Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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The House:

The Story:
This house has sat on this hill since the early 1800's. It has gone through many owners, all who have had the same terrifying experiences. This house was no normal house since the first owners resided in its walls. The Sherman family, who built this house, were your typical normal wealthy family in this time. Paid an extrodinary amount of money to build this house and all the extravagant things that sat inside. From its statues in the sun room, to its hand crafted walls in the sitting room. It's marble and stone fireplaces in almost every room, to its crystal chandelier in the forier. What came with the house was an enormous amount of land, including a like not too far from the house, and endless forest surrounding it. You cannot see this house from the road, all that is visible is a driveway with an iron gate that stays locked and chained.

The story goes is The Sherman children were playing too close to the water one day, being normal children. It was getting dark, and their mother called for them to come inside, it was time for dinner. The kids called back that they were finishing their game and would be in soon. That moment wouldn't come. This was a time when monsters and creatures of the night didn't hide in the shadows, and still very vicious. It is said that the children were taken moments after they called back to their mother. When the children didn't come back, their father came out to search for them, but all that he found was a cricket stick and a ball, and two trails of blood. He called the police and searched the property were never found.

Time went on and Mrs. Sherman couldn't take the pain any longer and one day went down to the lake and drowned herself in the water. Mr. Sherman, finding her and dragging her out, shot himself in the head, Killing him instantly. Every occupant since has had ghostly encounters and vicious attacks. The attacks, the people have died, drained of blood and two marks in their necks. One family, the last family to have lived in the house was lucky to excape, but they were haunted the rest of their lives by the trauma of the house. Since then, the house has sat vacant and rotting, but every now and then, some say that approach the house that the lights will all be lit.

Your Roll:
It is up to you on who you want to be in this story. If you want to be a former resident ghost, a curious human, or even one of the creatures of the night that have taken to reside in the home.

The Rules:
BE respectful
Follow site rules
Yall I dont want to see your sexting, take it to the PMs.
DO NOT control another persons character unless they give you the permission to
with that said no godmoding.
Preferably I would like you to make a character profile before posting in character please. It saves a whole lot of confusion.
Before you log off, please make sure you close out conversation before you go. [I am extremely guilty of this and yall can hold me just as accountable]
Have Fun!

Character Profile:
Other(Anything I left out you want to add. also optional):
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'you can do this Elisabeth' She thought to herself as she cut the chains to the gate and put the cutters in the back of her jeep. The gates made a loud creak as they opened enough for the jeep to make its way through. Taking a deep breath Elizabeth stepped back into her car and started to make her way slowly up the driveway. The closer she got to the house the more and more her anxiety was taking over. When she finally was able to catch sight of the house with its boarded up window and vine filled brick she took a sharp inhale. The sun bounced off of what little glass from the windows was showing. She made sure her phone was on and placed it in her back pocket. "You came back here during the day, you know nothing will happen during the day." She reassured herself as she stepped out of the jeep, killing the engine. Grabbing her chain cutters from the back seat, she put them on her shoulder and closed the door. Walking out infront of her jeep with her boots crunching against the gravel she had one more statement before she would walk up to the house. "It's me or you this time."

Ashlyn wandered through the halls of the old abandoned house, passing by the other ghosts lounging about the rooms and halls. Some were reading in the studys, some were laying on the beds. Kids that were running around playing. Some of these people she could call family, like her aunt and uncle, but, she rarely saw them. They were vengeful spirits that really only came around at night, frightening anyone that was breathing enough to leave and never return. She ran her fingers through her hair and walked down the grand staircase to the room with the statues. Looking out the boarded up ceiling to floor windows she heard a car pull up just outside of the house, and a car door shut. She hid behind a statue waiting to see who would walk through the door. No one came to the house during the day, and who would want to?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo had heard the car roll up half of him was happy and the other half...the evil half was also happy but for the wrong reasons his normal half was happy that someone new was here and that he could be friends his other half was happy someone new was here who he could inflict all of his own pain and suffering of that night upon this new person.Walking well more floating down the hall and passing Ashyln by the window he went down the stairs and waited for the new arrival from the hall.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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"Where are you going Leo?" Ashlyn called from the room. She was concerned, for him and also for the person about to ruin their lives walking into the house. Anyone that wasn't afraid to talk to her during the day she would talk to. She remembered talking to kids who would roam the halls by themselves, trying to protect them from the molevelent. She had failed Leo that day and she really wouldn't let herself get over it. Anyone that she wasn't able to save from that house, she held onto. all of that guilt. It didn't help that she had to see them every day.

Elisabeth made her way to the hand carved, wooden front door. That door seemed alot bigger when she was little. Taking a deep breath and teling herself once again that she could do this, she turned the handle. To her surprise the door was unlocked and it opened. Her hand at this point was shaking. What was she going to do if she saw a ghost? Its not like she could sing at them and get rid of them, anyways she knew that not all the ghosts in the building were bad, she just knew that she couldn't be there past sunset. The door opened all the way to reveal the huge entrance way. She had flashbacks to herself running down from the stairs with her father behind her chasing her in a game of tag. Stepping inside she was completely oblivious to Leo standing there infront of her.

'Elizabeth?' Ashlyn whispered to herself as she came out from hiding. She wasn't sure if Elizabeth would remember her, so she took it slow, gliding out from where she was hiding and standing next to Leo.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo looked at ashyln " I was coming to greet our new guest. " He appears before Elizabeth" hello I'm Leo what's your name? " he said cheerfully as his other half waited for nightfall so he could be released. " I haven't seen you here before did you used to live here? "
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Hearing a voice, Elizabeth quickly turned around, pointing her clippers at Leo as if that was going to do something to protect her. "W-w-who are y-y-you?" Her voice was shaking, she was at this point terrified, not at the fact that there was a ghost there, nor that he was talking to her, but that he was asking her intelligent questions. "I-i Lived here as a child, yes" She was still shaking and she still had her clippers up. She looked to Leos right and noticed a familiar face. It was Ashlyn, a friend from her past, an unlikely sort of friend.

Ashlyn looked at Elizabeth and smiled, but with deep sadness and fear in her eyes. "Why did you come back here?" She asked warningly "It's not safe, you should know that."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo smiled" hi I'm Leo " he drifted closer " as for those clippers they're nice but sadly won't do anything welcome back to house." He said and passed through her to get to the staircase. Drifting up the stairs to go to the room he stayed in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth looked at Leo as he floated towords her. "I-i know." She said still shaking. When leo passed through her she felt a chill down her spine. A coldness and a sadness that was something she really hadn't ever felt before. "W-where are you going?" She called back at him. He had the nerve to start the conversation with her, but then was walking away. Braver than she thought she tried to control her breathing. She knew better than to start with the undead, but pressed her luck anyways. Elizabeth was here for answers and she wasn't leaving without them, or rather she would keep coming back till she got them. Turning to Ashlyn she lowered her clippers. "I need answers, I need to know what killed my father. I need to know why this house is doing this." She wished she could hug Ashlyn for the safety that she sort of provided but knew that it was a short lived comfort.

Ashlyn looked at Elizabeths and Leos encounter and frowned. She didn't really understand as to why he was being so weird. She knew him to be nice and friendly, but as everyone knew she kept to herself at night, locked away in her secret room where no one could bother her. "I know you want to find your dad, Elizabeth but hes not here. He doesn't roam these halls during the day. Do you understand. You will not find him, and if you stay long enough to, you might as well go dig your own grave." Ashlyns warning was harsh but true. It was a warning she gave everyone when they came into the house.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo had called back before he entered his room"I'm going to my room. " He floated into his room and closed the door and suddenly started shaking as his wrists opened up and he turned gray for a brief moment. "No it's not night yet" he said to himself and floated back down to were Ashyln and Elizabeth were. " Sorry about that had to take care of something" he said cheerfully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth noticed Leo come back down the stairs before She could respond to Ashlyn. "It's alright I suppose." She said wearily. She turned to start walking into the living room, the couch still sat where it once did, but this time its was weather worn and tattered. "Did you live here leo? And if you did, it would have had to be right after my mother sold the property." She said sort of gloomily. She knew that the deaths were a hard subject, but she needed to know. He looked to be rather young. A Sadness filled her eyes as she asked him and as she spoke to him. She didn't remember him to be in the house when she was there. Walking over to the fireplace, she ran her fingers over the cared stone and marble, having a flash back to having a fire built there at night and having hot chocolate one of the first nights in the house. Before they knew it to be dangerous at night.

Ashlyn looked at Leo and watched him closely. It was unlike him to be acting this way. Following Elizabeth into the living room she watched as the two of them conversed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo nodded " yeah I lived here almost right after you I don't like to talk about my death though. " 'Because when I dwell on my death the evil takes more control's he thought. "I've made friends with some of the ghosts such as Ashyln though so I'm not lonely."He said in a cheerful tone and floated over near Ashyln.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth smiled at leo and nodded. "Of course, I would assume no one likes to go back in that time." She said sympathetically.She just knew that ashlyn was a Sherman and she knew how she died. She looked over at Ashlyn to see her face when he said that he had made her as a friend. She knew how ashlyn felt when it came to the people she couldn't save. "Leo, have you met my father?" She asked almost sudden. It was nice to have friendly conversation in such a terrifying place, but she needed to know what happened to him. She was so little when he died that her mother never told her what had happened before she went insane.

Ashlyn smiled over at Leo when he came over to stand my her and called her his friend. She placed her hand on his shoulder. He knew how she felt it was her fault for what happened to him, but she also knew that she wouldn't have been able to stop it. She liked leo, he was one of the good ones.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo looked at Elizabeth " what does he look like a lot of the older ghosts like talking to me so I might have. " When Ashlyn touched his shoulder he had to stop himself from jumping in fright.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth looked over at Leo and Ashlyn with a deep sadness in her eyes. "The way I remember him was with blonde hair, but a little bit darker than mine, golden eyes, and basically looks similar to me." She said playing with her braid. Looking down at her boots she thought that if what Ashlyn said was true, then he would be lost. She wasn't even sure what she would even be able to do to help him anyways. She knew that anyone that died from the house stayed in the house.

Ashlyn Looked over at Leo and frowned. "Hes a night walker" She whispered so only Leo could hear. If he had infact seen him, he would have had to survive a night amungst the bad that resided here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo's eye widen for a fraction of a second as he remembers something.The father was one of the evil spirits who had driven him to madness and infected him with this..this evil. He looks up at her" I'm sorry no I haven't seen him. " He says lying to her face
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth frowned and looked down sad. "I just wish I knew what happened, What caused it. Do I have to stay here to find out?" She asked almost talking to her self up it was outloud. She knew that she would be digging her own grave if she were to stay here at night, but maybe that would be the only way she would find out what happened. And what if she made it out of there alive after seeing that? Would she finally be able to put all the souls stuck there to rest?

Ashlyn looked at Leo with a worried glace. "She cannot stay here at night leo, she will die." She told him. She trusted him He was one of her only friends in that house. No one wanted to associate with the girl who had the same last name as the evil that resided in the house.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo shook his head frantically "no no you can't stay here after dark!" It was more for his own sake then her he didn't want to do something he regretted when night fell. " Its way to dangerous for you. "He started to fade in and out in distress.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth looked at leo and his frantic state and tried to calm him down. "okay. okay. breathe hun. I won't stay." She did intend to leave tonight but she would be back tomorrow. "Well the sun looks like its getting ready to set, I better get going then." She said as she looked at her two friends. "I'll be back tomorrow to investigate some more, In the light." She said as she made her way out the door and into her jeep. As she was driving back to her hotel room she thought to herself. 'Ya know, If the night doesn't bother Ashlyn, Why dont I try and stay where she stays?' She pondered that for a bit before hitting her bed and falling into a deep sleep.

Ashlyn looked over at Leo and put her hand back on his shoulder. "It's okay. We better get to our rooms if we don't want to be terrorized all night." She said unknowingly. She walked back up the staircase and made her way to her hiding place where she sit and look out the window at the sun setting through the trees. It was about to begin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Leo nodded sadly " yeah better get to our rooms. " He says and acts like he is going to follow her but then stops as he knew it wouldn't make a difference if he went to his room. As the sun set his wrists opened up and his skin took on a grey color as he smiled a evil ungodly smile. He began to float around the house looking for innocent ghosts out of their rooms and anyone else he could terrorise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Elizabeth awoke with the sun shining throught the hotel curtains. She thought to herself if she was really going to do this this time. She turned on the water in the shower and ran over her plan again. 'Okay, go and search the house during the day, and pretend to leave at sunset. Then enter the house again after its dark.' She was not sure how good of an idea this plan was, but she felt she had no other ideas to try and find her father and the truth. Finishing her shower and ate the free breakfast that was offered, got in her jeep and started heading torwards the house. Elizabeth pulled up the gravel driveway and put her car in park just behind some trees, so that way when she left she could wait unspotted. Walking up the over grown pathway to the house she stopped at the front door again, taking a deep breath she opened it and walked inside.

Ashlyn had spent another successful night in her hiding spot. Knowing that Elizabeth would be back today, she made her way down from her spot and to Leos room. "Leo, Liz will be back soon, are you coming?" She called through the door. Some kids ran past her playing tag in the hallway in some 1920's attire. She really didn't know if leo was going to join her today, but she thought she would ask.
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