The House:

The Story:
This house has sat on this hill since the early 1800's. It has gone through many owners, all who have had the same terrifying experiences. This house was no normal house since the first owners resided in its walls. The Sherman family, who built this house, were your typical normal wealthy family in this time. Paid an extrodinary amount of money to build this house and all the extravagant things that sat inside. From its statues in the sun room, to its hand crafted walls in the sitting room. It's marble and stone fireplaces in almost every room, to its crystal chandelier in the forier. What came with the house was an enormous amount of land, including a like not too far from the house, and endless forest surrounding it. You cannot see this house from the road, all that is visible is a driveway with an iron gate that stays locked and chained.
The story goes is The Sherman children were playing too close to the water one day, being normal children. It was getting dark, and their mother called for them to come inside, it was time for dinner. The kids called back that they were finishing their game and would be in soon. That moment wouldn't come. This was a time when monsters and creatures of the night didn't hide in the shadows, and still very vicious. It is said that the children were taken moments after they called back to their mother. When the children didn't come back, their father came out to search for them, but all that he found was a cricket stick and a ball, and two trails of blood. He called the police and searched the property were never found.
Time went on and Mrs. Sherman couldn't take the pain any longer and one day went down to the lake and drowned herself in the water. Mr. Sherman, finding her and dragging her out, shot himself in the head, Killing him instantly. Every occupant since has had ghostly encounters and vicious attacks. The attacks, the people have died, drained of blood and two marks in their necks. One family, the last family to have lived in the house was lucky to excape, but they were haunted the rest of their lives by the trauma of the house. Since then, the house has sat vacant and rotting, but every now and then, some say that approach the house that the lights will all be lit.
Your Roll:
It is up to you on who you want to be in this story. If you want to be a former resident ghost, a curious human, or even one of the creatures of the night that have taken to reside in the home.
The Rules:
BE respectful
Follow site rules
Yall I dont want to see your sexting, take it to the PMs.
DO NOT control another persons character unless they give you the permission to
with that said no godmoding.
Preferably I would like you to make a character profile before posting in character please. It saves a whole lot of confusion.
Before you log off, please make sure you close out conversation before you go. [I am extremely guilty of this and yall can hold me just as accountable]
Have Fun!
Character Profile:
Other(Anything I left out you want to add. also optional):

The Story:
This house has sat on this hill since the early 1800's. It has gone through many owners, all who have had the same terrifying experiences. This house was no normal house since the first owners resided in its walls. The Sherman family, who built this house, were your typical normal wealthy family in this time. Paid an extrodinary amount of money to build this house and all the extravagant things that sat inside. From its statues in the sun room, to its hand crafted walls in the sitting room. It's marble and stone fireplaces in almost every room, to its crystal chandelier in the forier. What came with the house was an enormous amount of land, including a like not too far from the house, and endless forest surrounding it. You cannot see this house from the road, all that is visible is a driveway with an iron gate that stays locked and chained.
The story goes is The Sherman children were playing too close to the water one day, being normal children. It was getting dark, and their mother called for them to come inside, it was time for dinner. The kids called back that they were finishing their game and would be in soon. That moment wouldn't come. This was a time when monsters and creatures of the night didn't hide in the shadows, and still very vicious. It is said that the children were taken moments after they called back to their mother. When the children didn't come back, their father came out to search for them, but all that he found was a cricket stick and a ball, and two trails of blood. He called the police and searched the property were never found.
Time went on and Mrs. Sherman couldn't take the pain any longer and one day went down to the lake and drowned herself in the water. Mr. Sherman, finding her and dragging her out, shot himself in the head, Killing him instantly. Every occupant since has had ghostly encounters and vicious attacks. The attacks, the people have died, drained of blood and two marks in their necks. One family, the last family to have lived in the house was lucky to excape, but they were haunted the rest of their lives by the trauma of the house. Since then, the house has sat vacant and rotting, but every now and then, some say that approach the house that the lights will all be lit.
Your Roll:
It is up to you on who you want to be in this story. If you want to be a former resident ghost, a curious human, or even one of the creatures of the night that have taken to reside in the home.
The Rules:
BE respectful
Follow site rules
Yall I dont want to see your sexting, take it to the PMs.
DO NOT control another persons character unless they give you the permission to
with that said no godmoding.
Preferably I would like you to make a character profile before posting in character please. It saves a whole lot of confusion.
Before you log off, please make sure you close out conversation before you go. [I am extremely guilty of this and yall can hold me just as accountable]
Have Fun!
Character Profile:
Other(Anything I left out you want to add. also optional):