Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Sweet, now it's extra hard to avoid the mean guy!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Most of the goblins would find themselves torn between an admiration of his skill and a repulsion from his weight, gluttony, ugliness, and lack of combat prowess. They wouldn't mind his language or rudeness, though. Not much. Deeds are what count for the goblins, not words. Saying mean words doesn't make anyone worse off. Taking way too much food from the granary and having to put up with it because the tribe can't afford to lose his skills is another thing.

Also, keep in mind that even with human clothes, he'd still go barefoot. That's something all goblins do and would find very strange if he didn't.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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That's understandable, overeating when getting enough food to survive is a struggle would quickly piss off the people you live with. As for the shoes, that's okay, I was initially planning for him to have those cloth covering, but if it's that strange, then he probably would avoid that. It makes sense since he hasn't worn shoes for most of his life anyways.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RisqueBoots
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Given the tribal thing, I imagine being chunky is admired (since it'd mean you rightly earned more food from the chief) as long as it's paired with being strong and muscular in the case of men or voluptuous for women.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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The goblins would find the idea of shoes confusing. They pity humans and other races who use footwear apart from maybe those wraps for being "crippled", as they "can't walk much without having to strap something on" and "they were born deformed, unable to even walk far without having to cover themselves."


If it is accompanied by strength, it is liked, but not so much for the females. That appearance gives male goblins the impression that she is already pregnant and that they would be wasting their energy by mating with her. That said, they do enjoy a well-developed female, as far as her ability to nurse is concerned. I would say more, but I need to keep this PG-13 in the public forum. :)
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RisqueBoots
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Ahh, that makes sense! Also, I've edited in a "items" section on my sheet to keep track of anything noteworthy. Atm just the shaman's hut and the shaman's necklace, and likely to stay that sparse for a good awhile.

Also-Also, fun random trivia! Improper shoes, like the kind people used all the time in the old days and still do sometimes presently, will actually jack your feet up on long walks. It's because the sole is flat and hard, so your foot can't do the stuff it's designed to do properly. So in some ways the goblin's are kinda right.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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I guess that's true. I was kinda hinting at the fact that goblins have thick skin on their feet, a bit like hobbits. Of course, I think Tolkein's estate's lawyers would snipe me from 300 meters away if I used "hobbit" in anything. :D
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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I can't believe I didn't think of that considering my guy is the greedy A-hole! Just gonna steal that idea real quick.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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I think I'll add an items section too. Not that there's a lot for me to add.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RisqueBoots
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Oh hey, Larissa also seems fun. Gotta have a local gossip!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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I also needed someone who contrasts with Cyrus. Larissa wouldn't make it long in the woods, or in combat. Not that she's weak, but she is a perfect candidate for being a damsel in distress if exposed to danger.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Larissa definitely seems fun - Clelk is gonna be extremely jealous over that pillow of hers though (and probably respect her taste in human-made items)!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Larissa would reluctantly give him a massage in exchange for something of value, but she'd give him nothing more than that. The pillow is useful for her clients, so they have something to rest on while she rubs them down. I forgot to mention she has a table as well. I better add that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Man, I'm pretty excited for this to start up! Already have a basic idea of what Clelk is gonna do.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RisqueBoots
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Also excited, though I'm still not entirely sure on personal goals for Jig yet. Probably just try not to mess her job up.

What kinda plans do you have for Clelk?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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We can start tomorrow. I think we're still waiting on one person to make his/her character(s).
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Mostly making more weapons and trading them around the tribe for human items - or just hoarding them for the inevitable raid and selling them at a marked up price.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Jig would have to serve the tribe's needs. Her goals would have to fit into that framework. Being shaman is a big responsibility, second only to that of the chief.

Speaking of which, if the fourth player doesn't play the chief, does anyone want to play him?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RisqueBoots
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ahhh, Clelk gonna do the markup scam :p

Also I imagined that would be the case as far as Shaman responsibilities. I do have a vague idea of what that entails, but if you have thoughts/details on the subject you can toss at me I'd appreciate it!

As to the Chief, I'd prefer not to be both Shaman and Chief for obvious reasons.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I'd rather not play chief as well, it seems like a bit of an intense role since it's the leader.
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