching Terry off guard as the small man was swept into the air and hurled across the restaurant.
Bouncing off of the drywall and falling to the floor, Terry felt the wind leave his lungs. Gasping for air, he pushed himself to his feet only to be grabbed again. Flying through the air once more, a loud crash echoed in his ears. Shards of glass seemed to float around Terry as he soared through the Bueno Nacho’s front window and onto the street.
Rolling across the sidewalk with a moan, Terry was forced to react quickly, finding himself amid the ongoing Mutant riot. Managing to get back onto his feet, Terry pushed through the crowd, removing a shard of glass from his side while he ran. Fumbling for his phone, Terry held his thumb down on the scanner. Pressing the scanner for longer than usual, the screen suddenly lit up as it flashed a red Bat-Signal three times.
Letting out a slight sigh of relief, it was cut short as the collar of Terry’s shirt suddenly went taut around his throat. A large hand grabbed from behind, dragging him backwards before Terry found himself hoisted into the air above the laughing Mutant.
“Anytime now, Bruce!” Terry managed to mutter between gritted teeth as he found to get free. The Mutant continued to laugh with each futile attempt Terry made to get free until the larger man unexpectedly stopped. A car horn broke the din around Terry before he suddenly fell towards the ground. His fall was cut short however as Terry landed, opening his eyes to find himself atop the hood of Dana’s Jeep.
“Get in!”
Looking down, Terry found himself to only be holding half of a tray, the other piece clattering loudly against the floor. The blow had been enough to stagger the young thug, but it hadn’t taken him down. Dropping the jagged piece of plastic, Terry raised two fists into a defensive position.
The Mutants member looked at Terry before slowly moving his gaze towards the three girls all while rubbing a hand gingerly against his jaw. Spitting a bloodied tooth from between his pursed lips, the Mutant shook his head before reaching into his tattered denim vest. Assuming the worst, Terry shouted towards the girls.
“Get down!”
Doing as they were told, the three girls immediately dove beneath their table. Scrambling towards another booth, Terry flipped the table onto its side, preparing to use it as a shield should the gang member produce a gun.
However, what the Mutant produced was far worse.
Rolling up his sleeve, the other man placed a small patch on his bicep. The veins around the area immediately began to bulge, appearing to glow green as the Mutant’s muscle mass inflated.
“Slappers.” Terry muttered before turning towards the girls, “Go out the back, get the car, I’ll meet you there.”
“Terry!” Dana protested before she was cut off as Max took hold of her arm.
“C’mon!” She reiterated as Dana reluctantly went along while Terry turned back to their assailant. Before becoming Batman, he had never run into a Mutant, they primarily kept to themselves. The gang was born from social outcasts, those who were treated differently because of what they were. But it hadn’t stopped there, and soon it grew.
From what Terry knew, the majority of members weren’t metahumans. In fact, those with the X-Gene were in the minority. Instead, the Mutants’ numbers had expanded thanks to Splicers and Slappers. While splicing had its own ethical concerns, slappers were far more dangerous. Based on a dangerous steroid used by one of Bruce’s old foes, the ‘slapper’ was a small patch which when applied increased the strength, speed and notably, aggression of the host. While extremely addictive, the side effects were considered dangerous enough that many dealers refused to traffick it due to the loss of business.
Jumping over the table, Terry twisted his body through the air. Bringing his back leg around, he delivered a spinning kick to the now hulking man’s face. It felt as though his leg had met steel. Letting out a yell, Terry fell backwards before scrambling back to his feet. The Mutant laughed, cracking each of his knuckles. Suddenly, he rushed forward at an alarming speed, catching Terry off guard as the small man was swept into the air and hurled across the restaurant.
Bouncing off of the drywall and falling to the floor, Terry felt the wind leave his lungs. Gasping for air, he pushed himself to his feet only to be grabbed again. Flying through the air once more, a loud crash echoed in his ears. Shards of glass seemed to float around Terry as he soared through the Bueno Nacho’s front window and onto the street.
Rolling across the sidewalk with a moan, Terry was forced to react quickly, finding himself amid the ongoing Mutant riot. Managing to get back onto his feet, Terry pushed through the crowd, removing a shard of glass from his side while he ran. Fumbling for his phone, Terry held his thumb down on the scanner. Pressing the scanner for longer than usual, the screen suddenly lit up as it flashed a red Bat-Signal three times.
Letting out a slight sigh of relief, it was cut short as the collar of Terry’s shirt suddenly went taut around his throat. A large hand grabbed from behind, dragging him backwards before Terry found himself hoisted into the air above the laughing Mutant.
“Anytime now, Bruce!” Terry managed to mutter between gritted teeth as he found to get free. The Mutant continued to laugh with each futile attempt Terry made to get free until the larger man unexpectedly stopped. A car horn broke the din around Terry before he suddenly fell towards the ground. His fall was cut short however as Terry landed, opening his eyes to find himself atop the hood of Dana’s Jeep.
“Get in!”
Next Issue: Quiet Riot