Quick Example character, kindred.
Name: Michal Warrant also known as WhiteWig.
Age: 204
Sex: Born Male: Rendered an Enuuch due to a plasma fire on ship incident.
NOTE: You may use any type of picture as an ID image. I don't mind. Cartoon, 3D, whatever.
White Caucasian male that stands at roughly 5 foot 6. His eyes and forehead are dressed in wrinkles from years of stress that defy any ant-aging method, his bloodshot eyes are pratically popping out of his skull in a shocked and alert expression at all times. Has two large black garbage sacks under his eyes and periodically twitches them involuntarily from lack of sleep even in death. Formerly had bright golden locks of hair that fell to the floor before said plasma incident.
Recommendations Officers Personality Observations:
This is Gerald Greer, Renstate Psychologist Recommendations Officer Reporting:
The Subject of Michal Warrant is a case of neurosis and immaturity rolled into one, he has not expressed any goals, ambitions or desires outside of immediately getting sleep, sex and food. Has a chronical case of lack of will and bouts of major depression which will disable him into a psuedo-coma like state where he simply "gives up". His risk of suicide is dramatically low, not because he dosen't have the motivation but because he dosen't have the balls, he complains loudly when even the nurses grab and pull him anywhere and will remark on how painful their grip is for hours.
I'm sending him as a solo-pilot for Null Sector because he has shown an uncanny state of hyper-alertness that will serve a lone survivor well, also because I'm frankly sick of wasting resources on him. His family can no longer pay the party for his care anymore, so I'm sending him on a...."threauputic career excercise" to remotivate him. Let's hope he survives at least the first month.
Sleep Deprived.
Your Agreed Contract:
In order for you to fulfil your responsibilities to the party within the depths of space you are hereby to receive a weekly supply of rations with a class of a C- anti-aging compound mixed within.
You will receive a class C (bare minimum) training for your intended role upon the ship.
You hereby acknowledge that refusing this contract will incur a fine of roughly 32 million liquid currency in accordance with the penalty of wasting party time. You also hereby that dying or failing to fulfil the duties given to you by the time your work contract ends will apply this fine to yourself, or if you die, to your next of kin.
Remember: Exceptional service may get you potential application as a party member!
Remember: Poor performance may be realized as improper commitment of applied duty and you will be billed for your lodgings, rations, equipment, medical services, air, gravity, power usage and human on human contact.
You [MICHAL WARRANT] agree to the terms and conditions of this contract and will fufill as the ship's [CAPTAIN] until your 100 years of commitment is complete.
Disclaimer: the authority has the right to decrease or increase the commitment years of this contract as they see fit.
[Personal Relationships]
Bob the GoldFish: My only compaion within the depths of deep space. Shame I had to cook and eat it, now I really am alone.
Additional Rations
You get a week of presevered rations that will last for the next 300 years. I hope you like the taste of powdery, dry jerky.
5 pp
Additional Measures
You and your crew get an extra accesory and utility in your ship.
15 pp
Special Supply Permissions
An authority gives you permission to pick up any supplies you may find in space that is still the property of the party. This stops the A.I killing you for being a piece of shit criminal thief. But more importantly it helps you keep the ship rationed between supply chains.
5 PP

Age: 204
Sex: Born Male: Rendered an Enuuch due to a plasma fire on ship incident.

NOTE: You may use any type of picture as an ID image. I don't mind. Cartoon, 3D, whatever.
White Caucasian male that stands at roughly 5 foot 6. His eyes and forehead are dressed in wrinkles from years of stress that defy any ant-aging method, his bloodshot eyes are pratically popping out of his skull in a shocked and alert expression at all times. Has two large black garbage sacks under his eyes and periodically twitches them involuntarily from lack of sleep even in death. Formerly had bright golden locks of hair that fell to the floor before said plasma incident.
Recommendations Officers Personality Observations:
This is Gerald Greer, Renstate Psychologist Recommendations Officer Reporting:
The Subject of Michal Warrant is a case of neurosis and immaturity rolled into one, he has not expressed any goals, ambitions or desires outside of immediately getting sleep, sex and food. Has a chronical case of lack of will and bouts of major depression which will disable him into a psuedo-coma like state where he simply "gives up". His risk of suicide is dramatically low, not because he dosen't have the motivation but because he dosen't have the balls, he complains loudly when even the nurses grab and pull him anywhere and will remark on how painful their grip is for hours.
I'm sending him as a solo-pilot for Null Sector because he has shown an uncanny state of hyper-alertness that will serve a lone survivor well, also because I'm frankly sick of wasting resources on him. His family can no longer pay the party for his care anymore, so I'm sending him on a...."threauputic career excercise" to remotivate him. Let's hope he survives at least the first month.
Sleep Deprived.
Your Agreed Contract:
In order for you to fulfil your responsibilities to the party within the depths of space you are hereby to receive a weekly supply of rations with a class of a C- anti-aging compound mixed within.
You will receive a class C (bare minimum) training for your intended role upon the ship.
You hereby acknowledge that refusing this contract will incur a fine of roughly 32 million liquid currency in accordance with the penalty of wasting party time. You also hereby that dying or failing to fulfil the duties given to you by the time your work contract ends will apply this fine to yourself, or if you die, to your next of kin.
Remember: Exceptional service may get you potential application as a party member!
Remember: Poor performance may be realized as improper commitment of applied duty and you will be billed for your lodgings, rations, equipment, medical services, air, gravity, power usage and human on human contact.
You [MICHAL WARRANT] agree to the terms and conditions of this contract and will fufill as the ship's [CAPTAIN] until your 100 years of commitment is complete.
Disclaimer: the authority has the right to decrease or increase the commitment years of this contract as they see fit.
[Personal Relationships]
Bob the GoldFish: My only compaion within the depths of deep space. Shame I had to cook and eat it, now I really am alone.
Additional Rations
You get a week of presevered rations that will last for the next 300 years. I hope you like the taste of powdery, dry jerky.
5 pp
Additional Measures
You and your crew get an extra accesory and utility in your ship.
15 pp
Special Supply Permissions
An authority gives you permission to pick up any supplies you may find in space that is still the property of the party. This stops the A.I killing you for being a piece of shit criminal thief. But more importantly it helps you keep the ship rationed between supply chains.
5 PP
