Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fallout: Rust and Steel

Pyrdwen Internal Network
Outgoing Mail PEM786A-016

Oliver, I hope this reaches you. Knowing how invested you are in your work, I realize it's possible you haven't noticed I left. That isn't meant to sound spiteful. Don't get me wrong, it hurt at first. You went from tinkering with old tech to going away for weeks at a time with the Followers of the Apocalypse. In a way, you left me a long time ago. But I'm not angry anymore. Actually, I'm happier than I've been in a long time.

I'm not coming back. Like you, I found my calling and it's a long way from shoveling brahmin shit. Don't coming looking for me. I mean that for your own safety.

End message...

Pyrdwen Internal Network
Moss MS-357PR PM-067

Fr: Elder Maxon MX-001E
To: Paladin Moss MS-357PR

The following is strictly confidential. Members of our Brotherhood are need of assistance. A squad led by Paladin Brandis departed to the Commonwealth to follow-up on a compelling lead. We lost contact soon after. It's been three months and we cannot afford to wait any longer. I want you to track down and rescue the surviving members of Recon Squad Artemis. I want this done quietly. Coordinate with Paladin Danse and Lancer-Captain Kells to organize a team. The lives of our brothers are sisters are on the line, so this needs to be your top priority.

~ ~ ~

The Idea

Welcome to Rust and Steel, a Fallout RP. Our setting will be the Commonwealth, 2284. Players will begin as members of the Brotherhood of Steel tasked with rescuing the lost team, Recon Squad Artemis. Don't worry about breaking canon, though. This mission will serve as the launchpad into a vast world chalk full of dangerous challenges, moral decisions, and the chance to explore the world of Fallout in ways the games simply don't allow.

Expect action, adventure, and a chance to develop your characters and the world. Just because we start within the ranks of the Brotherhood doesn't mean we'll stay there long. I have a rough plot sketched out with plenty of room for player-driven stories so long as they include others (interaction is key).

The Characters
Players must begin as members of the Brotherhood of Steel. How, when, and why your character enlists is entirely up to you. I prefer a well-thought out reason, whether your character has simple motivations (food and shelter ain't nothing to scoff at) or more complex ambitions (subterfuge, anyone?). Just know this is a starting point. Everyone can evolve and change. That said, folks set on a ghoul and super mutant aren't totally out of luck -- shoot me a PM.

Ranks will follow the Maxon Model. Because the squad leader will be a NPC, all members should be ranked Knight-Sergeant/Senior Scribe or lower. The game can support up to two lancers for story purposes. The distinction between Lancer (pilot), Knight, and Scribe will be more important than your place in the hierarchy. You can find brief descriptions about how each class differs in the dossier section.

The Gameplay
Combat is realistic...ish. Taking a bullet or meeting the business-end of a super sledge will ruin anybody's day, but we're all here to have fun. You can bet all those chems don't make the raider trying to turn you into a corpse the best shot. That mutant with the sledgehammer is going to take time to swing. Keep things grounded and respect the intended level of challenge, but remember that this isn't Dark Souls.

There will be situations where the stakes are high. These moments will be clearly called out and will require the squad or individuals to make game-altering decisions. They may require a dice roll or consideration based on character motivations. While these situations can cost limbs and lives, they also come with the promise of powerful rewards.

The World
The Commonwealthin 2284 is a familiar place to those who've played Fallout 4. Diamond City is still a thriving pocket of civilization and most goods flow through Bunker Hill. Unless your character is specifically from the area, that's all they likely know. Remember that our characters are members of the Brotherhood of Steel, specifically ones assigned to the Pyrdwen. They might not be from the Capital Wasteland originally, but they certainly resided there before being deployed.

For most characters the journey into the Commonwealth will be an adventure into the unknown. As we explore the land, the repercussions of our decisions and even the weather will reveal new mysteries. We might even find our story leads beyond the greater-Boston area.

The Weapons and Armor
Don't get caught up by in-game stats. Any armor is better than nothing and none of it guarantees a bullet won't penetrate. Likewise, just about any weapon can kill if used properly. For our purposes, you can think of weapons and armor in three general categories: pre-war, modern, and advanced. Explanations below.

PRE-WAR: Say what you will of the old days, they sure built things to last. Classics like the 10mm Pistol, Hunting Rifle, and .45 M1911 can still be found in ruins today. With a little cleaning and fine-tuning you'll have a pretty decent weapon, too. This category also includes weapons from outside the game like the MP-5 or AK-47. In terms of armor, we're talking about Combat Armor, Riot Gear, and other protective clothing from past. It's easier to find usable pre-war supplies in police stations and outdoor stores. Military-grade hardware is, surprise, almost exclusively found in military facilities or outposts (usually with plenty of robots and ghouls).

MODERN: Ingenuity and necessity. This is the gear borne from the rubble in a world still obsessed with violence. Pipe rifles and pistols assembled from old lamps, car engines, and vacuums. The breastplate that uses a sturdy frame of a grocery cart to protect the chest and neck. It might not be pretty, but it works... well, usually. What this gear lacks in appearance, it delivers in diversity and potential. If you've got the skills and scrap you can build yourself some of the best gear around. It's easy to find modern gear just about anywhere, but don't make the mistake of trusting a weapon you just picked up.

Special Note: Pre-war and advanced weapons that don't get proper maintenance or are modified in the field can blur into this category. This comes with advantages and drawbacks. Fixing your power armor with scrap let's you customize the armor, but might leave you exposed to radiation. Modifying a 10mm Pistol to take 9mm rounds might sacrifice damage, but the rounds will be easier to find.

ADVANCED: Past and future, all-in-one. Power armor, energy weapons, and just about everything from Fallout that lands squarely in the realm of science fiction. This is the kind of gear most people swoon over. Armor that allows a woman without legs to not only walk, but fly. A rifle capable of reducing feral ghouls into red hot ash. While we might start with access to this kind of choice gear as members of the Brotherhood, it does come with one massive drawback: advanced gear needs special maintenance. A scribe might be able to patch up some bullet holes in your power armor, but they'll need the engineers on the Pyrdwen to keep it running long-term. Energy weapons need serious attention or their power will reduce over time. You aren't likely to find this gear out in the world and certainly not in pristine condition.

The Expectations
I'm looking for three-to-five players comfortable with a weekly posting schedule. You should be fine with writing at least a few hearty paragraphs that add something to the story or your character. Collaborations are fine, but let's avoid making endless walls of text and long waiting periods the norm. If you sign up, I expect you enjoy Fallout, post-apocalyptic settings, or both. I bet you have some great ideas, too. Please share them!

I'll expand on the rules once we get to the OOC, but I expect everyone to remember one thing:this is our game. All ideas are welcome. All voices count and will be considered. When we get confused or disagree, we'll bring it up respectfully and thoughtfully. We will treat each other with patience, always remembering that nobody is perfect and everyone contributes something to the whole.

The Character Sheet
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Count me the fuck in @Lo Pellegrino
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 3 days ago

Sounds awesome. I'm in. Do you want to see a CS from us now or when the OOC thread goes up?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Hank @Andreyich Welcome guys! Go ahead and get rolling on your character sheets. Thank you both for jumping in so quickly and don’t hesitate to shoot me any questions you might have.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 3 days ago

Will do. The character I'm working on is a young female Vault Dweller from Montana who's pretty new to the Brotherhood and will be an Initiate at the start of the RP. The rescue mission will be her chance to prove herself, as it were.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lo Pellegrino I'm going for a hella green BoS born Knight. Aced all his training so he thinks he's hot shit that can take on the whole wasteland because he earned himself some T45 but boy is he in for a surprise. Sound cool?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Hank Montana to Massachusetts, talk about a journey! I bet she'll have some stories to tell on the vertiberd.

@Andreyich You know, that isn't too far off Arthur Maxon's background. I wonder how much of Maxon's background your character will know and if that factors into his headstrong attitude. Just thinking aloud here.

Both of your concepts already have me dreaming up the interactions. I like what I see so far!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

I have an interest if you'll have me aboard!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jade113
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Jade113 The Holy Guacamole

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm also interested! Shot ya a PM!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm loving the interest so far! Expect the OOC to launch by Wednesday.

@Lauder I certainly appreciate your interest. Others have taken to sharing brief concepts for characters and, I believe, are working on full CSs. You're welcome to follow suit or dive into creation. Folks will either be accepted based on their character sheets (it's not a race and I'm more likely to help workshop solutions than deny people).

@Jade113 Just replied. Already making me bust out that thinking cap, I like it!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 3 days ago

I present Initiate Grimshaw for inspection.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Potentially working on a female, early/mid 40s surgeon.

edit; more background/brainstormy
- a very accomplished career surgeon;
- very depressed, introvert type - perpetually gloomy but still doing her best to help people.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lo Pellegrino
Quick question, are we following Fo3/NV or the fourth game in regards to power armour?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anyway @Lo Pellegrino an experimental CS

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Stormflyx Sounds like quite the character. I very much hope to learn more about her. If potentially turns to definitely, of course. I certainly hope that happens, too.

@Andreyich Follow Fallout 4 for everything to do with power armor, except that only those with training can use them. Training comes standard for those in the knight path, though it's not odd for scribes to have a vague understanding. Lancers are not trained to man them, but they're also great with vehicles so they could certainly learn given time and help.

For anyone thinking of going Lancer, trust me, there are other benefits in store.

@Hank & @Andreyich: Thanks for submitting your characters. I will be giving feedback, praise, and condemnation via PM. The intention is to allow you to share as much or as little as you'd like should I ask questions (which I always do).
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lo Pellegrino Ah, I shall be adding fusion cores to my equipment then
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@Lo Pellegrino

As part of my character's history and equipment (I guess), she has an old doggo, this doggo is very important in her story - would this be okay or nah?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Stormflyx That’s a very creative way to use “equipment” and I love it.
1x Laugh Laugh 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 3 days ago

@Hank & @Andreyich: Thanks for submitting your characters. I will be giving feedback, praise, and condemnation via PM. The intention is to allow you to share as much or as little as you'd like should I ask questions (which I always do).

Very good. I did some brainstorming with @Stormflyx (huehuehue) and I'll be adding some quirks and expanding the history and personality a bit more to flesh things out. Just for flavor, mind, but thought I'd give you a heads up. Sheet might be longer when you get back to look at it.

EDIT: All done, sheet should be good to go now.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Im interested if theres room.

Probably going to make a lancer. Hard time with a rifle. Efficient enough with a pistol to keep himself alive. But you don't have him for his ability to shoot. You have him along for his ability to jurry rig and McGaiver what ever you need out of a pizza box, busted electronics and scrap metal. Probably recruited from texas. With a Kit of transportable turrets that can be easily picked up and moved around.
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