This is for reserved characters only. Please do not post in here unless your character has been accepted.
![]() _______________________________________________ Your character's full name. _______________________________________________ Their birthday | Age | Ethnicity _______________________________________________ Martial Status | ♂/♀ | Sexuality _______________________________________________ Their education | Occupation (Student, occupant, teacher, staff, etc) _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________ //Basics: • Height | feet'inches" • Weight | lbs, please • Build | Their body type • Hair Color | Hair Color • Eye Color | Eye color Miscellaneous Items ___________________________________ //Every Day Carry: • Item | Description | A p p e a r a n c e D e t a i l s Give a short description of your character's appearance that isn't covered by the picture (Or describe your character in detail should you not have a faceclaim or picture). |
Supply a short description of your character's personality. One or two paragraphs should do, but be as in depth as you like.
C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s
A short history of your character's life before coming to The Promise.
A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s
Superhuman Ability | Ability Moniker
Give a detailed description of your character's abilities.
Limitation(s) | Give a detailed description of the ability's limitations.
Weakness(es) | Give a detailed description of the ability's weaknesses.
Give a detailed description of your character's abilities.
Limitation(s) | Give a detailed description of the ability's limitations.
Weakness(es) | Give a detailed description of the ability's weaknesses.
Skill name | Any notable skills your character possesses.
Any other information pertaining to the character that is not covered in the section above.
[hider][color=][CENTER][h1][b]N A M E[/b][/h1][/CENTER]
[center][img]No anime[/img]
[sub]Your character's full name.
Their birthday [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Their age [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Caucasian
Martial Status [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] ♂/♀ [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Sexuality
Their education [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Occupation (Student, occupant, teacher, staff, etc)
Physical Profile[/sub]
[COLOR=]• [b]Height[/b] |[/color] [color=white][i]feet'inches"[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Weight[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]lbs, please[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Build[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]Their body type[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Hair Colour[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]What color is your character's hair[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Eye Colour[/b] | [color=White][i]Eye color[/i][/color][/COLOR][/sub]
[/hider][CENTER][SUB]Miscellaneous Items[/sub]
[sub][b]//Every Day Carry:[/b]
[COLOR=White]• [b]Item[/b] | [i]Description[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider]
[/cell][cell][sub][b][u] A p p e a r a n c e D e t a i l s [/u][/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Give a short description of your character's appearance that isn't covered by the picture (Or describe your character in detail should you not have a faceclaim or picture).
[/cell][/row][/table][/color][color=][sub][b][u] P e r s o n a l i t y [/u][/b][/sub][/color]
[INDENT][color=white]Supply a short description of your character's personality. One or two paragraphs should do, but be as in depth as you like.[/color][/indent]
[color=][sub][b][u] C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s [/u][/b][/sub]
A short history of your character's life before coming to The Promise.
[sub][b][u] A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s [/u][/b][/sub]
[INDENT][COLOR=White][b][i]Superhuman Ability[/i][/b] | [i]Ability Moniker[/i]
Give a detailed description of your character's abilities.
[COLOR=White][b][i]Limitation(s)[/i][/b] | Give a detailed description of the ability's limitations.
[COLOR=White][b][i]Weakness(es)[/i][/b] | Give a detailed description of the ability's weaknesses.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
[INDENT][COLOR=White][b][i]Skill name[/i][/b] | Any notable skills your character possesses.[/COLOR]
[sub][b][u] O T H E R [/u][/b][/sub]
[color=White][indent]Any other information pertaining to the character that is not covered in the sections above.[/INDENT][/COLOR][/color]