Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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"Looks like we've got some challengers. Good. I was hoping my day wasn't going to be wasted." The tattooed man glanced to his companion, Pacho. "I'll give you first pick, buddy."

The Native man looked between the two fighters, Sam and Naja, very closely. Then his eyes settled on one, and he uncrossed his arms long enough to point at them. "You," he spoke very curtly, addressing Naja. Pacho moved around to face her directly before taking a fighting stance, facing his chosen opponent from the East. Interestingly, the stance he had taken was one the fighters would recognize as the stance of a knife fighter, or perhaps someone holding a club, yet he held no weapons. Even his hand was loose in the way one would be when gripping a weapon.

"I guess you would pick her," the Asian man shrugged. "Yeah, big guy wouldn't be too good for you, I imagine. Lucky for me I can break through walls like him." He stood facing Sam, taking his own stance, one much more easily recognized than his companion's: he was definitely a practitioner of muay thai.

"I'm guessing you're not much of one for acrobatic movement, am I right big guy? So we'll just have to see how long it takes for your defenses to crumble. Something tells me you won't die as easy as my last sparring partner." The Asian man sudden jet forward at great speed rivaling Naja's own boosting ability, but strangely enough he didn't move a muscle. It was as though he were somehow gliding just barely, imperceptibly, above the ground. In a flash he was upon Sam, unleashing a number of strikes from his fist and elbows, each punch folding into an arm attack. The strikes carried with them a piercing force. They weren't breaking Sam's skin, but they still hurt.

Meanwhile, Pacho hadn't made a move toward Naja, holding his position steadfast. His focus was unbroken by his partner's fight. It was as though only he and his opponent existed in a white void, and he would not make the first move.

O-Chul: Style discovered - Muay Thai
Special Technique discovered - Shadow Glide: The user maintains their stance and becomes lighter than air, propelled forward by the power of their chi.

Pacho: ???
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sam was not a fan of O-Chul. The man was a prick, so much could be deduced from the way he spoke and his callous disregard for his own vehicle. O-Chul also seemed confident that he could break through Sam, it seemed every passing moment only heightened Sam's desire to kick the snot from O-Chul. Sam was done with listening to this drongo talk and started to stomp his way towards O-Chul.

Sam was completely unprepared for the sudden rush of speed from O-Chul, finding himself already being barraged by painful blows. Sam could only grunt in response to the attacks. Sam tried to raise his arms to defend his sides, but his slow movements were of little use against O-Chul's quick and sharp attacks. Sam was quickly losing his patience.

Letting out a growl Sam lurched forwards trying to power through O-Chul's attacks, Sam's arms reached out in an attempt to grab O-Chul's shoulders. If O-Chul couldn't move those he'd not be throwing out any more of these punches, plus Sam would get to punt the guy across the street.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Out of all of them, it was Sam who stood up behind her and did a similar pose to that of her own, just much larger, her in his shadow. Naja blew out a bit out of her nose. This amused her, just a tad. Still, it appeared it was her and Sam. No words needed to be exchanged, they knew what to do. Honestly, she looked forward to experiencing fighting side by side with this giant man.

Hm, so their enemies were going to pick their opponents? Questionable, but alright. Suppose she could play along. Naja frowned a bit as Pacho picked her. Did he do so because he was interested in fighting her, or just because he didn’t want to fight Sam? … Suppose it didn’t make much of a difference. Starting to lightly jump on her heavy metal feet, Naja turned to him in a fighting stance of her own, turned with her left towards him, both hands raised and legs ready to lash out.

‘…’ She could have talked, really. Most assuredly would have if she was facing O-Chul. But this man, as Naja inspected his odd stance and silent persona… suppose they’d do their talking with their limbs. This man held his limbs like if he held a weapon. Naja knew enough to figure she should probably treat him like he actually was. Now, Naja had plenty of grappling techniques from baji quan to neutralize an opponent coming for her with a weapon, but until she knew what he’d do she’d go with the more long-ranged savate style.

To begin with, let’s box his hand. Naja approached from the front and boxed forward at the hand. If he was starting to counter, then she’d be pulling back or attempt countering herself with her grapples. If he started guarding then it was time for another punch at his face and then for a swift kick to his midsection with her left leg while she stood on her right. If he did something unexpected, then she’d deal with it then. It all depended on his reactions.

That stance, not to mention how he looked… hm…
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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O-Chul continued pounding into Sam's body in a lightning fast flurry, each strike becoming two in the patented method of muay thai combat. Sam's insides were quickly getting bruised as the force pressed through his skin, beginning to damage the blood vessels and muscles, but this had a price. The Asian fighter was so confident in his power, so focused on smashing through Sam's well built body, that he failed to notice the slower man's movements, like when you take your eyes off of something figuring it to be of no concern, only to realize too late it crept up on you whilst paying it no attention. The larger man's grip was painful to O-Chul, who let out a gruff rasp of pain. The surprise, the powerful fingers pressing into the meat of his shoulders, prevented him from being able to properly escape the grapple. Instead he did what he had been doing all along: Go on the offense. He met Sam's kick with a sharp knee strike, focused on Sam's shin. "K̄hīpnāwuṭh phin!" he shouted as his knee connected with Sam's leg. A burning hot spear of dark blue chi radiated forward on contact, burning through Sam's clothes and deep into his flesh. The attack had not only penetrated his normally unbreakable skin, but it still carried the blunt force of a muay thai knee strike, which didn't feel too good either.

For his own troubles, the attack didn't stop the pure force of Sam's kick, which sent O-Chul flying across the street. He collided with asphalt and went rolling back, bouncing twice before ultimately landing on his butt. With a rather pained expression, his got back up with a noticeable limp. He took another fighting stance, but kept his injured leg off the ground. You didn't need to be a doctor to tell that Sam's kick had torn up his knee real bad. "Nice. It's been a while since Anybody but the boss has been able to punish me like this. Don't tell me you're all done, giant man, because I'm just getting started!"

Meanwhile, the Swedish woman shot forward to strike at her Native American opponent with a caution about her, testing his reaction and instigating her own reaction accordingly. First, a quick boxing jab to his outstretched hand to test the waters. Pull back if it looks like he is ready to counter. Her hand moved closer and closer, yet Pacho didn't seemed to move himself. It was only a split second, but the time to perform a counterattack had already passed by, he missed his chance. Or at least, that's what the situation would have been against any other opponent. In a flash crackling energy manifested from his outstretched hand, chi taking the form of vibrant yellow electricity, which in turn took shape in the form of a tomahawk. In a single fluid motion Pacho yanked down, the underblade of the electric tomahawk catching onto Naja's wrist as though it were made of something physical, throwing her off balance. In the same movement, he slid his position around her by 90 degrees, now facing toward the South. In an instant his conjured weapon fizzled from existence, causing no real damage on its own and having only lived for less than a second, just long enough for that single movement.

"East to position, South for power. Southern Boar Strike!" With his other hand, Pacho brought down a powerful forearm strike to Naja's upper back, just below the neck. Had he used this much force on one of those Tunnel Snakes, they'd have been KOed in a single move. Luckily Naja was made of tougher stuff, but she could not afford to let this man's unusual style and ability catch her off guard like that again.

O-Chul: Special Technique Discovered - K̄hīpnāwuṭh phin: Translation "Pin Missile." O-Chul forms a powerful, piercing spear of chi from his knees for a crippling, piercing blow.

Pacho: Fighting Style clue - Has ability to create hard matter electric weapons from chi to facilitate attacks, but they only last a fraction of a second.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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There was something odd about entirely expecting something and still being somehow caught by it. Naja had expected something to emerge from his hand, that’s why she had jabbed at it. To force it out. Yet, somehow, he had intercepted and completely countered her jab, the fastest and most defensive thing in her arsenal, and used it against her. It was… somewhat confusing to be sent flying by that.

As she stopped her flight with her feet a few meters away, her back aching as she stumbled. It really reminded her of the first time she had met her Baji Quan master. Yeah, that’s why she had gone to China in the first place, hadn’t it been? She had mastered Savate, she could floor her masters at her dojo the majority of the time, and yet she had felt she wasn’t strong enough. That’s why young Nika had gone to China, despite not knowing a lick of Mandarin, asked someone who knew English to direct her to the strongest they had, and to that particular individual the strongest was Baji Quan. She had been directed to a master, and he had immediately floored her Savate, not unlike now.

… No, not like now. After what her master had done to her, she hadn’t been able to stand. Heh, it was somewhat nostalgic, this feeling. Reminded of many hours with a master who didn't speak her language, of having the movements hit into her by demonstration without any spoken words. … She had never been able to overcome that master. She’d been targeted while still training in China, and that’s when she lost her limbs. Then she gained these metal limbs, and she had never seen her master again. … She probably should go visit him occasionally. He may be disappointed in how she’d ended up, but if it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have been able to use this chi today. She’d only have had her Savate…

‘Okichitaw, huh?’ Naja mentioned, turning back to face Pacho. His use of tomahawk and mention of the cardinal directions had tipped the scale. ‘A proud style, one I wouldn’t have expected to see serving the likes of a common street gang. Should I ask who you all are, or why you’re serving them?’ Naja asked, not really expecting an answer from Pacho. Honestly, it was just a style she had read about a while ago, one of many styles she’d gone through as candidates for her to practice. It wasn’t as if she knew the in and outs of it well enough to predict his movements. Regardless. If Pacho did speak a response, she’d wait for him to finish. Otherwise… it was time to move. While she felt the place she'd been hit, it wasn't as if she was out for the count.

Savate was out. Pacho had in a single motion shut down everything she had at that range. With other words, it was time to practice some Baji Quan, which philosophy about defense was that the solution to not taking damage was taking out the opponent as quickly as possible. A short-range but powerful art, it utilized all those grapples to get close to the opponent and then used these full-body powerful strikes, elbows or knees to neutralize them. It was time to show that she hadn’t wasted her master’s time.

Naja ran at Pacho, her mind constantly predicting what motions he could make with that pose in order to strike at her with mystical unseen weapons or similar. The intention was to intercept his blow, dodge the attack and grab the offending (or unoffending if he didn’t try to attack) limb, after which she’d attempt to use cyborg strength to twist his arm around to turn him away from her. Should she accomplish that much, it was simply a matter of spinning to slam an elbow into his back with the other arm for the trouble.

She was charging a Bolstered Spear during this, so if she was successful she could spin around and shoot him in the back with it… or if something went horribly wrong and she was about to be countered again she had it ready to use as a blast to counter whatever Pacho was doing, hopefully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sam let out a soft cry of pain as the chi empowered knee strike slammed into his shin, sending his leg backwards and forcing Sam onto one knee. Bloody hell that hurt, Sam hadn't taken a hit like that since... Well, he'd never taken a hit like that. Sam slowly forced himself to stand again, the burn wound on his shin getting agitated with every movement. Sam was going to have to take this guy seriously, taking more hits like that wasn't an option.

With a simple grunt, Sam started storming towards O-Chul again, taking note of O-Chul's damaged knee. If Sam played his cards right maybe he could get his hands on the other leg, or just knock the bugger off balance and get a good grip on the damaged knee. Though going after the other leg might just lead to another devastating knee attack, and that's not something Sam wanted to get hit by again. Sam had a feeling that this guy was going to continue his trend of offence over defence, so when Sam got about 4 feet from O-Chul he stopped in his tracks and put a hand out in front of his chest, hand wide open ready to grab whatever attack came its way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light watched the fight between her new friends and these new people with excitement. It was interesting watching Naja and Sam fight against these stronger foes, and it was also interesting seeing what the stronger foes were capable of. Sam seemed to take quite a beating, and dished out just as much. And unlike the guy he was fighting, who relied on rapid blows, Sam only needed a couple hits to injure him, even if this guy also seemed to injure Sam at the same time with a mighty kick. Naja on the other hand felt a lot more like a martial arts movie, with quick motions and lots of countering.

Acting a bit like a cheerleeder, Light said, posing all the while. "Go Sam! Go Naja! You got these two goons! Show them how strong you two are!" She felt a bit sad she could only palm palm with her hands, but considering their size, people got the message she was giving.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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Just as Sam had predicted, O-Chul launched into a reckless offensive, caring not the least about his own safety and defense. His injured leg made running the gap between the two of them rather painful, so he opted instead to use his technique, Shadow Glide, to cover the distance without wasting any effort. As soon as he arrived he thrust his right arm in an attack toward the giant man, succeeding in landing his fist, then his elbow, against Sam's hardened gut. Pulling that arm back he thrust his left arm in for the same move, this time landing right into Sam's outstretched palm. The giant's hand clenched over O-Chul's comparatively smaller fist, locking the fighter in place as he received a mighty blow from Sam's other hand.

In an effort to defend himself, O-Chul raised his other arm to guard, blocking with the metal armor he wore over the forearm. It absorbed most of the impact, but still the fighter was knocked back a good few feet, and the force cracked open the arm guard. Metal clinked against the ground as it fell, now useless. O-Chul struggled to take his stance again, the attempt at bracing against that blow clearly having done a number on his already injured leg. "Damn. Looks like I've got to try to end this thing right now. You're tougher than I gave you credit for, big guy! That means you get the honor of witnessing my grand technique. I hope you carry the honor of the memory with you to Hell! Thæng bx lbīch!"

O-Chul spread his fists from one another where a small ball of dark blue light began to glow, suspended in the air. It grew and grew to impressive size, about the same as a beach ball, when he thrust both fists into the energy sphere together in a simultaneous power punch, launching it directly at Sam with high speed!

As the battle between Sam and O-Chul was beginning to wrap up, the scuffle between Naja and Pacho was only just getting started. The Native American warrior respected his European adversary as she regained her ground and spoke to him, not wanting to interrupt. At the mention of Okichitaw he gave a polite but curt nod. However her questions seemed to fall on deaf ears, as he elected to say nothing, nor indicate he had even heard her at all. This was a fight, and he seemed to be wholly dedicated to their fists.

The cyborg woman shot right for him in an aggressive display, and he returned the effort in much the same way: aggression versus aggression. Both charged forward meeting at some middle ground, whereupon Pacho manifested another of his lightning tomahawks, this time swinging in a wide diagonal hacking motion. The Swiss cyborg had prepared herself for an aggressive maneuver and readied a counter, zipping in closer, making the wide swing awkward and unfeasible, wherein she proceeded to grab his arm and attempt to twist it behind his back. The weapon fizzled out of existence as quickly as it was created, but Naja's plan did not go perfectly. Rather than fighting against her grip, against clearly superior strength, he kept up the aggressive tactics by lifting a knee straight up, catching Naja in the midsection. He did not get off free from this grapple either, as her special technique, the bolstered spear, blasted him right in the chest. The end result was both fighters getting knocked back with noticeable damage.

But Pacho wasn't done yet. So long as he remained facing South Pacho kept up a relentless assault that was comparable to his partner's fighting style. "Falcon dive!" He took a single step forward in a swinging motion with his dominant hand. In a flash another tomahawk manifested, this one significantly larger, at least as big as a woodcutting axe. He released his grip, but unlike the previous instances of using this power, it did not fizzle back into air. Instead it flew through the air at Naja, spinning all the way, threatening to chop into her torso like a log of wood.

O-Chul: All special techniques used.
All super arts used.
Super Art Discovered - Thæng bx lbīch (Translation: Beachball Spike) - The user generates a large ball of chi with amplified kinetic properties and spikes it at an opponent. It carries enough kinetic force to smash cars, and uses the opposing directional force of impact to bounce around, making it a largely unpredictable pinball of doom.

Pacho: Fighting Style Discovered - Okichitaw - A relatively modern martial art that combines traditions and movements from multiple native tribes of the Americas. Most movements use weapon-based stances and strike with the forearms, and the style draws upon tribal wisdom of the 4 cardinal directions. Pacho himself has altered the style to include quick chi-based strikes to manifest weapons.
Special Technique discovered - Falcon Dive - The user manifests a large axe or tomahawk made of chi with an electrical element and hurls it toward the opponent.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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He acknowledged that it was Okichitaw, but otherwise didn’t answer her question. Suppose that was fine. There’d be no more need for talking in their battle, then.

So, Naja successfully managed to get close to her opponent, grabbed the hand and moved to get behind him, but her opponent turned flexible enough to somehow get a knee into her. Naja grunted, and promptly blasted him off with her Bolstered Spear technique, sending him flying with her chi, the double impact making both fighters fly a bit of a distance away from one another. Naja was frowning. No time to check how Sam was doing. She heard Light’s cheering. Alright, then.

Without pause, Pacho continued to create something in his hand. A large tomahawk axe. Given the range he used it on, it had to be a projectile. Naja quickly kicked into the asphalt next to her to launch her to her right, knocking herself over so that she may roll over her back and back onto her feet in order to avoid the thrown axe. After this, assuming she hasn’t found herself cut, Naja once again launched herself forward aggressively, intending to get in close again.

Even if she got hurt by some unknown property of Falcon Dive, as long as she was fighting fit her strategy would be the same now. Naja felt she was stronger physically. She also felt that this man probably hid more tricks, and as such she should finish this fight if she at all got the option to. He was probably going to strike at her with another of those manifested weapons. So she dashed in towards him, looking like she was going to go in for another Baji Quan close-quarters battle with her fists and elbows, leaned forward to make herself a smaller target…

Except right at the part where he probably manifested some sort of weapon, Naja suddenly spun, her body swinging about 180 degrees until the tip of her left metal foot slammed into the weapon or Pacho’s guard or so from his right. One of the basic rules of Savate was to feint, after all.

From there Naja’d kick numerous time with her left foot while standing on her right, the extremely quick motion of bending the knee and striking out again numerous times, and when Pacho’s counter came she’d jump to counter herself, twisting in the air to then instead kick down with her right foot from Pacho’s left to strike him from an unexpected angle while both her feet were in the air.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sam grunted as his gut was struck but that didn't stop him from catching the next attack. Sam clamped his hand around O-Chul's and threw a savage punch towards O-Chul's face, but his slow speed gave O-Chul more than enough time to block the attack. And while the block made the blow a lot less effective then Sam would've liked, it had left O-Chul's arm guard broken. Sam was going to storm towards O-Chul but it seemed the battered criminal still had some tricks up his sleeve, and it looked rather powerful. Especially if that burn mark Sam had gotten on his leg was any indicator of the power O-Chul's chi carried.

Sam didn't get much time to plan his next attack as O-Chul fired off the massive ball of energy. Sam decided he'd shoulder check into the orb as he had no real way of avoiding such a fast attack, and even if this orb burnt three times a much as the kick did Sam would still have a functioning arm after it. So Sam barreled into the ball of chi and instead of getting burnt as he'd expected Sam felt the ball knocking him back with tremendous force. Sam almost comically bounced off the energy ball, his shoulder dislocating from the force of the impact, though he'd managed to redirect the kinetic energy ball. Where it was going to fly was anyone's guess.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With an expert roll, Naja dodged to the side and avoided the Falcon Dive attack completely. The large axe, crackling with energy, struck not but asphalt before fizzling out of existence entirely. The only evidence it had ever been was a not so inconsiderate crack in the pavement, a good half foot deep. She charged forward at the man, who charged himself. So long as he was facing South, Pacho would not let up his relentless assault. The Swiss cyborg moved in with a feint, but he did not care. One fighting with reason and analysis in his style would have thought about a response, attempted to block or dodge around, and possibly get tripped up by the feint. However one who knew only aggression just fought through the feint, caring not how to best dodge, block, or counter. As such he manifested another weapon, this one a blunt gunstock warclub, and swung it straight down with both hands for a mighty blow. The club landed on the space of skin between the shoulder and chest with impressive force, though it was only a glancing blow thanks to the angle of her body during her kick. Her own cybernetic leg connected with Pacho's unguarded right side, knocking him a good few feet and sweeping him about 90 degrees. His weapon vanished, as all the others did, and he recovered quickly back to his feet. However something was clearly off about the man.

Pacho's side was black with bruising from the mechanical kick. Such a blow would have normally broken bones or crippled a man who took it full on, unguarded. That he was still able to fight, even through intense pain, was a testament to the Native American man's constitution. "West to take down the opponent. I will no longer hold anything back. Prepare to face my most powerful technique!" Pacho's stance altered slightly. No longer did he look as someone ready to bash or cut his enemy with an invisible weapon, but he was more balanced in his own body, more even. He crouched down, then sprang upward with tremendous speed and height, more than ten feet into the air! "The technique for which I am named, Thunderbird Clash!" His entire body glowed a bright yellow and energy crackled in the air. His chi took on a physical form surrounding him, completely blocking Pacho's body from sight. He resembled a large golden bird, surging with power. Talons extended, he shot straight down toward Naja like a bolt of lightning at a 45 degree angle.

Meanwhile, Sam had opted to take O-Chul's own final attack head on. He didn't have many options considering the vast speed difference, and so he charged straight into the orb of chi with an impressive shoulder check. The attack collided into the ball of his shoulder with impressive force, enough even to injured him through sheer blunt trauma alone. Not only did it dislocate his shoulder from the socket, but it also ripped away his entire sleeve leaving his bare skin exposed for the others to see.

The chi ball absorbed the impact and shot backward with even greater speed and force than it started with. O-Chul's eyes grew wide as the inevitable raced toward him. To avoid his own attack by virtue of his own speed he would have needed to be in prime condition, and even then only barely would make it by the skin of his teeth. His damaged leg made such a feat impossible. He could have used his shadow glide technique but had been far too liberal in his use of special techniques in this fight already, and was tapped out. All he could do was cross his arms to brace for impact, laughing madly the whole way. His signature super art, the Thæng bx lbīch, struck true, shattering the bones in both his arms and sending him flying back twenty feet on hard pavement, losing a lot of skin in the process. O-Chul was unconscious, completely and thoroughly defeated, yet he wore a gleeful smile across his face.

However with the loss of O-Chul did not follow the removal of him as a dangerous influence on the battle, for his Thæng bx lbīch continued to fly about. After hitting its creator it struck a randomly parked car, destroying half the thing before flying toward a building. Huge chunks of concrete broke off as it bounced from there toward its next target randomly chosen by physics: it would collide into the duo of Naja and Pacho at the exact moment the Thunderbird Clash technique landed.

Pacho: Super Art discovered - Thunderbird Clash - Pacho envelops himself in a cloak of chi so thick he appears to become a golden bird made of living lightning, then streaks toward the opponent in a display of power and speed. His body is invulnerable to harm from all but the largest, most powerful attacks in this state, making dodging far more practical. It comes with a dangerous recovery time afterward.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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In the midst of her kick Naja noted that her opponent was striking her from overhead and so she attempted to twist her upper body while still committing with her lower body. The blow still hurt, the blow to the upper right chest glancing but aching. Naja used the force of impact from her leg on him to spin back onto her feet, facing him. That was a good hit, but not a finishing one. The cyborg charged the chi within her limbs, preparing for her own super-move, desiring to end this quickly… but Pacho had decided to do so first.

Naja paused and stared a bit in surprise when Pacho talked, polite enough to wait… except then he jumped into the air and his thunderbird took shape. Naja moved through instinct, her knees bent and directing her hands downwards.

‘-Bolstered Spear-!’ she shouted in a hurry, blasting out the energy in her metal hands while leaping with her legs, attempting to launch herself into the air before Pacho hit her. Up, slightly backwards. Up because it was easy to imagine the impact still hurting her if she dodged aside, that he'd continue her pursuit of her if she went backwards. Besides, in the air, she could…

In the scenario where she isn't in fact caught by  Pacho's Thunderbird, Naja was now in the midst of a slow backflip, her hair streaming behind her. Her mind was blank, heart pounding from the danger she had just had aimed for her. … His style changed depending on the cardinal direction he was facing. Then, what would he do if she came from above?

Naja ejected the power in her legs and sent herself spinning down at Pacho, initially curled up to increase the speed of the spin before she extended a single leg to deliver the single most powerful kick in her arsenal.

‘--- Thunder Axe---!’ With risk of being a Pacho copycat, Naja delivered a chi-filled downwards strike with an enhanced mechanical leg slamming down with enough power to probably crack the asphalt below. It wasn't as strong as Pacho's super, of course, but it was one which Naja had found herself in the perfect position to use…!

She was momentarily unaware of Thæng bx lbīch, although it may have struck before she came down if it arrived when Pacho hit the ground.

Unless she was caught by the Thunderbird, of course. Or if someone “saves” her, then the post is cut there.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ouch. Sam lay on the ground letting out a hollow groan as he looked over at his dislocated shoulder. His arm just dangled there limp as Sam slowly leaned up. He let out a pained hiss, pausing a moment to see how O-Chul was holding up. The tosser didn't seem to be able to take as much as he could dish, Sam figured as much. Though Sam wasn't out of trouble yet, the ball of chi O-Chul shot off was still bouncing around, and unfortunately, it seemed intent on interfering with the fight between Naja and Pacho. Though Sam was in no condition to stop it moving, and even if he was he couldn't move anywhere near that speed.

Sam growled as he stood up, his arm swinging a little causing Sam to yelp in pain. "Gaaah!... Ddd-dammit..." Sam clutched his shoulder. Panting heavily Sam started to jostle around his arm looking to realign it, while he did this he did take note that he'd need to get his clothing fixed. For now, Sam was out of the fight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light watched as the fight between Sam and his opponent seemed to be going fairly evenly. Light was a bit surprised that someone as big as Sam would be having so much trouble with such a skinny guy comparatively. As she was watching the two fight, the Chi Orb that was fired earlier, that Sam had bounced away, started bouncing all over the place. After bouncing off a street lamp and a nearby car, it then used Light as a bouncing vector before going off somewhere, knocking her to the ground in mid cheer.

"Oh come on!" She said, picking herself off the ground. When she got up, she noticed the ball was going towards Naja and her fight, with Sam seeming to be worse for wear. Seeing this, Light said. "Hey Sam, you good or do you want me to swap with ya?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Pacho's ultimate technique shot down at around a forty-five degree angle straight for where Naja stood, but she wasn't going to just take a giant lightning bird to the face lying down. The speed of this ultimate power was truly a remarkable one, but she was no slouch in the speed department herself. With the strength of mechanical legs coupled with the reverse force of her bolstered spear technique, the warrior woman tossed herself back and up into the air narrowly avoiding a direct hit by the energy-enveloped gang member. No sooner than he landed did the cloak of electrical chi dissipate, leaving Paccho kneeling on the ground alone, winded and tired. She made her move, twisting into her mighty thunder axe! The empowered axe kick landed square down on Pacho's defenseless shoulder. Tapped out and vulnerable from his use of the Thunderbird he couldn't block, nor tighten his muscles to resist the damage. Thus he took the full force of the kick and slammed headfirst into the pavement below, his shoulder broken.

Both opponents were down for the count! Unfortunately O-Chul had left one final present for them. With nobody to jump in and intercept his final super art, and Naja right in its path with no clue it was on its way, the ball of elastic chi plowed into her right side. It had gained enough momentum to send her flying across the street and into the wall of the very store they had been sent to protect. It finally reached its final bounce, dissipating in that last collision, but it no doubt fractured a rib or two and caused a ton of damage to her right mechanical arm, plus whatever extra she suffered from her not-so-soft landing.

But when all was said and done the whole group could still get back up. More than could be said for either of their opponents. O-Chul remained completely unconscious, while Pacho seemed to be blinking in and out but certainly was in no condition to get back up anytime soon. They had won.

O-Chul defeated! Sam XP gain - 4
Pacho defeated! Naja XP gain - 4
Secret goal accomplished: determine Pacho's unknown fighting style! Naja XP gain - 1
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago

There was a moment of bliss the moment when Naja confirmed she had, in fact, not been hit by Pacho’s attack. A moment of weightlessness, that of course couldn’t last as she shot herself back down with a powerful Thunder Axe move, an axe-kick delivered straight down into the man’s shoulder. Beneath her heel, she felt how she had made impact and finished the fight, ending the whole kick standing on top of his shoulder breathing heavily. He’d been a warrior. More so than she’d have expected to run into the first day here in New Carona. She felt a need to honour him, to say a couple words of admiration, relaxing a bit… and noticing the dark blue ball of chi approaching at high speed from her right, way too late. She tried to twist, place her arm in the way to block the force of the attack, but having relaxed at the wrong time meant all forms of too late.

‘KAH-!’ she sounded out as the phenomenal force of O-Chul’s super sent her flying back into the store she had been trying to save, crashing into the wall of the building and an excruciating pain blasting through her side. It all ended up with her cracked inside the wall, hurt and angry.

‘Ah… AGH-!’ Naja quickly broke out from the wall, stumbling, her metallic legs losing no form of strength from the pain in her side. Standing in the shop, she looked down on her right-side mechanical arm, what remained of it, as well as her own right side. It, to put it mildly, did not look good. Naja mouthed numerous foul words, and stomped into the floor a couple of times, perhaps with more force than would have been otherwise recommended while indoors.

Really? Really, Naja? You’re going to be hurt this bad on the first day? Against common thugs? Even if they happen to be strong common thugs? … She asked herself within her mind. That kind of could get her sponsorship revoked, and heavens knew that was a debt she wasn’t close to repaying already. Despite sweating, despite the pain shooting through her, despite broken ribs and all, Naja walked out the door with one deep frown on her face.

‘That’s it? We’re done for now?’ Naja asked, her tone heated as she looked over the others. ‘… I’m going back,’ she plainly said, grunting as she turned and walked, intending to get back where she had come from.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Llexe's anger smoldered against Kiyoshi for some time, but revenge would have to wait for later. She settled into watching her allies fight on her behalf against their attackers, consenting to the idea of a pure, two-on-two fight with no interference. While she saw no point in such restraint, and indeed found herself wracked by more than a little frustration and disappointment for her relegation to the sidelines, she figured that everyone deserved a chance to prove themselves now and again.

Naja and Sam faced their adversaries with strength and fortitude, and despite some heavy punishment, emerged the winners. Of course, if they failed on their very first real bouts, with their allies holding back so that they could have their moments, it would have been about as pathetic as hilarious. Just the thought of her peers getting decked straight out the gate made Llexe snort with laughter. When Naja announced her intentions, Llexe chose to follow, wholly unconcerned for the others' wellbeing. Toughness wasn't a mask that one wore, after all, and dropped when the fight was done. They could deal with their hurts on their own. With a final dagger-eyed glare at Kiyoshi, dripping with intent, she stalked in the direction of home base.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sam watched Naja's axe kick connect, wincing a little. He thought about how lucky he was that these people were on his team, rather than being his opponents. Unfortunately, the ball of Chi Sam had deflected ended up crashing into Naja, sending her flying backwards into the store. Sam was irritated that he'd caused one of his teammates to get hurt, he would have to make this up to Naja somehow...

A twinge of pain pulled Sams focus back onto his dislocated arm. He was about to continue trying to shift it back into place (Which he actually doesn't know how to do) when he realized he could get help with this. Looking over his shoulder he spotted Light, who was already looking at him. She must have tried to talk to him, though Sam had been far too focused on the pain in his arm. Sam let out a pained grunt and gestured to his shoulder. Hopefully, the void creature had some idea on how to relocate an arm... "C-caaan... He-help?" Sam gently let go of his arm letting it go limp.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

'Fight's over? We won? Yay?" Light said as she took note of how many injuries her two allies had taken. Hopefully they could heal up quickly, otherwise if every fight with the moderate baddies was like this, Light might be here for awhile. Sam, having dislocated his arm, gestured to Light. She took a look at his arm, and said. "Well... I can try to put ti back, but I'm not sure it'll be as painless as to when I do it to myself." As Sam relaxed, Light attempted to put his arm back into its socket much like she'd do to one of hers, by pulling it up, out a bit, and snapping it back into the socket.

"We should head back to base, there might be someone who could look after this better." Light said, hoping she popped his arm back into place. He was a lot more muscular than her, so she worried that she might've messed up somewhere. "Although you look better off than Naja..." Light said quietly. She did see Naja's pride was hurt more than her body, so she didn't wanna bring it up to anyone but Sam. Hopefully she could take the next fight, at least if she was beaten up badly she'd heal fast from it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisu Shiruba
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Kurisu Shiruba Discord: Chris Falcon#9382

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Looks like we won. Yeah!" He said cheering lightly. A few bruises here and there, he gazed upon the thugs knocked out cold in a pile that was nearby. Who knows if he could be fighting like that some day? Kurenai Ryu had a flaw of being subpar in one vs one duels, but he always had to improvise in his days of livestreams where he was alone with mutants, he had to adapt himself to that situation.

The mess being finally over, he stretched himself a bit and waited for the signal to go back.
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