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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Zarkun, @EliteCommander, @Sep

With the grew of the Daedalus wrapping up their conversation with Falul, it seemed like the appropriate time for the bounty hunter to speak with him. Slowly she began walking towards the tall alien, her cannon still holstered to her side and looked up at him as her shiny green visor reflected the harsh white lights above. If one could look closely, they may be able to faintly see the faint reflection of the bounty hunter's bluish-green eyes hidden through the artificial-green tinge of her helmet.

"And how exactly do I prove to you my worth, alien?" Samus bluntly asked as if she was just responding his initial comment, "And if I do match or heighten your expectations, what will I receive in return?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 day ago

Falul 'Taham - Briefing Room

Falul had given his offer to the Humans, and a generous one at that. Though, as much as it frustrated him, he could see that they were not as efficient in their decision-making as he was. They had, a few times, referenced their own shipmaster and implied he was not among those present, which meant they were envoys who would have to relay their knowledge and opinions to their superior. It was an inconvenience, but not something he could not tolerate. For now, Falul had more he could do.

The mercenary had approached Falul, and seeing as he did not yet believe her to be beneath his attention, he did at least acknowledge her questions. "You may begin by demonstrating some measure of patience, mercenary. I do not have a task for you, but if this problem of returning to our home universes requires more than we have aboard our ships, that may change. Should I have need of you, then I would pay you as I pay my Kig-Yar: weapons and technology. If it is true that we are from different universes, then what I offer is technology entirely alien to your reality. I am sure you can find some value to that."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bridge of the Resurgence

As the conversations continued down in the briefing room, Wampa Squad was already geared up and heading for their shuttle, the coordinates for a hangar for spec ops ships in the Drive Yards of Kuat already pre-programmed along with the codes to get onboard. Their mission was straight forward, get in, find their way to the database and find any information they can on the Assimilator-Class star destroyers mentioned in the report that Winter was sure they had received by accident due to the protocols they ran on. As per usual, Niner was vocal about his problems with the mission.

"So we're running the risk of exposing that we're not from here or from this time, all because this alternate reality has a class of ship we didn't? So what? We should be trying to get back. The Remnant's going-" Winter's voice cut him off, cold and professional as always.

"Can it, Niner. We don't know how long getting back is going to take, and the more we know about this time's Empire, the better." As Winter finished, Eighty spoke up.

"Not to mention that with the Empire being the big player even now, they may be tied to what we're doing here. Regardless, it's something to do other than sit around the ship, so quit complaining and let's get this done." Niner didn't respond and Sharp just shook his head, but the squad boarded the shuttle and the pilot took off, with hyperspace soon swallowing it up after.

Meanwhile, Jerus still stood, watching the groups who hadn't yet left converse. He kept an eye specifically on the bounty hunter and when the Shipmaster turned her down for a lack of work, he smiled softly. Clearing his throat, he indicated the bounty hunter. "Mind if I have a word?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

The Resurgence - Briefing Room

As everyone got up to leave, he picked up the transmission on his omni-tool, and listened to it intently. The Separatists, whoever they were had lost handily to the Empire, they weren't joking around these guys, and Travis had a brief doubt about how they would handle these guys. Their current engines weren't equipped enough to to travel this galaxy, and he doubted they could rebuild a relay from scratch. But the crew of one of the other human ships approached them with an offer to bring them through their warp window.

As they were about to return a reply one the other groups of aliens in the room spoke The way they carried themselves they reminded him of the Turian's, if they had a squid face, and a split jaw. As they spoke about the other humans in their universe, he came to understand that perhaps that was humanities main-stay across the multiverse. The ability to face odds that would make other races turn, and run. The plucky underdog must run through them. Turning to one of the other humans who approached him, he spoke again. "We'd appreciate it. I'm sure there is a deal we can work in in return for letting us tail you." Travis said, giving the other group of people a nod.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Zarkun, @EliteCommander

"You may begin by demonstrating some measure of patience, mercenary. I do not have a task for you, but if this problem of returning to our home universes requires more than we have aboard our ships, that may change. Should I have need of you, then I would pay you as I pay my Kig-Yar: weapons and technology. If it is true that we are from different universes, then what I offer is technology entirely alien to your reality. I am sure you can find some value to that."

The bounty hunter simply nodded at the alien's response.

"I've seen many unique species back in my universe," Samus responded as she fiddled with her arm-cannon, "But as far as I know, I've not seen anyone like you. If I had, I'd have already known who you are. Thus, I know little about what tech you have in your possession, but I suppose whatever you have will at least compliment my own. I'll be around."

With that Samus turned her back towards the entrance and gave a small confirming wave as she began heading to the door. However, before she could exit, she'd be called out by someone else.

"Mind if I have a word?"

Samus turned towards the figure in question, a person she vaguely recognized from during the debriefing. It appeared he too was a crew member of the Resurgence of some kind.

"Yes, what is it?" she'd simply ask.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Resurgence Briefing Room

Jerus beckoned the person to follow him and set out from the briefing room. Jason had, before the meeting, promoted him to general, as all Jedi Knights and Masters had been during the Clone Wars, but they weren't advertising that to their new allies just yet. But this particular person, this mystery merc, as it were, well, something about them made him feel alright around them. "So you're a bounty hunter, right? That's good, because I'm going to need a second person getting bounties if we're going to have a steady income to be able to pay for information and such. Here though, most of the bounty work comes from the Hutt Cartel, most powerful criminal empire in the galaxy. Think you can live with that?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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"So you're a bounty hunter, right?

"Affirmative." Samus confidently replied as he listened to the rest of what the man had to say.

He talked about how they were needing a second bounty hunter to help them retrieve credits and info about the Empire. However, Samus would have to primarily rely in getting such jobs from the criminal organization known as the Hutt Cartel, which apparently was the largest in this galaxy. The bounty hunter had primarily gained her services towards the Galactic Federation back in her universe, however she occasionally took up the offer from smaller organizations or even several criminal gangs of her choosing so this was nothing new.

"As long as I'd get payment afterwards," she answered, "Then they'll do."

Samus would then quickly proceed to ask the man a simple question.

"And if I may ask," the bounty hunter began, "Who might you be? I believe you are part with those onboard this vessel, but you definitely do not look like the other soldiers on board."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Aboard the Resurgence

Jerus chuckled at the question. "No, I certainly don't. The name's Jerus Je'and, former communications officer here aboard the Resurgence. Now, I'm...well, for now, let's just say I'm coming out of my bounty hunter retirement." He nodded at a group of clone troopers as they marched past, before leading them back into the hangar. "I'm glad to hear that so long as you're paid, you'll do the work. Hutts can be nasty bastards when they want to be. Slugs are known to throw those who displease them into their arenas with their favorite pets."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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McKay nodded. "That is, fair I guess." He looked over to see Sheppard beckoning him over. "We'll be in touch soon no doubt, though it looks like it's time for us to-" He signalled over to Sheppard. Not sure what the 'goodbye' protocol was for when dealing with an alien species from another universe. "-Uh. Yeah."

Meanwhile, Sheppard was saying his goodbyes to the crew of the Glasgow. "We'll be in touch with details about the Hyperspace jump, but we better report back to the Daedalus' commander." He offered a half salute before walking out of the room.

The rest of the team joined him Ronon, however, was the last one to leave, keeping his eyes on the Broodmother and the Sangheili as he left. Even once they left the briefing room he kept glancing back to see if they were being followed. There was something he liked about this 'Shipmaster Falul'. The way he was no-nonsense get the job done, it's one of the things he liked about Sheppard and felt like the rest of the humans from Earth lacked. Even Caldwell who had proved himself competent but still relied on protocol put in place by people who likely had no idea what the situation on the ground was.

McKay did a short jog hop to catch up with Sheppard. "So I see you're making friends?"

"Just about as much as you are. Offered them a ride with the Daedalus."

McKay scoffed. "Are you insane? The Daedalus' hyperdrive isn't made for transporting two ships."

"Relax Rodney, it's just a short hop away. It'll be a tax on the hyperdrive I'm sure but with you and Hermiod I'm sure you can keep the hyperdrive from falling apart. Commander Erthos already offered to retrofit their ship with one of their hyperdrives. So it'll probably be just one trip, two at most." Sheppard shrugged as he continued walking down the corridor, pausing slightly at a junction, as if not entirely sure on what way to go before turning right to go down the corridor. They eventually came to the hangar, without an escort this time they had much more time to look around at the processes going on. Various robotic units dotted around the hangar, working away on a variety of projects. They seemed to be assisted by some of the living beings of the ship.

Sheppard's eye was drawn to some of the craft that littered the hangar deck, and there were a lot of them. "I don't think we're at the point where you can ask to take one for a joy ride."

Sheppard shot a dirty look at Ronon. "I wasn't thinking about that, I was just interested in their technology, the same as Rodney is when he's doing his scans."

Rodney looked up from the handheld scanner he was walking around glued too. "Huh?"

"See. Exactly. These are foreign, alien powers. They could have technology that could be useful to us in our fight against the Wraith, as I don't know if any of you noticed but so far we've come up with zip in terms of new technology to fight the Wraith."

Rodney nodded. "He's right. In some way these people aren't as advanced as what we have, the readings I'm getting from their shielding are virtually non-existent. Yet the power input their reactor has? It's insane, the way their transport flies without any visible engines. That's so far ahead of us it is unreal. Its almost as if they've stagnated for years technologically."

"Then perhaps they will be valuable allies indeed." Teyla was the next one to speak up.

Forever the pessimist Rodney looked at her with a worried face. "So long as they don't drag us into their war first."

Everyone turned to look at Rodney. "Need I remind you that in that briefing room the main piece of information we got was Empire bad."

Sheppard nodded. "It did seem a little bit that way, if we first come across the Empire while we're flying with the Resurgence I can almost guarantee how it will end. I've seen that look before though, that's the look of a man who has been at war for a very long time."

Ronon grunted. "It is the look of a man who has lost everything, and fighting to get it back."

Sheppard nodded his thanks as a random deckhand noticed them walking around looking lost and pointed towards one of the dropships. "It's that one Sirs."

They all took their place in the main body of the craft. "Well. We got a lot to talk to Caldwell about." The doors closed as the craft lifted off the deck, flew through the shield and headed out into space on a return voyage to the Daedalus.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Broodmother Kasira

The Broodmother listened carefully until the meeting had come to an end. The information that she was given would definitely come in useful, if she survives the oncoming days. Two pieces of information highlighted themselves above all else, however. The first was that she could definitely not trust anyone here. The Terrans from her universe had solidified the fact that there was going to be very little working-together with anyone by breaking any trust she had been granted. If he had not stated what the Zerg did during the war, Kasira could have spoken trust into the others. But now, she was just a six legged monstrosity to them. She wasn't sure if she expected to be shot in the back at any instant, however she still wasn't sure she could trust anyone's true intentions. She knew that most of them wanted to get rid of this Empire, but she didn't know their own agendas, their private goals.

The second important piece of information was navigational data. At least now she knew where she could go, and she was given some potential options by the Supreme Commander. Broodmother Kasira found it hard to pick which one she could go to, and so settled her thoughts; there was plenty of time to choose a destination. "I thank you for your hospitality. I will be in contact," the Broodmother says to the remains of the meeting, before turning to walk out of the room - two Zerglings in front, and two behind, all of which glared at whoever was near. Kasira felt immediate relief at leaving the room, but knew that her true relief would come when she arrives back at the Leviathan.

The Overlord and it's protection were all still waiting for her when the Broodmother arrived in the hangar. None even took a glance at her, they were all intent on protecting the transport, as per her will. Only did they climb inside once Kasira was in, and together they exited the hangar, making their way back to the Leviathan.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 day ago

Falul 'Taham - The Immaculate Aegis

Falul had done what he could aboard the Resurgence. He had spoken to those he felt might advance his goals, and he had both the navigational data and other information provided by Erthos. While most of them likely had differing motivations, for the moment, he did believe that they each had the same goal of returning to their respective homes. The only one he was skeptical of was Erthos, because if it was true that this was his universe in a different time, then what happened here might influence the state of Erthos' own time. Out of everyone, Erthos' goals were the ones that could change most easily.

However, insofar as their short-term goals were concerned, Falul doubted there would be many differences of opinion. Regardless of what approaches they intended to take to find their ways back to their home universes, their ships would need a place to refuel and resupply. The Immaculate Aegis was a warship stocked with enough weapons and supplies to siege entire worlds, but it was still not a self-sufficient vessel. Falul was not going to gamble on this being resolved quickly, so they needed to find at least some place they could call a fallback point. Whether or not that would be one of the places Erthos had suggested remained to be seen. Falul's guards followed as he led them back to the hangar at which they had arrived, and back to their phantom.

Once back on his ship, Falul went immediately back to the bridge to resume his duties as Shipmaster. The ship's spirit had already interpreted the data that had been sent to the Aegis, and Falul had the datapad Erthos gave him sent to one of their Huragoks to examine. With luck, they would be able to make their own ship's systems compatible with, at the very least, the communications technology used in this universe. Though, he made sure the Huragok's first order was to have the data translated and sent to his own console. He needed to read about these planets Erthos had mentioned, as well as any others that might be in the area.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Egg Carrier

Sonia witnessed the figure of Tarkin appear on the hologram emitter. As she listened to him, Eggman was talking into her ear-piece, so as to not alert Tarkin. "He's not as much like me as i had hoped. He sounds far more like Nega. Even more evil me from an alternate dimension. Nice sense of dress, but a poor understanding for the rules of warfare. Doublecrossed everyone stupid enough to work with him, even me." Eggman sighed. K'Tari looked at Eggman.

"So... We shouldn't trust him?" She asked.

"Not even slightly. He's going to take what he wants and crush us. Look, you CAN get him talking, i know you Sonia, you've got that same whiley attitude that made me want to kill your father." Eggman grunted. "2 more minutes and we are gone."

"2 more minutes and we won't exist anymore..." K'Tari replied. As she did so, they were approached by Koffal.

"Empire... Evil... Slaughtered Poggle... Slaughtered people... Slaughter me... Slaughter... Last chance..." It rasped, rubbing the egg. "We will not... Surrender..." It hissed angrily. Sonia, on the otherhand, had other idea's.

"Admiral, i find these accusations of attacks on your vessels proposterous. We defended ourselves during an illegal search. And we did not Conspire with the Seperatists. They asked for military assistance and we told them that we would remain neutral in this affair. We have no quarrel with you. As such, we will surrender, as to maintain this neutrality." She said. She pressed a button "Bridge, power down, we are going to accept the Admiral's gracious offer." She said. She then bowed to him. "Please expect us soon." She pressed the off button, then immediately turned to the comm. "Eggman, how long will the charge in the Special Zone drive hold?" She asked.

"You mean not draining the charge? That's going to cause all kinds of hell." He replied.

"HOW LONG?" She yelled.

"Maybe 2-3 hours... Then the capacitors will give out and we'll have maybe 2-3 minutes to live." He sighed.

"Good." She replied. Well, here goes her gambit. "Jack, Oglivie and K'Tari, meet me on the landing pad." She ordered. K'Tari nodded to Eggman, before rushing to the landing pad. Eggman was left with Koffal.

"Alright, Mr Koffal, let's get you ready for battle." He grinned.


At the Landing pad, a pair of Egg-Pawns stood in front of the shuttle. "K'Tari, you're positive that you can make it work?" Sonia asked.

"Of course, disappearance spells are a specialty." She bowed. Jack snickered next to her.

"Yeah, it's the reappearance part that screws you." He laughed. He was then hit round the back of the head by K'Tari.

"HEY, THAT ONLY HAPPENED ONCE!!!" Oglivie sighed.

"Are you sure that it'll fool their scanners?" He asked.

"It'll fool ours." Jack replied. K'Tari nodded.

"I'll stay with you two, Jack will search out their power core and place these explosives." She said, waggling a pair of circular devices with Eggman's face on them. "If they try anything funny, they're gonna have a nasty shock." She smiled. She then ran around Jack with a piece of chalk. She draw a ring around him, before drawing a few magic symbols. She then grabbed a pouch from her belt and dipped her finger in, before running it down Jack's face. She then danced backwards and began speaking in tongues, before pulling a handfull of, what looked like herbs, from a pouch, then blew it in his face. As she did, he disappeared. "That'll last 90 minutes." She stated. "Come on, let's go." She stated. Boarding the shuttle, it launched and travelled across space. They watched out of the window as the last of the Seperatist ships were getting destroyed in a hail of cannonfire. As the shuttle flew, it was joined by 4 TIE escorts.

"We're in the thick of it now..." Oglivie replied. He wasn't wearing his armour and was feeling a little exposed. They had specifically ordered no weapons and it had been quite some time since he had gone into a fight without it. The Shuttle approached the immense, gaping maw of the hangar and was swallowed by it, the shuttle landed and They approached the ramp to descend. Oglivie took a deep breath, his legs were itching and he knew that he was going to get the chance to run rings around these people. As the ramp lowered, they slowly descended and were met by a host of Stormtroopers. As they stood, looking around, Jack, unbeknown to anyone, slipped silently out of the shuttle and headed down a hallway. He had 80 minutes to find the reactor and plant his bombs.


Outside of the Vengeance

As the shields dropped around the Vengeance to allow the Shuttle to pass through, coincidentally, the EggRobo that they had sent out was floating nearby, passing through the energy shield with the shuttle. It was moving substantially slower as to not raise any attention to itself. As the shuttle moved down to the hangar, the EggRobo continued to float lazily onwards toward the nose of the hull, it landed and its magnetic feel latched on. The Egg Robo looked around, before beginning to slowly march along the hull, it was going to have to find a way in.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago




Samus was somewhat surprised that this Jerus was indeed a bounty hunter of some kind. He looked rather unassuming of that role, however she's learned not to underestimate those within that profession.

"I'm glad to hear that so long as you're paid, you'll do the work. Hutts can be nasty bastards when they want to be. Slugs are known to throw those who displease them into their arenas with their favorite pets."

The armored figure simply scoffed at that notion.

"Then they've certainly not met someone like me. They'd not be disappointed." she replied as she glanced at her cannon. She'd then look back at the man, "Which one of these 'Hutts' do you recommend?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hangar of the Resurgence

"Well, we'd need to get closer to Tatooine for the best work, but I'll have to find out what's close. Might be able to reach Nar Shaadaa..." Jerus looked out over the hangar, watching the hustle and bustle. "Truth be told, the only expensive thing we face is keeping your out of universe identity a secret. Someone's going to ask where you got such a suit of armor eventually. Got a cover story for that yet?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago




"Truth be told, the only expensive thing we face is keeping your out of universe identity a secret. Someone's going to ask where you got such a suit of armor eventually. Got a cover story for that yet?"

Samus cocked her cannon as it issued a low-sounding hum. "It's not their business to know." she bluntly replied as she checked her weapon's stats, "As long as it gets the job done, they shouldn't have the need to care. All I care is for me to profit. If it's worth it, I'll do it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hangar of the Resurgence

"That works fine when you have a reputation in this universe." Jerus turns to face the armored individual. "But here? You're a nobody, which means the Hutts are going to ask questions and want answers and if we don't give them, they'll find someone who can get them and that'll be a whole new level of problems for us." Resuming walking, he approaches the ship in the hangar that looks like it's hers. "Just, uh, give that some thought while we figure out where we're headed. I'll be in touch." And then he was gone, strolling back towards where they'd entered the hangar, heading to the armory to get his beskar'gam out of it and dust it off. The Shadowed Hand was coming back and this universes scum and villainy would fear him, just like those in his own time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 18 min ago


Steven Caldwell scrolled through the data. They had some difficulty interfacing it with their computer systems but having McKay aboard really made things go a lot smoother he had to admit. The scientist was arrogant at times, had his head up his own ass but he could get away with it as he was actually as smart as he thought he was. He didn't quite agree with McKays suggestion at Commenor, but he also didn't agree with the decisions of sending themselves to Kashyyyk or Naboo, both seemed important to this Galactic Empire that they had been warned about. What they needed to do was find somewhere neutral, out of the way. Somewhere where they wouldn't get into any trouble but had a reliable source of supplies should they need it.

The Daedalus could run for years off their Naquadah Generators, the first issue would be armament. They had enough railgun rounds to last them a while but only a relatively small supply of nuclear missiles before they had to resort to non-nuclear armament which historically didn't get them very far in engagements. This reality or universe, whichever it was, was bound to have some form of missile or explosive material that they could use to make missiles. There would be food in abundance, whenever you had living beings there had to be food so that they could maintain their lives. Sometimes we are the food. He shuddered at the thought, he couldn't think of a worse way to go than to become somethings lunch.

No, the biggest issue would be the F-302s. They had a store of fuel onboard to keep them going for a while but eventually, that would run out, and while the 302 was a space-faring craft it still used fuel-burning engines. Steven brought up the map as he found the look of something he liked. A dense nebula, it was farther away than he would have liked especially since Sheppard had already offered the Daedalus to help another ship go through hyperspace. However once they were inside they would be virtually undetectable to sensors from outside the Nebula, at that point they could come and go as they pleased. Probably leave the bigger ships behind while the Daedalus, Glasgow and the weird triangle ship were the ones to go for supplies. It was easier to sell the lie of just being a ship you've never seen or heard off before if it's significantly smaller than everything else.

He also had to deal with the idea that McKay was sought after by these, Sangheili people aboard the Aegis because he seemed to have some idea as to what was going on. If they wanted McKay to go there then they'd have to wait until they relocated, he wanted to know what their FTL signature was like so if they tried to run with him they would be able to beam him out first. Caldwell turned to Lt.Cooper who sat at her terminal. "Open a channel to the fleet."

"Channels open sir."

"This is Colonel Caldwell aboard the Daedalus. I'm transmitting co-ordinates to what I believe would be a suitable location for us to lie low in order to solve our problems. It's also not too far away from planets that we can't send missions to get supplies." He sat in his chair and keyed in some commands, transmitting the data out to the fleet. The co-ordinates of the Transitory Mists.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 day ago

Falul 'Taham - The Immaculate Aegis

As soon as the Aegis recieved the Daedalus' transmission, it was transferred to Falul's console. Though, he took the time to examine the co-ordinates that had been sent along with it, then go over the data he had on these "Transitory Mists". It was somewhat encouraging that at least some of the other shipmasters were like-minded to Falul in regards to their fallback point. Falul had read the information Erthos had given him on Kashyyyk and Naboo, which only made him suspicious of the motivation for suggesting them. They were supposedly in territory controlled by the Galactic Empire, and would have an Imperial presence. Falul did have aboard his vessel the means to hide the ship on a planet, but that would not be his first choice. This nebula that surrounded what was known as the Hapes Cluster would make for a far more secure base of operations.

After a minute or so, Falul replied to the transmission, sending it on an open channel to all of the other ships as well. "This is Shipmaster Falul 'Taham, of the carrier Immaculate Aegis. I am in agreement with the Shipmaster of the [i]Daedalus[i/]. Any planet with the presence of the Galactic Empire is unsuitable for our purposes. Should it become necessary for us to venture beyond our base for any materials or information, this 'Hapes Cluster' seems to have a central location in the settled portions of this galaxy."

Falul brought up a holographic display of the navigational data Erthos provided for them. It showed a map of this galaxy, and even at first glance, it brought up some concerns for Falul. "However, there is a potential concern we may face if we intend to cooperate. The map we were given of this galaxy...if it is accurate, then the settled worlds of the galaxy are far more widely-dispersed than in my own home galaxy. If your Earth has the same length of days as the Earth of my universe, Shipmaster Caldwell, then the Immaculate Aegis will require nine to ten days to complete the journey. I do not believe that all of our ships are capable of traversing the stars at similar speeds."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Space Near the Kuat System

The three Venators sailed through hyperspace, oblivious to what awaited them as the fleet admiral, Radmus, went over their orders again. Naval High Command had received word that there was some kind of disturbance just outside the Kuat system, but there was no way to actually find out what it was without sending a ship. So, rather than risk it, they'd sent the Jensarus battle-group to investigate. One of the ship's captains, Remus, was in the middle of discussing a possibility with Radmus and the other captain, Remus. "If the Separatists were in the midst of making a play against the Drive Yards, word of their defeat would only embolden them to go out in a blaze of glory, perhaps even crash into them in an effort to destroy them. We should arrive and open fire without any hesitation."

Remus sighed as he looked towards Admiral Radmus. "Sir, if this were a Separatist attack, we wouldn't have had any warning until their hyperspace signatures were practically on top of the Yards. I would guess it's likely just a hyperdrive malfunction for a civilian ship and we'll be on our way before the Clones take their lunch in the mess halls." The admiral nods in agreement with Jerry.

"I am in agreement with Captain Remus, we're likely looking at a malfunction. Separatists wouldn't have allowed themselves to get spotted so easily. However, we shouldn't take unnecessary chances. I want ALL pilots in their fighters and all gunnery crews ready. Everyone makes mistakes, even the Separatists." The holo-feeds cut after two yes sirs were given and the Admiral had the order passed through the Undying Dawn that all crews were to be at battle station readiness.

Meanwhile, Jason had his own misgivings about their location, but if the rest of their wayward fleet had no issues with the location then neither did he. He never expected the group to agree with taking Kashyyyk or hiding in the watery core of Naboo, not with the potential Imperial presence on both worlds. "This is Supreme Commander Jason, I'm in agreement with the Transitory Mists as well if the rest of our ragtag fleet is. Getting there for us won't take long, but we'll have to manually-" Blaring on the helmsman's console cut in. "Helm, report!"

Panic was written all over the Nautolan's face as he hit the buttons to set off the red alert siren. "Sir, Imperial hyperspace signals coming right towards us!" Jason cursed and turns his attention back to the fleet.

"All ships, this is a code red. Imperial ships are inbound right now. I strongly suggest elevating to combat-ready status." Jason's entire demeanour had changed, shifting from discusionary to entirely Fleet Admiral, his mind already going over the formations that the ships would be in.

However, when the Jensarus Battle-group arrived, it was a group of three Clone Wars-Era Venators, whose leaders were all incredibly confused. Fleet Admiral Radmus, however, recovered quickly and opened an open hail. "Attention unidentified vessels, this is Fleet Admiral Radmus Herard of the Imperial Battle-group Jensarus. You are in violation of Imperial space and are being given only one chance to turn on your hyperdrives and...wait, that's an Imperial vessel. What happened here?!" Jason grimaced slightly. Just his luck that most Imperial vessels were still Venators, but it worked to his advantage.

"Chief Engineer Kham Rho." The Cathar was quick to answer.

"Aye, sir?"

"Activate the gravity well. I'll see if any of our allies can jam communications."

"Imperials already sir? That was fast."

"It was, but we'll have to make it work." Closing the channel to engineering, Jason opens a channel to the ships around him, but not the battle-group in front of them all. "If any of you can jam communications, I request that we do so. This battle-group can't be allowed to leave or get word out of what they're seeing." Turning his attention back to the admiral in front of him, he signals the clones to stay out of sight.

"Fleet Admiral Radmus, this is Fleet Admiral Jason. This ships were simply aiding us back to Kuat after a Separatist ambush destroyed all of my battle-group except for the Fury here. You're welcome to send a party aboard to ensure that our makeshift repairs will hold until we get there." As expected, this redirected Radmus from the odd assortment of ships.

"Of course, that makes sense. We're receiving similar reports of such ambushes from the last of the Separatist forces all across the outer rim. We'll bring the battle-group in to send in an inspection group with some medics to aid your wounded."

"Thank you, Admiral." Cutting the holo-feed to the man, Jason opened the channel to the hodgepodge fleet again. "Wait for us to fire before engaging, it will buy you time to get shots lined up for maximum damage." The battle-group moved in closer, the combat readiness of it being shifted to administer aid and receive wounded.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

The Blathriin-Va

Location: Blathriin-Va - Bridge.
Star Date: Unknown.
Communications: N/A.

Yiithren, Kurqruik, and Strevrols had all returned to the Va safely, whereupon they each returned to their respective posts, well sort of. Strevrols had actually stalked back to his post, if such a word could even be used to describe the angry shuffling motion his tentacles made as he headed back to the ships engine room, completely ignoring everyone else around him, Yiithren especially, though no one else besides the captain seemed to take notice. The ship continued operating regardless of their little bout on the Resurgence, however, exactly as it was supposed to. The data from the meeting had been scanned, logged, and translated. Lathoor had already plotted out a jump based on the most recent communications called out by Cathere, and the respective crew members had already been placed into the neural harvesters.

Everything was ready.

Then three ships and several secret communications from Supreme Commander Erthos later found Yiithren and his crew floating, in near total silence, across from the hulking forms of the three Venator class ships that had just dropped in from Hyperspace. No one said or did anything as the craft slowly moved towards them. They did not fire. Did not engage, even with the clear shots they did have on the larger craft. The crew of the Va simply held their breath...

And waited.
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