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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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"Sounds like it's not so different from any other Pokemon occupation. I've been working with Rapier for a long time, it's almost like he can read my mind. Almost." Though, in a certain way, he's being disobedient even now... I suppose I'm thankful, though.

"You don't have any other water types, then? Hmmm..." Mantine. An ocean Pokemon. Was it feeling out of place? "Let's see how she plays with others. Kawaken." At her call, the single pokeball on her belt opened and a Poliwhirl came out, quickly slipping into the fountain and waving to the Mantine.

"Hey there. I'm Kawaken, it means river fist. At least, that's what she told me. How are you?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Sarah walked on while she waited for Lorie to reply on her question where Lorie is from. Saur couldn't resist sniffing bushes to see if there were some berries eventhough he had just warned the Sneasel to not do that because of bug pokemon that might not like being disturbed.


Gabe grinned as he looked at Lucien while he walked alongside him. "What is there to tell, an island boy who never made it further then the first two gyms in Unova before heading back." He looked at his pokemon. "I got Mareep when I was following lessons on the Island. I wanted to travel and see the world. I decided I liked Tepig so I went to Unova to start traveling there but it wasn't as much fun as I though traveling alone in a far away region. So I headed back with still no clue what to do in life."
Gabe didn't mind just wandering around and living a free life but his parents would like to see him make something out of his life.
"The plains is quite a walk though, maybe we should catch the bus to Lilan Twon and head further towards the plains, I asume you have your house north of Lilan Town? I think it is mostly forest between Mespirit City and Lilan Town."

Mareep walked closer to Lucien "I'm Mareep and the other one is Machop but Gabe calls him Champ mostly. He often calls me Princess but he calls me Mareep too. I never saw an Umbreon like you before. never met an Umbreon at all." she babbled while frolicking about.
Machop grinned. Pleasure to meet you Gardevoir and Umbreon."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Sneasel looked at the Bulbasaur with a sharp gaze, scoffing a little. "Sneasel, snee snee," ('I'm strong enough to take on a poison pokemon, don't worry') it almost chuckled, diving into a bush once more despite the warning
Meanwhile Lorie walked alongside Sarah with a bone in her throat. That's how it felt, at least. The other girl had just asked Lorie where she was from and honestly, there wasn't much of a worse question she could've asked. Lorie stared ahead steadily as they walked, mulling over the words.
"It's not relevant," Lorie settled on with a sour expression on her face. She let a silence fall for a while before thinking the better of it.
"A place called Unova. It's real garbage," she offered.


Toshi nodded at the woman and looked curiously as she released a Poliwhirl named Kawaken into the fountain.
"He's cute," Toshi smiled, "hopefully Mantine won't be too rude."
The Mantine seemed to ignore Kawaken at first, only turning to look at it as it began to speak.
"I'd be fine if I wasn't here," Mantine answered, although it sounded like an animalistic noise to the two humans present. "You let that thing name you?" it continued, looking at the woman. "You know you you're much stronger than her, right?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JrVader
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Lucian looked at his map, "Yup, I guess we take a bus!" Lucian started walking to the bus stop. "Not much I can say about myself, I am from the Kalos region, and I have a sister." He felt bad not giving up much more information, but he did not feel comfortable with divulging much more.

Umbreon did not speak, as he was a bit nervous to. That and he felt comfortable being in the arms of Lucian. "Oh don't mind his lack of speech" Gardevoir says to Gabe's Pokemon "He is just very shy."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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"If I had to take a guess, your Mantine misses the ocean. But that's only a guess, so don't quote me on that." Regan shrugged. It was really the only thing she could think of right now, without anything else to go off of. "Can you tell me about how you caught your Mantine? There might be clues there, too. I caught Rapier like any other Pokemon, battled a wild Starly and caught it, but some of my other Pokemon I had more interaction with before I caught them. Like Kawaken."

"You don't like it here?" Kawaken tilted to the side thoughtfully, "I suppose I wouldn't be too happy in salt water, myself... But she doesn't make me go in to the ocean unless it's necessary." He nodded matter-of-factly, before almost scoffing at the Mantine, "you think she's weak? I don't know about that, Regan's pretty tough. She even taught me how to do this!" Kawaken dropped into a fighting stance, facing away from the Mantine and performed a Sky Uppercut into the open air. Water from the fountain came up with it, making a tiny rainbow for just a second.

"Whoa, good form, Kawaken!"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Sarah had started to think Lorie hadn't heared her question in the first place but she briefly glanced with narrowed eyes at Lorie as she said it wasn't relevant. It was supposed to be a safe topic to discuss and eventhough Sarah could understand the defensiveness it was more difficult then she thought it to be the one walking against the wall. She couldn't help but thinking during the silence that fell if others felt the same when she was evading questions and not wanting to socialise. She was glad when Lorie at least answered the question a little bit.
"Unova? I been there very briefly. It is the only region besides Kantos I got a glimps of. I dropped my brother off at the lab there. He desperatly wanted a Tepig to start with. No idea why. He never made it further then the second gym I think before he came back. He didn't like traveling alone and didn't find someone to travel with."

Saur followed sneasel. "Wait up" he said before he stopped and smelled a berry. "I think there is a berry over here." he said as he put his face in a bush. An angry Weedle stung bulbasaur with poison sting. Saur jolted back and scrambled to a safes distance. "Ouch, that hurt!" he exclaimed. Weedle came out of the bush. "My bush! Stay away!"

Sarah stopped to see what was going on. "You ok Saur?" she asked Saur turned around to Sarah and nodded. Sarah looked at the Weedle for a few seconds before she motioned Saur to follow her. Saur started to walk to Sarah when Weedle charged as fast as he could towards the Bulbasaur and used poison sting again. Saur turned around, lowered his head and stomped on the ground. Sarah paused and looked from the Weedle to her Bulbasaur. She looked at Lorie before look,ing at her Bulbasaur "Fine, Saur vine whip." Bulbasaur lashed out with his vine whip and slammed the Weedle into a tree. Sarah looked at Lorie, "I'm sorry, this will only take a sec."
Dazed the Weedle sat on the ground but it shook his head and fired a string shot a Saur. "Leech seed into the string shot!" Sarah ordered quickly and the string shot wrapped around the leech seed. Sarah looked better at the Weedle again as he came for another poison sting. she liked how determined the little bugtype was. "Saur, tackle him" Saur went head on the with Weedle and again it flew against a tree. Panting it faced Saur again. "One more vine whip." she said as she reached for a pokeball. With a little click Sarah enlarged it and threw it at the Weedle who was about to hit a tree again. The ball shook a few times when the pokemon got sucked in and Sarah held her breath until the ping sounded that indicated the catch. Sarah grinned. "Great job Saur!" she said as she petted him and opened the pokeball to take a look at Weedle. "Welcome to the team" she said. Weedle eyed Sarah silently before looking at Saur. Weedle nodded to Sarah and Sarah called him back into the pokeball.
Sarah's guard was down briefly as she was happy to have caught her first native pokemon. With a happy spark in her eye and a genuine big grin she looked at Lorie. "All done."

Gabe hardly noticed the little information that was given. "Kalos? Never been there. I have sister too, she is on the island too somewhere. Probably doing boring stuff." Gabe grinned. "Hope your sister is more fun then mine." He looked at the departure times. "Shouldn't be long till the bus hets here." Gabe paused and looked at Lucien. "Are you a trainer with a pokedex? They get to ride the public transportation for free, although the fare isn't too expensive I enjoy my free rides." he said as he felt where he had put his pokedex again. "Your Umbreon isn't too heavy to carry like that?" he asked. "Mareep likes to be carried too but I can't for too long and I think your Umbreon is at least twice as heavy."
Machop nodded, he repsected someone was shy, he was modest himself and sometimes on the shy side so he understood. "Understandable, strange place, strange people and pokemon. One would for less." he said to Gardevoir. Mareep looked disappointed. "aw, don't be shy Umbreon, tell me what is your favourite food? I like Magost Berry "

@Cio @JrVader
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Bird-like cries sounded through the sky as two Wingull seemed to be fighting over a large berry. The one in pursuit fired a Watergun and hit the one with the berry, who dropped it. The second dove after it, snatched it up and flew away, but the first used a Quick Attack and snatched the berry again.
The fight continued for a while until a Supersonic confused the other Wingull so much, it flew into a building and dropped to the ground. The other Wingull quickly snatched the berry and flew off.

The Wingull lay in the ground, unconsious. Luckily there is a Pokemon center not too far away.

From a nearby tree a Spinirak lowered itself. It looked at the two trainers, one of them had just caught a Weedle. Without a warning tt fired two String Shots, aimed at the two trainers, and then quickly went up the tree again.

A bus was doing its route in Mesperit city, closing in on the busstop near Gabe and Lucien. It would be a couple of minutes before it would stop there and let the passengers out. The same warning poster that hung on the kiosk hung on the wall of the busstop.
Spinarak and Ariados spotted near the cave.
Guided tours to the cave are still leaving every two hours,
but it is adviced to stay on the road and do not enter the forest by yourself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JrVader
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Lucian smiles while looking down at Umbreon. "Nah, I guess i'm used to carrying this little bugger. I guess it also helps that he is the runt of the litter." He gives the Umbreon a small pat. "And yes, I have a Pokedex, though its not as filled as I would like it to be." Just then, Umbreon nudges Lucian. "What is it buddy, want to be let down? Okay than." he lets down the shiny Umbreon to play with the other Pokemon.

Umbreon shyly comes up to Machop and nudges it with her snout. "Oh come on Umbreon, You have to be more nice than that. Use your words." Gardevoir said. Umbreon looked at Gardevoir and shakes her head. "I am sorry for this embarrassing behavior. She is usually not like this." Gardevoir explains to the other Pokemon. "And to answer your question Mareep, her favorite food is a Cheri Berry"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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"Oh, um... I caught her on the way here, actually! Using Skip here, we caught her a few days ago," Toshi explained just as a fainted wingull hit the ground. Toshi panicked, looking at Regan:
"That wingull really took a hit, we've got to help!" he exclaimed, running up to it.
It was fully fainted, just lying there when Toshi got to it.
"Is there a pokemon centre close by?!" the leaf haired boy asked, carefully cradling the injured bird in his arms.


Lorie had been too in her thoughts to really pay attention to what their pokemon had been doing. She had been listening to Sarah and her experience with Unova. It didn't change the girl's opinion, although she was intriqued by this 'Kalos' place. Then Sneasel was there, dashing out of the bush with Saur, who had gotten stung by an angry worm. Lorie didn't recognize the pokemon, but there was really nothing new there. She only knew some Unova pokemon, period.

"Nice c-" Lorie was about to remark as Sarah succeeded in her task, but she got cut off by something sticky grabbing her back. "Hey! What the..." Lorie shouted. Sneasel came running to her, eyes blazing as it looked around for the source. "C'mon, help me out of this sticky thing..." Lorie snapped. Sneasel nodded, cutting through the string shot with his extremely sharp claws.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"What, from the ferry?" They were lucky a herd of them didn't get mad about it. She would have had to respond to that. Well, it ended up going alright, so she supposed it didn't matter now.

Before she could seriously consider asking anything, a couple of Wingull got in a serious fight! She didn't think infighting normally got this heated was there a disturbance in the area? A sudden influx of trainers, maybe, but wouldn't that mean more food? Hmm... May it was just a delicacy? Did wild Wingull have such a concept? She would have to keep an eye out for other strange behavior.

"A Pokemon Center? Yeah, I was on my way there. It's right down the street, this way. Uh, hey, why don't we..." She opened up her bag and flopped her Ranger hat onto her head, before reaching back in. "I should have one or two in here... Somewhere... Ah." She pulled out a pokeball, expanded it, and offered it to the Wingull. "Hey, Wingull, can you hear me? We'll take you to get healed, and then release you again." Was it capable of responding right now? She could only hope.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

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Sarah wanted to turn to start walking further to Lilan Town when she noticed her foot was stuck. She looked down and she furrowed her brow as she regonised the string shot. "Spinarak." she almost growled. "Saur, cut me loose." she ordered her Bulbasaur. Saur nodded and used vine whip to free his trainer. Sarah looked around as Saur freed her. A Spinarak attacking trainers seldom was alone. Soon enough Sarah spotted some small green spider pokemon in the trees around them and their beady black eyes were locked on them. There were lots of kind Spinarak but there were a few groups that were pests. When a few lowered themselves Sarah swallowed. "Lorie, watch out. There are Spinarak in the trees and they are not friendly." she said in a hushed tone. "Let's back away slowly." she said as as she did just that, hoping to get enough distance before they could haste away.

One Spinarak shot another string shot, barely missing Sarah. Another shot towards Saur.
Sarah took two pokeballs from her belt and let the pokemon out that were in it. "Abra, Gira, help us." Abra and Girafarig appeared and noticed the Spinarak right away. "Abra, use teleport to creatwe a diversion, taunt them, Gira use confusion." Abra nodded and hit a Spinarak before teleporting away when he was about to get hit, every time he re-appeared he teleported again when a string shot was fired. Gira used Confusion to stop other incoming string shot.

Gabe looked at the Umbreon. "My pokedex is virtually empty." Gabe said with a shrug. "I plan to travel the islands a bit and catch some pokemon and fill up my pokedex a bit more." looked at the sign. "The bus should be here in a couple of minutes. Seems like the spinarak are causing trouble around the cave. Annoying little pokemon. One time I was with a friend in the forest and they attacked us with string shot. We had trouble to get away from them." Gabe said shaking his head. It was starting to be a funny anekdote but it was still pretty fresh.
"One of the dangers of traveling the forests. You are lucky on the plains there aren't that many spinarak." Gabe said with a grin.

Mareep wanted to walk up to Umbreon but decided to walk to Gardevoir instead, not wanting to scare the pokemon off who was just making contact with Machop. "Oohhh cheri berries are nice too. But its ok, she'll warm up to us. I'm sure Umbreon has a beautiful voice." Mareep said confidently.
Machop smiled at Umbreon. "It's ok, I aprreciate the gesture alone. They say actions speak louder then words afterall. All in good time" He listenend to Mareep and chuckled. "Yeah she will make sure of that, Mareep is very likeable and she has a good infuence on pokemon to get to open up. I on the other hand have a more calming influence."

@Cio @JrVader
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

The Wingull lay motionless on the ground, the rising and falling of its chest showed it was still alive, but it was unresponsive. Whatever method would be chosen, it was best to get the injured Pokémon to the Pokémon Center.

The Spinarak didn't seem to follow Sarah as she backed away. They continued to fire string shots at the Pokémon within range, but they weren't going to leave the safety of their trees and fight. The Spinarak trying to get the Abra did sound annoyed when the shots kept missing, but it too didn't give any impression of wanting to pursue the Pokémon when it teleported out of range.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

No response. "Best carry it, then. Let's go." The less the Wingull was moved, the better. The next transfer should be to a stretcher or bed, if possible. Regan led the way down the street, returning Kawaken to his ball on the way. She stopped for a moment and found her bird, "Rapier, help me keep a clear path." She stopped for a moment to put on as much of her uniform as she could quickly. She had the hat and jacket, she should grab the gloves and put them on while on the move. She was wearing the boots, and her pants were, ah, close enough. She just had to make a strong enough impression.

Rapier flew high and assessed the crowds, finding places that were crowded and obstructed the path to the Center. Regan would be leading the way, he just had to bring her the appropriate attention. He would accomplish this with screeches and, if necessary, a gentle gust.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JrVader
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"Yeah, I guess I am a lucky duckling." Lucian said. He was looking down, contemplating his next action. Once he decided to trust Gabe, he said "Hey, can I tell you something?"

Umbreon looked up at Gardevoir, who was looking at Lucian, her eyes wide. "Lucian, do you think this is a wise choice?" She asked. He responded by shooting her a glare.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

@CitrusArmsThe Wingull made a faint sound, but otherwise it didn't look like it was regaining consciousness.

@Cio@SaleneaThe Spinarak seemed to make pleased noises as they saw the human with the Bulbasaur retreat. They kept a close eye on the Pokémon near them, ready to attack with Poison Sting if they got too close.

@JrVaderYou see something glitter in the sunlight, something is lying on the side of the road.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Gabe looked at Lucian. "Sure, you can tell me anything." He said, wondering what it could be. Gabe glanced at the clock but he figured there was enough time to tell what ever it was. It was quiet around as mist from the ferry had gone already and the next ferry would take a while.

"something wrong? Machop asked. "is it a secret?" Mareep asked with big eyes almost burning with curiosity. "Gabe can be trusted, he never spills thing told in secret."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Regan led the way to the nearby pokecenter, stopping at the automatic sliding doors and turning to face her bird. "Rapier, I want you to look into this incident. Fighting over food is one thing, but to take it this far is abnormal. Was it just that one Wingull, being ornery, or is there something upsetting the Pokemon around here? I don't have enough information, go check it out."

Rapier took flight as Regan disappeared into the building, getting some height to get a look around. Maybe he'd find a Wingull to talk to, see if it would say anything interesting. Or, perhaps there was a disturbance he'd be able to see from above.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

One Wingull sat on a roof near the Pokémon Center, using her beak to clean the feathers on her chest. She noticed a trainer running towards the Center with one of her kind in the arms. With a mild interest she looked at it and then at the large bird-Pokémon who flew up, but soon the interest in the scene faded and she returned to working on her feathers.

A few Wingull were in the harbour, their squeaks sounded like they were battling over some food there.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Rapier landed on the roof of the center first. Information, huh? There was a Wingull nearby on the roof, that was as good a place as any to start. "Excuse me, hello. Beautiful plumage, you must take good care. I'm new in the area, do you mind talking for a minute?" He settled himself down on his perch, getting comfy. "Lots of humans seem to pass through here. You must see a lot of different things from them."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

The Wingull looked at the new arrival and had a mild curiosity for him. When he mentioned she took good care of her plumage, she let out a pleased sound and nodded to show he was correct.
"Yeah, I do see a lot from here," she said. "I know you are new. What do you want to know?"
While she had looked at Rapier when saying that, she looked at the ground now to keep an eye on things happening down there. Someone could drop something edible after all, but she would give this Pokémon as many minutes as he wanted to talk with her.
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