@Sigma I don't think i'm going to sign up. this is too much work for me. writing 2000 words is a major effort for me and requires a huge investment in time. I think i'll just read what everyone else wrote and have fun that way
This be my progress. It's the most done it can be with the time I have to work on it between college and this.
The Lokoid Hierarchy
The Hierarchy, The Lokoid, The Roaches (Derogatory)
General Information
The Lokoids are opportunistic, business-driven insectoids that focus on meritocracy, industry, and open trade. They are a major source of cheap but reliable hardware, ship components, and ready-made ships. This is driven by a desire to be relevant to the galaxy at large. The hierarchy was the result of hundreds of years of in-fighting and civil unrest wherein a dominant civilization emerged uniting their planet under the strict dictatorship of the militarily superior Hierarchy. This civilization valued individual merit, enforced concepts like survival of the fittest and natural selection, and placed emphasis on economic industry, sustainable agriculture, and scientific advancement. This is why hundreds of years later, the Lokoid Hierarchy is one of the biggest suppliers of weapons, ships, mechanical and electronic components, food, and raw material.
When interstellar travel was achieved, the Lokoid Hierarchy viewed this as an opportunity to expand their reach into the vast emptiness of space. Over a period of fifty years, the Lokoid race was able to expand to a respectable size for a relatively young species. This rate of expansion would be the start of a burgeoning, star-spanning civilization. The Lokoid, being such a young race, met the Ashtari as they appeared before first contact could be established with any other civilization. However, the Ashtari proved to be invaluable allies in trade. Their presence eliminated the need for expensive escorts fleets and they facilitated the first contact with many star-spanning nations such as the Lokoid themselves. This, combined with the frequent rebellions within the opening years of the Ashtar dominion, allowed the Lokoid Hierarchy to expand their influence and trade opportunities.
When the Ashtar disappeared, the Lokoid viewed this as an opening of a new era. Quickly adapting old ships into armed escorts. The great war period arrived and many nations were quick to target the sources of supply. Major belligerents and minor belligerents, having lost expensive equipment opted to use the cheaper Lokoid produced goods. The equipment and ships were of reasonable quality for its price, however, it was far from being the most effective. This was a non-issue as they fulfilled the roles of filling in gaps in the inventories and shipyards of major and minor belligerents alike. Most outsourced military technology and purchased supplies through cheap Lokoid labor. Outsourcing was more expensive but was made available on a massive scale. This also allowed the Lokoid the opportunity to improve their overall image as general aid was provided through food, water, and medical supplies meant to ease the pain of war on many worlds. This continues even into the present day.
After the Great War and the Detente Treaty was signed, the Lokoid designed many of their ships to be easily modifiable. Peace was not guaranteed and armed ships dissuaded many would be pirates. This proved to be invaluable as the final message of the Ashtar was sure to spark a war. Their mobilization efforts were minor. Many of the ships that needed to be retrofitted to combat capability would only need one solar day in at least one of the many large shipyards that the Lokoid maintain. Within a few months, a standing fleet would be amassed and of course, sales pitches for weapons, ammunition, supplies, and cheap ships were increasing. The Lokoid were determined to profit from this as much as possible. However, the Lokoid also recognized the significance of possible surviving Ashtar tech. Whoever can gain access and reverse engineer this technology becomes a dominant power in the galaxy. They also stand to profit from the resulting demand. Monopolizing this technology would be beneficial to the Lokoid, thus, their involvement at Agdemnar.
Major Holdings
Saytak The homeworld of the Lokoid race. A planet ruined by industry and mining. Saytak is one of the shipbuilding worlds of the Lokoid. It is polluted to the point of non-habitation by the Lokoid. However, the large orbital ship construction yards allows it to stay relevant not just historically, but economically.
Takar Saytak’s moon, the primary habitation and agricultural center of the Saytak system. It allows the Lokoid to nest properly and feed a large workforce nearby on the Saytak orbital ship construction yards.
Sikwol The first interstellar colony and another industry focused planet. Sikwol is a special industry planet for its role in manufacturing prototype technology for use in the field. It is also a research hub for the Academic Caste.
Sikwol system asteroid field This asteroid field is mineral heavy, thus, a large quantity of raw materials is drawn from this asteroid field. It surrounds the Sikwol system and is often the site of field tests for prototype ship weaponry, sensors arrays, and shielding just to name a few.
Natok System A system seeded during the early years of interstellar colonization. Four of the system’s planets are food-producing worlds that help sustain the Hierarchy’s large population. Two of the system’s worlds are heavily industrialized. This system is responsible for canning, preserving, and shipping food all over Hierarchy territory and, of course, for trade.
Nuk Graveyard Nuk is a relatively barren system where the Lokoid have built a large recycling plant. The Lokoid collect scrap and materials in order to turn them back into raw resources to be used in manufacturing. The Nuk graveyard, owned by Saytak Drive Works, is one of the largest recycling plants of its kind and it’s responsible for churning out ready to use materials while cleaning up the galaxy at large.
From birth, the order of the hierarchy is implemented. Lokoid young hatch from eggs within an egg sack as larvae. The liquids in the sack are consumed, filled with vital nutrients and antibiotics. The weak are eaten and the strong continue to develop. Once the survivors break out of the egg sack, they are taken as nymphs to be educated. Primary education begins, but nothing could prepare the young Lokoids for their second trial. The nymphs, nearing their adolescence, are thrown into the wilderness to survive. Cannibalism is encouraged if it means survival. They are given the lesson, eat or be eaten, the survival of the fittest as they once did when they were larvae. But it was also natural selection as those who fail to adapt die off. The survivors at the end of the month are taken and given secondary education. Their secondary education focuses on the general education of different subjects. Four years later, they are evaluated and if their scores drop below a quota they are euthanized, prepared as food, and is rationed to the rest of the now grown brood.
Usually, the survival rate for Lokoids in their childhood is less than half. Their massive amounts of eggs per-person, however, necessitate this way of population control. The survivors are then given a caste position and specialization training. It is possible to move up in society through individual meritocracy. The weak and the stupid are recycled and eaten. This is vestigial behavior from a more primitive time. The average lifespan of a Lokoid, if allowed to live in ideal conditions, is seventy solar years. However, the oldest known Lokoid was a hierarch who was reported to be 210 solar years old, indicating that in the best conditions the Lokoid can have a surprisingly long lifespan when compared to humans.
The castes themselves are divided into five categories:
The Ruling Caste
The Commerce Caste
The Academic Caste
The soldiery Caste
The Industrial Caste
The ruling caste is composed of the fittest Lokoid, the ones who have displayed amazing intelligence and leadership ability within their respective caste. The ruling caste’s most powerful members are made up of five individuals known as the Hierarch Council. Each individual all have equal power to one another and have different jurisdictions. However, there is always one individual among the five that presides among the five. This individual would come to be known as the supreme hierarch. The representatives themselves are known as, from descending order of caste, the hierarch of commerce, the hierarch of research and development, the hierarch of war, and the hierarch of industry. The supreme hierarch is chosen based on leadership ability and is chosen among the five hierarchs of the ruling caste. Only a majority vote within the council of hierarchs can have the supreme hierarch replaced.
The commerce caste is composed of traders and businessmen. The commerce caste is specifically for those among the Lokoid who display great social skills and have an eye for business. The commerce caste is the primary economic group that provides the Lokoid new business opportunities in the galaxy. They acquire trade licenses, manufacturing patents, design contracts, and more. On top of this, the commerce caste is also responsible for lending and collecting loans, managing budgets and expenses, and conducting audits on the other castes.
The academic caste is composed of Lokoids who display amazing aptitudes for the sciences. The academic caste is responsible for technological gains within the hierarchy. They are in charge of designing new ships and weapons for use in manufacturing. On top of this, they are in charge of scientific advancement in many fields such as botany and particle physics just to name a few. If the commerce caste is equated to a marketing and advertising department then the academic caste is research and development. This is where new products are made and approved. If approved they are handed over to the commerce caste and industrial caste for marketing and mass production.
The soldiery caste is responsible for choosing the strongest among the castes and placing them into sub-castes. These sub-castes are divided by merit and intelligence. There are four major sub-castes:
Command Caste - Responsible for NCO’s and command staff
Specialized Caste - Responsible for special operations
Regular Caste - Responsible for regular soldiers and fleet personnel
Support Caste - Responsible for operating equipment and vehicles
These sub-castes are responsible for training and selecting from placed or recruited members of the Soldiery caste. They are the backbone of the militant might of the hierarchy and make use of automated combatants if needed and are a common sight when collecting due debts and in security details.
The industrial caste is the largest among the castes and is where most Lokoid are placed. Some may find their way up the ladder from the industrial caste and into the other bodies of the hierarchy. The industrial caste is the primary workforce of the hierarchy. They are responsible for manufacturing goods, mining, and farming. They are given many avenues to rise up from this rung of society through merit. Pursuing education, displaying high levels of skill or strength, making logical and intelligent decisions, and more. The survival of the fittest and natural selection are at play. Those who do not adapt, stay in the industrial caste and are shackled to a life of service and are loaned as cheap manpower for the rest of the galaxy. Because of the individualistic nature of most Lokoid, this is seen as normal. Those who are left behind are left with basic skills and enough intelligence to do their job.
The economy of the Lokoid is powered by industry and cheap labor under a company known as the Lokoid Trade Group. Under the Lokoid Trade Group (LTG) are subsidiaries such as Saytak Drive Works, Sikwol Science Corps, Natok Supply Corps, Saytak Engineering Guild, Saytak Banking Corporation, and the Sikwol Mining company. The Lokoid Trade Group is one of the largest companies in the galaxy and it allows the Hierarchy to achieve a ludicrous amount of income comparable to that of megacorporations.
The government is the Ruling Caste. The Hierarch Council disseminates their orders to system regional governors which keeps all systems in line with the will of the hierarchy. The council of hierarchs is made up of five members.
The Supreme Hierarch - Chosen by the Hierarch Council
The Hierarch of Commerce - Governs the Commerce Caste
The Hierarch of Research and Development - Governs the Academic Caste
The Hierarch of War - Governs the Soldiery Caste
The Hierarch of Industry - Governs over mass production
These members of the council all have equal power except for the Supreme Hierarch who supersedes the rest of the council. The council deliberates everything related to running the Hierarchy as a whole and is responsible for the direction of the Hierarchy moving forward.
Technological Information
Major Techs
Simple Automation and Advanced Robotics: The Lokoid were not ones to shy away from using things that increased efficiency. Automation and robotics allowed for the construction of more cost-efficient ships and increased the production rate drastically compared to non-automated systems. Robotics also helped in the field of security through the use of drones, bolstering combat of security teams significantly. Multi-stage Railgun ammunition: Multi-stage railgun ammunition is akin to that of HEAT. The penetration power of Railgun ammo propelled with high-power is already extremely high. However, this allows low-powered railguns to hit above their weight class and give smaller ships a fighting chance. High-Speed Plasma Weaponry: Using what they’ve learned from railguns, the Lokoid were quick to incorporate it into plasma weaponry research. Instead of a rudimentary method of using a sustained beam of ionized gas being guided by a magnetic beam. The Lokoid made a sort of plasma railgun, with the use of solenoids and high voltage electrodes. These pulses of plasma in the form of Spheromaks now have increased speeds, higher kinetic force, and is more energy efficient. However, this cannot be used for infantry, thus, kinetic, laser and particle weaponry are still the norm. Variable Particle Lance: This weapon is a repurposed tool for mining, using variable power in order to avoid destroying precious materials. An upscaled version is now adapted to many vehicles and ships as a weapon. With a few tweaks, the particle lance can have high-frequency pulses in order to maximize damage per second, however, this retrofit was not done during the Great War and Detente era for there was no need for such a weapon. Advanced Multispectrum Sensors: The Lokoid, adapting their ability to comprehend their surroundings accurately, have developed some very advanced sensors in varying spectrums. These sensors are so powerful in their detection capabilities. They can differentiate different chemicals, detect various radiation signatures, see in various spectrums of light, acute changes in temperatures and more. Of course, this is limited to the role of a ship, vehicle, or drone. Most of these sensors are used in everyday life for mining and testing completed products for shipment and have only recently been improved for more focus on military use. Fusion Drives (Realspace propulsion): Using magnets, plasma, deuterium, tritium, and lithium to create a fusion reaction that can be used to drive ships forward. The drive is extremely fuel efficient and it is powerful enough to allow ships to travel planet to planet within days in realspace. Quantum Wave Drive (FTL): The drive manipulates the fabric of space so that it thins or compresses in front of the ship, and expands at the back allowing the ship to travel faster than lightspeed. In reality, it is traveling utilizing the folds that the drive creates at nominal speeds. Hardlight Plasmatic Projectors: A mix of hardlight selective shielding and magneto plasma arrays combined to make a solid and reliable shield that help increase a ship’s durability in combat. Because of power consumption to various parts of the ship, the hardlight aspect of the shield may vary in strength and coverage while the magnetoplasma shields equally cover the entire ship. This means that the ships that the Lokoid field are more durable against energy weapons and are only partially effective against kinetic weaponry.
Military Information
Military Overview
Military Doctrine
The Lokoid military power since the Great War and Detente era have been increasing steadily. The Lokoid have designed their ships to be easily modifiable turning large cargo vessels into sturdy and reliable warships. These retrofit ships are the backbone of the current Lokoid naval fleet, however, purpose-built warships are being designed and fielded as the conflict drags ever on in Adgemnar.
Lokoid ground forces are heavily dependent on a mix of robotic and organic elements. Ground forces rely on overwhelming numbers and setting up strong defensive and offensive positions that seek to overwhelm and encircle the enemy with a large spread of firepower across the board. Even special operations are carried out by a large number of highly sophisticated automatons capable of doing high amounts of damage in short amounts of time in an inexpensive package.
The Dominion Class Dreadnought, a heavy hauler retrofit. It was originally designed to haul massive amounts of Cargo. It was retrofitted to use its cargo space for extra weapons and power production. It was designed just before the Great War broke out and was built to haul cargo. However, when the situation became increasingly hostile, the Lokoid retrofitted a number of these ships to secure their territories. The Hierarch class dreadnought. This dreadnought was never produced and was originally designed to be made near the end of the Great War. It’s production never went through as the Great War ended before it could escalate. It is now only being produced after the final message of the Ashtar as the Lokoid found need for a new heavy capital ship. Its design was updated to spec before production. It is to date, the heaviest capital ship ever produced besides the hyperdread. It is armed to the teeth with hundreds of kinetic weapons, plasma weapons, missiles, and torpedoes. It is designed to be a fleet within a fleet and is pound for pound more powerful than its predecessor. It is newer and more expensive, thus it is less numerous than its counterparts.
The Supremacy Class Battleship. A battleship built during the great war retrofitted from the base of a massive ore mining ship. This ship’s original purpose was to use its in-built refineries to churn out raw materials. This was all stripped out and was replaced with weapons, generators, and additional shielding. The ship was used to great effect in securing shipping lanes during the Great War until dreadnoughts of succeeding strengths and sizes were finally too much for makeshift battleships, leading to the Dominion Class retrofit and the design of the Hierarch Class. The Warrior Class Battleship. A purpose built warship made during after the final message of the Ashtar. This ship was designed with the same philosophy as the new Hierarch class dreadnought. It’s armed with every weapon available to the Lokoid, designed to be the Lokoid Ship of The Line. Several energy and kinetic weapon batteries as well as guided missiles launchers and torpedoes tubes. Just like the Hierarch class, it is newer and more expensive, thus there is not many of these Warrior Class Battleships.
The Instigator Class Battlecruiser is another cargo hauler that was retrofitted to be a warship. It’s relatively faster than a battleship and is relatively well armed. However, the battlecruiser is less well armored and has less overall shielding than its bigger Battleship brother. The instigator being less well armored and relatively quick meant that it could, in theory, enter and disrupt enemy formations with its flexibility and cause the enemy fleet to break apart. However, during the great war, this was not the case and now they are either used as a placeholder for battleships or merely for extra firepower. The Annihilator Class Battlecruiser was made as a response to the failures of the Instigator. While retaining the relatively respectable speed of the instigator, it packed on more weapons, more shielding, and more armor. One could call the Annihilator a “Fast” battleship which is what it was often called. However, when compared to its contemporary big brother, The Warrior Class battleship, it is outclassed in every category except speed. These ships are supposed to be used in a doctrine called “Jump-Burn”, taking a number of fast and powerful ships to carry out a devastating raid and then entering back into hyperspace. In a conventional battle, the Annihilator pales in comparison to dedicated ships of the line, however, its armament is not something to be trifled with. It has earned a place as a force multiplier in battle and its speed is often used to outmaneuver less flexible fleets.
The Hailfire Class Missile Cruiser was a cruiser made cheaply and out of necessity. When the Great War broke out, the Lokoid were only somewhat prepared. The ships that were designed to be retrofitted into warships did not include anything below the class of battlecruiser. Cruisers offered excellent multi-role potential for the Lokoid. Excellent heavy escorts for shipments, point defense multipliers for large fleets, and well armed and easy to maintain from a logistics perspective. The hailfire was hastily retrofitted from one of the old heavy tugboats. However, due to the limitations of the frame, the Lokoid had to design weapon systems for the Tugboat. Many problems arose due to this process and the Hailfire ended up being heavily reliant on its missile armament than its kinetic or energy based weapons because of the limitations of power generation caused by the ship’s frame and hasty retrofit design. The Mauler Class Cruiser was the result of lessons learned from the Hailfire. While the Lokoid made the most out of the Hailfire, increasingly more effective missile countermeasures were quickly making it outdated. The Mauler was designed in the middle of the Great War but was produced during the Detente period. It served its role perfectly during this period as the Detente treaty put heavy restrictions on Dreadnoughts, Battleships, and Battlecruisers. Cruisers themselves were left relatively untouched. The Mauler boasted better armor, better shields, and better weapons than the Hailfire and could outperform the Hailfire in several key aspects.
The Experimental Variable Particle Cannon Destroyer (E.V.P.C.) Destroyer. This destroyer was merely a test bed for a new particle weapon derived from the Variable Particle Beam found on common mining rigs. The ship's concept was highly flawed, however, it was produced in large numbers but never really made it out of the experimental phase. Its role as a destroyer was hampered by its weapon recharge rate. It was made to be a destroyer with capital ship firepower, however, as a consequence, its armor, miscellaneous weapons, and shielding were all underpowered for its support role.
The Aggressor Class Destroyer is a traditional, tried, and true destroyer. It has been updated, retrofitted, and tuned to fit current standards. However, unlike other ships designed during the Detente or Great War era, the Aggressor was made before the Ashtar came. Its design was dug up and reused during the great war. The destroyer would be redesigned and updated various times up until the present with retrofits planned for previous Aggressor Class Destroyers built before the present. Predominant classifications of each Aggressor type are as follows, Aggressor-Alpha, Aggressor-Beta, and Aggressor-Omega. Alpha represents the Aggressors before built during the Great War, beta represents Aggressors built during the Detente era, and Omega represents currently retrofitted Aggressors or Aggressors built recently, after the Ashtar's final message.
The Picket Class corvette is a patrol vessel used to safeguard minor installations. A patrol group can be range from three to six ships. Bigger patrols often include cruisers and destroyers in order to bolster patrol group strength. Larger vessels can be expected if a particular threat is too heavy to handle. If a Larger Vessel cannot be contacted and enemy combatants are significantly more powerful, the patrol's primary directive is to use its speed and maneuverability to break the engagement and locate larger vessels or contact a larger fleet of ships to deal with the incoming threat.
The Lokoid Drone Multirole Fighter. It comes in two variations, one armed with nose-mounted kinetic cannon and the chin mounted light variable particle lance and one armed with only the chin mounted light variable particle lance. Both variations come with wing mounted missile launchers with each wing containing four missiles. A solid but fragile fighter, reflective of Lokoid design philosophy before the final message.
The Lokoid unmanned patrol gunship (U.P.G.). Designed for a ground attack role, the Drone Gunship is a fast atmospheric craft armed to the teeth with missiles, side mounted kinetic weapons, and a chin-mounted rapid pulse variable particle lance. It also has an experimental space-superiority variant that's set to replace the older Drone Multirole Fighter. The UPG is a fairly new production strike craft, thus, only a few fleets have access to the U.P.G. The Lokoid Assault Dropship. This dropship is used during the opening stages of a planetary invasion. While heavily armed, it lacks mobility and has a large target profile. It is often escorted by Drone Fighters or UPGs. Because of its limitations in maneuverability and its need for escorts, it is limited in its combat capacity. It's armed with missiles, chin mounted pulse variable particle lances, and wing mounted kinetic weapons. It's used to pound an LZ coming in and dropping off troops in rapid succession, then hastily zooming away from the combat area.
The Lokoid Atmospheric Gunship Transport (A.G.T.). It's a straightforward, heavily armed infantry transport for Lokoid. It's armed with missile launchers, door guns, and pulse variable particle lance turrets. Unlike the Assault Dropship, the A.G.T. is more maneuverable and is well suited to prolonged engagements. It's designed to support troops even after a dropoff.
The Lokoid Heavy Transport. It's a massive logistical vessel meant to offload vehicles and supplies. It is heavily armed but still requires escort because of its size. It can also function as a long-range heavy gunship within an atmosphere. This function is mostly possible because of the option to mount a massive kinetic cannon. It is severely limited in its combat function outside of being a gunship or a massive logistical craft.
Army/Planetary forces
Multipurpose Modular Automata Mark1 (M.M.A.-Mk1). The Mk1 was what the name suggested. It's a multipurpose, modular robot. It's used in industrial work, clerical work, and of course security/combat work among other things. It's relatively strong despite its scrawny appearance. However, it is only above average when compared to a human. It was smart enough to hold a conversation, however, it was limited in its intelligence and would not go outside its parameters.
Multipurpose Modular Automata Mark2 (M.M.A.-Mk2). The Mk2 was an improved version of the Mk1 in many aspects. It came with more module options, it was stronger, it was more durable, it was smarter, faster, and more nimble. The Mk2 was an evolution of the Mk1 and it performed better in security/combat roles with marked improvements in speed and decision making. However, this meant it was more expensive. The Mk1 and Mk2 would be sold side-by-side because of the difference in price and customization options. Some of the customization options include sensor suites and improved power pack modules that double the default power supply (Mk2 stock power supply already doubles that of the Mk1).
The Mobile Defense Sentry (M.B.S.). A series of automated, roaming defense perfect for almost any setting except dense swamps, forests, and jungles. It is perfect for urban environments and big open terrain. It's armed with double pulse variable particle lances on each arm and can be shielded. It can also roll itself into a wheel and travel at speeds. It is most vulnerable when rolling or deploying. It's an expensive security tool, however, it is an effective one. It's packed full of targetting sensors and has a well programmed targetting computer.
Automated Anti-Armor Mines (A.A.M.), also known as Tick Mines or Spider Mines. They're notorious for climbing into, under, or over targets and exploding violently. They are easy to program, easy to manufacture making them very cheap. They are highly cost-effective, with their use in the great war being widespread. This was one of the worst weapons to be designed during the great war and it was the nightmare of every vehicle crew member in existence. They can be buried or left to roam around. The A.A.M. has evolved alongside the increasingly more efficient countermeasures and has remained relevant on the battlefield to this day. Some varieties come with sensor jamming equipment or eject cluster munitions upon destruction.
The Anti-Infantry Assault Crawler (A.I.-A.C.). This heavy robotics crawler is designed to be an anti-infantry terror machine. It packs medium armor and minor shielding and is used to jump into the middle of infantry formations to disrupt and crush enemy infantry. It also packs advanced sensors in order to hunt down and kill infantry. Patrol units would often pack at least one A.I.-A.C. on patrols to properly secure bases, cities, and industrial facilities. It is most vunerable to anti-armor weapons as well as anti-tank munitions.
The Anti-Armor Assault Crawler (A.A.-A.C.). It's not as nimble as its anti-infantry brother, however, it still packs a serious punch with its multi-stage railgun rounds. It can choose from cased plasma shells to Armor Penetrating High Explosives. It's slow moving and usually used to set up defensive locations. It can be mobile, but it's very slow moving.
The Light Automated Tank (L.A.T.). It has almost no armor to speak of, it has a high fire rate, and advanced targetting computers and sensor suites. It's used as a fast moving, anti-tank tool. Its dual cannons are used for hitting the target with two different damage types, one cannon is a high-velocity plasma gun, and the other is a kinetic railgun. It's stronger in large groups and is relatively cheap to manufacture. The biggest weakness of the L.A.T. is its lack of secondary armaments, thus, a group of infantry can efficiently take out groups of unsupported L.A.T.s with little resistance.
The Havoc Heavy Artillery Cannon. A Havoc cannon is deployed in established territories as a stationary firebase. It can reach out and touch someone miles away and destroy them ten fold. It is, however, usesless at ranges closer than a few hundred meters due to its innacuracy and large projectile arc. It's used in a battery to completely level large areas before moving in with conventional armies.
The Hailfire Mobile Artillery Platform (H.M.A.P.). This mobile artillery piece can also be used as an anti-armor vehichle and can be used as a tank. However, it was built with the main purpose of being a conventional mobile artillery platform, armed with a single cannon and racks of missiles. It was best used in groups of three at minimum to ten at maximum. The H.M.A.P. would unleash its missiles and fire its cannons repeatedly according to their firing solutions in order to properly barrage and destroy a target with saturated fire.
The Multispectrum Scout Drone (M.S.D.). The drone is about the size of a baseball and is packed with only essential sensors to be able to perform its function. It is small, nimble, simple, and efficient. It is used manufactured, sold, and used by the Lokoid. It's designed has not changed much with only simple upgrades to the optics, audio, and frequency recievers.
Heavy Armor Troop Transport (H.A.T.T.). The H.A.T.T. can haul large numbers of infantry and act as a mobile base of operations. It was designed during the Great War era to sell to other warring states. It wasn't a stellar design but it worked for what it needed to do - haul troops safely in a timely manner.
The Raider infantry fighting vehicle. The Raider is a fast moving, lightly armored, infantry fighting vehicle that fills the role between a nearly unarmed transport and a heavily armed tank. It's armed with twin grenade launchers and a pulse variable particle lance. Designed and produced during the Great War, and updated through the years.
The Juggernaut Armored Personnel Carrier. It's a smaller, armed personnel carrier. It features Kinetic repeaters on the roof as well as gunports for the occupants to shoot out of. The juggernaut is a modern, practical design. It retains a low price point and is much faster than the H.A.A.T. The juggernaut was designed during the Detente era as a preparatory move and produced after the final message of the Ashtar as new variables of war arose.
LHS DOMINANCE An absolute behemoth that dwarfs the new Hierarch Class Dreadnought. The Dominance Class Super Dreadnought is armed with hundreds of weapons on all sides and carries hundreds of strike craft and can even support a scrapping and manufacturing section to self-repair in between battles and even help repair small fleets of ships. It is, in a sense, a mobile fortress. The Dominance is meant to be situated within a large fleet, it is meant to deliver volumes of fire and provide hundreds of support craft to the fray. It is heavily armored and heavily shielded.
The Dominance was first designed during the Detente period. The Lokoid knew that inevitably war will arrive. The Lokoid held this belief in mind as they designed new ships to replace the many retrofits and experimental ships within their navy. A massive modernization program.
Hey everyone! Sorry about being gone so long. I took a lot of time to research, plan and take your thoughts into account. I have decided to continue with my infestation idea. But this time, it will be more realistic, believable and game-worthy. I will need your thoughts, help and support though to do this properly. I am ready to create my faction now. Please tell me if i need to fix something. Thank you.
General Information The Sathrican Scar is an infestation. The Sathrican Scar seeks to consume all in its path to create a network of interconnected minds. The Sathrican believe it is the only way to achieve eternal peace in the universe. The Sathrican have been nicknamed The Scar, because of its wound-like nature. It spreads, infects and hurts the universe as it grows larger and larger. The Sathrican are full of people from other races, civilizations and factions. The Sathrican Scar is ruthless and unforgiving, but may create allies and trade routes with other races. They do not need resources, but may harvest them for diplomatic responses and trades. The Sathrican do not care much for others and may start wars with neutral civilizations after collecting a little intelligence from them.
History The Sathrican was created after one of the Ashtar's experiments had gone wrong. This was when the Ashitar was still creating the neural link devices. Instead, it created a small flesh-ridden blob. The Ashitar then threw it away, thinking they got rid of it. Instead, it landed somewhere and began to grow. It grew and grew until it ran out of space in the small room it crashed in. So, it adapted and began to infest creatures. It took over a small colony after a few days. No response came, because a colony wide blackout occurred only a few hours after the beginning of the infestation. After that, the Sathrican began to spread elsewhere. Attacking other defenseless and vulnerable colonies. The Sathrican empire is still just a sprout in the universe, but it will continue to spread until only the Sathrican and its allies are left.
Major Holdings Research base 226127 (Base) Asteroid colony 661251 (Colony) Asteroid colony 695032 (Colony) Asteroid colony 326121 (Colony) Sathrican Central Hive (Hive)
Population Sathrican Infested: The Sathrican Infested are people from all other races that the Sathrican has plagued. Sathrican Creatures: The Sathrican Creatures are the Sathrican's base population. They are the original creatures that form this race.
Society Sathrican Infested do not have much of a life. They wander and kill mindlessly, feed the hives and the Sathrican Creatures and protect their colonies. The Sathrican Creatures live a partial life. They wander, eat, sleep, raise children and go to war when ever necessary. They do not need school. They are born with all the knowledge they would ever need in their life. As for the Sathrican infested, they do not learn anything. They just fight with whatever knowledge they had before they became infested.
Economy The Sathrican do collect resources. However, the only resources they actually need is food. The Sathrican do not necessarily need other resources, but may use them in trades and diplomatic causes.
Government The Sathrican Hive-mind is the center of everything. Located at the heart of the scar. It has no name, no shape and no true form. It shifts into whatever shape is needed. It does not leave the Central hive. The Sathrican's army is its hands, its hives is its heart, and the Sathrican Hive-Mind is its brain. The Sathrican does not care for its infested hosts that much. Its the creatures and hives it truly cares about.
Technological Information The Sathrican create some technology. However, none of it is mechanical. All tech the Sathrican creates is biological. But, with more research, the Sathrican Scar may learn how to infest machines too.
Major Techs Bio FTL: A Biological FTL. The Sathrican Ships have more than one Bio FTL. A Bio FTL can let a ship jump 1,000,000 km in space for each one inside the ship.
Morph-ling: A morph-ling is a small creature that can change its body size, weight and shape. It can turn itself into almost any small and medium sized creatures. These small creatures are used as spies, thieves and scouts. They cannot attack however and are useless in combat. They are so weak, they will die if they tried to fight a rat.
Bio Cannon: A Bio Cannon fires a small biological spore that, when it comes into contact with other object, will burst and spew an acidic liquid that burns almost any solid source. These are used to cause external damage to a ship or structure so smaller creatures can get inside. The Bio cannon shoots with immense force, strong enough to fire even in space.
Heavy Bio Cannon: A Heavy Bio Cannon fires a large biological spore that bursts and spews a large amount of an acidic liquid that can burn through almost any solid material. The spore is also filled with seeds that quickly grow 2-18 medium tentacles on the surface it landed on and will begin to tear apart the thing its on, and grab and squeeze any non-infested creature it can grab hold of. It shoots with an immense force strong enough to fire in space, but due to its size, it is slower and is easier to counter with point-defense turrets.
Military Information Nearly all of the Sathrican Scar is military. The Sathrican Scar dislikes most of the other races, and may begin warfare without warning after a large amount of intelligence has been collected. The Sathrican will never start more fights than it can handle and may constantly ask for peace to other races if they realize they are losing a war.
Military Overview
Sathrican Dreadnought: A Sathrican Dreadnought is a massive ship that typically carries a few million troops. It has 12 Bio-FTLs, 271 Bio Cannons, 177 Heavy Bio-Cannons and 52 Screechier dens.
Infested Dreadnought: (not researched), Basically a dreadnought from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Battleship: A Sathrican Battleship is a huge ship that has 10-11 Bio-FTLs, 236 Bio Cannons, 146 Heavy Bio Cannons and 47 Screechier dens.
Infested Battleship: (not researched), Basically a Battleship from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Battlecruiser: A Sathrican Battlecrusier is a huge ship that has 9-10 Bio-FTLs, 215 Bio Cannons, 121 Heavy Bio-Cannons and 31 Screechier dens.
Infested Battlecrusier: (Not researched), Basically a Battlecrusier from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Cruiser: A Sathrican Cruiser is a large ship that has 8-9 Bio-FTLs, 182 Bio Cannons, 72 Heavy Bio Cannons and 28 Screechier dens.
Infested Cruiser: (Not researched), Basically a Cruiser from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Destroyer: A Sathrican Destroyer is a medium ship that has 6-7 Bio-FTLs, 141 Bio Cannons, 38 Heavy Bio Cannons and 16 Screechier dens.
Infested Destroyer: (Not researched), Basically a Destroyer from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Frigate: A Sathrican Frigate is a medium ship that has 3-5 Bio-FTLs, 58 Bio Cannons, 17 Heavy Bio Cannons and 2 Screechier dens.
Infested Frigate: (Not researched), Basically a Frigate from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Corvette: A Sathrican Corvette is a small ship that has 2-3 Bio-FTLs and 10 Bio Cannons.
Infested Corvette: (Not researched), Basically a Corvette from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Strike craft
Sathrican Strike craft: Sathrican Strike craft are small ships that have 1 Bio-FTL and 2 Bio Cannons.
Infested Strike craft: (Not researched), Basically a Strike craft from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Army/Planetary forces
Sathrican Infested: The Sathrican Infested are the main units in the Sathrican's army. They are people of other races, that now belong to the Sathrican Scar. The Sathrican Infested attack mindlessly and have no will on their own. They lose their ability to control themselves and must watch as they attack others.
Sathrican Scavenger: Sathrican Scavengers are small creatures that are workers and scouts. They are weak, but nimble and fast. These creatures walk on four legs, and have a tail. Their head only has their mouth and nose. They cannot see, but their sense of smell is so advanced, their brain creates a nearly perfect map of the environment they are in. They can smell even the walls, floors and objects in the room. However, if something smells like the wall, and is close to the wall, then it cant see it and may think that thing is part of the wall.
Sathrican Ravager: A Sathrican Ravager is a large hulking mass of flesh, teeth and bone that walk on 4 legs. They are normally slow, but immensely strong for their size. These creatures are the heavy infantry in a Sathrican Army. All Sathrican Ravagers look different, no two Ravagers look the same. Ravagers typically are large masses of flesh. They have multiple eyes all over their body, (i.e: arm, leg, hand, chest) and their entire head is a massive maw of shredding teeth and multiple tendril-like tongues, and have 4-22 tendrils on their backs that are used as extra arms to grab things and use extra force. One of these creatures is strong enough to tip over a tank and heavy enough to crush a car.
Sathrican Screechier: A Sathrican Screechier is a medium sized flying creature. They are named this way because when they spot enemies, they make a loud high pitched screeching noise that tells its allies there are hostiles. Screechier's are fast flying creatures with 4 or 6 wings. They are agile and swift, but they have little to no natural armour. These creatures have 7-12 eyes on their heads and have a small mouth full of fangs and teeth. These creatures bites are lethal due to a toxic venom in their fangs, and they can shoot a small spore full of acid from their tails. They can only fire 3-6 of these before needing to eat meat to regenerate their ammunition, (witch typically takes 2-3 hours).
Sathrican Swarmer: Sathrican Swarmers are small agile infantry creatures. They are fast and come in large numbers. These creatures make up most of a Sathrican army (besides the Sathrican Infested), and attack mindlessly as the Infested do. These creatures have a single eye in the center of their head and have a single tentacle on the right and left side of their bodies. Their hearing is not that great and their eyesight is not very effective. It is smell and touch that drives them the most. These creatures are used in every attack possible. They are also used to board enemy ships and infiltrate bases and cause internal damage to these structures and units. Normally, these creatures alone outnumber their enemies 5 to 1, as a Sathrican army has around a few million.
Sathrican Besieger: A Sathrican Besieger is a massive creature, about the size of a cruiser. These enormous beings are used to literally jump in the air and snatch and crush frigates, fighters and tear huge holes in battleships during planetary combat. These creatures alone, weigh 5,251,621 Tones, and are about 16 km long, 1 km wide and 26 km tall. These creatures cannot be moved off-world and are used to attack or defend a planet they were created on. These massive creatures look like a massive rhino like creature with four massive tusks emerging from its mouth, two huge mandibles, each on the opposite side of its mouth and thousands of tentacles all over its body that grab invaders on it and its maw is large enough to swallow a frigate whole. They can smash walls with ease, crush a tank like a can and bite a battleship like it was a peace of chicken. It has 14 massive hearts each the size of a whale, a massive stomach the size of a building and its brain is the size of a truck. These creatures take 9-20 years to develop, 2-8 more years to fully mature to adults and 20-30 years to become full grown. (the process takes about 31-58 years)
Sathrican Plague-Bringer: A Sathrican Plague-Bringer is a large creature that walks on 20 legs (10 on each side of its body) and has lots of tentacles in its mouth. It has no teeth and is generally harmless. However, the creature can launch a 20 foot long tentacle from its large abdomen. The tentacle is tipped with a small spike at the end, once it stabs a creature, the Plague-Bringer injects the infection into its new host. The Infection takes only a few seconds to take over the creature, and the Plague-Bringer uses its new toy to protect it and possibly bring it more victims.
Sathrican Queen: A Sathrican Queen is a massive creature, not as big as a Besieger, but larger than a Ravager. There is always only one Sathrican Queen in each infested base or hive. The Queen uses units to protect her and her hive and is the only one who can lay eggs. She spawns her brood and raises an army, and uses her base as a factory for her units. She can attack, but is rarely involved in combat because of her importance to a hive. She is, however, an extremely powerful unit. She is about as large as a whale and can attack swiftly. She can also Heal and Spawn other units on the battlefield and can create a new queen to run a new hive. A Queen is typically large and has 49-123 tentacles on her back, and have 6 spider-like legs on each side of her body and 2 talon-like arms.
Infested Machine: (Not researched). An infested machine is any infested mechanical unit/vehicle from another race. These vehicles gain Sathrican Tech and may lose some of its original tech.
Sathrican Hive Ship: These massive ships are huge and powerful. They are like moving Sathrican Infested planets that produce billions upon billions of units at a time. With massive size, the ship is big enough to transport 10 Sathrican Besiegers (Although they are too heavy), and are the biggest hearts of the Sathrican Scar. These enormous ships have 162 Bio-FTLs, 3712 Bio Cannons, 1738 Heavy Bio Cannons, 721 Screechier dens and 281 huge Screechier dens.
Infested Hyperdread: (Not researched. Needs Mechanical Infestation LV:28), Basically a Hyperdread from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Its finished! Please give me any criticism, comments or suggestions so i can make it better. Tell me if you think its ready to go into the game. Thanks! :)
Nate, your bio ftl is damn near useless. Your hyper dread can make it to sun from Earth and some but that's it, I suggest you either buff the range of a single bio ftl or increase the amount of them in ships. But hey, what do I know?
Distance of Alpha Centauri from Sol: 4.367 light years. Light years in kilometers (km) : 9.461 * 10^12. That's 9,461,000,000,000 km if you convert from scientific notation to regular numbers. One of your Bio-FTL jumps 1,000,000 km at a time. Your hyperdread has 162 Bio-FTLs, so it can jump 162,000,000 km at a time. Divide 9,461,000,000,000 by 162,000,000. The result is 58,401.234, rounded up to 58,402 jumps since you can't have partial jumps. It takes your hyperdread 58,402 jumps just to travel from Sol to Alpha Centauri.
Personally I recommend you play a normal human faction, but if you must try this infestation thing, you should probably drop all your numbers. All of them, pretty much. That or do a lot of research to make them sensible.
The Sathrican Scar is an infestation. The Sathrican Scar seeks to consume all in its path to create a network of interconnected minds. The Sathrican believe it is the only way to achieve eternal peace in the universe. The Sathrican have been nicknamed The Scar, because of its wound-like nature. It spreads, infects and hurts the universe as it grows larger and larger. The Sathrican are full of people from other races, civilizations and factions. The Sathrican Scar is ruthless and unforgiving, but may create allies and trade routes with other races. They do not need resources, but may harvest them for diplomatic responses and trades. The Sathrican do not care much for others and may start wars with neutral civilizations after collecting a little intelligence from them.
An infestation that seeks to consume all in its path and is ruthless and unforgiving will make allies and trade routes? The Scar doesn't need resources, yet it will trade for them? Do they not eat? So the Scar doesn't care much for others, yet will trade with them, but despite potentially trading, they may start wars with neutral civs after collecting just a bit of intelligence on them?
There is basically zero possibility of the Scar working with anyone or anyone working with the Scar. I really do recommend you just play some time of human faction since this seems to be your first time around the block. Jumping straight to harder concepts is likely a bad idea. This is a skill much as anything else is. I'm not trying to put you down, I'm really trying to help you get to play with them.
General Information The Sathrican Scar is an infestation. They kill, eat, grow and infest small places in the dark corners of the universe. They are currently undiscovered by most races and factions. Some think they are rumors, tall tales and lies. But, they are very much real. Soon, they will grow large enough to consume the universe, until nothing but infestation, horror, death and plague is left.
Nation type Currently: Minor Belligerent Later: Major Belligerent
History The Sathrican Scar was created in a laboratory as a bio-weapon. It was meant to be a plague that would kill its hosts. Instead, its hosts became infested horrors. Creatures, Monsters, Mutants. They kill without mercy, and server their hive mind. They killed their creators, took over small colonies who had little or no defense, and no communications with others. The Sathrican made its first mark on the universe without being noticed. Electrical storms caused blackouts and most of the people on the colonies couldn't call for help in time, and were the first to be lost to the Sathrican Scar.
Major Holdings Central Hive: The current location of the hive mind. Ilanhand: Infested Fringe world colony. Ironclever: Infested Fringe world colony. I.S.S.1: Infested Research vessel. R.R.S Orion: Infested civilian transport vessel. S.S.R.4: Infested Hyperdread
Infested: The infested are creatures that have been infested. They have no will on their own and are controlled by the Hive Mind.
Sathrican Creatures: The Sathrican Creatures are monsters created from flesh and bone. Made by the Hive Mind and its Hives, the Hive Mind creates new monstrous species, each used for different purposes.
society The Infested do not really live any kind of life. They wander, attack and eat. They do not have moral or will and do not need happiness and are immune to depression and other mental related affects. The Sathrican Creatures however, do live a life. They eat, sleep, raise children, tend to rooms and do go to war. They are like animals. They hunt, drink and forage while having a den, and depending on the intelligence of a species, they will even form communities and interact with one another, like: hunt, farm, play games, dance and sing.
Bio-essence: Bio-essence is the core ingredient of all Sathrican beings. They were created by it and the Hive Mind has learned how to control it, use it to create more creatures and horrors. Bio-essence is a raw, unstable material. It is not useless though. It is powerful when combined with uranium. A small drop of this liquid and a 1 lb chunk of uranium, can power a whole glitter-world (fully colonized planet) for 4 years. However, it must be stabilized first, then processed, and compressed. The stabilization possess is slow and can take up to 5-11 months. The liquid must be placed in perfect cold, but damp environment. This will cause the essence to calm down, and its atoms will stop moving as fast. Next, the processing will take up to 2-5 days. It must be constantly mixed and churned for the 2-5 days, at a speed of 20 km/h. If the speed becomes too fast or too slow, it will erase all progress and the essence will return to its unstable state. Next, the compression stage is the most difficult, but shortest. It takes only 2-3 hours. You must compress the now stable liquid with a weight of 20,000 tones, and hold it there for a few hours. Once this process is complete, the bright green glowing liquid would have turned to a dark purple glow. This purple liquid is now safe to use, but unsafe to breathe around and touch without protection. The liquid is so acidic in this stage, it will melt your lungs if you breathe the air around it, within a 20 ft radius.
basically any biological material. The Bio-essence is the only one you need to know about.
The Sathrican Scar does not trade with other races and does not need many resources.
Government The Sathrican Scar is ruled by the Hive Mind. It controls all of the Sathrican Creatures and the Infested.
Technological Information The Sathrican Scar cannot create inorganic technology, however...they can steal it by infesting others who are already using it. The Sathrican still wont be able to create it. It will only be able to use it.
Major Techs
Bio-FTL: A Bio-FTL is a biological warping system. It allows the ship it is attached to, to jump 1-1000 light-years.
Bio Cannon: A Bio cannon is a biological cannon that fires a flesh blob. This blob contains an acidic material that can burn through many strong physical objects. (This has no effect on shields and can be stopped by them)
Heavy Bio Cannon: A Heavy Bio cannon is a larger biological cannon that fires a large flesh blob. This blob contains a large amount of acid, but also contains multiple flesh spores. These spores quickly grow into tentacles that tear the objects they land on, and kills any small creatures its able to pick up.
Plague spore: A Plague spore is a fleshy spore that is attached to an infested. When the attached infested dies, the spore spews a toxic gas that infects everything that breathes it in. (Does not include mechanical)
Military Information All of the Sathrican Scar are military. They all fight, and they all can fight.
Military Overview
Sathrican Hive Dreadnought: A Sathrican Hive Dreadnought is a massive ship that typically carries a few million troops. It has 12 Bio-FTLs, 271 Bio Cannons, 177 Heavy Bio-Cannons and 52 Screechier dens.
Infested Dreadnought: (not researched), Basically a dreadnought from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Battleship: A Sathrican Hive Battleship is a huge ship that has 10-11 Bio-FTLs, 236 Bio Cannons, 146 Heavy Bio Cannons and 47 Screechier dens.
Infested Battleship: (not researched), Basically a Battleship from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Battlecruiser: A Sathrican Hive Battlecrusier is a huge ship that has 9-10 Bio-FTLs, 215 Bio Cannons, 121 Heavy Bio-Cannons and 31 Screechier dens.
Infested Battlecrusier: (Not researched), Basically a Battlecrusier from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Cruiser: A Sathrican Hive Cruiser is a large ship that has 8-9 Bio-FTLs, 182 Bio Cannons, 72 Heavy Bio Cannons and 28 Screechier dens.
Infested Cruiser: (Not researched), Basically a Cruiser from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Destroyer: A Sathrican Hive Destroyer is a medium ship that has 6-7 Bio-FTLs, 141 Bio Cannons, 38 Heavy Bio Cannons and 16 Screechier dens.
Infested Destroyer: (Not researched), Basically a Destroyer from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Frigate: A Sathrican Hive Frigate is a medium ship that has 3-5 Bio-FTLs, 58 Bio Cannons, 17 Heavy Bio Cannons and 2 Screechier dens.
Infested Frigate: (Not researched), Basically a Frigate from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Sathrican Hive Corvette: A Sathrican Hive Corvette is a small ship that has 2-3 Bio-FTLs and 10 Bio Cannons.
Infested Corvette: (Not researched), Basically a Corvette from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Strike craft
Sathrican Hive Strike craft: Sathrican Hive Strike craft are small ships that have 1 Bio-FTL and 2 Bio Cannons.
Infested Strike craft: (Not researched), Basically a Strike craft from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Army/Planetary forces
Sathrican Infested: The Sathrican Infested are the main units in the Sathrican's army. They are people of other races, that now belong to the Sathrican Scar. The Sathrican Infested attack mindlessly and have no will on their own. They lose their ability to control themselves and must watch as they attack others.
Sathrican Scavenger: Sathrican Scavengers are small creatures that are workers and scouts. They are weak, but nimble and fast. These creatures walk on four legs, and have a tail. Their head only has their mouth and nose. They cannot see, but their sense of smell is so advanced, their brain creates a nearly perfect map of the environment they are in. They can smell even the walls, floors and objects in the room. However, if something smells like the wall, and is close to the wall, then it cant see it and may think that thing is part of the wall.
Sathrican Ravager: A Sathrican Ravager is a large hulking mass of flesh, teeth and bone that walk on 4 legs. They are normally slow, but immensely strong for their size. These creatures are the heavy infantry in a Sathrican Army. All Sathrican Ravagers look different, no two Ravagers look the same. Ravagers typically are large masses of flesh. They have multiple eyes all over their body, (i.e: arm, leg, hand, chest) and their entire head is a massive maw of shredding teeth and multiple tendril-like tongues, and have 4-22 tendrils on their backs that are used as extra arms to grab things and use extra force. One of these creatures is strong enough to tip over a tank and heavy enough to crush a car.
Sathrican Screechier: A Sathrican Screechier is a medium sized flying creature. They are named this way because when they spot enemies, they make a loud high pitched screeching noise that tells its allies there are hostiles. Screechier's are fast flying creatures with 4 or 6 wings. They are agile and swift, but they have little to no natural armour. These creatures have 7-12 eyes on their heads and have a small mouth full of fangs and teeth. These creatures bites are lethal due to a toxic venom in their fangs, and they can shoot a small spore full of acid from their tails. They can only fire 3-6 of these before needing to eat meat to regenerate their ammunition, (witch typically takes 2-3 hours).
Sathrican Swarmer: Sathrican Swarmers are small agile infantry creatures. They are fast and come in large numbers. These creatures make up most of a Sathrican army (besides the Sathrican Infested), and attack mindlessly as the Infested do. These creatures have a single eye in the center of their head and have a single tentacle on the right and left side of their bodies. Their hearing is not that great and their eyesight is not very effective. It is smell and touch that drives them the most. These creatures are used in every attack possible. They are also used to board enemy ships and infiltrate bases and cause internal damage to these structures and units. Normally, these creatures alone outnumber their enemies 5 to 1, as a Sathrican army has around a few million.
Sathrican Besieger: A Sathrican Besieger is a massive creature, about the size of a cruiser. These enormous beings are used to literally jump in the air and snatch and crush frigates, fighters and tear huge holes in battleships during planetary combat. These creatures alone, weigh 5,251,621 Tones, and are about 16 km long, 1 km wide and 26 km tall. These creatures cannot be moved off-world and are used to attack or defend a planet they were created on. These massive creatures look like a massive rhino like creature with four massive tusks emerging from its mouth, two huge mandibles, each on the opposite side of its mouth and thousands of tentacles all over its body that grab invaders on it and its maw is large enough to swallow a frigate whole. They can smash walls with ease, crush a tank like a can and bite a battleship like it was a peace of chicken. It has 14 massive hearts each the size of a whale, a massive stomach the size of a building and its brain is the size of a truck. These creatures take 9-20 years to develop, 2-8 more years to fully mature to adults and 20-30 years to become full grown. (the process takes about 31-58 years)
Sathrican Plague-Bringer: A Sathrican Plague-Bringer is a large creature that walks on 20 legs (10 on each side of its body) and has lots of tentacles in its mouth. It has no teeth and is generally harmless. However, the creature can launch a 20 foot long tentacle from its large abdomen. The tentacle is tipped with a small spike at the end, once it stabs a creature, the Plague-Bringer injects the infection into its new host. The Infection takes only a few seconds to take over the creature, and the Plague-Bringer uses its new toy to protect it and possibly bring it more victims.
Sathrican Queen: A Sathrican Queen is a massive creature, not as big as a Besieger, but larger than a Ravager. There is always only one Sathrican Queen in each infested base or hive. The Queen uses units to protect her and her hive and is the only one who can lay eggs. She spawns her brood and raises an army, and uses her base as a factory for her units. She can attack, but is rarely involved in combat because of her importance to a hive. She is, however, an extremely powerful unit. She is about as large as a whale and can attack swiftly. She can also Heal and Spawn other units on the battlefield and can create a new queen to run a new hive. A Queen is typically large and has 49-123 tentacles on her back, and have 6 spider-like legs on each side of her body and 2 talon-like arms.
Infested Machine: (Not researched). An infested machine is any infested mechanical unit/vehicle from another race. These vehicles gain Sathrican Tech and may lose some of its original tech.
Sathrican Hive Ship: These massive ships are huge and powerful. They are like moving Sathrican Infested planets that produce billions upon billions of units at a time. With massive size, the ship is big enough to transport 10 Sathrican Besiegers (Although they are too heavy), and are the biggest hearts of the Sathrican Scar. These enormous ships have 162 Bio-FTLs, 3712 Bio Cannons, 1738 Heavy Bio Cannons, 721 Screechier dens and 281 huge Screechier dens.
Infested Hyperdread: (Not researched. Needs Mechanical Infestation LV:28), Basically a Hyperdread from another race that belongs to the Sathrican Scar. It retains most, or all of its former technology. (but some of it may not be used due to lack of intelligence)
Did i fix it yet??? (im sorry if its not done.......im just very tired. I got 0 hours of sleep and its 4:36 Am. Ima go to sleep now...
@Nate1008 I am not the kindest of people, unfortunately. It is merely within my nature, as empathy and understanding aren't natural to my psychology. Most people are more willing to provide you with assistance, Sierra especially. He's been unreasonably understanding. But here're some of my gripes:
Did you look at the rules? Has Sierra written to you yet? How will they participate in the roleplay? Will they just be everyone's enemy? Where is the fun in that? Mindless murder? What's with the research requirements? Where do they come from? Has anyone else followed that logic? What is the consistent logic of the setting? What's with the impossibly gigantic rhinosaurus? You have two hyperdreadnaughts? Even if you don't, why do you have an infested one? What is the infested one even? Should you have one, since you don't fill the requirements you set up yourself? Where is your internal consistency? You are explaining a galactic presence. Should you skimp the details as much as you have been? Why are you doing that even? Is it because it is too much to write otherwise? Did you realize all our complaints about your iterations? Sierra has been trying to help you out with unbelievable patience too, not only writing a breakdown for you, but you seemingly ignored it and made this? How does your entity even still exist? if you want to make it seem like the existential presence of... Whatever form of infestation you want it to be, why has no one killed it yet? It isn't capable of preventing its own destruction based on information provided.
... i read Sierra's response and made this. Also, I did look at the rules. They are going to be a common enemy here later-on. Yes they will be everyone's enemy. Its fun because i like to play as these kinds of things. Mindless murder is one of my favorite play stiles, It will take time, more time, even more time and biomass to research. YES I KNOW ABOUT THE RHINO THING! I have seen things like jaws. If its possible there, its possible here. Most of this is Sci-Fi, witch means Science Fiction. So most of this is fake and not possible in real life, so dont say anything else about my rhino. I have two TYPES of hyperdreads. One is my own factions, and the other is another factions that is now mine, but i need to research tech infestation to get that. I did not write because i was lazy, i wrote that way because i was friking tired. It was 4 something in the morning and i had not gotten any sleep because of my insomnia. Also, the Sathrican creatures were created only a few months ago since present year, and it attacked and infested DEFENSELESS OR WEAK fringe world colonies, that had bad or no communications to other colonies. Also, it infested two large ships that had accidentally drifted into an electrical storm in space, witch shut down their power, and the Sathrican took advantage of those opportunities, and infested those ships. Thank you for your criticism. I actually have something fun to do in the morning. :)
@Nate1008 Individual projection on your creation is common, and taking offense for critique posed to it is a prevalent thing. You were negative to my response to your first iteration were great examples for this, and I'm sure I am not the biggest recipient of your approval, but I honestly recommend you take what I say to heart in one aspect or another.
I've said your NS has been bad this entire time, and I do not mean that as a personal attack. What you've written is merely inconsistent, does not abide by a number of rules set and established, and does not maintain thoroughness. You should not beat out something whilst you're exhausted either, and I say that as someone else with insomnia and a number of other problems that impedes my ability to think rationally. Take time, make something good and consistent, and maintain the quality demanded of this kind of roleplay. Think about what we've said, why we've said it, and improve upon what you've created.
Your inspirations are obvious, at least we all think so: tyranids, zerg, and flood. But you've produced something shallower than all of them. Science-fiction is a common franchise we're all aware of, and good science-fiction has explanations. Your rhino's entire explanation for existing is "because it exists," which isn't good. There're is no attempt at science-mumbo-jumbo, and your infested hdreadnaught isn't explained at all either, leaving us all wanting for clarification as to who's it is, how it works, and what it even is. There're also rules on ship-sizes and capabilities, skimped by yourself. "Massive" and "huge" do not work, and "planet-sized," or "planet-like" hyperdreadnaughts have already been discredited by the GM.
I'm sure Ozerath will be a lot more reasonable than myself in his eventual statements, although he is busy with numerous aspects. And fixing your bio-FTL is the least of our issues with your sheet.
I was being honest when i said about your critique. I actually like it a little. But, the rhino. It is massive, but; i stated that it takes around 30 years for them to develop. So, you will rarely see one, in fact, i doubt you will see one at all. I just added it because i thought it might be cool to have a super unit. And the infested hyperdread. I know, you do not understand how that works. Ill simplify it. Lets just say i already have the tech for that. You have a hyperdread. I attack and somehow win. I capture your hyperdread. After a few weeks (in game), the infestation begins to spread through the ships systems. Then, the infestation will fuse with the hull, interior and systems of the ship. After that, the infestation begins to grow a brain-like organ inside the cockpit. Other organs start to form and the hyperdread becomes a living creature, breathing whatever oxygen is left inside itself, using its weapons with a little biological tweak, using almost all the tech it had before (with a little bio tweaking), adding extra Sathrican stuff inside, and starting to spawn Sathrican creatures inside of it. If you kill the Sathrican infestation source, (located somewhere inside the ship)...you will get it back, the infestation will stop and die overtime and systems regain functionality. The only difference is the fact that the ship will probably smell bad, have a few holes here and there and possibly a few system malfunctions for awhile. Besides that, you got your hyperdread back. If you cannot, or do not kill the infestation source and the ship becomes fully formed, you will never get it back. The only way is to kill it and repair the ashes. (or build a new one)...